Snails for anchoring the sound. Speech therapy game aid "Merry snail

L.N.Kozlovskaya Oshmyany 2016

We will speak correctly

L.N.Kozlovskaya Oshmyany 2016

Speech therapy snails: a collection of games / ed. L.N. Kozlovskaya - Oshmyany: Publishing house "Center for correctional and developmental training and rehabilitation of the Oshmyany region", 2016. - 32 p. The manual is a collection of games for conducting correctional classes with preschool children with speech disorders: dyslalia, rhinolalia, general speech underdevelopment (3 levels of speech development). Games can be used to automate and differentiate sounds, correct violations of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, develop phonemic hearing and coherent speech in the conditions of the point of correctional and pedagogical assistance. The manual will be useful for teachers-defectologists of correctional and pedagogical assistance points, educators of special groups for children with severe speech impairments, parents of children with speech impairments. © L.N. Kozlovskaya, author, 2016 © State educational institution "Center for correctional and developmental training and education of Oshmyany region"

Snail Salvia C

Snail Simon S

Snail Sulcinia

Snail Zarina Z

Snail Zinaida Z

Snail Azazel Z-Z Z-Z

Snail Zlatoslav S-Z

S-Z the Snail Suzanne

Snail Tsvetana Ts

Snail Satsinia S-Ts

Snail Charlotte Sh

Snail Jeannette F

Snail Stesha S-Sh

Snail Josephine J-Z

start Snail Celesta H

Snail Cheslava Sh-Ch

Snail Yushiniya

Snail Chischetta Ch-Sch

Snail Laura L

start Snail Lyubava L

Snail Violanta L-V

Snail Rosalina R

Snail Maria R

start Snail Rosary R-Rb

Clarissa L-R snail

start Snail Claudia K

Snail Kapitolina K-T


Automation of sound "C" …………………………. …………………… .......................... ................................................. Automation sound "Сь" ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. Differentiation of sounds "C" - "C" …………………. ………………………………………………………………………… .. …… ... Sound automation "З" ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …… ... Sound automation "Зь" ………………………… .. …………………………………………………………………………… ………… Differentiation of sounds "З" - "Зь" …………………. …………………………………………………………………………… .….…. Differentiation of sounds "S" - "Z" …………………. ………………………………………………………………………… ... ... .…. Differentiation of sounds "Сь" - "Зь" ………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. Sound automation "C" ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …… .. Differentiation of sounds "C" - "C" .. …………………. ………………………………………………………………………… . ……. Sound automation "Ш" …………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………… ..… .…. Sound automation "F" ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. … Differentiation of sounds "S" - "Ш" …………………. …………………………………………………………………………… .. …. Differentiation of sounds "Ж" - "З" …………………. ………………………………………………………………………… .. …… ... Sound automation "H" ……………………… .. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ..… Differentiation of sounds "Ш" - "Ч" …………………. …………………………………………………………………………… ……. Sound automation "Щ" …………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. ………… … .. Differentiation of sounds "Ч" - "Щ" …………………. …………………………………………………………………………… ……. Sound automation “L” ……………………… .. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ....… Automation of sound "L" …………………………………… .. …………………………………………………………… ……………… Differentiation of sounds “L” - “B” …………………. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………. Sound automation "R" …………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………… .. ....… Automation of sound "Рь" …………………………………. …………………………………………………………………… ………… .... Differentiation of sounds "P" - "Pb" …………………. ………………………………………………………………… …………………. Differentiation of sounds “L” - “R” …………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….… ... Sound automation “K” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ... Differentiation of sounds "K" - "T" …………………. …………………………………………………………………………… ….…. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Contents 33

Collection of games Speech therapy snails Teaching aid for teachers-defectologists of points of correctional and pedagogical assistance Avto r Kozlovskaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna Responsible for the release LN Kozlovskaya Computer set LN Kozlovskaya Layout LN Kozlovskaya 230003, г. Oshmyany, Sovetskaya st., 3a

Shalygina Natalia Gennadevna,

teacher speech therapist

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 7", Nefteyugansk

The playbook "Merry snail" is designed to automate (fix) the sound "C" in the speech of pupils with impaired sound pronunciation. The manual helps to diversify children's activities in the classroom for the assimilation and consolidation of the sound "C" in the child's speech. At present, pupils very slowly master the whistling group of sounds, so they have to come up with additional games and play exercises using didactic and speech material familiar to children. Didactic material is selected taking into account the methodology of sequential assimilation of the set sound, starting with open direct and reverse syllables and words with them , for example: sa-sa-sa - sleigh, scythe, wasp; as-as-as - pineapple. Syllables can be in a stressed or unstressed position. Then the sound is worked out in closed syllables and words with them, in syllables with a confluence of consonants (ska-ska-ska - skipping rope, mask), in phrases (mustachioed wasp), in sentences (a striped wasp flew into the garden) and the child's spontaneous speech. The manual can be used to automate other sounds of the Russian language, it is only necessary to replace the object pictures that are used for work, taking into account the sequence of the child's assimilation of the impaired sound pronunciation. The pupils with great interest perform game tasks and successfully master the material of the classes.

Description of the playbook.

The manual consists of subject pictures, taking into account the sequence of sound automation in the pupil's speech, for each studied syllable at least 6 pictures with sound at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word, for example, the syllable CA - sleigh, boots, airplane, scooter, wasp, fox, scythe , pineapple, Karabas.

Also, the manual contains sheets of A-4 format, on which pictures with syllables are selected

and images of snail silhouettes.

The manual can be made of cardboard or plain paper, before working with children, laminate all the didactic material for the convenience of processing and preservation.

Didactic pictures for the playbook are taken from the game N, E, Ilyakova "Sounds S, Z, C - I can tell you apart", T, S, Reznichenko, O.D, Larina Speech therapy album "We Speak Correctly" - sounds S, Z, C and Internet sites - I can not specify the addresses since the pictures were collected a very long time ago and at that time it was not required to make a link to the site.

Use cases:

Option number 1... Automation of sound in words.

Speech therapist and pupils work in a common field with pictures, fixing the correct pronunciation of the sound, performing the exercises: "Listen, repeat", "Name the picture, pronouncing all the sounds correctly", "Say, don't be mistaken." At first, all exercises are performed with visual reference to pictures. Then the tasks are performed without visual support only by ear - forming the child's auditory (phonemic) perception of the correct and clear sounding of the sound.

Option number 2.Automation of the sound in words using the playing field with the silhouette of "Snails".

The speech therapist and the pupil repeat one of the exercises of option # 1. Then the child is offered a "Snail" and given tasks:

Lay out the "Snail" with pictures, the names of which begin with the sound "C";

Lay out the "Snail" with pictures, in the name of which the syllables "SA", "SB" and others are heard as the child assimilates the material;

After each completed task, the child without fail pronounces the words he has chosen, fixing the correct pronunciation and, if necessary, corrects his mistakes that he made when choosing pictures.

Option number 3. Develops fine motor skills, auditory and visual attention, memory.

This option teaches the child to carry out independently the proposed instruction for the correct execution of the task and self-control over the pronunciation of the practiced sound "C".

Recall and draw words with the sound "C" in any position;

Recall and draw words only with the sound "C" at the beginning of the word;

Recall and draw words with the syllable "SA", "SU", "STA" and so on.

After the child draws the words schematically, he must necessarily pronounce them with a clear pronunciation of the sound "S".

Option number 4. Automation of sound in phrases and sentences in games.

  1. Game "One - many"

Goal. Plural formation of a noun.

Methodical instruction. The child names and shows what he calls.

  1. Joke game "Answer in one word"

Goal. Changing the noun by cases.

Assignment for the child: Choose one of the pictures. Answer the questions with just this word.

Questions are asked to the child taking into account the cases.

A detailed description of the games can be found in the book "Speech therapy grammar for kids" O. A. Novikovskaya

  1. The game "Say it kindly"

Goal. Learn to change nouns using diminutive suffixes (table - table).

  1. The game "Count"

Goal. Teach a child to coordinate the endings of nouns with numbers in words and phrases. (One plane, two planes, five planes).

Multifunctional LOGO GAME

"Sonic snail"

The manual is intended for individual and subgroup speech therapy sessions with preschool children

Goal: automation and differentiation of sounds, development of phonemic hearing, improvement of lexical and grammatical categories of speech; development of the prosodic side of speech


Form phonetic-phonemic representations and syllabic structure of the word.

To develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.

Stimulate the development of mental and cognitive processes.

Maintain a positive emotional attitude.

Promote the development of children's communication, communication skills.


The multifunctionality of the manual is expressed in a variety of pictures that can be used in accordance with the set purpose. Pictures can be easily removed and attached, children can change the necessary pictures themselves.

Didactic game "The snail crawls merrily, we are lucky with pictures!"

Goal: automation of sounds in speech, consolidation in the speech of children of the coordination of nouns with numbers.

Material: pictures with images of different numbers of objects for a given sound.

Description: an adult reads a poem:

The snail is slowly crawling, swinging on a leaf,

The snail carries pictures on itself all day!

The child calls pictures, clearly pronouncing the sounds and correctly coordinating nouns with numbers.

Didactic game "Play with the snail and name the colors!"

goal: automation of sounds in speech, selection of nouns for an adjective denoting color, consolidation of the names of primary colors and shades.

Material: pictures of colored objects for a given sound.

Description: Speech therapist makes a riddle:

Teremok, look, creeps, carries it on itself,

A rich hostess, a horned hostess!

The snail in the house has colorful toys! We will play with the snail and name the colors! The child calls pictures, clearly articulating sounds, and names an adjective for color.

Didactic game "Let's argue with a snail"

goal: automation of delivered sounds in speech, fixing the words of antonyms in the child's dictionary.

Material: pictures with objects indicating signs: narrow, tall, sharp, hot and others

Description: Speech therapist reads a poem:

I have a simple motto - "All my own, I carry with me!"

A snail is carrying two antennas over the gate!

The child picks up an adjective for the picture at the snail, and then argues with it and names another adjective with the opposite meaning.

Didactic game "Snail's Birthday"

Purpose: expanding vocabulary, learning to name how animals give a voice.

Material: pictures of different animals according to the supplied sounds

Description: Speech therapist reads a poem:

The snail will have a birthday on Sunday!

Only the trouble is how to invite guests to your house!

Guests have come to visit the snail and wish her a happy birthday. Children name animals and choose a word, like an animal gives a voice.

Didactic game "The snail teaches the tongue to do exercises"

goal: develop the articulatory motor skills of children

Material: pictures for articulation exercises

Description: children look at pictures carried by a snail and perform a certain articulation exercise

Sections: Speech therapy

Group: senior.

Goal: formation of the correct sound pronunciation of hissing sounds using information and communication technologies.

Lesson implementation time: 25 minutes.

  1. Wednesday - Microsoft XP, editor - Power Point.
  2. Type of media product - visual presentation 15 slides (transition on mouse click)
1. Organizing time 2 minutes 1–2
2. Finger gymnastics 1 min. 30sec. 3
3. Breathing exercises 2 minutes 4
4. Articulation gymnastics 2 minutes 5
5. Isolated pronunciation of the sound Ш 2 minutes. 6-8
7. Automation of sound in syllables 2 minutes 9
8. Visual gymnastics 1 minute
9. Sound automation in words 2 minutes 10
10. Sound automation in words (formation of genitive and plural nouns) 3 minutes 11-12
11. Physical education 1 min. 30sec.
12. Sound automation in words (beginning, middle, end) 2 minutes 13
13. Sound automation in words (game "Add a word") 3 minutes 14-15
14. Reflection 2 minutes 16

Lesson objectives:

  • To consolidate the articulatory and optical image of the sound [w], the ability to determine the presence and place of sound in words.
  • Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound [w] in syllables, words.
  • Exercise in the formation of the plural of nouns and nouns in the genitive case.
  • Develop attention, memory, articulation apparatus, fine motor skills of the fingers, speech breathing.
  • Foster a sense of compassion, a desire to help.

Means of education

  • Computer.
  • Screen.
  • Multimedia projector.
  • Mouse.
  • Table mirror.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

SLIDE 1, 2.

Speech therapist: Today we will again study with the computer. Which hero will invite us to his place today, you will find out by playing game "Yes, no". Rule: FIND THE MIDDLE, REMOVE HALF, (answer: mouse). Right. Today you will meet little Mouse and go on a little trip with her. She even left a map that will not only show the way, but also help not to confuse anything and not to forget. But before we hit the road, we need to prepare with the mouse.

II. Finger gymnastics.


Speech therapist: The mouse offers to play with it, and "warm up" our fingers.

A boat is sailing along the river (They fold their palms in a boat, and show how the boat sways on the waves)
He floats from afar. ("Boats" move like a snake in the direction from the chest forward)
There are four
A very brave sailor. (Children show 4 fingers, bending the thumb)
They have ears on top of their heads (Place hands on head like ears)
They have long tails (Run your hand over an imaginary tail)
And only cats are afraid of them
Only cats and cats. (Make scraping movements with your hands on the table).

III. Exercises for the development of a long air stream and facial expressions.


Speech therapist: This is Myshkin Garden. She really wants to plant flowers, but she can't. Let's help her. We will imagine beautiful, fragrant flowers, we will inhale their aromas and sing songs to them.

Maybe then they will return to their places. Don't forget the rule:inhalation through the nose is short, and exhalation through the mouth is long. Do not raise your shoulders while inhaling. On the first exhalation, we sing the AAAA song; on the second exhalation - OOOO; on the third - UUUU, on the fourth - III.

What a beautiful garden turned out to be. Our mouse is very happy.

IV. Articulatory gymnastics.


Speech therapist: The Mouse went out into the street to look at her garden again, looked, and the fence was already closed (exercise "Fence"), was about to leave, looking at the fence, the chick sat down ("Chick"), he will take off, then sit down again (alternation "Fence" - "chick").The Mouse looked at him, took "Scapula”, And adjusted the garden bed. When I straightened the bed, I decided to swing on the swing ( "swing"). I went into the house and decided to have a drink in front of the tea path. Took "Cup"poured tea. Drank one cup, the second, the third, and then remembered that she had "Delicious jam" eat it. I removed everything ( put the tongue in the mouth).

V. Isolated pronunciation of sound (Ш).


Speech therapist: While we were cleaning, a diagram appeared. Read it. (The lips are rounded, the tip of the tongue rises up, the tongue becomes a "cup", the bell does not work, the air is warm in the middle of the "cup")... What is this sound? (Sh-Sh). Tell us about him. (The child gives a sound characteristic) Whose song is this? (snakes). Today, this scheme will help us on our journey.


- And here is the map on which we will go on a journey. Consider what is depicted on it.


See what is painted near the house? (On the image mapburning leaves.) The mouse ran along the path of dry leaves: sh-sh-sh.Let's follow her and rustle like leaves. I will begin a word, and you rustle louder with your mouse to finish it, if we say it correctly, the object itself will appear:

We are ..., du ..., kami ..., pencil ..., small ....

Vi. Sound automation (w) in syllables.


Sha-sho-shu-shy shi-sho-shu-sha

The child shakes his hands raised above his head and pronounces syllable chains... And who is hiding here in the reeds? This is a duck. The duck was frightened and flapped its wings. Show and tell how she does it:

ash-ash; osh-osh; shh-shh; ush-ush.

Vii. Visual gymnastics.

We open our eyes - one
And close our eyes - two,
We open our eyes wider.
And now they closed again,
Our eyes rested.

VIII. Automation of sound in words.


Speech therapist: What does the map tell us? There is a path ahead. Oh, and a very sad snail sits on the path, she brought gifts to her children and got everything mixed up. The mouse prompts us to walk along the path, we need to help the snail to choose only those gifts for their children, in the name of which there is a sound [w]. Select the items you want by hovering over the object. If you're right, the gift will be at the snail's house. If not, the gift will disappear. (After completing the task).Speak again the names of gifts for small snails, emphasizing the sound and finding its place in the word. The words: cockerel, car, frog, horse, bear, pants, hat.

IX. Sound automation in words (formation of genitive nouns and plural nouns).


Speech therapist: The Mouse led us to the store along the path. Tell me what she bought there. The mouse bought ... (Pictures appear: wardrobe, ball, pillow, typewriter, fur coat, hat).


And then I thought about it and decided to buy a lot ... (Pictures appear: cabinets, balls, pillows, cars, fur coats, hats).

X. Physical education.

Ooh-ooh-ooh, what a thunder?
(Hands to cheeks, side bends)
Mouse builds a new house
(Hand movements imitating walls, roof.)
Hammer: knock, knock.
(Image of working with a hammer)
A friend comes to help her.
(Hands on the belt, steps with high knees).

XI. Automation of sound in words (beginning, middle, end).


Speech therapist: How to get back home? The map will help us. Here's a familiar path. Remember what is shown in the pictures.

The child remembers and once again pronounces words from the mindbeating sound (cockerel, car, frog, horse, bear, pants, hat).

(Looking at the map, the child describes the way back)

XII. Automation of sound in words (game "Add a word").

SLIDES 14-15.

Speech therapist: Here is the Mouse's house. A mouse entered the house, and clouds were setting in the sky. She became bored, she looked at the sky and began to compose poetry. And to make it easier for the Mouse, tell her the last words. Maybe then the clouds will float away from the sky.

The kids draw together
In their hands ... the pencils.
Wears a bright scallop
Our cheerful ... cockerel.
Here is a baby running -
Gray ... mouse.
The tires rustled softly -
This is coming to us ... car.
Mom asks Masha:
"Boil bro ... porridge ».
The mouse is washed in the shower
Washes the tail, washes ... ears.

- Here we helped the Mouse to disperse all the clouds. And the sky looked bright ... Sun.The mouse was very happy, smiled, and (press the sun)sang a merry song.

XIII. Reflection of the lesson.

Speech therapist. It's time for us to say goodbye to the mouse. SLIDE 16.

You helped her very well today!

- Remember and tell us how we helped the mouse?

- What tasks did you perform?

- Which one was the most difficult for you? Why?

- And what sound helped you in our lesson? (sh-sh-sh).

Educational and methodological support:

  1. Borisova E.A. Individual speech therapy lessons with preschoolers M .: TC Sphere.
  2. Kislova T.R. On the way to the alphabet.
  3. Nishcheva N.V. The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with OHP.
  4. Repina Z.A. Speech therapy lessons. Ekaterinburg.