Communication is what? Forms and ways of communication. Non-verbal communication

Communication is one of the main conditions for the existence of human society and personality. Each of us lives and works among people. In any situation, we, regardless of our desire, communicate with people - parents, peers, teachers, colleagues. We love one, there are no others, we treat the third is neutral, we can't endure ...

Communication- A complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in perception and understanding of each other partners.

In the process of communication there is socialization of a person, an introduction to his spiritual life of society, the formation of spiritual and cultural needs. In this way, communication - This is the complex communicative human activity, the subject and the object of which is the person included in the public relations.

Through communication, people establish contacts with each other, exchange information, achieve mutual understanding, affect each other, encourage actions and actions. In this way, communicationas a socio-psychological phenomenon performs 3 basic functions:
1) communicativeby means of which contacts are established between the subjects,
2) perceptive, ensuring perception and understanding of the information received,
3) interactive - aimed at implementing the interaction between the subjects in carrying out joint activities.

A number of aspects can be distinguished in communication: content, purpose and means.

The purpose of communication - This is the for which communication arises. Communication goals satisfy social, cultural, educational, creative, aesthetic and other needs.

Means of communication - Methods for coding, transmission, processing and deciphering information, which is transmitted in the process of communication from one person to another. Information between people can be transmitted using sense organs, speech and other iconic systems, writing, technical recording and storage facilities.

Means of communication there are verbal and non-verbal.

Verlobal communication Inherent only to person and as a mandatory condition implies the learning of the language.

Non-verbal communication Does not involve the use of sound speech, language as a means of communication. This is communication with the help of facial expressions, gestures and pantomimics. These are tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and other sensations and images obtained from another person.

Literature: N.I. Shevandrin " Social Psychology in education " G.V. Chicken "Basics of Psychological Knowledge" R.S. Nomes "Psychology" P.A. Sorokun General psychology»


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"The biggest luxury is a luxury
Human communication. "
(A. Exupery)

1. Organizational moment

What do you think we are talking about communication lessons than these lessons can be useful for you and today, and your future life?

Students express their assumptions. Correct and summarize answers.

How do you understand the thought of Exupery? (Guys Answers).

What is communication? (Guys Answers). Let us turn to the dictionary. (Slide 2)

Communication - the form of communication between people, the interaction, the action committed together, together. And if we look into dictionary V. Daly, then we learn that the word "communicate" means to be at the same time, with someone knew, is friends, to share together, give someone to participate. Here you see how much synonyms in Russian, how rich and diverse our native language. Language is necessary for people to communicate.

2. Work on the topic

Think about how, with the help of what funds there is a communication between people.

Bring to the idea that the means of communication most often happen verbal (verbal). (Slide 3)

It is important to understand that the Word has a huge impact on a person: "Word can be killed in a word, in a word you can save, in the word can be troops for a story." Listen to the poem V. Solowkina "Word about words."

When you want to pray the word,
My friend, think - do not rush
It happens that severely
It was born with warmth of the soul.
It goes the lark
I sings copper mourning.
As long as the word does not heigh yourself,
Do not release it in the flight.
They can joy add
And joy to poison.
They can melt ice ice
And the stone in the crumb break up.
It will give, Ile robbing,
Let Nahnarok, let him joke,
Think, how would they not hurt
Who listens to you.
Would you like my owner.

If there are not enough words in speech, it becomes incomprehensible for listeners. Such an example leads to children's poetess A.L. Barto in his poem "Strong Movie":

In advance, everything was decided in advance:
Schoolchildren have a meeting, then they have a cinema.
My older brother will come home
He will tell me everything in a row
He will explain to me what to
And I'm big! I will understand.
And so he began his story:
- They crawl, and he is once!
And here just she crawled,
And he will give him from evil!
They are like her! She is - once!
He was with her at the same time ...
Wow, strong movies!
No, I can see more small:
I do not understand.

Why didn't the sister of brother's story understood?

To summarize: He is trying to tell about the film. About the actions of the heroes, for which he was worried. It tries to tell and can not - there is not enough words (instead of verbs, we use substitute words).

And what else helps him pass the content? (Gestures, facial exposure - it is non-verbal Means of communication). (Click Slide 3)

There is a language consisting of words. And there is a language consisting of movements of our body. The human body expresses what he is now: Cheerful or tired, funny or sad, angry or friendly. Psychologists believe that reading non-verbal signals is an essential condition for effective communication. Why are non-verbal signals so important in communication?

About 70% of the information, a person perceives precisely on a visual (visual) channel;

Non-verbal signals make it possible to understand the true feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor;

Our attitude to the interlocutor is often formed under the influence of the first impression, and it, in turn, is the result of the impact of non-verbal factors - gait, facial expressions, glance, manners hold on, clothes style, etc.

The vast importance of non-verbal signals in communication is confirmed by experimental studies, which say that words (which we attach such great importance) disclose only 7% of the meaning, 38% of the values \u200b\u200bare sound and intonation and 55% - poses and gestures.

Want to learn the language without words?

3. Treatment of communication

The expression of a person without words tells us about the feelings and mood of man. This language of the person is called family.

Task "Guess Emotion"

For 2-3 minutes, the guys call the emotions known to them, then guess. (Slides 4-8)

Speech can replace gestures. In each community, people have gestures understandable to everyone.

A handshake expresses benevolent, friendly relations between people. (Slide 11)

Here is a girl without words, gestures calls to himself a baby, and he perfectly understands her tongue. (Slide 12)

Here is a man raised his hand greetings. And this gesture is clear to us. (Slide 13)

What other generally accepted gestures understandable to many people do you know?

Task "Guess Emotion" (work in pairs)

Guess what mood, the emotional state is transmitted gestures. Connect the feature drawings and generic names. (Check. Slide 14).

Exercise "Image Proverb"

Participants work in teams of 3-4 people. They think about the proverbs and depict it with gestures and facial expressions. Members of other teams must guess.

Proverbs must be famous. With difficulty to offer a set of proverbs.

4. Outcome

What will be the lessons of communication?

What will we learn what to learn?

We will learn:

  • deeper to understand yourself and relationships (communications) with the world around the world, with people;
  • right listen and talk with the interlocutor;
  • communicate with adults and peers so as to succeed;
  • manage oneself;
  • to educate such qualities that make communication with you are pleasant for other people and mutually useful.


1. Arzhakayeva T. A., Vachkov I. V., Popova A. Kh. Psychological alphabet. Primary School. (Third year of study). / Ed. I. V. Vachkov - M.: Publishing House "Ace-89", 2005.

2. Levinestestein M. M. Communication lessons in 5-6 classes. Methodical guide to the course "World of Communication". - Bryansk: BSPU Publisher, 1997.

3. Psychological support of students: educational classes, games, trainings and exercises / auto-comp. E. D. Schwab, N. P. Pudikova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

4. Shemshurina A. I. Ethical dialogues with students of 5-6 classes. - M.: School-Press, 1998. ("Education of schoolchildren." Library of the magazine. Isk.4).

Communication of people is the process of the multifaceted and most importantly, that he involves - the exchange of information. How is the information transmitted? Only the words, or verbally, how do scientists prefer to say? Of course, many of us watched the series "Don't Make Me," read Alan Pisa and other similar literature and can confidently assert - communication between people happens on different languages, including a non-verbal gesture language. Mimica in the process of communication also plays an important role and true "masters of communication" read from it sometimes more than words.

In which verbal languages \u200b\u200bpeople communicate?

We all remember the legend about the Babylonian Tower and God, according to the plan of which people began to talk in different languages \u200b\u200bin the midst of construction, ceased to understand each other and as a result could not complete it. Indeed, communication between people is hampered by the presence of many languages, but the process of establishing relations at the personal level and globalization as a whole did not prevent this. Why? Everything is simple - people learned to translate from one language to another (after all, the objects of the material world, which are spent - the same) and talk in many languages.

For human brain, learning foreign languages Extremely useful. In addition, their study makes it possible to "plunge" into the country of the studied language, learn a lot about the mentality of native speakers, their culture, lifestyle, customs. Such knowledge is usually very helpful in the process of communication, especially in negotiations.

Only the study of languages \u200b\u200bpeople did not limit themselves, attempts are known to be invent artificial languages (So-called "planned"), an example of this - Esperanto. Competition with recognized languages \u200b\u200bof international communication, such languages \u200b\u200bfailed to win.

One of the "planned languages, the language of gestures arose to ensure the opportunity to communicate to people deprived of the ability to communicate verbally. Thus, the full exchange of information is possible, if necessary, even without speech as such.

In what languages \u200b\u200bpeople communicate most often

In the 20th century, the French writer Andre Morua wrote that parents will give a child the whole worldif you provide him with the opportunity to learn English and spanish Languages. Why exactly them? These are the languages \u200b\u200bof the two countries, for a long time Stayed in the status of colonial empires with a large number of territories on different continents. In the process of colonization, their languages \u200b\u200bbecame languages \u200b\u200bof communication in the territories of colonies and dependent territories, as a result, most Latin America Speaks in Spanish (though, one of the largest Brazil countries - in Portuguese), and as for English - it can be found everywhere.

Another "coverage" of people who use a certain language in communication depends on the role that the country speaking in the world economy, science, culture playing. This is explained to the study of the Asian languages, especially Chinese (although those who have experience doing business with representatives of the Chinese Ethnic Sheet, argue that negotiations are usually conducted in English, and documents are mainly on it, but the worldview features of partners and etiquette of this country It is worth knowing).

Non-verbal communication

We are talking in any language - a kind of coding of certain ideas for transmitting them to others, while non-verbal behavior in the transfer of these ideas expresses the true attitude of the speaking of these ideas. Often, such non-verbal signals at all are not amenable to controlling the speaker (this is the reaction of the limbic brain system), so it knows how to see and correctly interpret them undoubtedly has a decisive advantage in any communication.

The non-verbal signals in communication are also called the "body language". The study of this language is a complex process, by no means exhaustive reading 2-3 popular books.

When studying the "body language" it is necessary to remember the individuality of the reactions of each person, as well as on the centuries of the established traditions of the corresponding ethnos, also affecting its external reactions and behavior.

So, to become a true virtuoso of communication and business negotiations, you need to know:

  1. Verbal language known to both speaking. Additionally, the language of gestures can be useful if communication with a person is supposed to speak.
  2. The non-verbal body language (at least its foundations).
  3. The rules for etiquette and communication in the culture to which the interlocutor belongs.

The basis of interpersonal relations is communication - the need of a person as a social, reasonable creature, as a carrier of consciousness.

Communication - This is the interpersonal interaction process generated by the needs of interacting entities and aimed at meeting these needs. The role and intensity of communication in modern society are constantly increasing, because with an increase in the amount of information, the exchange processes of this information are becoming more intensive, the number of technical means is increasing for such an exchange. In addition, the number of people is increasing professional activity which are associated with communication, i.e. having a profession like "Man - Man".

In psychology allocate important aspects of communication: content, purpose and means.
Contents of communication - This is the information that during communication is transmitted from one living creature to another. A person has a compassion content much wider than animals. People communicate with each other information representing knowledge about the world, share their experiences, skills and skills. Human communication is multiplied and diverse in content.

The purpose of communication - This is, for which a living being, this type of activity arises. In animals it may be, for example, a danger warning. The person has a lot more communication goals. And if animals in animals are commonly related to the satisfaction of biological needs, then in humans they are a means of satisfying many diverse needs: social, cultural, educational, creative, aesthetic, intellectual growth and moral development needs, etc.

Means of communication - These are methods for coding, transmission, processing and decryption of information transmitted during communication. Information can be transmitted using direct bodily contact, such as tactile contact with hand; It can be transmitted and perceived at a distance through the senses, for example, watching the movements of another person or listening to the sound signals produced by it. In addition to these data from the nature of the methods of transmitting information, the person has the others invented by themselves - this is a language, writing (texts, drawings, schemes, etc.), as well as all sorts of technical means of recording, transferring and storing information.

Communication of people is verbal and non-verbal.

Non-verbal- This is communication without using language Means, i.e. with the help of facial expressions and gestures; Its result is tactile, visual, auditory and olfactory images obtained from another individual.
Verbalcommunication occurs with any language.

Most of the non-verbal forms of communication in humans is congenital; With the help of them, a person seeks interaction at the emotional level, and not only with itself similar, but also with other living beings. Many of the highest animals (for example, monkeys, dogs, dolphins) just like a person, have the ability to be non-verbal communication with themselves like. Verbal communication is inherent only by a person. It has much more possibilities than non-verbal.

Communication features, according to the classification of L. Karpenko, are the following:
contact - establishing contact between partners to communicate, readiness for receiving and transmitting information;
information - obtaining new information;
indispensable - stimulation of activity partner activity, guiding it to perform certain actions;
coordination - mutual orientation and coordination of actions on the organization of joint activities;
Achievement of mutual understanding is an adequate perception of the meaning of the message, understanding each other by partners;
Exchange emotions - excitation in the partner of the necessary emotional experiences;
establishing relationships - awareness of its place in the system of role, status, business and other connections of society;
influence - Changing the state of the partner of communication - its behavior, ideas, opinions, solutions, and other things.

In the structure of communication allocate Three interrelated sides:
1) Communicative - exchange of information between communicating individuals;
2) interactive - interaction between communicating individuals;
3) Perceptive - mutual perception of communication partners and establishing mutual understanding on this basis.

When they talk about communication in communication, then, first of all, mean that in the process of communication, people exchange among themselves various ideas, ideas, interests, feelings, etc. However, in the communicative process, there is not just a movement of information, as in a cybernetic device, And an active exchange of it. The main feature is that people in the process of exchanging information can influence each other.

The communicative process is born based on some joint activities, and the exchange of knowledge, ideas, feelings, etc. suggests that such activities are organized. In psychology, two types of interaction are distinguished: cooperation (cooperation) and competition (conflict).

So, communication is the process of interaction between people, during which interpersonal relations occur, and emerge. Communication involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings, experiences. In the process of interpersonal communication, people consciously or unconsciously affect the mental state, feelings, thoughts and deeds of each other. Communication functions are very diverse, it is a decisive condition for the formation of each person as a person, the implementation of personal goals and satisfying a number of needs. Communication constitutes the internal mechanism of joint activities of people and is the most important source of information for a person.