Lesson "mathematics - gymnastics of the mind" in the lesson presents materials for mental development and logical thinking of students. Open lesson "club of cheerful mathematicians" outline outline on the topic Restore the record identical figures

"Country of Mathematics" - Find the missing ships. Map of the country "MATHEMATICS". Create a problem. 3 + 2 \u003d 5. Travel to the country "Mathematics". Find the number's neighbors. That more? Find the correct answer.

"Questions in Mathematics" - How many grandchildren does a grandmother have? The apples in the garden are ripe. Count yourself. A peacock was walking in the garden, another one came up. The boy and the girl had the same number nuts. How many nuts did the girl have more than the boy? Sveta left for camp on Saturday. Two peacocks behind the bushes. How many days later did Vova come back?

"London, Paris, New York" - Choice of mode of transport. Location: New York. It is not recommended to take bulky items on board. London is the capital of England. London Attractions. Paris was founded in the 3rd century BC. There are over 12 million people in Paris. Calculation of the distance between cities. Transfer point: Paris. On the map 1 cm On the ground х cm Scale 1: 90.000.000.

"Travel to the country" Mathematics "" - Questions to the team "Kvadrat". Square. For this, the grade is lowered. Mathematics. Drawings for the "Triangle" team. Questions to the Triangle team. Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky. Sniper. Solution of the equation. Cryptographer. Poem. Mathematics is the queen of all sciences. Captains competition. Have a small bow. Warm up. Drawings for the team "Square".

"Mathematical Journey" - Orange. Read the numbers. Physical education. Academic year laid the foundation, the desire to teach and learn coincided. Savvy will help out in any business. Put action signs if you need brackets. The first Russian textbook in mathematics. Mathematical journey. Historic bay. Equipment check. Mathematics is the oldest of the sciences.

"Alice in the Land of Mathematics" - Only a new house caused a quarrel between friends. Alice's workshop. Book publication. The book consists of three chapters. For students. Chapter 3. "Math Ball" by Alice. Methodical training of teachers. Creation of a theoretical model. Preparation of illustrative material. Approbation of the technique. Alice's Math Ball.

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Place the signs of the four actions and brackets between the numbers in different ways so that you get the correct equalities.

5 5 5 5 = 6
5 5 5 5 = 7
5 5 5 5 = 30

Put arithmetic signs and brackets between the numbers so that the result is 1. Two adjacent numbers can be considered a two-digit number.

1 2 3 =1
1 2 3 4 = 1
1 2 3 4 5 =1
1 2 3 4 5 6 =1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 =1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 =1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =1

Place the signs of the four actions and brackets between the numbers in different ways so that the result of the calculations is 100.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100

Slides 5-6

Decipher the records

Recover the recording. The same figures represent the same numbers.

How to move one digit in this equality to get the correct equality?

Divide the watch dial into 2 parts with a straight line so that the sum of the numbers on both parts is the same.

(Hint: Add all numbers, divide by 2)

Connect the vertices of the square with three lines without lifting the pencil.

(Hint: these lines must be outside the square)

The kid drew 3 straight lines. I marked 3 points on each of them. In total, the Kid marked 6 points. Draw how he did it.

(Hint: lines intersect. Some points are at the intersection of lines)

How many squares are in front of you? (fourteen)

Remove 3 sticks so that there are 4 squares.

Before you is a scoop. Move 2 sticks so that the fly is in the scoop.

Slides 14-15

Help Dunno draw 4 lines so that they intersect: a) at three points; b) at five points. (Different ways)


  1. School Olympiads. Primary School. Grades 2-4 / N.G. Belitskaya, Org A.O.-5th ed. - M .: Iris-press, 2009.
  2. I go to a lesson in elementary school: Extracurricular activities: Olympiads and mind games: A book for the teacher. - M .: Publishing house "First September", 2000.
  3. Mathematics. Development of logical thinking. 1-4 grades: a set of exercises and tasks / comp. T.A. Melnikova and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  4. Extracurricular activities in mathematics in primary school... A guide for teachers. M., "Education", 1975.
  5. The task of the final round of the First Republican Intellectual Marathon of 5th grade students, held in Kazan (Slide 12).

(3 -\u003e 1 point for each shape)
Cut each of these shapes into two, making only one straight cut, and fold the squares from the resulting pieces in each case.

11. (5 -\u003e 3 points for each square)
Fill in the empty cells of each square with letters from the number already in it so that letters do not repeat in any of the contour lines, verticals or diagonals of the square.

12. (5 -\u003e 3 points for each point)
A) The first number is some three-digit number, the second number is the sum of its digits, the third number is the sum of the digits of the second number. These three numbers can be written as follows: Restore the record if the same figures correspond to the same numbers.
B) The first number is some three-digit number, the second number is the product of its digits, the third number is the product of the digits of the second number. These three numbers can be written like this:. Restore the record if the same shapes correspond to the same numbers.

Number puzzles (also called mathematical puzzles).

This type of task includes mathematical expressions(usually simple equality), in which all or part of the numbers are replaced by some icons(letters, asterisks, etc.). It is required to substitute for each icon the desired numberfor the expression to be correct.
There are some general rules:
- if several letters are used in a mathematical rebus, and a correspondence is found between a letter and a number, then other letters cannot denote the same number;
- zero cannot be the leftmost digit in a number .
It is assumed that the original equality is correct and written according to the usual rules of arithmetic; the decimal number system is used.

Example 1: Olya wrote down some three-digit number, then found the sum of its digits and wrote down the result, then found the sum of the digits of the last number and wrote down the result. All three of these numbers can be written like this:

(the same figures correspond to the same numbers). Restore the number notation that Olya performed.
Decision: Noticing that the sum of the digits of a two-digit number is indicated by the tens digit of the desired number. (For example, 5 + 0 \u003d 5). But then

Answer: 929; 20; 2.

Example 2.

Decision: 27 * per unit, we get a two-digit number, in the tens place is the number 5. So, in place of units is 2.

In the tens place is the number 3, because only 3 multiplied by 27 is 81, the first digit is 8.

Answer: 27*32=864

Example 3:

Decision: Pay attention to the fact that the last two letters (numbers) of the terms and sums are the same. It is clear that one of these letters (or A, or K) means O, and the other - 5. The sum of three A ends in A, therefore A \u003d 0 or A \u003d 5. But, if A \u003d 5, then (K + K + K + 1) cannot end in K. Therefore, A \u003d 0, K \u003d 5.

Aims and objectives 1 To consolidate the features of the Roman numbering. Check skills verbal counting... Highlighting the main feature. 1To fix the peculiarities of Roman numbering. Check your oral counting skills. Highlighting the main feature. 2 To develop thinking, memory, logical thinking, mathematical speech. 2 To develop thinking, memory, logical thinking, mathematical speech. Cultivate interest in the subject. Cultivate interest in the subject.

Content. 1. Goals and objectives. Goals and objectives. 2. Our mottos. Our mottos. 3.Warm-up .Warm-up. 4. Who is superfluous? Who is superfluous? 5. Cross out the extra word. Cross out the extra word. 6. Change. Change. 7. Guess the word. Guess the word. 8. Competition "Rearrangements." Competition "Rearrangements." 9. Read. Read. 10.Geometric shape.Geometric shape. 11. Restore the recording. Restore the recording. 12. Draw straight lines. Draw straight lines. 13. Who is more? Who is more? 14. We are joking. We are joking.

Restore the record Identical figures mean the same numbers

We're joking. 1. The hare pulled out eight carrots and ate all but five. How many carrots are left? 2. Three horses ran 30 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? 3.Two fathers and two sons ate three oranges. But how many oranges did each of them eat?