Step to the stars read online. Book a step to the stars read online

Roman Zlotnikov



Yes, Engenie?

From the reception hall they say that guests have arrived.

Nyshel frowned. He didn't expect anyone today. But then an incoming message icon flashed on his network. The professor clicked on it, read it and broke into a smile:

These are not guests, Engeny, they are patients. I mean ... I hope these are patients. Are there many of them?

Eight people.

Excellent! Take them to my office.

The guests appeared ten minutes later. The professor met them standing with one hand on his huge table and akimbo with the other.

Well, young man, what brings you to Sigari this time?

I see, prof, you immediately guessed who wants to see you, - Nick smiled and, stepping forward, respectfully shook the outstretched hand. - Glad to see you.

Well, I still would not have guessed - for the entire existence of this clinic, only one patient called me this funny word! Neishel laughed, not limiting himself to shaking hands and hugging his former patient tightly. Then he took a step back and with an inviting gesture pointed to the seating area, in which there were several sofas: - Please, sit down.

After everyone was seated, the professor looked expectantly at Nick, hinting that he was ready to listen carefully to his needs and aspirations. But he did not start with them:

I heard, Prof, that you have some problems?

Well ... I wouldn't call it problems, ”Neishel winced. - Rather, the intrigues of envious people who cannot independently create anything meaningful and assert themselves with the help of malicious but powerless attacks on talented and successful ones.

Hmm, judging by what I was able to find out, not very powerless, prof, - Nick shook his head. - There are rumors in the press that your license to install nanonets and implants has been suspended.

This is nonsense, which will be corrected in the near future, - the professor quickly responded.

Even so, this fact shows the considerable potential of your opponents. Is not it? - Nick smiled conciliatory. - In addition, I am not going to torment your nerves with a list of the troubles that have fallen on you and tedious arguments about how fair they are or, on the contrary, unfair, along the way estimating the chances of whether you will be able to wriggle out and with what losses. On the contrary, I'm going to help you.

Neychel gave him an interested look.

And in what way?

Oh, the simplest. You, of course, have already guessed about it.

Well, if the question is in the bases - I am at your disposal, but with the rest ... - the professor threw up his hands, - until I get my license renewed ...

As far as I can find out, your local license has been suspended. ”Nick smiled softly. - And among us there is not a single citizen of Sigari.

International license upon termination of the local license is suspended automatically.

Who told you that? - Nick was very naturally surprised.

The professor stared at him in surprise.

But ... how ... this is common practice!

The Earthling laughed:

Well, yes, everyone thinks so. But no one ever got into the legal mechanism of this action. And he, dear professor, does not provide for any automation. Moreover, this is a fundamental question. Any action of international legal procedures should be initiated only by a private or legal entity, which at the same time assumes full responsibility for all consequences of the proceedings and becomes a full participant in the process. With all the consequences, so to speak. This is done on purpose so that small local squabbles do not overwhelm the interplanetary legal structures ... But, according to the information I have, no one has yet assumed such responsibility.

The professor was silent for a long time. For a very long time, it seems, all the time of silence, climbing the Web and checking the words of Nick, and then growled angrily:

And why am I paying money to Sissen and the Parterres ?!

Nick chuckled.

Well don't be so upset, prof. In the end, while all your legal problems lay exclusively in the area of \u200b\u200blocal law. As a result, your lawyers focused on it. Yes, and an international license gives the right to work only with citizens of other states outside of local jurisdiction. And those, it seems to me, were clearly not crowded here at the entrance to your clinic before we arrived. Or am I wrong?


- Professor?

- Yes, Engenie?

- From the reception hall they report that guests have arrived.

Nyshel frowned. He didn't expect anyone today. But then an incoming message icon flashed on his network. The professor clicked on it, read it and broke into a smile:

- These are not guests, Engeny, these are patients. I mean ... I hope these are patients. Are there many of them?

- Eight people.

- Well! Take them to my office.

The guests appeared ten minutes later. The professor met them standing with one hand on his huge table and akimbo with the other.

- Well, young man, what brings you to Sigari this time?

- I see, prof, you immediately guessed who wants to see you, - Nick smiled and, stepping forward, respectfully shook the outstretched hand. - Glad to see you.

- Well, I wouldn’t have guessed - for the entire existence of this clinic, only one patient called me that funny word! Neischel laughed, not limiting himself to shaking hands and hugging his former patient tightly. Then he took a step back and with an inviting gesture pointed to the seating area, in which there were several sofas: - Please, sit down.

After everyone was seated, the professor looked expectantly at Nick, hinting that he was ready to listen carefully to his needs and aspirations. But he did not start with them:

- I heard, Prof, that you have some problems?

“Well… I wouldn't call it problems,” Neishel winced. - Rather, the intrigues of envious people who cannot independently create anything meaningful and assert themselves with the help of malicious but powerless attacks on talented and successful ones.

- Hmm, judging by what I was able to find out, not very powerless, prof, - Nick shook his head. - There are rumors in the press that your license for the installation of nanonets and implants has been suspended.

“This is nonsense and will be corrected shortly,” the professor said quickly.

- Even so, this fact shows the considerable potential of your opponents. Is not it? - Nick smiled conciliatory. - In addition, I am not going to torment your nerves by listing the troubles that have fallen on you and tedious arguments about how fair or, on the contrary, unfair, along the way, assessing the chances of whether you will be able to wriggle out and with what losses. On the contrary, I'm going to help you.

Neychel gave him an interested look.

- And how?

- Oh, the simplest. You, of course, have already guessed about it.

- Well, if the question is in the databases - I am at your disposal, but with the rest ... - the professor threw up his hands, - until I get my license renewed ...

“As far as I can find out, your local license has been suspended,” Nick smiled softly. - And among us there is not a single citizen of Sigari.

- International license upon termination of the local license is suspended automatically.

- Who told you that? - Nick was very naturally surprised.

The professor stared at him in surprise.

- But ... how ... this is common practice!

The Earthling laughed:

- Well, yes, everyone thinks so. But no one ever got into the legal mechanism of this action. And he, dear professor, does not provide for any automation. Moreover, this is a fundamental question. Any action of international legal procedures should be initiated only by a private or legal entity, which at the same time assumes full responsibility for all consequences of the proceedings and becomes a full participant in the process. With all the consequences, so to speak. This is done on purpose so that small local squabbles do not overwhelm the interplanetary legal structures ... But, according to the information I have, no one has yet assumed such responsibility.

The professor was silent for a long time. For a very long time, it seems, all the time of silence, climbing the Web and checking the words of Nick, and then growled angrily:

- And why am I only paying money to Sissen and the Parterres ?!

Nick chuckled.

- Well, don't get so upset, prof. In the end, while all your legal problems lay exclusively in the area of \u200b\u200blocal law. As a result, your lawyers focused on it. Yes, and an international license gives the right to work only with citizens of other states outside of local jurisdiction. And those, it seems to me, were clearly not crowded here at the entrance to your clinic before we arrived. Or am I wrong?

Neychel frowned, gave the earthling an indignant glance, and then ... expectedly burst out laughing. Nick had studied the prof enough during his last stay at the clinic to suggest just such a reaction to his words.

“Well, I admit you're right about that. But I know you too well not to doubt that you will try to get the most out of this situation for yourself.

- Not without it, prof, not without it. But remember yourself, when we last agreed on cooperation, it was beneficial for you too.

Neischel thought for a moment, then tilted his head in agreement.

- So, what I propose, - went to the specifics Nick. - Unfortunately, according to your main profile, we have no work for you - everyone has nano-networks already installed. But for implants, we are very interested in your services. Moreover, it is in yours, since we have a certain shortage of time and we hope to reduce it with the help of your methods of simultaneous installation of several implants.

The professor chuckled:

- Well, that's understandable, but why did you say so openly about this? Not like you, Nick.

- You substitute yourself and give me the opportunity to raise the price. The technique of simultaneous installation of several implants is precisely the reason for running into me and suspending my license. So at the moment it is the subject of an expert examination and is inaccessible to any clinic, both in Sigari and anywhere else. And in mine too ... as it was believed, until you paid attention to this legal incident. But, after you have found him, I am able to provide you with the required service, but others are not. In any case, until the trial ends and the planetary ban is lifted from this technology. That is, at the moment you have no other options besides me.

Now Nick chuckled:

- Well, actually - there is, because you, prof, make the same mistake as your enemies: you are fixated only on your planet. On the Cigari - yes, here you have laid out everything correctly, there are no options, but in general ... - He shrugged his shoulders and, noticing that the professor furrowed his brows in annoyance, waved his hand: - Do not be so upset, prof, everything is in order. If I was not going to reach an agreement with you, and, moreover, if I were not sure that we would definitely reach it with you, then we would not have come to you here in such a crowd. My confidence is built on the fact that you and I will work mutually beneficial again. As far as I was able to find out, the next hearing in your case is due in a couple of days, or has something changed?

- No, that's right, - Neishel tilted his head in agreement.

- Well, so, think for yourself how much your position will strengthen, if before ... well, or, during the hearings, it is better to talk about tactical details with your lawyers, - there will be information that several foreign citizens, belonging to three different interplanetary associations, uh-uh ... so to speak, broke into your clinic and demanded to immediately provide them with the services of just the technology that is under investigation?

Neychel froze, dumbfounded, and then laughed deafeningly.

- Well, Ni-hic ... well you bastard! Yes Anshmel will devour his beard! He has long dreamed of bringing the medical sector of Cigari to a wide international market, but so far all our successes in this field are helping transit passengers. ”He shook his head in admiration. - Well, okay, I understand, we will decide on the price, and it will satisfy you, you can be sure. Let's get down to specifics. Do you have a list of what you need?

- Sure. Catch.

The professor's eyes defocused for a moment, and then his gaze again focused on Nick, but the expression on his face had to be seen.

- So you ... so you ... so it ...

- Yes, - Nick grinned, - before you only the first party.

The professor shook his head and said admiringly:

“I see you, young man, have become pretty rich since our last meeting.

Nick grinned. Well, still, the list of the team's improvements pulled, at the most modest prices, somewhere in the hundred and sixty million.

- As I understand it, this is still a preliminary application. Will we determine in detail after in-depth diagnostics and receiving a complete map?

"Naturally, professor," Nick nodded in agreement.

- In that case, I must tell you that I will have something to offer you in addition to your application. During your travels in distant lands, we too, you know, did not stand still. Suffice it to say that now we are able to put not six, but eight implants at the same time, and only one pair can be doubled, and all the others can be different, - and Neishel threw a proud glance at Nick. He responded with an extremely respectful expression on his face and ... estimates of the balances of financial reserves. It seems that they should fit in, we will not put the maximum set for everyone. - Well, with that later, - the professor waved his hand. - How are you with time?

- How can I say ... - Nick shrugged. - Not that much, but ... I definitely won't pay for any acceleration method, - he smiled serenely at the professor and finished insinuatingly: - I think you will agree that she will send us a bonus for, so to speak, a large volume of the order ... Since I have no doubt that you, prof, with your talent as a businessman, will promote me for another ten to one and a half million.

Nyshel laughed again.

- No, after all, I have never met a more impudent client! To promote a person for discounts and bonuses, so that he himself would also consider himself a hardened huckster - you need to be able to ... - he jumped to his feet. - Well, since over time you are not so free, I propose to start diagnostics today.

At that moment, the office door opened and the professor's secretary appeared in the doorway.

- Engeny, give our guests a drink and hand them over to Trembignan. I've already called him. Let him put them in the wards. In the meantime, I'll start preparing the capsules. And ... summon those ghouls from the Tainbreri Carnivanion. We need to install at least ... - the professor thought for a moment, and then resolutely slashed the air with his palm, - twenty-five capsules!

Step to the Stars Roman Zlotnikov

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Title: Step to the stars

About the book "Step to the Stars" Roman Zlotnikov

Have you ever wondered if there are other living beings in the Universe or planets with populations no worse than the Earth? Maybe they are much smarter or dumber than us? Perhaps they created a more advanced civilization? Or maybe they are already scouring the Galaxy in search of victims, guides or targets for experiments? Roman Zlotnikov, one of the most popular Russian science fiction writers, in his book "Step to the Stars" creates a new reality where our planet is not alone in the Universe. The reader will step on previously unexplored soil that will forever change the protagonist and his worldview. And maybe yours too.

The hero of the novel "Step to the Stars" is an ordinary man - an earthling. Sometimes strange things happened to him, but never to be kidnapped. And he was kidnapped for a reason, but on a foreign planet, which is located more than a thousand light years from his native Earth. Living in a new place of residence is not an easy thing, sometimes dangerous and definitely extraordinary. You have to get used to literally everything. But the main thing is that it will be very, very difficult to get home. And not only because this requires a huge distance to be covered, but also because the new society turns out to be not so bad.

The main character really thinks about getting home as soon as possible, but before this happens, he will have to learn how to do things that he had never even heard of before. And did it even exist in his world? The path to Earth will be difficult and winding. This is the merit not only of external circumstances, but also of unique alien creatures, which turn out to be much better than many earthlings. For them, traditions are not empty words. They are clean and ambitious. Yes, they also love to fight with or without reason, but who is without sin? And is it worth talking about technology? How much more can you explore if you stay on this planet forever? What if she's not so alien?

Roman Zlotnikov created a new reality, placing emphasis on the fact that a person needs just one step in order to achieve any of his goals. The step can be decisive, uncertain or even accidental, but only after it will it begin new life... A person is capable of much, and maybe everything. You just need to realize this and set yourself the task of making the goal a reality. Even if it is fantastic and it seems that it is impossible to implement it. Roman Zlotnikov's book "Step to the Stars" is a story about rethinking, adventures, new worlds and man. A person who is ready for a lot. But is that enough? And won't the alien barriers be more stable?

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online book “Step to the Stars” by Roman Zlotnikov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle .. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. There is a separate section for aspiring writers with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Roman Zlotnikov



Yes, Engenie?

From the reception hall they say that guests have arrived.

Nyshel frowned. He didn't expect anyone today. But then an incoming message icon flashed on his network. The professor clicked on it, read it and broke into a smile:

These are not guests, Engeny, they are patients. I mean ... I hope these are patients. Are there many of them?

Eight people.

Excellent! Take them to my office.

The guests appeared ten minutes later. The professor met them standing with one hand on his huge table and akimbo with the other.

Well, young man, what brings you to Sigari this time?

I see, prof, you immediately guessed who wants to see you, - Nick smiled and, stepping forward, respectfully shook the outstretched hand. - Glad to see you.

Well, I still would not have guessed - for the entire existence of this clinic, only one patient called me this funny word! Neishel laughed, not limiting himself to shaking hands and hugging his former patient tightly. Then he took a step back and with an inviting gesture pointed to the seating area, in which there were several sofas: - Please, sit down.

After everyone was seated, the professor looked expectantly at Nick, hinting that he was ready to listen carefully to his needs and aspirations. But he did not start with them:

I heard, Prof, that you have some problems?

Well ... I wouldn't call it problems, ”Neishel winced. - Rather, the intrigues of envious people who cannot independently create anything meaningful and assert themselves with the help of malicious but powerless attacks on talented and successful ones.

Hmm, judging by what I was able to find out, not very powerless, prof, - Nick shook his head. - There are rumors in the press that your license to install nanonets and implants has been suspended.

This is nonsense, which will be corrected in the near future, - the professor quickly responded.

Even so, this fact shows the considerable potential of your opponents. Is not it? - Nick smiled conciliatory. - In addition, I am not going to torment your nerves with a list of the troubles that have fallen on you and tedious arguments about how fair they are or, on the contrary, unfair, along the way estimating the chances of whether you will be able to wriggle out and with what losses. On the contrary, I'm going to help you.

Neychel gave him an interested look.

And in what way?

Oh, the simplest. You, of course, have already guessed about it.

Well, if the question is in the bases - I am at your disposal, but with the rest ... - the professor threw up his hands, - until I get my license renewed ...

As far as I can find out, your local license has been suspended. ”Nick smiled softly. - And among us there is not a single citizen of Sigari.

International license upon termination of the local license is suspended automatically.

Who told you that? - Nick was very naturally surprised.

The professor stared at him in surprise.

But ... how ... this is common practice!

The Earthling laughed:

Well, yes, everyone thinks so. But no one ever got into the legal mechanism of this action. And he, dear professor, does not provide for any automation. Moreover, this is a fundamental question. Any action of international legal procedures should be initiated only by a private or legal entity, which at the same time assumes full responsibility for all consequences of the proceedings and becomes a full participant in the process. With all the consequences, so to speak. This is done on purpose so that small local squabbles do not overwhelm the interplanetary legal structures ... But, according to the information I have, no one has yet assumed such responsibility.

The professor was silent for a long time. For a very long time, it seems, all the time of silence, climbing the Web and checking the words of Nick, and then growled angrily:

And why am I paying money to Sissen and the Parterres ?!

Nick chuckled.

Well don't be so upset, prof. In the end, while all your legal problems lay exclusively in the area of \u200b\u200blocal law. As a result, your lawyers focused on it. Yes, and an international license gives the right to work only with citizens of other states outside of local jurisdiction. And those, it seems to me, were clearly not crowded here at the entrance to your clinic before we arrived. Or am I wrong?

Neychel frowned, gave the earthling an indignant glance, and then ... expectedly burst out laughing. Nick had studied the prof enough during his last stay at the clinic to suggest just such a reaction to his words.

Well, I admit you're right about that. But I know you too well not to doubt that you will try to get the most out of this situation for yourself.

Not without it, prof, not without it. But remember yourself, when we last agreed on cooperation, it was beneficial for you too.

Neischel thought for a moment, then tilted his head in agreement.

So what I propose - went to the specifics Nick. - Unfortunately, according to your main profile, we have no work for you - everyone has nano-networks already installed. But for implants, we are very interested in your services. Moreover, it is in yours, since we have a certain shortage of time and we hope to reduce it with the help of your methods of simultaneous installation of several implants.

The professor chuckled:

Well, that's understandable, but why did you say so openly about it? Not like you, Nick.

You substitute yourself and give me the opportunity to raise the price. The technique of simultaneous installation of several implants is precisely the reason for running into me and suspending my license. So at the moment it is the subject of an expert examination and is inaccessible to any clinic, both in Sigari and anywhere else. And in mine too ... as it was believed, until you paid attention to this legal incident. But, after you have found him, I am able to provide you with the required service, but others are not. In any case, until the trial ends and the planetary ban is lifted from this technology. That is, at the moment you have no other options besides me.

Now Nick chuckled:

Well, actually - there is, because you, Prof, are making the same mistake as your enemies: you are fixated only on your planet. On Cigari - yes, here you have laid out everything correctly, there are no options, but in general ... - He shrugged his shoulders and, noticing that the professor furrowed his brows in annoyance, waved his hand: - Do not be so upset, prof, everything is in order. If I was not going to reach an agreement with you, and, moreover, if I were not sure that we would definitely reach it with you, then we would not have come to you here in such a crowd. My confidence is built on the fact that you and I will work mutually beneficial again. As far as I was able to find out, the next hearing in your case is due in a couple of days, or has something changed?

No, that's right, ”Neishel tilted his head in agreement.

Well, so, think for yourself how much your position will be strengthened, if before ... well, or, during the hearings, it is better to talk to your lawyers about tactical details, information appears that several foreign citizens belonging to three different interplanetary associations, uh-uh ... so to speak, broke into your clinic and demanded to immediately provide them with the services of exactly the technology that is under investigation?

Neychel froze, dumbfounded, and then laughed deafeningly.

Well, Ni-hic ... well, you bastard! Yes Anshmel will devour his beard! He has long dreamed of bringing the medical sector of Cigari to a wide international market, but so far all our successes in this field are helping transit passengers. ”He shook his head in admiration. - Well, okay, I understand, we will decide on the price, and it will satisfy you, you can be sure. Let's get down to specifics. Do you have a list of what you need?

Sure. Catch.

The professor's eyes defocused for a moment, and then his gaze again focused on Nick, but the expression on his face had to be seen.

So you ... so you ... so it ...

Yes, - Nick grinned, - before you only the first batch.

The professor shook his head and said admiringly:

I see you, young man, have grown quite rich since we last met.

Nick grinned. Well, still, the list of the team's improvements pulled, at the most modest prices, somewhere in the hundred and sixty million.

As I understand it, this is still a preliminary application. Will we determine in detail after in-depth diagnostics and receiving a complete map?

Earthling - 2

- Professor?

- Yes, Engenie?

- From the reception hall they report that guests have arrived.

Nyshel frowned. He didn't expect anyone today. But then an incoming message icon flashed on his network. The professor clicked on it, read it and broke into a smile:

- These are not guests, Engeny, these are patients. I mean ... I hope these are patients. Are there many of them?

- Eight people.

- Well! Take them to my office.

The guests appeared ten minutes later. The professor met them standing with one hand on his huge table and akimbo with the other.

- Well, young man, what brings you to Sigari this time?

- I see, prof, you immediately guessed who wants to see you, - Nick smiled and, stepping forward, respectfully shook the outstretched hand. - Glad to see you.

- Well, I still would not have guessed - for the entire existence of this clinic, only one patient called me that funny word! Neischel laughed, not limiting himself to shaking hands and hugging his former patient tightly. Then he took a step back and with an inviting gesture pointed to the seating area, in which there were several sofas: - Please, sit down.

After everyone was seated, the professor looked expectantly at Nick, hinting that he was ready to listen carefully to his needs and aspirations. But he did not start with them:

- I heard, Prof, that you have some problems?

“Well… I wouldn't call it problems,” Neishel winced. - Rather, the intrigues of envious people who cannot independently create anything meaningful and assert themselves with the help of malicious but powerless attacks on talented and successful ones.

- Hmm, judging by what I was able to find out, not very powerless, prof, - Nick shook his head. - There are rumors in the press that your license for the installation of nanonets and implants has been suspended.

“This is nonsense and will be corrected shortly,” the professor said quickly.

- Even so, this fact shows the considerable potential of your opponents. Is not it? - Nick smiled conciliatory. - In addition, I am not going to torment your nerves with a list of the troubles that have fallen on you and tedious arguments about how fair they are or, on the contrary, unfair, along the way estimating the chances of whether you will be able to wriggle out and with what losses. On the contrary, I'm going to help you.

Neychel gave him an interested look.

- And how?

- Oh, the simplest. You, of course, have already guessed about it.

- Well, if the question is in the databases - I'm at your disposal, but with the rest ... - the professor threw up his hands, - until I get my license renewed ...

“As far as I can find out, your local license has been suspended,” Nick smiled softly. - And among us there is not a single citizen of Sigari.

- International license upon termination of the local license is suspended automatically.

- Who told you that? - Nick was very naturally surprised.

The professor stared at him in surprise.

- But ... how ... this is common practice!

The Earthling laughed:

- Well, yes, everyone thinks so. But no one ever got into the legal mechanism of this action. And he, dear professor, does not provide for any automation. Moreover, this is a fundamental question. Any action of international legal procedures must be initiated only by a private or legal person, who at the same time takes full responsibility for all consequences of the proceedings and becomes a full participant in the process.