Deans of the law faculty of Moscow State University in 1982. Lawyer from Moscow State University was suspected of creating fake databases

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of the Deputy Dean of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, Vladimir Stepanov-Yegiyants. The lawyer is charged with participation in the illegal seizure of the capital company Avtofinance, as a result of which its owner suffered damage in the amount of about 40 million rubles. Mr. Stepanov-Yegiyants himself denies any involvement in the crime and considers himself a victim of a slander. He and his defense asked for a non-custodial measure of restraint, but the court decided otherwise.

The Tverskoy court of the capital considered the petition of the Main Investigation Directorate (GSU) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow to detain the Deputy Dean of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University Vladimir Stepanov-Yegiyants. The lawyer is charged with a particularly large fraud committed by a group of persons.

As it turned out in court, the investigation, in which a major lawyer became a defendant, was launched last year by the Internal Affairs Directorate of the South-Eastern District of Moscow at the request of Artem Borodinov, the general director of the Moscow-based Avtofinance LLC (deals with various transactions with cars). The businessman said that his property was seized. The entrepreneur learned that he was no longer listed as the owner of his own company - he was presented with documents, from which it followed that he allegedly voluntarily resigned from the founders of the LLC. Later the applicant also reported that his money and car had been stolen from the LLC. The size of the stolen goods, according to the investigation, amounted to more than 39 million rubles, the fate of 25 million of which law enforcement officers have already established.

A fraud criminal case was opened. And recently, the case against Vladimir Stepanov-Yegiyants, which is being conducted by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was separated into separate proceedings. The grounds for bringing the venerable lawyer to justice were the testimony of Olga Vasilyeva, a defendant in the case of fraud with Avtofinance. She specialized in providing services in the field of registration of legal entities. As follows from the materials announced in the court, Mrs. Vasilyeva told the investigation that at one time she received a call from Mr. Stepanov-Yegiyants, who was interested in whether it was possible to re-register the company to another owner without the knowledge of the previous one. The woman allegedly answered that it was possible - with a fake passport, after which, according to the instructions of a lawyer, she facilitated such a re-registration. There is another person involved in the case, acting as a figurehead, a certain Lomakin. At the hearing, it was also said that a confrontation was held between Mrs. Vasilyeva and Mr. Stepanov-Yehiyants, at which the woman confirmed her version, and the lawyer refused to testify.

Petitioning for the arrest of the person under investigation, the investigator of the State Investigation Directorate, Aleksey Mavritsyn, indicated that, remaining at large, the lawyer could hide, since he does not have a permanent place of residence. The materials presented to the court even said that the suspect "spent the night at the train stations." This caused an immediate response from the defense, which indicated that the deputy dean had been registered since 1999 in his mother's apartment at 4 on Aviatorov Street.

The investigator also recalled the regalia, merit and numerous status posts of the defendant in the case and his membership in the public councils of some power structures... In his opinion, they testify to the extensive connections of Mr. Stepanov-Yegiyants, thanks to which he can put pressure on the witnesses in the case. The lawyer also, according to the representative of the State Statistical Office, is free to contact other, not yet identified participants in the scam, and to coordinate their actions with them. In addition, it followed from the words of Mr. Mavritsyn that the deputy dean is now being checked for possible involvement in some other crimes.

In turn, the defense insisted that the investigation did not have any real confirmation of the involvement of Mr. Stepanov-Yegiyants. Lawyer Viktor Kurchin, in particular, noted that Olga Vasilyeva was interrogated several times during the investigation, but she gave evidence against the deputy dean only at the last interrogation. Thus, the defender believes, the woman under house arrest simply wants to ease her own fate.

The defense also recalled the merits of Mr. Stepanov-Yegiyants, but this time as evidence that he, an authoritative expert in his field, could not commit the crime attributed to him and would definitely not interfere with the investigation. Recall that Vladimir Stepanov-Yegiyants is a Doctor of Law, and. about. Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Assistant to the Vice-Rector of the University, Member of the Advisory Council of the Interim Commission for the Development of the Information Society of the Federation Council, Member of the Audit Commission of the Endowment Capital Management Fund of Moscow State University, Member of the Presidium of the Educational and Methodological Association for legal education Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, member of the Russian Lawyers' Association, etc., author of works on computer security. He tried to be elected as a State Duma deputy.

The defense also asked to attach to the case sureties for Mr. Stepanov-Yegiyants, including from the president of the Chistaya Liniya ice cream company Armen Beniaminov, who offered to post a bail for a lawyer in the amount of 20 million rubles, as well as the confessor of the suspect priest Vladimir Shcherbakov. The lawyers also petitioned for the inclusion of a lawyer's passport, which the investigator refused to accept. The latter said in response that since the defendant is in the case of fraud using a forged passport, then, "if he is not arrested, he will be able to prepare another document and hide abroad."

The defense insisted on a preventive measure not related to arrest. The deputy dean himself asked about this. According to him, he became a "victim of the situation": he did communicate with Mrs. Vasilyeva, but he did not agree with her about any fraudulent actions and did not give any instructions. “Don't cross out my life,” he asked the court.

As a result, after weighing the arguments of the parties, judge Dmitry Gordeev decided to satisfy the investigator's petition and arrested Vladimir Stepanov-Yegiyants for two months.

Vladimir Stepanov-Yegiyants, deputy dean of the law faculty of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, is suspected of a particularly large fraud. This became known on Tuesday in the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, where a measure of restraint for the deputy dean is elected.

According to the investigator leading the case, Stepanov-Yegiyants, as part of an organized criminal group, participated in a raider scheme to steal the property of the Avtofinance company. The damage, according to preliminary estimates of the investigation, amounted to 39 million rubles.

At the same time, 25 million rubles from the stolen money have already been found, the location of the rest is being established.

According to the materials of the investigation, Stepanov-Yegiyants, together with established and unidentified persons, using a forged passport, removed the victim - the former general director of the company "Avtofinance" from the ranks of the leaders of the society and took possession of his property.

According to the testimony of the former general director of Avtofinance, he was deceived from the management, and then his car was stolen from the parking lot, and from the office - a safe with money. He estimated the losses at 39 million rubles.

Stepanov-Yegiyants refutes all suspicions in his address. "I did not commit anything illegal. I became a victim because I had contacts with Olga Vasilyeva, who, it turns out, was engaged in illegal activities with a company that sells used cars," the suspect explained his position.

The investigation insists on the arrest of the lawyer, the defense - on the choice of a preventive measure not related to the imprisonment - in extreme cases, house arrest. Currently, the court session is still ongoing.

What role in the fraudulent scheme Stepanov-Yegiyants played has not yet been officially announced. According to the investigator, he could have made a forged passport, with the help of which the raider scheme was carried out.

"If he is not arrested, he will prepare documents and leave Russia, since the suspect has the ability to forge passports. In addition, Stepanov-Yegiyants will use his extensive legal knowledge to obstruct the investigation, if he is not imprisoned in a pre-trial detention center," he explained the need for a defendant investigator.

The deputy dean is charged with part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "fraud on an especially large scale." The maximum punishment for it is 10 years in prison.

On the website of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, it is said about Vladimir Stepanov-Yegiyants that he is a Doctor of Law, Acting Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, as well as Assistant Vice-Rector of the University. In addition, the current person under investigation is the author of numerous scientific papers on the topic of computer crime and money laundering.

At the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, Deputy Dean Dmitry Maleshin, one of two applicants for the position of head of the faculty, was dismissed. In April, elections for the dean of the law faculty are to be held at Moscow State University. The current dean, Alexander Golichenkov, who has been in office for 10 years, and Dmitry Maleshin, are applying for this post.

According to Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental and Land Law Dmitry Khaustov, his removal from the post of Deputy Dean Maleshin is directly related to the ongoing elections.

He was dismissed from his post. His employment contract for this position ended and was not renewed. In principle, the contract is always automatically renewed, but in this case this did not happen, now it is associated with the fact that Maleshin is participating in the election of the dean of the law faculty. Now there is administrative pressure - some managers are called into the office for a conversation, - he says.

Maleshin is not going to appeal this decision, but will continue to teach at the Department of Civil Procedure. However, he will not refuse to participate in the elections.

I remain a university professor and continue to teach. In general, the situation is such that for the first time in a long time, elections are being held on an alternative basis, where I and the current dean are participating. I was supported by about half of the departments, - said Maleshin.

The dean's office of the faculty refutes this version and says that Maleshin himself did not submit documents to the personnel department after the expiration of his contract.

He was offered to extend the contract, but he refused. Therefore, after the expiration of the contract, it was withdrawn. There is no pressure on the departments and heads, because everyone is free to choose. It makes no sense for Golichenkov to put pressure on teachers and heads of departments, because he was also voted for. It's just that some of the people stopped finding a common language with the leadership, '' says Evgenia Kryukova, assistant dean of the law faculty of Moscow State University.

The head of the Department of History of State and Law, Professor Vladimir Tomsinov, believes that many at the faculty are dissatisfied with Golichenkov.

Golichenkov does not suit many. The head of any educational institution is a special type of activity. A person puts together his own groups, and the distribution of financial resources is determined by whether you are a member of this group or not. He's just a brawler and conflict person... If there was any problem, then he solved it with the help of a scandal, - says Tomsinov.

According to him, there are other questions to the current dean, in particular, about the Geneva branch of Moscow State University. There were also examples when 20 people were subject to expulsion, but for some reason 10 were expelled, and the remaining half were not.

Golichenkov has been at the helm of the faculty for 10 years. There was a new applicant for his place, and he was supported by several significant departments, - says the law faculty teacher. - He was immediately removed from office, and now there is some tension over the elections.

According to the regulation on elections, the candidate who will receive the largest number of votes of the members of the academic council will become the dean. Then it is approved by the order of the rector.

Faculty of Law, Moscow State University

Faculty of Law, Moscow State University - one of the three faculties, approved in accordance with the plan of M. V. Lomonosov by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna in the "Project on the establishment of Moscow University" (1755). According to the Project, it consisted of three ordinary professors in departments: general jurisprudence (natural, popular and Roman law), Russian jurisprudence (internal state law) and politics (international law).

Faculty now

Education at the faculty is carried out on a full-time basis at the full-time department and at the special department (second higher education). The last recruitment of students to the evening department was held in the year, in the year the last graduates of the department completed their studies.

Graduates of the Faculty of Law work in government and public administration bodies, in court, prosecutor's office, advocacy, in state enterprises, in institutions and organizations, in business and commercial organizations, educational institutions, continue their postgraduate studies.

The faculty includes 14 departments and 3 laboratories:

  • theory of state and law and political science (head of the department - professor Mikhail Nikolaevich Marchenko);
  • history of state and law (head of the department - professor Vladimir Alekseevich Tomsinov);
  • administrative law (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor Aleksey Petrovich Alyokhin);
  • financial Law (Acting Head of the Department - Associate Professor Maria Fedorovna Ivlieva);
  • international Law (Head of the Department - Associate Professor Lev Nikitovich Shestakov);
  • constitutional and municipal law (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor Suren Adibekovich Avakyan);
  • civil law (Head of the Department - Professor Evgeny Alekseevich Sukhanov);
  • business law and legal regulation of foreign economic activity (head of the department - Professor Evgeny Porfirievich Gubin);
  • civil procedure (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor Mikhail Konstantinovich Treushnikov);
  • labor law (head of the department - professor Alexander Mikhailovich Kurennoy);
  • environmental and land law (head of the department - professor Alexander Konstantinovich Golichenkov);
  • commercial law and foundations of jurisprudence (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor Boris Ivanovich Puginsky);
  • criminal law and criminology (head of the department - professor Vladimir Sergeevich Komissarov);
  • criminal procedure and prosecutor's supervision (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor Konstantin Fedorovich Gutsenko);
  • criminalistics (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office, Doctor of Law, Honored Professor of Moscow State University, Professor Nikolai Pavlovich Yablokov);
  • laboratory of political science;
  • laboratory of social and legal research and comparative law;
  • laboratory of legal informatics and cybernetics.

The faculty is located in the first humanitarian building, where it partially occupies the sixth, seventh and eighth floors, and in the second humanitarian building, where the forensic department is located.


1. Bauze Fedor Grigorievich (1805-1806) was born into the family of a Lutheran pastor, higher education received at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leipzig. After graduation, he went to look for work in Russia. In April, he received an invitation from the leadership of the Imperial Moscow University (IMU) to take the department of jurisprudence. From the beginning to teach roman law... And in June he was elected dean of the moral and political department of Moscow University.

2. Reinhard Christian Egorovich (1806-1808, 1812), professor of philosophy at the University of Cologne, came to Russia and was assigned to the department of practical philosophy, at the same time filled positions at the departments of the natural, political and popular law faculty of Moscow University. Taught students of ethical-political and verbal departments the history of philosophical systems until his death c.

Z. Bryantsev Andrey Mikhailovich (1808-1809, 1811-1812, 1818-1819), after graduating from the Vologda Seminary, he came on foot to Moscow, to the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, where he graduated from a course in theological and philosophical sciences, refusing to be tonsured a monk. At Moscow University, he was the closest student of Professor S. E. Desnitsky. For almost half a century, he taught a course in logic and metaphysics, "moral philosophy", "empirical psychology" and the history of philosophical systems. Three times he was elected the dean of the ethical and political department of the MU.

4. Schletser Christian Avgustovich (1809-1810) arrived in Moscow after graduating from the University of Göttingen and decided to be a home teacher. At the invitation of the director of IMU Turgenev I.P. moved to Moscow University, where from 1801 to. was the first teacher of political economy at the Faculty of Law; also read politics, a course on the history of European states, political economy, natural law and diplomacy from his books.

5. Stelzer Christian-Julius-Ludwig (1810-1811), professor-lawyer, at the invitation of the trustee M.N. Muravyov arrived at Moscow University from Gallic, was appointed an ordinary professor. Until 1812 he taught almost all sciences that were then part of legal education. A brilliant criminologist, he also taught the philosophy of criminal law. In 1813, not getting along in Moscow, with a scandal he moved to Dorpat.

6.Snegirev Mikhail Matveevich (1813-1815) - the son of a priest. His godmother was Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. He was elected dean of the ethical-political department of the MU and a member of the temporary commission to manage the affairs of the University after the invasion of Napoleon. He took an active part in the restoration of the University after the fire of 1812. He wrote a textbook on church history, taught church law.

7. Sandunov Nikolay Nikolaevich (1815-1816, 1819-1820, 1828-1830, 1831-1832) began to work at the Moscow University as an ordinary professor and took the department of Russian, civil and criminal law (legal proceedings) of the Russian Empire. Until his death he was the dean of the moral and political department of the MU. Probably the first of the professors to introduce elements of practical training into teaching legal proceedings.

8. Tsvetaev Lev Alekseevich (1816-1818, 1820-1828, 1830-1831, 1832-1834), having passed the exam for a bachelor's degree, in 1801 he was sent abroad to prepare for the lesson of the "department of jurisprudence." As a doctor of philosophy at the University of Göttingen and working at Moscow University, in the service records of the 1820s he was named only a bachelor's degree, B, in connection with the 25th anniversary of his professorship, received the title of Honored Ordinary Professor of MU. In he headed the department of political and popular law, at the same time being a university censor.

9. Ternovsky Petr Matveevich (1834-1835), archpriest, first rector of the Tatian Church, since 1828 - professor of theology and church history, church jurisprudence, c - logic and experimental psychology of Moscow University. Since May - Dean of the Department of Moral and Political Sciences.

10. Vasiliev Nikolay Semenovich (1835-1843) from to years at the moral and political department of the MU, he began to lecture on political economy on Schlezer, Storch and Pay; beyond this subject - the history of Roman law and Roman civil law according to Mackeldeus, Russian criminal law, and since 1835 - the beginning of Russian civil law according to the Code of Laws Russian Empire,: In 1835 he was elected dean of the moral and political department. He kept a boarding school for University students in his Moscow house.

11. Krylov Nikita Ivanovich (1843-1847), s, took the chair of Roman law at Moscow University, which he left in. Krylov's course had the character of a philosophical reflection on the Roman character. In his scientific views on law, Krylov was a vivid exponent of the historical school of jurisprudence.

12. Barshev Sergey Ivanovich (1847-1863) attended lectures on philosophy of law, legal encyclopedia, history and dogma of Roman law at the University of Berlin; studied general German state, criminal and civil law in their historical development and current state... On June 12, he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Law for a 4-year term. He was elected dean for the second time. He resigned from Moscow University with the rank of privy councilor. Was awarded the order St. Alexander Nevsky, Order of St. Anna, 1st degree.

13. Leshkov Vasily Nikolaevich (1863-1866, 1867-1872, 1877-1880). Election for the second time in January as dean provoked, according to the memoirs of A. V. Nikitenko, "a real revolt against the rector and the council," which was raised by professors Dmitriev and Chicherin "with their adherents - only seven people"; ... it came down to the minister who did not approve of the actions of the minority "

14. Chicherin Boris Nikolaevich (1866-1867) in January he was elected dean of the Faculty of Law, and already in May of the same year, the majority of the university council, in violation of the elementary foundations of the academic constitution of the Minister of Public Education, canceled the election of B.N. Chicherin and approved V.N. Leshkov for the new fifth anniversary.

15. Milhausen Fedor Bogdanovich (1872-1876) - Doctor of Medicine, occupied the Department of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology at the Moscow Medical-Surgical Academy. Since he began teaching at Moscow University. He lectured on financial law and public law, acted as secretary of the Faculty of Law. After defending his doctoral dissertation, he was approved as an ordinary professor at the Department of Financial Law. In received the title of Honored Professor.

16. Legonin Viktor Alekseevich (1880-1899) graduated from the medical faculty at Moscow University and took the department of forensic medicine. For the first time, a course of forensic medicine has been introduced for law students. Dean of the Faculty of Law from to In October, the Rector of the University signed a relationship No. 2771 approving Honored Professor V. A. Legonin again as Dean of the Faculty of Law for the next four years.

17. Alekseev Alexander Semenovich (1899-1909) after graduating from the law faculty of Moscow University, he left for Getzdania, where for three years he listened to lectures by Bluntschli, Topfl, Otto Meyer. The departure of A.S. Alekseev from Moscow University is directly related to the events of February - the resignation of A.A.Manuylov from the post of rector in connection with the admission of the police to the territory of the university.

18. Kamarovsky Leonid Alekseevich, (1909-1912), was appointed ordinary professor of the Moscow University. One of the initiators of the creation in Paris International Institute rights, s - full member. He strove to substantiate international law by the principles of natural law and the requirements of "justice"; considered questions of limiting the "right of war", disarmament, peaceful means of settling international disputes. The ideas of L.A. Kamarovsky were used to a certain extent when creating a judicial body in the system of the League of Nations, as well as the International Court of Justice.

19. Gidulyanov Pavel Vasilievich (1913-1917) combined his studies with the work of an assistant attorney at law. In 1910-1913. headed the scholarship commission at the Faculty of Law of the University. Simultaneously taught state law at the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages. He was arrested in connection with the OGPU-fabricated case against the “Counter-revolutionary nationalist organization Party of the Renaissance of Russia”. In 1933 he was sentenced to ten years in forced labor camps. B - re-convicted and shot. He was rehabilitated posthumously. "

20. Tarasov Ivan Trofimovich (1917-1918), while serving at the Moscow University, established in the Berdichevsky district of the Kiev province a public school, a savings and loan association, a public shop and a public tea house; took a large part in the establishment of the Rubezhevsk colony for juvenile delinquents. In 1889 he was appointed to the post of ordinary professor of police law at Moscow University.

29. Klimov M.E. (according to most of the existing versions, Mikhail Efimovich) (1930) - professor, dean of the FSP of the 1st Moscow State University from February 15 to October 22, 1930. In 1927-1930. - Professor High school OGPU. Later - the head of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia. Unjustifiably repressed and executed in 1938. Rehabilitated in 1956

30. Berman Yakov Leontievich (1931) - participant Civil War, member of the CPSU (b). He conducted a seminar on criminal procedure at the legal department of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the 1st Moscow State University. In 1925-1926. - Prosecutor at the Collegium of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR. In 1932-1937. - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR, director of the Institute of Red Professors of Soviet Construction and Law. In the spring of 1937 he was arrested, in September he was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment without the right to correspond, on the same day he was shot.

31.Kozhevnikov Fedor Ivanovich (1942-1943, 1944-1949) - Head of the Department of International Law from 1942 to 1960.Since 1960, Professor of MGIMO. Member of the UN International Law Commission (Geneva), member of the UN International Court of Justice (The Hague), member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, delegate to the World Congress of Peace Fighters.

32. Udaltsov Ivan Dmitrievich (1943) worked as an assistant attorney at law at the Moscow Court of Justice. Since 1924 - professor of the legal department of the FON in the department economic policy... In 1925 he was appointed a member of the dean's office of the Faculty of Soviet Law of the 1st Moscow State University. In 1929 he was appointed director of the 1st Moscow State University, in this position he held until 1930, after that - professor of political economy. In 1943 he was simultaneously approved as the dean of the Faculty of Law, restored in March 1942, and the dean faculty of Economics Moscow State University.

33. Amphitheaters Georgy Nikitovich (1943-1944) began teaching at Moscow State University after completing his postgraduate studies, in 1929. He taught economic, industrial and land law. In 1931, he was appointed Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and at the same time head of the Department of Civil Law of the Moscow legal institute on the basis of MP- ", which he permanently supervised until 1937. In 1935, without defending a thesis, he received the degree of candidate of legal sciences. german... Since 1942 - tenured professor, acting. Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of Moscow State University, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University for academic affairs. He served as the staff dean from the fall of 1943 to August 1944.

34. Kozhevnikov Mikhail Vasilievich (1950-1953) worked as a member of the military revolutionary tribunal, chairman of the provincial revolutionary tribunal and head of the justice department, provincial prosecutor, prosecutor at the NKYu RSFSR, chairman of regional courts, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR, head of the department of judicial protection and legal assistance to the population of NKYu THE USSR. S teaches at the Law Faculty of Moscow University

35. Lashin Anatoly Grigorievich (1953-1956) dean. Doctor of Law, Professor. In defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "The emergence and development of forms of the socialist state." Sphere scientific interests constituted the problems of the organization and activity of the socialist states.

36. Dmitry Stepanovich Karev (1956-1965) - student of the Higher Military Aeronautical School, observer-spotter of artillery fire from the air, red commander. He began to study legal science in absentia at Irkutsk University, then transferred to Moscow State University. 1945-1946 - Assistant to the Chief Prosecutor of the USSR at the Nuremberg Trials, Colonel of Military Justice. C - Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure.

37. Ivanov Georgy Vasilievich (02/26/1965 - 05/31/1980) participated in the Second World War, was seriously wounded, lost an arm. In 1942 he worked at the Goznak factory in Krasnokamsk, Perm Region. He completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Collective Farm and Land Law of the Moscow Law Institute. In 1954 he was transferred to the same department of the law faculty of Moscow State University. From 1959 to 1965 - Deputy Dean of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University for scientific work... For many years he was the secretary of the party bureau of the law faculty of Moscow State University.

38. Kozlov Yuri Markovich (1980-1982) Assistant at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Faculty of Law, Moscow State University. Born September 9, 1925. In 1961 he was replaced by prof. I. I. Evtikhieva as head of the department. Repeatedly traveled abroad; to give lectures and participate in international symposia, etc. conferences. Since 1970, he was the executive editor of the "Bulletin of Moscow University. Series" Law. "In 1997 he moved to work at the Moscow State Law Academy as a professor of the Department of Administrative Law. Died November 10, 2002.

39. Marchenko Mikhail Nikolaevich (1982-1992) At the Faculty since 1972. Since 1985 - Head of the Department of Theory of State and Law, and Political Science of the Faculty of Law. Vice-rector of Moscow State University (1992-1996), member of the Academic Council of Moscow State University (1985-1996), Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council of Moscow State University (1992-1996). In 1997 he published the author's textbook "Theory of State and Law", which enjoys a well-deserved reputation.

40. Sukhanov Evgeny Alekseevich (1992-2003) was born on April 8, 1948 in Moscow. Chairman of the Dissertation Defense Council doctoral theses at Moscow State University, a member of specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations at the IISP, IGP RAS. One of the organizers of the Center for the Study of Roman Law. One of the main developers of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Member of Scientific Advisory Councils of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. For a number of years he has been Vice-President of the Union of Lawyers of Russia, elected Chairman of the Arbitration Court at the RF CCI and arbitrator of the ICAC at the TIP RF, heads the Center for Assistance to Arbitration Disputes.