Practice report Civil law practice report. On scientific and pedagogical practice Legal lecture hall based on the results of practice


The duties of a lawyer include control over the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the organization, drawing up contracts for the provision of paid services, work contracts, concluding employment contracts with employees, drawing up orders for hiring and dismissing from it, checking documents drawn up by other departments for compliance with the current legislation, claim work, representation of society in courts and more
The purpose of the practical training is
1.This is an introduction to the professional activities of the legal department in an organization, mastering it,
2. acquaintance with the regulatory legal actsregulating professional activity legal department,
3. application of knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process.
In the process of passing the practice, it was envisaged to solve the following tasks:
1. Getting to know the organization, its legal department
2. Acquaintance with the regulatory legal documents of the internship base
3. Study of the forms, methods and means of the legal department
4.Working with documents used in the activities of the legal department
5.Study of functional rights and responsibilities of department specialists
6.Participation in the work of the department
7. Acquaintance with the contractual work of the department.

1.Characteristics of the place of internship - Yamal Branch of Gazpromtrans LLC

The place of internship in the specialty of Jurisprudence was a branch of LLC Gashpromtrans.
Freight forwarding company Gazpromtrans is a leading Russian company with a number of characteristics inherent in world-class companies.
Established in 2002 due to the merger of Gazprom's railway assets into a single technological complex, Gazpromtrans today is the largest enterprise with clearly formulated goals and objectives. The main activity of the company is to provide a full range of transport and forwarding services to consumers of liquid hydrocarbons and other cargoes, as well as to enterprises of the Gazprom system. LLC "Gazpromtrans" provides additional services for the formation of logistics centers for transportation, the organization of transportation in direct and mixed traffic, the organization of transshipment of goods in ports.
Today Gazpromtrans LLC is one of the largest rolling stock operators.
At the beginning of 2011, the total car fleet amounted to more than 27 thousand units, and about 2000 more cars are involved in the transportation of LDP and MTP. Having its own rolling tracks and a large fleet of locomotives, the company provides its customers with a full range of freight forwarding services, including services for the supply and cleaning of cars and the organization of rolling stock repair.
Transportation is carried out through a network of branches located at all cargo-forming enterprises of OJSC Gazprom.
The Yamal branch was established on November 27, 2009, located at the Obskaya station.
As part of the Gazprom project for the development of the unique Bovanenkovskoye gas condensate field, Gazpromtrans has been constructing a railway line deep into the Yamal Peninsula since 2008. The transport highway, 570 km long, whose construction is nearing completion, allows the delivery of goods and people to the field. The operation of the line is also entrusted to OOO Gazpromtrans.
Types of transported goods:
- oil products (light, dark, viscous);
- LPG;
- pipe products;
- sulfur;
- methanol;
- chemical cargo;
- construction cargo;
- materials and equipment and other cargo;
- carbon black.

2. Competence of the legal department of the organization.

In the period from 07/29/2013 to 08/16/2013, I did an internship in the legal department of the Yamal Branch of Gazpromtrans LLC.
Under the leadership of the head of the legal department, Bulat Elena Vladimirovna, I took an active part in the work of the legal department itself, namely, I performed such actions as:
- familiarization with the structure of the organization and the work schedule;
- study of legal acts regulating the activities of the organization;
- drawing up additional agreements to contracts;
- Formation of claims to counterparties;
- drawing up a register of concluded contracts;
- preparation of protocols of disagreements to contracts.
Responsibilities of the legal department of the organization:
- checking the compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the draft orders, instructions, regulations and other legal documents submitted for signature to the head of the organization, and also endorse them;
- exercising control over the compliance with the requirements of the legislation of orders and other acts issued by the heads of structural divisions of an enterprise, organization, institution, and takes measures to amend or cancel acts issued in violation of current legislation;
- taking part in the preparation and conclusion of collective agreements, as well as in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen labor discipline at the enterprise, organization, institution;
- organization and conduct of claim work; implementation of methodological guidance of this work, if it is carried out by other divisions of the enterprise;
- representation in the prescribed manner of the interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration, as well as in other bodies when considering legal issues;
- generalization and analysis of the results of consideration of court and arbitration cases and, together with other structural divisions, of the results of consideration of claims, the practice of concluding and executing business contracts; submitting proposals to the head of the enterprise to eliminate the identified deficiencies;
- participation in the preparation of projects, regulations developed by the enterprise;
- giving advice, opinions, information on legal issues arising in the activities of the enterprise;
- providing legal assistance to the local trade union and others public organizations at the enterprise;
The rights of the legal department of the enterprise:
- check the observance of the rule of law in the activities of the structural divisions of the organization;
- receive from officials in the manner prescribed by the organization, documents, certificates, calculations and other information necessary to fulfill their duties;
- involve with the consent of the head structural unit, the head of the organization of workers for the preparation of draft regulations and other documents, as well as for the development and implementation of activities carried out by the legal department, a legal adviser in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to him.

During my internship (specialty Jurisprudence) at the Yamal branch of Gazpromtrans, I got acquainted with the work of a lawyer in the legal department of the organization. I also became aware of the organization of workflow within the department, that is, the work of the office. I studied the structure of the department as a whole and the specific features of the work of each structural unit.
Having studied the theoretical foundations of the activities of a lawyer in the legal department of the organization, I learned to apply them in practice by participating in the work of the department, as well as expressing my logical conclusions on situations to the head of practice.
During the practice, I managed to notice some problems in the work of the legal department of the organization.
A lawyer at the company is in one of the first echelons of responsibility. At the same time, in Russian practice, this status is acquired not due to the importance of legal support for all aspects of the enterprise's activities, but due to the existing "truth" - a lawyer is to some extent responsible for all the problems existing at the enterprise. This situation is due to two reasons. The first, as a rule, is applied to an in-house lawyer after a negative situation arises, and not before it, i.e. remember him only when the problem has already arisen. Obviously, preventing it is much easier than resolving it. So it turns out that when a legal adviser cannot find a way out of an already existing situation, a lawyer is automatically accused of incompetence. The second reason is that the legal department has to solve problems that only partially have a legal component, and which functional departments must solve. Their transfer to the legal service for execution seriously diverts its resources, affects efficiency, which is also the basis for accusing lawyers of incompetence. At the same time, the problem lies not in the literacy level of a lawyer, but in the quality of his management. It turns out that in modern Russian enterprises, the function of full-time lawyers is often reduced to "cleaning up" the work of other divisions of the enterprise, including the head and correcting mistakes made by them.
Another problem is the overload of documentary work, which will take a lot of time and interfere with the work in essence. The way out of this situation is seen in the allocation of places for the position of assistant lawyer.
After solving these problems, the efficiency of the legal department in enterprises will be higher and more efficient.

Practice is a necessary element in educational program any educational institution:

  1. college;
  2. technical school;
  3. university;
  4. institute.

The practice report allows you to assess the depth of the student's knowledge in the chosen specialty, his interest in the profession. The passage of practice is a necessary element of consolidating the theoretical knowledge acquired in an educational institution. Moreover, the place of practice does not matter, because lawyers are needed everywhere, in any company:

  • and in a limited liability company,
  • and in a commercial company,
  • in law enforcement agencies (in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the police (police);
  • and even in the Presidential Administration.

An assistant is needed by lawyers and notaries.

The trainee can independently determine where the practice will take place, or ask for help from the supervisor, who will help with the practice

Let's look at the features of writing a report on practice by law students - they have their own characteristics related to the specifics of the work.

Legal Practice Report: Writing Features

The purpose of the practice is to learn how to apply the knowledge gained in an educational institution in practical activities, the ability to apply the law in the emerging legal relationship. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. study the activities of the enterprise, the organization of the work of the legal department, consider the peculiarities of the state and municipal service;
  2. to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of civil, labor, procedural law in practice;
  3. develop the qualities necessary to work in the position of a legal adviser, learn to manage people using persuasion;
  4. take an active part in the activities of the legal department: draw up statements of claim and responses to them, participate in court hearings, appeal decisions taken, track the progress of execution;
  5. provide legal support for transactions;
  6. assist in the preparation of legal documents.

The base of practice for a law student is determined taking into account the student's specialization. Students choose a place of practice also taking into account their prospects for employment in the profile of the chosen specialty.

But always the practice of a future lawyer is associated with the work of the legal department, legal service or independent work lawyer as a lawyer, notary

The practice allows you to acquire the necessary teamwork skills, to get acquainted with the peculiarities of a lawyer's work. Practice can be industrial (introductory) and pre-diploma.

Practice management at an enterprise can be carried out either directly by the head of the enterprise or by an employee to whom he entrusts it.

According to the unspoken rule, the trainee must fulfill all the instructions of the head, observe discipline, and avoid organizational conflicts.

The employer has the right to establish part-time work for the trainee and a certain level of workload, give his own instructions. But if a student misses at least one day of practice, it must be completed.

Every lawyer should:

  • be able to appeal by types of civil contracts
  • know the specifics of contractual work, including concluding an agreement for the provision of services for a fee, a purchase and sale agreement
  • know the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • be able to apply in practice the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), including distinguishing a legal entity from an individual, be guided by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax, Administrative Codes
  • know the basics of civil and arbitration processes
  • know the conditions for the application of the law "On consumer protection"
  • be able to use electronic legal resources, such as "Consultant Plus", "Garant".

When writing a report, it is better to rely on textbooks, scientific literature, periodicals or their analogs on the Internet (Yurist magazine), but the publication year should be no older than 5 years.

The results of the internship are drawn up in a report and a diary, which is maintained by the trainee independently

The total duration of the internship is determined by the educational institution, usually 4 weeks.

In the introductionthe purpose of the passage and the tasks that need to be solved to achieve it are indicated, the object and subject of research are determined.

In the main part the report is given a brief description of enterprises. The name and organizational and legal form are fully indicated (LLC, IE, DOU, Government agency), last name, first name, patronymic of the head, what constituent document defines his powers. It is necessary:

  1. to uncover organization structure,
  2. determine the conditions for ensuring the company's activities,
  3. describe the functions of departments,
  4. to analyze the directions of the enterprise and its specifics, structure,
  5. indicate links between departments.

It is advisable to indicate the date of creation and achievement. From the point of view of psychology, a detailed study of the enterprise and everything connected with it can positively affect the opinion of the potential employer about the trainee.

In the special part the activity of the department in which the trainee directly worked with the aim of identifying problems on the topic considered in the thesis is considered in order to develop ways to solve them.

In custody summarizes all the conclusions that the trainee made when writing the work, the experience gained, and also indicates the shortcomings in the work of the legal department and suggests ways to solve them.

It is advisable to provide the practice report to the practice manager in advance.

Lawyer's Practice Diary

The diary is the document on the basis of which the student's (student's) practical activity is assessed. The industrial practice diary, together with the report and characteristics, are the student's admission to the exams. The reliability of the completed tasks indicated in it is confirmed by the signature of the head of the practice from the organization, therefore, you need to treat it as in school - responsibly, so as not to redo it later. It is not recommended to download a ready-made diary on student websites on the Internet - requirements educational institutions to the form and content of the diary for practice are different.

The diary must be filled in according to the form approved by the educational institution. It must contain the signatures of the persons who sent the student to practice (from the educational institution) and accepted (from the place of practice)

The practice diary can also contain individual tasks for the leader. The form of the diary can be downloaded from the website of the educational institution.

During the internship at the end of each working day, the trainee must fill out an internship diary, recording the completed assignments. On the Internet, you can download various additional material on the activities of the place of internship, which will be an undoubted plus for work. The practice report can also serve as a basis for thesis student.

The finished practice diary must be signed by the head of the practice from the place of its passing and stamped. The peculiarity of the practice of students studying to become lawyers is the direction of their practical activity - it should be directly related to jurisprudence.

Reporting on practice is submitted to the training department at the place of training.

An example of filling out a diary on the practice of a lawyer



Induction training.

Acquaintance with employees.

Study of regulations, local regulations of the organization

Consideration of the activities of the legal department, functional duties of a lawyer

Study of regulatory framework, consideration of legal documents regulating the activities of the organization

Checking contracts for their compliance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Analysis of an employment contract for compliance with applicable law

Drawing up an order to amend the employment contract

Drawing up a claim in accordance with the law Russian Federationusing information reference legal systems.

Study of information on the case of the recovery of penalties for late delivery

Study of the procedure for organizing personal reception of citizens, representatives of institutions, enterprises, organizations.

Acceptance and registration of documents

Preparation of an information letter to the IFTS about the change of address

Registration of a sales contract

Participation in the processing of submitted documents

Consideration of documentation for procurement under Law No. 44-FZ

Preparation of draft written responses to requests

Together with the economic department, preparation of a certificate of the absence of debt to the counterparty

Drafting a contract, sending it to the other party

Assistance in drawing up documents confirming the right of operational management of property, obtaining permits

Participation in the preparation of a claim for violation of the delivery time of goods

Participation in the court session

Development of a job description for a specialist

Writing a statement of claim

Consideration of issues on the conclusion of an employment contract

Collecting material for the report

Sample reports

Practice report in court

In any university in the learning process, students need to undergo practical training in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge they have acquired and to obtain practical work skills. During the entire period of study, they undergo introductory (educational) and pre-diploma practice. Completion of the internship requires writing a report, which is accompanied by a diary and a description from the place of internship To write a practice report yourself, you need to know the specifics of each practice.

Educational or introductory practice becomes the first test for students. It is taken on the 1st or 2nd year. The goal is to consolidate the general theoretical knowledge gained in the course of study, as well as to get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe chosen specialty. During practice, students are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the work of the enterprise by giving lectures and conducting excursions, as well as to see the work of employees of the chosen specialization.

Internship takes 3-4 course and is the next step in mastering the profession. Trainees are given the opportunity to study the work of the enterprise from the inside under the supervision of a curator, study and analyze the documentation, and collect materials.

Undergraduate practice is an the final stage learning. Based on the information received at the enterprise, it will be necessary. The report on undergraduate practice is often the second chapter of the diploma and is an analysis of the work of the enterprise.

An enterprise performance report must meet the requirements of your institution's internship program (See also:), as a rule, it contains:

- calendar plan;

- a diary;

- characteristics from the place of practice

- introduction;

- the main part;

- conclusion;

- bibliography;

- applications

Title page drawn up according to the sample from the guidelines. The title page contains information about the name of the university, the type of practice (educational, introductory, production, pre-graduation), the topic of practice, specialty, student, leader, place and year of writing.

Sample title page

Calendar plan drawn up in the form of a table, contains data on the type, timing and place of work performed by you at the enterprise. Sometimes included in the diary.

Sample Practice Report Schedule

Practice diary - similar to calendar plan... The diary is the main document, along with the report, according to which the student reports on the implementation of the practice program.

The trainee notes every day what he did or studied today. Decorates everything in the form of a table.

An example of filling out a practice diary

Characteristic from the place of passing industrial, educational or diploma practice should reflect data on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the trainee. About his level vocational training, personal qualities, as well as the work and assignments that the student performed during the visit to the enterprise. And, of course, the recommended grade.

The student should receive a characteristic from his supervisor and attach it to the report. But in practice, the leader shifts this responsibility onto the student.

Sample characteristics from the place of internship

Sample Practice Report Content

Introduction contains:

  • information about the place of internship;
  • its goals and objectives, which are indicated in the guidelines;
  • object and subject of research;
  • appraisal current state research topic;
  • may contain the expected results of the internship.

Introduction example

Main part divided into chapters. Contains theoretical and practical parts. The practical part describes the structure and activities of the enterprise. Analysis is underway. The positive and negative aspects of the work of an enterprise or institution are revealed. All calculations, graphs and tables are provided.

Conclusion written on the basis of the material studied. Contains answers to the tasks set in the introduction. Includes all findings in the main body. You can include an assessment of your own work and give recommendations for improving the performance of the enterprise.

Sample Practice Report Conclusion

Bibliography contains all the sources used in writing the work, including those indicated in. according to guidelines or GOST. It can include the names of documents received from the enterprise, as well as regulatory literature, Internet sources.

Applications include any data that can be referred to when writing the work, in the text of the work. This can be reporting, organizational structure of the enterprise, extracts from legislation, questionnaires, drawings, diagrams, tables. Everything, the documents that you found at the enterprise and which were useful for writing reporting work.

Writing a practice report on your own is very interesting and informative. But if you have any difficulties with writing or you did not manage to pass an internship at an enterprise, you can always turn to our specialists for help and get expert advice.

in the period from "____" ________ 201 to "______" _________201

at Northwestern Institute Russian Academy National economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation

Faculty of Law

Department of Criminal Law

Performed: ____________

1st year master's student, 1752 groups, full-time education, direction 40.04.01 "Jurisprudence", master's program "Criminal law, criminology, criminal-executive law")

"___" _____ 201 (signature) ____________

Practice leader: Shepeleva Svetlana Vitalievna

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

"___" _____ 201 (signature) S.V. Shepeleva

Master's program manager: Spitsnadel Vladimir Borisovich

Doctor of Law, Professor

"___" ______ 201 Spitsnadel VB


St. Petersburg

INTRODUCTION ……………. …………………………………………………… .. 3

MAIN PART …………………………………………………...……. 19

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………. 21



Appendix No. 2 DIARY OF SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE …………………………………….… .. 26




Appendix No. 6 REVIEW ON CONDUCTING THE LESSON WITH STUDENTS WHILE PASSING SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE ................................................................. ... ... ... 56



CHARACTERISTICS ………………………………………………. ……… 70

Report on the passage of scientific and pedagogical practice

This report has been drawn up in accordance with the presented individual plan of scientific and pedagogical practice and an individual assignment for practice.


The purpose scientific and pedagogical practice is the acquisition of skills and abilities to conduct educational, educational and methodological activities, as well as the skills of organizing and performing scientific research work within the framework of training in the magistracy. The skills gained during the NPP will be used in writing a master's thesis.

Place of the NPP - Department of Criminal Law of the Law Faculty of the North-West Institute of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation.

Dates of the practice: ____ - _____201__

The implementation of the tasks of the NPP included the following sections:

Ê educational and methodical work:

1.I have analyzed the State Educational standard Higher Professional Education (GOS VPO) directions 40.04.01 "Jurisprudence". The standard was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2010 No. 1763.

2. The analysis of the educational lecture of the leading teacher of the Department of Criminal Law - candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Shepeleva S.V. (Appendix No. 4)

Ê educational work:

  1. I attended the lecture of the leading teacher of the Department of Criminal Law, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor S.V. Shepeleva. on the topic: "Evidence and proof in criminal proceedings." The lecture was attended by 4th year students of the Faculty of Law as part of the course of lectures "Criminal Procedure Law" (09.02, 12: 10-15: 20, room 106). Also, together with the 4th year students, I attended lectures by teachers of the Department of Criminal Law such as: Epifanov B.V. within the discipline: "Problems of qualifications of crimes in the field economic activity"(08.02, 12: 10-15: 20, room 111), as well as Art. teacher Dronova T.N. within the academic discipline: "Criminality in the system of state and municipal service" (14.02. 8: 30-11: 40, room 106) A review of the lecture by the leading teacher of the department is presented in Appendix No. 4.
  2. I attended the lecture of the leading teacher of the Department of Criminal Law, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor S.V. Shepeleva. "Measures of criminal procedural compulsion". The lecture was attended by 4-year students of the Faculty of International Relations as part of the course of lectures "Criminal Procedure Law" (13.02, 12: 10-15: 20, room 204).
  3. I prepared a lecture on the discipline "Criminal Procedure Law" on the topic: "The activities of the prosecutor at the pre-trial stages of the criminal process." The lecture was prepared for 4th year students of the Faculty of Law. The main theses of the lecture are presented in Appendix No. 5. Using the materials of the lecture, as well as scientific literature on the topic of the master's thesis, a scientific article was written entitled: "On the issue of the activities of the prosecutor at the pre-trial stages of the criminal process." The article is framed in accordance with the necessary requirements; and in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
  4. I was present at the practical lesson of the leading teacher of the Department of Criminal Law, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Shepeleva S.V. "Procedure for the production of investigative actions." The lesson was attended by students from gr. 210 Center for accelerated training within the discipline "Criminal Procedure Law" (20.02, 09: 00-12: 10, room 305). A review of the teacher's practical lesson is presented in Appendix # 7.
  5. I prepared a seminar for 4th year students of the Faculty of International Relations, specialty "Customs" on the topic: "Initiation of a criminal case." (22.02, 12: 10-15: 20, room 208). A plan outline of the course of the practical lesson, as well as situational tasks and test tasks are presented in Appendix No. 8.


Ø Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic established by the head of the NPP - "Actual problems of the participation of the prosecutor at the pre-trial stages of the criminal process." During the period of practice, I have analyzed the following textbooks:

Smirnov, A. V . Criminal process: textbook for universities / A. V. Smirnov, K.B. Kalinovsky; under total. ed. A. V. Smirnova. - M .: KNORUS, 2007 .-- 691c.

Bezlepkin, B. T. Handbook of a lawyer in criminal procedure / B. T. Bezlepkin. - M .: Prospect, 2007 .-- 687 p.

Criminal procedure: lecture notes, materials for seminars, situations and tests: teaching method. allowance / T. G. Nikolaeva [and others]; ed. V.I. Rokhlin. - SPb .: Business-Press, 2004 .-- 247 p.

Danilov, E.P. Lawyer's guide: consultations, defense in court, samples of documents / E.P. Danilov. - M .: Yurayt, 2007 .-- 690 p.

Danilov, E.P. Handbook of a lawyer in criminal cases: practical. allowance / EP Danilov. - M .: Yurayt, 2007 .-- 708 p.

Comparative analysis The content of the manuals was made orally during a conversation with the head of the NPP Shepeleva S.V. at the Department of Criminal Law.

Ø Description of practical tasks in the process of passing the NPP: in accordance with the NPP plan approved by the Department of Criminal Law, I had to do the following:

ü Prepare material for a lecture on the topic: "The activities of the prosecutor at the pre-trial stages of the criminal process." The choice of this topic is explained by its relevance in our time. Since this topic is in the scope of my scientific interests and to one degree or another should be reflected in the master's thesis, in addition to the material already collected on this topic, I analyzed the available information on this issue.

Ø Description of the organization of individual work: before the start of the practice, I together with scientific advisor an individual practice plan was drawn up, which is attached to the report (Appendix No. 1).

Ø The results of the analysis of the conducted classes by teachers and other undergraduates: an analysis of the lecture and seminar classes of Candidate of Law, Associate Professor S.V. Shepeleva is attached to the report. (Appendix # 4, Appendix # 7).


  1. Description of skills and abilities acquired in practice.

In the course of my practice, I studied a large number of sources of literature necessary for me to write my master's thesis. It was also useful to analyze the textbooks on criminal procedure currently used in Russian universities.

Analysis of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, direction 40.04.01 "Jurisprudence" is of practical importance for me. it important knowledge for each undergraduate, as they give a complete picture of master's programs, the importance of obtaining a degree "Master of Laws". This document has a clear description of the structure of the program, the scope of acquired knowledge, professional skills.

Preparing a lecture for 4th year students of the Faculty of Law allowed me to study in more detail the activities of the prosecutor at the pre-trial stages of the criminal process. It is necessary and useful for writing a dissertation. Attending a lecture by a teacher, of course, gave me the practical experience necessary for conducting a lecture, analyzing lecture material.

Preparing and conducting a practical lesson for the 4th year students of the Faculty of International Relations of the specialty "Customs" allowed me to deepen my knowledge not only on the topic of the seminar, but also to instill pedagogical skills.

  1. Proposals for improving the organization of educational, methodological and educational work.

It is not easy to offer anything specific. But it is quite appropriate to note that I remain satisfied with the work of the department with undergraduates. The Department of Criminal Law gives great opportunities to its students and is always ready for cooperation.

  1. Individual conclusions about the practical significance of the conducted scientific and pedagogical research.

During the internship, the experience gained is very important for my research work. Having studied the SES VPO standard in the direction 40.04.01 "Jurisprudence", I began to present much better the program according to which I study, the quality of knowledge that I receive, and the importance of a master's degree in jurisprudence. I had the opportunity to attend the lectures of the leading teachers of the department, to follow how the teacher presents the topic of the lecture, how he keeps and keeps the attention and interest of students.


  1. Bezlepkin, B. T.Criminal procedure in Russia: tutorial / B. T. Bezlepkin. - M .: KNORUS, 2006 .-- 487 p.
  2. Bessarabov, V.G.European standards for ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian criminal process / V.G.Bessarabov, E.V. Bykova, L.A. Kurochkina. - M .: Yurlitinform, 2005 .-- 229 p.
  3. Gavrilov, B.On the issue of provocation of crimes (taking into account the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights) / B. K. Gavrilov, S. Bozhenok // Russian Justice. 2006. no. 5.P. 44-50.
  4. Danshina, L. I.Initiation of a criminal case and preliminary investigation in the criminal process of Russia: a tutorial / L. I. Danshina. - M .: Exam, 2003.S. 20-28.
  5. Kozubenko, Yu. V.Criminal prosecution: the experience of a comprehensive study / Yu. V. Kozubenko. - SPb .: Publishing house of R. Aslanov “Yurid. Center Press ", 2006. S. 74-129.
  6. Korotkov, A.P.Prosecutorial and investigative practice of the application of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation: comment / A. P. Korotkov, A. V. Timofeev. - M .: EXAMEN, 2006.S. 300-323.
  7. Kudryavtseva, E.P.Judicial practice in criminal cases / E.P. Kudryavtseva, O. V. Naumenko, S. A. Razumov; under total. ed. V. M. Lebedeva. - M .: Jurid. Programs, 2005.S. 235-240.
  8. Scientific and practical commentary to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation / VK Bobrov [and others]; under total. ed. V. M. Lebedeva; scientific. ed. V.P.Bozhiev. - M .: Yurayt, 2007.S. 441-448.
  9. Nekrasov, S.V.Legal issues of initiation of a criminal case and preliminary investigation: study guide. allowance / S. V. Nekrasov, T. P. Kesareeva. - M .: Jurlitinform, 2006.S. 4-9.
  10. Smirnov, A. V.Criminal procedure: textbook for universities / A. V. Smirnov, K. B. Kalinovsky; under total. ed. A. V. Smirnova. - M .: KNORUS, 2007.S. 308-335.
  11. Criminal procedure law of the Russian Federation: textbook / LN Bashkatov [and others]; otv. ed. I. L. Petrukhin. - M .: Prospect, 2007.S. 316-326.
  12. The Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2001 No. 174-FZ (with the latest amendments and additions). - M., 2008. Art. 140-149.


1st year master's student, group 1752, full-time education, direction 030900.68 "Jurisprudence", master's program: "Criminal law, criminology, criminal executive law"

FULL NAME.: ______________________________________________

Practice manager, full name Shepeleva Svetlana Vitalievna _____________________

1. Terms of internship: 08.02 - 01.03.2012

2. Place of passage: department of Criminal Law Northwestern Institute management of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation

3. Plan of scientific and pedagogical practice:

Stage No. Event Deadlines Reporting form
Educational and methodical work
Study of the structure and content of SES HPE in the direction 030900 "Jurisprudence" 08-10.02. 2012 r. Analysis of SES VPO
Academic work
Preparation of a lecture on the topic: "The activities of the prosecutor at the pre-trial stages of the criminal process" for 4th year students of the Faculty of Law 13-17.02. 2012 r. Lecture text
Conducting a seminar on the course "Criminal Procedure Law" on the topic: "Initiation of a criminal case" for 4th year students of the faculty International relationships, specialty "Customs". 20-24.02. 2012 r. Seminar plan, tasks, tests.
Organizational and educational work
Participation in 2 seminars. Discussion with students of the topic: "Actual problems of the prosecutor's activities at the pre-trial stages of the criminal process." 27-29.02. 2012 r. Consultation.

Master's signature _____________________________________________ ____________

Signature of the head of practice ___________________________________ S.V. Shepeleva


Legal lecture hall

"International conventions for the protection of citizens' rights"

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kostroma "Lyceum No. 17"

1. Project annotation

2. Introduction (identifying problems for project implementation)

3. Purpose, tasks of the Project

4. Strategy for achieving the set goals and objectives

5. Expected results and their practical significance

6. Conclusion

1. Project annotation

Modern society with reforms in almost all spheres of Russian society and the state is carried out on the basis of the thesis of the highest value of a person, his rights and freedoms, enshrined in Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This attitude is supported by the fact that not only

recognition, compliance, but also protection are the responsibility of the Russian state. One of the relevant areas of modern political science is the search for the causes and factors influencing the emergence and development of new political institutions and, in particular, a political institution, which until the 60s of the last century existed only in two Scandinavian countries, and then quickly spread almost throughout the entire planet - the institution of the ombudsman

The project is intended for high school students of Lyceum No. 17, those who are interested in the formation of the rule of law in the Russian Federation.

The project examines the issues of the formation of the institution of the Ombudsman in the Russian Federation, its structural elements in the Kostroma region and Kostroma.

2. Identifying the problem for project implementation

In its classical form, the institution of the ombudsman, as the ombudsmen in Europe and the world are called, was created in 1809 in Sweden. After the Second World War, it underwent a powerful development. It was at this time that important international legal instruments in the field of human rights were adopted. In particular, on December 10, 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted. This date, which is celebrated by the whole world, has become Human Rights Day. Today, more than a hundred countries around the world have human rights ombudsmen. The experience of their work in the countries of Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, etc.) shows that the creation of such structures in most cases ensures the filling of the missing link in relations between the state power and the population, contributes to the construction of a democratic rule of law, the development of the legal consciousness of citizens and officials. persons.

The post of the Commissioner for Human Rights was established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993. Prior to the adoption of the relevant law on January 17, 1994, the State Duma appointed the Commissioner for Human Rights. On March 10, 1995, he was dismissed from his post. The Federal Constitutional Law "On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation" was adopted The State Duma April 17, 1996 and sent to the Federation Council, which rejected it. The main requirement of the Federation Council was that the right of the Commissioner to create representative offices in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was replaced by the right of the constituent entities to establish a similar position themselves, financed from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

After the approval procedures, the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation" was adopted by the State Duma on December 25, 1996, approved by the Federation Council on February 12, 1997, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on February 26, 1997, and officially published on March 4, 1997. by virtue of. He defined the status of the Commissioner, his competence, the procedure for appointment and dismissal from office, thereby implementing the requirements of paragraph "e" of part 1 of Article 103 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Federal Constitutional Law established that the Ombudsman in the exercise of his powers is independent and not accountable to any government bodies and officials.

The institution of the Ombudsman is called upon to promote the establishment in society of such a system of values, when the rights of the individual, human rights are prioritized in solving the entire complex of social problems. This value priority today is still very weak and for the most part declarative - in comparison with the traditional for Russia collective values \u200b\u200band notions of state expediency, which are still guided by representatives of the authorities. The position of the ombudsman for human rights is enshrined in the Constitution of Russia, but this institution received more detailed regulation in the federal constitutional law "On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation", which was adopted on December 25, 1996. The State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The problem that this project should solve is to contribute to the expansion of knowledge about the ombudsman institution among high school students and to involve them in active legal education. junior schoolchildren.

3. Goal, tasks of the Project

The purpose of the Project is the creation of an information legal space for students of Lyceum No. 17, the formation of an active life position among students.

Project Objectives

To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

· Creating a web page on the school site

Organization of a legal lecture hall for junior schoolchildren

Creation of an information forum among high school students

4. Strategy for achieving the set goals and objectives

Work on the implementation of the program is planned in the following areas:

Clarification of legal rules for students

Application of the acquired knowledge in practice




The presented result

Questioning students in grades 10-11, on the knowledge of civil society institutions and international legal documents on human rights.

About 10-B. social studies teacher

September 2013

Analytical reference

Studying the experience of legal education and organization of lectures in others educational institutions... on the organization of a legal lecture hall.

Skvortsov stories

October 2013

Testing experience in parallel 9th \u200b\u200bgrade

Creation of a lecture group of 10th grade students

history teacher

October 2013

Thematic planning year-round lecture hall on law

Organization of a year-round lecture hall for students of 5-8 grades. "International conventions for the protection of citizens' rights"

Lecturer group

November 2013

Speech at the school day of science with the theme "The birth of the institution of ombudsmen in the Russian Federation as a stage on the way to the rule of law"

February 2014

Video on the topic of the speech

Participation in the competition of research projects "Step into the future" with the theme "The birth of the institution of ombudsmen in the Russian Federation as a stage on the way to the rule of law"

February 2014

Information brochures

Participation in the city Science Day with the theme "The birth of the institution of ombudsmen in the Russian Federation as a stage on the way to the rule of law"

5. Expected results of project implementation

· Creation of information - electronic resources taking into account age characteristics

Showing interest in the legal norms of the state

· Generalization and dissemination of the accumulated experience.

· Formation of an active life position among school graduates through participation in legal Olympiads and competitions.


The first results of the work of the institution of the Commissioner indicate that the protection of the rights of citizens needs assistance from civil society. To draw attention to this or that problem requires daily, painstaking work not only of specialists - professionals, but also of the public and, of course, an increase in the level of legal consciousness of citizens, starting from school age, because it is we who will decide the fate of millions of people in the future and, of course, the degree of positiveness of actions will depend precisely on the level of legal consciousness or the absence of such at all.