According to the agreement. According to the additional agreement

Open any dictionary (explanatory, spelling - it doesn't matter), find a dictionary entry on the contract. Right behind the form singular in brackets there is a note: "pl., -s". This mark is limited to this. And it means that in plural there can only be the ending "-ы".

Learning Russian begins for us from the first grade comprehensive school and never ends. Almost every person (regardless of his literacy level) often experiences embarrassing and dubious situations when he does not know or is not sure whether he wrote a word correctly, put a punctuation mark, whether all the stress is in place in his oral speech, etc. This is completely normal.

How to write correctly according to an agreement or contract

The construction "according to the contract", that is, the use of the preposition "according to" with a noun in the genitive case, indicates the official business speech of the 19th century, that is, it is clericalism. In modern official business communication, this use is incorrect.

The Russian language is variable. There are times when it is possible to spell the same word in different ways (directors or directors and cakes or cakes). Unfortunately, the word is often used by the broad masses of people completely incorrectly, because it has the only correct pronunciation or spelling. But it is also possible that the special use of the word indicates, for example, an outdated spelling, the rules have already changed since then, because our language is constantly being updated, adjusting to our life.

Hot Questions

Correctly: in Moscow; in Moscow, in the city of Moscow (the last two options should be characterized as specific clerical, that is, used mainly in official business speech). Options in Moscow, in Moscow do not correspond to the literary norm.

Note that in school, the second part of the rule (that for verbs with stressed personal endings, the type of conjugation is determined by the endings) is often omitted, since it is necessary to determine the type of conjugation in order to correctly write unstressed personal endings. If the personal endings are stressed, then they do not cause any difficulties in writing, and therefore, you do not need to think about what type of conjugation the verb belongs to.

How to spell the phrase correctly - according to the agreement or agreement

In this phrase, the word according to it acts as a preposition, not an adverb, and for prepositions in the Russian language there are rather strict rules for their use with various forms of indirect cases of nouns. In particular, the preposition According should be used exclusively with dative nouns. Thus, we only need to inflect the words Contract and Order and find the dative case form, which should be used together with this preposition.

Look for meaning in why pr. according to requires the dative case for a noun, don't. There are phenomena in the language that do not obey logic. Incorrect, but common habit of putting a word in genitive - as illogical as correct use of the dative, you should come to terms with this and memorize: according to the contract at.

Useful tips: how to correctly draw up a supplementary agreement to the contract

  • The supplementary agreement, like the main agreement to which it refers, in its structure, has the same form, but still contains several differences. It should be assigned its own number, as well as the date when it was drawn up.
  • It is necessary to clarify to which contract directly, from what date this contract, this document must apply. Information on these items should be spelled out in the title.
  • In the introduction, the parties who entered into the supplementary agreement should be named.
  • The parties are obliged to be identical in relation to the main contract. To avoid friction, it is advisable to indicate all information in full: surname, name, patronymic; passport data; names of legal entities; organizational and legal form, etc.
  • The clauses of the main contract that are not subject to changes do not need to be rewritten. If it is necessary to make adjustments to the main contract, start the paragraph with the words: "Explain paragraph No. 20 in the subsequent edition." After that, you need to write down the specified paragraph in a new statement.
  • Make additions if necessary.
  • Add section (item) item (sub-item) ". This clause (sub-clause) must be written in full as when drawing up the contract itself. If you need to exclude a clause from the main contract, it will be enough to name its serial number and give its full quote.

If possible, do not complicate the side agreement with complex sentences and phrases that can cause friction. The style of presentation should be as simple as possible in order to facilitate the determination of the subject matter of the parties' agreements. But important points should not be missed, relying on logical conclusions from what is written by the parties.

According to the additional agreement

Faced with this - add. agreement to the contract on the transfer to a part-time working day (for example 4 hours) with payment according to the hours worked. then an order is drawn up for the company to transfer to such a schedule. ... that's all. but this was done for each employee separately.

If they give up their property (that is, the car) in favor of the insurer, then they will take it away and pay the full cost, excluding depreciation under the hull insurance st. 10, Law of the Russian Federation of 27.11.1992 N 4015-1 (as amended on 25.12.2012) "On the organization of insurance in Russian Federation". If you leave the car then the comprehensive insurance is considered wear and tear, that is, not the full cost of the insurance is paid. And you can remove what you want from it (except for the body and trim, that is, the standard equipment).

According to the agreement

International financial aid - (International financial assistance) International financial assistance is assistance that is provided to states subject to certain economic conditions. International financial assistance to the state is provided for development ... ... Investor encyclopedia

US INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION - UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION USITC An independent US agency that performs research, reports and recommendations on international trade and tariffs for the President, Congress and other government ... ... Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance

According to additional agreement or additional agreement

ON THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN THE NORTHERN PART OF CYPRUS in relation to the execution of commercial transactions and the acquisition of real estate located in the northern part of the island, it should be borne in mind that, to this day, the Greek Cypriots have the right to own a significant share of the real estate located in the north of Cyprus, which in turn is the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus supported. Contracts with property, as well as investments in real estate plots, performed without taking into account the legal presence property rights Greek Cypriot owners can apply large fines, as well as lengthy and legal proceedings, up to the deprivation of liberty.

This spring, one of the largest metallurgical enterprises will start operating in the DPR, on the foundation of which Donbass arose. Under the conditions of the blockade and military conflict, the restoration of any production is already an achievement, while this plant is far from the only one. How is industry reviving in the DPR and how do factories manage to trade with Ukraine and export products? Donetsk people's republic plans to open Yuzovsky this spring metallurgical plant, according to the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the DPR, reports Donetsk News Agency.

Additional agreement to the contract under 44-FZ sample

  1. The possibility of changing individual clauses of the contract was foreseen in advance and spelled out in the procurement documentation.
  2. When the price of a contract entered into to meet federal needs for a period of at least three years exceeds the price set by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the fulfillment of obligations is impossible without adjusting the conditions for reasons beyond the control of the parties.
  3. If the price of an agreement concluded for a period equal to or exceeding three years, in order to meet the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exceeds the threshold determined by the Government of the country. In this case, the fulfillment of obligations becomes impossible due to circumstances that do not depend on the parties. In this case, adjustments can be made with the permission of state authorities.
  4. If the price of a contract concluded for a period of at least a year to meet the needs of the municipality exceeds the maximum threshold established by the Government of the Russian Federation and the performance of the relationship is impossible, then individual clauses of the contract may be changed as determined by the local administration.
  5. Making adjustments to prices or tariffs set in accordance with the laws of our country.
  6. In the situations established by clause 6 of Article 161 of the Budget Code of Russia, with a reduction in the budgetary commitments limits previously provided to the customer. In this case, the customer is obliged to agree on the new terms of the contract.
  7. If the contract is concluded with a foreign company and concerns the provision of medical services to a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of his native country, then the price of the contract may be adjusted when the list of necessary services changes, which is caused by the patient's well-being.
  8. When purchasing from a single supplier, it is allowed to change the price of the contract without adjusting the amount of purchased goods or services. The number of purchased goods can vary within 10% of the original indicator.

Sometimes contracts concluded under 44-FZ require adjustments. This is done by mutual agreement of both parties. It is necessary to draw up such amendments with the help of a well-drafted supplementary agreement to the contract. The main thing is to remember the rules for drawing up such a document and the cases in which it will have legal force.

Appendix to the contract, supplementary agreement and protocol of disagreements

One of such methods of "mining" is considered to be the separation of requirements in the text of the documentation. For example, in the documentation, the requirements for the performance of services are one, and in the draft contract, others. Moreover, in the documentation itself, the requirements are detailed in detail, and in the annex to the contract, the terms of reference are reduced to 1-2 pages. At the same time, the participant, having read the terms of reference in the part of the documentation, being frightened of such volumes and the Customer's exactingness to perform work, may stop analyzing the documentation further and decide not to participate.

When submitting an application for participation in the tender, the participant in the placement of the order agrees with all the terms of the tender, including all the provisions of the draft state contract, in which, based on the results of the tender, only the price of the contract and, in the event of a tender, other conditions for its execution, which were the subject of estimates. Therefore, the direction of the winner of the auction to the customer of disagreements on the state contract can be regarded as evasion from signing it, which is the basis for including the relevant supplier in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

25 Jul 2018 4371

Documents that supplement, clarify, change the contractual terms in the process of preparing the contract for conclusion or in the process of fulfilling obligations can be divided into several types:

  • annex to the contract;
  • supplementary agreement;
  • protocol of disagreements;
  • dispute reconciliation protocol.

To avoid confusion, we will analyze the main differences between the listed documents and determine the specifics of their design. And also consider the possibility of using these documents within the framework of Federal Law No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ) and in general in procurement activities.


Annex to the contract is a document that clarifies or discloses in more detail the content of the contractual terms. Suppose that the contract names only the subject of the work to be performed, and in the annex to the contract, a technical task of an already expanded content is given or a specification is given that lists both the types of work and their cost.

The application is drawn up on one or more sheets, which will become an integral part of the contract. The registration of the introductory part of the document must begin with the indication of the title ("Appendix") and its serial number. A reference to the contract itself, its number and date of drawing up is obligatory.

Next, you should title the main part of the document, based on its content. In the final part of the application, you must specify the details of the counterparties. They, along with a reference to the number and date of the contract, are important factors confirming that the document belongs to the main contract.

There are also places for signatures of authorized persons of each of the parties, indicating the positions held, surnames and initials. The application must be signed simultaneously with the conclusion of the contract. Otherwise, if such a document is drawn up later, an additional agreement to the contract should be drawn up, and not an annex.

Application within procurement

Today, the concept of “ mined documentation". Documentation is considered to be "mined" if it misleads the participant in the placement of the order (hereinafter URZ), and when reading it diagonally it is very difficult to notice important points.

One of such methods of "mining" is considered to be the separation of requirements in the text of the documentation. For example, in the documentation, the requirements for the performance of services are one, and in the draft contract, others. Moreover, in the documentation itself, the requirements are detailed in detail, and in the annex to the contract, the terms of reference are reduced to 1-2 pages. At the same time, the participant, having read the terms of reference in the part of the documentation, being frightened of such volumes and the Customer's exactingness to perform work, may stop analyzing the documentation further and decide not to participate.

It is important that after the conclusion of the contract, the main document for both parties is precisely the contract with all integral annexes. And all other conditions reflected in the documentation, notice, etc., but not included in the contract, are no longer significant for the parties.

The contractor needs to be guided by the draft contract. Procurement rules are the rules for selecting a Supplier, and there is no need to perform documentation work.

Supplementary agreement

An additional agreement, unlike an application, is drawn up to an already concluded agreement. Consequently, supplementary agreement is a document that makes changes to an existing and previously signed agreement. When initially agreeing on the terms of the agreement, it is incorrect to draw up additional agreements, since the agreement itself does not yet exist.

In addition, an additional agreement may have as its purpose the expansion of the terms of the agreement, the extension of its validity, etc. Moreover, this document always indicates from what moment (in the form of a specific date or the wording "from the moment of signing") it begins to operate. Until then, the original wording of the treaty is valid.

When making additional agreements, the following rules should be observed:

  1. To take the preamble from the agreement, replacing the words “have entered into this agreement” with the words “have entered into this additional agreement”;
  2. Seal the additional agreement with the signatures and seals of the parties, indicate the term of the additional agreement.

If you make changes (additions) to the agreement with your additional agreement, then, in order to avoid further misunderstandings and discrepancies, it is most advisable to arrange it as follows:

  1. 1. State p ... of the agreement in the following edition:
  2. "__. ____________________ "(and write a new version of this paragraph);
  3. 2. Clause ___ (in clause ___ the words "___") should be excluded from the text of the agreement;
  4. 3. Supplement the text of the agreement with clause ___ as follows:
  5. «__. ____________________».
  6. 4. Modify Appendix No. ___ to the Agreement and adopt it in a new version in accordance with Appendix No. ___ to this Supplementary Agreement No. ___.
  7. 5. Supplement the Agreement with Appendix No. ___ "_________________", and adopt it as amended in accordance with Appendix No. ___ to this Supplementary Agreement No. ___.

Additional agreement within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ

In the practice of tender procedures, there is often a need to conclude an additional agreement to the contract. Changes to the terms of the contract are regulated by h.h. 1-7 st. 95 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Note that the beginning of Part 1 of Art. 95 of the new Law may raise questions, since it says: "Changes in the essential conditions of the contract during its execution are not allowed, except for their changes by agreement of the parties in the following cases ...", while the concept of "essential conditions" is not disclosed either in this norm, nor in any other norm of Law No. 44-FZ. We believe that this concept should be applied in the sense in which it is given in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, on which, among other things, we recall, Law No. 44-FZ is based.

Let's consider the main conditions under which it is possible to make changes to an already concluded contract:

  1. 1. Protocol of disagreements within the framework of the auction. The winner of the electronic auction, with whom the contract is concluded, has the right to send the protocol of disagreements to the state contract to the customer using the functionality of the personal account on the electronic platform.

    The protocol of disagreements to the contract will be signed electronically in personal accounttherefore there is no need to send the signed and scanned document to the customer. In the current edition of Law No. 44-FZ, there are no restrictions on the number of these protocols that can be posted by the winner of an electronic auction. The deadline for their submission is 13 days from the date of placement in a single information system minutes of consideration of applications.

    However, officials of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia have prepared a draft amendment to the Law on the Contract System. In particular, they propose to add a rule according to which the winner of an electronic auction will be able to submit no more than one protocol of disagreements.

    The authors of the project propose to change part 4 of Article 70 of Law No. 44-FZ. It will establish that the protocol of disagreements cannot be sent more than once and later than 5 days from the date the customer places the draft contract. Accordingly, the 13-day period will be excluded from the text of the law.

  2. 2. Minutes of disagreements within the framework of a tender or request for quotations. The winner of the tender has no right to send a protocol of disagreements to the customer. The sending by the winner of the tender to the customer of disagreements on the state contract can be regarded as evasion from signing it.

    When submitting an application for participation in the tender, the participant in the placement of the order agrees with all the terms of the tender, including all the provisions of the draft state contract, in which, based on the results of the tender, only the price of the contract and, in the event of a tender, other conditions for its execution, which were the subject of estimates. Therefore, the direction of the winner of the auction to the customer of disagreements on the state contract can be regarded as evasion from signing it, which is the basis for including the relevant supplier in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

  3. In total, the possibility of submitting a protocol of disagreements by Law No. 44-FZ is established only for holding an auction in electronic form.

    Dispute Reconciliation Protocol

    The party that received the protocol of disagreements shall sign it in case of agreement with the new edition. As a result, the corresponding condition of the agreement will be valid in the version of the protocol of disagreements, and not the agreement. However, it is likely that some of the proposed conditions may not suit the counterparty. In this case, a protocol of agreement (settlement) of differences is drawn up for the protocol of disagreements.

    This document is drawn up by analogy with the protocol of disagreements with the addition of a column "Agreed edition", in which the controversial condition is written, taking into account the requirements of both parties. At the same time, a note is made in the initial protocol of disagreements "With the protocol of reconciliation of differences".

    If, even after drawing up the protocol for agreeing disagreements, the parties cannot come to a common opinion, then we can offer two options for further actions: either draw up a new text of the agreement and start all over again, or look for a new counterparty. And although in practice there are protocols of disagreements No. 2 on protocols of agreement of disagreements, in order to avoid unnecessary paperwork, it is more logical to use the first option of the proposed actions.

    It is advisable to send a draft agreement, a protocol of disagreements and a protocol for agreeing disagreements with covering letters, which should contain a proposal to sign the documents being sent. The letter may also indicate the period for considering this issue.

    All reviewed documents on the agreement of contractual terms allow the parties to reduce their risks and bring the controversial terms of the contract to a “common denominator”. Use all methods of resolving disagreements that arise both during the conclusion of the contract and during its execution. How do you go out in practice, paraphrasing the well-known saying, "A contract is more valuable than money!"

(4.85 - rated by 27 people)

Hello! With the arrival of a new leader in our medical institution, changes inevitably followed. One of the first is the rule of greeting patients, namely: "Hello" is not allowed. And depending on the time of day, the greeting "good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening" is entered. Accordingly, the question arose: until what time is it morning to speak, until which is the day, etc. Perhaps my question will make an absurd impression, but for us it is very serious, since violations will be punished financially. Thank you! Best regards, Rybakina Marina.

Good evening! From what time should you say "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening"?

Russian language help desk response

We have sent your question to the consultant of our portal - Ph. Philol. n. Leading Researcher at the Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov RAS O. I. Severskaya. Here is her recommendation.

According to an unspoken agreement, the morning lasts until 11 o'clock, the evening begins at 4 pm, and after 10 pm it is customary to wish good night.

How is it correct? Any changes to the agreement (changes to the agreement, changes to the agreement) are valid if submitted in writing and signed by both parties.

Russian language help desk response

Correct: any changes to the agreement are valid ...

Question No. 276028

Is it correct to say "unilateral truce" and "Poroshenko declared a truce" (when the negotiations had not yet begun)? In my opinion, here it is necessary to talk about the suspension of fire, because a truce requires the participation of two (or more) warring parties.

Russian language help desk response

Your remark is correct. Here's how to explain the meaning of the word truce “Big dictionary Russian language "ed. SA Kuznetsova: "a temporary cessation of hostilities by agreement of the belligerents." In other words, if there is no agreement between the parties, it may not be about an armistice, but about a suspension of fire by one of the parties.

Please tell me in the sentence "According to the signed agreement, work to begin ..." if a comma is needed after the word "agreement". Many thanks!

Russian language help desk response

The comma is optional (optional), the decision on its setting is made by the author of the text. Please note: will begin (no soft sign).

Hello! Please tell me if a comma is needed after the word "agreement" in the sentence: "According to the signed agreement, company X will deal with the following categories of products manufactured by company Y: ...". Thank!

Russian language help desk response

The comma is optional (optional).

At the moment, work is underway to determine the cost and timing of issuing documentation for the allocation of an additional priority stage, in connection with the construction of a new facility ....
Do you need a comma before "in connection"?
Correction of the working documentation in terms of replacing the outer fence made of reinforced concrete slabs with a fence made of profiled sheet is possible by additional agreement. Are commas needed here?

Russian language help desk response

No commas are needed.

Is it for you to agree on pronouns? Example: “Attached to the letter you will find our written objections to the claim, along with the proposals for a settlement that we ask you to comment on.” “Which” refers only to proposals for an amicable agreement, or also to the defense? In other words, we were asked to comment only on the settlement agreement, or on the written objections as well? Best regards, Grigory

Russian language help desk response

This sentence can be understood in two ways.

Question No. 231650

The following operations are recognized as objects of taxation: the sale of goods (work, services) in the territory of the Russian Federation, including the sale of pledged items and the transfer of goods (results of work performed, the provision of services) under an agreement on the granting of compensation or novation, as well as the transfer of property rights. Please tell me in this sentence: "the sale of goods ...., And also ..." - is an SPP (complex subordinate sentence) or "and also ..." - is a continuation of "including ...".

Russian language help desk response

This is not a SPP, since _and also_ is not a subordinate, but a compositional union. As for the question of what exactly the words _and also the transfer of property rights_ refer to, it is difficult for linguists to answer it: the sentence structure allows both interpretations. In our opinion, homogeneous members are as follows: _the sale of goods (works, services) on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the transfer of property rights_. Pages: 2 last

The procedure for concluding additional agreements to the contract

Art. 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility to change a previously concluded agreement subject to the consent of both parties. The subject matter and terms of the contract, other parameters that are important for contractors may change. You can read about the peculiarities of the agreement on the extension of the term of the contract in the article "Additional agreement on the extension of the term of the agreement."

Part 1 of Art. 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation makes it clear that an agreement on amending the agreement is also an agreement. Thus, the procedure for signing an additional agreement corresponds to the rules on negotiations, offer and acceptance (Articles 434.1-443 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The initiator sends the developed document to the partner with a description of the reason for making changes and a request to consider and sign the agreement.

The counterparty gets acquainted with the document and, if the proposed conditions suit him, signs an agreement. If he agrees to the change, but on different conditions, he makes his own amendments to the agreement and sends them for consideration to the initiator of the amendment to the agreement (amendments to the agreement can be drawn up by drawing up a new draft agreement or a protocol of disagreements). In case of disagreement with the introduction of changes to the original contract, the counterparty responds with a letter of refusal, but he has the right to simply remain silent (it is appropriate when such silence is not an acceptance).

If a compromise is not reached, the dispute, if there are legal grounds for that, may be referred to the court.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following reasons for judicial changes to the contract:

  • a significant violation of the obligations of one of the parties (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • another case, directly spelled out in the contract, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other laws (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • a significant change in circumstances (Article 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Add. agreement on changing the terms of the agreement: sample of changes to the agreement, sample of changing the clause of the agreement

The legislator did not provide for a specific form for additional agreements, therefore, based on the current practice, the following mandatory attributes can be distinguished:

  • name of the document, for example: "Additional agreement No. ___ to contract No. ___ date";
  • the name of the partners who conclude it, indicating the position and powers of the signatories;
  • the essence of the edits made to the document;
  • the effective date of the amendments;
  • details and signatures.

There are 2 main options for describing the changes:

  • Briefly indicate the essence of the amendments, for example: "Extend the contract until ...". The filling option can be viewed here: Additional agreement on changing the terms of the contract - sample.
  • Accept the new version of the contract or its part. An example of such an agreement can be found at the link: Add. agreement on changing the clause of the contract - sample.

Thus, the side agreement is one of the main tools in the arsenal of the practicing contract lawyer. It can be concluded either by reaching an agreement, or in court (when there are grounds for bringing the dispute to court).

\u003e Additional agreement on changing the terms of the contract sample 2018 free download sample form sample form

Additional agreement on changing the terms of the contract sample 2018 free download sample form sample form

N _____ from "__" _________ _____

__________ "___" ________ ____

This agreement is concluded between the parties to the sale and purchase agreement No. _____ dated "__" _____ ____ (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement") in ___ copies having the same legal force, _____ for each of the parties.

We name__ hereinafter the Seller, represented by ___________________________, (position, surname, name, patronymic) acting ___ on the basis of ______________________________, (Charter, regulations, power of attorney) on the one hand, and ________________________________, we refer to__ hereinafter

The buyer, represented by ____________________________, (position, surname, name, patronymic) acting ___ on the basis of ___________________________, (Charter, regulations, power of attorney)

on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. In connection with __________________________________ (indicate the reasons that led to the change in the agreement), the parties that entered into the agreement from "___" _________ _____ on _________________

2. Clause ____ of the agreement shall be amended as follows: "_____________________________________".

3. In clause ___ of the agreement between the words "______________" and "____________" include the words: "______________________".

4. To exclude clause ________ of the agreement from the text, accordingly changing the numbering of the clauses of the agreement.

5. The text of the agreement should be supplemented with clause __________, stating it as follows: "_______________________".

6. Obligations of the parties, amended by this agreement, for execution

which the parties have already commenced shall be enforceable as follows: _______________________. (indicate in what order and how to continue their execution)

7. This additional agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the parties.

8. This supplementary agreement is an integral part of the agreement No. ______ dated "___" _________ ____, between the parties, and all issues related to it, the parties to the agreement will be resolved pursuant to and in accordance with the rules and provisions of the amended agreement.

9. Details of the parties:

Seller: __________________ (full name)

The address: _____________________

Postal address and postal code: _________________________

TIN: _________

Current account N ________________

in the bank ______________________

Corr. account N _______________________

BIC: _____________________________

Phone fax: ___________________________

Buyer: _____________________________ (full name)

The address: _____________________

Postal address and postal code: _______________

TIN: ______________

Current account N ________________________

in the bank ______________

Corr. account N _____________________

BIC: ____________________

Phone fax: _________________________




________________________ __________________

(position of the head) (signature) (full name)

No. 3 on amendments and additions to the terms of the purchase and sale agreement No. 453 dated January 11, 2018.

This agreement is concluded between the parties to the sale and purchase agreement No. 453 dated January 11, 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the “agreement”) in duplicate, having the same legal force, one for each of the parties.

ZhilTorg LLC, hereinafter referred to as

Seller represented by general director Zolotarev Artem Pavlovich, acting on the basis of the charter of LLC dated 11.02.2001, on the one hand, and LLC CosmeticsGroup, hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, represented by General Director Poddubny Fedor Arkadievich, acting on the basis of the charter of LLC dated 05.10.2007. , on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. In connection with the renaming of st. Kaluzhskaya in st. V. Vysotsky, and according to the agreement reached, the parties that entered into agreement No. 453 dated January 11, 2018 on the purchase and sale of an apartment (hereinafter referred to as the "parties"), agreed on the introduction of the following amendments and additions to the above-mentioned agreement No. 453.

2. Clause 1.4. of the agreement shall be stated as follows: “The Seller undertakes to transfer into the ownership of the Buyer on the terms of the agreement and for the fee set by him, apartment No. 3 on the street. V. Vysotsky, St. Petersburg ".

3. In clause 3.5 of the agreement between the words "Buyer" and "transfers" to include the words: "within 30 calendar days".

4. Clause 5.1. to exclude the agreement from the text, accordingly changing the numbering of the clauses of the agreement.

5. The text of the agreement should be supplemented with clause 6.2.4., Stating it as follows: “In the event of disputes between the parties concerning the subject of the agreement, they must take measures to resolve the differences on a voluntary basis. If it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties, the dispute shall be referred to the court. "

6. The obligations of the parties, amended by this agreement, which the parties have already begun to fulfill, are subject to fulfillment as follows: the part of the amount not paid by the Buyer is distributed for the period indicated by the additional agreement and transferred to the Seller's account according to the approved payment scheme. (indicate in what order and how to continue their execution)

In oral speech or writing, you may have come across various cases of nouns after the derivative preposition "according to". One of the most common examples is "according to agreement / contract". Everything is complicated by the fact that such a phrase often needs to be used in jurisprudence, where mistakes are extremely undesirable.

So how do you speak and write correctly: “ according to the contract" or " according to the contract"? In which case should the word "contract" be put: dative or genitive?

Correctly speak and write "according to the agreement"

In accordance with syntactic norm In the Russian language, in this case, the dative case is used (To whom? What?). Unfortunately, these days you can often come across a syntax error "according to the agreement". Correct people, knowledge can be useful to them in the future.


I have already explained to you that according to the collective agreement, all payments are made on the 15th day of each month. According to the employment contract, I have to work two weeks before leaving. I am required to provide 4 weeks of vacation per year according to the terms of the employment contract. According to this agreement 51% of shares will be transferred to Ivanov Sergey Mikhailovich

It should be noted that in many cases it is better to insert an additional word (conditions).

Question: ... According to the additional agreements to the registered lease agreements for non-residential premises, the rent was increased. State registration of additional agreements was not carried out. Are lessees under registered lease agreements for non-residential premises entitled to take into account the increased rent under unregistered supplementary agreements for profit tax purposes? (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2005 n 03-03-04 / 1/471)

Question: Please provide clarification on the following question: are lessees entitled under registered lease agreements for non-residential premises to take into account the increased rent under unregistered supplementary agreements for profit tax purposes?
On the basis of registered lease agreements for non-residential premises, LLC (lessor) rents non-residential premises for office lease to several legal entities (tenants) under the general tax regime.
According to additional agreements to the registered lease agreements for non-residential premises, the rent was increased. The state registration of additional agreements to lease agreements for non-residential agreements was not carried out.
dated December 30, 2005 N 03-03-04 / 1/471
The Tax and Customs Tariff Policy Department has reviewed the letter on the procedure for accounting for rental payments as expenses for profit tax purposes and reports the following.
When determining the tax base for corporate profit tax, lease payments are accounted for as part of other costs associated with production and (or) sale, in accordance with paragraphs. 10 p. 1 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Code).
The amount of lease payments and the procedure for their transfer are established by an agreement concluded in the manner prescribed by civil legislation.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement to amend or terminate an agreement is made in the same form as the agreement, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, agreement or business customs.
Based on the provisions of Art. 651 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a lease agreement for a building or structure for a period of at least one year must be concluded in writing by drawing up one document signed by the parties, with the obligatory state registration of the transaction.
Considering the above, an additional agreement of the parties to a lease agreement for non-residential premises, concluded for a period of at least one year, to change the rent is subject to mandatory state registration.
Thus, lease payments made on the basis of an additional agreement of the parties to change the amount of the lease specified by them in the lease agreement shall be included in other expenses in accordance with paragraphs. 10 p. 1 art. 264 of the Code, subject to their validity and confirmation by the relevant primary documents after the state registration of the said agreement.
Deputy Director
Department of Tax
and customs and tariff policy