By studying folklore the composer created wonderful ones. Syntactic norms tests

PREPARATION FOR USE IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Part 1. Option number 3 Answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write down the answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters. Genetic engineering is a branch of modern science, which is based on the transfer of the necessary genes from living organisms of one species to organisms of another species, often very distant in origin. (2) So, _____ managed to insert genes encoding such an important protein as interferon into the genotype of a bacterial cell. (3) Interferon is produced in human blood leukocytes in response to viral infection and protects the human body from viruses. 1. Indicate two sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences. 1. With the help of genetic engineering, based on the transfer of the necessary genes from one species of living organisms to another, scientists managed to integrate genes encoding interferon into the genotype of a bacterial cell, which protects the human body from viruses. 2. Scientists geneticists managed to exclude interferon from the genotype of cells, thereby ensuring protection of a person from colds. 3. Genes that encode interferon - an important protein that protects the human body from viruses, geneticists managed to integrate into the genotype of a bacterial cell, which became possible thanks to modern advances in genetic engineering. 4. With the help of genetic engineering, which is based on cell selection, scientists have succeeded in obtaining such an important protein as interferon, which reduces the number of leukocytes in the blood. 5. Genetic engineering is a branch of modern science, which is based on artificial generation of genes. Answer: ___________________________ 2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write this word (combination of words). if only in spite of this, for example, secondly, Answer: ___________________________ 3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which contains the meanings of the word PROVIDE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry. PROVIDE, chu, chish; chenny; owls. 1. who what what. Supply Chem. in the right amount. O. raw materials. O. farm machinery. 2. who what. Provide sufficient livelihoods. Oh your family. Secured old age. 3. what. To make it quite possible, real, really doable. O. success. 4. who is what from whom. Guard, guard (obsolete). O. man from poverty. Answer: ___________________________ 4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the stress setting: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word down. KITCHEN ACCOUNTANTS MORE BEAUTIFUL CLALA curved Answer: ___________________________ 5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly. The holding of the Formula 1 stage was questionable even a week before the start of the RACE tournament. On the birthday of the outstanding pianist, the program entitled "Romanticism from Sunrise to Sunset" will feature the most famous concert pieces. All machines that issue PASS for electric train passengers are marked with special posters. The skiers came out of the hunting lodge and involuntarily closed their eyes from the UNTOLERABLE shine that was flooded with the clearing. Answer: ___________________________ 6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly. climbed more HIGHER RIDE forward FOUR sleighs LET'S TRY to solve no TIME Answer: ___________________________ 7. Establish a correspondence between the proposals and those allowed in them grammatical errors: For each position of the first column, match the corresponding position from the second column. GRAMMATIC ERRORS OF THE PROPOSAL A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover B) an error in construction complex sentence violation in the construction of a sentence with a violation of the connection between the subject and C) inconsistent application D) predicate E) homogeneous members error in constructing a sentence with 1) I wanted to know how to breed primroses and take care of them. 2) Each programmer is assigned to a specific computer that monitors its state. 3) According to the plan, as a final work, we wrote a review of a recently read book. 4) In the encyclopedia "Lives of Remarkable People" there are many interesting biographies... 5) In March, those who reached 18 years old participated in the presidential elections Russian Federation... 6) I like the room because it is light, large and clean. 7) I was assigned the main role in the school play "Don Quixote". 8) Mom always scolds me for throwing my things. 9) Studying folklore, the composer created wonderful lyrical works. ... Write down the answer in numbers without spaces and other signs A D E B C Answer: ___________________________ 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missing letter. Conscious .. to warm up .. to warm up the men..dzhment to vyt..polit..praying Answer: ___________________________ 9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter. in..splash, move pr..popular, pr..comb from..bent, poses..closed with..gril, disin..infection predicted..said, oh..gave Answer: ___________________________ 10. Write down the word in which the letter E. is written at the place of the pass ... lukov ... tsa upset ... to get a book ... tsa ringing ... to the key .. Answer: ___________________________ 11. Write out the word in which the letter E. is written at the place of the pass .. you fight man Answer: ___________________________ 12. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write this word out. We remained in (NOT) DOUBT when the strange guest suddenly left. Impossible to master higher mathematics, (NOT) KNOWING the elementary mathematical concepts... It is impossible to allow anything (NOT) JUSTIFIED denial of the new in science. The heroine was (NOT) FUDDED to connect her life with the life of a loved one. When Arthur got to the opposite bank, he found himself at the previously (NOT) SPECIFIED sheep pen. Answer: ___________________________ 13. Define a sentence in which both selected words are written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words. In response to compelling reasons, the doctor agreed to be my second; I gave him (SAME) several instructions (ON) ABOUT the conditions of the fight. (B) OVER 24 hours M.V. Lomonosov observed the passage of Venus along the solar disk and (B) CONSEQUENCES published his findings in a special work. (B) A CONSEQUENCE of the fact that the work of electrical potential forces does not depend on the shape of the path of a single charge, on each of the parallel-connected conductors, the same voltage appears. There is no way to see the figure in the picture prodigal son , his face is almost invisible, but (B) FOLLOWING him, we mentally fall to our knees and (SAME) we experience the meeting with the father, like the returning son. (B) Throughout June, strawberries are harvested, and (PO) LATER, in July, raspberries. Answer: ___________________________ 14. Indicate all the numbers, in the place of which N. is written. On the letter (1) on the table - the manuscript of the story "The Old Woman", leather (2) folder for papers, silver (3) paper with the monogram “IB . ", Heavy glass (4) th inkwell with a copper lid. Answer: ___________________________ 15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. 1) In 1856 in the German city of Karlsruhe the first edition of the poem "The Demon" by the former lieutenant of the Tengin regiment M.Yu. Lermontov and in the same year in Omsk in the family of the headquarters captain of the same Tenginsky infantry regiment A.M. Vrubel's son was born - the future artist Mikhail Vrubel. 2) Many paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky are perceived as musical or poetic improvisations. 3) The story of E.I. Zamyatina "On Kulichki" is full of love and compassion for her compatriots and protests against social conditions. 4) With the poet-decembrists of the composer A.A. Alyabyev was linked by both general views and many circumstances of life and difficult personal fate. 5) Here the sources of rivers and springs and groves and oak forests became reserved. in the hall each Answer: ___________________________ 16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas. A young falcon (1) unexpectedly high (2) soared over the plain (3) disappeared from the summer sky (4) outlining the space above the horizon. Answer: ___________________________ 17. Arrange the punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers, in their place in the sentences should be commas. Almost statues. In sculpture, each side of the figure (3) no doubt (4) has its own special expression, which must be captured, peering into the creation from all sides. Answer: ___________________________ 18. Arrange the punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas. Thunder struck (1) the rumble (2) of which reminded me (3) the sound of a terrible earthquake. Answer: ___________________________ 19. Arrange the punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas. It is well known (1) that (2) if an athlete does not exercise regularly (3) then (4) no matter how hard he tries (5) he will not achieve good results. Answer: ___________________________ you will probably see the museum (1) (2) Read the text and complete tasks 20-25. (1) Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love. (2) Love is passion - always looking at yourself. (3) She wants to conquer, to seduce, she wants to be liked, she loves herself, puts on her hips, measures, all the time she is afraid to miss the lost. (4) Lovingness gives everything, and there is no limit to it. (5) And she will never look back at herself, because "she is not looking for her own." (6) She alone does not seek. (7) But one should not think that the feeling of tenderness belittles a person. (8) On the contrary. (9) Tenderness comes from above, it takes care of the beloved, protects, takes care of him. (10) But only a helpless creature in need of guardianship can be patronized and protected, therefore words of tenderness are diminutive words, going from strong to weak. (11) Tenderness is rare and less and less common. (12) Modern life is difficult and complex. (13) Modern man and in love seeks first of all to assert his personality. (14) Love is a single combat. - (15) Aha! (16) Love? (17) Well, okay. (18) Roll up their sleeves, straighten their shoulders - nuka, who will win? (19) Is it tender here? (20) And whom to protect, whom to pity - all good fellows and heroes. (21) He who has known tenderness is marked. (22) In the imagination of many, tenderness is drawn without fail in the form of a meek woman leaning towards the head. (23) No, that is not where tenderness should be sought. (24) I saw her differently: in images that were not at all poetic, in simple, even funny ones. (25) We lived in a sanatorium near Paris. (26) We walked, ate, listened to the radio, played bridge, and wentssip. (27) There was only one real patient - an angry old man recovering from typhus. (28) The old man often sat on the terrace in a sun lounger, covered with pillows, wrapped in blankets, pale, bearded, always silent and, if anyone passed by, turned away and closed his eyes. (29) Around the old man, like a quivering bird, his wife curled around. (30) The woman is middle-aged, dry, light, with a withered face and anxiously happy eyes. (31) And she never sat quietly. (32) She corrected everything around her patient. (33) She turned the newspaper over, then fluffed up a pillow, then tucked a blanket, then ran to warm milk, then medicine dripped. (34) The old man accepted all these services with obvious disgust. (35) Every morning, with a newspaper in her hands, she rushed from table to table, talked affably with everyone and asked: - Maybe you can help me? (36) Here is a crossword puzzle: "What happens in a residential building?" (37) Four letters. (38) I write on a piece of paper to help Sergei Sergeevich. (39) He always solves crosswords, and if he finds it difficult, I come to his aid. (40) After all, this is his only entertainment. (41) The sick are like children. (42) I'm so glad that even though it amuses him. (43) She was pitied and treated with great sympathy. (44) And somehow he crawled out onto the terrace earlier than usual. (45) She sat him down for a long time, covered him with rugs, and put pillows. (46) He frowned and angrily pushed her hand away if she did not immediately guess his wishes. (47) She, shivering happily, grabbed the newspaper. - (48) Here, Seryozhenka, today, it seems, is a very interesting crossword puzzle. (49) He suddenly raised his head, rolled out his evil yellow eyes and shook all over. - (50) Get off to hell with your idiotic crosswords! He hissed furiously. (51) She turned pale and somehow sank down. - (52) But you ... - she babbled in confusion. - (53) After all, you were always interested ... - (54) I was never interested! He kept shaking and hissing, looking at her pale, desperate face with bestial pleasure. - (55) Never! (56) It was you who climbed with the tenacity of the degenerate, which you are! (57) She said nothing. (58) She only swallowed the air with difficulty, pressed her hands tightly to her chest and looked around with such pain and with such despair, as if looking for help. (59) But who can take such ridiculous and stupid grief seriously? (60) Only a little boy who was sitting at a nearby table and seeing this scene suddenly closed his eyes and cried bitterly. (According to NA Teffi *) * Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Teffi (1872–1952) - Russian writer, poet, memoirist and translator. 20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers. 1) Love, passion ennobles a person, makes him be caring, gentle, attentive. 2) It cannot be said that the feeling of tenderness belittles a person. 3) Tenderness is presented to the author in the form of a woman leaning towards the head. 4) Tenderness is often found in our life, it helps a person to assert his personality. 5) The rudeness of the sick husband offended, upset his caring, gentle and attentive wife. Answer: ___________________________ 21. Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers. 1) Propositions 7-10 contain reasoning. 2) Sentences 11-14 are narrative. 3) Sentence 30 provides a description. 4) Sentences 44–45 provide a narrative. 5) Propositions 57-58 contain reasoning. Answer: ___________________________ 22. From sentences 5-10, write out the antonyms (antonymic pair). Answer: ___________________________ 23. Among sentences 28–34, find one that is related to the previous one using a union and a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence. Answer: ___________________________ Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed while completing the tasks 2023. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert in the spaces of the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list without spaces, commas and other additional characters. 24. “The text analyzes a problem that has worried people for centuries. To express his understanding of love and tenderness, the author uses the technique - (A) __________ (sentences 2, 3 - 4, 5) and the syntactic tool - (B) __________ (in sentences 1, 9). The trope - (B) __________ ("with anxiously happy eyes" in sentence 30) and the syntactic means - (D) __________ ("like a quivering bird" in sentence 29) help the writer create an image of a tender wife. List of terms: 1) comparative turnover 2) epithet 3) colloquial words 4) rows homogeneous members sentences 5) opposition 6) litota 7) phraseological units 8) parceling 9) rhetorical questions Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters: A B C D Answer: __________________________ Part 2. 25. Write an essay based on the text read. Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid overquoting). Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your answer based primarily on the reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account). The length of the essay is at least 150 words. A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is rated zero. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting. ANSWERS No. of the task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Answer 13 for example 1 accountants unbearable high 28456 to be aware of a public hairstyle bell you are struggling with bewilderment about 23 14 134 34 1 1345 25 134 strong weak 31 5421

Your result

Exercise 1

(1 2 3 ) <…>

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. Learning new words, a person experiences pleasant emotions, which, according to scientists, is due to the action of the striatum - an important part of the brain that reinforces the motivation to consolidate new material.
  2. In the course of experiments, scientists have revealed that the striatum (striatum) is an important part of the brain that is directly related to motivation.
  3. Scientists were able to prove that the striatum has nothing to do with linguistic function, since it does not decipher the meaning of words and does not remember them - for this, there are special linguistic centers in the cerebral cortex.
  4. Mastering new words, according to scientists, stimulates the activity of an important part of the brain - the striatum, which reinforces the motivation for learning a language with pleasant emotions.
  5. After examining the data obtained by scientists during the experiments, we can assume that the pleasure of mastering new words was the reason that humanity learned to use speech.

Assignment 2

(1 ) In the course of experiments, scientists have found that mastering new words stimulates the activity of the striatum (striatum) - an important part of the brain that is directly related to motivation. ( 2 ) By itself, the striatum is not directly related to language function: it does not decipher the meanings of words and does not remember them, for this there are special linguistic centers in the cerebral cortex. ( 3 ) <…> he reinforces the motivation for language learning by responding to linguistic efforts with a sense of pleasure: pleasant emotions help to memorize new material.

Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

  • Secondly,
  • but
  • First
  • For instance,

Assignment 3

(1 ) In the course of experiments, scientists have found that mastering new words stimulates the activity of the striatum (striatum) - an important part of the brain that is directly related to motivation. ( 2 ) By itself, the striatum is not directly related to language function: it does not decipher the meanings of words and does not remember them, for this there are special linguistic centers in the cerebral cortex. ( 3 ) <…> he reinforces the motivation for language learning by responding to linguistic efforts with a sense of pleasure: pleasant emotions help to memorize new material.

Read the excerpt from the dictionary entry that explains the meanings of the word CENTER. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CENTER, -a, m.

  1. Point in geometric figurepossessing some n. only her inherent property and usually obtained by the intersection of lines, axes, planes. Ts. Circle. C. gravity.
  2. The central part of the city, a large settlement. Live in the center. Apartment in the center. Go to c. go shopping. Tram line from the new area to the center.
  3. City with administrative, industrial and other institutions. Industrial centers of the country. Regional, district c. Administrative c. area.
  4. The highest governing body. Center directives.
  5. A group of nerve cells that regulate some kind. body function (special). Motor centers. Respiratory c.
  6. The overriding leading institution is some. area. Cardiological c. Narcological c. Television c. Ts. Training of cosmonauts. Ts. Flight control.

Assignment 4

In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word down.

  • b ANDnty
  • inform ANDgo
  • removed AND
  • ease ANDt
  • there ABOUTreaping

Assignment 5

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching a paronym to the selected word. Write down the chosen word.

  • Leonid Ivanovich stood up abruptly and looked at his interlocutor with a glance filled with ICE arrogance.
  • In the spring, ROOT shoots should be examined and cut at the very base.
  • Parents have collected a WHOLE library about hang gliding.
  • S.Ya. Marshak was addicted to gifted people and INTOLERABLE to idlers.
  • At the evening, I read by heart an EXTRACT from the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Assignment 6

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

  • in one hundred sixty kilometers
  • sing more SOUND
  • wider SHOULDERS
  • the most CALM

Assignment 7

Establish a correspondence between sentences and grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

1) I was assigned the main role in the school play Don Quixote.

B) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

2) Those who oppose themselves to society are doomed to loneliness.

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

3) Upon arrival in Moscow, the artist gave a press conference.

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

4) Studying folklore, the composer created wonderful lyrical works.

E) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover

5) Subject-household details in A.P. Chekhov not only carry an ethical semantic load, but also become essential elements style.

6) I read this work of Vasil Bykov in the summer, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

7) Many who have been to Pereyaslavl know that this is a city younger than Rostov, but its history is rooted in the deep past.

8) The walk that promised us so much pleasure was nothing interesting.

9) One of autumn days the forest, refreshed by the cold air, seemed to have rejuvenated, shone with gold leaves and a reddish network of birch branches.

Assignment 8

Determine the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

  • acc..mpane
  • te..retical
  • pl..vets
  • lazyis (sun)
  • to..elective

Assignment 9

Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

  • from .. took, pr .. language
  • ra..gon, and..bake,
  •, s..zmala
  • be ... valuable, in ... dozed
  • pr .. call, pr .. angry

Assignment 10

Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

  • caring
  • peel off ...
  • forgetting .. out
  • service ... out
  • almonds ... fresh

Assignment 11

Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

  • swirling
  • tie ... you
  • delay .. you will
  • seen
  • built-in

Assignment 12

Identify a sentence in which NOT with the word is written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write this word out.

  • Joy, (NOT) SHARED from soulmates, is not joy.
  • In a few minutes Margarita entered the (NOT) LIGHTED room, in which only a narrow path from the moon was silver.
  • Peter I (NOT) FEARED to move the capital closer to Western Europe, change the costume of the Russian people, change many customs.
  • In the spring, storms also happened, but the wind then blew (NOT) COLD, but warm and gentle.
  • N.M. Karamzin knew that the origin and meaning of the word "Kolomna" (NOT) CLEARED, and decided to compose a legend, which he set out in a letter.

Task 13

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

  • It is possible to build houses on the banks of rivers, but (WITH) ONE condition that (WOULD) the water remains clean.
  • (AT) SEEing the morning beauty of the autumn forest, my heart sank, (AT) MEETING us a light breeze blew, the tops of the trees swayed slightly.
  • To support a person in trouble with a kind word is as important as (AT) TIME to switch the switch on the railway track.
  • (B) TRACK behind the barge there are wide launches with low sides, (TO) TOP loaded with watermelons.
  • (BECAUSE of) I was not at school for two months due to illness and (B) as a consequence of this I was very behind.

Task 14

Indicate all numbers in the place of which НН is written.

Come on ( 1 ) o-corollary ( 2 It’s not so easy to establish a relationship. Often bright, but secondary ( 3 ) th facts are interpreted as a reason, and if ( 4 ) th, but more "modestly dressed" reason is pushed aside ( 5 ) and to the background.

Task 15

Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

  1. In every person there is strength and weakness, courage and fear, firmness and hesitation.
  2. Transparent mermaids stopped their dance over the river and waved to Margarita, and their greetings moaned over the deserted greenish shore.
  3. Wooden docks and pavement stones and the blue waters of the bay are strewn with sticky fish scales.
  4. Neither field nor telegraph poles can be seen behind the snowy fog.
  5. We walked to the sea and soon found ourselves on a rocky ledge above the abyss.

Task 16

At the time of A.S. Pushkin Art Gallery of the Hermitage ( 1 ) located on the middle floors ( 2 ) two adjacent to the Winter Palace ( 3 ) buildings ( 4 ) occupied about forty halls.

Task 17

Should be ( 1 ) the wind penetrates through inconspicuous cracks into an empty dacha, but from a distance ( 2 ) it seems ( 3 ) that someone is raising the curtain and watching you carefully.

Task 18

Arrange the punctuation marks: write the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be (s) a comma (s).

Immortal Greek tradition ( 1 ) main feature ( 2 ) which ( 3 ) is inextricably linked with a deep interest in a person ( 4 ) was perceived by ancient Russian masters.

Task 19

Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in place of which in the sentence must be commas.

It rained in the mountains ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) if the bridge over the river is torn off ( 3 ) then geologists will have to wait for the complete decline of water ( 4 ) to get to the base.

Task 20

Read the text

(According to S. Salnikov *)

*Sergey Salnikov

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

  1. The whales were caught between ice hummocks and the rocky shores of Cape Barrow as a result of the early arrival of winter.
  2. On both ships were inexperienced captains who did not know that whales trust people and understand their actions.
  3. The team of the Admiral Makarov icebreaker of the Far Eastern Shipping Company had to participate in the rescue of whales until 1988.
  4. The flagship icebreaker of the Far Eastern Shipping Company "Admiral Makarov" managed to break through the thick ice that pressed several California gray whales to the shores of Alaska.
  5. A monument to the captains of the ships who rescued gray whales near Cape Barrow in 1988 is erected in California.

Task 21

Read the text

(1) It happened a long time ago, in the fall of 1988, when, unexpectedly early, having confused the calendar, winter came. (2) Huge, thick ice covered the northern seas and pressed several California gray whales to the shores of Alaska. (3) Animals darted in a narrow strip of clear water between ice hummocks and the rocky shores of Cape Barrow. (4) Every day the streak of water became less and less, and the whales had to die. (5) The inhabitants of the village watched the whales from the shore, but they could not help them: there were no icebreakers capable of breaking such ice and breaking the waterway for dying sea animals.
(6) Help came from the country that then possessed the most powerful icebreaker fleet in the world. (7) The flagship icebreaker of the Far Eastern Shipping Company "Admiral Makarov" and the diesel-electric ship "Vladimir Arseniev" rushed to the rescue.
(8) At dawn, we approached the ice solder, huge fields of ice stretching almost to the very coast, and there, in front, behind these ice heaps, pressed against the rocky shores, whales were dying.
(9) The first, breaking the ice, went the handsome icebreaker, capable of breaking even the most powerful pack hummocks, followed by a diesel-electric ship. (10) Experienced polar captains who have been working in the Arctic for many years on both ships. (11) Calm teams, verified, clear decisions, impeccable execution. (12) Everyone here understands each other almost without words.
(13) The work was difficult. (14) It was not difficult for these giants to break through such ice, but how to get out exactly on the whales that are rushing about on a narrow strip of free water. (15) How to make them go into the pierced passage, believing people? (16) How to prevent the ice from closing again by burying the animals?
(17) These sea wolves did not have such sea practice. (18) A week ago, they went to the Arctic to help the perishing dry cargo ships and successfully rescued people, ships, and cargo. (19) That was part of their usual heroic work, but here are whales who are afraid of a person and do not understand his actions. (20) You cannot tell them: “Follow me, I will lead you to salvation, on clean waterfree of ice ”. (21) They cannot be convinced that you are a rescuer and not a whaler.
(22) But these stern, laconic people, who many times looked into the eyes of danger, did the incredible and brought the sea giants into the sea. (23) The whales left on their endless voyage, forgetting to tell the kind and brave people Thank you, but the brave polar explorers again went past Cape Dezhnev to our northern seas, where another steamer was waiting for their help. (24) There was their usual job - to navigate merchant ships through polar icebecause without these ships and their cargo it is impossible to maintain life in the Far North of our country. (25) Because a huge power must stand with a firm foot on these cold and distant shores, where wonderful and brave people live.
(26) Now in Vladivostok, in a wonderful place overlooking the Amur Bay, there is a monument to rescued whales, it was brought to us as a gift from America. (27) And the former captain of the icebreaker "Admiral Makarov" Sergey Fedorovich Reshetov can come here and remember that precious and amazing time, and, possibly, meet here his colleague, the captain of the diesel-electric ship "Vladimir Arseniev" Ruslan Zainigabdinov and other brave, modest, and the remaining unknown participants of that ice epic.

(According to S. Salnikov *)

*Sergey Salnikov(born in 1949) is a modern writer and publicist.

Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

  1. The reasoning is presented in sentences 1-3.
  2. Sentence 7 clarifies the content of Sentence 6.
  3. Propositions 13-16 contain reasoning.
  4. Sentences 17-18 provide a description.
  5. Sentences 22-23 contain a narrative with descriptive elements.

Task 22

Read the text

(1) It happened a long time ago, in the fall of 1988, when, unexpectedly early, having confused the calendar, winter came. (2) Huge, thick ice covered the northern seas and pressed several California gray whales to the shores of Alaska. (3) Animals darted in a narrow strip of clear water between ice hummocks and the rocky shores of Cape Barrow. (4) Every day the streak of water became less and less, and the whales had to die. (5) The inhabitants of the village watched the whales from the shore, but they could not help them: there were no icebreakers capable of breaking such ice and breaking the waterway for dying sea animals.
(6) Help came from the country that then possessed the most powerful icebreaker fleet in the world. (7) The flagship icebreaker of the Far Eastern Shipping Company "Admiral Makarov" and the diesel-electric ship "Vladimir Arseniev" rushed to the rescue.
(8) At dawn, we approached the ice solder, huge fields of ice stretching almost to the very coast, and there, in front, behind these ice heaps, pressed against the rocky shores, whales were dying.
(9) The first, breaking the ice, went the handsome icebreaker, capable of breaking even the most powerful pack hummocks, followed by a diesel-electric ship. (10) Experienced polar captains who have been working in the Arctic for many years on both ships. (11) Calm teams, verified, clear decisions, impeccable execution. (12) Everyone here understands each other almost without words.
(13) The work was difficult. (14) It was not difficult for these giants to break through such ice, but how to get out exactly on the whales that are rushing about on a narrow strip of free water. (15) How to make them go into the pierced passage, believing people? (16) How to prevent the ice from closing again by burying the animals?
(17) These sea wolves did not have such sea practice. (18) A week ago, they went to the Arctic to help the perishing dry cargo ships and successfully rescued people, ships, and cargo. (19) That was part of their usual heroic work, but here are whales who are afraid of a person and do not understand his actions. (20) You cannot tell them: "Follow me, I will lead you to salvation, to clear water, free of ice." (21) They cannot be convinced that you are a rescuer and not a whaler.
(22) But these stern, laconic people, who many times looked into the eyes of danger, did the incredible and brought the sea giants into the sea. (23) The whales left on their endless voyage, forgetting to say thank you to the kind and courageous people, and the brave polar explorers again went past Cape Dezhnev into our northern seas, where another steamer was waiting for their help. (24) There was their usual job - to navigate merchant ships through the polar ice, because without these ships and their cargo it is impossible to maintain life in the Far North of our country. (25) Because a huge power must stand with a firm foot on these cold and distant shores, where wonderful and brave people live.
(26) Now in Vladivostok, in a wonderful place overlooking the Amur Bay, there is a monument to rescued whales, it was brought to us as a gift from America. (27) And the former captain of the icebreaker "Admiral Makarov" Sergey Fedorovich Reshetov can come here and remember that precious and amazing time, and, possibly, meet here his colleague, the captain of the diesel-electric ship "Vladimir Arseniev" Ruslan Zainigabdinov and other brave, modest, and the remaining unknown participants of that ice epic.

(According to S. Salnikov *)

*Sergey Salnikov(born in 1949) is a modern writer and publicist.

Write out synonyms (synonymous pair) from Proposition 23.

Task 23

Read the text

(1) It happened a long time ago, in the fall of 1988, when, unexpectedly early, having confused the calendar, winter came. (2) Huge, thick ice covered the northern seas and pressed several California gray whales to the shores of Alaska. (3) Animals darted in a narrow strip of clear water between ice hummocks and the rocky shores of Cape Barrow. (4) Every day the streak of water became less and less, and the whales had to die. (5) The inhabitants of the village watched the whales from the shore, but they could not help them: there were no icebreakers capable of breaking such ice and breaking the waterway for dying sea animals.
(6) Help came from the country that then possessed the most powerful icebreaker fleet in the world. (7) The flagship icebreaker of the Far Eastern Shipping Company "Admiral Makarov" and the diesel-electric ship "Vladimir Arseniev" rushed to the rescue.
(8) At dawn, we approached the ice solder, huge fields of ice stretching almost to the very coast, and there, in front, behind these ice heaps, pressed against the rocky shores, whales were dying.
(9) The first, breaking the ice, went the handsome icebreaker, capable of breaking even the most powerful pack hummocks, followed by a diesel-electric ship. (10) Experienced polar captains who have been working in the Arctic for many years on both ships. (11) Calm teams, verified, clear decisions, impeccable execution. (12) Everyone here understands each other almost without words.
(13) The work was difficult. (14) It was not difficult for these giants to break through such ice, but how to get out exactly on the whales that are rushing about on a narrow strip of free water. (15) How to make them go into the pierced passage, believing people? (16) How to prevent the ice from closing again by burying the animals?
(17) These sea wolves did not have such sea practice. (18) A week ago, they went to the Arctic to help the perishing dry cargo ships and successfully rescued people, ships, and cargo. (19) That was part of their usual heroic work, but here are whales who are afraid of a person and do not understand his actions. (20) You cannot tell them: "Follow me, I will lead you to salvation, to clear water, free of ice." (21) They cannot be convinced that you are a rescuer and not a whaler.
(22) But these stern, laconic people, who many times looked into the eyes of danger, did the incredible and brought the sea giants into the sea. (23) The whales left on their endless voyage, forgetting to say thank you to the kind and courageous people, and the brave polar explorers again went past Cape Dezhnev into our northern seas, where another steamer was waiting for their help. (24) There was their usual job - to navigate merchant ships through the polar ice, because without these ships and their cargo it is impossible to maintain life in the Far North of our country. (25) Because a huge power must stand with a firm foot on these cold and distant shores, where wonderful and brave people live.
(26) Now in Vladivostok, in a wonderful place overlooking the Amur Bay, there is a monument to rescued whales, it was brought to us as a gift from America. (27) And the former captain of the icebreaker "Admiral Makarov" Sergey Fedorovich Reshetov can come here and remember that precious and amazing time, and, possibly, meet here his colleague, the captain of the diesel-electric ship "Vladimir Arseniev" Ruslan Zainigabdinov and other brave, modest, and the remaining unknown participants of that ice epic.

(According to S. Salnikov *)

*Sergey Salnikov(born in 1949) is a modern writer and publicist.

Among sentences 17-23, find the one that is related to the previous one using the demonstrative pronoun and word forms. Write the number of this sentence.

Task 24

Read the text

(1) It happened a long time ago, in the fall of 1988, when, unexpectedly early, having confused the calendar, winter came. (2) Huge, thick ice covered the northern seas and pressed several California gray whales to the shores of Alaska. (3) Animals darted in a narrow strip of clear water between ice hummocks and the rocky shores of Cape Barrow. (4) Every day the streak of water became less and less, and the whales had to die. (5) The inhabitants of the village watched the whales from the shore, but they could not help them: there were no icebreakers capable of breaking such ice and breaking the waterway for dying sea animals.
(6) Help came from the country that then possessed the most powerful icebreaker fleet in the world. (7) The flagship icebreaker of the Far Eastern Shipping Company "Admiral Makarov" and the diesel-electric ship "Vladimir Arseniev" rushed to the rescue.
(8) At dawn, we approached the ice solder, huge fields of ice stretching almost to the very coast, and there, in front, behind these ice heaps, pressed against the rocky shores, whales were dying.
(9) The first, breaking the ice, went the handsome icebreaker, capable of breaking even the most powerful pack hummocks, followed by a diesel-electric ship. (10) Experienced polar captains who have been working in the Arctic for many years on both ships. (11) Calm teams, verified, clear decisions, impeccable execution. (12) Everyone here understands each other almost without words.
(13) The work was difficult. (14) It was not difficult for these giants to break through such ice, but how to get out exactly on the whales that are rushing about on a narrow strip of free water. (15) How to make them go into the pierced passage, believing people? (16) How to prevent the ice from closing again by burying the animals?
(17) These sea wolves did not have such sea practice. (18) A week ago, they went to the Arctic to help the perishing dry cargo ships and successfully rescued people, ships, and cargo. (19) That was part of their usual heroic work, but here are whales who are afraid of a person and do not understand his actions. (20) You cannot tell them: "Follow me, I will lead you to salvation, to clear water, free of ice." (21) They cannot be convinced that you are a rescuer and not a whaler.
(22) But these stern, laconic people, who many times looked into the eyes of danger, did the incredible and brought the sea giants into the sea. (23) The whales left on their endless voyage, forgetting to say thank you to the kind and courageous people, and the brave polar explorers again went past Cape Dezhnev into our northern seas, where another steamer was waiting for their help. (24) There was their usual job - to navigate merchant ships through the polar ice, because without these ships and their cargo it is impossible to maintain life in the Far North of our country. (25) Because a huge power must stand with a firm foot on these cold and distant shores, where wonderful and brave people live.
(26) Now in Vladivostok, in a wonderful place overlooking the Amur Bay, there is a monument to rescued whales, it was brought to us as a gift from America. (27) And the former captain of the icebreaker "Admiral Makarov" Sergey Fedorovich Reshetov can come here and remember that precious and amazing time, and, possibly, meet here his colleague, the captain of the diesel-electric ship "Vladimir Arseniev" Ruslan Zainigabdinov and other brave, modest, and the remaining unknown participants of that ice epic.

(According to S. Salnikov *)

*Sergey Salnikov(born in 1949) is a modern writer and publicist.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in tasks 20-23. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the numbers corresponding to the letters in order.

“To describe the complexity of the situation in which the sailors who came to the aid of the whales found themselves, the author is helped by a syntactic tool - _____ ( AND) (sentences 14-16). Characterizing the personalities of the sailors of the Arctic and emphasizing the peculiarities of their daily work, S. Salnikov uses a lexical means of expressiveness - _____ ( B) ("Sea wolves" in sentence 17), syntactic means - _____ ( IN) (in sentence 18), as well as trails - _____ ( D) (“Heroic work” in sentence 19, “brave polar explorers” in sentence 23) ”.

List of terms:

  1. comparison;
  2. epithet;
  3. impersonation;
  4. phraseological unit;
  5. exclamation sentences;
  6. interrogative sentences;
  7. rows of homogeneous members;
  8. irony;
  9. dialogue.

Task 25

In the final task, you need to write an essay in a given topic... Our service does not know how to check essays in automatic mode. We suggest that you indicate the score you received for writing an essay in the classroom at school or during the practice test. Thus, the test result will be closer to the real result.

Quest Source: Decision 3242. USE 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 7.Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a participial sentence

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover


1) I was assigned the main role in the school play Don Quixote.

2) Those who oppose themselves to society are doomed to loneliness.

3) Upon arrival in Moscow, the artist gave a press conference.

4) Studying folklore, the composer created wonderful lyrical works.

5) Subject and everyday details in the prose of A.P. Chekhov not only carry an ethical semantic load, but also become the most important elements of style.

6) I read this work of Vasil Bykov in the summer, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

7) Many who have been to Pereslavl know that this city is younger than Rostov, but its history is also rooted in the distant past.

8) The walk that promised us so much pleasure was nothing interesting.

9) On one of the autumn days, the forest, refreshed by the cold air, seemed to be younger, shone with gold leaves and a reddish network of birch branches.


Consider each of these sentences and determine if there are grammatical errors in them.

1) I was assigned the main role in the school play Don Quixote.

An offer with an inconsistent application. Application misused. Correct version: in the play "Don Quixote" (error B)

2) Those who oppose themselves to society are doomed to loneliness. Subject and predicate stand in different forms of number. Those (plural) are doomed (singular). Disruption of the connection between the subject and the predicate (error D)

3) Upon arrival in Moscow, the artist gave a press conference. That's right, there is no mistake. Wrong option: upon arrival.

4) Studying folklore, the composer created wonderful lyrical works. The underlying lyric works have been created, but they do not perform the action by studying folklore.

In other words, a lyric work can be created, but cannot study folklore. Correct option: Studying folklore, the composer created lyrical works. Incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover (error D).

5) Subject and everyday details in the prose of A.P. Chekhov not only carry an ethical semantic load, but also become the most important elements of style. A sentence with homogeneous members misused a compound union. The correct option: not only ... but also ... An error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members (error B).

6) I read this work of Vasil Bykov in the summer, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. It is unacceptable to use a participial turnover after a noun that is not a defined word. Correct option: This is a work by Vasil Bykov, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, I read this summer. An error in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover (error A).

7) Many who have been to Pereslavl know that this city is younger than Rostov, but its history also goes back to the distant past. There is no mistake.

8) The walk that promised us so much pleasure was nothing interesting. A complex sentence with a relative clause. There is no mistake.

9) On one of the autumn days, the forest, refreshed by the cold air, seemed to look younger, shone with gold leaves and a reddish network of birch branches. There is no mistake, the sentence is built correctly.

Checking. Be sure to analyze each sentence from the proposed options so as not to make a mistake. The numbers in the answer are not repeated.

In response, write out the numbers corresponding to the letters, clearly observing their order, without spaces and commas.

Document preview

Text 1-3

(1) In the course of experiments, scientists have found that mastering new words stimulates the activity of the striatum (striatum) - an important part of the brain that is directly related to motivation. (2) The striatum itself is not associated with linguistic function: it does not decipher the meanings of words and does not remember them, for this there are special linguistic centers in the cerebral cortex. (3) it reinforces the motivation for language learning by responding to linguistic efforts with a sense of pleasure: pleasant emotions help to remember new material.

Task 1. Indicate two sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Learning new words, a person experiences pleasant emotions, which, according to scientists, is due to the action of the striatum - an important part of the brain that reinforces the motivation to memorize new material.

2) In the course of experiments, scientists have found that the striatum (striatum) is an important part of the brain that is directly related to motivation.

3) Scientists were able to prove that the striatum has nothing to do with linguistic function, since it does not decipher the meanings of words and does not remember them - for this, there are special linguistic centers in the cerebral cortex.

4) Mastering new words, according to scientists, stimulates the activity of an important part of the brain - the striatum, which reinforces the motivation for learning a language with pleasant emotions.

5) Having studied the data obtained by scientists during the experiments, we can assume: the pleasure of mastering new words was the reason that humanity learned to use speech.

Task 2. Which of the following words should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.


For instance,

Task 3. Read a fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word CENTER. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CENTER, a, m.

1) A point in a geometric figure, a body, which has some inherent property and is usually obtained by the intersection of lines, axes, planes. Ts. Circle. C. gravity.

2) The central part of the city, a large settlement. Live in the center. Apartment in the center. Go to c. go shopping. Tram line from the new area to the center.

3) City with administrative, industrial and other institutions. Industrial centers of the country. Regional, district c. Administrative c. area.

4) The highest governing body. Center directives.

5) A group of nerve cells that regulate some function of the body (special). Motor centers. Respiratory c.

6) The dominant, leading institution of some kind. industry. Cardiological c. Oncological c. Television c. Ts. Training of cosmonauts. Ts. Flight control.

Exercise 4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the stress setting: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONG. Write this word down.




Exercise 5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is incorrectly used. Correct the lexical error by matching a paronym to the selected word. Write down the chosen word.

Leonid Ivanovich stood up abruptly and looked at his interlocutor with a glance filled with ICE arrogance.

In the spring, ROOT shoots should be examined and cut at the very base.

Parents have collected a WHOLE library about hang gliding.

S. Ya. Marshak was addicted to hardworking people and intolerant of idlers.

An unrequited feeling made me sad.

Task 6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

in one hundred sixty kilometers

sing more SOUND



the most CALM

Task 7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a participial sentence

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover

2) Those who oppose themselves to society are doomed to loneliness.

3) Upon arrival in Moscow, the artist not only gave a concert, but also held a press conference.

4) Studying folklore, the composer created wonderful lyrical works.

5) This voyage, which ended the era of the famous pirate raids into Spanish waters, was unmatched in terms of the number of storms and the number of ships lost.

6) I read the stories of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov" and "Obelisk" in the summer, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

7) Many of those who have been to Pereslavl know that this city is younger than Rostov, but its history is also rooted in the distant past.

8) It hurt me, and I did not fail to tell the captain that he, not knowing the person, was trying to judge him.

9) On one of the autumn days, the forest, refreshed by the cold air, seemed to be rejuvenated and shone with gold leaves.

Task 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.



mail ... reader (talent)

lazyis (sun)


Task 9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

from .. took, pr .. language

ra..gon, and..bake


be ... valuable, in ... dozed

pr .. call, pr .. angry

Task 10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap.


peel off ...

forgetting .. out


almonds ... fresh

Task 11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.


tie ... you

delay .. you will


impenetrable ...

Task 12. Determine a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write this word out.

Joy, (NOT) SHARED from soulmates, is not joy.

Margarita a few minutes later entered the (NOT) LIGHTED room, in which only a narrow path from the moon was silver.

Peter I was (NOT) AFRAID to move the capital closer to Western Europe, change the costume of the Russian people, change many customs.

In the spring, storms also happened, but the wind then blew (NOT) COLD, but warm and gentle.

NM Karamzin knew that the origin and meaning of the word "Kolomna" (NOT) CLEARED, and decided to compose a legend, which he stated in the letter.

Task 13. Define a sentence "in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

It is possible to build houses on the banks of rivers, but (WITH) ONE condition that (WOULD) the water remains clean.

(AT) THE SEE of the morning beauty of the autumn forest, my heart sank, (AT) MEETING us a light breeze blew, the tops of the trees swayed slightly.

To support a person in trouble with a kind word is as important as (AT) TIME to switch the switch on the railway track.

(B) TRACK behind the barge there are wide launches with low sides, (TO) TOP loaded with watermelons.

(BECAUSE of) I was not at school for two months due to illness and (B) as a consequence of this I was very behind.

Task 14. Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) is written NN.

Reasons (1) o-corollary (2) it is not so easy to establish relations. Often bright, but secondary (3) facts are interpreted as a reason, and sub (4), but more “modestly dressed” reason is pushed aside (5) and into the background.

Task 15. Arrange the punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In every person there is strength and weakness, courage and fear, firmness and hesitation.

2) Transparent mermaids stopped their dance over the river and waved to Margarita and their greetings sounded over the deserted greenish shore.

3) Wooden pier and pavement stones and blue waters of the bay are strewn with sticky fish scales.

4) At present, the gas production company has both a developed infrastructure and invaluable experience for organizing the industrial development of gas fields.

5) We walked to the sea and soon found ourselves on a rocky ledge above the abyss.

Task 16. Arrange all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

At the time of A.S. Pushkin, the Hermitage Picture Gallery (1) located on the middle floors (2) of two buildings (4) adjacent to the Winter Palace (3) occupied about forty halls.

Task 17. Arrange all the punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

I'm not sorry for you (1) unfaithful friends (2)

Wreaths of feasts and circular bowls -

I'm not sorry for you (3) traitors (4) young ones, -

Pensive, I am shy of fun.

But where are you (5) minutes of affection,

Young hopes, heartfelt silence?

Where (6) the old heat and tears of inspiration?

Come again (7) years of my spring!

(A.S. Pushkin)

Task 18. Arrange all the punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) should be (s) the comma (s).

The immortal Greek tradition (1) the main feature (2) of which (3) is inextricably linked with a profound interest in man (4) was perceived by ancient Russian masters.

Task 19. Arrange all the punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers, in place of which in the sentence must be commas.

It rained in the mountains (1) and (2) if the bridge across the river is torn off (3) then geologists will have to wait until the water drops completely (4) to get to the base.

Task 20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write this word down.

The royal dynasty of the Stuart family, which had been in power for a long time in Great Britain, ended its existence in 1714.

(1) Our language is still felt by many as a kind of blind element that cannot be controlled.

(2) One of the first to approve this idea was the brilliant scientist W. Humboldt. (3) "Language," he wrote, "is completely independent of a separate subject ... (4) Language stands before an individual as a product of the activity of many generations and the property of an entire nation, therefore the strength of the individual is insignificant in comparison with the strength of language."

(5) This view has survived to our era. (6) “No matter how much you say reasonable words against stupid and insolent words, they - we know this - will not disappear from that, and if they disappear, it’s not because aesthetes or linguists were indignant,” wrote one gifted scientist. (7) “That's the trouble,” he said with anguish, “that no one wants to hear the zealots of the purity and correctness of their native speech, like the zealots of good morals ... (8) 3 they speak grammar and logic, common sense and good taste, euphony and decency, but from all this onslaught of grammar, rhetoric and style on the reckless, ugly, reckless live speech nothing comes out. " (9) Citing examples of all kinds of speech "outrages", the scientist embodied his sadness in a joyless and hopeless aphorism: "Arguments from reason, science and good manners affect the existence of such words no more than courses in geology for an earthquake."

(10) In the old days, such pessimism was perfectly justified. (11) There was no point in thinking about how to amicably, systematically, with united forces intervene in the ongoing linguistic processes and direct them along the desired channel. (12) Old man Karamzin very accurately expressed this general feeling of humble obedience to the elemental forces of language: "Words enter our language automatically."

(13) Since then, our greatest linguists have constantly pointed out that the will individuals, unfortunately, is powerless to consciously control the processes of the formation of our speech.

(14) Everyone imagined: as if a mighty speech river was flowing past them, and they were standing on the bank and with powerless indignation watching how much rubbish its waves were carrying on them.

- (15) There is no need, - they said, - to boil and fight. (16) Until now, there has not yet been a case when an attempt by the guardians of the purity of the language to correct the linguistic errors of any significant mass of people was crowned with even the slightest success.

(17) But can we agree with this philosophy of inaction and non-resistance to evil? (18) Can we, writers, educators, linguists, can only grieve, be indignant, horrified, watching how the Russian language deteriorates, but dare not even think about how to subdue it to the collective mind by powerful efforts of will?

(19) Let the philosophy of inaction have its meaning in the past, when the creative will of people was so often powerless in the struggle against the elements - including the element of language. (20) But in the era of the conquest of space, in the era of artificial rivers and seas, do we really not have the slightest opportunity to at least partially influence the element of our language?

(21) It is clear to everyone that we have this power, and one should be surprised only that we use it so little. (22) After all, there exist in our country such super-powerful levers of education as radio, cinema, television, ideally coordinated with each other in all their tasks and actions. (23) I'm not even talking about the multitude of newspapers and magazines - district, regional, city, - subordinate to a single ideological plan, completely controlling the minds of millions of readers.

(24) One has only to all this purposeful complex of forces amicably, systematically, decisively rise up against the deformities of our current speech, loudly brand them with a nationwide disgrace - and there is no doubt that many of these deformities, if not completely disappear, then, in any case, forever lose their massive, epidemic character ...

(25) True, I understand very well that all these measures are not enough.

(26) After all, the culture of speech is inseparable from the general culture. (27) To improve the quality of your language, you need to improve the quality of your heart, your intellect. (28) Someone writes and speaks without mistakes, but what a poor vocabulary he has, what moldy phrases! (29) What a skinny spiritual life is reflected in them!

(30) Meanwhile, only that speech can truly be called cultural, which has a rich vocabulary and many different intonations. (31) This will not be achieved by any campaigns for the purity of the language. (32) Other, longer, broader methods are needed here. (33) For genuine enlightenment, so many libraries, schools, universities, institutes, etc. have been created. (34) By raising their common culture, the people thereby also raise the culture of their language.

(35) But, of course, this does not absolve any of us from our feasible participation in the struggle for the purity and beauty of our speech.

(According to K.I. Chukovsky)

Task 21. Which of the statements do not correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) The philosophy of inaction and non-resistance to evil at all times was meaningless, since the elements were and still remain beyond the control of man.

2) Everyone who has oral and written speech no mistakes, rich vocabulary and rich spiritual life.

3) Mass media acting in concert are among the super-powerful levers of education.

4) The culture of the language and the culture of the people are closely interconnected: the rise of one entails the rise of the other.

5) Standing on the banks of a river whose waters are polluted, the narrator realizes that people are powerless to cleanse them.

Task 22. Which of the following statements are wrong? Indicate the answer numbers,

1) Sentences 3-4 illustrate what is said in sentences 1-2.

2) Sentences 10-12 provide a description.

3) Proposition 22 confirms the thesis expressed in proposal 21.

4) Propositions 25-27 contain reasoning.

5) Sentences 30-34 are narrative.

Task 23. From sentences 5-8, write out the word used in the meaning of "a person who diligently and sincerely tries to benefit some business, a champion of something."

Task 24. Among sentences 26-35, find the one (s), which (s) is connected (s) with the previous one using personal pronouns and word forms. Write the number (s) of this offer (s).

Task 25. “KI Chukovsky dedicated his book“ Alive as Life ”to the Russian language. In the above fragment from the chapter "Defying the Elements", the author's reflections are built around such a path as (A) ___ ("... a river of speech flows" in sentence 14). Setting himself the task of "teaching the reader to think philosophically about the language, about the processes of its development and growth", Chukovsky uses the technique - (B) ___ (sentences 3-4, 6-8, 12). Along with this, the author's voice clearly sounds in the text - thanks to the use of such a technique as (B) ___ ("grieve, be indignant, horrified" in sentence 18), such a trope as (D) ___ ("moldy" in sentence 28, " skinny "in sentence 29)".

List of terms:

1) opposition

2) metaphor

3) impersonation

5) interrogative sentences

6) dialectisms

7) quoting

8) gradation

Option number 5.

Part 1

Answers to tasks 1-24 are a digit (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

((1) Genetic engineering is a direction of modern science, which is based on the transfer of the necessary genes from living organisms of the same species
into organisms of another species, often very distant in origin. (2) So,<…> managed to insert into the genotype of a bacterial cell genes encoding such an important protein as interferon. (3) Interferon is produced in human blood leukocytes in response to viral infection and protects the human body from viruses.

With the help of genetic engineering, based on the transfer of the necessary genes from one species of living organisms to another, scientists managed to integrate genes encoding interferon into the genotype of a bacterial cell, which protects the human body from viruses.

Scientists-geneticists managed to exclude interferon from the genotype of the cell, thereby ensuring the protection of a person from colds.

The genes that encode interferon, an important protein that protects the human body from viruses, geneticists managed to integrate into the genotype of a bacterial cell, which became possible thanks to modern advances in genetic engineering.

With the help of genetic engineering, which is based on cell selection, scientists managed to obtain such an important protein as interferon, which reduces the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Genetic engineering is a branch of modern science that is based on the artificial breeding of genes.

Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write this word (combination of words).

despite this,



Read the glossary entry for the meanings of PROVIDE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

PROVIDE, -chu, -chish; -chenny; owls.

Answer: ___________________________.

4. One of the words below contains a mistake in the stress setting: WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.


will call


Answer: ___________________________.

5. In one of the sentences below WRONGused the highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by matching a paronym to the selected word. Write down the chosen word.

A timid smile flashed through the STONE expression for a second, and Evgeny Ivanovich looked inquiringly at Mashenka.

Awareness of the deputy in matters agriculture helped to solve many problems quickly and efficiently.

Raindrops glittered on the dark foliage.

ETERNAL dust covered all the furniture, and the room made a depressing impression on us.

He became the CREATOR of a new animation genre.

Answer: ___________________________.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistakeand write the word correctly.

climbed more HIGHER

Go ahead

FOUR sleighs

Let's try to solve

no time

Answer: ___________________________.

7. Match grammatical errors and

sentences in which they are allowed: to each position of the first

column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) violation in the formation

sentences with participle


B) error in construction

complex sentence

C) violation in the formation

proposals with uncoordinated


D) violation of communication between

subject and predicate

E) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members


I wanted to know how to plant primroses and care for them.

Each programmer is assigned to a specific computer that monitors its state.

According to the plan, as a final work, we wrote a review of a recently read book.

There are many interesting biographies in the Encyclopedia Lives of Remarkable People.

In March, those who have reached the age of 18 participated in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

I like the room because it is light, large and clean.

I was assigned the main role in the school play Don Quixote.

Mom always scolds me for throwing my things around.

Studying folklore, the composer created wonderful lyrical works.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

8. Determine the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

conscious ...

warm up .. warm up


put out

supporting ...

Answer: ___________________________.

9 ... Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

in .. splash, ra .. move


from .. bent, pose .. covered

s..gral, disin..infection

pre ... said, oh ... gave

Answer: ___________________________.

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

Lukov ... tsa

Upset ...

Call ... to

Answer: ___________________________.

11. Write out a word in which a letter is written at the place of the pass E

you wanna

hear .. my

Answer: ___________________________.

12 ... Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written MUCH.

Expand the brackets and write this word out.

We remained in (NOT) DOUBT when the strange guest suddenly left.

It is impossible to master higher mathematics, (NOT) KNOWING elementary mathematical concepts.

It is impossible to allow anything (NOT) JUSTIFIED denial of the new in science.

The heroine was (NOT) FUDDED to connect her life with the life of a loved one.

When Arthur got to the opposite bank, he found himself at the previously (NOT) SPECIFIED sheep pen.

Answer: ___________________________.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled

MUCH... Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

In response to compelling reasons, the doctor agreed to be my second; I gave him (SAME) several instructions (ON) ABOUT the conditions of the fight.

(B) OVER 24 hours M.V. Lomonosov observed the passage of Venus across the solar disk and (B) CONSEQUENCES published his findings in a special work.

(B) A CONSEQUENCE of the fact that the work of electrical potential forces does not depend on the shape of the path of a single charge, the same voltage appears on each of the parallel-connected conductors.

There is no way to see the figure of the prodigal son in the picture, his face is almost invisible, but (B) FOLLOWING him mentally we fall on our knees and SO (SAME) we experience the meeting with the father, like the returned son.

(B) Throughout June, strawberries are harvested, and (PO) LATER, in July, raspberries.

Answer: ___________________________.

14. written N.

On the letter (1) th desk- manuscript of the story "The Old Woman", leather (2) folder for papers, silver (3) paper with the monogram "IB"(4) glass inkwell with copper cap.

Answer: ___________________________.

15. Arrange punctuation marks.Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONEcomma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In 1856 in the German city of Karlsruhe the first edition of the poem "The Demon" by the former lieutenant of the Tengin regiment M.Yu. Lermontov and in the same year in Omsk in the family of the captain of the same Tenginsky infantry regiment A.M. Vrubel's son was born - the future artist Mikhail Vrubel.

2) Many canvases by I.K. Aivazovsky are perceived as musical or poetic improvisations.

3) The story of E.I. Zamyatina "On Kulichki" is full of love and compassion for her compatriots and protests against social conditions.

4) With the Decembrist poets of the composer A.A. Alyabyev was linked by both general views and many circumstances of life and difficult personal fate.

5) Here the sources of rivers and springs and groves and oak groves have become reserved.

16 . Arrange punctuation marks:indicate all the numbers in the place of which

A young falcon (1) unexpectedly high (2) soared over the plain (3) disappeared from the summer sky (4) outlining the space above the horizon.

Answer: ___________________________.

17. Place punctuation marks:indicate all the numbers in the place of which

the sentence must contain commas.

In nature (1) undoubtedly (2) there is nothing more musical than the coming early morning. Morepeople sleep in stone houses, and the forest (3) opposite (4) is full of life: birds begin to sing joyfully, foliage rustles, butterflies tremble.

Answer: ___________________________.

18. Arrange the punctuation marks:indicate all the numbers in the place of which

the sentence must contain commas.

Thunder struck (1) the rumble (2) of which reminded me (3) the sound of a terrible earthquake.

Answer: ___________________________.

19. Arrange the punctuation marks:indicate all the numbers in the place of which

the sentence must contain commas.

Hadji Murad was sitting side by side in the room (1) and (2) although he did not understand the conversation (3)felt (4) that they were arguing about him.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the text and complete assignments 20-25.

(1) Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love. (2) Love-passion - always looking at yourself. (3) She wants to conquer, to seduce, she wants to be liked, she loves herself, puts on her hips, measures, all the time she is afraid to miss the lost. (4) Love-tenderness gives everything, and there is no limit to it. (5) And she will never look back at herself, because "she is not looking for her own." (6) She alone does not seek. (7) But one should not think that the feeling of tenderness belittles a person. (8) On the contrary. (9) Tenderness comes from above, it takes care of the beloved, protects, takes care of him. (10) But only a defenseless creature in need of guardianship can be patronized and protected, therefore the words of tenderness are diminutive words coming from the strong
to the weak.

(11) Tenderness is rare and less and less common. (12) Modern life is difficult and complex. (13) Modern man and in love seeks first of all to assert his personality. (14) Love is a single combat.

- (15) Aha! (16) Love? (17) Well, okay. (18) Roll up their sleeves, straighten their shoulders - well, who will win?

(19) Is it tender here? (20) And whom to protect, whom to pity - all good fellows and heroes. (21) He who has known tenderness is marked.

(22) In the minds of many, tenderness is drawn without fail in the form of a meek woman, leaning towards the head. (23) No, it is not there that you need to look for tenderness. (24) I saw her differently: in images that were not at all poetic, in simple, even funny ones.

(25) We lived in a sanatorium near Paris. (26) We walked, ate, listened to the radio, played bridge, and wentssip. (27) There was only one real patient - an angry old man recovering from typhus.

(28) The old man often sat on the terrace in a chaise longue, covered with pillows, wrapped in blankets, pale, bearded, always silent and, if anyone passed by, turned away and closed his eyes. (29) Around the old man, like a quivering bird, his wife curled around. (30) The woman is elderly, dry, light, with a faded face and anxiously happy eyes. (31) And she never sat quietly. (32) I was correcting something around my patient. (33) She turned the newspaper over, then fluffed up a pillow, then tucked a blanket, then ran to warm milk, then medicine dripped. (34) The old man accepted all these services with obvious disgust. (35) Every morning, with a newspaper in her hands, she rushed from table to table, talked warmly with everyone and asked:

Maybe you can help me? (36) Here is a crossword puzzle: "What happens in a residential building?" (37) Four letters. (38) I write on a piece of paper to help Sergei Sergeevich. (39) He always solves crosswords, and if he finds it difficult, I come to his aid. (40) After all, this is his only entertainment. (41) The sick are like children. (42) I'm so glad that even though it amuses him.

(43) She was pitied and treated with great sympathy.

(44) And somehow he crawled out onto the terrace earlier than usual. (45) She sat him down for a long time, covered him with rugs, and put pillows. (46) He frowned and angrily pushed her hand away if she did not immediately guess his wishes. (47) She, shivering happily, grabbed the newspaper.

- (48) Here, Seryozhenka, today, it seems, is a very interesting crossword puzzle.

(49) He suddenly raised his head, rolled out his evil yellow eyes and shook all over.

- (50) Get off to hell with your idiotic crosswords! he hissed furiously.

(51) She turned pale and somehow sank down.

- (52) But you ... - she babbled in confusion. - (53) After all, you were always interested in ...

- (54) I was never interested! he kept shaking and hissing, looking at her pale, desperate face with bestial pleasure. - (55) Never! (56) It was you who climbed with the tenacity of the degenerate, which you are!

(57) She said nothing. (58) She only swallowed air with difficulty, pressed her hands tightly to her chest and looked around with such pain and with such despair, as if looking for help. (59) But who can take such ridiculous and stupid grief seriously? (60) Only a little boy who was sitting at a nearby table and seeing this scene suddenly closed his eyes and cried bitterly.

(According to N.A. Teffi *)

* Nadezhda Alexandrovna Teffi (1872-1952) - Russian writer, poetess, memoirist and translator.

20 ... Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

Answer: ___________________________.

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

21. Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

Answer: ___________________________.

22. Write out the antonyms (antonymic pair) from sentences 5-10.

Answer: ___________________________.

23. Among sentences 28-34, find one that is related to the previous one
using union and personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in tasks 20-23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the numbers of terms from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “The text analyzes a problem that has worried people for centuries. To express his understanding of love and tenderness, the author uses the technique - (A) __________ (sentences 2, 3- 4, 5) and syntactic means- (B) __________ (in sentences 1, 9). To create the image of a tender wife, the writer helps- (IN)__________("Anxiously happythrough the eyes "in sentence 30) and the syntactic means- (D) __________ ("like a quivering bird" in sentence 29) ".

List of terms:

comparative turnover

colloquial words

rows of homogeneous members of a sentence


phraseological units


rhetorical questions

Do not forget to transfer all answers to answer form # 1 in accordance with the instructions for the work.End of form

Part 2

Use ANSWER FORM # 2 to answer this task.

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems deliveredthe author of the text.

Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write, do you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.



higher or higher

be aware

public hairstyle




also about

strong weak