Russian State University of Justice magistracy. Russian Academy of Justice

40.04.01 Jurisprudence (magistracy) program can be applied to citizens who have higher education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's degree). Full-time study period - 2 years, correspondence form - 2 years 5 months.

Full-time classes are held on weekdays from 18.40 to 21.50.

Distance learning is implemented in two forms:

- classical form of education,when students attend an installation session, and then independently using educational and methodological complexes and educational literature study and pass the session twice a year. The duration of the installation and test-examination sessions is 5-20 calendar days.

IN weekend groups, when all classes, tests and exams are saturdaysfrom 8.40 to 17.20.

During the entire period of study, students undergo 4 practices: Educational (6 weeks) and Industrial (6 weeks) for 1 year; Industrial (4 weeks) and Pre-diploma (10 weeks) for the 2nd year. More information can be found in the section "Practice and employment".

Upon completion of theoretical training, students pass the Final State Attestation, which includes State exam and defense of the final qualifying work (master's thesis). IGA is held on weekdays.

Upon completion of training, a state diploma is issued with the assignment of the MASTER qualification in the direction of training in Law.


educational programs:

Justice in civil, administrative cases and economic disputes

Profile Department - Department of Civil and Administrative Judicial Proceedings

(tel. 495-332-53-11, room 1406)

The master's program is aimed at preparing a new type of professional with general cultural, professional competence and high qualifications in the application of civil and administrative law in courts of general jurisdiction. In the course of training, you will receive fundamental training, study the procedure for considering civil disputes of certain categories of cases arising from private and public legal relations. Studying in a master's program will help to systematize knowledge, which will play an important role in choosing a job and moving up the career ladder.

  • have high level legal culture and professional legal awareness;
  • have the fundamental knowledge necessary for the implementation of their professional tasks in the field of civil and administrative proceedings;
  • get skills practical work in courts of general jurisdiction and skills in the application of legal norms to resolve legal disputes and conflicts;
  • develop the ability to further professional growthgain the experience necessary to continue working in the system of courts of general jurisdiction;
  • to get the skills to concentrate resources on solving certain problems, formulated in a given place and time.

Corporate lawyer

Profile department - department civil law (tel .: 495-332-51-17, office 1008).

The Master's program "Corporate Lawyer" is designed to give undergraduates the necessary knowledge, skills and experience in order to successfully and effectively carry out work on legal support of entrepreneurial and other economic activities of organizations, primarily commercial corporate organizations (including when working in banks, investment funds, stock exchanges, retail chains, energy, transport and legal firms x), but also others, including state authorities and local governments. Graduates of the magistracy are ready to work in the positions of legal advisers, employees and heads of legal services and their divisions (contract departments, departments of claim work, corporate governance, contract services of state and municipal customers), as well as in judicial systemparticipating in the resolution of civil and economic disputes.

A legal advisor and, in particular, the head of the legal department, for the quality performance of legal work, requires knowledge and skills from various areas of private law and related industries: issues of corporate governance, contract law, legal work in an organization, energy law, as well as knowledge of topical issues of labor law, taxation, procedural law. The curriculum content has been updated based on the experience of five years of enrollment for this program. The set of compulsory courses is complemented by a wide range of elective courses (including those related to bankruptcy, corporate dispute resolution, foreign contract and corporate law, legal protection of industrial property in business, customs law). Thus, a master's student can form his training program in such a way as to enter the labor market in this area without the need for additional advanced training courses.

Interactive forms of classes, conducted by teachers with experience in practical legal work, are designed to provide experience in drafting contracts, protocols of disagreements, documents related to corporate governance, participation in state and municipal procurement, participation in litigation and other elements of the practice of a legal adviser.

Wide participation in the implementation of the program not only of experienced practitioners, but also of well-known scientists - doctors of law, also allows us to consider this program as a step for further studies scientific activities in graduate school in the specialty 12.00.03 “civil law; business law; family law; international private law ". In addition, the scientific component of the program is designed not to limit the graduate by norms current law, but to provide him with knowledge about the trends and prospects of the development of civil and related legislation, so that the competence of the graduate does not become obsolete and he can freely navigate the ongoing reforms and their practical consequences.

Graduation themes qualification works (master's theses) are determined on the basis of current problems of civil, entrepreneurial, corporate law and reflect the professional interests of a master's student, both working in the legal profession and planning his own future career... Writing a master's thesis under the guidance of scientific advisor allows the undergraduate to study in depth a particular practical topic, study its scientific foundations and law enforcement problems.

Forms of study: full-time, part-time (classical, weekend group)

Lawyer in the field of financial and budgetary activities, financial control and public procurement

The aim of the master's program "Lawyer in the field of financial and budgetary activities, financial control and public procurement" is to train a wide range of highly qualified specialists with in-depth modern knowledge in the following areas of legal regulation:

1) legal regulation of the budgetary activities of public-law entities and state and municipal authorities of special competence (financial authorities, treasury authorities). The competencies formed as a result of the development of this knowledge allow one to carry out professional activities as lawyers and other specialists in financial and authorities, as well as in legal and other divisions of any other state and municipal authorities responsible for the implementation of budgetary powers and financial support of the activities of these bodies authorities;

2) legal regulation of the financial activities of budget financing organizations. The competencies formed as a result of mastering this knowledge allow one to carry out professional activities as lawyers in organizations receiving budgetary funding (in particular, in state institutions, budgetary institutionscreated by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities), taking into account the financial and budgetary specifics of the activities of such organizations;

3) legal regulation of public procurement. The competencies formed as a result of mastering the above knowledge allow the professional activities of employees of contract services (contract manager) of state or municipal customers; This master's program allows you to get a higher education in the field of procurement, which, based on Art. 9 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" is mandatory for performing the functions of a contract service employee, contract manager;

4) legal regulation of budgetary control. The competencies formed as a result of mastering this knowledge allow one to carry out professional activities as lawyers and other specialists in the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, divisions of the Federal Service for Budgetary and Financial Supervision, other authorities exercising control powers in the budgetary sphere at the regional and local levels;

5) financial and legal regulation of banking, insurance activities, activities in financial markets, as well as activities of other non-credit financial institutions, payment and settlement systems. Competencies formed as a result of mastering this knowledge allow one to carry out professional activities as lawyers and other specialists in regional offices and divisions of the Bank of Russia, as well as lawyers in credit institutions, professional participants in the securities market, insurance organizations, and non-state pension foundations, etc.

Legal activity in state and municipal authorities

The specialized department is the department of constitutional law named after N.V. Vitruk (tel .: 495-332-52-76 office 1014).

goal educational program: Formation of a set of knowledge and skills in trainees necessary for the implementation of professional lawmaking, law enforcement, law enforcement, expert and consulting, organizational and management, activities in public authorities (state and municipal), legal services, departments, departments of various legal directions, state and municipal institutions and organizations.

The general management of the scientific content and the educational part of the master's program is carried out by a full-time professor of the Department of Constitutional Law named after N.V. Vitruk, Doctor of Law, Professor of the relevant profile A.N. Pisarev, who has experience in educational institutions higher vocational education over 25 years. The head of the PLO has extensive experience in training in higher education educational institutions state and municipal officials, called upon to carry out lawmaking, law enforcement and organizational and administrative activities in public authorities.

TO educational process in the disciplines of the professional cycle, teachers are involved from among the current leaders and leading employees of specialized organizations, enterprises and institutions (the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation) who have extensive experience in lawmaking, law enforcement, law enforcement and organizational and management activities in public authorities of various level.

Forms of study: full-time, part-time (classical)

Real Estate Lawyer

Profile departments - Department of Land and environmental law (tel .: 495-332-53-14 room 515); Department of Civil Law (tel .: 495-332-51-17, office 1008).

The master's program is aimed at training lawyers with special knowledge in the field of legal regulation of the use of land plots, subsoil plots, forest plots, the operation of capital construction facilities, as well as the acquisition, termination and protection property rights on real estate objects.

In the course of training, you will study the legal regime of lands and land plots, environmental requirements and restrictions on the use of real estate, the system of property rights to real estate, legal regulation of transactions with it, ways to protect the rights of owners and other owners of real estate, the basics of state and municipal government in the field of use and protection natural resources, grounds and procedure for bringing to legal responsibility for offenses in the field of real estate, as well as the procedure for resolving disputes in this area, incl. housing.

A Master trained in the Program will have the following professional competencies: the ability to competently interpret normative legal acts, provide qualified legal opinions and advice in the field of real estate; skillfully apply normative legal acts in the field of real estate, implement the norms of material and procedural law in professional activities; develop normative legal acts, take part in the legal examination of draft normative legal acts in the field of real estate; readiness to fulfill official duties to ensure law and order in the field of real estate; the ability to detect, suppress, disclose and investigate offenses and crimes in the field of real estate; ability to competently conduct scientific research in the field of natural resource and civil law.

A master trained in the Program can successfully realize himself as a lawyer for the protection of rights to real estate, will be in demand in the legal departments of real estate and other organizations operating in the field of real estate, as well as in state authorities and local governments (Rosimushchestvo, Rosreestre , environmental prosecutors, bodies managing state or municipal real estate, bodies exercising supervision (control) in the field of real estate, etc.).

Forms of study: full-time, part-time (classical, weekend group)

Tax lawyer

The specialized department is the department of financial law (tel .: 495-332-52-42, office 509).

The goal of the Master's program "Tax Lawyer" is to train highly qualified specialists with in-depth modern knowledge in the field of tax law and legal regulation of taxation, insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds, customs payments and key competencies that allow them to carry out professional activities:

In the system of tax authorities,

In the customs authorities (in the divisions that carry out calculations, collection of customs payments; control over the payment of customs payments; bringing to justice violators of the legislation regulating the calculation and payment of customs payments; as well as in divisions dealing with the settlement of disputes related to the calculation and payment of customs payments, including judicial),

In the departments and offices of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (in the subdivisions that calculate and collect insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance; control over the payment of insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance; bringing to justice violators of the legislation governing the calculation and payment of insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance; as well as in units dealing with the settlement of disputes related to the calculation and payment of insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance, including judicial),

In the departments and offices of the Social Insurance Fund (in the subdivisions that calculate and collect insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance; control over the payment of insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance; bringing to responsibility violators of the legislation governing the calculation and payment of insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance; a also in units dealing with the settlement of disputes related to the calculation and payment of insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance, including judicial),

In courts (specialized trains);

Lawyers in audit and consulting organizations,

Lawyers in specialized tax departments of large enterprises,

Private practicing tax lawyers.

Forms of study: full-time, part-time (classical)

Lawyer in the field of economic activity

The specialized department - legal support of economic activity (tel .: 495-332-53-71, office 1417).

The goal of the Master's program “Lawyer in the field of economic activity” is to train a new generation of lawyers who can apply the current legislation in the context of the modernization of the Russian economy.

The program is focused on training a new generation of lawyers (both practitioners and researchers) who are able to apply the current legislation in the context of the modernization of the Russian economy.

The structure of the master's program is an innovative model built on the basis of the experience of universities in France, Germany and China, which consists in a two-level system of training for masters.

The first level allows you to get in-depth knowledge of legal and economic disciplines.

The second level reflects a unique opportunity to study according to an individual trajectory, since it provides for the study of disciplines of the student's choice, established by the university.

Common to the study are the disciplines included in the basic and variable (profile) part of the professional cycle (first level of training): "Actual problems of economic law", "Consideration of corporate disputes by arbitration courts", "Economic theory", "Currency law", "Investment law "," Historical and legal problems of geoeconomics "," Economic criminal law "and others.

In order to expand and deepen the fundamental knowledge about the legal regulation of economic activities of economic entities in the conditions of the functioning of the global market, the undergraduate has the right to choose the following disciplines: "Actual problems of banking law", "Legal regulation of accounting systems", "Customs law of the EAEU", "International customs law" , "Legal regulation of the securities market", "Actual problems of investment law", "Legal regulation of foreign trade activities", "WTO law", "Legal regulation of finance, money circulation and the loan “Investment policy of commercial banks”, “Legal regulation of direct and portfolio investments”, “Fundamentals of customs”, “Tax disputes with foreign trade participants” and others. Particular attention is paid to the issues of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of economic entities in disputes with state control and supervision bodies in courts, as well as in the Eurasian economic commission, in the EAEU Court.

Graduates of the master's program are in demand as highly qualified specialists and heads of organizations - participants in economic activity (for example, banks, investment companies, subjects of foreign economic activity), in the service in government bodiesexercising control over business entities.

Forms of study: full-time, part-time (classical)

Lawyer in the field of criminal proceedings

Profile department - department of criminal law (tel .: 495-332-51-92, room 504)

The Master's program "Lawyer in the field of criminal proceedings" is a new educational product developed by specialists from the Russian State University of Justice and aimed at forming a special legal competence in Russia - solving legal, analytical and research problems arising in the field of criminal law application.

The Master's program is intended for lawyers planning to work primarily in the field of criminal law enforcement.

The target orientation of the program assumes a fundamental study of the theory and practice of the application of criminal law. Curriculum training of masters provides for the study of such important disciplines for the formation of professional skills as "The doctrine of crime and the composition of a crime", "The theory of qualification of crimes", "Criminal punishment and rules for its appointment", "Economic criminal law", "Official criminal law", "Evidence and proof in criminal proceedings", "Consideration of criminal cases in court", etc.

Leading specialists of the Russian State University of Justice, doctors and candidates of legal sciences are involved in teaching in the magistracy.

Successful mastering of the educational training program will allow the master to:

Have a high level of legal culture and professional legal awareness;

Possess the fundamental knowledge necessary for the implementation of their professional tasks in the field of the application of criminal law and crime prevention;

To acquire skills of practical work in courts of general jurisdiction and skills of applying legal norms to resolve criminal situations;

To develop the ability for further professional growth, gain the experience necessary to continue working in the system of courts of general jurisdiction, prosecutors, investigative committee, legal profession.

The master's program has a professional focus. Its assimilation will enable graduates to justify and make decisions within the limits of official duties, as well as to perform actions related to the implementation of criminal law norms, to work in the field of ensuring the rule of law and law and order.

Forms of study: full-time, part-time (classical, weekend group)

"Lawyer in the field of international business and Eurasian integration"

Profile Department - Department of International Law

(tel. 495-332-54-44, office 606)

The program is unique in the modern educational market. The program guarantees employment in the bodies of the EAEU (EEC, Court of the EAEU), as well as leading international corporations. The program provides fundamental training for undergraduates on the following topics:

Legal regulation of Eurasian integration

includes the study of the prerequisites for the formation of Eurasian integration, its legal form, the place and role of international business in the new integration association. The training also includes studying the experience of European, Latin American, and South-Eastern integration associations.

Legal regulation of international business

includes a comprehensive study of the issue from the standpoint of international public and international private law, the development of a common market and the formation of international integration associations, as well as from the standpoint of the cultural and legal foundations of building cross-border communications.

Resolution of legal conflicts in the field of international business

includes the study of mechanisms and legal techniques for resolving business disputes at the international (EAEU Court, EU Court, ECHR, WTO mechanisms, etc.) and at the national level, including judicial means of resolving disputes and alternative methods of resolving conflicts.

Foreign language in the professional activity of an international lawyer

includes in-depth, specialized study foreign language, which allows you to build effective communications in the field of international business, Eurasian integration and successfully resolve legal conflicts in international communication.

A graduate of the master's program in the future will be able to effectively carry out practical activities in the direction of resolving legal conflicts in the field of international business both in the person of a specialist resolving a legal conflict (judge, arbitrator, mediator) and in the person of a practicing lawyer representing the interests of a party in a legal conflict. A successful graduate student will be able to represent the interests of stakeholders in both national and international courts. In addition, the graduate will have a sufficient number of competencies to continue his scientific activities.

Forms of study: full-time

Master in RAP. Choice of Master's programs in all universities of Russia. Master's programs are budgetary and contractual.

Russian academy Entrepreneurship (RAP) Moscow was established in 1990. It is a scientific and educational non-profit organization that unites scientists, entrepreneurs and specialists from all sectors of the Russian economy. RAP refers to 10% russian universities, which include 89% of full-time specialists with the titles of professors and associate professors, as well as degrees of doctors and candidates of science. Branches of the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship operate in 15 Russian regions.

Master in RAP

In 2000, the Ministry of Education of Russia confirmed the status of the university as an "Academy". The RAP Master's program prepares students for 22 programs. Students receive knowledge that meets the needs for scientific innovative developments in the spheres of entrepreneurial activity in Russia and abroad. RAP conducts international activities.