Between France and Spain. Who does France border on? Geographical position of France

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Andorra (Principality of Andorra) is one of the dwarf states of Europe,the capital is Andorra la Vella.

The name of the country comes from Basque. andurrial - "wasteland". Once it was a closed state, but now the principality exists and develops mainly thanks to tourism. In connection with high level banking privacy Andorra is a tax haven. The trade in luxury goods is flourishing here.


Andorra is landlocked. The principality is located in the eastern Pyrenees, between France and Spain. The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 468 sq. km. Its territory is dominated by high rocky mountains, separated by narrow valleys. Andorra has many mountain lakes of glacial origin.

Andorra is divided into 7 parishes (cat. parraboutquies, "Community"): Andorra la Vella, Canillo, La Massana, Ordino, Sant Julia de Loria, Encamp, Escaldes-Engordany.


The population of Andorra is 84,129 people (2008). The population of the capital is about 24 thousand people. Less than a third of the total population (11 thousand people) are the indigenous Andorrans, the descendants of Catalan peasants who settled in the mountain valleys in ancient times. In addition, Andorra is home to 25 thousand Spaniards, 4 thousand French, Portuguese, etc. Official language - Catalan, spoken by a third of the population. French and Spanish (Castilian dialect) languages \u200b\u200bare also widespread. The majority of believers (99%) are Catholics.

Political structure

Andorra is a “parliamentary principality”. In accordance with a tradition rooted in pareage, the Co-rulers, that is, the heads of state, are the President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell (Seu-de-Urgell,). Therefore, the country cannot be called a full-fledged monarchy, but rather a tribute to tradition.

Supreme legislative body - a unicameral General Council of the Valleys (General Council) of 28 members, elected for 4 years by universal and direct suffrage (14 - in the national district, and the rest - 2 from each of the 7 communities of the country). The head of the General Council is the general syndic, elected from among the members of the council.

Executive power carried out by the government - the Executive Council. Its chairman is elected by the General Council and officially approved by the princes - co-rulers for a four-year term. The composition of the Executive Council is formed by the chairman.

Judicial system consists of the Magistrates' Court, the Criminal Court, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. The President of the Supreme Court is a judge appointed by the general syndicate. The Supreme Court is composed of 5 judges with a term of office of 6 years. The Supreme Court appoints the members of the Attorney General's office. The Constitutional Court is responsible for interpreting the Constitution, as well as considering all complaints about the inconsistency with the Constitution of laws and agreements.

The name of the country comes from the Basque andurrial- "wasteland".

Capital of the Principality of Andorra... Andorra la Vella.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Principality of Andorra... 468 km2.

Population of the Principality of Andorra... 70,000 people (

GDP of Andorra. $3.249 mlr. (

Location of the Principality of Andorra... The state is located in the west of Europe in the Eastern Pyrenees. In the north and east it borders with, in the west and south - with. It has no outlet to the sea.

Administrative division of the principality of Andorra... 7 communities (districts) with some administrative and financial independence.

Form of government of the Principality of Andorraand. Parliamentary principality.

Head of State of the Principality of Andorra... Co-rulers since 1278 are Bishop of Urgell (Spain) and President of France.

Highest legislative body of the Principality of Andorra... The unicameral General Council (the oldest after the parliament in, has been in effect since 1419), the term of office is 4 years.

Major cities of the Principality of Andorra... Doesn't have.

State language of the Principality of Andorra... Catalan.

Religion of the Principality of Andorra. 91% are Catholics, 9% are atheists.

Ethnic composition of the Principality of Andorra... 60% - Catalans, 30% - Spanish, 5% - indigenous Andorran, 4% - French.

The currency of the Principality of Andorra... Euro \u003d 100 cents.

principality of Andorra... Subtropical, mountainous. The average annual temperature is + 9 ° С. Precipitation is 1000-2000 mm per year. The country is completely located in the Pyrenees Mountains.

Flora of the Principality of Andorra... The vegetation is dominated by oak, beech, chestnut, pine, spruce. In the mountains - . There are small valleys.

Fauna of the Principality of Andorra. Animal world very poor, represented by roe deer, rodents, birds.

Rivers of the Principality of Andorra... Valira, Valira del Norte.

Attractions of the Principality of Andorra... Two active Roman arched bridges of the 2nd century, the ruins of an Arab fortress of the 8th century, the castle of the Counts de Foix (12th century), "House of the Valleys" - the seat of government.

Useful information for tourists

Andorra is a duty-free zone, that is, in fact, a huge duty free. Three avenues crossing the cities of Andorra la Vella and Escaldes - av. Princip Benlloch, av. Meritxell and av. Carlemany is a magnificent commercial center that any European capital can envy. The choice is not limited: clothing, footwear, sporting goods and ski equipment, watches, jewelry, perfumery, household and radio equipment. All this can be purchased at very reasonable prices and with a quality guarantee.

During rush hour, waiting for a taxi can take up to one and a half hours, so it is better to rent a car. It will start at $ 40. A driver's license and card are required.

Every year the small Principality of Andorra, located in the Pyrenees, is visited by more than 10 million tourists. This is a phenomenal figure for a country with a population of around 85,000. Andorra is famous for its ski resorts Pas de la Casa, Soldeu El Tarter, Encamp, Escaldes, Canillo and Arinsal. However, Andorra is not only upscale ski slopes, but also beautiful nature, Roman buildings and medieval churches.

Geography of Andorra

The Principality of Andorra, whose history began about 1200 years ago, is located in the eastern part of the Pyrenees. In the north and east, Andorra borders with France, and in the south and west with Spain. The total area of \u200b\u200bthis unique country is 468 sq. km. Most of the territory of Andorra is mountains, but there are also cozy narrow valleys. The highest mountain in Andorra is Coma Pedrosa (2946 m).


The capital of Andorra is the small city of Andorra la Vella, which now has a population of about 25 thousand people. Scientists have proven that Andorra la Vella was founded in the first half of the 9th century.

Official language

The official language of Andorra is Catalan (sometimes called Valencian). The Catalan language belongs to the Romance languages \u200b\u200bwith ancient roots, its formation dates back to the beginning of the Middle Ages. In addition, the majority of Andorran residents also speak Spanish and French.


More than 97% of Andorra residents are Roman Catholics. The head of the Church of Andorra is the Bishop of Urgell.

State structure

The Principality of Andorra is a parliamentary democracy. The co-rulers of this country are the President of France, as well as the Spanish Bishop of Urgell. However, their power is nominal, because they do not even have the right to veto in the local parliament.

The Parliament of Andorra is the General Council of the Valleys (it has one chamber), which consists of 28 members. This General Council was formed back in 1419. The country's constitution was adopted on March 14, 1993. Andorra is a member of the United Nations and since 1991 it has a trade agreement with the European Union.

Climate and weather

Andorra has a temperate Mediterranean climate with warm summers and cold snowy winters. Precipitation falls all year round. The average air temperature in Andorra is + 9C. In the summer season (May-September) the air temperature during the day is from + 23 to +30 C, and at night from +5 to +19 C). During the ski season (November-April), daytime temperatures average from -10 to + 2C.

Rivers and lakes of Andorra

Andorra has four rivers and a large number of mountain lakes (the largest of which is Lake Juklar).


Historians claim that independence was granted to Andorra as early as the 9th century AD. "Emperor of the West", King of the Franks Charlemagne. Since 1278 Andorra has been under the joint protectorate of France and Spain. Throughout the Middle Ages and the New Age, Andorra remained outside the great European history. At this time, Andorra only has economic ties with France and Spain. Note that smuggling flourished in Andorra in the Middle Ages.

In 1607, the Head of the French State and the Spanish Bishop of Urgell became co-rulers of Andorra.

Since the 1950s, tourism has flourished in Andorra. In 1970, women in Andorra received the right to vote. In 1993, the people of Andorra adopted their first Constitution, and after that the country entered the UN.

Culture of Andorra

The ancient Romans had a great influence on the culture of Andorra. At the moment, about 50 Roman temples have survived in this country. In the Middle Ages, very big influence the culture of Andorra was influenced by Spain (France to a lesser extent).

When it comes to Andorran writers, the most famous of them are Albert Salvado, Anthony Morell and Juan Pruga.

Several music festivals are held in Andorra every year. The most popular of them are the International Jazz Festival (June) and the Ordino Classical Music Festival (September).

Andorran cuisine

The main food products of Andorra residents are meat, vegetables, pasta, and in some regions also fish. In winter, the towns and villages of Andorra often eat escudella soup, made from meat (veal, chicken), potatoes and vegetables. In general, Andorran cuisine is very similar to Catalan cuisine, although it has some elements of French and Italian cuisine.

Traditional Andorian dishes include various sausages, la parillada (grilled meat), Andorran veal carpaccio, Andorran trout, Pan con Tomate (toast on country bread with ripe tomatoes, garlic and olive oil), and onion salad with honey (sounds funny, but actually very tasty).

Cheese is widespread in the north of Andorra (French influence is felt). In Andorra, many Catholic families still do not eat meat on Fridays.

Andorra landmarks

Despite the fact that tourists come to Andorra to ski, we would advise them to definitely see the sights of this country. In our opinion, the five best attractions in Andorra include:

Cities and resorts

In addition to Andorra la Vella, the capital of Andorra, there are several other small towns in this state, among which the following should be named: Pas de la Casa, Soldeu, and Escaldes.

Every city in Andorra is an upscale ski resort. In addition, there are entire resort areas in this country - Soldeu-El Tarter, Encamp, Canillo, Arinsal, La Massana, Ordino, and, of course, Cortinada. Some of the above settlements are small towns, while others are just villages.

Souvenirs / shopping

At the moment, there are more than 4,000 shops in small Andorra, which are visited by millions of tourists every year.

Tourists are advised to pay attention to Andorran handicrafts - “musicature” (a special type of wood or metal carving with folk motifs) and handmade furniture (it is, of course, difficult to pack in a suitcase).

In Andorra, you can always find T-shirts, cups, postcards, fridge magnets, key chains, etc.

Opening hours of institutions

In Andorra, shops are open on weekdays from 9.00 to 20.00, on Saturday - from 9.00 to 21.00, and on Sunday - from 9.00 to 19.00.

Bank opening hours:
Mon-Fri: - 09.00-13.00 and 15: 00-17-00
Sat: - 09: 00-12: 00


Ukrainian citizens who want to visit Andorra receive a visa at the Spanish consulate.


The main currency in circulation is the euro.

The Principality of Andorra, sandwiched between the territories of Spain and France, is located in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The small size of the state does not allow it to independently defend its sovereignty, which forces the country's government to be in associated relations with neighboring, larger powers.

Where is Andorra located?

The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 468 square kilometers, and its name means "wasteland" in Basque. However, despite the name of the country, most of it is occupied by mountains covered with coniferous and mixed forests. At a considerable height, the subalpine ones are stretched and the valleys are crossed by mountain rivers with a rapid current, overflowing during the period of rains and melting snows.

In the west of the country, in close proximity to the borders with Spain and France, there is the highest point of the state - Mount Coma Pedrosa, reaching an altitude of 2942 meters above sea level. The geography of Andorra is of great interest to lovers of virgin nature and climatic resorts, as well as active athletes. In turn, the lowest point of the country is located at an altitude of 840 meters, at the confluence of the Valira and Rio Runer rivers.

Due to the mountainous nature of the terrain, rivers are usually quite short and rarely exceed several kilometers in length. Most of them flow into Spanish or French rivers.

Since the climate of the region where Andorra is located belongs to the Pyrenean ecoregion, the winters are snowy and mild, which makes the country suitable for the development of ski tourism.

Principality history

The first mention of the community of the country of Andorra is found in 778, but the most reliable information not only about the existence, but also about sovereignty dates back to 805, when Charlemagne bestowed the Magna Carta of freedom on the inhabitants of Andorra.

Subsequently, power in the valley was divided between the local prince and the bishop of the Urzhel diocese. However, despite the fact that the rulers of neighboring states regularly interfered in the internal affairs of the principality, the borders of which were changing at a fantastic speed, the country of Andorra retained not only its sovereignty, but also its administrative structure and management system. The two neighboring states jointly managed the territory in the interests of local residents.

It is worth noting that already in 1419, the first Land Council was convened in the country of Andorra, which actually had parliamentary powers. Later, this governing body will be transformed into the General Council. However, the prince will still be at the head of the state. This feudal form of government in Andorra will last until 1866, when the administrative reform will be carried out in the country.

Political structure

The political system of the principality and its place on the European political map are worthy of special mention. Today Andorra is ranked sixteenth in the list of the smallest countries in the world.

Traditions are of great importance for the political system of Andorra, because its ancient parliament never stopped working, and international treaties with neighboring countries provide the very possibility of the existence of the state.

Until 1993, the country paid an annual tribute to its neighbors. For France, 960 francs were intended, and for the Bishop of Urgel - 12 heads of cheese, 12 partridges and twelve capons, as well as 460 pesetas and even six hams.

According to the constitution adopted in 1993, the Principality of Andorra is governed by two co-princes and is called the General Council of the Valleys.

The country's judicial system

Whatever the form of government in Andorra, the state would not have been able to function effectively without a judiciously structured judicial system based on a deep tradition of respect for law and law.

The structure of the judicial system has been worked out with great care. It consists of the Magistrates' Court, the Criminal Court, and the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. The structure of the Supreme Court deserves a separate consideration, the complexity of which reflects the entire history of state building of the country of Andorra.

The highest court in the country consists of five judges. One judge is appointed by the Executive Council of the state, two more judges are elected by the princes. The Valleys Council appoints another judge. The sixth judge is appointed by the will of the Magistrates' Court.

The capital of country

Administratively, the country is represented by seven communities, which are called parishes there. One of these communities is the capital of the state - Andorra la Vella. Despite the fact that the entire population of the country is 77,000 people, more than twenty-two thousand live in big city country - its capital.

According to local legend, the city at the confluence of two rivers was founded at the beginning of the lX century by the personal order of Charlemagne, who also became the founder of the Carolingian dynasty, one of the greatest royal dynasties of the last thousand years.

However, Andorra la Vella became the center of the principality in 1278, and all state authorities such as parliament, courts and government moved to the capital in 1993, when a new constitution was adopted that transformed the principality into a parliamentary monarchy.

Capital economy

Andorra la Vella is not only the political, but also the financial center of the principality. Despite the fact that the favorable mountain climate and high quality infrastructure allow the country to occupy a leading position in the tourist services market, a significant income in the country's economy is brought by its status as an international offshore company.

It is for this reason that offices of large banks and international organizations are located in Andorra. The capital hosts international sports competitions attracting thousands of participants and spectators. Once, Andorra la Vella even claimed to host the Olympic Games, but her application was not accepted.

A country's economy

Some economists believe that in last years the government of Andorra, whose area and population does not allow it to specialize in the heavy and raw materials industries, is doing everything possible to get rid of its dependence on bank capital.

According to some reports, the tourism sector provides up to eighty percent of the national product. It should be noted that this means not only resort tourism, but also business.

Several factors contribute to the rapid development of the entire economy of Andorra and tourism activities. First, government intervention in the economy is minimal, creating the much needed business climate and a sense of security.

Second, the banking sector, which finances large infrastructure and tourism projects, enjoys substantial tax incentives and therefore can afford additional spending on projects with deferred benefits.


Despite its small area, Andorra boasts significant reserves of iron ore and lead. However, these deposits are not being developed, since Andorrans are extremely careful about the ecology of their country and give preference to the development of the service sector.

Concerning agriculture, then it is extremely poorly developed in the principality, since only two percent of the land is suitable for cultivation, which means that most of the food has to be exported. On the other hand, woolen sheep breeding is traditionally well developed in the country, since the mountain slopes are rich in alpine meadows, where it is convenient to raise sheep that give wool of the highest quality.

Transport network

The total length of all roads in the principality is 279 kilometers, but seventy-six kilometers are not paved. Given the country's geographical position, it can be assumed that road maintenance in winter is quite expensive and requires very careful attention.

However, in Spain and France, they are kept in immaculate condition and, in the absence of disasters, are usually available in winter. Only one site, located, however, on the territory of France, is cleaned less often and it happens that it is blocked by avalanches.

Since the country has neither its own airport nor railways, the inhabitants of Andorra have to use the transport possibilities of neighboring countries. For example, with Barcelona and its airport, Andorra is connected by regular bus service. The nearest airport in the region where Andorra is located is in Perpignac.

Education in Andorra

In the principality, all children and adolescents from six to sixteen years old are required to attend high school, which is free for all citizens. The history and geographical position determine the multilingualism of the country, therefore, schools for speakers of Andorra, Spanish and French are officially functioning in the principality.

The system school education there is one peculiarity: despite the fact that all schools were built and maintained by the authorities of the principality, the salaries of teachers in Spanish and French schools are paid by Spain and France. At the same time, parents of students can choose the language of instruction at their discretion.

Concerning higher education, then there is only one university in the country, founded in 1997. This situation is not typical for Europe, where university traditions go back to the depths of the Middle Ages, and large universities operate in almost every major city.

In addition to the university, there are two higher schools... One trains nurses, while the other teaches computer science and awards doctorates in the discipline.

The difficulty with the development of university education lies in the fact that the region where Andorra is located is at a considerable distance from large scientific centers, and the internal resources of the principality and the small number of students do not allow to support significant academic research.

Institute of ablation

According to the established tradition, for several centuries the principality was jointly ruled by the bishop of Urgell, located now in Spanish Catalonia, and a representative of the Occitan family of Foix, who was later succeeded by the kings of Navarre.

The king of France and his heirs began to speak with the French co-ruler. The line of succession was interrupted only during the First French Republic, but was subsequently restored, and since then the heads of the French state have invariably assumed the right to rule Andorra on an equal basis with the bishops of Urgel. Since 2017, Emmanuel Macron has been the French representative in Andorra.

Andorra is a dwarf state of Europe, sandwiched between France and Spain. This word means "wasteland" and even Charlemagne in 790 gave this area independence. Thus, the principality of Andorra is one of the oldest states in Europe.

The map can be enlarged or reduced

Historically, it was formed in a convenient place of the pass, on the way "from the Franks to the Moors", merchants usually always stopped there to rest. This was at first aided by the huge folding knives of the local Catalans, with which they very deftly fenced in order to demonstrate to the merchants how well they could, in case of need to protect them.

Over the centuries, impressed traders have told the story of the dexterity with which the hot Catalan guys inhabiting Andorra throw down their weapons: Ha ha ha, you fool, you threw the knife ... Fool? Try it, shake your head.
However, these passions remained in the distant past. Nowadays, a beautiful and not hectic life awaits a tourist. Although the state is dwarf, it is very rich, now trade has huge benefits and is conducted mainly in luxury goods. In addition, ski tourism and rock climbing are also highly developed in this climber's paradise. The best alpine skis and suits for skiers resemble cyborg body armor, glasses with rangefinders and built-in routers, strength and lightness. However, it is easy to find antiques for souvenirs.

Andorra is part of Europe, and in Europe, telephone communication is more than just communication. Now the correct telephone services have appeared in Russia. St. Petersburg hotlines will provide any Russian with a mass of necessary information, even for business, even for life.