Vse surname lists of applicants. Selection committee

Alexey Alexandrovich Sobolevsky

Deputy Director for Public Relations, Higher School of Economics.

This section is a "hot line" for admission to the HSE. To ask a question, use the "Ask a question" link and explain its essence. The question will be sent to the selection committee, which will prepare an answer to it in a short time.

Question answer

Good afternoon, Alexey!

1. This year the minimum score from 65 to 75 in computer science and mathematics for "Software Engineering". A child has 70 in computer science, significantly higher in mathematics and close to the maximum in Russian. The expected total value of the contracting criterion will be significantly exceeded. Last year he would have passed to paid places under contracts, this year not. Is there a chance to conclude a contract for paid seats for this program? While there is no excitement there. What should be done for this and when to submit the documents?

2. There are a number of prestigious international Olympiads and scientific and technical competitions in which Russian representatives participate in accordance with intergovernmental agreements (for example, with the European Union and the United States) and which are not covered by the Olympiads and teams of the Ministry of Education and Science, since they are above them. If the child won and officially got into the Russian national team to participate in such international competitions, is it possible to contact the Admissions Committee with a request to take into account these achievements in accordance with clause 2.7 of the "Admission Rules", which provide "other special rights"How best to do this?

Good day!
1) Without overcoming the minimum threshold for one or several USEs, documents cannot be submitted either for the budget or for paid basis (unless, of course, your child has a BVI benefit for this program - in this case, there is no need to overcome the minimum threshold) So, unfortunately, there is no possibility to apply for this program. However, HSE has a sufficient number of other programs for which your child can apply https://ba.hse.ru/minkrit2018 (remember that all HSE programs have a fairly large amount of variable part that the student chooses, in addition to this there is an opportunity choose a minor of another program in the learning process https://electives.hse.ru/catalog2018 or choose courses from the HSE + program https://www.hse.ru/plus

2) There are a number of international competitions that are taken into account for admission on an equal basis with the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren: https://ba.hse.ru/olimp2018. In this case, it is best for you to personally discuss the possibility of accounting for such Olympiads with representatives of the selection committee.

30.06.18 Sergei -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Alexey, hello. A question. We have a result of 231 points. Golden TRP badge, Red diploma. Do we have the ability to hit the budget? If not, are there any benefits for admission to a paid department? Thank you.

Good day!
Last year, the passing scores for the HSE Moscow campus were as follows: https://ba.hse.ru/result2017

The 2017 minimum program scores were as follows:

Joint Bachelor's Degree NRU HSE and CPM - 242 (Russian, mathematics, physics)

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems - 251 (Russian, mathematics, physics)

Informatics and computer Engineering - 257 (Russian, mathematics, physics)

Also this year there are 3 new programs with budget places on Oriental Studies (it is not possible to predict the passing score for them):

  • Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures of India
  • Language and literature of Iran
  • Biblical Studies and History of Ancient Israel
A complete list of programs is available on the website for applicants: https://ba.hse.ru

For the rest of the programs, the passing score was higher and one cannot expect a significant decrease.
Remember that for HSE applicants, there is the most transparent system of discounts on uSE results: https://ba.hse.ru/disc2018

You can also consider the possibility of admission not to the Moscow campus, but to our campuses in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm. Education there is conducted according to the same standards as the central campus and there is an opportunity to study at another campus for a semester.

28.06.18 Natalia -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Good day!
I did not find information on the site about the possibility of paying for tuition at the expense of maternity capital. Thanks in advance for your reply

Good day! Yes, from the second half of the year, payment by maternity capital is possible. At the stage of admission, the admission committee provides assistance in preparing documents for applying to the Pension Fund, but payment will be required for enrollment. Parents pay for the first half of the year, taking into account the discount provided, with their own funds until August 20, and at the same time apply for documents to receive maternity capital. During two months The pension fund transfers money for one year of study. After the enrollment of the student, from September 1, all the cases of the enrolled are conducted by the educational office of the faculty.The money deposited earlier is an overpayment and will be returned to the current account of the customer (mother of the applicant).
When drawing up an agreement involving payment by maternity capital after July 02, you can apply for more detailed advice in the office. 242 - administrative office of the contracting service.

27.06.18 Svetlana -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Good day!
I'm a prize winner regional phase school olympiad 2018 and winner municipal stage in computer science, but not in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but in another, will this be credited to me as a personal achievement, and will it give additional points when applying to the HSE in Nizhny Novgorod in the direction of Software Engineering?
With all respect, Andrew.

Good day!
The list of individual achievements for each program is different. For our Nizhny Novgorod campus, the list is on this page:

The difference in which region you are a winner or a medalist does not matter. But the type of the Olympiad itself (All-Russian or List) directly affects the ID scores.

16.06.18 Andrei -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Good day! Tell me please. Bachelor's degree in the exam.
1.If you passed into the green wave, but did not bring the original, you will wait, suddenly you will pass into the second to the priority direction. The second did not pass. Has your place been kept since the first wave? can you bring the original to the direction where the green went before the close of the second wave?
2. Do I have to pay for a paid seat in advance so that later it turns out that paid seats have already been recruited?
3. photo to the admissions office - bachelor's degree in exam, do you need?
4. Submitting documents for a direction, for example, economics. How many specialties within the direction can you apply for, and how will it be distributed? and when you find out what specialty you ended up in.
Thanks for the answer.

1) Yes. If the score of the "green wave" does not grow from the first stage to the second (there was practically no such thing, in some cases the scores of the first and second waves coincided), then until the end of the term for accepting originals for the second wave you will not be eliminated from the competition for the first program (where in SG)
2) If you are applying for a discount https://ba.hse.ru/discount, then there is no point in paying right away - we are guaranteed to accept documents from all applicants who apply for discounts. However, on a number of programs with a large competition for a paid form (if you are not applying for a discount), it is better to conclude and pay a contract immediately. If you go to the budget for another program, HSE will return the full amount.

3) The list of documents for submission to the selection committee here: https://ba.hse.ru/spd2018

4) Within the direction can be applied to any number of programs. At the same time, do not forget that we are one university with campuses in Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Perm. So, for example, you can apply for Economics on all four campuses with one application.

14.06.18 Svetlana -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Good evening. Please explain if you need to print out the diploma of the Olympiad for schoolchildren and give this diploma with the rest of the documents in order to receive the privilege? Do I need to certify this diploma somehow (say, notarially)?

Good day!
You need to print your diploma from personal account... There is no need to assure him.

24.05.18 Igor -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Good day! Does the right to enter the BVI give a diploma of 2 degrees in the peer-to-peer Olympiad of 2 levels "Fundamentals orthodox culture"in the directions" History "," Political Science "?

The full name of the educational institution is National research university « high school Economics ”, abbreviated to NRU HSE. The unofficial name is the result of student folk art - "HSE".

This university is in the top 5 best universities country and is rightly considered the most progressive and prestigious among the capital's institutions.

General information about NRU "Higher School of Economics"

The university operates on a budget-commercial basis: the institution receives government subsidies, income from its own research projects, contract students and from third-party sponsors and organizations. Such multichannel injections into the university budget enable the institution's management to constantly improve the material and technical base of the HSE and the quality of education itself.

On the basis of the Higher School of Economics, there are 128 research centers, 36 research and design laboratories, 32 international laboratories under the guidance of foreign researchers. HSE conducts the most intensive among the capital's universities international activities, cooperates with 298 foreign partners, has 41 double degree programs with foreign universities.

It is noteworthy that from the very day of its foundation, the institution has been headed by the permanent rector - Ya. I. Kuzminov.

“We study not for school, but for life” is the motto of the Higher School of Economics.

History of University

The Higher School of Economics has no turbulent history. The first brick of this European-oriented university was not laid by Peter I himself, and its corridors were not trampled by Lomonosov or Nietzsche.

It is a relatively young, but very intensively developing, progressive university. If educational institutions were identified with cities, then HSE would be Singapore or Hong Kong.

So, the school was opened for students with November 17, 1992. Already in 2009, this university was competitive basis received the title of National Research University.

Faculty of Law. We can safely say that this faculty prepares the best lawyers of Russian modernity. This is not unreasonable, because the university itself was not created without the participation of the administrative and ruling elite. It is important to note that students are taught material with a huge emphasis on practice. They invite specialists from government agencies, practicing lawyers, etc.

Faculty humanities ... This faculty can in no way be called profile for the HSE, experts' reviews also note that humanitarians are trained here with the understanding that their specialization is a priori inferior to computer scientists or economists. But the faculty has the strongest school of foreign languages. Also, most of the lectures are public and optional for students of other specialties. Every student who wants to expand his horizons can come to cultural studies, philosophy and additional courses of foreign languages.

Faculty of Communications, Media and Design.This faculty is the fiefdom of female students, there are even fewer males here than in the pedagogical institute. Apparently, the laurels of Anna Wintour or Carrie Bradshaw do not give rest to the ladies anymore. But seriously, the faculty trains not only journalists, but rather full-fledged specialists for media communications with a focus on working in the Internet environment, PR companies, and design institutions.

Faculty of Economic Sciences- the most specialized and largest faculty. Student reviews about economics and statistics at the HSE as a field of study sound rather ambiguous. Allegedly, the academic load among students is on the verge of unbearable. But the cooperation with global transnational corporations and universities, which is available at this faculty, gives students access to unique knowledge and the possibility of unlimited development and successful employment anywhere in the world. The future Henry Fords and Adam Smiths are produced here. Let's lower our eyes to the fact that the well-known S. Mavrodi successfully unlearned here.

International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF)

This faculty should definitely be discussed separately. This is a diamond among pearls. Unique educational institution in the vastness of the CIS. To create it back in 1997, the Higher School of Economics and the London School of Economics (one of the three leaders economic education in the world) have joined forces. And it turned out such a grandiose brainchild. Graduates of the institute receive both candy and ice cream - a diploma from the HSE and a diploma from the London School of Economics.

The competition is merciless, and the load on the faculty is impressive. From the very first day of school, all training is conducted in English. Budget seats for winners only all-Russian Olympiad... Rave reviews of international relations at HSE only fuel the public's interest in this university. Students spend a third of the course in London, absorbing all the practical knowledge that the experience of such education can give. The excitement around admission to this faculty is huge, even the tuition fee of 600 thousand rubles per year does not stop applicants.

If the courage and finances were not enough to study at ICEF, you can get a bachelor's degree at another faculty, and enroll in a master's program under a double degree program. HSE has 40 such programs.

Features of studying at HSE

There are many educational features at the HSE. Students' comments note that studying at this university is not like standard education in our country at all. But this is just easy to explain - the university eagerly absorbs the experience of successful world educational institutions. And if we pay attention to the success of HSE alumni, then the rest of the national universities would also not hurt to expand their views on teaching and not turn away from the successful world experience.

The Higher School of Economics was one of the first national universitieswho switched to the 4 + 2 training program (bachelor's, master's). Academic year is divided not into semesters, but into modules, there are four of them, at the end of each student there is a certification. The sum of the module grades determines the annual grade.

The grading system is ten-point, in the European manner.

In building tactics educational process a focus on success is visible. Students are immediately trained to be confident, competitive and highly motivated. The university has a rating system. Reviews of HSE students about these very ratings are full of devilish smiles, but even disgruntled, tired students admit that nothing motivates as this very rating risk.

So what's the deal? Everything is simple. Highly rated contractors receive discounts or are transferred to the budget. State employees with a high rating keep the scholarship, those with an average rating lose the scholarship, and those with a low rating are transferred to a contract. This encourages students to be active, to study non-stop, to get used to the conditions of a highly competitive environment.

There is no such subject as "Physical culture" at the university. There is a gym, various sections, courses, etc. Please develop, take care of your health and physical condition... But this is a matter of choice.

Positive feedback from students about HSE

Only the opinion of children can be more subjective than the opinion of students. Often, HSE students' reviews are based on personal success or failure in the learning process. But quite a few young people dare to present their opinions about HSE objectively and rationally.

A huge plus for the university - for this circumstance alone, he needs to erect a monument in the form of a happy student - there is practically no corruption at the HSE. This is noted by most students. Either the reason is the intensive funding of the university's activities by sponsors, or in adherence to the principles of "European transparency", but students agree that it is very real to get a diploma only by knowledge.

The quality of knowledge, lectures and teacher training varies across faculties. If we analyze the reviews about the HSE in Moscow, students agree that the quality of teaching in the humanities and political science profile lags a little behind.

Not a single review will describe the quality of education so eloquently as the statistics of employment by profile after graduation from this university: 94% of graduates found a suitable job. This is despite the fact that 48% have warmed up a warm corporate place even before graduation. Leading companies send their recruits to prestigious universities to keep an eye on talent while they are still in college.

What negative aspects of studying at HSE are most often indicated by students in their reviews?

Most of all, students complain about the workload and the need to acquire knowledge in conditions of permanent competition. You can endlessly talk about whether it is possible to push the foreheads of students who were children yesterday. But the HSE leadership has made a choice and is not going to cancel the rating system.

Also, students are indignant about the Antiplagiat system. There is a university program that tests every job. Only 20% citation is allowed in the text with an exact indication of the source. Everything else is the author's personal judgments, conclusions, etc. Naturally, this greatly increases the time spent on preparing abstracts and course papers for students.

Dormitories of the Higher School of Economics

HSE buildings are scattered throughout the city, as are the hostels. Today the Higher School of Economics has 9 hostels. Reviews about HSE dorms are mostly positive, but utterly ironic. The whole humor is that they are located in the suburbs, and the road from the place of residence to the educational building is an inexhaustible ground for student jokes. If we ignore this inconvenience, the rest of the HSE dormitories are made “for people”. They apartment type, they have all the amenities. In Moscow there is It cheaper and closer, but suitable only for unpretentious tenants in terms of comfort.

All hostels have free wireless Internet access at any time of the day.

The atmosphere in the hostel is upbeat, productive and motivating. At the HSE, they did an elementary and ingenious thing, they paid tribute to the desire of each person for everyday comfort. We have made modern classrooms and dormitories for students, and they do not care how to accumulate water in basins, wash their hair over the sink, etc. But they care about acquiring knowledge and self-development.

Master's programs at HSE: student reviews, master's programs

Accepts documents in electronic form. After the approval of the electronic application, the originals can be brought to the admissions office or sent by mail.

All applicants pass the competition in the form entrance examinations (most often the economy + english language + mathematics, but disciplines vary by faculty).

The enrollment order is issued sometime in mid-August, two weeks before the start of the lectures.

HSE master's programs look very attractive. Almost all of them are bilateral and give students the opportunity to obtain double diplomas and gain a unique learning experience at the Higher School of Economics.Today HSE cooperates with the Humboldt Universities in Berlin, the Pantheon-Sorbonne in Paris, Mason in New York, with 10 British universities, including the London School political science, and higher institutions in Canada, USA, Luxembourg, Finland, etc.

Alexey Alexandrovich Sobolevsky

Deputy Director for Public Relations, Higher School of Economics.

This section is a "hot line" for admission to the HSE. To ask a question, use the "Ask a question" link and explain its essence. The question will be sent to the selection committee, which will prepare an answer to it in a short time.

Question answer

Hello, I am entering a university and a faculty that I like, but out of 18 budgetary places I am in 17th place. Tomorrow the admissions office has a day off, there is only one day left for submission of documents, that is, 2 applicants are left from the lists before departure. Tell me, can I somehow monitor the submission of documents by other applicants in order to have time to transfer my documents to another faculty?

If you find yourself in the green wave at the Higher School of Economics, you will be enrolled in HSE on a free basis either on the 3rd (originals must be submitted by August 1st) or on the 8th (originals must be brought before August 6th).

Working hours of the HSE admissions office in Moscow: https://ba.hse.ru/work2016

All data on the number of originals are promptly (several times a day) updated on the corresponding pages of the HSE campuses. For the Moscow campus: https://ba.hse.ru/greenmile2016

30.07.16 Evgeny Golovan -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello. My son was caught in the green wave. I would like to clarify until what date the applicant must submit consent and the original of the certificate in order to be credited to the budget, and not to the contract with a 100% discount. The son will submit consent + certificate after August 1. Is he guaranteed a budget place if he takes 27th place, and more than 40 people are accepted?
Thank you.

On August 3 (in the first stage of enrollment, documents within this stage must be brought before August 1) up to 80% of the places remaining for the general competition will be credited. The second stage of admission implies the enrollment of the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof budgetary places + places paid by the Higher School of Economics. They are no different from budget-funded places when studying at the Higher School of Economics - such students will receive a scholarship and these are not exactly places with a 100% discount (there is such a form at HSE, but it works for other categories of citizens who apply for a paid form of study ).

If your son brings the original before August 6, he will study at HSE for free, either at a budgetary place or at a place funded by HSE funds.

You can get more detailed information on each of the programs in the selection committee or on the forum: http://forum.hse.ru/newforum/index.php?t\u003dthread&frm_id\u003d87&S\u003d

29.07.16 Ravilya -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello! Where can I find Green Wave Lists if they are already published? Thank you

All the lists are on the admissions office website: https://ba.hse.ru/greenmile2016

29.07.16 Polina Borisova -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello! I would like to inquire about the original submission.

I ended up in ZV. It says that the deadline for submitting the originals is 01.08. But, I can only come and submit my original on August 3-4. Will I survive after 01.08 in the GP and can I be guaranteed to apply when the original is submitted on August 3-4?

Thank you!

Yes, if you are in the Green Wave zone and bring the original before August 6th, you will be credited.

29.07.16 Rais? Aydullin -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello! Can you specify to what address to carry the original of the certificate? For example, in the direction of Business Informatics or GMU.

You can familiarize yourself with the work schedule of the selection committee and the address for receiving documents on this page: https://ba.hse.ru/work2016

29.07.16 Giuzel orlova -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello. There was information that the lists of the green wave will appear on 07/29/16. At the moment they are not yet available. When they appear roughly.

29.07.16 Sergei -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Good day.
I have a question. When the green wave is published, it will contain (based on the experience of the last year) significantly more recommended for admission compared to the number of competitive places. As already written on your website, that regardless of the number of competition places, if the number of applicants on the green wave is greater, then you will still accept everyone on the budget.
For example, let us take the list of applicants to the NRU HSE-St. Petersburg, the direction of preparation 03.03.01 Economics - the number of competitive places is 14, and according to the green wave - 375 people. And what happens if all these 375 people bring the originals of the certificate, then they will be credited to the budget?
And when passing 1 session, the bulk of students will deliberately fill up on exams in order to eliminate this imbalance? Or...

Each program generates a list of the green wave based on calls from applicants. Some applicants will prefer another HSE program. Some are a different institution. This can even happen with Olympiads who will be enrolled before the green wave: there are applicants who want to enroll in St. Petersburg State University or Moscow State University and were waiting for the results of the DWI and the announcement of competition lists in other universities.

So yes - all applicants who are within the boundaries of the green wave and who have submitted original documents will be admitted to HSE.

It has nothing to do with the session, deductions and other "or ...": all of them are published on the HSE portal in advance. educational plans all subjects (even now they are) for each program, including the criteria for forming the final grade for the course (at HSE, the exam grade is only a part of the total grade for the subject). Therefore, applicants have both the opportunity to determine in advance the strategy for each of the subjects, and to submit an appeal to the educational unit if the assessment criteria have been changed outside the regulations of the educational process.

28.07.16 Sergei -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello. I have this question.
1. If I ended up on the lists of the green wave and passed the original of the certificate with an application for admission to one direction, but before August 6 I saw that not all places were filled on the green wave to the other direction (there is no required number of originals of certificates), then can I transfer soybeans originals of documents to this direction and will I be credited in this case? Or will these vacancies be filled from the "waiting list"?
And second, if on August 1 at the end of the day I see that in the other direction along the green wave the required number of original documents has not been accumulated (until 80% of the 1st wave is filled), then will I be able to apply for this direction and will I be enrolled in first wave?

1) Yes, you can transfer the original of the certificate to a friend of the program until August 6, if you previously indicated it when submitting documents. It is for your case that the so-called. "waiting list" - in addition to the green wave, a list of those who have high chances to enter the program will be formed. More about this: https://www.hse.ru/news/admission/186776295.html
2) If you are on the lists of the green wave for the second program, you will be enrolled. If you see yourself on the "waiting list" - then you are unlikely to be enrolled in the first stage. For some programs, the expansion of the green wave is possible and we advise you to wait until the end of the first wave with your enrollment in one program and then assess your chances of admission as part of the second stage of enrollment.

RANEPA is one of the leading universities in our country, the largest university in Russia and Europe with a socio-economic and humanitarian profile. Our Academy is rightfully at the top of all national ratings.

Upscale learning programs will help the student acquire unique knowledge and build a dynamic career. Already during your studies, you will get the opportunity to undergo internships in large Russian and international companies.

RANEPA cooperates with leading foreign educational institutions... The double degree program provides for training and internships at partner universities in the UK, France, the Netherlands. In addition, foreign exchange programs operate. Foreign languages at the Academy are taught at the level of the best linguistic universities.

Our students can engage in science under the guidance of leading teachers and scientists from Russia and the world, and successfully develop their creative potential.

One of the priority areas for the Academy is development student life and self-government. The range of activities is very wide: from vocal and dance competitions, KVN clubs and dance circles to intellectual summer camps and schools.

Welcome to RANEPA!


Features of submission of documents to RANEPA

We would like to draw your attention to the following features of submitting documents to RANEPA:

1. Admission of documents to the Academy for undergraduate programs, specialist programs is carried out separately by two admission committees:

  • admissions office of the Academy
  • the admission committee of the Institute of Economics, Mathematics and information technologies (Institute EMIT) Academy (areas of training 09.03.03 Applied Informatics, 38.03.01 Economics (only educational programs Institute EMIT), 38.03.05 Business Informatics).

Upon admission to study at the Academy for each selection committee ( Selection committee Academy, Admissions Committee of the Institute EMIT Academy) you must submit a separate set of documents and a separate application.

2. In the case of admission to study only at places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the application and the set of documents required for admission are submitted directly to.

3. Submission of application and kit required documents for admission to the Moscow regional branch of the Academy can be carried out at the location of the Academy's Admissions Committee. Submission of an application to other branches of the Academy is carried out directly at the location of the corresponding branch or through public postal operators.

4. When submitting copies of documents required for admission to the Academy / branches of the Academy in accordance with the Rules for Acceptance of the documents, the certification of copies is not required.

Please note that acceptance of documents for master's programs is carried out

The Admissions Committee must submit:

  • completed application on the Academy website: for applicants, for applicants
  • identity document, citizenship, confirming recognition as a citizen Russian Federation (photocopy of the 1st page and the page with registration).
  • educational document (original or photocopy):

- about secondary general education;
- about average vocational education;
- a state-recognized document on the level of education or on the level of education and qualifications obtained before January 1, 2014 (document on primary vocational education, confirming the receipt of secondary (complete) general education or a document on primary vocational education received on the basis of secondary (complete) general education;
- about higher education.

  • for applicants applying for the results of entrance examinations conducted by the Academy independently - 2 photos 3x4 cm
  • documents confirming special rights for admission and / or the creation of special conditions during admissions tests established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • documents confirming individual achievements students (original, photocopy) (presented at the discretion of the applicant).


* -except for programs extramural form training: "Business Administration" of the International Center for Programs and Projects in Business Education; "Financial management of the public sector", "Management of state and municipal enterprises", "State and municipal social policy", "The system of state and municipal government"," Legal support of state and municipal administration "," Civil law, family law, private international law "of the Institute public service and management; Banking, finance, investments, Finance: accounting, analysis and audit, Finance: international technologies for accounting and financial management, Finance and sustainable development strategies, Financial diplomacy, Management in financial institutions, Monetary and financial regulation of the economy of the Faculty of Finance and Banking - from 01 February 2019


Postal address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky prospect, 82

Acceptance of documents is carried out at the address: Moscow, Vernadsky prospect, 82
Bachelor's, Specialist, Master's

working hours: 10.00 - 17.00

Call center:

Monday-Friday: +7 499 956-99-99 (multichannel)
working hours: 10.00 - 17.00

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Olga, hello!

Does it mean. referring to the green wave data that
1) at the FKN PMI the passing score in 2017 will be 300 or more. Or may the situation change still? Will there be one hundred percent of such a checkpoint?

2) On PI 297 or more?

1) The passing score of the green wave is 300 points - everything is correct here. The probability that it will decrease (slightly) exists, but it is unlikely.

2) A similar situation with PI.

It is worth keeping track of the competitive situation with originals within the green wave - the passing score depends on how many originals will be on the program at the time of the end of the admission.

31.07.17 Tatyana -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello, we have a question: my child did not submit documents to your university until July 26. Can we apply for the second wave of the contract?

30.07.17 Maria -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Olga, hello. My daughter is on the "Green List" in an "alternate" direction. The original of the certificate is in the priority direction, wants to wait for the second wave. Can she bring the original of the certificate to your university after August 3, during the second wave, if she sees that she is not going to the priority direction, or does she drop out of the competition in this case?

29.07.17 Marina -\u003e Alexey Sobolevsky

Olga, hello! We are caught in a green wave and I would like to clarify the next point. How will admission to budgetary places and places be distributed at the expense of the HSE? Is it possible that in the future, at the expense of the Higher School of Economics, they can transfer to paid places due to the low rating? Thank you.