What things should I take with me to the hostel? Apartment-type dormitories, "small families" and other types: characteristics What is usually in a hostel 100.

It is a pity, but it is impossible to transport all your favorite things to the student dormitory, and it is not easy to decide what you need in the first place. But will help you to navigate: get acquainted with the list of necessary things for life in a hostel and pack your suitcases. We also indicated the approximate cost of goods in online stores.

The golden rule of a student living in a hostel: nothing more - only the most necessary and multifunctional. Let's start in order.

What to sleep on?

The hostel provides bedding, so you can use the state-owned bedding. They are washed, but they can keep traces of their former owners: stains, abrasions. You can change them at the castellan's as they get dirty - you will save yourself from a headache in the form of washing.

If you do not want to be content with what they give, take a pillow, a warm blanket, a set of changeable linen and a blanket with you (it will replace the second blanket and serve as a blanket). Buying these items in an online store will cost about 125 BYN. Bring towels: in some hostels they are simply not given out, but in some they may not suit appearance and quality.

If you cannot sleep in the light or concentrate on studying in the noise - stock up on a blindfold and earplugs (about 24 BYN)


In dormitories of the corridor and block types, little space is allocated for kitchen utensils, so it is inappropriate to clutter up an already limited space. Take the dishes to a minimum and the one that you do not mind. Do not take a brand new expensive frying pan or saucepan: it can easily deteriorate (forgot it on the stove - it burned out) or become a trophy of neighbors (yes, it happens). Leave porcelain cups and branded utensils at home.

Electrical appliances - kettles, boilers, heaters, toasters, microwave ovens - will also have to be abandoned, since they are illegal in dormitories. Even in major apartment-type dormitories (student village in Minsk), it is allowed to have one electric kettle for everyone living in the block. You can take a hairdryer and an iron, but make sure that they work properly, there are no bare spots on the wire. Grab the adapter for the euro socket just in case.

We put in the bag:

- a medium-sized saucepan;

- kettle (20 BYN for the stove and 30 BYN electric);

- a frying pan (about 27 BYN);

- a mug;

- tablespoon, tea, fork, knife, cutting board;

- a deep plate or bouillon dish, a flat plate.

Grab a tea towel, detergent, and a sponge. Packing bags or film will be useful for wrapping food so that neither a mosquito nor another insect on the nose will undermine your sweets.

Personal hygiene products

Often, a shower in a dorm is about personal hygiene, not a relaxation procedure. All your neighbors in the block, floor or the entire dormitory apply for a place in the rain, when the men's and women's showers are on the ground floor or in the basement of the building.

A pair of medium-sized terry towels, slates (for hygiene), shampoo, soap or shower gel, washcloth - the minimum set of a shared spa. Keep in mind that all this will be stored in your bedside table or closet. The washing machine will be replaced by a basin (5 BYN). Don't forget one more little thing - toilet paper.

What to wear?

Home clothes

Focus on a simple yet versatile set: tracksuit, shorts, a pair of T-shirts, pajamas, bathrobe, slippers. And you are in trend!


There is not enough space for a wardrobe either, so take what you need most: warm clothes, sets of daily outfits and one business plan. Take one or two pairs of shoes. Take separate shoes for physical education: dirt from the street should not get into the gym.


Edible supplies can be purchased at any store in the city where you visit.

It is best to make a list of essential food items with your parents based on your taste preferences and possibly diet. Buying them at the nearest supermarket is as easy as shelling pears. Can you stock up drinking water in large bottles.

Many students switch to fast food: there is no time, desire or ability to cook. Yes, this food is delicious as hell, but equally dangerous. So make a rough menu for a couple of weeks in advance of the products you are going to buy. Also take potatoes and seamers (student delicacies) for the first time in addition to those products.

Collect food for the day of arrival: there will be a lot of running and hunger will wake up soon.

Take a rag for cleaning. A mop with a bucket is also useful, but usually they are thrown off with the neighbors.

Life in a hostel teaches a lot: to respect everyone's personal space, seek a compromise, negotiate, understand people. This is one of the most memorable and fun lessons.

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Dormitories are intended for temporary residence of students and students during training or for temporary residence of workers. Depending on this, student and work hostels are distinguished. The main standard requirement in the layout of any hostel is the distribution of living space based on the standard of 6 square meters per person.

The hostel must be equipped with such communications as central heating, water supply, garbage chute, sewerage, elevator. An elevator should be provided in a hostel with a height of 5 or more floors, a garbage chute - in a hostel with a height of 3 or more floors. Electric lighting is required. The adjacent territory should be equipped, landscaped, equipped with sidewalks and places for transport, illuminated, equipped with a sports ground.

Living rooms should be grouped in a block system. One block can contain from 3 to 10 rooms, depending on the type of block (corridor or apartment). Each block should have sanitary facilities, showers, kitchens, as well as cultural rooms. The height of the unit living quarters must be 2.5 meters or more, and the width 2.2 meters or more. One room can accommodate from 1 to.

Equipment of premises

In accordance with specially developed standards, the living rooms of the hostel must be provided with furniture and bedding without fail. Each living room must have chairs and bedside tables according to the number of residents. There should be a wardrobe for clothes and shoes, eaves for curtains above the windows. The number of compartments in the wardrobes should be no less than the number of sleeping places in the room. The presence of tables, shelves, carpets can be provided.

The kitchen area should be equipped with a stove, sinks, refrigerator, cupboards, and, if possible, a table and chairs. Kitchen equipment is roughly calculated according to the following standards: 1 gas or electric stove for 3-5 people, 1 sink for 8 people, 1 table for 8 people. Domestic and sports premises are equipped with shelves and wardrobes. Household premises for washing and ironing are equipped with washing machines and dryers, ironing facilities. It is recommended to provide the hostel with means for cleaning the premises, washing clothes, performing minor repairs.

The further we move away from Soviet times, the fewer among us are those who are life experience knows what a hostel is. Nevertheless, this type of inexpensive and more or less comfortable housing is popular among many visitors today, especially in large citieswhere rental prices are very, very decent. However, there is strife. In this article, we will introduce you to their main types, revealing the features of each.

What is a hostel?

A hostel (a popular slang name - "hostel") is a place of temporary residence:

  • students;
  • seasonal workers;
  • employees of organizations with families;
  • individuals.

In a dormitory of both apartment type and other types, according to the standards, there are 6 (previously 4.5) m² of personal space per tenant. This allows strangers to live together in the same room. Therefore, we can assume that the level of comfort here is quite low.

All questions regarding accommodation, provision, maintenance of hostels (apartment type , including) in our country is decided by the Housing Code.

Dormitories (in Russia they were then called Bursa) appeared in the Middle Ages. They were intended to accommodate poor students at universities, seminaries and theological schools.

Types of hostels

The main gradation of these places of residence depends on the method of planning the living space. They share:

  • corridor;
  • block;
  • hotel type.

Depending on the contingent living in the hostel, it happens:

  • for pupils and students;
  • for workers.

There is also a division by owner:

  1. State, municipal, universities and enterprises. Only persons who are students or employees of a particular organization have the right to live here.
  2. Commercial - they are owned by individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, etc. Anyone can rent a bed here.

And the last gradation:

  • "bachelor" hostels - for women and men;
  • family hostels.

Let's analyze the most popular ones in more detail.

Corridor dormitories

The cheapest and most affordable layout. As a standard, this is a long corridor, on both sides of which there are minimally equipped rooms for one to several people. Each floor has a kitchen and a bathroom.

Block type dormitories

Sometimes these dormitories are called sectional - here 2-4 rooms are combined into a separate block. Each such section has its own bathroom. The kitchen, in most cases, is one on the floor, but there are also options where it is located in a block.

Hotel type dormitories

The most comfortable, but the price for living here will be the same as in an inexpensive hotel. There are 2-4 people in the room, there is a separate bathroom, shower, refrigerator, TV. The kitchen can be either one per floor or in each room.

Apartment type dormitories

"Small families" are a special kind of hostels. They are common with isolated apartments, each of which has everything you need - a kitchen, a toilet, a bathroom. Their minus is a small living space.

Why are these hostels? In Soviet times, apartments were given here to families of young workers, visiting specialists. Today, permanent residents live in apartment-type hostels in their privatized property. You can rent a house here only from its owner.

Family dorms

Allocation of housing here was a tradition in Soviet times. Thus, a separate family for any merits received from the trade union a warrant to settle in a separate room in the family dormitory. Sometimes this was a reward for a long service, and sometimes it was the result of a long wait for their turn.

The room provided was eventually officially assigned to the family. However, they had no right to privatize it in post-Soviet times. That is why there were frequent high-profile sales of dormitory buildings to new owners, despite the presence of generally legally residing tenants.

Living conditions in such places are distinguished only by the presence of their own room. The lavatory, showers and kitchen are also shared here.

Dormitory workers

They can be arranged both according to the layout of an apartment-type dormitory, and less comfortable varieties. They are either owned by a specific organization or by an intermediary working with that employer. They have one goal - the placement of seasonal workers (the so-called guest workers), less often - permanent workers. The latter is more typical of budgetary organizations. An important condition is that the resident receives a temporary registration at the address of the hostel.

Since there is no clear definition of the conditions for hostels in Russian legislation, they can look like a flophouse or a good two-star economy class hotel. Basically, from 4 to 20 people live in a room. Facilities - in the sanitary block on the floor. The furnishings of the rooms are Spartan - single or bunk beds, durable bedding, a table, several chairs, bedside tables, a common wardrobe. The advantage of such a hostel is that cleaning is done not by residents, but by special staff.

That's all we wanted to tell you about a wide variety of hostels in Russia. The most comfortable of them are apartments. But today they have lost their status as a hostel and have become privatized property.

The main thing to know about student dormitories is that they are all different. Conditions, comfort, rules - everything can differ not only in different universities, but even in two hostels of the same educational institution.

Dormitory number 1 National Mineral Resources University "Mining" on Maliy prospect V.O., building 38-40

Therefore, it is better to find out everything in advance: read about the hostel on the university website, call. Of course, they won't tell you about the shortcomings, so it is worth finding student forums and groups in in social networks, if possible, ask students and alumni.

Students very actively use VKontakte for communication, you can start looking from there.

What to prepare for?

You need to understand that a hostel is a place where everyone should not only be responsible for themselves, but also follow the rules of “common living”. Self-reliance, cleanliness and attention to neighbors can all make your life in a hostel easier. Even boys will need cooking, washing and cleaning skills, so it's worth learning how to wash your socks in advance if you don't already know how.

You can find out roughly what awaits you from the Model Regulations on the Student Dormitory of the Federal State educational institution higher and secondary vocational education RF subordinate Federal Agency by education, approved. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation July 10, 2007


Usually, the fee for a hostel includes utilities and household services: heating, lighting, water supply, cleaning of stairs and common areas, as well as security and repairs. But they can be paid separately.

In addition, in the hostel, students are provided with furniture, bedding, lamps, curtains. Kitchens should have electric or gas stoves, sometimes utensils, kettles, etc. Bed linen and towels can be changed and washed regularly.

Dormitories often have rooms for rest and study, internet rooms, gyms, laundry and ironing rooms, and first-aid posts.

Separate rooms for student families can be allocated - with improved conditions, children's rooms, places for strollers.

Who is provided with a hostel

Nonresident applicants

If an applicant comes for admission from another city (for example, for additional entrance examinations), he and his parents will be offered a hostel during the exams. If the university does not have its own premises, they can offer places in the hostel of the partner university or commercial housing.

Nonresident students

For the period of study, universities provide a hostel - if they have it, of course - nonresident students full-time department, and during the session - also correspondence students from other cities.

If after the resettlement of full-time students there are places, they can go to other categories of students. But more often, on the contrary, there are not enough places. The sooner you do this, the more chances you have to find a home safely. Carefully study the rules for admission - they usually indicate where and how to apply.

Often, non-state universities that do not have their own hostels negotiate with interuniversity townships or partner universities. In this case, there are usually not very many free places. But some commercial universities promise to provide housing for all nonresident students, without exception.

Commercial housing

Some universities have commercial hostels, which are more comfortable, but also more expensive. Any student can settle in them if he can afford it. In some hostels there are guest places with daily payment (for example, for visiting parents).


First of all - and free of charge - places in hostels are supposed to be:

  • orphans and children without parental care;
  • disabled children from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • those who have the right to receive state social assistance;
  • those who were exposed to radiation due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or other radiation disasters, due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site;
  • those who became disabled due to injury or illness during military service;
  • war veterans;
  • those who served in the army for at least three years under a contract (not in an officer's position) and were dismissed at the end of the contract, for health reasons, for family reasons, etc.

Benefits are spelled out in the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation", Art. 36, h. 5, art. 39, part 2.

The university has the right to reduce the fee for certain categories of students or not take it at all. In addition, there may be benefits for priority paid settlement - for example, for olympiads, students from the region or students of the target enrollment.

Types of hostels

  • Corridor.Each floor has a long corridor with rooms on both sides. Less often, small, for two, more often for three or four people. Kitchen, shower, toilet are shared.
  • Blocky. The rooms are combined into small blocks, each with its own bathroom. The kitchen can be separate in each block or common for the entire floor.
  • Apartment. The block has only one or two rooms, plus its own kitchen and bathroom. In general, almost a real apartment, in which 4-6 students live.

In the general case, of course, the apartment type is better than the block type, and the block type is better than the corridor type. But hostels of the same type can vary greatly in terms of comfort and livability. There are apartment dormitories that look more like slums, and quite comfortable corridor-type hostels.

Much depends on the administration, but the students themselves must be good hosts.

Hostel cost

Different everywhere. So, they pay 120 rubles a month, at St. Petersburg State Agrarian University - 400 rubles a month, and in the St. Petersburg Interuniversity student city - from 2900 to 3500 per month.

The cost of the hostel can be different for students of the budgetary and paid departments. But in any case, it is often cheaper than renting an apartment (even sharing with other students).

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation published an order that limits the amount of fees for student hostels in universities, the founder of which is the ministry. The cost of a hostel should "correspond to the amount of payment for the use of the premises under the lease agreements of the state or municipal housing stock".

This means that the fee should depend on the location, improvement and layout (for apartment buildings - the full cost, for corridor - half, for block - 0.75). The cost of a hostel is determined by the university and cannot be more than a certain maximum, its own for each specific subject of the Russian Federation.

Accommodation rules

Students must:

  • provide documents for registration;
  • pay for the hostel on time;
  • clean up the rooms (well, at least occasionally);
  • carry out public duties (students often take turns cleaning up the kitchen and other common areas);
  • comply with fire safety rules, etc.

As a rule, access control in hostels (how strictly it is observed is a separate issue).

An important point: there should be no curfew in the hostel. In any case, it was recently prohibited by law. But in practice, in many universities, the doors of dormitories are still locked at night.

Usually in a hostel it is forbidden:

  • smoking;
  • drink, store alcohol and generally appear drunk;
  • it is illegal to escort outsiders and leave them overnight;
  • keep pets;
  • store bulky things;
  • make noise, especially at night;
  • repair or alter electrical wiring yourself;
  • install additional locks or replace them without the permission of the administration;
  • move without permission, transfer furniture from one room to another.

How strictly the rules are followed and whether they are observed at all depends on the specific university (and even the specific dormitory).

Dormitory or rented accommodation?

Renting an apartment or a room, of course, is more comfortable and cozy. But also more expensive. A student dormitory, even relatively expensive, will still be cheaper.

Plus, usually (not always) dorms are within walking distance of classrooms - you'll spend less time and money traveling.

If you are a sociable person, the dorm will certainly be more fun. student life it boils there (sometimes even too violently), you can get to know your classmates better. And also - helping each other with their studies, doing homework together and preparing for exams. Some roommates are good friends for long periods of time (although the opposite is possible).