We are in social networks. Profession suffixes What suffixes are used to form profession names

Educational purpose: formation of the ability to form words using suffixes,
calling the profession of people.

Correctional and developmental goal: development of the skill of sound-syllable analysis, fine motor skills of fingers, creative thinking.

Educational purpose: education of the skill of mutual assistance.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating basic knowledge.

A.) Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.
Dexterous fingers want life
To be with all our guys.
We will help fingers now
We propose an exercise.

On the palm of your hand with your fists
We need to clap with you.
And stroke like toys
Our fingers are pillows.

How wonderful we played
And they trained in the game
Our fingers, palms,
Well, and, a little cams.

3. Formation of new concepts.

A.) Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
There are many interesting things in the world
We are sometimes unknown.
There is no limit to the world of knowledge
I offer you a topic
So rather a friend for business.
We all know at least a little:
Books, cups, table and house.
Man created by labor.

That's about those. who creates
Builds, teaches and sings,
We will talk now
We will devote our lesson to them
Is our theme clear to you?
She is about professions.
-What professions do you know?
-What do you want to become in the future?
-What do you think should be done for this?

B.) I will tell you one more tale about the Wizards-suffixes. Watch the presentation.

Lived - there were suffixes - SCHIK -, - CHIK -, TEL -, - NICK -, - IST - ... Who will come to visit, everyone
teach to work. First, the suffix - IST - got acquainted with GUITAR (Slide number 2)
and the word turned out …. GUITARIST (Slide number 3)... Then - with the word PIANO (Slide number 4) and
turned out …. pianist (Slide number 5)... Then with the word BAYAN (Slide number 6) it turned out ACCORDIONIST
(Slide number 7)
... Then - with the word FLUTE (Slide number 8) and it turned out…. FLUTIST (Slide number 9).
(All words are parsed and suffixes are added on the card).
- With what word did you get the names of the musicians? (- IST -)
- And who knows how to name a person who plays on violin? (Slide number 10) (Violin).
(Slide number 11)
- What suffix helped to get a new word? (- АЧ -).
-What are the names of people who play musical instruments together? (Orchestra).
-And now put together a word from letters. (Slide number 12).

Sound-syllable analysis of the word MUSICIANS.
- How many vowels are there in a word? (4)
- How many consonants are there in a word? (five)
- Name 1 syllable MU, 2nd ZY, 3rd KAN, 4th YOU.
- Put emphasis.
- Come up with other words of the same root. (MUSIC, MUSIC).
-Write down the words and highlight the root. (MUSIC).
Listen to the tale further. Suffix - IST - gathered a whole orchestra of musicians, and
suffixes - BODY -, - NIK -, - CHIK - and - SCHIK - went to the verbs to teach, build, protect, load.

What profession names came out? (Teacher, builder, security guard, loader).
-Write down the words.
-Highlight the suffix.
(Teacher, builder, security guard, loader). (Slide number 13).

C.) Guess whether the meaning of the words denoting the names of professions is correctly explained.

The bath attendant collects banks,
And then he keeps them in the bank.
Values \u200b\u200bthem very much
He guards the bank with a gun.
- Who it BANCHER? (The person who works in the bathhouse).
- Select the suffix in the word BANCHIK (SHIK).
- What is the name of the person who works in the bank? (BANKER).

Faucet in the kitchen crane operator
You can fix it instantly
Make every faucet more beautiful
The shower will fix your bathroom.
-Correctly? (Not).
- Who is the CRANE MAN? (The man who operates the crane).
-Write the word.
- Select the suffix in this word. (SCHIK).
- What is the name of the person who fixes the taps? (Locksmith).

The storekeeper is looking for treasures.
And he finds at the same moment.
And then he is these treasures
Store carefully in the warehouse.
- Right? (Not).
- Who is the STORERER? (The person who works in the warehouse).
-Write the word.
- What is the suffix in the word? (SCHIK)
-What is the treasure hunter called? (STORAGE FINDER).

D.) Physical minutes.

From the key words, guess what profession you are talking about. (Slide number 14).

Pointer, chalk - …… (TEACHER). (Slide number 15)
Beasts, circus - …… (TRAINER). (Slide number 16).
Skates, hockey stick - …… (HOCKEY PLAYER). (Slide number 17).
Airplane, helmet - ……. (PILOT). (Slide number 18).
Broom, wheelbarrow - …… (JANITOR). (Slide number 19).
Ball, boots - …… (FOOTBALL PLAYER). (Slide number 20).

E.) Working with text. (Slide number 21).
- Hear the names of the professions. (Slide number 22).
(Reading a text by a speech therapist.)

One scout received a responsible assignment: to infiltrate a group of dangerous conspirators and find out about their secret plans. He had to spend a lot of strength, courage, and time to complete the task. He visited and concrete worker, and bricklayer, and welder and plumber, and parquet flooring, and lubricatorwhen it turned out that the conspirators were just builders, and their plans included the construction of a new school.
-Make a sentence with these words.
-Write the sentence on the chalkboard and cards.

Construction professions: concrete worker, bricklayer, welder, plumber, parquet flooring, lubricant.

Highlight suffixes in words.
- From what words did new words grow?
- What does each person in this profession do?

4. Reflection.

What new words did we learn to form? (Names of professions).
- With what part of the word did we get the names of professions? (Suffix).
- What suffixes helped us in this work? ( EAST, TEL, NIK, CHIK, SCHIK).

Card for the lesson on the topic "Suffixes naming the profession of people"

1. Form the name of the profession from the word, select the suffix.

Guitar - guitars ... ..
Bayan - button accordion .......
Flute - flutes ... ...

2. Write down the words of the same root. Highlight the suffix and root.

Musicians …………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Write down the words. Highlight the suffix.


4. Guess what profession these items are needed in.
Highlight the suffix.

Pointer, chalk- ………………………………… ..
Animals, curbstone- ……………………………… ..
Skates, hockey stick- ………………………… ..
Airplane, helmet- …………………………….
Broom, wheelbarrow- ……………………………… ..
Ball, boots- ……………………………………

5. Find the names of the professions, think of and write down a sentence, mark the suffix in the words - the names of the professions.

One scout received a responsible assignment: to infiltrate a group of dangerous conspirators and find out about their secret plans. He had to spend a lot of effort, time, courage to complete the task. He had been a concrete worker, an oiler, a bricklayer, a welder, a plumber, and a parquet floor when it turned out that the conspirators were builders, and their plans included the construction of a new school.

It is especially difficult for students to master the skills of word formation, since they do not know how to use prefixes and suffixes to form new words, do not realize the similarities of the same root words. As a result, children have problems in mastering the morphological principle of Russian spelling, the essence of which is that each morpheme is spelled the same way independently of pronunciation.



Olga Vladimirovna Petrova,

teacher speech therapist ,

GBOU TsPMSS Kalininsky district of the city of St. Petersburg

Use of kinesiology methods in speech therapy classes.

Topic: "Formation of names of professions using suffixes:

Nick-, -shik-, -chik. "

Speech therapy topic: "Professions" "Tools".

Audience: 3rd grade students comprehensive school with a violation of written speech,

Purpose: To improve the skills of word formation using suffixes:

Chick-, -schik-, -nik-.


1.Correctional educational:

Develop word formation skills using suffixes;

To develop sound-letter analysis and synthesis;

Learn to use words correctly in speech;

Consolidate knowledge of the spelling of suffixes;

2. Correctional and developmental:

Develop higher mental functions;

Enrich the vocabulary of students;

Develop control and self-control skills.

3. Educational:

Cultivate language observation

Form a positive learning motivation;

Equipment: presentation, rebus, pictures: ax, hammer, saw, table, ball.

During the classes:

1.Org. moment.

2.Graphic dictation.

1-cell left, 1-down, 1-left, 1-down, 1-right, 4- down, 1-right, 1- up, 2-right, 1- obliquely up left, 1-left, 1-up ...

What item did you get? (a hammer). The speech therapist shows a picture of a hammer. Slide number 1

How do you spell the word "hammer"?

A hammer - a metal or wooden block attached to the handle, designed to hit something.

A hammer similar to the modern one appeared 20 thousand years ago, when man learned to drill a stone. The tool was a wooden stick on which this stone was worn. With the advent of metals, hammers began to be made of copper, bronze, iron.

A speech therapist posts pictures with a hammer, table, ax, saw. Slide number 2

Name the items shown in the pictures using diminutive suffixes.

Name the extra word. (Table)


Name the 4th sound, 9th sound, 3rd sound in the word "instruments".

Who uses a hammer in their work?

3. Communication of the topic of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will talk about tools and about the people who work with them, i.e. form the names of professions.

4 . Work on the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist shows a rebus. Slide number 3


How to pronounce the word "joiner" correctly?

What syllable is stressed. Slide number 4

The word "carpenter" is borrowed from Polish, which means: one who makes tables.

A carpenter is a worker who processes wood and makes products from it: tables, chairs, cabinets, etc.

What tools does the joiner use? Slide number 5, number 6.

The speech therapist shows the second rebus, Slide number 7

What is a raft?

A raft is a structure for swimming, made of logs tied together or stalks of reeds, reeds, twisted into bunches.

What word is encrypted? (Carpenter) Slide number 8

A carpenter is a worker engaged in simple processing of forest materials, construction of wooden buildings.

What is the suffix for the word "carpenter" ?.


What are the tools used by the carpenter?

Planer - a woodworking tool for planing. (To give the wood surfaces the desired roughness; reduce the size. Slide No. 6,

Chisel - - woodworking tool for hollowing out holes, puzzles. Slide number 9

Needed workers-

Joiners and carpenters-

It is tricky to work furniture:

First we take the log

And sawing boards

Long and flat.

The speech therapist hangs out a sign: Slide number 10

Load -loader

Stone mason

Read the 1st couple of words. Explain the meanings of the words.

Load - fill with cargo (i.e. heavy objects)

Loader-worker for loading and unloading.

What is common in the spelling of words?

What is the difference?

What suffix is \u200b\u200bused to form the word "loader?" (chick)

A stone is a solid rock in pieces or a solid mass, as well as a piece, a fragment of such a rock.

Bricklayer - worker, specialist in brick, masonry... Slide number 11.

What is the suffix used to form the word "bricklayer?"

What tool does a bricklayer use?

Today in the lesson we will form the names of professions using the suffixes -chik-, -shchik-, -nik-. Notebooks wrote down the number,

Opened notebooks, wrote down the number, suffixes - chik-, -shchik, - nick-. Slide number 12.

Work at the blackboard.

Who is installing the glass? (glazier) Slide 13.

What is the suffix for the word "glazier"?

Glazier - worker inserting window panes into frames.

What tools does the glazier use? (hammer, glass cutter) Slide number 14.

Find related words to "glazier"

(Glass, glass, glazing, glazier).

Master, master,


Leaky boots.

Hammer it hard

Nails -

We will go today

On a visit.

What kind of master is mentioned in the poem? (About the shoemaker) Slide 15.

A shoemaker is a master of sewing and repairing shoes.

What suffix is \u200b\u200bused to form the word?

How does a shoemaker work? (Hammer, needle, awl, scissors)

What are the hard consonants in the word "shoemaker"

Which sound is always only solid?

Find a synonym for the word "pilot". (pilot) Slide number 16.

Specialist pilot who controls the aircraft.

What is the suffix for the word "pilot"?

What are the women of this profession called?

5. Fidget. Now we will perform the most difficult element in flight - Nesterov's loop or Dead loop. Slide number 17

Name a person who serves at the border?

(border guard) Slide number 18

What suffix is \u200b\u200bused to form the word "border guard"?

What are the soft consonants in the word "border guard?"

What sound is always only soft?

The man took a brush, paints, easel, canvas. What is his profession?

(artist) Slide number 19.

What suffix is \u200b\u200bused to form the word "artist"

What is a synonym for the word "artist" - painter.

What is the 2nd syllable.

What is the name of the 60 minute time span? (hour)

Who fixes the watch? (watchmaker) Slide number 20

A watchmaker is a master of making and repairing watches.

What is the suffix for the word "watchmaker"?

What tools does the watchmaker work with? (screwdriver, brushes)

Read the word "watchmaker" from the end (kischvosach)

What words came to mind when you heard this.

Squinting eyes and frowning eyebrows,

Silent into his mustache,

Ivan Petrovich

He took the watch carefully.

Everything is clear to the old man

To the old man ........

6. Work on cards.

You have cards on your table. Read the assignment.

Form from these words new words denoting professions using suffixes: - nick-, schik-, - chik-. Designate suffixes.

Sample card:

forest- .......

excavator - .........

translate- ........

yard - .........

train - ........

scout - .......

7. Independent work.


1) What is the name of a specialist in translations from one language to another? (Translator) Slide number 21

Name the suffix. (- chick-)

2) What is the profession whose representatives work with animals? (Trainer) Slide number 22

What is the suffix. (- shik-)

3) Primitive man planted a sharp stone across the handle on a long stick. This is how a stone hoe appeared, with which a man chopped the earth, like an ax. Then the hoe was gradually improved and ... a shovel appeared.

What profession needs a shovel, a broom?

(Janitor) Slide number 23

What is the suffix. (-Nick-)

4) A representative of this profession works on this earth-moving machine. Who is it? (Excavator operator). Slide number 24.

Name the suffix. (- shik-).

5) This is a soldier or employee secret organizationwho examines something for a specific purpose. Who is it? (Scout) Slide number 25

Name the suffix. (- chick-)

6) What is the profession that we did not name? (Forester)

Forester is a forest watchman who guards the forest. Slide number 26

What is the suffix (- nick-)

9) Lesson summary.

List the professions that you remember.

What are the suffixes you learned about in class?

10) Checking homework.

Tell a poem you learned at home.

Reading a poem by students.

The table you are sitting at

Goal:students will have the opportunity to consolidate the ability to form words for the names of professions using suffixes, learn to classify professions by work, and compose a short text about professions.


Correctional: improve the ability to determine the basis, root of a word, form nouns - names of professions using suffixes, develop the ability to perform mental operations, perform a task according to an algorithm;

Educational: develop and refine lexicon students, the ability to reproduce information by model, thinking, memory.

Educational: increase motivation to learn through the use of innovative methods of teaching the lesson; to form students' socio-economic skills of life competencies: the ability to justify the importance and necessity of work in people's lives, to assess their desires and the possibilities of their realization.

Resources: computer, presentation of the lesson using ICT, individual multi-level cards with tasks, ball, workbooks, picture plan classes, color illustration of November.

Speech material:practicing the ability to build a response with detailed sentences, using the phrase "I think ...", "My opinion ...".

Course of the lesson

1.Organizational moment.

Greeting speech therapist, friendly attitude Development of attention, thinking, skills correct spelling unstressed vowels (decipher the entry):

L. Developing the skills of spelling unstressed vowels

Decipher tasks on cards, check the root of a word, insert missing letters (words-snowfall, student, postman)

ALsPRn ZE ... D7g YuBo28pNF8a ZOD

CL at ГчСе ... ШнГ ЦиЛШкС

D5YupCh6 ... K5F4chDW1aChl34K'Vo78FnYu

2. Updating knowledge

Development of perception and reproduction of information

L. We continue to work on word formation. What are these strange trees on the board? What is unusual about them?

E. Rooted tree is the root of the word, tree twigs-suffixes and prefixes.

L. You are great. Where is the suffix in the word? Show its place on the diagram .

D: The suffix is \u200b\u200bthe part of the word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.

Disciple: Natalya Fedorovna, suffixes are a whole science, and this is what I want to ask VSA about professions, because

My years are growing, and will be seventeen.

Where do I work then, what do I do?

L. Okay, Timur, let's talk about professions, but so that we don't forget the topic of the lesson. Think guys, how can I then write down the topic of the lesson?

Children: The topic should be written like this: "Profession suffixes".

L. What do we call a profession?


Profession is the main occupation of a person, his labor activity.
Profession is the source of human existence.
Certain training is required to master the profession.

How do you understand the expression "source of existence"? Start your answer with the words "I think ..."

L. When do you think professions appeared?

Yes, the history of professions goes back to ancient times. Think about what professions were the most widespread in Russia?

Children choose from various pictures images of a blacksmith, baker, potter, weaver, warrior, mower.

L. How many different professions are there? Try to calculate what happened?

Someone will say: Exactly two hundred.

Someone will say: Three hundred and five….

Nowadays, a person owns many professions

What professions are there in the school? Name them.

Children guess the riddle:

The bell rang loudly and the class began.

The student and the parent know - Will conduct a lesson ... (teacher)

Teaches us courtesy

Reads a story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer, our beloved ... (educator)

L.Write on the board e words teacher, educator, writer, driver, builder define the root and suffix.

Well done, you've identified the suffix correctly.

What role does the suffix play in a word? What is it for?

E. Suffix is \u200b\u200bneeded to form new words

L. Where is the suffix in the word?

D. The suffix comes after the root.

L. Right. You are young

L. And now independently form other names of professions using the suffix -tel. The speech therapist reads the content of the profession, and the children write down one word, the name of the profession, in an individual card, then check it against the text on the slide:

Writes stories, novels - Writer

Drives a car, bus - Driver

Aircraft Tests - Tester

Builds buildings - Builder

Saves people - Rescuer

L. Evaluates student performance

Many guys are fond of sports, perhaps this hobby will become your profession. What are the sports professions? Choose from the cards those related to sports ( Hockey Player, Skaters, Football Player, Weightlifter, Tennis Player)

What suffix helps to form profession words? Write down the names of the two professions on the card and highlight the suffix.

Children, and who loves music and will be able to form the profession of a person who plays this instrument from the name of a musical instrument?

Bayan - button accordion player

Violin - violinist


Guitar - guitarist

Highlight the "music" suffix

L. A whole orchestra is playing on different musical instruments. How to call them in one word musical professions, uniting all at once?

Children: Very simple. They are all Musicians.

L. You are great, you work very well.


L. Let's rest. I call the profession, and you show the actions, which does:

  • Seller
  • Driver
  • Dancer
  • Fisherman
  • Footballer
  • Basketball player
  • Weightlifter
  • Swimmer
  • Singer
  • Well done! It turned out very fun!

Development of thinking, attention, analysis and synthesis of words

L. The postman is knocking at us. He brought the letters, and the words are encrypted in them. Come up with one-word sentences.

Children guess the names of professions by the first letters of the pictures:

Words: painter, bricklayer, teacher, builder, welder, salesman, baker, doctor, cook.

Children "decipher" three words each, write down, select a suffix, make sentences.

Development of perception

L. Why did we say at the beginning of the lesson that knowledge and skills are needed to master a profession? Do I need to learn a profession?

Children answer, speech therapist monitors correct construction answer:

"I think…"

Game Is it right? Development of communication skills.

Working in pairs . Task on the cards: choose a profession for the activity.

Covers the roof with tin

Crane operator

Skillfully lays the walls of the house out of stone and brick


Operates a crane


Inserts glass into the window frame


Digs a hole under the foundation


Paints the walls of the room with beautiful paint


Pulls an electrical cable to a new home

Develops a project for a new house

Excavator operator

Draws blueprints for building a new house.

Voytyuk Leisen Minehatovna,
teacher speech therapist

Lesson objectives:


Word formation on the topic "Suffixes".
- Development of coherent speech.


Development of sound-letter analysis.
- Development of the sound-syllable structure of polysyllabic words.
- Development of skills in composing answers to questions.
- Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary on the topic "Suffixes of professions".


Broadening your horizons about the diversity of professions.
- Development of spatial orientations.

Equipment: Cards, pictures depicting people of different professions.

Literature: L.M. Kozyreva No. 7, p. 31, L.G. Kobzareva A system of exercises for correcting writing and reading for children with OHP p. 79, 83, 89, 90.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. Speech therapy exercise.

Listen to the catchphrase:

The janitor will get up at dawn,
Snow clears in the yard
The janitor will clean the trash
And sprinkle ice with sand.

Who is this pure talk about? (About the janitor). Now repeat it after me. Find the same root words in this poem. (The yard is a janitor). Identify the root. (Courtyard). With the help of which part of the word did we get the new word janitor? (suffix -nik-). Correctly. What do you think, what are we going to talk about today? (About suffixes).

III. Announcement of a new topic.

Now look at these pictures. Who is depicted on them? What do you think we are going to talk about today? (about professions). That's right, today we will talk about professions. Open speech therapy books on page 31. See task 13.

Read what we need to do in this activity: Insert the missing words into poems.

Needed workers -
_________ and _________!
It is tricky to work furniture:
First we take the log
And sawing boards
Long and flat.
Squinting eyes and frowning eyebrows,
Grumbled into his mustache,
_________ Ivan Petrovich
He took the watch carefully.
Everything is clear to the old man,
Old man ________.

And Nina asked quietly:
- Is it bad to be _________?
Who sews panties for the guys?
Of course not a pilot.
________ drives planes -
It is very good.
The cook makes compotes -
It's also good.
The doctor treats us for measles
There is ___________ at the school.

And thin dratva
__________ will take,
And the awl will get it
And pricks with an awl.
The shoes are repaired
The boot was repaired.
The passer-by is satisfied:
___________ helped.

What professions did you meet in these poems? (carpenter, joiner, watchmaker, dressmaker, pilot, cook, doctor, teacher, shoemaker).

Pay attention to two words: watchmaker and pilot. What do you think: from what words were they formed? (watch - hour and fly). What part of the word helped us form these words? (Suffixes)

True, suffixes always help us form new words. Suffixes -chik, -shchik, help to form words associated with the profession. But there are other suffixes that are used to form new words.

Open in a speech therapy notebook page 33, task 15. Form from these words new words denoting professions and write them down.

Stone is a bricklayer, a table is a carpenter, a garden is a gardener, a drum is a drummer, a stove is a stove-maker, a cart, a boot is a shoemaker, worn by a porter, a pharmacy is a pharmacist, to teach is a teacher, build is a builder, a newspaper is a newspaperman, and a load is a loader.

What other suffixes helped us get new words: -nik, -tel. So what are the suffixes used in the formation of vocational words? (-chik, -shchik, -nik, -tel, -ar, -st.) (Table)

IV Syllabic structure of the word:

And now this task: look at the word watchmaker: how many syllables are in this word? (3 syllables). What's the first syllable? (cha). Second? (owls) Third? (box).

Insert the missing syllables in the card: ___ co-worker, hours ___, cha ___ box.

What is the third syllable (box), the first (cha), and the second (owl).

You have one more word on your card: shoemaker. Insert the missing syllables on your own: sa ___ nickname, boot ___, ___ fireman. What is this word? How many syllables are in it? (3 syllables). Name the third syllable (nickname), the first syllable (sa), the second (pozh). Well done, they coped with this task.

V. Physical minutes.

Stand up. I'll give you cards: policeman, firefighter, artist, programmer. Now listen carefully and follow my instructions: stand in the following sequence: firefighter, artist, programmer, policeman. Now, the artist, stand to the left of the policeman. The programmer to the right of the fireman. Well done, we coped with this task.

Vi. Performing training exercises.

I distribute cards. Complete the task yourself. Name the person who ... Draw a line to him.

teach children Driver
serves at the border Baker
produces oil Janitor
goes skiing Border guard
composes fairy tales Teacher
goes on exploration Oilman
trains animals Scout
cleans the yard Storyteller
bakes rolls Skier
drives a car Trainer

Vii. Sound-letter analysis.

Look at the next task on the card. Who is in the picture? Which profession? (Football player). How many sounds are there in a word? Spell the word down. How many letters are there in a word? Divide the word into syllables. Put emphasis. Color the picture.

Now such a task. I ask questions, you give a complete answer to it.

Who is fishing? (fisherman) Who looks after the garden? (gardener)
Who is watching the forest? (forester) Who flies the plane? (pilot)
Who drives the tractor? (tractor driver) Who publishes the books? (publisher)
Who puts the stove on? (stove maker) Who builds houses? (builder)

Well, now you need to arrange the pictures in the sequence in which the house is being built. Speech therapy notebook p. 34 No. 18.

VIII. Lesson summary.

We talked a lot about professions today. What professions do you like? Why?

So, let us recall these words from the poem: "All professions are needed, all professions are important."

Sections: Speech therapy

The purpose of the lesson.

Strengthen word formation skills in children, use correctly

suffixes when forming the names of professions.

Teach children to highlight suffixes in words.

Refine vocabulary

Expand the knowledge of children about their hometown, knowledge of various professions,

To foster love for the city, respect for work.

Cards with recorded artist professions.

Pictures depicting musical instruments (button accordion, accordion, guitar, piano. Flute., Violin, trumpet, drum).

Pictures of builders (bricklayer, glazier, roofer, crane operator, excavator, painter, architect, draftsman), offer cards

During the classes

Matroskin. What was Uncle Fyodor thinking about?

Uncle Fedor.

My years are growing.
I will be seventeen
Where do I work then ...
What to do?

Ball. Look, Uncle Fedor, what professions exist in the city of Saratov.

Matroskin. Well, yes, professions, professions ... you would also remember about suffixes

Speech therapist Guys, let's help Uncle Fedor. We will tell you what professions we can meet in our city.

What is a profession?

Speech therapist Correctly. A profession is the main occupation of a person, his work activity.

How many different professions are there?
Someone will say: - Exactly two hundred.
Someone will say: - Three hundred and five….
It is difficult to calculate accurately.
Only one thing is certain:
All professions are wonderful.
You just have to try
So choose one my friend.
To make it interesting
And you and everyone around.

Let's tell Uncle Fedor about the professions that can be found in the theater.

Tell me, what is this building?

Children. Opera and Ballet Theater named after N.G. Chernyshevsky.

Speech therapist. Correctly. The Opera and Ballet Theater is one of the best and most famous theaters in our city.

Here is a glass booth.
This is the box office.
Someone gets money.
Quickly rips off tickets.
Who is this?

Children. Cashier

Speech therapist. What is the related word to the word cashier?

Children. A related word is cash.

Speech therapist. How did the word cashier come about?

Children. Using the suffix -ir.

Speech therapist. What is the suffix for?

Children. Suffix is \u200b\u200bneeded to form new words

Speech therapist. Where is the suffix?

Children. The suffix comes after the root.

Speech therapist. Here we go into the lobby with a ticket. And we are met by a person. Who checks tickets and invites you to the auditorium. Who is it?

Children. Usher.

Speech therapist. What synonym can you choose for the word usher?

Children. A synonym for the word usher is a cashier.

He works by playing
There is such a profession.
He's been on stage for a long time
That profession….

Children. Actor.

Speech therapist. Find synonyms for actor and actress.

Children. A synonym for the word actor is an artist.

A synonym for the word actress is an artist.

Speech therapist. The actor sang an aria, so he ...

Children. He is a singer.

Speech therapist. And if the actress sang?

Children. This is a singer.

Speech therapist. The Opera and Ballet Theater shows wonderful performances - operas, operettas, musicals and ballets. Therefore, in performances here they not only talk and sing, but also dance. What is the name of the person who dances?

Children. Dancer.

Speech therapist. And his partner?

Children Dancer.

Speech therapist. Who dances for us in ballet

even children know this?

Children. This is a ballerina.

Speech therapist. But in the theater there are still imperceptible, but necessary professions.

If the actor forgot the role
And without a word he waves his hands.
Who will come to the rescue
And he will tell him the words.

Children. The prompter will tell him the words.

Speech therapist. And if the artist gets sick, the performance will still take place. Indeed, in the theater there is a person who knows all the roles. What is the name of this person's profession?

Children. This is a stunt double.

Speech therapist. And a specialist helps the actors to be always beautiful, similar to their heroes.

Children. His profession is a make-up artist.

Speech therapist. Uncle Fyodor wrote down all the names of the professions that are found in the theater.

Cashier, usher, controller, actor, actress, artist, artist, singer, dancer, dancer, ballerina, prompter, understudy, make-up artist.

Highlight the suffixes in these words - ir, -er, -is, -ist, -ets, -or, ov, -shits, -in ..

What is the most common suffix in the theater profession?

Speech therapist. But the theater cannot exist without music. A whole orchestra plays on different musical instruments. How to call them in one word, having united all at once?

Very simple. Musicians, musicians all of them.

What is the suffix in the word musicians?

Children. In the word musicians the suffix is \u200b\u200bant.

Speech therapist. Here's a big orchestra playing.

And the orchestra runs

Strict - strict ...

Children. Conductor.

Speech therapist. Now try to form the profession of a person who plays this instrument from the name of a musical instrument, and select the suffixes in these words - -ist, -ach, -shchik.

(Pictures depicting musical instruments are distributed. After completing the assignment, children read their notes and name suffixes in words.)

Bayan - button accordion player

Guitar - guitarist


Trumpet - trumpeter

Accordion accordionist

accordion - accordionist

piano - pianist

violin - violinist

drum - drummer

saxophone - saxophonist

Speech therapist. Well done boys. Many of you are involved in sports clubs and sports schools. And for some of you, this passion for sports can become a profession, as for many famous athletes. There are many sports facilities in our city. One of them is the Kristall sports complex.

Who educates and trains future athletes?

Children. The coach educates and trains future athletes.

Speech therapist What athletes train at the Ice Palace?

Children. Training in the Ice Palace

(slide) hockey players.

(slide) skaters.

(slide) skaters.

(slide skater..

Speech therapist. Who can train in the pool? (slide)

Children (slide) a swimmer is training in the pool.

Speech therapist. Various sports are practiced in the sports hall of the Palace of Sports.

I will call the sport, and you give me the name of the profession of an athlete.

Call the word game.

Speech therapist - children

(slide) basketball - basketball player.

(slide) volleyball - volleyball player

(slide) gymnastics - gymnast and gymnast

(slide) boxing - boxer

(slide) wrestling - wrestler

(slide) fencing - swordsman

(slide) barbell - weightlifter

(slide) tennis - tennis player

Speech therapist. Insert the words - the names of the professions of athletes in the sentences and highlight in these words the suffixes --ist, - schik, - er, -ets.

(Suggestion cards are given to children)

Checking the job. Children read sentences. They name the word that was inserted and name the suffix in this word.

Physical minute. Well done. Now let's imagine that we are in the gym. I call the sports profession. And you show the movements of this athlete to the music.

Speech therapist. We visited the theater, sports complex, swimming pool.

Who built all this?

Children. Builders.

Speech therapist. That's right, all buildings, swimming pools, hospitals, schools are built by builders.

We want to build a new house

To stand for many years.

And this requires knowledge and skills.

Do you know where the construction begins?

Construction begins with a project. The project of the new building is conceived and developed by an architect.

An architect builds a house

At the computer desk.

Children. In the word architect - the suffix op.

Pencils help them.

Children. In the word draftsman the suffix nickname.

In the word draftsman, the suffix is \u200b\u200bprostrate.

Speech therapist. At the site of the new building, a hole is being dug under the foundation using a special machine - an excavator.

Who operates the excavator?

Children. The excavator is operated by an excavator. The suffix is \u200b\u200bbox.

Speech therapist. Here's another builder at work.

He lays bricks skillfully.

Children. This is a bricklayer. Suffix -speaker.

The walls are very high.
Lift large slabs.
Beams, packs of hardboard
It’s hard and not out of hand.
And the workers have a huge load
Raises the crane.
Who operates the crane?

Children. The crane is operated by a crane operator. The suffix in the word crane operator is ov, shchik.

Children. The roof is covered by a roofer. Suffix spruce, suffix shik.

Speech therapist. Performs interior decoration,

Plastering walls cleverly ...

Children. The walls are plastered with plasterers.

If you need to paint the walls,
They will tackle this together ...
Children paint the walls with painters.

Speech therapist. And together the plasterer and the painter are called finishers.

What are the names of the builders who make window frames, doors, floors, that is, do all the woodwork?

Children. The people who do woodwork are called carpenters and joiners.

Speech therapist. There are workers at the construction site who use a special tool - a glass cutter - to cut the glass so that it fits exactly into the window frame or door.

What is the name of this profession?

Children. The glass is cut by a glazier.

Speech therapist. Then a person works at the construction site who installs all the water pipes in the house. What is the name of this person.

Children. Plumber installs water pipes.

Speech therapist. Often a person in this profession is called a plumber.

Speech therapist. There is also a man at the construction site who conducts electricity to the house.

What is the name of this person's profession?

Children. This profession is an electrician.

Speech therapist. So we visited with you the construction of a house. Now listen to the assignment.

Compose and write down sentences for these pictures using the names of the professions.

Children write two sentences at a time, for example,

The roofer covers the roof with tin.

The bricklayer lays the walls of the house skillfully from stone and brick.

A crane operator operates a crane.

The glazier inserts the glass into the window frame.

The excavator operates the excavator.

The excavator digs a hole under the foundation.

The painter paints the walls of the room.

The painter paints the walls with beautiful paint.

An electrician conducts an electrical cable to a new house.

An architect is developing a project for a new house.

The draftsman draws blueprints for the construction of a new house.

Children read the sentences they have made, say what word the professions of builders have come from and name the suffixes with which new words have been made.

Speech therapist. Well, Uncle Fyodor, you are pleased with the knowledge of children.

Uncle Fedor.

I am satisfied from the bottom of my heart.
All professions are great.
They are all extremely good.

Now I will think. What profession should I choose.

Strange affair
Or maybe not -
Lived in the world
Once a shoemaker.
He was a shoemaker
Forty-five years old.
But they said about him:
- Artist.
Strange affair.
Or maybe not -
Lived - was
In the world
Once an artist.
He was an artist
Seventy years old
But about him
They said:
- Shoemaker.
Strange affair,
Or maybe not?
(Roman Sef).

1.What does the poet write about, is it true or not?

2. Can the word “artist” be used to describe a shoemaker? A tailor? Cooks?

3.How should a person do his job to be called an artist in his field? (Children's answers)

If a person performs his work professionally, beautifully, with soul, creatively, then he can be called an artist of his craft. Knowledge of the techniques of one's craft is the main thing in the skill of a poet, a shoemaker, and a cook.

4. Can an artist be called a shoemaker? (children's answers 0

Speech therapist. Yes, if a person does his job badly,

Speech therapist. I wish you that in the future you will become “artists” of your profession.

Lesson summary.

  1. We used suffixes to form the names of the professions. What suffixes did you use to form profession names?
  2. What is the most athletic suffix?
  3. What is the most “musical” suffix
  4. What is the most constructive suffix?
  5. What profession does a person live in Prostokvashino, next to Uncle Fyodor?