Minimum passing score for admission. It became known how many points on the exam you need to score to enter the budget

Many people associate the summer of each year with a difficult exam period in schools and others. educational institutions, it is at this time that documents are being admitted to all universities. If a graduate scored a sufficient number of points, he can get into the budget department, enrolled in a prestigious educational institution has a greater chance of finding a decent job in the future. Therefore, it is important to get the maximum number of points on the exam. For the few years that a unified state exam has been in effect in our state, the procedure and features of its passing are constantly being updated. In 2017, applicants will have to experience new innovations, applicants will have to test an updated method for determining the minimum threshold for admission to universities.

A new calculation was proposed by the Accounts Chamber, at the moment there is no special methodology for calculating points, the maximum and minimum points are set based on the results of the USE of the previous year.

Now let's take a close look at what the minimum uSE scores 2017 in all subjects.

The exam in mathematics 2017 will be held on different days, the base and the profile are assigned to different numbers, examination papers will also be using various methods. Mathematics will be submitted twice: ahead of schedule and on the main date. If a graduate needs to pass the subject ahead of time, then the date is set - 03/14/2017, on this day both levels will be passed, the reserve day of retake is scheduled for 04/07/2017

Profile level mathematics will be held on 06/05/2017, the reserve day is set for 06/28/2017 A basic level of scheduled for 06/05/2017, the reserve stage will take place on 06/28/2017.

The profile level will be assessed as follows:

  • The "top three" corresponds to the range of USE scores in 2017 from 27 to 46;
  • "Four" ranges from 47 to 64 points;
  • "excellent" mark - from 65.

The basic level has a 5-point calculation scale.

Russian language

In 2017, the unified state exam in the Russian language, like the mathematical exam, will be conducted in two stages: early and main. Before the USE deadline, you can pass on 03/20/2017, the reserve day is set on 04/07/2017

The main exam will take place on May 31, 2017, with a reserve day on June 29, 2017. The minimum in the Russian language for obtaining a certificate of education is set at around 22 points, the minimum points for the USE 2017 for admission to educational institutions is 34.

Minimums for other subjects

All other school disciplines future students pass, relying on their desire, and, depending on which educational institution the student dreams of entering. Accordingly, in 2017 they pass three compulsory and one optional exam. How many points do you need to score in other subjects to get into the university? The table is as follows:

  • the minimum threshold for biology in 2017 is 34;
  • the passing test score of the USE in social studies - 40;
  • history test score - 29;
  • physics set the minimum bar at 32 points;
  • "Minimum wage" in informatics - 34;
  • foreign language threshold - 22 points;
  • minimum in chemistry - 34 points;
  • the minimum threshold for geography is 31 points;
  • literature test score - 28.

When the exams are passed

The schedule of exams in all disciplines in 2017 has already been approved. The exam schedule is as follows:

  • On May 29, 2017, graduates will take computer science, geography and ICT.
  • 06/02/2017 history and chemistry are planned.
  • On 09.06.2017, an exam in social studies will take place.
  • 06/13/2017 on the list of passing exams in physics and literature.
  • 06/15/2017 they will take biology and foreign languages.
  • 16-17.06.2017 will be held oral part in foreign languages.

The graduate is given a chance to retake the entire list of exams, even if the student just wants to improve his results in some subjects. The applicant can apply the marks obtained as a result of the state examination for 3 years.

USE scores will affect the assessment in the certificate

In 2017, a new methodology for assessing the knowledge of graduates will appear, and the number of points received on the exam will affect the final grade in the certificate. For example, a student takes the USE in history for three, and this year he had a grade of five, then the final one is likely to be set at four. The authorities are now developing a unified rating scale.

Also, do not forget that the 2017 OGE is coming for 9th grade students; some changes are also provided for these exams. There is enough time left to thoroughly prepare for the exams, and to be admitted in 2017 to the university that they dreamed of since childhood.

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Passing scores at universities depend on the level of graduates and are recalculated annually. For example, this is how the scores at Moscow State University for applicants to law changed: 331 in 2014, 359 in 2015, 356 in 2016, 347 in 2017. The 2018 passing scores will be published by the university when graduates apply.

Passing scores at universities depend on the level of graduates and are recalculated annually. For example, this is how the scores at Moscow State University for applicants to law changed: 331 in 2014, 359 in 2015, 356 in 2016, 347 in 2017. The 2018 passing scores will be published by the university when graduates apply.

The university can set minimum passing scores for each subject. For example, applicants to the Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov for the direction of "general medicine" must be at least 54 points in chemistry, biology and Russian. The minimum scores, if any, are indicated in the admission rules on the website of any university. You can find them in the section on the 2018 admissions campaign.

Don't confuse the minimum passing scores with the USE average. The average score is calculated based on the results of applicants who entered the university: the total passing score is divided by the number of exams - usually by three. For example, the passing score for the direction "economics" is 251: 251/3 \u003d 83.6. We round up and get 84 - this will be the average score.

Here are the average USE scores of applicants to Moscow universities for the full-time budgetary department:
According to the application "do the right thing"

MIPT MEPhI Moscow State Technical University Bauman MGIMO RANEPA Financial University MIET MPGU MSU MSLA
91 87 77 87 70 74 70 70 81 76
RSUH RUDN RNIMU them. Pirogov PRUE them. Plekhanov MIREA STANKIN Higher School of Economics MISIS MEI MSLU
71 65 79 72 65 66 83 77 69 80

Usually only uSE results, but some universities conduct DWI - additional entrance tests. For example, Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University can conduct DWI according to undergraduate and specialist programs.

Additional creative or professional tests are in many universities in the areas of "architecture", "pediatrics", "journalism", "teacher education", "physical education", "television". For a complete list of directions, see the order of the Ministry of Education and Science. DWI is usually assessed on a 100-point scale, so the passing score in some universities is more than 300 or 400, depending on the number of exams.

Why look at passing scores from past years

It is useful to look at the passing scores of 2017 in order to assess your chances. The level of graduates changes every year, but not always significantly. On the university website, the passing scores of previous years are indicated in the section for applicants.

To prepare tables with passing scores, we have chosen several popular training directions. The Ministry of Education and Science reported that in 2017 these were economic programs - 21 people. / place, specialty in politics and international relations - 20 people / place, mass media - 19 people. / place, medicine - 8-16 people. / place, engineering and technical areas - 7 people. / a place.

The tables show passing scores for the full-time budgetary department of Moscow universities. If the passing score is above 300, it means that the university has additional exams in this area.

Technical specialties

MIPT MEPhI Moscow State Technical University Bauman STANKIN MEI MIREA Higher School of Economics
Computer science
and computing
287 271 266–286 201 216 220 257
or informational
282 270 270–284 No preparation 248 232–242 293
Mechanical engineering No preparation No preparation 219–227 174 184 186 No preparation


MSU MGIMO Higher School of Economics PRUE them. Plekhanov Financial University RANEPA RUDN MSLU
Economy 331 341 358 344 252–267 231–252 251 No preparation
Management No "budget" No "budget" 361–364 347 246–252 257–274 247 No preparation
State and municipal administration 324 274 349 257 249 247 250 No preparation
International relationships 389 352 396 No preparation 267 283 292 279
Jurisprudence 347 353 373 279 261 263 285 276
Linguistics 366 No preparation 287 295 No preparation No preparation 290 252
Journalism 346 397 365 No preparation No preparation 275–278 328 350


There is another "pleasant" surprise: universities are obliged to provide as much information as possible about the admission procedure, and this despite the fact that many sites do not even have an elementary division of applicants by specialty. Last but not least, most universities refused to accept documents by email. Now an applicant from a distant city will have to spend several thousand rubles on the road in order to apply to the capital's universities.

Where to go with low scores? Looking for an alternative

Of course, everyone thinks about how to enter the budget, even with low scores. And what indicators of knowledge assessment are considered acceptable? To begin with, it is worth determining which points are considered passing. The total number of the USE should vary in the region of 130-150.

Having received such low marks, you should not despair, because even they can become passing points for admission to a budget place. An applicant who did not pass the exams for the highest score has several optimal options that will allow him to keep up with the educational process:

  1. Going to college or technical school. Even with low scores, the likelihood of being admitted to a budget place is very high. This option has several obvious advantages at once - it is a wide choice of specialization, as well as the possibility of further admission to a reduced study at a university.
  2. The possibility of studying at a university under a contract can be considered as a fallback option.
  3. Budget admission to a university for correspondence or evening education. This is a great opportunity to combine study with work.
  4. Submission of documents for an unpopular specialization with low passing scores with the further possibility of transferring to another department.

It is realistic to enter the budget with low scores, but only if the average score on the exam has become an annoying accident, and the applicant himself is a capable and diligent student. There are often cases when an applicant with low scores nevertheless passed to a budget place, and during educational process showed very high results, which once again proves the relativity of the assessment of knowledge at the USE level.

Fashion trends in the educational process

Needless to say, the applicants themselves indirectly affect the threshold level of passing scores? The more people who want to enroll in this or that specialty, the higher the passing scores. The popularity of specialization is explained by the number of people wishing to get one or another education.

As the practice of admission campaigns shows, for several years technical universities are not very popular among applicants, even with low USE scores. This same feature applies to faculties such as nanotechnology, machine design, environmental management, road construction, materials technology, or metallurgy. The most demanded disciplines were economics, law, design, medical and pedagogical faculties.

The attitude of the Russian educational supervision is developing in an interesting way, which can be analyzed according to the established scale of minimum passing marks. The most significant disciplines are computer science and social science. The last line in the rating, oddly enough, is occupied by a foreign language. This is a little discouraging, because if you look at the most attractive vacancies, many of them require professional knowledge of a foreign language. Therefore, the preliminary joy of applicants about the low passing score may be clouded in the future when they have to face the search for work.

What options do applicants with low scores have?

Low points for admission - this is not a disaster. There are several quite acceptable options that will allow you to become a budget student at a Moscow university. First of all, it is worth noting the possibility of non-core income. For example, legal specialization is available in many non-core universities. This can be used to enroll in a budget place.

You can independently check which universities you can enroll in with low scores using the USE Calculator.

Academy named after Maimonides, Moscow State humanitarian University named after MA Sholokhov or the same University of Geodesy and Cartography are recruiting applicants for the specialty "jurisprudence". IN state university the timber industry, the Moscow University of Railways and the Moscow Highway Institute, the passing score in computer science has been reduced.

Low USE scores are not a reason for frustration. Many universities recruit applicants for budget places... Among these establishments are:

  • Moscow University of Technology and Management.
  • Moscow State Linguistic University.
  • Textile University. Kosygin.
  • Moscow State University for the Humanities Bauman.
  • Moscow Agro-Engineering University.

In order to predict the selection criteria for budget seats, you should pay attention to the results of the admission campaigns of the past year. So, for example, Russian social university last year I reduced the enrollment for the specialty "psychology". In the same time teacher training universities raised this bar, increasing the number of potential students several times.

Forecast of entrance examinations for 2017

Today higher education - this is almost the key to all the doors, behind which are hidden bright and promising horizons. In fact, the corresponding diploma allows you to find a more paid job, take high position and reach certain heights. That is why former schoolchildren strive, by all means, to enter the budget, even with low USE scores.

Having received a not very high result of assessing knowledge, do not despair - after all, 1 year is not whole life without higher education. 12 months is enough time to improve your knowledge in a certain field, study the offers of universities and choose exactly the specialty that will open up excellent prospects.

But if student life and beckons with its charms, but you don't want to deprive yourself of such an opportunity - you should take a closer look at all the advantages of studying in a college or technical school. Specialized secondary education is a good opportunity for unimpeded admission to a university for a reduced form of study without passing the USE (a student only takes internal exams that intersect with his specialty).

About prospects further learning after school, you should think in advance, "leaning" on profile subjects and tightening up their knowledge - this will help to gain high scores on the Unified State Exam and freely enter the capital's university.

Use the USE calculator and check where you can apply with your points. Click!

Apply to Top Distance Learning Institutions

The minimum USE scores 2017 for obtaining a certificate of secondary education and for admission to universities is determined by the Order of Rosobrnadzor dated 11/18/2017

To obtain a secondary school certificate general education Graduates current year take compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics.

Mathematics can be taken in basic or profile levels, or both levels at once. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to successfully pass mathematics at one of the selected levels. Upon receiving a positive assessment on the base or profile mathematics if you choose both levels, you cannot retake it in the same year.

Minimum USE scores 2017 for obtaining a certificate

Participants of the exam pass other subjects on a voluntary basis:

Social Studies;
informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT);
foreign languages: English, German, French and Spanish.

Minimum USE scores 2017 for admission to the university

You can hand over any number of items from the list. In this case, you will need to plan passing the exam both ahead of schedule and during the main period.

For those who want to continue their education at a university, the choice of subjects should depend on the list of entrance examinations in the chosen specialty (field of study).

The list of entrance examinations in universities for all specialties (areas of training) is determined by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Each university chooses from this list certain subjects that it indicates in its admission rules. You need to familiarize yourself with this information on the websites of the selected universities before applying for participation in the USE with a list of selected subjects.

Difference in minimum points for obtaining a certificate and admission to a university there is only Russian language.

Please note that institutions themselves may raise the minimum thresholds. For more information, see the official websites of universities.

The results are valid for 4 years following the year of obtaining such results.

Unsatisfactory result

If a USE participant (a graduate of the current year) receives a result below the established minimum number of points in one of the compulsory academic subjects, he has the right to retake in additional terms provided unified schedule.

If the USE participant (all categories) does not receive the minimum number of USE points in elective subjects, the USE retake for such USE participants is provided only after a year.

All teachers, parents of graduates, as well as schoolchildren themselves are concerned about what requirements will be imposed on the content of the Unified State Exam, since they are improved annually. But, main question: who, how, by what principle evaluates the work of graduates? Does the number of USE scores change in 2019 and in which disciplines?

Assessment of work on the exam

For a better understanding of the article, consider the main terms and their abbreviations:

  • The Unified State Exam is a unified state exam.
  • FIPI - Federal Institute pedagogical research.
  • KIM - control and measuring materials (forms that are issued for the exam).

Tasks for the state exam are developed and coordinated by the FIPI. He is also responsible for developing the assessment system (specification) written by KIMs.

The points will change next year:

  • In social studies (increase from 64 to 65).
  • Biology (decreased from 59 to 58).

All high school students are initially assigned a primary point (preliminary). It is obtained by adding the marks for the completed CMM assignments. Primary estimates for various subjects, have different highest values \u200b\u200band can range from 22 to 80.

A test score is obtained from preliminary assessments using a special table. It is transferred to the form and is final uSE assessment... The grading tables are updated annually for each exam subject. The process of transferring the preliminary points obtained during the exam to the secondary ones is called scaling and lasts about 8 days.

There will be no changes related to the testing assessment procedure next year. Therefore, when evaluating works, as well as in the previous one, the following will be applied:

  • Automatic verification of CMMs (this is why it is important to fill out the forms correctly).
  • The assessment of CMMs with a detailed answer will be dealt with by two specialists (in case of fundamental disagreements in the assessment, there will be three of them).

Average score for the state exam exam 2019 is calculated as follows. The amount received as a result of testing is divided by the number of exams. For example: 60 + 70 + 80/3 \u003d 70, i.e. test score the exam will be 70.

In exactly the same way, the average indicator of annual marks in the certificate is considered. The marks from the application to the certificate are summed up and divided by the number of subjects. The resulting value is taken into account when entering the university. With the same results obtained on state exam, preference is given to the student whose certificate score is higher.

The maximum score of the exam 2019 in all subjects is a mark of 100. Do not forget that the highest mark is the process of transferring the preliminary assessment to the test one. Therefore, you need to get the highest rate by working with CMM.

How to get a passport?

To obtain a certificate in 2019, you need a minimum number of USE points in compulsory subjects.

The smallest points scored, if translated into the usual grading system, correspond to the “three” grade on a five-point scale. It is clear that having received such marks, a student is unlikely to enter a university for a prestigious specialty. The smallest indicator on the basis of the test results, entitles the student to receive a certificate of secondary education.

Requirements for students for university admission

Those wishing to enter a university must pass the exam for a certain minimum. Each subject has its own indicators shown in the table:

Subject Preliminary estimate Test score
Physics 9 36
Chemistry 13 36
Geography 11 37
History 9 32
Biology 16 36
English language 22 22
Literature 8 32
Russian language 16 36
Mathematics (professional level) 6 27
Social Studies 19 42
Computer science 6 40

Anyone wishing to enroll in a budgetary place at a university should take into account that the countdown starts from the mark of 60-70 points. This is a common indicator for small regional universities in the country. Considering prestigious universities capital, then the result obtained on testing in all disciplines should exceed the mark of 80. Each university annually indicates which mark and in which subject it is necessary to recruit for a budget place. The student must follow these changes on his own in order to correctly calculate his strength and capabilities. It will be correct to choose several options and submit documents where the chances of admission will be higher.

The passing score for the USE 2019 at the university depends on the result of the last applicant who entered the budget of the previous year. That is, if last year 250 people applied for one place, and only 30 entered the budget, then the result of the last applicant enrolled in the budget will be decisive. It can be 80 or 85 - this is the required threshold for a budget place, which means that the result of other applicants was higher.

Graduates who entered budget-funded places in 2018 had a result of about 76-76.5. This means that if you count on a preferential place, then the average score for the USE 2019 should be not lower, but even higher than the specified mark.

Your preparation for the Unified State Exam should be serious and systematic. You can prepare for exams with a tutor or on your own using:

  • Books with assignments for the next year.
  • Demo versions of subjects to be handed over, which are located on the FIPI website.
  • Archive with the codifier

Considering all of the above, seriously think about the real prospects. If you want to get higher education, then preparation for final exam should be conducted throughout grade 11. During this time, you need to have time to repeat everything you have gone through earlier and have time to learn new material... Be attentive to your CMM design, take your time and don't worry to earn the highest score.