What can be done at the end of summer? Go on a hitchhiking trip. At least once in your life, don't lie all day long, don't be hypocritical

I usually make a list of goals twice a year - at New Year and before summer. The other day I looked into the May plan and realized that much has not been done yet. But there are still three weeks until autumn. That's 336 hours. If you spend them well, you can get a lot. We have already talked about. Today's topic is how to save valuable minutes, be effective and find the strength to create the life you have always dreamed of.

Extreme effort

If you have grandparents, talk to them. Many of them survived the hungry post-war years. They remembered the feeling when they had to work very hard to have at least bread in the house. Working all day long not for the sake of rest, a new apartment or a nice car. And just in order not to die of hunger.

This life teaches two things. The first is to appreciate what you have. The second is to make extreme efforts to survive.

Now we have forgotten how to make efforts. No, we are not bums. But we are not doing enough. Sometimes even less than the acceptable minimum. In reality, this lack of effort is harmful, lazy behavior. Here's how it is expressed:

  • We dissuade ourselves from acting without even starting.
  • We spend time, mental energy, and emotions trying to look good, not working for results.
  • We are discussing the plan instead of working on it.
  • We find excuses for our mediocrity.

Feeling sorry for yourself, finding excuses, doing nothing is not the best way out of the situation.

“If we want to be successful, we need to do more. Much more. To achieve something extraordinarily outstanding, you need to apply extra efforts, "- writes Dan Waldschmidt in the book" Be the best version of yourself. "

Think about what you want from life right now. Maybe you want to:

  • more confidence in your financial future?
  • A warmer relationship with your spouse and children?
  • A happier and / or more satisfying lifestyle?

Are you ready to put in the effort to bring it to life? Not brains, not money, not actions. EFFORTS!

Making an effort is simply taking the next step. Then another one. Yet. And further.


How to complete everything that you planned for the whole summer in a month? There is one secret - delegate. These can be both distracting little things and big projects that you don't have the energy for.

Think about yesterday. What extra have you done? What took your energy away?

If you feel like you are slowing down your business due to time constraints, it's time to hire an assistant.

Every time you do something that someone else could have done for you, you are missing out on an opportunity to be successful.

Even small tasks can be delegated to others. For example, teach your child to do household chores in the form of play - fun and rewarding. This allows you to carve out time to start thinking out of the ordinary, improve your business, not maintain it, develop new strategies, and not follow the beaten path.

Useful five minutes

How many five / ten minute breaks per day do you have? Try to comprehend these small intervals. In fact, they are insidious, and here's why.

We usually use these breaks to relax. We drink coffee, talk, read the news. But such five minutes load the brain even more! You don't rest, you get new information, that is, you are also working. But what if you approach the breaks from the other side. Try to put in a little effort and do something useful. For example, break a task into multiple subtasks and do one such subtask every break. Yes, it will be a normal change of activity, no reboot. With the only difference that five minutes will pass with benefit. And the time that appears after the completion of all cases, use for. You will truly "release" the brain, which will add strength and energy.

Important but not urgent matters

There is such a concept in time management - "Eisenhower Matrix". This is a classification of any cases according to the criteria of "urgency" and "importance". Thus, groups of tasks are distinguished:

  • important and urgent matters;
  • unimportant and urgent matters;
  • important and non-urgent matters;
  • unimportant and non-urgent matters.

The whole point is that we most often react to urgency and do things related to the first two points. But those things that contribute to self-development usually lie in the plane of "important and non-urgent." This point is our priority, we admit it, but more often than not our hands simply do not reach it! That is why it is important to be aware of which category current tasks belong to and to take time for your development.

But you should not write cases just in a column, without specifying a specific time. The reason so many people fail to reach their goals is simple - they don't defend the time they want to devote to it.

Once you set aside part of the daily calendar for important things and self-development, then you no longer assign anything else to this place.

Where to get money?

Let's say you have a dream - to travel around the world on your yacht. It seems impossible, right? Let's transform the dream into practical questions:

  • How can I get a yacht (or access to one that I like) without a million dollars?
  • How do I get a million dollars?

We should always know where money is in our plan. Sometimes something seems unrealistic, but upon closer examination it becomes clear that at least one can strive for a dream. In this case, getting a yacht without a million dollars does not seem so hopeless. After all, you can rent it together with someone. Or come up with another way, less obvious.

Rejecting false dreams

Check your dreams for relevance. Sometimes we follow our dreams because we decided to. Because giving up the fight is a weakness. In fact, changing course is not a defeat, but a new stage of self-development. This is a journey full of new possibilities. When the goal is not being achieved, it is better to loosen your grip and find an alternative. Many people hold on to meaningless or unattainable goals for years because they are afraid to admit that they were wrong when they were chosen, or that they now have different values \u200b\u200bin life.

What good is it to work hard, without pleasure, and feel that the goal is no longer worth the effort? You need to take on tasks that truly meet your values \u200b\u200band dreams.

Turn off email notifications

To be as productive and engaged as possible, you need to catch the flow state. It is such a feeling when you are here and now, when you are completely carried away, when you do something effortlessly.

What state of the flow can we talk about if a smartphone vibrates in your pocket every three to four minutes, a new email notification pops up on the screen at the same frequency, and you are regularly called for unscheduled meetings?

These distractions not only force us to spend in order to focus again. But also the doses of thought-fuel are greatly reduced. For example, we are dealing with a difficult task. We need to spend ten minutes of intense thinking to solve it, but this does not mean that we can solve the same problem in two sessions of five minutes each. Most likely, five-minute sessions will take more, three or four. The reality of our world is such that constant brain overload reduces the maximum dose of thought-fuel, we lose the ability to solve complex problems. Turn off all email notifications and your work won't take up so much energy and energy. Checked!

Mid summer. What else can you manage to plant?
Often the choice of a dacha or a country house is delayed. And now, it's mid-summer in the yard, all planting dates have been missed, and you look with envy at the neighboring plots where the harvest is ripening. Do not despair, but go to the store for seeds. You can still have time to harvest.

Modern early ripening hybrids are a godsend for gardeners. In fact, even ordinary varieties (except for late-ripening ones) will have time to enter a state of technical ripeness and yield a harvest. The only negative is that you cannot store young root crops, as they quickly deteriorate.

We plant greens
... Dill, salad vegetables, spinach, lettuce, watercress, rucola can be planted all summer. They sprout quickly, and delicate leaves can be sent to the salad after 2 weeks after germination.

Keep in mind that among the modern varieties of salads there are so-called spring, summer and autumn. Summer and autumn are resistant to the July heat and the formation of flowering shoots. For summer sowing, it is important to sow seeds in well-moistened soil, and avoid watering if the weather is dry. With a lack of moisture, many salads, as well as dill leaves, coarse and begin to taste bitter.

In July, spinach is sown for the use of mature leaves, but until mid-August for the sake of young ones. Sowing is carried out at intervals of 20-30 days. For podzimny sowing, varieties that are resistant to stemming are chosen. Their seeds are sown from late July to mid-August, so that the plants have time to form a small rosette of leaves before frost.

Radish, daikon radish, ordinary radish - these vegetables will have time to ripen, in addition, since the day has waned, it is less likely that the crops will "go into the arrow."

Be sure to plant peas. You can eat them only at the end of August, but tight juicy pods with cool peas are much tastier than July peas, which often dry up due to the lack of rain and quickly become starchy.

Zucchini and squash will have time to ripen and give two or even three harvests. True, you will have to remove excess flowers and ovaries, leaving a few of the largest ones.

Cucumbers and tomatoes
To plant or not to plant? Plant the cucumbers in a container, choosing hybrids that don't need pollination. With the arrival of the autumn cold, they can be brought into the room, where they will ripen safely.

If you want tomatoes, ask the neighbors for a few large stepsons who already have buds. Plant them in a hole and remember to water frequently. As a rule, the stepchildren, planted in any way, will have time to give a harvest, which is enough for a couple of salads. Under favorable weather conditions, the yield of stepchildren is not much different from the yield of the mother plant.

What else can you plant in July?

Until July 20-25, a "fabulous" root crop is sown in the middle of Russia - turnips... True, now this once the most important vegetable in Russia enjoys more love in the rest of the world than here. Turnip is especially popular in Asia. There, in addition to the traditional yellow turnip for us, there are varieties with white, green, pink, red and purple skin and white or yellow pulp (the more yellow the pulp, the more carotene).

In addition, there are varieties of lettuce turnip (kabu) and leafy turnip (kabuna or komatsuna). The first one has edible "tops and roots" - both leaves and roots with a milder taste than that of a turnip. The second has only leaves. It is better to store turnips for the winter from the summer sowing. In dry hot summers, with a lack of moisture, it grows small, dry, bitter: turnips tolerate heat worse than cold weather.

By the way, many root crops with late sowing tolerate winter storage better.

In July, you can sow some other plants that can bring several harvests per year. For instance, beetroot sown early and harvested in September, and at the same time they are not always happy with the harvest. Practitioners believe that beets can be planted three times per season. In spring - for summer consumption; in June for large root crops intended for winter storage; and in July for young beets in autumn. Keep in mind that in narrow beds, beets grow quickly, and growing through seedlings will shorten the maturation of the root crops.

In mid-July, you can also sow again bush beans early ripe varieties, if you want to get not the beans themselves as a crop, but young green pods. Even if the weather gets in the way of getting a good harvest of tender pods, beans, like other legumes, are an excellent green manure.

In the middle of summer, you can plant and cabbage... For example, seedlings of early varieties of white cabbage. If mid-season and late varieties grow in the garden, this makes no more sense. But if something went wrong with late cabbage, you can plant summer seedlings. For early ripe cabbage of salad taste and quality, 45-50 days will be enough.

At the end of July, they are usually planted a second time and broccoli... When broccoli begins to form inflorescences, first cut off the central "head", then from the lateral shoots. However, getting a full harvest is not endless. Therefore, broccoli is usually planted twice - in the spring and at the end of July. Moreover, it will successfully withstand the autumn frosts and will "bear fruit" until mid-autumn.

In the middle of summer they sow and oriental cabbage... Several varieties of oriental cabbage are known: Chinese cabbage, which does not form a head of cabbage, Peking cabbage (heads of oval and round shape) and half-cabbage. They all have a relatively short growing season. In early varieties, it is 50-60 days, which allows you to get two harvests in one season. But when growing Beijing and Chinese cabbage, you need to take into account its sensitivity to the length of daylight hours. If the day is short - 12-14 hours, then the leaves grow and the head sets. With longer illumination - 16-18 hours - the irreversible formation of the peduncle begins and, as a result, the harvest is completely lost. Therefore, in central Russia, the first sowing is done the sooner, the better (that is, only through seedlings). But cabbage for the second harvest can be sown directly into the ground, but not earlier than mid-summer - July 15.

We plant in August and early autumn

August is the last month of summer: days are getting shorter, nights are colder. Nevertheless, despite the obvious approach of time, at this time it is possible not only to collect seeds, but also to plant and sow.

The main concern of August is the division and transplantation of perennial plants. At this time, peonies, delphiniums, phloxes, many types of primroses and others are usually divided.

The optimal time for planting lilies is mid to late August. In the southern regions, the planting dates are shifted about a month later, in the northern ones, on the contrary, earlier.

In August and early September, we plant seedlings of biennials sown in spring and early summer in flower beds. We sow in the ground the seeds of those perennials that lose germination during storage: lumbago, swimsuit and others.

In late August and early September, you can plant and transplant clematis with lignified shoots.

Also, in late August and early September, planting of small-bulbous and bulbous plants begins. Small-bulbous plants are planted first: scilla, muscari, pushkinia, chionodox, crocuses.

At the beginning of the second decade of September, daffodils are planted. About a week later, for daffodils - hyacinths. Tulips are planted last in late September - early October.

The best time for planting grafted roses in central Russia is autumn (from September 1 to October 10). Many gardeners are afraid of the autumn planting, believing that the bush will not have time to take root before winter. This is not true. If the roses are planted on time, then by the winter shelter they will already take root and start growing faster in the spring.

Also at the end of September - beginning of October we plant small onion sets, which are practically impossible to keep until spring, and winter garlic.

September - the first decade of October in the middle lane is also suitable for planting many trees and shrubs. The main thing is to have time to plant everything no later than a month before the soil freezes. It is better not to plant seedlings of weakly winter-hardy trees and shrubs in the fall, but to dig them into the ground.

Until the end of October, you can plant lilies of the valley... The October planting of their rhizomes is recommended in areas with a good snowy winter, otherwise the plantings may suffer from freezing. With the onset of stable frosts, the planting of the first year will need to be mulched with peat or compost.

What to plant in autumn? Trees and shrubs

B hawthorn not just very decorative, its bushes can be used as a hedge. Hawthorn flowers and fruits are an excellent remedy for heart disease.

Hawthorn grows both as a bush and as a tree with a spherical or ovoid crown, with the exception of the "Strictа" variety with a pyramidal crown. Natural hawthorn can be easily transformed from a tree into a bush, because when pruned, it gives abundant growth from the stump.

What are the advantages of a bush over a tree? First, he is not afraid of strong winds. Secondly, it serves as a reliable protection and a good refuge for birds that nest on its branches, without fear of small predators (those are scared off by long, sometimes up to 10 cm, thorns). And birds are the protection of the garden from pests.

Hawthorn is a very strong wood. The leaves of this shrub are discreet in summer, but very bright in autumn. In spring and summer, the plant is decorated with white, pink or red flowers. But it is important to know: if you cut a hawthorn bush, it will bloom less.

By the way, in modern breeding varieties, flowers are almost odorless. And this is understandable. Few people will like their not very pleasant natural aroma. But for bees collecting nectar and pollen from flowers, and other insects that pollinate them, it is attractive.

Hawthorn fruits are edible. He brings a lot of them, and almost every year. Depending on the type, the fruits are yellow, whitish, orange, pink, red, purple, greenish-yellow with a red barrel, brown, purple, black. The pulp also differs in color: it is yellow, then green, then red. And in shape, the fruits are similar to a ball or pear, and they are called apple-shaped. Inside these mini-apples are one to five seeds with a very hard shell.

A high yield is ensured if several hawthorn bushes grow nearby, because cross-pollination promotes fruit ovary. Hawthorn berries are kept on the branches for a long time. And in the diet of birds, they are in second place after rowan.

The hawthorn has a very deep root system, so it is advisable to transplant it before 4-5 years of age. Prefers an autumn transplant. Hawthorn seedlings tolerate strong root pruning. Pruning branches and trunks allows you to form a plant with a low stem.

1. Dig a bush hole. Fill it with fertile soil. It is better to prepare the soil in the pit in layers, filling all the components in layers of 15-20 cm, adding fertilizer to each handful and each time thoroughly mixing it with a shovel and compacting. In a hole completely filled with fertile soil, a hole is made for the size of the roots of a seedling or an earthen coma.

2. Dig in the shrubbery in a circle, being careful not to damage the root.
3. Pry up the root with a shovel and tilt to release the earth ball.
4. Wrap a cloth around the barrel to avoid damaging the bark. Wrap the rope over the fabric, making 2 loops on opposite sides of the bush.
5. Insert 2 sticks into the loops and move the shrub along the rails (if the bush is large, then 4 people are ideal for such an event).
6. Place the shrub on a bag and treat the roots with root.
7. Lay rails from boards or other available material along which you will move the bushes.
8. Plant a shrub, cover it with fertile soil and water abundantly.

* * *
B arbaris - the plant is resistant, unpretentious and very decorative. During flowering, the plant is completely covered with drooping tassels of small yellow flowers, and in autumn it burns with bright fruits. Barberry fruits are also unusually beautiful - they are different in shape and color.

It is planted on rocky hills, curbs and hedges are made. So, an impassable hedge up to three meters high or a bright specimen (single plant) with variegated leaves against the background of a lawn is an excellent solution for a fruit and berry garden. Some species, such as the Thunberg barberry, are well suited for a Japanese garden. The most common types are common barberry, Thunberg and Ottawa.

To make the barberry the pride of your garden, it is enough to follow a few simple rules when planting it.
1. Container plants with a closed root system tolerate transplanting well throughout the season. Distribute them around the site, choosing a place for planting.
2. Thoroughly spill the pot, or better soak it in water for 15-20 minutes.
3. Add 300 g of superphosphate (per 10 l) to the substrate prepared for planting.
4. Dig a hole to the desired depth.
5. Carefully remove the plant from the pot.
6. Place the plant in a planting hole and shed well.
7. Squeeze and lightly compact the soil around the plant with your hands.

* * *
To lematis can be found on all continents, except perhaps Antarctica. Many of their varieties have been bred, pleasing the eye with extraordinary delicate beauty. They belong to the buttercup family and grow in forests, steppes, along river banks, in gorges and on rocky placers.

In total, there are about 300 of its species in nature, which outwardly differ from each other. In herbaceous perennials (Manchurian, straight, Texas) shoots die off by the end of the growing season. Semi-shrubs (hogweed, whole-leaved) have a lignified lower part, which persists for several years, and an upper one that dies off annually. Shrubs (shrub lobed form) have completely lignified wintering shoots. Most of the species (Tangut, grape-leaved, purple) belong to the group of leaf-climbing lianas, which cover the supports, twisting around them with the help of leaf stalks.

The leaves are paired, simple or complex, consisting of 3, 5, 7 leaves, in addition to the usual green ones, there are varieties with a purple color. Early clematis are covered with flowers two months after spring awakening, late ones - at the end of summer. Their flowering will be interrupted only by frost, more precisely, by stable frosts. Short-term drops in temperature at night (down to –2 ... –7 ° С) and light snow are not terrible for plants - after warming, the buds open.

The flower-covered Clematis adorns the garden almost all summer. The size of the flowers amazes the imagination: in large-flowered clematis, their diameter is 10-20 cm - the value is not constant and depends on the flowering time. The flowers of some species exude the scent of jasmine, primrose, almond.

Types of clematis are propagated by seeds and vegetatively, varieties and forms - only vegetatively.

Large seeds are sown in autumn, immediately after harvest, or in spring, after 2.5-3 months of stratification at a temperature of 0-5 ° C. If sowing in boxes or pots, then use a mixture of earth and sand in a ratio of 2: 1 or 1: 1. The seeds are covered with sand 2-3 times the diameter of the seed and compacted. Seeds germinate best at a temperature of 25-30 ° C.

As necessary, crops are watered and weeded. The emerged seedlings love light, warmth, humidity and develop better when the ground part is shaded. Young plants in the stage of cotyledonous leaves or when the first true leaf appears, dive into beds with light soil, which are in shade, at a distance of 15-20 cm. Pinch the growing shoots so that roots grow and shoots branch out.

For the winter, seedlings are covered, and in the spring of next year they are planted for growing at a distance of 50 cm from each other in a trench 40 cm deep, filled with fertile soil. The plants are deepened by 3-5 cm, the shoots are shortened to 2-3 lower nodes. After the first flowering (2-3rd year), young clematis are planted in a permanent place.

Vegetatively clematis is propagated by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings and grafting. The most common, affordable and productive of the listed breeding methods is green cuttings. The plant is cut during the period of active growth - in the budding phase. You can find out if the shoot is ready for cuttings by bending it: it should be elastic, not break, but also not be too lignified. Before grafting, it is useful to give uterine bushes a foliar dressing containing macro- and microelements. In this case, the root buds will appear 5-7 days earlier and the cuttings will retain all the leaves.

* * *
To Alin once called the wedding tree. Its inflorescences were replaced in the wreaths of Russian brides with orange blossom, and the towel, which they gave to the grooms before the wedding, was embroidered with viburnum leaves and berries. Snow-white flower hats in spring, bright ripe berries, after which bitterness remains on the lips, and scarlet heart-bones inside - such a tree simply could not but become a poetic symbol for our people.

But they loved viburnum not only for its beauty - it was successfully used in the household. Baskets were woven from young branches (and not only in Russia, the Latin name of the plant Viburnum comes from the word viere, which means "to knit, weave"), small crafts and even shoe nails were made from solid wood. Fortunately, an unpretentious and unusually ornamental plant could be found literally everywhere: at the edge of the forest, and along the banks of rivers, and "in the field by the stream". And it was worth planting it in the garden and giving it a little attention, as it responded with lush flowering and presented beautiful valuable fruits.

The genus viburnum (Viburnum) belongs to the honeysuckle family. In nature, there are about 200 species, no more than 60 have been introduced into culture. These are shrubs and small trees, some of which are evergreens. They are very diverse in appearance, the shape of leaves, flowers and fruits. Berries in most species of viburnum are colored already in August, in autumn they look contrasting against the background of a dense crown, and in winter they decorate bushes covered with snow. By the way, viburnum is not always red, in some species the fruits are pinkish-orange or black, with a bluish or blue bloom.

Viburnum propagates by root suckers, shoots, dividing the bush and cuttings. Seed reproduction is hampered by the fact that the seeds germinate within two years. Viburnum prefers highly moistened semi-shady places with an optimal soil acidity of 5.5-6.5.

It is better to plant it in spring or autumn. The planting pit should be 50-60 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep. In addition, 5-10 kg of humus and 400 g of wood ash are introduced into the pit, all this is mixed well with the upper fertile layer.

The seedling is placed vertically in a hole, deepening the root collar by 3-5 cm. After planting, it is watered abundantly (2-3 buckets per bush), the earth around is compacted and mulched with a 10-centimeter layer of peat. After three years, the soil is dug up and a new layer of mulch is poured.

In order for the viburnum to produce a good harvest every year, it must be fed. In early spring (before the beginning of the growing season), nitroammofoska is added (40-50 g per 1 sq. M), in the fall - phosphorus (30-40 g per 1 sq. M) and potassium (15-20 g per 1 sq. M). Fertilizers are scattered on the soil surface, then dug up and watered.

Viburnum is very hygrophilous. Water it, especially in hot summer, should be at least twice a week (15–20 liters for each adult plant).

To form a bush, in the second year after planting, in early spring, the above-ground part of the seedling is cut off, leaving 2-3 nodes. Strong shoots will develop from them. To form a tree, one powerful vertical shoot is left, all others are removed. Within three years, one shoot is formed, which will become the trunk. The height of the trunk is 1–1.2 m. The viburnum bush is rejuvenated by cutting off all old branches at a height of 15–20 cm from the ground.

* * *
Rowan was once considered a symbol of fertility, well-being and prosperity. The Slavs called the mountain ash a sacred tree and were sure that lightning hides in its openwork crown. And this tree has always been loved for its firmness and bright, but at the same time some kind of shy beauty. "Bitter Rowan" is a popular poetic and folklore image.

But the main thing is that this tree is almost always decorative: in spring it pleases with abundant flowering, in summer - with carved foliage, in autumn - with orange-red fruits, and in winter - with bright clusters against the background of snow and flocks of birds under the window.

Hard, dense rowan wood has long been used in the manufacture of carriages, wooden parts of equipment for mills, agricultural tools. Hoops for barrels, parts of a spear for hunting a bear were made from it. The bark was indispensable for tanning hides and leather dressing. The berries were added to the pet food.

The most famous mountain ash is Nevezhinskaya. It is often called Nezhinskaya, which is incorrect. The history of this confusion is as follows. A shepherd from the village of Nevezhina in the Vladimir province noticed a mountain ash with very tasty fruits in the forest, planted it and shared the seedlings with his fellow villagers. Soon they began to grow it throughout the region. The famous wine merchant Pyotr Smirnov, who bought this mountain ash as a raw material for his production, specially named it Nezhinskaya in order to send competitors down the wrong path - to the city of Nezhin.

Ivan Michurin made a real revolution in the creation of new varieties of sweet-fruited mountain ash. He crossed among themselves not only different types rowan, but also rowan with pear, medlar, apple tree, hawthorn. And this gave very interesting results.

Rowan varieties are self-fertile, so 2-3 varieties should be planted in the garden at once or several varieties should be grafted into the crown of one tree. It is better to take seedlings one or two years old.

Acidic soils are lime in advance. You can plant it both in autumn (mid-September-early October) and in spring, but earlier, since the mountain ash quickly starts to grow.

The seedlings are placed in pre-prepared pits 80–50 or 60–100 cm in size (depending on the strength of the root system). It is advisable to add 10-12 kg of humus, 500-600 g of superphosphate and 70-130 g of potassium salt to the planting mixture.

The trunks are kept in a weed-free condition. But it is necessary to loosen the soil superficially, since loosening too deep can cause the formation of root growth, which will inhibit the growth of trees. If it does appear, you will have to cut it out - without hemp, in the top layer of the soil.

In dry periods, trees need watering - lack of moisture makes it difficult for shoots and ovaries to grow. Fertilization has a beneficial effect on the development of the plant, but an excessive amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers reduces the amount of vitamin P. in fruits. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - in the fall.

In tall varieties, growth is limited by pruning. Forming a strong skeleton (the tree must withstand a large mass of fruits), thickening branches are removed, and skeletal branches are taken out at an angle of more than 45 degrees.

Harvesting begins in late August - early September, depending on the timing of ripening. It is not worth pulling with harvesting - in varietal rowan trees, the fruits quickly wither and become tasteless. In addition, birds may outrun you.

Photo: epicstockmedia / Rusmediabank.ru

Summer will end very soon. But there are still a couple of weeks left that can be spent fun and profitably. What should be done at the end of summer?

If you are late

If during the summer you did not have time to put things in order in your things, you should do it now. Throw away any unnecessary items that have accumulated over the year. Old toys can be donated to low-income families or taken to an orphanage. Dispose of used paper and old magazines for recycling. Sell \u200b\u200bthose things that remain in good condition, but you no longer need. Clean up your computer. Organize your data, remove unnecessary information. You will see: space will be freed up, air and space will be added, and the mood will improve.

Failed to go to the sea and even on the shore of a lake or river? Do it now! Go to nature. If you have a lot to do or travel too far, sunbathe in the garden, on the balcony or in your summer cottage. What's a summer without a tan?

If there was no time

Your child goes to kindergarten or a school, but the necessary things have not been purchased? So go shopping. Buy clothes for the garden, sportswear or school uniform... Don't forget your shoes. Stock up on stationery. Even if you don't know exactly what you need in a kindergarten or school, there are items that you definitely need to buy. Pens, pencils and colored pencils, sketchbooks, paints or gouache, an eraser, simple notebooks, a stand for textbooks or pencils - all this or at least a few things will be required.

Didn't make it up for autumn, winter or a whole working (school) year? Get started! Analyze: what you are going to do, what you have to do, what new you want to learn and study, what books to read. Make a list, determine the time, think about how exactly you will do all the things. You can add entries to a diary or create a working folder on your computer. This will make life much easier in the future.

If you have received few impressions

Did you work hard, didn't have much time and didn't attend interesting events? Find out what exciting events will be held in the last weeks of summer, choose what you like best and go there.

Didn't find anything interesting? So, get out with friends or family for a picnic, go to another city, explore the sights, wander along unfamiliar streets. Rent a bike or go for a walk in the park. You can go to the indoor ice rink, jump with a parachute, ride horses. Sometimes it takes so little to get a great experience.

If you forgot that summer is the season of fruits, berries and vegetables

Now is the time to get vitaminized. Eat more different berries and fruits, pamper your family with culinary delights. Make currant pie, raspberry pie,. Try new exotic fruits.

Have you ever tried it? Now is the time to do it! This drink will help to quench your thirst on a hot day, to be well satisfied in the morning, to please with a bright taste. Cooking is simple: you need to mix any berries and fruits (you can also make a vegetable smoothie). If desired, you can add yogurt, milk, mineral water, juice. If you want to make the smoothie even brighter, decorate it with berries, coconut, dark chocolate. If you are going to make a hearty breakfast drink, add nuts, cereals, muesli.

Want to cool off with ice cream? Prepare it yourself. It will be much healthier than buying regular ice cream. Puree berries or fruits (you can mix it) and freeze in the freezer. You can add yogurt or milk. When the mixture begins to freeze, you can stick sticks into it and then you get real ice cream.

If you are tired

If you are overworked and you do not want vivid impressions, and in general, you do not want to do anything, take a rest. But do it differently than usual. Don't lie in bed every day, grab a cup of coffee or a glass of juice, and enjoy a drink on your balcony or porch. It is advisable to wake up a little earlier than usual. Then you can watch nature wake up. Walk barefoot on the grass in the morning or afternoon. In the evening, admire the starry sky, dream. It will definitely energize and give strength.

If possible, go swimming in a river or lake. It relaxes and strengthens the muscles and spine. Do some light exercises in the morning, go for a walk in the park. Try to spend more time outdoors, away from cars. Communication with nature has a beneficial effect on the entire body and improves mood.

If you want to do something new

A couple of weeks before the end of summer, you can have time to read several interesting books, make a new hairstyle, arrange a photo session, take a useful course online, start learning foreign language or master the basics of yoga, attend weekend courses, try a few master classes.

Remember what you wanted to do for a long time, but were constantly postponing due to lack of time. And start doing it now. Even two weeks is sometimes enough to change your life for the better, to start a new project.

Also, don't forget to enjoy the last warm days. After all, autumn will begin soon, and life will flow in a completely different direction.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When I say "Subhan Allahi wal hamdu lIllahi wa la ilaha illa Allahu wa Allahu Akbar"(Glory to Allah, praise to Allah, there is no god but Allah, Allah is Great), these words are more beloved to me than the sunrise."

These words are over 18 times. These words are the most beloved words of Allah, the best of words that weigh heavily on the scales of good deeds, as narrated by authentic hadiths.

In one minute you can pronounce "Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi" (Glory and praise be to Allah) 100 times. Whoever says these words during the day will be relieved of the burden of his sins, even if they are like the foam of the sea.

In one minute you can pronounce "La haulah wa la quwwata illa billyah" more than 40 times. This is one of the treasures of Paradise, as reported in the collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim.

In one minute you can say "La ilaha illa Llah" about 50 times. These are the greatest words, for they are words of monotheism and mercy. If last words man will find these words, then he will enter Paradise.

In one minute you can pronounce "Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdih" adada khalkihi varida nafsikhi vazinata arshini wa midada kalimaatihi " more than 15 times. These words bring much more reward for other forms of tasbih and dhikr, as stated in authentic hadiths from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

In one minute, you can ask Allah for forgiveness more than 100 times by saying "Astagfiru Allah"(I seek forgiveness from Allah). Seeking forgiveness is a means of achieving forgiveness and entering Paradise, ensuring a good life, strengthening strength and iman, a means of repelling adversity.

In one minute, you can express blessings to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 50 times by saying "SallaAllahu alayhi vassalam" (may Allah bless him and give him peace). In turn, Allah will bless you 500 times, because one blessing brings ten.

In one minute you can read the sura " Al-Ihlas " 20 times. Reading this Sura is tantamount to reading one third of the Quran. If you read Surah Al-Ihlas 20 times every day, you will read it 600 times in one month, and 7200 times a year.

In one minute you can thank Allah, express your love, hope, longing for Him. You can remember Him at any moment of your life, when you are lying on your bed, walking down the street, or just driving in transport.

How do you waste a precious minute of your life?

Do not waste your time on fasting, appreciate it, because every minute of your life can become the key that opens the gates of Paradise.

These actions are also some of the greatest means of achieving happiness, making life easier, and removing anxiety. May Allah help us to do what He loves and what pleases Him.

We are constantly talking about the fact that it is quite possible to go through the hundred days on your own: there are more than enough materials in the public domain. And indeed it is.

Many heroes of "Life is interesting!" have already tested the 100-day format. Someone has reached the set goals. Someone during the journey realized that he was moving on a wrong course, and was able to correct his goals. But for everyone, without exception, this experience turned out to be useful. Because in the process of a hundred days, we not only get the desired results, but also learn a lot about ourselves.

Stoodnevka is an expedition deep into oneself, to one's new self. And this is its main value.

The first hundred-day event in the form of a reality project in "Life is interesting!" arranged. She decided to sort out her relationship with money in 100 days:

“My favorite feeling of 'no money' I absolutely do not like. I have not been a poor student for a long time, and I do not find any romance in this statement. It must be replaced by “there is money”, “a lot of money”, “even more”, “millions” and so on. And how can I replace it if I clearly see numbers on my account tending to minus infinity, and not even for the first year? "

Small steps towards a big goal

The example of Svetlana and Lyuba prompted other heroes of "Life is interesting!" To experiment. On January 1, 2015, she began a hundred days and set a global goal - a qualitative improvement in her own life. During this period, both failures and breakouts happened to her. Sometimes I wanted to drop everything and hide under the covers. And at the same time, these over three months have become a time of deep rethinking of oneself, searching for new points of support and accepting one's essence.

Life is like a marathon on the way to a dream

For a little over a year "Life is interesting!" collected dozens of stories about successful hundred days. The goals of our heroes were very different.

“For a hundred days, you close your profiles on all social networks. You can, among other things, leave one of your choice for keeping records of the hundred days. All records must be public.

You unsubscribe from news feeds, blozhiks, entertainment mailings. Leave the three most important sources of information, preferably professional or ones that will contribute to your development.

Choose one or two professional directions that you will pump. I choose design and English.

Choose one hobby that you will pump. I choose to make music.

Choose one or two areas in sports (this is a prerequisite) that you want to pump. I choose yoga and fitness.

Pick one or two habits you want to improve. I choose to get up early. You can track your progress.

Come up with another rule that you want to set for yourself for the next hundred days. Just don't be cunning! The 'there are no rules' rule doesn't work. "

How it all ended, read.

Why are our plans to achieve the set goals by certain deadlines frustrated? What do we lack the most for this? Are you sure it's only time?

Experience shows that with proper motivation and support, resources, including temporary ones, are easily found.

This is exactly what the group gives.

Many smart people get together, get to know them with each other, and then some chemical reactions: exchange of ideas, knowledge, tools. Support and motivation, healthy envy and public responsibility, forcing them to fulfill their obligations. Boiling cauldron with a nutritious cocktail. Greenhouse and food service in one bottle. Discussion club and submarine crew :)

  • Our hundred days are held in a closed social network... Reading and commenting on the recordings of other participants, many of whom are not the first time in the hundred-day, gives strength and confidence.
  • You can ask questions in the comments and on the forum. In such a supportive environment of like-minded people, it is easier to share their own experiences and get feedback.
  • Recently, we have been conducting webinars for course participants, in which participants ask questions directly to the presenter, Armen Petrosyan, and he answers them in real time.
  • Letters with assignments and explanations that we send to the participants of the 100-day school help keep the pace of change.
  • And, of course, we guarantee that within 100 days after the start, we are ready to return the amount paid to you if you understand that the course does not suit you.

The goals can be very different. They may seem frivolous. Or frighteningly global. It is important that you now have a tool with which you can fulfill your plans. Just try it :) The nearest start of the "Expedition to the New Self" on July 1!

Are you ripe for change? Implement them in the project "Stodnevka - an expedition to a new self

"Stodnevka" is an environment for development. Having immersed yourself in it, in 100 days you can not only achieve your goal, but also understand yourself, clarify your values, learn to enjoy life here and now, and not someday, when your wish comes true.

You don't have to put extra effort. The rule of small steps helps to move towards goals calmly and continuously.

  • The author and presenter of the course -.
  • The course takes place in a closed social network in a team of like-minded people.
  • At the moment, 2,347 people have already taken part in the project, most of them more than once.
  • Hundred-day tools - freewriting, working with a day plan, tracking habits, and much more.
  • Having paid for the course once, you get the right to take a hundred-day course as many times as you like.
  • For more details, ask questions and sign up for the course, visit http://stodnevka.ru.

You can download several letters of the course for free.