What linguistic concept are illustrated by examples of the path of the conquistadors. What linguistic phenomenon is illustrated by the words contours - outlines

To lesson number 1.

Learning test # 1


A1. Which linguistic concept the words illustrate walnut- greek?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) synonyms 4) antonyms

A2. What linguistic concept is illustrated by the highlighted words in M. Tsvetaeva's poem?

“Everything will change, there will be torment

People are comforted by this science.

Will it be a torment that was longing?

No better torment !

1) homophones 2) homoforms 3) homographs 4) antonyms

A3. Which linguistic concept the words illustrate contours - outlines?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) antonyms 4) synonyms

A4. In which example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) hallfull 3) thinfingers

2) hallstanding ovation 4) steepcoast
A5. In which example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) steepboiling water 3) heavyluggage

2) steeprise 4) silkthe cloth
A6. In which example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) hotcoffee 3) silkhair

2) silkshirt 4) gold watch
A7. In what example is the highlighted word used in its direct meaning?

I) the clock is running2) rain passed3) human 4) a century has passed
A8. In what example is the word KEY used in its direct meaning?

1) the key to the cipher 3) in an optimistic way

2) spanner 4) act in one key
A9. In what example is the word IRON used in its direct meaning?

1) iron ore 3) iron logic

2) iron will 4) iron grip
A10. In what example is the word DEAF used in its direct meaning?

1) voiceless discontent 3) voiceless consonant

2) deaf to requests 4) deaf old man
A11. In what example is the word LANGUAGE used in its direct meaning?

1) tongue dissolve 3) delicious jellied tongue

2) flames 4) try on the tongue
A12. In what sentence is the word TABLE used in the meaning of "food, food"?

1) Take a book and a notebook, you sit down at the table.

2) There was a beautiful set on the kitchen table.

3) His table was unpretentious: he loved lamb, fatty cabbage soup.

4) Round table talks were held.
A13. In what sentence is the word BREAD used in the meaning of "food"?

1) The bread was removed and delivered to the elevator.

2) Man does not live by bread alone.

3) My brother loves rye bread.

4) This work is sure bread.
A14. In what sentence is the word DOM used in the meaning of "family"?

1) We know each other at home. 3) Homeland is our common home.

2) There were houses in one side street. 4) In the summer we were in a rest house.
A15. In what example is the word HEAD used in its direct meaning?

1) He is the head of the whole business. 3) He is a man with a head.

2) The head of the infantry column. 4) I put my hat on my head.
A16. What is the meaning of the word ROAD in the sentence "Work is the road to success"?

1) the place to go or drive

2) travel, travel

3) model of action, direction of activity

4) a strip of land intended for movement
A17. In which row are synonyms represented?

1) vital - everyday

2) arrogance - arrogance

3) high - low

4) the room was forced into furniture - I was forced to study
A18. What example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) He has his own hand in the Ministry.

2) Pull yourself together.

3) Get your hands on it.

4) Work tirelessly.
A19. In which series is there no phraseological phrase?

1) step from foot to foot 3) no foot in the tooth

2) from head to toe 4) live in a big way
A20. In which row are all words stylistically colored?

1) bummer, lazy, truant 3) condensed milk, tiny, eyes

2) little, kid, walk 4) harmful, mischievous, fool
A21. In which row are all words spoken?

1) cashier, raunchy, potatoes

2) the announcer, oohlamon, merry fellow

3) greedy, potato, brothel

4) electric train, junk dealer, confusion
A22. In what order do both words refer to restricted vocabulary?

1) gutarit, computer 3) internet, bail (bring)

2) poet, actor 4) kuren, ancestors (parents)

A23. Which of the following words has the meaning of "necessary, permanent attribute, belonging"?

1) attribute 2) atavism 3) aspect 4) association

A24. Which of the following words means "a man who condemns all wars and demands peace on earth"?

1) nationalist 2) pacifist 3) chauvinist 4) militarist

A25. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to act disinterestedly for the benefit of others, regardless of his own personal interests”?

1) egoist 2) philanthropist 3) altruist 4) philanthropist

A26. Which of the following words means "a person helping those in need, doing charity"?

1) philanthropist 2) altruist 3) philanthropist 4) pacifist

A27. Which of the following words means "an announcement that all tickets for a play (or concert) have been sold"?

1) sold out 2) benefit performance 3) premiere 4) sensation

A28. Which of the following words means "science that studies the material and spiritual culture of peoples"?

1) mythology 2) ethnography 3) bibliography 4) ecology

A29. Which of the following words means "rich patron of science and art"?

1) businessman 2) oligarch 3) philanthropist 4) producer

A30. What word is indicated incorrectly?

1) correct - correct, accurate

2) briefing - press conference on policy issues

3) calligraphy - the ability to write correctly

4) consolidation - strengthening, rallying something
A31. What word is indicated incorrectly?

1) corrupt - an unlawfully enriching official or politician

2) full house - a concert or performance in honor of someone

3) meticulous - accurate to the smallest detail, extremely thorough

4) philanthropist - a wealthy patron of arts and sciences
A32. Which of the following words means "indifferent, indifferent"?

1) impartial 2) apathetic

3) apolitical 4) immoral
A33. What word is defined incorrectly?

1) diploma student - a student preparing a thesis

2) certification - carried out by experts to determine the level of knowledge and skills of an employee or student

3) antiquary - an amateur, connoisseur and collector of antiquities, antique objects

4) argument - a logical argument, a judgment given to prove something
A34. What word is defined incorrectly?

1) duplicate - a second copy of a document that has the same legal force as the original

2) addressee - a person who receives a postal or telegraphic item

3) dubbing - replacing the speech part of a sound film with a new recording

4) remnants - what is left of the pre-existing

Learning test # 2

A1. In which example, instead of the word realneed to use the word realistic?

1) the real direction in painting

2) reality

3) carry out real politics

4) make real progress
A2. In which sentence instead of a word unitneed to use the word only?

1) Collective nouns denote a set of single homogeneous objects.

2) A single good deed will always remain, because it is the need of the individual.

3) His main, single passion was love for science.

4) These were far from isolated cases, they were repeated almost every year.
A3. In which sentence instead of a word rigidityneed to use the word cruelty?

1) He struck with the rigidity of black hair, in some places before the time turned gray.

2) I remembered the expression on his face when the moments of harshness were found on him.

3) An unpleasant harshness appeared in his face and voice.

4) The rigidity of the timing alarmed everyone.
A4. In which sentence instead of a word stoneneed to use the word rocky?

1) On hot summer days, the stone city was languishing in the sun.

2) A forced smile did not go so well to his stone face.

3) Traces of bare feet were imprinted in the stone dust.

4) On steep slopes with rocky soil, melting snow water runs down.
A5. In which sentence instead of a word boneneed to use the word bone?

1) The bony shell of the turtle is very strong.

2) The living bone tissue of the human body is impregnated with inanimate matter - mineral salts.

3) We saw a beautiful bone knife.

4) The daily diet of animals should include bone meal.
A6. In which sentence instead of a word colorneed to use the word color?

1) The children had colored flags in their hands.

2) It is these color and light features of precious stones that give us a sense of mystery.

3) Colored bulbs gleamed dimly in the twilight.

4) The book contained many photographs and color drawings.
A7. In which sentence instead of a word regalneed to use the word royal?

1) It was almost a regal gift.

2) The regal current of the Volga in these places is impressive.

3) She walked by with her regal gait.

4) In the picture, the regal become of the pines is well conveyed.

A8. In which sentence instead of words housingneed to use the word residential?

1) Models, drawings, new housing projects were exhibited in the hall.

2) Chinatown is followed by the new residential part of the European city.

3) The mayor had to deal with housing problems.

4) Our housing legislation requires amendments.
A9. In which sentence instead of a word iceneed to use the word ice?

1) It is impossible to describe the brightness and brilliance of the polar ice sea.

2) Lake Ladoga was an ice route that brought life to Leningraders.

4) Changes in ice conditions in the Arctic seas are of great scientific interest.
A10. In which sentence instead of a word imagineneed to use the word provide?

1) An aspiring writer presented his novel to the readers' judgment.

2) Applicants submitted certificates and medical certificates.

3) And she imagined these fields under the hopeless autumn rain.

4) The Russian language is a huge treasury that presents us with endless possibilities.
A11. In which sentence instead of explicit need to use the word clear?

1) I saw the clear outlines of the mountains.

2) It was a clear lie.

3) The colonel had a clear dislike for me.

4) This child was an obvious child prodigy.
A12. In which sentence instead of a word spectacularneed to use the word effective?

1) Of course, felling wood is a more spectacular sight than planting it.

2) The white foam of the sea created an extremely effective picture.

3) Her pose was very effective.

4) An effective cure has not yet been found against this disease.
A13. In which sentence instead of a word baseneed to use the word basis?

1) The development of basic sciences provides a basis for further search for promising directions.

2) The theoretical basis of the research needs to be improved.

3) When you change one base to another, not only public views change, but also the institutions corresponding to them.

4) In the second half of the last century, the atomic base of our industry began to develop rapidly.
A14. In which sentence instead of a word economicalneed to use the word economical?

1) A new economical machine was created.

3) New building materials are very economical in construction.

4) This method is very economical in agriculture.

A15. In which sentence instead of a word turtleneed to use the word tortoiseshell?

1) Turtle soup was served for the first.

2) He approached the goal with a snail's pace.

3) The baby turtle hatched long ago.

4) The turtle shell is particularly durable.
A16. In which sentence instead of a word humanneed to use the word humane?

1) She thought that she had finally found a dear human soul.

2) Protection of human dignity is one of the most characteristic features of this publicist.

3) In his works, he often depicted human suffering.

4) The examiner we came across is very human.
A17. In which sentence instead of a word pay offneed to use the word pay?

1) The institution pays the travel expenses.

2) Wages were paid late.

3) At the end of the year, employees were paid a bonus.

4) The publisher paid a royalties to the writer.
A18. In which sentence instead of a word vociferousneed to use the word voice?

Control test number 1.

Lexicon and phraseology. Lexical meaning of the word. Synonyms. Antonyms

Exercise 1

1) Catalog - "the distribution of any objects, phenomena, concepts by classes, groups, sections on the basis of general rules";
2) nimble - "dexterous in movements, fast, agile";
3) indigo - "dark green color";
4) identical - "opposing the other, being its opposite."

Assignment 2

In which example is the lexical meaning of a word defined correctly?

1) Altruism - "disinterested concern for the welfare of others, the willingness to sacrifice for others their personal interests";
2) stained-glass window - "skillfully made, decorated box for storing jewelry";
3) obelisk - "a structure in the form of a high pillar, which serves as a support in a building or erected as a monument";
4) license - "written or verbal agreement on mutual obligations."

Assignment 3


1) Arbitrator - "one who judges a sports game, competition";
2) boar - "wild pig";
3) rime - "very light rain";
4) self-interest - "benefit, benefit for oneself."

Assignment 4

Note the number of the word whose lexical meaning is determined wrong.

1) Glider - "non-powered aircraft";
2) drifting snow - "downstream wind in winter, as well as snow carried by this wind";
3) a glade - "small deciduous forest";
4) symbol - "conventional sign".

Assignment 5

Which of the following words has the meaning of "pronounced opposition"?

1) Antipathy;
2) contrast;
3) difference;
4) conflict.

Assignment 6

Which of the following words has the meaning of "not afraid of danger, coming towards it"?

1) Brave;
2) the caller;
3) immodest;
4) free.

Assignment 7

Which of the following words means “the art of designing, erecting and decorating buildings”?

1) Sculpture;
2) construction;
3) architecture;
4) design.

Assignment 8

Which of the following words means "a list made in a certain order, a list of any objects"?

1) Price list;
2) directory;
3) classification;
4) newsletter.

Assignment 9

Which of the following words means “unable to concentrate, showing inattention”?

1) Apathetic;
2) indifferent;
3) lazy;
4) absent-minded.

Assignment 10

Which of the following words has the meaning of “striving for living participation in something, manifesting himself in activity”?

1) Relevant;
2) active;
3) topical;
4) adventurous.

Assignment 11

blatant .

1) Full of rage, indomitable;
2) making a strong impression with its persuasiveness, expressiveness;
3) provoking a protest by excessive force, the degree of its manifestation;
4) devoid of simplicity, claiming originality, emphasized unusual.

Assignment 12

Choose the correct definition of the lexical meaning of the word humane.

1) Addressing a person, his rights and interests;
2) humane, philanthropic, imbued with respect for the human person and concern for its welfare;
3) friendly, showing affection;
4) simple and accessible in their relationships with people.

Task 13

1) Sway - sway, sway;
2) defame - deceive, cheat;
3) successor - mentor, teacher, educator;
4) tome - rarity, rarity, unique.

Task 14

For which word are synonyms chosen correctly?

1) Renome - style, manner;
2) tulle - curtain, curtain, curtain;
3) a parable - a fable, a fable, an invention;
4) ghost - phantom, ghost.

Task 15

What series of synonyms is made up wrong?

1) Skirmisher, initiator;
2) vow, disagreement, refusal, renunciation;
3) initiative, undertaking, initiative;
4) blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.

Task 16

What word is the synonym for wrong?

1) To cherish - to appreciate;
2) to dream - to dream;
3) hurry - hurry;
4) witchcraft is a miracle.

Task 17

What word is the correct antonym for?

1) Generous - stingy;
2) to be late - to be late;
3) shine - shimmer;
4) the master is a slacker.

Task 18

In which example wrong selected antonym?

1) Courteous - rude;
2) respect - despise;
3) dusk - dawn;
4) passive - responsive.

Task 19

In what case was a mistake made in the reproduction of a phraseological unit?

1) While the essence and the matter;
2) grated roll;
3) the heart bleeds;
4) to beat the thumbs.

Task 20

In what case is the selected phrase a phraseological phrase?

1) Curled and intertwined along thick trunks creeping plants.
2) At the frog captured the spirit from the terrible height to which she was raised.
3) The kid fell, and the older brother raised him and put on his feet.
4) Without straightening your back,put your hands up.

To lesson number 7.

Educational test # 1. Phonetics.
A1. In what series of words does the number of letters and sounds coincide?

1) smile, knowledge 3) blizzard, happiness

2) trees, entrance 4) area, village
A2. In what series of words does the number of letters and sounds coincide?

1) blizzard, village 3) statue, assistant

2) bathe, June 4) grammar to
A3. In which series of words are there more sounds than letters?

1) weeds, only 3) rain, southern

2) at night, south 4) singing, furious
A4. In what series of words are there more sounds than letters?

1) I am at war, passionate 3) double, opposition

2) tulip, nimble 4) meaning, phenomenon
A5. Which row of words contains more letters than sounds?

1) defector, you live 3) locality, hero of the day

2) swim, July 4) get angry, sad
A6. What series of words has fewer sounds than letters?

1) count, five 3) sun, anchor

2) southern, stump 4) piece, effect
A7. In which word are all consonants soft?

1) life 2) friend 3) steppe 4) you write

A8. In which word are all consonant sounds deaf?

1) landing 2) jasper 3) hedgehog 4) club

A9. In which word are all consonants voiced?

1) frost 2) southern 3) deep in 4) suddenly

A10. In what word is the vowel [o] pronounced?

1) sparrow 2) deacon 3) go 4) carried

A11. In what word is the vowel [a] pronounced?

1) hockey 2) ripples 3) clock 4) tongue

A12. In what word is the vowel [and] pronounced?

1) clock 2) compasses 3) live 4) also

A13. In what word is the consonant [t] pronounced?

1) football 2) laughs 3) fenced off 4) gait

A14. In what word is the consonant [d] pronounced?

1) reliable 2) beat off 3) inscription 4) factory

A15. In what word is the consonant [g] pronounced?

1) snow 2) blue 3) soft 4) globe

A16. In what word is the consonant [in "] pronounced?

1) love 2) influence 3) Tuesday 4) curtain

A17. In what word is the consonant [k] pronounced?

1) pie 2) to the dacha 3) station 4) cinema

A18. In what word is the consonant [z] pronounced?

I) ignite 2) knock down 3) slide 4) slippery

A19. In what word is the consonant [s] pronounced?

1) do 2) today 3) slippery 4) grown

A20. In what word is the consonant [ф] pronounced?
A21. In what word is the consonant [b] pronounced?

1) birch 2) bread 3) pigeon 4) bread

A22. In what word is the consonant [п] pronounced?

1) chill 2) mushroom 3) piano 4) piece

A23. In which words is there no sound [f]?

1) life, book 3) landscape, friendship

2) defector, gatehouse 4) smear, juggle
A24. In which row is the sound [k] in all words?

1) suddenly, soft 3) circumference, mileage

2) to throw, to the house 4) to business, to ride
A25. In which row in all words is there a sound [g]?

2) for winter, nail 4) guitar, teacher
A26. In which row in all words is there a sound [w]?

1) gatehouse, friendship 3) eat, sandy

2) trembling, artist 4) landscape, assistant
A27. In which row in all words is there a sound [g]?

1) railway station, to the building 3) death, catalog

2) friend, exam 4) anecdote, herbarium
A28. In which row in all words is there no sound [s]?

1) squeeze, mow, happiness 3) silent, make, drink

2) steam locomotive, sew, iceberg 4) sit, praise, behind
A29. In which row in all words is there a sound [d "]

1) wedding, entrance, house 3) sweet, delegate, horse

2) sit down, wild, talk 4) distance, threshing, academy
A30. In which row in all words is there no sound [z]?

1) splatter, glow, synthesis 3) close, glide, development

2) wintry, defector, nail 4) mirror, squeal, make

Educational test # 2. Phonetics.

1. Indicate in which row in all words there are more sounds than letters:

1) a tree, idle, a sparrow, took;

2) falls, came, knock down, June; ... 3) flex, emerge, hard work, demonstration;

4) ad, moved out, sun.

2. In which row does the spelling of words differ from their pronunciation?

1) Carriage, sunset, mushrooms;

2) threshing, scout, low;

3) hard, sweeping, carving;

4) a piece of paper, frost, loud.
3. In which row are all voiced consonants?

1) Look, knocked down, sewn;

2) spark, loudly, run;

3) impudent, threshing, threatened;

4) run, dreamed, lived.
4. In which row in all words do the letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds?

1) Raccoon, passing, apple;

2) to the station, sow, frost;

3) white, ad, move out;

4) boiling, spruce, bending.
5. In which row are all consonants solid?

1) Birds, unusual, carapace;

2) tail, release, hotel;

3) medicine, escaped, scurvy;

4) motorcycle, sewing, circus.

6. Indicate the word in which the spelling matches the pronunciation:

1) be surprised;

2) rolls;

3) an obstacle;

4) surprise.
7. What word is stressed correctly?

1) Torn off;

2) drowsiness;

3) uncork;

8. In which row in all words the stress falls on the first syllable?

1) Ear (grain), associate professor, pamper;

2) glimpse, cakes, august;

3) watermelon, carpenter, sorrel;

4) beetroot, porcelain, arrest.

9. In which row do all words have unpronounceable consonants?

1) Hanging (?) Whipping, teaching (?), Iskus (?) Ny;

2) dilettante (?), Chu (?), Miracle (?)

3) forest (?) Nytsa, non-natural (?), Surrounding (?);

4) month (?) Ny, gollan (?) Ski, dangerous (?) - ny.
10. In which row in all words is the letter combination chn pronounced as [shn]?

1) Scrambled eggs, juicy, boring;

2) brown, durable, excellent;

3) on purpose, of course, boring;

4) a bakery, exactly, a birdhouse.

Learning test. Orthoepy. No. 3

A1. In which pair of words does stress not fulfill a meaningful role?

1) Iris - iris 3) Spark - spark?

2) Atlas - Atlas 4) Clubs - Clubs?
A2. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) provision 2) mold 3) coerce 4) picked up

A3. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) Christian 2) understood 3) more beautiful 4) uncork

A4. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) scoop 3) took away 4) sorrel

A5. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) intention 2) started 3) rust 4) winterer

A6. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) start 2) loop 3) call 4) whooping cough

A7. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) pamper 2) masterfully 3) flint 4) kitchen

A8. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) glimpse 2) scoop 3) cotton 4) for a long time

A9. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) dispensary 2) nettle 3) lived 4) pseudonym

A10. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) rust 2) scanty 3) salmon 4) funds

A11. In what word is the stress on the last syllable?

1) facsimile 2) beetroot 3) cough 4) china

A12. In what word is the stress on the first syllable?

1) start 2) customs 3) plowing 4) hunk

A13. In what word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) wood chips 2) lighten 3) statue 4) catalog

A14. In what word is the stress on the third syllable?

1) intention 2) provision 3) mold 4) uncork

A15. In what word is the stress on the fourth syllable?

1) inform 2) democracy 3) aristocracy 4) freeze

A16. In what word is the stress on the first syllable?

1) watermelon 2) took 3) alcohol 4) willow

A17. What word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) beetroot 2) call 3) apostrophe 4) pseudonym

A18. In what word is the stress on the first syllable?

1) sorrel 2) excursion 3) expert 4) gypsy

A19. What word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) obituary 2) dispensary 3) scoop 4) facsimile

A20. In what word is the stress on the last syllable?

1) took 2) glimpse 3) nettle 4) spark

A21. In which row of words the stress falls on the first syllable?

1) cement, took, expert 3) statue, beets, understood

2) hyphen, wholesale, calling 4) cakes, start, ring
A22. In which row of words the stress falls on the first syllable?

1) kitchen, dry, moldy 3) blinds, carpenter, lied

2) waited, leisure, rhubarb 4) agent, loan, chauffeur

A23. In which words, the stress falls on the second syllable?

1) deepen, catalog, dispensary 3) accepted, apostrophe, alphabet

2) the intention, to clog, took 4) grandfather, caught up, the owners
A24. In which word does the highlighted letter denote a solid consonant?

1) Timbre 2) morPheme 3) shinel 4) kRem

A25. In which word does the highlighted letter denote a solid consonant?

1) muZe 2) tests 3) acaDemik 4) pace

A26. In which word does the highlighted letter denote a soft consonant?

1) Abstracts 2) sandwiches 3) Terrace 4) Thermos

A27. In which word does the highlighted letter denote a soft consonant?

1) Atelier 2) COFFEE 3) COTTAGE 4) SWEATER

A28. In which row in all words do the highlighted letters indicate solid consonants?

1) macramé, shosse, tennis 3) cafe, coffee, groTesk

2) modernization, shinel, porridge 4) integration, hyphen, delicacies
A29. In which row do all the words of the letter ЧН mean the sounds [ШН]?

1) summer cottage, birdhouse 3) of course, filming

2) scrambled eggs, everlasting 4) boring, on purpose

To lesson number 10.



Task 1. E is written at the root of the word:

1) a positive case;

2) developing countries;

3) b ... chew vices;

4) find some weed;

5) exciting excursion.

Task 2. At the root of the word is written And:

1) fluttering banners;

2) a plat ...

3) to ripen early ...

4) bl ... the zest station;

5) oppression of the people.

Task 3. At the root of the word is written A:

1) absorb ... sounds;

2) bless ... for heroism;

3) floor ... roll linen;

4) glorify the hero;

5) comes in handy for classes.

Task 4. At the root of the word is written O:

1) very ... stunning landscape;

2) enjoy the music;

3) cover ... the top;

4) unravel ... give an idea;

5) teach ... the Russian language.

Task 5. At the root of the word I is written:

1) illuminate the road;

2) consuming ... success;

3) bitterly rebuke ...

4) give communication ...

5) to induce boredom.

Task 6. The letter O is written in all words of the proverb:

1) Do not sleep ... shi with your tongue - tor ... write by deed.

2) With ... dina in bor ... du - mind in the head ... woo.

3) There is nothing for that ... to be afraid, who will not ... be afraid.

4) In the house sl ... pogo and blo ... howl with ... lach.

5) In a foreign land, near ... riches are near ... the other side ... r.

Assignment 7. Specify a word with a root vowel not checked by stress:

1) bush of region ... pikhi;

2) sneakers on l ... bunches;

3) t ... a talented engineer;

4) unfailing ... given glory;

5) questioning gaze.

Task 8. Specify a word with a root vowel checked by stress:

1) recognize cap ... tulation;

2) to receive an article ... a pension;

3) acute d ... scuss;

4) a unique invention;

5) apologize for being late.





Exercise 1. At the root of the word, A is written:

1) experienced lawyer ... cat;

2) sounds of acc ... rdeon;

3) preliminary preparation;

4) p ... mantic mood;

5) subtle n ...

Task 2. At the root of the word is written O:

1) t ... play the role lazily;

2) to… comfortable salon;

3) personal information ...

4) do prop ... ganda;

5) military traditions.

Task 3. Find a word with a vowel E:

1) strict examination… teacher;

2) be dependent ...

3) observe d ... discipline;

4) to protect d ... certification;

5) art ... llerian training.

Exercise 4. В the root of the word should be written AND:

1) military engineer ... ner;

2) an int ... ligent person;

3) d ... legate of the congress;

4) to receive an article ... penny;

5) t ... a heretical conclusion.

Task 5. Specify a word with two letters I:

1) d ... z ... rt from the front;

2) at ... st ... bul un ... at ... rsitet;

3) exhaust in ... nt ... lation;

4) work for p ... r ... feria;

5) use pr ... in ... legions.





Task 1. Specify a word with the root -MEP-:

1) listen with ... heart stopping;

2) the elimination of old customs;

3) zap ... from surprise;

4) freezing sounds;

5) obscuring tree branches.

Task 2. E is written at the root of the word:

1) start ... a discussion;

2) adopt ... a resolution;

3) remembrance of the past;

4) considers theory with practice;

5) a reminder ... of the future.

Task 3. At the root of the word is written And:

1) dist ... lit tablecloth;

2) bl ... sting success;

3) exciting speech;

4) block the audience;

5) a combination of sounds.

Task 4. The verb with the root -BIR- is used in the proverb:

1) Clouds are gathering ... falling - rain, people gathering ... falling - power.

2) The tongue has no legs, but it tries far ...

3) He who sows grain does not ... pick grapes.

4) The fortress from the inside b ... rut.

5) You ... decide on a pinch - eat in handfuls.

Task 5. At the root of the word is written A:

1) write an exposition ...

2) offer ... live the necessary help;

3) ex ... live business trip;

4) the expected trip;

5) decompose ... live into constituent elements,

Task 6. Find a word with the root -KAS-:

1) to ... sleep with acute problems;

2) light touch… slip;

3) to carry out ...

4) points of contact ... contact;

5) to ... dreaming of the main question.

Task 7. At the root of the word is written A:

1) solubility of salts;

2) different approval ...

3) a good solvent ...

4) insoluble ... irrelevant compounds;

5) putting ... plans into practice.

Task 8. Find a word with a vowel A:

1) combustion of fuel;

2) gas burner ...

3) sunbathe on the beach;

4) burnt milk;

5) ... a face illuminated with a smile.

Task 9. Specify a word with a vowel O:

1) meet z ... ryu;

2) the glow of the ...

3) g ... roaring torch;

4) see the surroundings;

5) ... a soul filled with hope.

Task 10. Specify a word with the root -PLOV-

1) good pl ... viscosity;

2) sharp plat ... ing;

3) strengthen the float ... wok;

4) pl ... viscous ice;

5) brave pilots.

Task 11. At the root of the word is written O:

1) an increase ... an increase in the pace;

2) grown up in a greenhouse;

3) branch ... if production;

4) charge ... if the rose hips;

5) grow flowers ...

Task 12. At the root of the word is written A:

1) jump up ...

2) a small jump ...

3) jump over the barrier;

4) jump out of the corner;

5) arrogant upstart.

Task 13. Find a word with the root -MAK-:

1) wash ... whip in the rain;

2) waterproof ... material;

3) obm ... whip the brush into the paint;

4) wrapping paper;

5) the shoes became us ...

Task 14. Specify a word with the root -EVN-:

1) cf ... add two values;

2) ur ... accept the conditions;

3) observe p ... balance;

4) r ... join the ranks;

5) straighten out the road.



To lesson number 11.



Exercise 1. At the root of the word is written O:

1) hear w ... sweat;

2) well ... strict conditions;

3) sh ... k k with their behavior;

4) black ... ric coffee;

5) a solution of sch ... lochi.

Task 2. Specify a word with a root vowel E:

1) w ... rokh of dry leaves;

2) forest slum ... ba;

3) ripe kryt ...

4) bring bech ... taste,

5) torments fromzh ... ha.

Task 3. Specify a noun with a vowel O:

1) burning ... g grass;

2) squeeze ... g garbage;

3) lig ... g torch;

4) convicted of burning ... g;

5) burn ... g hand.

Task 4. Specify the word with E in the suffix:

1) hot ... to argue;

2) canvas ... mesh ... to;

3) funny bear ... nok;

4) an armed uprising;

5) short shirt ... nka.

Task 5. Find a noun with the -EK- suffix:

1) rare push ... to;

4) light snow ... to;

5) fast jump ... to.

Task 6. The ending is written E:

1) a machine with a brick ... m;

3) follow the match ... m;

4) locust control ... th;

5) be ashamed of a stranger ...



To lesson number 12.



Task 1. The word is written C:

1) how ... what surface;

2) skillful work;

3) river ... cue wind;

4) a strong answer;

5) a convincing problem.

Task 2. The word is written 3:

1) not ... shay step,

2) sows small rime ... b;

3) bright ... cue color;

4) conduct ... a conversation;

5) you are ... a school.

Task 3. The word is written P:

1) ro ... to object;

2) small scale ...;

3) poor ... some health;

4) replace pro ... ki;

5) denim y ... ka.

Task 4. The word is written F:

1) popular mochi ...;

2) residential area ...;

3) march ... over the orphanage;

4) easy reception;

5) durable bech ... vka.

Task 5. The noun is written with F:

1) be ridiculed ... kam;

2) working days ... ki;

3) fresh vatru ... ka;

4) durable wood ... ka;

5) funny to the beast ... ka.

Task 6. The noun is written with Ш:

1) sit by the eye ... ka;

2) run along the road ... ke;

3) a new truck ... ka;

4) woolen vare ... ki;

5) dilapidated lach ... ka.

Task 7. The word is written K:

1) unforgivable por ...;

2) step over the poros ...;

3) reliable growl ...;

4) sharp skin ... ty;

5) me ... cue bread.

Task 8. The adjective is written with D:

1) malicious ... ny offender;

2) surrounding forests;

3) thundering ... cue cabinet;

4) rare exhibit;

5) hles ... kaya speech.

Task 9. The word is written T:

1) great ... good mood;

2) a wonderful ... ny day;

3) safety ... of movement;

4) a lovely ... girl;

5) atmosphere of publicity ...

Task 10. Find a word with an unpronounceable consonant T:

1) meeting of peers ... nicknames;

2) friendship svers ... nicknames;

3) an interesting ... ny interlocutor;

4) an ... skillful craftswoman;

5) shine ... whip up high.

Task 11. Specify a word with an unpronounceable consonant B:

1) honor the heroes;

2) participate in a tournament;

3) I ... it is natural to hear;

4) delicious food on the table;

5) march over the families of veterans.

Task 12. Find the word with D in the sentence:

1) The trouble hangs ... nickname in his envy.

2) Without labor, there can be no pure and joyful life ...

3) An honest ... unclean ... not a friend.

4) A man is gray ... powerful, a tree - with roots.

5) The secret known to the three is no longer a secret.





Exercise 1. Find a word with LL:

1) art gallery ...

2) an intelligent person;

3) al ... yuminium dishes;

4) inoculated some ...

5) establish obel ... claim.

Task 2. Specify a word with one letter L:

1) collective agreement;

2) carry out a count ... oquium;

3) a crystal ... an organic substance;

4) instilled ... an alloyed position;

5) a book with silt ... ustratsii.

Task 3. Specify a word with CC:

1) rich resources ...

2) land ten ... ant;

3) protection of dissertation ...

4) put on plays ... y;

5) dessert dishes.

Task 4. Find a word with one letter C:

1) a progress ... ing writer;

2) open the discus… yu;

3) commission ... ion collection;

4) work as an ... as a student;

5) skillfully pass ... the ball.

Task 5. Specify a word with one letter H:

1) shade ... ice court;

2) annotate the contract;

3) museum - pan ... orama;

4) write an annotation;

5) marble column ... hell.

Task 6. Find a word with MM:

1) successful ... itation;

2) programmed training;

3) genuine gum ... anism;

4) brilliant ... provision;

5) drama ... atism of the situation.

Task 7. Write a word with one letter M:

1) congratulatory telegram ... a;

2) live in um ... games;

3) persistent to them ... unit;

4) sports com ... entator;

5) them ... gambling service.

Task 8. Specify a word with one letter P:

1) ter ... itorial waters;

2) a small ter ... asuka;

3) famous car ... and tourist;

4) own correspondent ... espondent;

5) build a bar ... icada.

Task 9. Specify a word with PP:

1) cardiological center;

2) Correctness in behavior;

3) ar ... bitrazh court,

4) cor ... ify of science;

5) go through the tour ... niket.

Task 10. Find a word with one letter F:

1) an efficient method;

2) defective goods;

3) coefficient of efficiency;

4) differential ... erential of function;

5) indif ... erent tone.

Task 11. Specify a word with FF:

1) eliminate the defect ...

2) work on the periphery;

3) successful ap ... orism;

4) a differentiated approach;

5) sing dith..irambs.

Task 12. The word is written 3:

1) thickets of can ... evelnik;

2) a built-up village;

3) chewing ... chewing of a bee;

4) shivering fungi;

5) rattling ... gnashing sound.

Task 13. The word is written Ж:

1) an outlined glade;

2) barely ... the dawn lived;

3) pass ... the native place;

4) painful and ... burn;

5) bru ... punch because of bad weather.

Task 14. The consonant is missing in the word:

1) favorite opere ... ka;

2) loaded with three ton ... ka;

3) strict headmistress ... a;

4) new program ... ka;

5) crista ... flax purity.

Task 15. One letter C is written in a word:

2) Belarusian ... cue jersey;

3) prudent ... clever owner;

4) get up on races ... vete;

5) an irrepressible leader.



I. Find a trope or stylistic figure.

1. In which sentences is the antithesis used?

A. The sieve is twisted, covered with gold, whoever looks, everyone will cry.

B. White eats ripe pineapple, black - soaked with rot.

Q. What is on the mind of a sober is on the tongue of a drunk.

D. The quietened trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.

2. What examples use parallelism?

A. You led swords to a rich feast.

B. In the blue sky, the stars shine.

In the blue sea, waves are splashing.

Q. I admire you: your eyes, your smile, your speeches.

D. At the beginning of November frost hit, they were unusually cold.

3. Select examples containing epiphora.

A. Snow everywhere. Snow-white expanses are pleasing to the eye.

B. Steppes and roads are countless,









































































































































1 -


2; 3-

-1;4 -2;

5 - 3; 6

- 1; 7

- 1; 8 -

3; 9 -

1; 10 -

11 - 2

12 -

2; 13

- 2; 14 -

3; 15 -2


1; 17 -2

; 18 - \

1; 19 -

20 - 3

21 -

2; 22

- 1; 23 -

2; 24 - 1

; 25 -

2; 26 - 4

;27 -]

; 28-

29 - 3

30 -

3; 31

- 4; 32 -

1; 33 -3


4; 35 - 3

; 36 -4

[; 37 -

38 - 1

39 -

1; 40

- 4.



  1. {!LANG-d5dfcae0a8232515bca40984ca477151!}










































{!LANG-8683dc04d828420abeb42973a28b50b3!} .



































































































































































































4; 4-2;

5 - 3; 6 - 1; 7


- 2; 9 -

4; 10

- 1;

11 -

2; 12 -

2; 13 -

2; 14 -

3; 15 - 2; 16 -

1; 17-

-2; 18 -

4; 19

- 1;

20 -

3;21 -

2; 22 -

1; 23 -

3; 24 - 1; 25 -

2; 26-

-4; 27 -

1; 28

- 2;

29 -

3; 30 -

3; 31 -

4; 32 -

1; 33 - 3; 34 -

4; 35-

- 3; 36 -

4; 37

- 4;

38 -

1; 39 -

1; 40 -





  • {!LANG-df3e3e46ef16454eba1c6cf08e148778!}
  • {!LANG-9c5af2b26b993d74865ef761f1ddbc63!}
  • {!LANG-faaae00b389239fb5efe5f3aa10b5baf!}
  • {!LANG-ec5f43e6ced220bf624c308bb967e01d!}
  • {!LANG-03a2b04d806268bdf5f0afec0fc06a2c!}



  • {!LANG-05911caa482ef54681a0d7f36aeb7ed0!}
  • {!LANG-9ea2ec1b53e41464fe0b29606a60bd4d!}


  • {!LANG-b351d677b4a843edeeb574816b155272!}
  • {!LANG-d18aa2903402dd0002779071407c7183!}
  • {!LANG-bd1ad59fcb4febc4d912fed03692ba34!}
  • {!LANG-c2350b59eb9a22ea44c08f2f311ed1b1!}
  • {!LANG-4d2500e7ac39fc375b8db7cdea2ccba5!}
  • {!LANG-bfbe4f94b8d34058387e98800e10c72d!}

  • {!LANG-1bc2aea6812c8c8414f7fe233291fe61!}
  • {!LANG-4fbff83b9a465f859f8c9c256bb6a884!}
  • {!LANG-43a1ee17ef547d90814ce74b5f345a43!}



  • {!LANG-9904e01a0a6316aba477c26c9ac3272d!}
  • {!LANG-82b704fdedcc27acef004ebcbf327e63!}
  • {!LANG-173e57ac401e180e5d983aa46f5fe51e!}

  • {!LANG-1ec3c74d2a33d2e5792540200c880490!}
  • {!LANG-ffc62dbdb2c8e48971cadd986f878a0d!}
  • {!LANG-4e1fc109a7c7826effa2a85d7f84644d!}
  • {!LANG-9ad392d3e1d530dd27e600783c07effa!}
  • {!LANG-a577360a87bfbc75ac1bc78ffed5e438!}
  • {!LANG-f636fb2c76166ad08163228ac495d283!}
  • {!LANG-6cba9d04e3d20f3ba3e052006ba2041b!}



  • {!LANG-31c8dea4146f2ca4f2081cd2b928f7f7!}
  • {!LANG-20300fc93123272cf08de088289113b9!}
  • {!LANG-96e6492d6891b8acc92acb548336b421!}
  • {!LANG-2e7a1fd3251d538494303891ff93cd72!}
  • {!LANG-08841a6606f3f87400d71a5b4d453baf!}
  • {!LANG-89d5704117712340377cd69108dca63a!}
  • {!LANG-cea067cdcb4fca9ebfe925e12f66b879!}



  • {!LANG-fcb281e9d1f0275bf195cd1c5143d0ec!}
  • {!LANG-2b5197319218b936b3ba33105728ef61!}
  • {!LANG-5242105d4ed2e367eb7304c85eb16055!}
  • {!LANG-e72ccbc9563ef29b9bd98cb2e1241d39!}
  • {!LANG-39a4ca240fdd8a965b0f2e8c87ba24cc!}
  • {!LANG-1b04871623700a678bf0521325494bbd!}







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  • {!LANG-e687fe9f167f543bea495e0404483286!}
  • {!LANG-39a6f77e2d1b4b186486d9b2b514c067!}
  • {!LANG-edb4ceb8cf8684a7271dc8cd42056f6e!}
  • {!LANG-1e369013349abf0768bbee14338b626c!}
  • {!LANG-0453c8e1582f428ed4e2575d02c7234d!}
  • {!LANG-13b3e2a70eb424c8edcacd5ad95ca5d6!}
  • {!LANG-20e3f41bba5ff77134591d24a0c4d217!}
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  • {!LANG-b1e8da733c023f12565a39ef98bd9718!}
  • {!LANG-15fd1f04e245290f25f05d1b15821cc4!}
  • {!LANG-52bb0143a581a0facdc460aef8d109ab!}
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  • {!LANG-039a71d09660449b01a062f1cb2abcd6!}




  • {!LANG-f4e069f892f66d165c1afb79b50ff8d8!}


  • {!LANG-2d4845dafcac30c20b92c2881018412d!}
  • {!LANG-70014eae31a6f71ab0a9ffa8340ddf66!}



    {!LANG-61817fec2f3f656d2362fd2d43800c47!}{!LANG-3413f110711f7df823e213ca762497f3!} {!LANG-ea89df762c9a990d48fcb221f8b6a353!}

    {!LANG-9e3f4265c80e4795f65a5a79ccabd9e6!}{!LANG-566bf08bfb39689b16c7bd344c67cb81!} {!LANG-e157c5a336cecf0217f8ac8f0a79b620!}

    {!LANG-9002fccb7f439b2e4625aca0b31c7224!}{!LANG-e2aae61f038adcc7afa204076dae20e5!} {!LANG-f931d68b7145614e1b1e8b419363a9c8!}

    {!LANG-f403873a63329a6fcf4cb8780128ebcf!}{!LANG-429bcf11c7684d06fd4874c58f52ac09!} {!LANG-8726e40deed93ed3fbd27c2b7315d976!}







  • {!LANG-50cfbdabe3e6c1ba7075d58be5ecba4b!}


{!LANG-6c1ac1208e7694da3648de4678b19c2c!} {!LANG-044151bf03201f60242dbc7b471ccc37!}{!LANG-ae82e548d9bfb688e8785c0079b316a2!}
















{!LANG-1f2e94b6460b0ded7a897c66974444d9!} {!LANG-83c97a74ae9e52a6d312473c9b3299e9!}{!LANG-dfc9480dc51a4abd798c25c5477b90c9!}

{!LANG-17b22c1648f7d9001c6127db70b3b25d!} {!LANG-6e4e6f1313864ed5ab2118ccf0d81274!}{!LANG-698695f468ce3ae352523b984298e64b!}

{!LANG-ba9d66eb013bfb83d4457966bfaccbec!} {!LANG-1817ef20fceee1cc73344b96941a6590!}{!LANG-f38edff74bba9751f00c9d9a545bce39!}





{!LANG-fdb91bdb4ea38b6882b595421f79990a!} {!LANG-ab1bb2cdf674b4cfe67b5c6716272313!}{!LANG-08a5b57148c917d2181e84e4759bb758!}

{!LANG-c3a0f8bd13d300558307c3c92443d8ca!} {!LANG-9eb2c89325e325aafcc3fc40977eb491!}{!LANG-ec126995374246f4e854a1ad524b44e7!}






  • {!LANG-cd33e05ce75aa24bb3e5e740edb93e44!}
  • {!LANG-e687fe9f167f543bea495e0404483286!}
  • {!LANG-39a6f77e2d1b4b186486d9b2b514c067!}
  • {!LANG-edb4ceb8cf8684a7271dc8cd42056f6e!}
  • {!LANG-1e369013349abf0768bbee14338b626c!}
  • {!LANG-0453c8e1582f428ed4e2575d02c7234d!}
  • {!LANG-13b3e2a70eb424c8edcacd5ad95ca5d6!}
  • {!LANG-20e3f41bba5ff77134591d24a0c4d217!}
  • {!LANG-7e1354a6c6fecfae13d900edae43f91e!}
  • {!LANG-b1e8da733c023f12565a39ef98bd9718!}
  • {!LANG-15fd1f04e245290f25f05d1b15821cc4!}
  • {!LANG-52bb0143a581a0facdc460aef8d109ab!}
  • {!LANG-2b957bbbbd3b1c435763c313d59eead9!}
  • {!LANG-55efc3a7bea52f1c7ab15254caf41cdc!}
  • {!LANG-04cc9462e3d3178bc2ce25f5ac1853e4!}
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  • {!LANG-6b1169eb7689b6d4d401e2007a7f7613!}
  • {!LANG-039a71d09660449b01a062f1cb2abcd6!}




  • {!LANG-f4e069f892f66d165c1afb79b50ff8d8!}


  • {!LANG-2d4845dafcac30c20b92c2881018412d!}
  • {!LANG-70014eae31a6f71ab0a9ffa8340ddf66!}



    {!LANG-61817fec2f3f656d2362fd2d43800c47!}{!LANG-3413f110711f7df823e213ca762497f3!} {!LANG-ea89df762c9a990d48fcb221f8b6a353!}

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    {!LANG-9002fccb7f439b2e4625aca0b31c7224!}{!LANG-e2aae61f038adcc7afa204076dae20e5!} {!LANG-f931d68b7145614e1b1e8b419363a9c8!}

    {!LANG-f403873a63329a6fcf4cb8780128ebcf!}{!LANG-429bcf11c7684d06fd4874c58f52ac09!} {!LANG-8726e40deed93ed3fbd27c2b7315d976!}







  • {!LANG-50cfbdabe3e6c1ba7075d58be5ecba4b!}













































































































































































{!LANG-87a06b19f2c69c317eb4fc207ecc10f7!} {!LANG-431c224e521c911c673a5b7a4244f2fe!}{!LANG-11169789b0db3528f7c14fff39e0c48e!} thin{!LANG-09c7ebbb798e171c186183c4a8077636!}

{!LANG-0ae603ca78b8d1e4601dcd6dff598ab6!} hall{!LANG-b965b62aa894d5c05871c42664464eed!} {!LANG-28b59200c3b8ba66d6a6fa5dc3ed5b3d!}{!LANG-2f75515cf65a2a482ad73413eb75b65d!}


{!LANG-9a8179a8ad1eed90a868700c31ec0a06!} {!LANG-1b01e6f14736eef4eb483c183fa7000a!}{!LANG-abc97405495e4a7eadc81fd0bc819045!} passed{!LANG-a2f2b3ebd502c93c9322e455b4280530!} passed

7 {!LANG-8c5f1f5bd5f900ab63bb1e2bbf2ce1ae!}























{!LANG-baffec4bb6e6a16655367e22ea804b51!} steep{!LANG-2d4b1dda10287e71d2ed87fe343a6736!} {!LANG-4965736674009bdc4be20b7ab7643684!}{!LANG-0b1f17e8d9b4f9f8fd3a4dc0f88df9b0!} {!LANG-c7ffba9fd31cb160e10fd0dfac5c0c3c!}{!LANG-7121e151e599cde2f9fb06715bda7f60!} silk{!LANG-286b4f32d13dcca73a5547b98f4c3c12!}








































5. .{!LANG-7351ccdbd2a88736e2b4747d0ad7227c!}







































































































    hot{!LANG-98850583bdd49a5eb1a70d9afb8a21d1!} {!LANG-81f4cf94c6aff248e1db20ef91bdad6e!}hair

    {!LANG-d1eddcaec43b906cc2f9e892e38fc438!}{!LANG-d4cc2db0b41023d4b20b31e5a2764696!} {!LANG-d780f6cf2cd96fb9c44d4a746f0d9737!}{!LANG-d743980ad205b434efc9bd4f46b89f43!}







turtle {!LANG-0ed7babb926167439b3c9eca471400dc!}{!LANG-10649e8633afc08722185b8d3b5e5a90!} ?







{!LANG-e0777e3e7d28969a1fdda9e83eb1f184!}walnut - {!LANG-61f0c0f8110f263bdb6e6e1d950e7465!}










    steep{!LANG-8ffb997a23faa97432bd9633a59563df!} {!LANG-4a9810ac8b54d454fc64e678306e73e9!}luggage

    steep{!LANG-6f01be2d6e9f664cac51c237abb0894b!} {!LANG-d1eddcaec43b906cc2f9e892e38fc438!}{!LANG-b162cb657abd7dee503295bcbd6c2e2c!}







1) hall{!LANG-2e2b79405d94da3944053924f10961e4!} thinfingers

2) hall{!LANG-37073d160568852324fef8d396692912!} steep{!LANG-9b4ab941bbb72e8e87c800dbe463185d!}

7. explicit {!LANG-e62c411b8d334a03aa94187a5eecc954!}{!LANG-4bbd83d348c6aebfb13cd281862aaa30!} ?














1) {!LANG-ae5364c838c19932051943a557ce54fc!}{!LANG-0e29c263900f5a9ee5c55dfa57cf7626!} {!LANG-4d5e51907f446d57977953669e5aad71!}{!LANG-4e7c6a8b05e6d810287bcd58f2099bb6!}

2) {!LANG-d780f6cf2cd96fb9c44d4a746f0d9737!}{!LANG-af781b94c144b905057c206fcf385b09!} {!LANG-4d5e51907f446d57977953669e5aad71!}{!LANG-e5c9d7990f2a845a8045c40f7b9cdf14!}

{!LANG-025a96232cd0b08f31b2c77422be0eb8!}economical {!LANG-e62c411b8d334a03aa94187a5eecc954!}{!LANG-bf8b69330c56ae906aef8a812cddfa53!} ?




{!LANG-eb261b898430fa50304ce865fac09bba!}{!LANG-cc9c573f22493464e7af9e87b574d4c2!} {!LANG-e62c411b8d334a03aa94187a5eecc954!}{!LANG-0b3d68dcb7ff6c28f54bf430a3b273d4!} ?










1. {!LANG-d05dc3384680a5fb0927635db1b50dee!}





2. {!LANG-bdbc9b758e5f31f98c665dc09c335741!}





3. {!LANG-eb7e49d217209426541b0c9f19b28b51!}{!LANG-656fdd57db6984d1fee2c29a65d49c6c!}


4. {!LANG-4c85f5256df6205f8c911e982536d1a0!}{!LANG-8413472ba9ab6c0c1dd5539c963a9685!}

    {!LANG-f25c23eba53cc524881941b71f1e798d!} {!LANG-ccaab06270d8aa53d6ec4c380d719c10!} {!LANG-58c31d8d1652aa1551272606fd4ef305!} {!LANG-0b4045b1a2379773c208f18bbd689d54!}

    {!LANG-8f1bea94c2ca874aca5d28bf94148dbd!}{!LANG-b0b492a19b0a939373bbe6e53941e2f3!} {!LANG-9629ec84105c738ded06c7f15264a9b2!}

5. {!LANG-05e7d6be1580747ed0076423c834a37e!}





6. {!LANG-311a70864538ccf71ae567e39d5b6319!}





7. {!LANG-90eeea8d41b29a4870481504a77140ad!}{!LANG-b179da037b08383dc4696f7be14e448f!} {!LANG-ddaaff5d05763dc4975e49be704b61c2!}{!LANG-bd93776d4cd2f819aca6b9642a58840e!}{!LANG-ba9924ad2c0a9db0441069fb1cf0d52b!}

    {!LANG-b2ec3fee9c80479a6f083a1a99e63b3f!} {!LANG-73136e528122afdbec55f836a306d7f6!}{!LANG-2bcca9c38f9f789c01b95b79dd8e62c8!}

    {!LANG-a8b7ead577a7d97990b6ca547f79e699!} {!LANG-f058f8cdac9285149b99ded5504fa0b5!}{!LANG-da378baf9233a033832de33714342985!}



{!LANG-818037728c735fa9fc8b50fc010668b8!} {!LANG-3422b0350ecf70ec6f04dff5b35497fc!}








2. {!LANG-18cc22cce38c6c97fb7cd13f350510f0!}





3. {!LANG-2800dfa025d0cd7ef808cb5463c84864!}{!LANG-8a72352c049bf804c7bc272ef3f1e1b2!}



4. {!LANG-4c85f5256df6205f8c911e982536d1a0!}{!LANG-6f2fc3e1c8598dc919862bc8ccc7e5b5!} {!LANG-4f3925516b68513d1b600b8503b83004!}

    {!LANG-6f2fc3e1c8598dc919862bc8ccc7e5b5!}{!LANG-c2ff68113aec2b5cd2f8b75a6a8bf9e9!} {!LANG-045b2c932e3cab94788974abfaeeee19!}

    {!LANG-debea160a4920f8ed8a6d07428daaa70!} {!LANG-6f2fc3e1c8598dc919862bc8ccc7e5b5!} {!LANG-558891a9302055262efcfa63f49d6b78!} {!LANG-045b2c932e3cab94788974abfaeeee19!}

5. {!LANG-25eee4f7c1b63d2a273b0db2f49337ae!}




6. {!LANG-90eeea8d41b29a4870481504a77140ad!}ice {!LANG-0ed7babb926167439b3c9eca471400dc!}ice?

    {!LANG-bbc30747dcd9a4ee76f46758c272e680!} {!LANG-155e8747cd6ea6ed2787e48b15c88a22!}{!LANG-e57870a0266bfc1077da1bb8492df898!}

    {!LANG-e2071ab1806261816dc10de28bfe2978!} {!LANG-b31d236f8f77bf7397adb017b95bf0e6!}{!LANG-0146ed366c0892d008ab552a633a65dd!}

    {!LANG-5c8ed96cd2a09d64e792a818a7b94344!} {!LANG-8856ef4df859abcc65bb95b03608bb16!}{!LANG-757c30f75798c60d0b3bc69f913c2732!}

7. {!LANG-90eeea8d41b29a4870481504a77140ad!}pay off {!LANG-100265beb2199d54f67415f1c31742d5!}{!LANG-8ee0d019e9f4b7eb4c7d656e8eec30a2!}pay?

    {!LANG-3aa12b49ccac69210d23e06cce12edbf!} {!LANG-dc766528f0af3a1eae5267a45834008b!}{!LANG-b0da32701bfc87cdf815000a9d88403c!}

    {!LANG-67aa2abfafd5079fbc8503b91a5e587c!} {!LANG-bb881b18a09cd16dd43c1a0ad0e0b089!}{!LANG-aed01e8b5211da943d60e1bd41cdf3a6!}

    {!LANG-6c4a87b92c3583bde1515bb3564d9f97!} {!LANG-bb881b18a09cd16dd43c1a0ad0e0b089!}{!LANG-dc991f391b716084ed7a2f19da033e9c!}

    {!LANG-256a5f3cd68d8d6d96231f1251f0cc9b!} {!LANG-bb881b18a09cd16dd43c1a0ad0e0b089!}{!LANG-e2ee2a9e5c79e18ec8a4a22db0b8b5a3!}


{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №1



























{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №2



2. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}





3. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}






5. {!LANG-828960f09249191934cfe49e1a75650d!}



6. {!LANG-77174634fbe57f0f99cb4e56103fa862!}.







{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №3

1. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



2. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



3. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



4. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



5. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}{!LANG-3da67443b41be60a98d37da64872278b!}


6. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



7. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}




{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №4

1. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}





2. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



3. {!LANG-63a25f89b8a0dab6570e09636cd83f70!}



4. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}





5. {!LANG-306af5d71520a0daa56585bc57cdd4ed!}



6. {!LANG-63a25f89b8a0dab6570e09636cd83f70!}






{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №5


















































































  • {!LANG-cd33e05ce75aa24bb3e5e740edb93e44!}
  • {!LANG-e687fe9f167f543bea495e0404483286!}
  • {!LANG-39a6f77e2d1b4b186486d9b2b514c067!}
  • {!LANG-edb4ceb8cf8684a7271dc8cd42056f6e!}
  • {!LANG-1e369013349abf0768bbee14338b626c!}
  • {!LANG-0453c8e1582f428ed4e2575d02c7234d!}
  • {!LANG-13b3e2a70eb424c8edcacd5ad95ca5d6!}
  • {!LANG-20e3f41bba5ff77134591d24a0c4d217!}
  • {!LANG-7e1354a6c6fecfae13d900edae43f91e!}
  • {!LANG-b1e8da733c023f12565a39ef98bd9718!}
  • {!LANG-15fd1f04e245290f25f05d1b15821cc4!}
  • {!LANG-52bb0143a581a0facdc460aef8d109ab!}
  • {!LANG-2b957bbbbd3b1c435763c313d59eead9!}
  • {!LANG-55efc3a7bea52f1c7ab15254caf41cdc!}
  • {!LANG-04cc9462e3d3178bc2ce25f5ac1853e4!}
  • {!LANG-2c5ce027d46f07bfa6522e81e406c9ec!}
  • {!LANG-79aa6d5588cc7fdbcb376f2a928ac882!}
  • {!LANG-6b1169eb7689b6d4d401e2007a7f7613!}
  • {!LANG-039a71d09660449b01a062f1cb2abcd6!}




  • {!LANG-f4e069f892f66d165c1afb79b50ff8d8!}


  • {!LANG-2d4845dafcac30c20b92c2881018412d!}
  • {!LANG-70014eae31a6f71ab0a9ffa8340ddf66!}



    {!LANG-61817fec2f3f656d2362fd2d43800c47!}{!LANG-3413f110711f7df823e213ca762497f3!} {!LANG-ea89df762c9a990d48fcb221f8b6a353!}

    {!LANG-9e3f4265c80e4795f65a5a79ccabd9e6!}{!LANG-566bf08bfb39689b16c7bd344c67cb81!} {!LANG-e157c5a336cecf0217f8ac8f0a79b620!}

    {!LANG-9002fccb7f439b2e4625aca0b31c7224!}{!LANG-e2aae61f038adcc7afa204076dae20e5!} {!LANG-f931d68b7145614e1b1e8b419363a9c8!}

    {!LANG-f403873a63329a6fcf4cb8780128ebcf!}{!LANG-429bcf11c7684d06fd4874c58f52ac09!} {!LANG-8726e40deed93ed3fbd27c2b7315d976!}







  • {!LANG-50cfbdabe3e6c1ba7075d58be5ecba4b!}













1) sorrel 2) excursion 3) expert 4) gypsy




1) Atelier 2) COFFEE 3) COTTAGE 4) SWEATER


1) provision 2) mold 3) coerce 4) picked up









1) dispensary 2) nettle 3) lived 4) pseudonym













1) glimpse 2) scoop 3) cotton 4) for a long time






  1. {!LANG-9230e785016b770e3c5a6451ece92497!}
  2. {!LANG-b372848e4fb8ad69b4c71800baaac777!}
  3. {!LANG-1ca328e747fbfd300686ab75466c18dc!}
  4. {!LANG-3d9adf7fdbedbd79da6de81a958a9fab!}








1) obituary 2) dispensary 3) scoop 4) facsimile




1) Christian 2) understood 3) more beautiful 4) uncork




  1. {!LANG-dd26d71a09a0a2a6d0fd73918accbd01!}
  2. {!LANG-0740d33a7981907cbd6ed93c4e3274d5!}





2 {!LANG-3f91e326b7d1ca0772b2112a3d152508!}



1) statue 2) scoop 3) took away 4) sorrel




1) inform 2) democracy 3) aristocracy 4) freeze













1) egoist 2) philanthropist 3) altruist 4) philanthropist


  1. {!LANG-df123664af334b068b97ae95a830e0e4!}
  2. {!LANG-811213031c95c6e44eef94452bd598ec!}


1) step from foot to foot 3) no foot in the tooth





6 {!LANG-019d18b19f0254ccb1d1297d386d2d5b!}vociferous {!LANG-0ba18122c3cc18d543cc5580ed8d8c9d!}{!LANG-bc0430ad4a5ac3c3a45c2a56de462820!}

turtle {!LANG-25d727472b56eed4cd06968aef4b2c75!}{!LANG-a24b448e5f0d8fed9794b0cd1cb2693b!}

1) Turtle soup was served for the first.

2) He approached the goal with a snail's pace.






1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) synonyms 4) antonyms


  1. {!LANG-6c2e15362b13fddc78a232daf2873cd6!}
  2. {!LANG-4e50bc19faeca5d2455431cc1b960477!}
  3. {!LANG-3ffef72b623a328f69c3332fd84947fd!}
  4. {!LANG-68ca470b138f8b080b9391d252b30685!}


1) philanthropist 2) altruist 3) philanthropist 4) pacifist


  1. {!LANG-62aba3d05d409c3d6d372c85ccbff8c0!}
  2. {!LANG-16f81ebce3e170ac5bc393bb18c79490!}








{!LANG-ca6b5ef18f1bb1a4540c29830174aeb2!} {!LANG-4880587d6f13df273f26b686768788fc!}{!LANG-ae6c276a43f2792d7762e0a893104c33!}

{!LANG-f8a824b5ef408e8894a4ff7d972a04a0!} {!LANG-0ba18122c3cc18d543cc5580ed8d8c9d!}{!LANG-5e7a6befd3cd359198d6d28920e54310!}

1) I saw the clear outlines of the mountains.

2) It was a clear lie.

3) The colonel had a clear dislike for me.





1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) antonyms 4) synonyms




1) attribute 2) atavism 3) aspect 4) association




{!LANG-066a30134f7789b453d374fb6a7625c2!} {!LANG-0ba18122c3cc18d543cc5580ed8d8c9d!}{!LANG-b0e3c4d28fac61cc66f36c2069826e34!}

1) A new economical machine was created.

3) New building materials are very economical in construction.

4) This method is very economical in agriculture.

{!LANG-cc9c573f22493464e7af9e87b574d4c2!} {!LANG-0ba18122c3cc18d543cc5580ed8d8c9d!}{!LANG-03b2234cbb8e30713105d1e110897455!}











  1. {!LANG-dac10f23c7aa18ac340607035e33d412!}
  2. {!LANG-7830f4ae3c092beedd4d3e2faa71f382!}
  3. {!LANG-0c3dfb6410ae7f53803fc5e992c412b1!}
  4. {!LANG-7e27f37786aa9e4194f60a864d256d7d!}


  1. {!LANG-0d69f9fa2d726065dacb4975c23b4245!}
  2. {!LANG-ca1ff7cd79886237bde1a6bd550891cd!}
  3. {!LANG-c3c6cd1d51fbbbe1b08cdcbc19b5d553!}
  4. {!LANG-7acd160369b0a02ee672bf26089b7c3f!}


1) businessman 2) oligarch 3) philanthropist 4) producer


  1. {!LANG-0bc67efb0833cbeecf6e09caac3f18ce!}{!LANG-d8a09cf55536ff3a35b3cdbb4d56c4f3!}
  2. {!LANG-8f1bea94c2ca874aca5d28bf94148dbd!} {!LANG-ae8c8e926d9508280d240bdab8638591!}{!LANG-fe6396c5e25a4f6879050d2d53593442!}


  1. {!LANG-cada23cbe6158d0fbf06f9ff21140b32!}
  2. {!LANG-ec9d1816e53ad3b8f301df82a7379305!}
  3. {!LANG-6dca77e50aaaf87d77bc7acea8860dd8!}
  4. {!LANG-f9a99da945078b45c44336480159ac3c!}


  1. {!LANG-44326c697034f80e466378a847f04684!}
  2. {!LANG-b379796581ce0a0a8cf1621a58f45b2d!}
  3. {!LANG-ece879b18540aed969f0d12ff1899410!}
  4. {!LANG-226d6b4d0c270233ebbd8e3a42c955d0!}

{!LANG-cfab2897bb84fa051620488e0abcda64!} {!LANG-05ce8a99ddc9ccd765f29f5e9b89605e!}{!LANG-ba9924ad2c0a9db0441069fb1cf0d52b!}

  1. {!LANG-745b8d15302c51ec411199e9a26fb9a8!}{!LANG-73136e528122afdbec55f836a306d7f6!} {!LANG-ca8afd1324230245a1273a894e161020!}
  2. {!LANG-8aabff84166bb53ea21079e5c08318bc!} {!LANG-0c698c8c3bca9249a7ce86e49a4d0931!}
  3. {!LANG-c7425a92d3665db5e72e9ab30973b36c!} {!LANG-9f2d90c7530f016dd76faa69f69d6e1a!}






  1. {!LANG-10a124ac46f774e0d377a763f7678034!}
  2. {!LANG-3203f49e881c333b8c5cd900ff5112d3!}
  3. {!LANG-6155539e3953f1fc3f6db9ce25fc6b5c!}
  4. {!LANG-96111a96a15acb05c6812f2847737f8d!}


  1. {!LANG-01fb04d3568871ac3a100903675e03f3!}
  2. {!LANG-9663aad763f25634fe0b576efacc6490!}
  3. {!LANG-de74a18a545c9d45587f664e377a95c1!}
  4. {!LANG-b6d0501b89ef4ca3dc782a187da9f2b1!}




{!LANG-1bfbd098a4b968559549f2c575b6928f!} {!LANG-6ef9195624c6da569eb1213ce477c129!}

  1. {!LANG-6f2fc3e1c8598dc919862bc8ccc7e5b5!} {!LANG-ae5eadf265d0d247a1eb23e392df96d5!}{!LANG-4f3c9f12891ea4aa91f16e381ef07814!}
  2. {!LANG-e49e451bc8e574bc773e6e56436e7fad!} {!LANG-1c56ec9af0b1decb621d0ab49f035e71!}{!LANG-4f3c9f12891ea4aa91f16e381ef07814!}


  1. {!LANG-f1b445f10fc5287358ce4f9dc00bbe7e!}
  2. {!LANG-a9416a070a2ab5d35181b09c679a4f46!}


{!LANG-509d1e363b98ea7e416ca5921b18377f!} {!LANG-25d727472b56eed4cd06968aef4b2c75!}{!LANG-4904a191c624006eaedf66caf6531d0b!}

  1. {!LANG-81a14efc6696a4eb364563ae82316cb9!}{!LANG-4aaf85561b13d80d93658a1eedaf8e8a!}
  2. {!LANG-d70c7826216d9cacd610098728496983!}{!LANG-b31d236f8f77bf7397adb017b95bf0e6!} {!LANG-a6b7c2c6b01ca14d7615984871562d77!}
  3. {!LANG-295042f8e6aef6e83722937945d3e8e3!}{!LANG-fdd0c61cf52db682b26d1b4fb139125b!}
  4. {!LANG-51230d3f72ba388e6535287ba925c572!} {!LANG-b5ae1a83087dd889ad3eb547ffdbad60!}

{!LANG-d3cc3dd92c2528dc30c943a086c209de!} {!LANG-25d727472b56eed4cd06968aef4b2c75!}{!LANG-d6927961a6ee51ac0822c3a292b21c5a!}

  1. {!LANG-5c09680b39bd1c8b4ed4df509c031564!} {!LANG-10c4833aa76d831b0e9828037c8d3289!}
  2. {!LANG-df7e8d08b5bfe6f684e19dfae3ebc6e6!}{!LANG-ebe34e6b0e343f8bb7219827987d02fc!}
  3. {!LANG-499e3af2c6824775a2569482ed580adc!}{!LANG-74836be84e8f08b4c24d66026b3032a0!}
  4. {!LANG-7d93ed57c4a43a9f1195e661508a1786!}{!LANG-b0977d5a9545b87a7744a9db425979ee!}




  1. {!LANG-4acc2aa1e2a71261266904594897874c!}
  2. {!LANG-f6e095fd6ad6df41afbeef9993f29e63!}


  1. {!LANG-544d2668e1a3ca57999ad41e2de1a7f8!}
  2. {!LANG-977baf41620974b6a80b6d1b2e8c9a87!}
  3. {!LANG-e1dc999eff6875510f0e6c1c0a2b5a4f!}
  4. {!LANG-cd8ae01d52f633fd22bd8058f4ad587e!}


  1. {!LANG-76e4163b7e355726889ca6ab53f23335!}
  2. {!LANG-ba00254648c6253669f7f81e5590c764!}
  3. {!LANG-3ab6a44a0e7d0e3c4039102eac9719bc!}
  4. {!LANG-402220ea8bb7e3085b1974a571ff49e6!}
  1. {!LANG-0e53838bf664c32fc5cbe3232c634906!}
  2. {!LANG-b8e296f5d788765e2c2b87be7ef5f4ab!}
  1. {!LANG-8407788021213c4da04f5a40f445d73a!}
  2. {!LANG-99e3e571d0e036a66fa738ce1e540ea9!}
  3. {!LANG-1052a416784b68af6c31cae9393d3a2e!}
  4. {!LANG-88c55249ff23c6f310683f9c891aae49!}


  1. {!LANG-0d753117ea951559f95bf196850dfb6b!}
  2. {!LANG-55d289a73a6941f1df486b741a88e659!}
  3. {!LANG-7df9585db3a13129f612a43e1f947dca!}
  4. {!LANG-5ff1cb334500e3d0822f64ed9c92a116!}





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{!LANG-9d19fab69ab516b6c96327dcd49801f7!}{!LANG-76febbfccefa976a5d03ecce35784e32!} {!LANG-51000a6cc6dfd64edc60c7de644b9478!}





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  1. {!LANG-d3847c87b6a216b729983de03d754b38!}


  1. {!LANG-ec02eb6fd44e6465a8eeb72bda756f6a!}


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  4. {!LANG-f8f8b09b402912814982aa5f795832e9!}


  1. {!LANG-28d0b2a288cbd5eb0d751cdc2444fad5!}
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  4. {!LANG-9d12a978c0c81c880a0e56ae27d038bb!}


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  4. {!LANG-89ed80008066a07dc0d2fc131b30fafd!}




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  4. {!LANG-6a3e5428c53a02128b7ab464ae87b2b4!}


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  4. {!LANG-2dfc002c7ce1337436a4040293d86243!}


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  4. {!LANG-862ee0309f671b82085f77c9f14e8878!}




















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  • {!LANG-4d2500e7ac39fc375b8db7cdea2ccba5!}
  • {!LANG-bfbe4f94b8d34058387e98800e10c72d!}
  • {!LANG-1bc2aea6812c8c8414f7fe233291fe61!}
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  • {!LANG-173e57ac401e180e5d983aa46f5fe51e!}

  • {!LANG-1ec3c74d2a33d2e5792540200c880490!}
  • {!LANG-ffc62dbdb2c8e48971cadd986f878a0d!}
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  • {!LANG-9ad392d3e1d530dd27e600783c07effa!}
  • {!LANG-a577360a87bfbc75ac1bc78ffed5e438!}
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  • {!LANG-6cba9d04e3d20f3ba3e052006ba2041b!}



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  • {!LANG-2e7a1fd3251d538494303891ff93cd72!}
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  • {!LANG-cea067cdcb4fca9ebfe925e12f66b879!}



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  • {!LANG-39a4ca240fdd8a965b0f2e8c87ba24cc!}
  • {!LANG-1b04871623700a678bf0521325494bbd!}


















































{!LANG-87a06b19f2c69c317eb4fc207ecc10f7!} {!LANG-431c224e521c911c673a5b7a4244f2fe!}{!LANG-11169789b0db3528f7c14fff39e0c48e!} thin{!LANG-09c7ebbb798e171c186183c4a8077636!}

{!LANG-0ae603ca78b8d1e4601dcd6dff598ab6!} hall{!LANG-b965b62aa894d5c05871c42664464eed!} {!LANG-28b59200c3b8ba66d6a6fa5dc3ed5b3d!}{!LANG-2f75515cf65a2a482ad73413eb75b65d!}


{!LANG-9a8179a8ad1eed90a868700c31ec0a06!} {!LANG-1b01e6f14736eef4eb483c183fa7000a!}{!LANG-abc97405495e4a7eadc81fd0bc819045!} passed{!LANG-a2f2b3ebd502c93c9322e455b4280530!} passed

7 {!LANG-8c5f1f5bd5f900ab63bb1e2bbf2ce1ae!}























{!LANG-baffec4bb6e6a16655367e22ea804b51!} steep{!LANG-2d4b1dda10287e71d2ed87fe343a6736!} {!LANG-4965736674009bdc4be20b7ab7643684!}{!LANG-0b1f17e8d9b4f9f8fd3a4dc0f88df9b0!} {!LANG-c7ffba9fd31cb160e10fd0dfac5c0c3c!}{!LANG-7121e151e599cde2f9fb06715bda7f60!} silk{!LANG-286b4f32d13dcca73a5547b98f4c3c12!}








































5. .{!LANG-7351ccdbd2a88736e2b4747d0ad7227c!}















To lesson number 1.

Learning test # 1


A1. Which linguistic concept the words illustrate walnut- greek?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) synonyms 4) antonyms

A2. What linguistic concept is illustrated by the highlighted words in M. Tsvetaeva's poem?

“Everything will change, there will be torment

People are comforted by this science.

Will it be a torment that was longing?

No better torment !

1) homophones 2) homoforms 3) homographs 4) antonyms

A3. Which linguistic concept the words illustrate contours - outlines?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) antonyms 4) synonyms

A4. In which example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) hallfull 3) thinfingers

2) hallstanding ovation 4) steepcoast
A5. In which example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) steepboiling water 3) heavyluggage

2) steeprise 4) silkthe cloth
A6. In which example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) hotcoffee 3) silkhair

2) silkshirt 4) gold watch
A7. In what example is the highlighted word used in its direct meaning?

I) the clock is running2) rain passed3) human 4) a century has passed
A8. In what example is the word KEY used in its direct meaning?

1) the key to the cipher 3) in an optimistic way

2) spanner 4) act in one key
A9. In what example is the word IRON used in its direct meaning?

1) iron ore 3) iron logic

2) iron will 4) iron grip
A10. In what example is the word DEAF used in its direct meaning?

1) voiceless discontent 3) voiceless consonant

2) deaf to requests 4) deaf old man
A11. In what example is the word LANGUAGE used in its direct meaning?

1) tongue dissolve 3) delicious jellied tongue

2) flames 4) try on the tongue
A12. In what sentence is the word TABLE used in the meaning of "food, food"?

1) Take a book and a notebook, you sit down at the table.

2) There was a beautiful set on the kitchen table.

3) His table was unpretentious: he loved lamb, fatty cabbage soup.

4) Round table talks were held.
A13. In what sentence is the word BREAD used in the meaning of "food"?

1) The bread was removed and delivered to the elevator.

2) Man does not live by bread alone.

3) My brother loves rye bread.

4) This work is sure bread.
A14. In what sentence is the word DOM used in the meaning of "family"?

1) We know each other at home. 3) Homeland is our common home.

2) There were houses in one side street. 4) In the summer we were in a rest house.
A15. In what example is the word HEAD used in its direct meaning?

1) He is the head of the whole business. 3) He is a man with a head.

2) The head of the infantry column. 4) I put my hat on my head.
A16. What is the meaning of the word ROAD in the sentence "Work is the road to success"?

1) the place to go or drive

2) travel, travel

3) model of action, direction of activity

4) a strip of land intended for movement
A17. In which row are synonyms represented?

1) vital - everyday

2) arrogance - arrogance

3) high - low

4) the room was forced into furniture - I was forced to study
A18. What example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) He has his own hand in the Ministry.

2) Pull yourself together.

3) Get your hands on it.

4) Work tirelessly.
A19. In which series is there no phraseological phrase?

1) step from foot to foot 3) no foot in the tooth

2) from head to toe 4) live in a big way
A20. In which row are all words stylistically colored?

1) bummer, lazy, truant 3) condensed milk, tiny, eyes

2) little, kid, walk 4) harmful, mischievous, fool
A21. In which row are all words spoken?

1) cashier, raunchy, potatoes

2) the announcer, oohlamon, merry fellow

3) greedy, potato, brothel

4) electric train, junk dealer, confusion
A22. In what order do both words refer to restricted vocabulary?

1) gutarit, computer 3) internet, bail (bring)

2) poet, actor 4) kuren, ancestors (parents)

A23. Which of the following words has the meaning of "necessary, permanent attribute, belonging"?

1) attribute 2) atavism 3) aspect 4) association

A24. Which of the following words means "a man who condemns all wars and demands peace on earth"?

1) nationalist 2) pacifist 3) chauvinist 4) militarist

A25. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to act disinterestedly for the benefit of others, regardless of his own personal interests”?

1) egoist 2) philanthropist 3) altruist 4) philanthropist

A26. Which of the following words means "a person helping those in need, doing charity"?

1) philanthropist 2) altruist 3) philanthropist 4) pacifist

A27. Which of the following words means "an announcement that all tickets for a play (or concert) have been sold"?

1) sold out 2) benefit performance 3) premiere 4) sensation

A28. Which of the following words means "science that studies the material and spiritual culture of peoples"?

1) mythology 2) ethnography 3) bibliography 4) ecology

A29. Which of the following words means "rich patron of science and art"?

1) businessman 2) oligarch 3) philanthropist 4) producer

A30. What word is indicated incorrectly?

1) correct - correct, accurate

2) briefing - press conference on policy issues

3) calligraphy - the ability to write correctly

4) consolidation - strengthening, rallying something
A31. What word is indicated incorrectly?

1) corrupt - an unlawfully enriching official or politician

2) full house - a concert or performance in honor of someone

3) meticulous - accurate to the smallest detail, extremely thorough

4) philanthropist - a wealthy patron of arts and sciences
A32. Which of the following words means "indifferent, indifferent"?

1) impartial 2) apathetic

3) apolitical 4) immoral
A33. What word is defined incorrectly?

1) diploma student - a student preparing a thesis

2) certification - carried out by experts to determine the level of knowledge and skills of an employee or student

3) antiquary - an amateur, connoisseur and collector of antiquities, antique objects

4) argument - a logical argument, a judgment given to prove something
A34. What word is defined incorrectly?

1) duplicate - a second copy of a document that has the same legal force as the original

2) addressee - a person who receives a postal or telegraphic item

3) dubbing - replacing the speech part of a sound film with a new recording

4) remnants - what is left of the pre-existing

Learning test # 2

A1. In which example, instead of the word realneed to use the word realistic?

1) the real direction in painting

2) reality

3) carry out real politics

4) make real progress
A2. In which sentence instead of a word unitneed to use the word only?

1) Collective nouns denote a set of single homogeneous objects.

2) A single good deed will always remain, because it is the need of the individual.

3) His main, single passion was love for science.

4) These were far from isolated cases, they were repeated almost every year.
A3. In which sentence instead of a word rigidityneed to use the word cruelty?

1) He struck with the rigidity of black hair, in some places before the time turned gray.

2) I remembered the expression on his face when the moments of harshness were found on him.

3) An unpleasant harshness appeared in his face and voice.

4) The rigidity of the timing alarmed everyone.
A4. In which sentence instead of a word stoneneed to use the word rocky?

1) On hot summer days, the stone city was languishing in the sun.

2) A forced smile did not go so well to his stone face.

3) Traces of bare feet were imprinted in the stone dust.

4) On steep slopes with rocky soil, melting snow water runs down.
A5. In which sentence instead of a word boneneed to use the word bone?

1) The bony shell of the turtle is very strong.

2) The living bone tissue of the human body is impregnated with inanimate matter - mineral salts.

3) We saw a beautiful bone knife.

4) The daily diet of animals should include bone meal.
A6. In which sentence instead of a word colorneed to use the word color?

1) The children had colored flags in their hands.

2) It is these color and light features of precious stones that give us a sense of mystery.

3) Colored bulbs gleamed dimly in the twilight.

4) The book contained many photographs and color drawings.
A7. In which sentence instead of a word regalneed to use the word royal?

1) It was almost a regal gift.

2) The regal current of the Volga in these places is impressive.

3) She walked by with her regal gait.

4) In the picture, the regal become of the pines is well conveyed.

A8. In which sentence instead of words housingneed to use the word residential?

1) Models, drawings, new housing projects were exhibited in the hall.

2) Chinatown is followed by the new residential part of the European city.

3) The mayor had to deal with housing problems.

4) Our housing legislation requires amendments.
A9. In which sentence instead of a word iceneed to use the word ice?

1) It is impossible to describe the brightness and brilliance of the polar ice sea.

2) Lake Ladoga was an ice route that brought life to Leningraders.

4) Changes in ice conditions in the Arctic seas are of great scientific interest.
A10. In which sentence instead of a word imagineneed to use the word provide?

1) An aspiring writer presented his novel to the readers' judgment.

2) Applicants submitted certificates and medical certificates.

3) And she imagined these fields under the hopeless autumn rain.

4) The Russian language is a huge treasury that presents us with endless possibilities.
A11. In which sentence instead of explicit need to use the word clear?

1) I saw the clear outlines of the mountains.

2) It was a clear lie.

3) The colonel had a clear dislike for me.

4) This child was an obvious child prodigy.
A12. In which sentence instead of a word spectacularneed to use the word effective?

1) Of course, felling wood is a more spectacular sight than planting it.

2) The white foam of the sea created an extremely effective picture.

3) Her pose was very effective.

4) An effective cure has not yet been found against this disease.
A13. In which sentence instead of a word baseneed to use the word basis?

1) The development of basic sciences provides a basis for further search for promising directions.

2) The theoretical basis of the research needs to be improved.

3) When you change one base to another, not only public views change, but also the institutions corresponding to them.

4) In the second half of the last century, the atomic base of our industry began to develop rapidly.
A14. In which sentence instead of a word economicalneed to use the word economical?

1) A new economical machine was created.

3) New building materials are very economical in construction.

4) This method is very economical in agriculture.

A15. In which sentence instead of a word turtleneed to use the word tortoiseshell?

1) Turtle soup was served for the first.

2) He approached the goal with a snail's pace.

3) The baby turtle hatched long ago.

4) The turtle shell is particularly durable.
A16. In which sentence instead of a word humanneed to use the word humane?

1) She thought that she had finally found a dear human soul.

2) Protection of human dignity is one of the most characteristic features of this publicist.

3) In his works, he often depicted human suffering.

4) The examiner we came across is very human.
A17. In which sentence instead of a word pay offneed to use the word pay?

1) The institution pays the travel expenses.

2) Wages were paid late.

3) At the end of the year, employees were paid a bonus.

4) The publisher paid a royalties to the writer.
A18. In which sentence instead of a word vociferousneed to use the word voice?

Control test number 1.

Lexicon and phraseology. Lexical meaning of the word. Synonyms. Antonyms

Exercise 1

1) Catalog - "the distribution of any objects, phenomena, concepts by classes, groups, sections on the basis of general rules";
2) nimble - "dexterous in movements, fast, agile";
3) indigo - "dark green color";
4) identical - "opposing the other, being its opposite."

Assignment 2

In which example is the lexical meaning of a word defined correctly?

1) Altruism - "disinterested concern for the welfare of others, the willingness to sacrifice for others their personal interests";
2) stained-glass window - "skillfully made, decorated box for storing jewelry";
3) obelisk - "a structure in the form of a high pillar, which serves as a support in a building or erected as a monument";
4) license - "written or verbal agreement on mutual obligations."

Assignment 3


1) Arbitrator - "one who judges a sports game, competition";
2) boar - "wild pig";
3) rime - "very light rain";
4) self-interest - "benefit, benefit for oneself."

Assignment 4

Note the number of the word whose lexical meaning is determined wrong.

1) Glider - "non-powered aircraft";
2) drifting snow - "downstream wind in winter, as well as snow carried by this wind";
3) a glade - "small deciduous forest";
4) symbol - "conventional sign".

Assignment 5

Which of the following words has the meaning of "pronounced opposition"?

1) Antipathy;
2) contrast;
3) difference;
4) conflict.

Assignment 6

Which of the following words has the meaning of "not afraid of danger, coming towards it"?

1) Brave;
2) the caller;
3) immodest;
4) free.

Assignment 7

Which of the following words means “the art of designing, erecting and decorating buildings”?

1) Sculpture;
2) construction;
3) architecture;
4) design.

Assignment 8

Which of the following words means "a list made in a certain order, a list of any objects"?

1) Price list;
2) directory;
3) classification;
4) newsletter.

Assignment 9

Which of the following words means “unable to concentrate, showing inattention”?

1) Apathetic;
2) indifferent;
3) lazy;
4) absent-minded.

Assignment 10

Which of the following words has the meaning of “striving for living participation in something, manifesting himself in activity”?

1) Relevant;
2) active;
3) topical;
4) adventurous.

Assignment 11

blatant .

1) Full of rage, indomitable;
2) making a strong impression with its persuasiveness, expressiveness;
3) provoking a protest by excessive force, the degree of its manifestation;
4) devoid of simplicity, claiming originality, emphasized unusual.

Assignment 12

Choose the correct definition of the lexical meaning of the word humane.

1) Addressing a person, his rights and interests;
2) humane, philanthropic, imbued with respect for the human person and concern for its welfare;
3) friendly, showing affection;
4) simple and accessible in their relationships with people.

Task 13

1) Sway - sway, sway;
2) defame - deceive, cheat;
3) successor - mentor, teacher, educator;
4) tome - rarity, rarity, unique.

Task 14

For which word are synonyms chosen correctly?

1) Renome - style, manner;
2) tulle - curtain, curtain, curtain;
3) a parable - a fable, a fable, an invention;
4) ghost - phantom, ghost.

Task 15

What series of synonyms is made up wrong?

1) Skirmisher, initiator;
2) vow, disagreement, refusal, renunciation;
3) initiative, undertaking, initiative;
4) blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.

Task 16

What word is the synonym for wrong?

1) To cherish - to appreciate;
2) to dream - to dream;
3) hurry - hurry;
4) witchcraft is a miracle.

Task 17

What word is the correct antonym for?

1) Generous - stingy;
2) to be late - to be late;
3) shine - shimmer;
4) the master is a slacker.

Task 18

In which example wrong selected antonym?

1) Courteous - rude;
2) respect - despise;
3) dusk - dawn;
4) passive - responsive.

Task 19

In what case was a mistake made in the reproduction of a phraseological unit?

1) While the essence and the matter;
2) grated roll;
3) the heart bleeds;
4) to beat the thumbs.

Task 20

In what case is the selected phrase a phraseological phrase?

1) Curled and intertwined along thick trunks creeping plants.
2) At the frog captured the spirit from the terrible height to which she was raised.
3) The kid fell, and the older brother raised him and put on his feet.
4) Without straightening your back,put your hands up.

To lesson number 7.

Educational test # 1. Phonetics.
A1. In what series of words does the number of letters and sounds coincide?

1) smile, knowledge 3) blizzard, happiness

2) trees, entrance 4) area, village
A2. In what series of words does the number of letters and sounds coincide?

1) blizzard, village 3) statue, assistant

2) bathe, June 4) grammar to
A3. In which series of words are there more sounds than letters?

1) weeds, only 3) rain, southern

2) at night, south 4) singing, furious
A4. In what series of words are there more sounds than letters?

1) I am at war, passionate 3) double, opposition

2) tulip, nimble 4) meaning, phenomenon
A5. Which row of words contains more letters than sounds?

1) defector, you live 3) locality, hero of the day

2) swim, July 4) get angry, sad
A6. What series of words has fewer sounds than letters?

1) count, five 3) sun, anchor

2) southern, stump 4) piece, effect
A7. In which word are all consonants soft?

1) life 2) friend 3) steppe 4) you write

A8. In which word are all consonant sounds deaf?

1) landing 2) jasper 3) hedgehog 4) club

A9. In which word are all consonants voiced?

1) frost 2) southern 3) deep in 4) suddenly

A10. In what word is the vowel [o] pronounced?

1) sparrow 2) deacon 3) go 4) carried

A11. In what word is the vowel [a] pronounced?

1) hockey 2) ripples 3) clock 4) tongue

A12. In what word is the vowel [and] pronounced?

1) clock 2) compasses 3) live 4) also

A13. In what word is the consonant [t] pronounced?

1) football 2) laughs 3) fenced off 4) gait

A14. In what word is the consonant [d] pronounced?

1) reliable 2) beat off 3) inscription 4) factory

A15. In what word is the consonant [g] pronounced?

1) snow 2) blue 3) soft 4) globe

A16. In what word is the consonant [in "] pronounced?

1) love 2) influence 3) Tuesday 4) curtain

A17. In what word is the consonant [k] pronounced?

1) pie 2) to the dacha 3) station 4) cinema

A18. In what word is the consonant [z] pronounced?

I) ignite 2) knock down 3) slide 4) slippery

A19. In what word is the consonant [s] pronounced?

1) do 2) today 3) slippery 4) grown

A20. In what word is the consonant [ф] pronounced?
A21. In what word is the consonant [b] pronounced?

1) birch 2) bread 3) pigeon 4) bread

A22. In what word is the consonant [п] pronounced?

1) chill 2) mushroom 3) piano 4) piece

A23. In which words is there no sound [f]?

1) life, book 3) landscape, friendship

2) defector, gatehouse 4) smear, juggle
A24. In which row is the sound [k] in all words?

1) suddenly, soft 3) circumference, mileage

2) to throw, to the house 4) to business, to ride
A25. In which row in all words is there a sound [g]?

2) for winter, nail 4) guitar, teacher
A26. In which row in all words is there a sound [w]?

1) gatehouse, friendship 3) eat, sandy

2) trembling, artist 4) landscape, assistant
A27. In which row in all words is there a sound [g]?

1) railway station, to the building 3) death, catalog

2) friend, exam 4) anecdote, herbarium
A28. In which row in all words is there no sound [s]?

1) squeeze, mow, happiness 3) silent, make, drink

2) steam locomotive, sew, iceberg 4) sit, praise, behind
A29. In which row in all words is there a sound [d "]

1) wedding, entrance, house 3) sweet, delegate, horse

2) sit down, wild, talk 4) distance, threshing, academy
A30. In which row in all words is there no sound [z]?

1) splatter, glow, synthesis 3) close, glide, development

2) wintry, defector, nail 4) mirror, squeal, make

Educational test # 2. Phonetics.

1. Indicate in which row in all words there are more sounds than letters:

1) a tree, idle, a sparrow, took;

2) falls, came, knock down, June; ... 3) flex, emerge, hard work, demonstration;

4) ad, moved out, sun.

2. In which row does the spelling of words differ from their pronunciation?

1) Carriage, sunset, mushrooms;

2) threshing, scout, low;

3) hard, sweeping, carving;

4) a piece of paper, frost, loud.
3. In which row are all voiced consonants?

1) Look, knocked down, sewn;

2) spark, loudly, run;

3) impudent, threshing, threatened;

4) run, dreamed, lived.
4. In which row in all words do the letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds?

1) Raccoon, passing, apple;

2) to the station, sow, frost;

3) white, ad, move out;

4) boiling, spruce, bending.
5. In which row are all consonants solid?

1) Birds, unusual, carapace;

2) tail, release, hotel;

3) medicine, escaped, scurvy;

4) motorcycle, sewing, circus.

6. Indicate the word in which the spelling matches the pronunciation:

1) be surprised;

2) rolls;

3) an obstacle;

4) surprise.
7. What word is stressed correctly?

1) Torn off;

2) drowsiness;

3) uncork;

8. In which row in all words the stress falls on the first syllable?

1) Ear (grain), associate professor, pamper;

2) glimpse, cakes, august;

3) watermelon, carpenter, sorrel;

4) beetroot, porcelain, arrest.

9. In which row do all words have unpronounceable consonants?

1) Hanging (?) Whipping, teaching (?), Iskus (?) Ny;

2) dilettante (?), Chu (?), Miracle (?)

3) forest (?) Nytsa, non-natural (?), Surrounding (?);

4) month (?) Ny, gollan (?) Ski, dangerous (?) - ny.
10. In which row in all words is the letter combination chn pronounced as [shn]?

1) Scrambled eggs, juicy, boring;

2) brown, durable, excellent;

3) on purpose, of course, boring;

4) a bakery, exactly, a birdhouse.

Learning test. Orthoepy. No. 3

A1. In which pair of words does stress not fulfill a meaningful role?

1) Iris - iris 3) Spark - spark?

2) Atlas - Atlas 4) Clubs - Clubs?
A2. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) provision 2) mold 3) coerce 4) picked up

A3. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) Christian 2) understood 3) more beautiful 4) uncork

A4. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) scoop 3) took away 4) sorrel

A5. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) intention 2) started 3) rust 4) winterer

A6. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) start 2) loop 3) call 4) whooping cough

A7. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) pamper 2) masterfully 3) flint 4) kitchen

A8. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) glimpse 2) scoop 3) cotton 4) for a long time

A9. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) dispensary 2) nettle 3) lived 4) pseudonym

A10. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) rust 2) scanty 3) salmon 4) funds

A11. In what word is the stress on the last syllable?

1) facsimile 2) beetroot 3) cough 4) china

A12. In what word is the stress on the first syllable?

1) start 2) customs 3) plowing 4) hunk

A13. In what word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) wood chips 2) lighten 3) statue 4) catalog

A14. In what word is the stress on the third syllable?

1) intention 2) provision 3) mold 4) uncork

A15. In what word is the stress on the fourth syllable?

1) inform 2) democracy 3) aristocracy 4) freeze

A16. In what word is the stress on the first syllable?

1) watermelon 2) took 3) alcohol 4) willow

A17. What word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) beetroot 2) call 3) apostrophe 4) pseudonym

A18. In what word is the stress on the first syllable?

1) sorrel 2) excursion 3) expert 4) gypsy

A19. What word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) obituary 2) dispensary 3) scoop 4) facsimile

A20. In what word is the stress on the last syllable?

1) took 2) glimpse 3) nettle 4) spark

A21. In which row of words the stress falls on the first syllable?

1) cement, took, expert 3) statue, beets, understood

2) hyphen, wholesale, calling 4) cakes, start, ring
A22. In which row of words the stress falls on the first syllable?

1) kitchen, dry, moldy 3) blinds, carpenter, lied

2) waited, leisure, rhubarb 4) agent, loan, chauffeur

A23. In which words, the stress falls on the second syllable?

1) deepen, catalog, dispensary 3) accepted, apostrophe, alphabet

2) the intention, to clog, took 4) grandfather, caught up, the owners
A24. In which word does the highlighted letter denote a solid consonant?

1) Timbre 2) morPheme 3) shinel 4) kRem

A25. In which word does the highlighted letter denote a solid consonant?

1) muZe 2) tests 3) acaDemik 4) pace

A26. In which word does the highlighted letter denote a soft consonant?

1) Abstracts 2) sandwiches 3) Terrace 4) Thermos

A27. In which word does the highlighted letter denote a soft consonant?

1) Atelier 2) COFFEE 3) COTTAGE 4) SWEATER

A28. In which row in all words do the highlighted letters indicate solid consonants?

1) macramé, shosse, tennis 3) cafe, coffee, groTesk

2) modernization, shinel, porridge 4) integration, hyphen, delicacies
A29. In which row do all the words of the letter ЧН mean the sounds [ШН]?

1) summer cottage, birdhouse 3) of course, filming

2) scrambled eggs, everlasting 4) boring, on purpose

To lesson number 10.



Task 1. E is written at the root of the word:

1) a positive case;

2) developing countries;

3) b ... chew vices;

4) find some weed;

5) exciting excursion.

Task 2. At the root of the word is written And:

1) fluttering banners;

2) a plat ...

3) to ripen early ...

4) bl ... the zest station;

5) oppression of the people.

Task 3. At the root of the word is written A:

1) absorb ... sounds;

2) bless ... for heroism;

3) floor ... roll linen;

4) glorify the hero;

5) comes in handy for classes.

Task 4. At the root of the word is written O:

1) very ... stunning landscape;

2) enjoy the music;

3) cover ... the top;

4) unravel ... give an idea;

5) teach ... the Russian language.

Task 5. At the root of the word I is written:

1) illuminate the road;

2) consuming ... success;

3) bitterly rebuke ...

4) give communication ...

5) to induce boredom.

Task 6. The letter O is written in all words of the proverb:

1) Do not sleep ... shi with your tongue - tor ... write by deed.

2) With ... dina in bor ... du - mind in the head ... woo.

3) There is nothing for that ... to be afraid, who will not ... be afraid.

4) In the house sl ... pogo and blo ... howl with ... lach.

5) In a foreign land, near ... riches are near ... the other side ... r.

Assignment 7. Specify a word with a root vowel not checked by stress:

1) bush of region ... pikhi;

2) sneakers on l ... bunches;

3) t ... a talented engineer;

4) unfailing ... given glory;

5) questioning gaze.

Task 8. Specify a word with a root vowel checked by stress:

1) recognize cap ... tulation;

2) to receive an article ... a pension;

3) acute d ... scuss;

4) a unique invention;

5) apologize for being late.





Exercise 1. At the root of the word, A is written:

1) experienced lawyer ... cat;

2) sounds of acc ... rdeon;

3) preliminary preparation;

4) p ... mantic mood;

5) subtle n ...

Task 2. At the root of the word is written O:

1) t ... play the role lazily;

2) to… comfortable salon;

3) personal information ...

4) do prop ... ganda;

5) military traditions.

Task 3. Find a word with a vowel E:

1) strict examination… teacher;

2) be dependent ...

3) observe d ... discipline;

4) to protect d ... certification;

5) art ... llerian training.

Exercise 4. В the root of the word should be written AND:

1) military engineer ... ner;

2) an int ... ligent person;

3) d ... legate of the congress;

4) to receive an article ... penny;

5) t ... a heretical conclusion.

Task 5. Specify a word with two letters I:

1) d ... z ... rt from the front;

2) at ... st ... bul un ... at ... rsitet;

3) exhaust in ... nt ... lation;

4) work for p ... r ... feria;

5) use pr ... in ... legions.





Task 1. Specify a word with the root -MEP-:

1) listen with ... heart stopping;

2) the elimination of old customs;

3) zap ... from surprise;

4) freezing sounds;

5) obscuring tree branches.

Task 2. E is written at the root of the word:

1) start ... a discussion;

2) adopt ... a resolution;

3) remembrance of the past;

4) considers theory with practice;

5) a reminder ... of the future.

Task 3. At the root of the word is written And:

1) dist ... lit tablecloth;

2) bl ... sting success;

3) exciting speech;

4) block the audience;

5) a combination of sounds.

Task 4. The verb with the root -BIR- is used in the proverb:

1) Clouds are gathering ... falling - rain, people gathering ... falling - power.

2) The tongue has no legs, but it tries far ...

3) He who sows grain does not ... pick grapes.

4) The fortress from the inside b ... rut.

5) You ... decide on a pinch - eat in handfuls.

Task 5. At the root of the word is written A:

1) write an exposition ...

2) offer ... live the necessary help;

3) ex ... live business trip;

4) the expected trip;

5) decompose ... live into constituent elements,

Task 6. Find a word with the root -KAS-:

1) to ... sleep with acute problems;

2) light touch… slip;

3) to carry out ...

4) points of contact ... contact;

5) to ... dreaming of the main question.

Task 7. At the root of the word is written A:

1) solubility of salts;

2) different approval ...

3) a good solvent ...

4) insoluble ... irrelevant compounds;

5) putting ... plans into practice.

Task 8. Find a word with a vowel A:

1) combustion of fuel;

2) gas burner ...

3) sunbathe on the beach;

4) burnt milk;

5) ... a face illuminated with a smile.

Task 9. Specify a word with a vowel O:

1) meet z ... ryu;

2) the glow of the ...

3) g ... roaring torch;

4) see the surroundings;

5) ... a soul filled with hope.

Task 10. Specify a word with the root -PLOV-

1) good pl ... viscosity;

2) sharp plat ... ing;

3) strengthen the float ... wok;

4) pl ... viscous ice;

5) brave pilots.

Task 11. At the root of the word is written O:

1) an increase ... an increase in the pace;

2) grown up in a greenhouse;

3) branch ... if production;

4) charge ... if the rose hips;

5) grow flowers ...

Task 12. At the root of the word is written A:

1) jump up ...

2) a small jump ...

3) jump over the barrier;

4) jump out of the corner;

5) arrogant upstart.

Task 13. Find a word with the root -MAK-:

1) wash ... whip in the rain;

2) waterproof ... material;

3) obm ... whip the brush into the paint;

4) wrapping paper;

5) the shoes became us ...

Task 14. Specify a word with the root -EVN-:

1) cf ... add two values;

2) ur ... accept the conditions;

3) observe p ... balance;

4) r ... join the ranks;

5) straighten out the road.



To lesson number 11.



Exercise 1. At the root of the word is written O:

1) hear w ... sweat;

2) well ... strict conditions;

3) sh ... k k with their behavior;

4) black ... ric coffee;

5) a solution of sch ... lochi.

Task 2. Specify a word with a root vowel E:

1) w ... rokh of dry leaves;

2) forest slum ... ba;

3) ripe kryt ...

4) bring bech ... taste,

5) torments fromzh ... ha.

Task 3. Specify a noun with a vowel O:

1) burning ... g grass;

2) squeeze ... g garbage;

3) lig ... g torch;

4) convicted of burning ... g;

5) burn ... g hand.

Task 4. Specify the word with E in the suffix:

1) hot ... to argue;

2) canvas ... mesh ... to;

3) funny bear ... nok;

4) an armed uprising;

5) short shirt ... nka.

Task 5. Find a noun with the -EK- suffix:

1) rare push ... to;

4) light snow ... to;

5) fast jump ... to.

Task 6. The ending is written E:

1) a machine with a brick ... m;

3) follow the match ... m;

4) locust control ... th;

5) be ashamed of a stranger ...



To lesson number 12.



Task 1. The word is written C:

1) how ... what surface;

2) skillful work;

3) river ... cue wind;

4) a strong answer;

5) a convincing problem.

Task 2. The word is written 3:

1) not ... shay step,

2) sows small rime ... b;

3) bright ... cue color;

4) conduct ... a conversation;

5) you are ... a school.

Task 3. The word is written P:

1) ro ... to object;

2) small scale ...;

3) poor ... some health;

4) replace pro ... ki;

5) denim y ... ka.

Task 4. The word is written F:

1) popular mochi ...;

2) residential area ...;

3) march ... over the orphanage;

4) easy reception;

5) durable bech ... vka.

Task 5. The noun is written with F:

1) be ridiculed ... kam;

2) working days ... ki;

3) fresh vatru ... ka;

4) durable wood ... ka;

5) funny to the beast ... ka.

Task 6. The noun is written with Ш:

1) sit by the eye ... ka;

2) run along the road ... ke;

3) a new truck ... ka;

4) woolen vare ... ki;

5) dilapidated lach ... ka.

Task 7. The word is written K:

1) unforgivable por ...;

2) step over the poros ...;

3) reliable growl ...;

4) sharp skin ... ty;

5) me ... cue bread.

Task 8. The adjective is written with D:

1) malicious ... ny offender;

2) surrounding forests;

3) thundering ... cue cabinet;

4) rare exhibit;

5) hles ... kaya speech.

Task 9. The word is written T:

1) great ... good mood;

2) a wonderful ... ny day;

3) safety ... of movement;

4) a lovely ... girl;

5) atmosphere of publicity ...

Task 10. Find a word with an unpronounceable consonant T:

1) meeting of peers ... nicknames;

2) friendship svers ... nicknames;

3) an interesting ... ny interlocutor;

4) an ... skillful craftswoman;

5) shine ... whip up high.

Task 11. Specify a word with an unpronounceable consonant B:

1) honor the heroes;

2) participate in a tournament;

3) I ... it is natural to hear;

4) delicious food on the table;

5) march over the families of veterans.

Task 12. Find the word with D in the sentence:

1) The trouble hangs ... nickname in his envy.

2) Without labor, there can be no pure and joyful life ...

3) An honest ... unclean ... not a friend.

4) A man is gray ... powerful, a tree - with roots.

5) The secret known to the three is no longer a secret.





Exercise 1. Find a word with LL:

1) art gallery ...

2) an intelligent person;

3) al ... yuminium dishes;

4) inoculated some ...

5) establish obel ... claim.

Task 2. Specify a word with one letter L:

1) collective agreement;

2) carry out a count ... oquium;

3) a crystal ... an organic substance;

4) instilled ... an alloyed position;

5) a book with silt ... ustratsii.

Task 3. Specify a word with CC:

1) rich resources ...

2) land ten ... ant;

3) protection of dissertation ...

4) put on plays ... y;

5) dessert dishes.

Task 4. Find a word with one letter C:

1) a progress ... ing writer;

2) open the discus… yu;

3) commission ... ion collection;

4) work as an ... as a student;

5) skillfully pass ... the ball.

Task 5. Specify a word with one letter H:

1) shade ... ice court;

2) annotate the contract;

3) museum - pan ... orama;

4) write an annotation;

5) marble column ... hell.

Task 6. Find a word with MM:

1) successful ... itation;

2) programmed training;

3) genuine gum ... anism;

4) brilliant ... provision;

5) drama ... atism of the situation.

Task 7. Write a word with one letter M:

1) congratulatory telegram ... a;

2) live in um ... games;

3) persistent to them ... unit;

4) sports com ... entator;

5) them ... gambling service.

Task 8. Specify a word with one letter P:

1) ter ... itorial waters;

2) a small ter ... asuka;

3) famous car ... and tourist;

4) own correspondent ... espondent;

5) build a bar ... icada.

Task 9. Specify a word with PP:

1) cardiological center;

2) Correctness in behavior;

3) ar ... bitrazh court,

4) cor ... ify of science;

5) go through the tour ... niket.

Task 10. Find a word with one letter F:

1) an efficient method;

2) defective goods;

3) coefficient of efficiency;

4) differential ... erential of function;

5) indif ... erent tone.

Task 11. Specify a word with FF:

1) eliminate the defect ...

2) work on the periphery;

3) successful ap ... orism;

4) a differentiated approach;

5) sing dith..irambs.

Task 12. The word is written 3:

1) thickets of can ... evelnik;

2) a built-up village;

3) chewing ... chewing of a bee;

4) shivering fungi;

5) rattling ... gnashing sound.

Task 13. The word is written Ж:

1) an outlined glade;

2) barely ... the dawn lived;

3) pass ... the native place;

4) painful and ... burn;

5) bru ... punch because of bad weather.

Task 14. The consonant is missing in the word:

1) favorite opere ... ka;

2) loaded with three ton ... ka;

3) strict headmistress ... a;

4) new program ... ka;

5) crista ... flax purity.

Task 15. One letter C is written in a word:

2) Belarusian ... cue jersey;

3) prudent ... clever owner;

4) get up on races ... vete;

5) an irrepressible leader.



I. Find a trope or stylistic figure.

1. In which sentences is the antithesis used?

A. The sieve is twisted, covered with gold, whoever looks, everyone will cry.

B. White eats ripe pineapple, black - soaked with rot.

Q. What is on the mind of a sober is on the tongue of a drunk.

D. The quietened trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.

2. What examples use parallelism?

A. You led swords to a rich feast.

B. In the blue sky, the stars shine.

In the blue sea, waves are splashing.

Q. I admire you: your eyes, your smile, your speeches.

D. At the beginning of November frost hit, they were unusually cold.

3. Select examples containing epiphora.

A. Snow everywhere. Snow-white expanses are pleasing to the eye.

B. Steppes and roads are countless,









































































































































1 -


2; 3-

-1;4 -2;

5 - 3; 6

- 1; 7

- 1; 8 -

3; 9 -

1; 10 -

11 - 2

12 -

2; 13

- 2; 14 -

3; 15 -2


1; 17 -2

; 18 - \

1; 19 -

20 - 3

21 -

2; 22

- 1; 23 -

2; 24 - 1

; 25 -

2; 26 - 4

;27 -]

; 28-

29 - 3

30 -

3; 31

- 4; 32 -

1; 33 -3


4; 35 - 3

; 36 -4

[; 37 -

38 - 1

39 -

1; 40

- 4.



  1. {!LANG-d5dfcae0a8232515bca40984ca477151!}










































{!LANG-8683dc04d828420abeb42973a28b50b3!} .



































































































































































































4; 4-2;

5 - 3; 6 - 1; 7


- 2; 9 -

4; 10

- 1;

11 -

2; 12 -

2; 13 -

2; 14 -

3; 15 - 2; 16 -

1; 17-

-2; 18 -

4; 19

- 1;

20 -

3;21 -

2; 22 -

1; 23 -

3; 24 - 1; 25 -

2; 26-

-4; 27 -

1; 28

- 2;

29 -

3; 30 -

3; 31 -

4; 32 -

1; 33 - 3; 34 -

4; 35-

- 3; 36 -

4; 37

- 4;

38 -

1; 39 -

1; 40 -


























































































































{!LANG-6c1ac1208e7694da3648de4678b19c2c!} {!LANG-044151bf03201f60242dbc7b471ccc37!}{!LANG-ae82e548d9bfb688e8785c0079b316a2!}
















{!LANG-1f2e94b6460b0ded7a897c66974444d9!} {!LANG-83c97a74ae9e52a6d312473c9b3299e9!}{!LANG-dfc9480dc51a4abd798c25c5477b90c9!}

{!LANG-17b22c1648f7d9001c6127db70b3b25d!} {!LANG-6e4e6f1313864ed5ab2118ccf0d81274!}{!LANG-698695f468ce3ae352523b984298e64b!}

{!LANG-ba9d66eb013bfb83d4457966bfaccbec!} {!LANG-1817ef20fceee1cc73344b96941a6590!}{!LANG-f38edff74bba9751f00c9d9a545bce39!}





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{!LANG-c3a0f8bd13d300558307c3c92443d8ca!} {!LANG-9eb2c89325e325aafcc3fc40977eb491!}{!LANG-ec126995374246f4e854a1ad524b44e7!}






  • {!LANG-df3e3e46ef16454eba1c6cf08e148778!}
  • {!LANG-9c5af2b26b993d74865ef761f1ddbc63!}
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  • {!LANG-03a2b04d806268bdf5f0afec0fc06a2c!}



  • {!LANG-05911caa482ef54681a0d7f36aeb7ed0!}
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  • {!LANG-c2350b59eb9a22ea44c08f2f311ed1b1!}
  • {!LANG-4d2500e7ac39fc375b8db7cdea2ccba5!}
  • {!LANG-bfbe4f94b8d34058387e98800e10c72d!}

  • {!LANG-1bc2aea6812c8c8414f7fe233291fe61!}
  • {!LANG-4fbff83b9a465f859f8c9c256bb6a884!}
  • {!LANG-43a1ee17ef547d90814ce74b5f345a43!}



  • {!LANG-9904e01a0a6316aba477c26c9ac3272d!}
  • {!LANG-82b704fdedcc27acef004ebcbf327e63!}
  • {!LANG-173e57ac401e180e5d983aa46f5fe51e!}

  • {!LANG-1ec3c74d2a33d2e5792540200c880490!}
  • {!LANG-ffc62dbdb2c8e48971cadd986f878a0d!}
  • {!LANG-4e1fc109a7c7826effa2a85d7f84644d!}
  • {!LANG-9ad392d3e1d530dd27e600783c07effa!}
  • {!LANG-a577360a87bfbc75ac1bc78ffed5e438!}
  • {!LANG-f636fb2c76166ad08163228ac495d283!}
  • {!LANG-6cba9d04e3d20f3ba3e052006ba2041b!}



  • {!LANG-31c8dea4146f2ca4f2081cd2b928f7f7!}
  • {!LANG-20300fc93123272cf08de088289113b9!}
  • {!LANG-96e6492d6891b8acc92acb548336b421!}
  • {!LANG-2e7a1fd3251d538494303891ff93cd72!}
  • {!LANG-08841a6606f3f87400d71a5b4d453baf!}
  • {!LANG-89d5704117712340377cd69108dca63a!}
  • {!LANG-cea067cdcb4fca9ebfe925e12f66b879!}



  • {!LANG-fcb281e9d1f0275bf195cd1c5143d0ec!}
  • {!LANG-2b5197319218b936b3ba33105728ef61!}
  • {!LANG-5242105d4ed2e367eb7304c85eb16055!}
  • {!LANG-e72ccbc9563ef29b9bd98cb2e1241d39!}
  • {!LANG-39a4ca240fdd8a965b0f2e8c87ba24cc!}
  • {!LANG-1b04871623700a678bf0521325494bbd!}




























































































    hot{!LANG-98850583bdd49a5eb1a70d9afb8a21d1!} {!LANG-81f4cf94c6aff248e1db20ef91bdad6e!}hair

    {!LANG-d1eddcaec43b906cc2f9e892e38fc438!}{!LANG-d4cc2db0b41023d4b20b31e5a2764696!} {!LANG-d780f6cf2cd96fb9c44d4a746f0d9737!}{!LANG-d743980ad205b434efc9bd4f46b89f43!}







turtle {!LANG-0ed7babb926167439b3c9eca471400dc!}{!LANG-10649e8633afc08722185b8d3b5e5a90!} ?







{!LANG-e0777e3e7d28969a1fdda9e83eb1f184!}walnut - {!LANG-61f0c0f8110f263bdb6e6e1d950e7465!}










    steep{!LANG-8ffb997a23faa97432bd9633a59563df!} {!LANG-4a9810ac8b54d454fc64e678306e73e9!}luggage

    steep{!LANG-6f01be2d6e9f664cac51c237abb0894b!} {!LANG-d1eddcaec43b906cc2f9e892e38fc438!}{!LANG-b162cb657abd7dee503295bcbd6c2e2c!}







1) hall{!LANG-2e2b79405d94da3944053924f10961e4!} thinfingers

2) hall{!LANG-37073d160568852324fef8d396692912!} steep{!LANG-9b4ab941bbb72e8e87c800dbe463185d!}

7. explicit {!LANG-e62c411b8d334a03aa94187a5eecc954!}{!LANG-4bbd83d348c6aebfb13cd281862aaa30!} ?














1) {!LANG-ae5364c838c19932051943a557ce54fc!}{!LANG-0e29c263900f5a9ee5c55dfa57cf7626!} {!LANG-4d5e51907f446d57977953669e5aad71!}{!LANG-4e7c6a8b05e6d810287bcd58f2099bb6!}

2) {!LANG-d780f6cf2cd96fb9c44d4a746f0d9737!}{!LANG-af781b94c144b905057c206fcf385b09!} {!LANG-4d5e51907f446d57977953669e5aad71!}{!LANG-e5c9d7990f2a845a8045c40f7b9cdf14!}

{!LANG-025a96232cd0b08f31b2c77422be0eb8!}economical {!LANG-e62c411b8d334a03aa94187a5eecc954!}{!LANG-bf8b69330c56ae906aef8a812cddfa53!} ?




{!LANG-eb261b898430fa50304ce865fac09bba!}{!LANG-cc9c573f22493464e7af9e87b574d4c2!} {!LANG-e62c411b8d334a03aa94187a5eecc954!}{!LANG-0b3d68dcb7ff6c28f54bf430a3b273d4!} ?










1. {!LANG-d05dc3384680a5fb0927635db1b50dee!}





2. {!LANG-bdbc9b758e5f31f98c665dc09c335741!}





3. {!LANG-eb7e49d217209426541b0c9f19b28b51!}{!LANG-656fdd57db6984d1fee2c29a65d49c6c!}


4. {!LANG-4c85f5256df6205f8c911e982536d1a0!}{!LANG-8413472ba9ab6c0c1dd5539c963a9685!}

    {!LANG-f25c23eba53cc524881941b71f1e798d!} {!LANG-ccaab06270d8aa53d6ec4c380d719c10!} {!LANG-58c31d8d1652aa1551272606fd4ef305!} {!LANG-0b4045b1a2379773c208f18bbd689d54!}

    {!LANG-8f1bea94c2ca874aca5d28bf94148dbd!}{!LANG-b0b492a19b0a939373bbe6e53941e2f3!} {!LANG-9629ec84105c738ded06c7f15264a9b2!}

5. {!LANG-05e7d6be1580747ed0076423c834a37e!}





6. {!LANG-311a70864538ccf71ae567e39d5b6319!}





7. {!LANG-90eeea8d41b29a4870481504a77140ad!}{!LANG-b179da037b08383dc4696f7be14e448f!} {!LANG-ddaaff5d05763dc4975e49be704b61c2!}{!LANG-bd93776d4cd2f819aca6b9642a58840e!}{!LANG-ba9924ad2c0a9db0441069fb1cf0d52b!}

    {!LANG-b2ec3fee9c80479a6f083a1a99e63b3f!} {!LANG-73136e528122afdbec55f836a306d7f6!}{!LANG-2bcca9c38f9f789c01b95b79dd8e62c8!}

    {!LANG-a8b7ead577a7d97990b6ca547f79e699!} {!LANG-f058f8cdac9285149b99ded5504fa0b5!}{!LANG-da378baf9233a033832de33714342985!}



{!LANG-818037728c735fa9fc8b50fc010668b8!} {!LANG-3422b0350ecf70ec6f04dff5b35497fc!}








2. {!LANG-18cc22cce38c6c97fb7cd13f350510f0!}





3. {!LANG-2800dfa025d0cd7ef808cb5463c84864!}{!LANG-8a72352c049bf804c7bc272ef3f1e1b2!}



4. {!LANG-4c85f5256df6205f8c911e982536d1a0!}{!LANG-6f2fc3e1c8598dc919862bc8ccc7e5b5!} {!LANG-4f3925516b68513d1b600b8503b83004!}

    {!LANG-6f2fc3e1c8598dc919862bc8ccc7e5b5!}{!LANG-c2ff68113aec2b5cd2f8b75a6a8bf9e9!} {!LANG-045b2c932e3cab94788974abfaeeee19!}

    {!LANG-debea160a4920f8ed8a6d07428daaa70!} {!LANG-6f2fc3e1c8598dc919862bc8ccc7e5b5!} {!LANG-558891a9302055262efcfa63f49d6b78!} {!LANG-045b2c932e3cab94788974abfaeeee19!}

5. {!LANG-25eee4f7c1b63d2a273b0db2f49337ae!}




6. {!LANG-90eeea8d41b29a4870481504a77140ad!}ice {!LANG-0ed7babb926167439b3c9eca471400dc!}ice?

    {!LANG-bbc30747dcd9a4ee76f46758c272e680!} {!LANG-155e8747cd6ea6ed2787e48b15c88a22!}{!LANG-e57870a0266bfc1077da1bb8492df898!}

    {!LANG-e2071ab1806261816dc10de28bfe2978!} {!LANG-b31d236f8f77bf7397adb017b95bf0e6!}{!LANG-0146ed366c0892d008ab552a633a65dd!}

    {!LANG-5c8ed96cd2a09d64e792a818a7b94344!} {!LANG-8856ef4df859abcc65bb95b03608bb16!}{!LANG-757c30f75798c60d0b3bc69f913c2732!}

7. {!LANG-90eeea8d41b29a4870481504a77140ad!}pay off {!LANG-100265beb2199d54f67415f1c31742d5!}{!LANG-8ee0d019e9f4b7eb4c7d656e8eec30a2!}pay?

    {!LANG-3aa12b49ccac69210d23e06cce12edbf!} {!LANG-dc766528f0af3a1eae5267a45834008b!}{!LANG-b0da32701bfc87cdf815000a9d88403c!}

    {!LANG-67aa2abfafd5079fbc8503b91a5e587c!} {!LANG-bb881b18a09cd16dd43c1a0ad0e0b089!}{!LANG-aed01e8b5211da943d60e1bd41cdf3a6!}

    {!LANG-6c4a87b92c3583bde1515bb3564d9f97!} {!LANG-bb881b18a09cd16dd43c1a0ad0e0b089!}{!LANG-dc991f391b716084ed7a2f19da033e9c!}

    {!LANG-256a5f3cd68d8d6d96231f1251f0cc9b!} {!LANG-bb881b18a09cd16dd43c1a0ad0e0b089!}{!LANG-e2ee2a9e5c79e18ec8a4a22db0b8b5a3!}


{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №1



























{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №2



2. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}





3. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}






5. {!LANG-828960f09249191934cfe49e1a75650d!}



6. {!LANG-77174634fbe57f0f99cb4e56103fa862!}.







{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №3

1. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



2. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



3. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



4. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



5. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}{!LANG-3da67443b41be60a98d37da64872278b!}


6. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



7. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}




{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №4

1. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}





2. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}



3. {!LANG-63a25f89b8a0dab6570e09636cd83f70!}



4. {!LANG-8ed2a6b3e931df8c24b7029db05d7ec7!}





5. {!LANG-306af5d71520a0daa56585bc57cdd4ed!}



6. {!LANG-63a25f89b8a0dab6570e09636cd83f70!}






{!LANG-106be77b253a37024262b38acbc8a363!} №5













































































