How does the railway affect the environment. The impact of different types of transport on the environment: the price of comfort

The factors of the adverse impact of railway transport on the environment include emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, external noise of railway facilities, soil and water pollution.

Currently, rail transport, which is developing huge volumes of traffic, has a powerful production potential and is one of the largest consumers of energy resources. Annually, about 10 billion kWh of electricity and more than 33 million tons of standard fuel are spent on traction for trains and other production and non-production needs. Fuel combustion is carried out by rolling stock and stationary installations. In this case, the main item of expenses is the cost of traction of trains. Diesel locomotives are known to have diesel engines. These engines emit toxic gases into the atmosphere, consisting of carbon monoxide (up to 10%), nitrogen oxide (up to 0.8%) and hydrocarbons (up to 3%). The combustion products of carburetor engines are the most toxic. In addition to the listed ingredients, these products also contain lead and a small amount of dioxins.

Stationary heat power engineering of the depot, repair plants and services of civil structures consumes up to 49% of the total fuel consumption of the Ministry of Railways. However, these services are in an unsatisfactory condition, low-power, with an efficiency 15-20% lower than modern boilers. All this leads to increased emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, such as carbon monoxide, aldehydes, unburned hydrocarbons, soot, nitrogen and sulfur oxides. Thermal pollution also occurs environment due to the increased temperature of flue gases at the outlet of boilers with low efficiency.

The objects of sanitary protection of the soil are the ballast prism of the railway track, the territory of stations, industrial facilities and railway settlements. During the construction and operation of railways, the properties and structure of the soil change, which leads to a violation of the existing equilibrium of the natural environment in the right-of-way. In addition, the soils are constantly contaminated with various substances, which leads to the fact that their content significantly exceeds the corresponding MPC.

At railway transport enterprises, various technological processes of washing equipment, rolling stock and its units during operation and repair are carried out, in which water is used. At the same time, oil products, acids, alkalis, detergents, antiseptics, phenols, salts of heavy metals and many other substances of organic and inorganic origin, including fertilizers and pesticides, enter it in large quantities. The treatment of such effluents is very difficult.

Wastewater consumption at railway transport enterprises ranges from 200 to 4000 m 3 / day, excluding the same amount of atmospheric effluent with pollution inherent in this enterprise.

At repair plants, in locomotive and carriage depots, wastewater is generated during washing of rolling stock, cleaning of units and parts in washing machines and bathrooms, galvanic treatment of parts, washing batteries, regenerating softening filters, washing and blowing out boilers, hydraulic testing of various containers, water from storage facilities for oil products, washing floors, inspection ditches, etc. In these processes, water is polluted by oil products, mineral and organic suspensions, alkalis, acids, surfactants (surfactants), metal salts (chromium, nickel, iron, copper and etc.).

Wastewater at the passenger carriages preparation points is formed during the external washing of bodies and running gears and contains oil products, metal corrosion products, dust, various organic impurities, as well as detergents used for washing cars.

At the points of preparation of freight cars, where they are washed from the inside, the residues of transported goods - cement, chalk, bricks, mineral fertilizers, grain, vegetables, animal feed, meat, fish, etc. - get into the wastewater. A characteristic feature of this wastewater is a high content of suspended solids and dissolved salts.

Waste water from flushing and steaming stations is formed during flushing and steaming of tanks for oil, oil products and other bulk cargo, as well as when washing flushing ramps, tracks, trays, washing work clothes, draining bottom water from settling tanks, etc. complex composition and contain floating and emulsified oil products, suspended solids, phenols, tetraethyl lead and other organic impurities. Tanks are rinsed with hot water, so the effluent tends to be hotter (thermal pollution).

At disinfection and washing stations (DPS), where wagons are treated after the transportation of livestock, poultry, hides, wool, bones, wastewater is contaminated with residues of manure, straw, transported goods, disinfectants (bleach, caustic soda, etc.), as well as may have bacterial contamination, including pathogens of various diseases. At the disinfection and washing stations, other freight cars are often treated, therefore, mineral suspension and dissolved salts may be present in the wastewater.

Wastewater from sleepers impregnating plants is formed during the settling of watered impregnating oil, the operation of vacuum pumps, cooling condensers, discharging condensate from coil steam heaters, discharging wastewater from pre-cylinder sites, traction tracks, finished product warehouses, blowing out boilers, regenerating water softening filters, cleaning equipment and ... The main water pollutants are coal and shale impregnating oils, which contain soluble resins, phenols, pyridine, etc. Organic substances (turpentine, acetone, organic acids, etc.) contained in the impregnated wood also get into the water.

Runoff from sleepers impregnating plants is the most dangerous for water bodies, as it contains substances that, even in small quantities, are toxic to aquatic organisms. These drains often have an elevated temperature (up to 50-60 0 C) due to the ingress of a large amount of condensate.

At crushed stone factories, industrial effluents are formed during wet cleaning of air from dust, washing of crushed stone, wet cleaning of premises, cooling of crushers, etc. The main type of water pollution here are suspended minerals, petroleum products and other impurities may be present in small quantities.

On the railway transport there are many small objects (technical inspection points, rail welding trains, repair shops, assembly bases, motor depots, warehouses, fuel, etc.), which are also sources of wastewater. In most cases, the effluent from these facilities contains oil products and suspended solids.

At many enterprises, water from the cooling of compressors, distillers, electric furnaces, smoke exhausters, quenching plants and other equipment, water from liquid load rheostats used in testing diesel locomotives is also supplied to the sewage system. These drains are practically clean and have only a high temperature (up to 40 0 \u200b\u200bС).

4.2 Ecology in rail transport

Rail transport is one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transport. On the basis of Article 67 of the Law "On Environmental Protection" No. 7 FZ of 10.01.2002, enterprises must carry out industrial control over the emission of pollutants into the air, the discharge of harmful substances into water bodies, the formation of toxic waste at railway transport enterprises.

The main areas of activity for the protection and rational use of water resources are to reduce the consumption of drinking water for production needs; reducing the discharge of contaminated wastewater from existing local and nodal treatment facilities, transferring wastewater from railway enterprises to territorial sewerage systems, using less water-intensive technological processes, introducing circulating and re-supplying water supply systems, reducing leaks and water losses.

Forest conservation measures are of paramount importance; maintaining forests in good condition and improving the protective, sanitary and hygienic, health improvement and other natural properties of forests; protecting forests from fires, diseases and pests; forest recovery ahead of schedule.

The transfer of railway transport from steam traction to electric and diesel locomotive, which currently performs almost all train work, contributed to the improvement of the environmental situation: the influence of coal dust and harmful emissions of steam locomotives into the atmosphere was excluded.

Further electrification of railways, i.e. replacement of diesel locomotives with electric locomotives, makes it possible to exclude air pollution by exhaust gases from diesel engines. The main way to reduce emissions of toxic substances by diesel locomotives is to reduce their formation in engine cylinders. The neutralization of exhaust gases and the correct operation of diesel locomotives are important.

To protect the natural environment, along with limiting smoke, it is necessary to fight against sparks, the sources of which are gas venting devices of diesel locomotives, as well as cast iron brake pads of locomotives and carriages. Sparks can cause fires in areas adjacent to railways. It is possible to limit the release of sparks from gas venting devices that indicate incomplete combustion of fuel by implementing measures aimed at improving the thermal technical condition of diesel locomotives, as well as installing spark arresters. The use of synthetic and composite brake pads eliminates sparking.

To protect against noise in the design of railways, it is necessary to provide bypass lines in cities for passing transit freight trains without entering the city, to place marshalling yards outside of settlements, and technical stations and parks of reserve rolling stock outside the residential area. Outside this territory, there must be railroad lines for freight traffic and access roads

The problem of production and consumption waste remains an acute problem. In order to reduce the volume of generated industrial waste, much attention is paid to the introduction of low-waste technologies. A waste-free technological process of washing the inner surfaces of railway tank cars and washing wheel pairs and other parts with the help of a detergent "UBON" (universal waste-free washer of oil products) has been mastered and successfully applied.

Railway transport enterprises use all possible methods of waste disposal, including biological. So, when carrying out the remediation of oil contaminated soils, bacterial preparations "Oleovarin", "Putidoil", "Termneftekhim", "Soyleks" and others are used.

Environmental safety is a state of protection of an individual, society, state from potential or real threats created by the consequences of harmful effects on the environment caused by everyday pollution of the environment in connection with human economic activities, the functioning of production facilities, as well as as a result natural Disasters and disasters. In order to comply with environmental safety, Russian Railways is implementing the following programs and projects:

In order to fulfill its main environmental obligations, Russian Railways is implementing an investment project "Ensuring Environmental Safety", which includes the construction and reconstruction of treatment facilities, the acquisition of environmental installations and equipment, the equipping of environmental laboratories, and the purchase of equipment for liquidating emergency oil spills. In 2009, 322.6 million rubles were spent for these purposes. capital investments. Within the framework of the project "Ensuring environmental safety" in 2009, 9 environmental facilities were built, reconstructed and put into operation; 3 units of equipment for purification of emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air, additional treatment of waste water were introduced; delivered: 4 mobile environmental laboratories based on the Gazelle vehicle, 29 sets of analytical instruments and laboratory equipment and 24 instruments for environmental monitoring points for emissions from diesel locomotives; more than 160 technical means were purchased for liquidation of emergency oil spills.

The technical re-equipment of JSC Russian Railways, carried out to replace the rolling stock, reconstruct the infrastructure, ensures a reduction in the technogenic impact on the environment. During the overhaul of diesel locomotives, outdated engines are replaced with modern, more environmentally friendly engines of domestic production, which increase the fuel efficiency of repaired diesel locomotives by 15%, and improve environmental performance by 30%. New protective forest plantations are created annually in the railway right-of-way. During the overhaul of the track, wooden sleepers impregnated with antiseptics are replaced with environmentally friendly reinforced concrete sleepers. Since 2001, work has been underway to equip passenger rolling stock with environmentally friendly closed-type toilets with collection tanks (ECT), which exclude bacterial contamination of the railway track and adjacent areas.

The following projects are being implemented within the framework of the resource conservation program: electrification of railways; reconstruction and construction of technological and communal facilities, including the renovation of stationary heat power, water supply and wastewater disposal facilities. The technical means and technologies introduced under the Resource Saving Program make it possible to reduce fuel consumption in traction and stationary power generation.

These projects have a direct impact on reducing the negative impact of Russian Railways on the environment.

In addition, Russian Railways is actively working on the introduction of new economical, environmentally friendly heating systems: gas infrared emitters, infrared electric heating systems, heat pumps and other environmentally friendly technical means for space heating.

Equilibrium in the natural environment is ensured by the maintenance of energy, water, biological, biogeochemical balances and their change in a certain period of time. It is possible to ensure balance in nature with the help of legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, biological and other methods. Legal methods regulate the norms and procedures for the use of natural resources based on the condition of maintaining a relative balance in the environment. Social methods are based on the responsibility of all sectors of society for the state of environmental protection. Economic methods provide for certain types of costs for maintaining the balance of the environment, rational payment for resources, compensation for damage. Organizational methods are based on the scientific organization of nature management and the implementation of administrative and law enforcement measures to prevent harmful effects on the environment. Technical methods are based on the creation of new technologies and production equipment that reduce the harmful effect on the environment, the introduction of effective means of cleaning emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water bodies.

The influence of railway transport on the ecological situation is quite tangible. It manifests itself primarily by air, water and land pollution during the construction and operation of railways. The successful functioning and development of railway transport depends on the state of natural complexes and the availability natural resources, development of the infrastructure of the built environment, socio-economic environment of society. The state of the environment when interacting with railway transport facilities depends on the infrastructure for the construction of railways, the production of rolling stock, production equipment and other devices, the intensity of the use of rolling stock and other facilities on the railways, the results scientific research and their implementation at enterprises and facilities of the industry. Each element of the system has direct and feedbacks together. In the development and functioning of railway transport facilities, one should take into account the properties of natural complexes - multi-connectivity, stability, commutativity, additivity, invariance, multifactor correlation.

The multi-connectivity is expressed in the diverse impact of transport on nature, which can cause changes that are difficult to take into account in it.

Additivity is the possibility of multi-parameter addition of various sources of technogenic and anthropogenic impact on nature, which can lead to unpredictable changes in nature.

Invariance is the property of ecosystems to maintain stability within the boundaries of regulated technogenic and anthropogenic impacts.

Sustainability is the ability of ecosystems to maintain initial parameters under natural, technogenic and anthropogenic impacts.

Multivariate correlation characterizes ecosystems from the standpoint of their predetermination to random and non-random events with analytic connections between them.

The main task of designers is to find ways to harmonize technical solutions with natural factors. It is necessary that the construction of the road does not degrade the quality of the habitat by affecting it.

The degree of the impact of railway transport on the environment is assessed by the level of consumption of natural resources and the level of pollutants entering the environment of the regions where railway enterprises are located. transport. All sources of environmental pollution by the nature of their functioning are divided into stationary and mobile. Stationary sources are locomotive and carriage depots, rolling stock repair plants, rolling stock preparation points, boiler houses, steaming and impregnating plants. Mobile sources include mainline and shunting diesel locomotives, track and repair vehicles, motor vehicles, industrial transport, refrigerated vehicles, passenger cars, etc. In turn, stationary sources are unequal in complexity and number of technological processes and can create pollution of not one, but several types.

In general, the factors of the impact of railway transport facilities on the environment can be classified according to the following criteria: - mechanical impact (solid waste, the impact of road machinery on the soil); - physical (thermal radiation, electromagnetic fields, ultra and infrasound, vibration, radiation); - chemical (acids, alkalis, soybeans, metals, hydrocarbons, paints and solvents, pesticides); - biological (macro and microorganisms, bacteria, viruses); - aesthetic (disturbance of landscapes, drainage, waterlogging). These factors can act on nature for a long-term, relatively short-term, short-term and instantaneous.

The evolution of human development and the creation of industrial methods of management have led to the formation of a global technosphere, one of the elements of which is railway transport. The natural environment during the functioning of the elements of the technosphere is a source of raw materials and energy resources and space for the placement of its infrastructure. The successful functioning and development of railway transport depends on the state of natural complexes, the availability of natural resources, the development of the infrastructure of the built environment and the socio-economic environment of society.

In turn, the state of the environment when interacting with railway transport facilities depends on the infrastructure for the construction of railways, the production, repair and operation of rolling stock, production equipment, the intensity of the use of rolling stock and other facilities on the railways, the results of scientific research and their implementation at enterprises. and industry facilities. Suffice it to say that rail transport consumes up to 7% of produced fuel, 6% of electricity and 4.5% of timber.

Therefore, the level of environmental impact of rail transport is quite high. The nature of the influence of transport on nature is determined by the composition of technical factors, the intensity of their impact, the ecological weight of these effects on the elements of the environment. Pollution from railway transport facilities is superimposed on pollution from economic and industrial activities of enterprises and municipal services of cities. Technogenic impact on the environment can be local (from a single factor) or complex (from a group of different factors). These impacts, as a rule, are characterized by different coefficients of environmental hazard depending on the type of impact and their nature, as well as the target.

To assess the level of impact of railway transport facilities on the ecological state of the environment, the following integral characteristics are used:

Absolute environmental losses, expressed in specific units of measurement of the state of biocenoses (flora, fauna, soil, seas); - compensatory capabilities of ecosystems, characterizing their resilience in natural or artificial regimes, created forcibly; - the danger of disrupting the natural balance, the occurrence of losses and local environmental shifts that can cause environmental risk and crisis situations in the environment; - the level of environmental losses caused by the impact of railway transport facilities on the environment. These characteristics make it possible to determine environmental safety in the areas where transport facilities are located. The impact of railway transport facilities on the environment, as already noted, is caused by the construction of railways and transport infrastructure, industrial and economic transport enterprises, the operation of railways and rolling stock, the burning of large amounts of fuel, the use of pesticides on the right of way, etc. Construction and operation of railways roads are associated with pollution of natural complexes, emissions into the atmosphere, runoffs into water bodies and waste. Railways are laid on the established migration routes of animals, disrupt their development and even lead to the death of entire communities and species.

Sources of pollution of the atmosphere, water, soil in railway transport and their characteristics.

Table 1 - Intake of toxic substances from some production processes in railway transport

Zone and site name Manufacturing process Emitted harmful substances
Rolling stock washing area Washing of external surfaces Dust, alkalis, synthetic surfactants, oil products, acids, phenols
Maintenance and diagnostics Replacement of components, lubrication Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, soot, dust, oil mist
Department of fuel equipment Adjustment and repair of fuel equipment Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, acetone, benzene
Parking and parking place for rolling stock Moving rolling stock Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, soot, sulfur dioxide
Warehouse of fuels and lubricants (POL) Receiving, storage, issue of fuels and lubricants Fuel and oil vapors and liquid spills
Electroplating department Metal coating Salt and sulfuric acid, nickel, copper, sodium hydroxide, chromic anhydride
Boiler room Heat supply Ash, soot, dust, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons

In the railway transport, the sources of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are the objects of industrial enterprises and rolling stock. They are subdivided into stationary and mobile. From stationary sources the greatest harm to the environment is caused by boiler houses, depending on the fuel used, different amounts of harmful substances are emitted during its combustion. When solid fuel is burned, oxides of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, fly ash, and soot are released into the atmosphere. Fuel oil during combustion in boiler units is emitted with flue gases, sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, solid products of incomplete combustion of vanadium.

Preparation of dry sand for locomotives in the depot, its transportation, loading into diesel locomotives, is accompanied by the release of gaseous dust into the air. The application of paint and varnish coatings is accompanied by the release of solvent vapors and paint aerosols into the atmosphere. When using solvents, putties, primers, varnishes, enamels, vapors entering the air contain acetone, benzene, xylene, butyl alcohol, formaldehyde in a concentration of 10 to 150 mg / m 3.

When washing rolling stock, dust up to 1.5 - 20 mg / m 3, sodium carbonate up to 1.0 - 5.0 mg / m 3 are released into the air

Track equipment, diesel locomotives, when burning fuel with exhaust gases, emit oxide of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, aldehydes.

Sources of water pollution

Water is used in many technological processes of the railway industry. In order to save this valuable natural resource, standards have been developed for the consumption and disposal of water. After being used in factories, the water is contaminated with various impurities and goes into the category of industrial wastewater. Many substances that pollute industrial effluents are toxic to the environment. The qualitative and quantitative composition of effluents, as well as their consumption, depend on the nature of the technological processes of the enterprise.

Industrial waste water of the locomotive depot is formed in the process of external washing of the rolling stock, during the washing of parts, batteries, inspection ditches, and overalls. Wastewater mainly contains suspended particles, oil products, bacterial contaminants, acids, alkalis, surfactants.

Sources of pollution of territories of enterprises

The most common pollutants of the territories of the railway industry enterprises are oil, oil products, fuel oil, fuel, lubricants. The reason for the pollution of railway tracks with oil products is their leakage from tanks, faulty boilers, when filling wheel axle boxes. The amount of contamination varies from 5 to 20 g per 1 kg of soil. Railway transport enterprises occupy territories from 2 to 50 hectares (locomotive and carriage depots - 4-5 hectares, territories of washing stations, railway stations, points for preparing passenger cars, slag impregnation plants - 12 hectares). Contamination of territories has a negative impact on the state of the environment.

Effect of emissions from railway transport on the atmosphere, water, soil

The transfer of railway transport from steam traction to electric and diesel locomotive, which currently performs almost all train work, contributed to the improvement of the environmental situation: the influence of coal dust and harmful emissions of steam locomotives into the atmosphere was excluded. Further electrification of railways, i.e. replacement of diesel locomotives with electric locomotives eliminates air pollution by exhaust gases from diesel engines. The main way to reduce emissions of toxic substances by diesel locomotives is to reduce their formation in engine cylinders. The neutralization of exhaust gases and the correct operation of diesel locomotives are important. The principle of operation of purification devices is based on gas recirculation used to reduce the concentration of nitrogen oxides.

For purification of gas-air mixtures formed during various technological processes at stationary objects of railway transport, from gaseous, vaporous and dusty toxic substances, absorbents, adsorbents, catalytic converters, induction gas converters, scrubbers, thermocatalysts, various filters, dust collectors, cyclones, foam separators are used, temperature-inertial precipitators, ash collectors, installations for the catalytic oxidation of solvent vapors, vortex triboelectric filters and other gas cleaning means and devices. To protect the natural environment, it is also necessary to deal with sparks, the sources of which are the gas venting devices of diesel locomotives, as well as cast iron brake pads of locomotives and cars. Sparks can cause fires in areas adjacent to railways.

It is possible to limit the release of sparks from gas venting devices, which indicates incomplete combustion of fuel, by implementing measures aimed at improving the thermal condition of diesel locomotives, as well as installing spark arresters. The use of synthetic and composite brake pads eliminates sparking and, moreover, reduces the consumption of cast iron. A new design of a diesel locomotive was developed, which uses gas as a fuel. An experimental model of a gas locomotive was created on the basis of a shunting diesel locomotive. Switching to compressed gas will save scarce diesel fuel. Another advantage of a gas-fired locomotive is its environmental friendliness.

Therefore, first of all, shunting diesel locomotives will be converted to gas at stations located within the city, because the atmosphere belongs to those natural basins that cannot be limited by national or state borders - the air mass is constantly moving and is in the use of all mankind. Therefore, air pollution from one country often harms another country.

The role of green spaces in improving the environment near the railway

The most reliable and effective means of protecting soil, vegetation and wildlife from pollution and noise produced by railway transport facilities are protective forest plantations. Trees and bushes are planted along the railways and in the sanitary protection zones of other railway transport facilities to protect them from snow and sand drifts, mudflows, avalanches, avalanches, landslides. Green spaces are located at least 15 meters from the railroad bed. They protect adjacent settlements and animal habitats from noise and heat radiation, absorb the bulk of harmful substances from emissions of internal combustion engines of diesel locomotives, scattered bulk cargo. Protective green stripes are classified as forests of the first category.

They are served and looked after by a special service that is part of the organizational structure of the railway. During the construction of many railway transport facilities, it is necessary to remove the fertile soil layer, which is then piled up for subsequent use. The rates for removing the fertile layer depend on its composition and properties, the type of soil, the mass fraction of humus in the lower boundary and are 0.3-1.2 m. Upon completion of construction, disturbed lands are reclaimed (restored).

Land reclamation is carried out in two stages: 1st technical stage - planning of the surface, dumps of terraces; stabilization of slopes and dumps; disposal of waste and rocks; bringing lands to a state suitable for biological restoration; 2nd biological stage - laying out a layer of soil from piles, adding peat, organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil, sowing herbs, planting green stripes, carrying out anti-erosion measures. To protect the flora and fauna from the negative impact of railway transport, during the construction and design of railways, the habitats of animals are studied, their numbers and all deaths on the railway are taken into account. - on paths, they carry out special measures to protect animals (railroad fences, paths for animals, etc.) and valuable species of flora (new forest-saving technologies are used), create new reserves and protected by the state natural complexes... Recycling and recycling of railroad waste are essential in protecting natural resources.

Disposal and recycling of solid waste (70-90% of all waste) in most cases is associated with the need to either separate them into components (in the processes of purification, enrichment, extraction of valuable components) with subsequent processing of the separated materials, or giving them a certain type that provides an opportunity their subsequent disposal. The most common methods for preparation and processing of solid waste: screening, hydraulic classification, separation (air, magnetic, electric), crushing, grinding, granulating, tabletting, briquetting, high-temperature agglomeration, beneficiation, leaching, dissolution, crystallization.

Due to the complexity and diversity of the composition of solid waste, there is no universal method for their disposal. The most suitable technologies for the complex processing of solid waste are considered, focused on the separation of such components from the waste mass that have consumer value (metals, plastic, glass, textiles, waste paper, etc.), and improving the quality of both the separated components and the remaining mass waste for further use as raw materials, fuel, etc.

The main types of pollution

The railway mode of transport includes public railways, industrial railways (mainly access roads of various large enterprises and organizations), as well as urban railways (metro and tram lines).

Although, in general, the adverse effect of railway transport on the environment is less than that of automobile transport, diesel locomotives with diesel power plants have a negative effect on the atmosphere, since the exhaust gases contain hydrocarbons, oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and various solid pollutants.

At the same time, the alienation of significant territories for railway transport, close to the degree of influence of highways, affects the natural environment. The factor of elimination of animals is still less pronounced, since the density of the railway network is less, but it is present. In addition, rail transport causes severe noise pollution of the environment and serves as a source of alien vibrations. They pollute the biosphere and the industries that serve this transport (metallurgy, chemical industry).

Impact of rail transport on ecosystems

For any natural ecological system railway - an alien element. For their construction, railways require the alienation of significant territories in which natural communities are completely destroyed. Vast areas along the railways are directly influenced by them; here natural communities are formed only from species that are sufficiently tolerant to pollution and disturbance.

Remark 1

In our country, the share of railway transport is 80% of freight turnover and 40% of passenger traffic in public transport. Such large volumes of work are directly related to the significant consumption of natural resources, and large-scale emissions of pollutants into the biosphere.

Rail transport pollutes the air, water and land.

Air pollution

From stationary sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere associated with railway transport, boiler houses bring the greatest harm to nature: when solid fuel is burned, oxides of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, fly ash, soot are emitted, when fuel oil is burned, sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, solid products of incomplete combustion of vanadium.

Motors of track equipment, diesel locomotives, when burning fuel in the composition of exhaust gases, emit oxides of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, aldehydes.

Water pollution

After being used in technological processes at railway facilities, the water is contaminated with harmful impurities. Wastewater is toxic to the environment in many respects; it pollutes it with suspended particles, oil products, bacterial contamination, acids, alkalis, and surfactants.

Contamination of the territories of enterprises

Railway stations with locomotive and carriage depots are a source of solid waste generation and accumulation, which leads to littering of large areas in the roadside right-of-way or beyond. The list of pollutants is dominated by oil and oil products, fuel residues, lubricants.

Shevtsova Victoria, born September 16, 1996.

annotation: This project is aimed at studying the problem of the impact of railway transport on nature. The activity of railway transport has an impact on the natural environment of all climatic zones and geographic zones of our country. This is primarily due to the fact that railways are the most economical mode of transport in terms of energy consumption per unit of work. However, rail transport faces serious challenges in reducing and preventing environmental pollution. The main source of air pollution is the exhaust gases of diesel locomotives. They contain carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, various hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, soot. The sulfur dioxide content depends on the amount of sulfur in the diesel fuel, and the content of other impurities depends on the way it is burned, as well as the pressurization method and engine load.

Studies have shown that the content of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide in the air exceeds the maximum permissible maximum one-time concentration for atmospheric air. This indicates a significant air pollution of railway stations with exhaust gases from diesel locomotives. Annually, up to 200 m³ of wastewater containing pathogenic microorganisms is poured out of passenger cars for each kilometer of track, and up to 12 tons of dry waste is thrown away. This leads to pollution of the railway track and the environment. In addition, cleaning the tracks from debris is associated with significant material costs. The problem can be solved by using accumulating tanks in passenger cars for collecting waste water and garbage or by installing special treatment facilities in them. The noise from the trains causes negative consequences... The noise of the railway drowns out the human voice, it interferes with watching and listening to TV and radio broadcasts. As the results of the survey showed, train noise interferes with speech perception to a greater extent than noise from traffic. This is primarily due to the duration of the noise effect caused by the movement of the train. Noise can cause the activity of the central and autonomic nervous systems.

As a result, work was carried out on the state of the ecosystem of the forest belt along the railway line of Novokubansk and the Kubanskaya station.



Municipal educational budgetary institution

average comprehensive school No. 1 of Novokubansk

Regional Children's Environmental Forum Competition

"Green Planet - 2011"

Nomination “Nature is an invaluable gift, one for all”.

Research project on ecology


Shevtsova Victoria,

16.09.1996 year of birth

Pupil 9 "B" class


G. Novokubansk


Chernovol Natalya Vasilievna,

chemistry and biology teacher

MOBUSOSH No. 1 in Novokubansk.

Novokubansk city

Krasnodar Territory

year 2012

Research project on ecology on the topic:

"Impact of rail transport on the ecosystem"

Annotation : This project is aimed at studying the problem of the impact of rail transport on nature. The activity of railway transport has an impact on the natural environment of all climatic zones and geographic zones of our country. This is primarily due to the fact that railways are the most economical mode of transport in terms of energy consumption per unit of work. However, rail transport faces serious challenges in reducing and preventing environmental pollution. The main source of air pollution is the exhaust gases of diesel locomotives. They contain carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, various hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, soot. The sulfur dioxide content depends on the amount of sulfur in the diesel fuel, and the content of other impurities depends on the way it is burned, as well as the pressurization method and engine load.

Studies have shown that the content of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide in the air exceeds the maximum permissible maximum one-time concentrations for atmospheric air. This indicates a significant air pollution of railway stations with exhaust gases from diesel locomotives. Every year, up to 200 m³ of wastewater containing pathogenic microorganisms is poured out of passenger cars for each kilometer of track, and up to 12 tons of dry waste is thrown away. This leads to pollution of the railway track and the environment. In addition, cleaning the tracks from debris is associated with significant material costs. The problem can be solved by using accumulating tanks in passenger cars for collecting waste and garbage, or by installing special treatment facilities in them. Train noise has negative consequences. The noise of the railway drowns out the human voice, it interferes with watching and listening to TV and radio broadcasts. As shown by the results of the survey, train noise interferes with speech perception to a greater extent than noise from car traffic. This is primarily due to the duration of the noise effect caused by the movement of the train. Noise can cause the activity of the central and autonomic nervous systems.

As a result, work was carried out on the state of the ecosystem of the forest belt along the railway line of Novokubansk and the Kubanskaya station.

Relevance The chosen topic is that in our time they are irresponsible to the state of the ecosystems of the adjacent territories to the railway.

Purpose of the study: find out what impact railway lines have on ecosystems.

Research progress:

  1. what types of work are used in the repair of railway tracks;
  2. about the possible negative consequences of this activity;
  3. what is the value of forest belts for railway transport and adjacent territories.
  4. investigated the location and composition of forest belts in Novokubansk along the railway track;
  5. description of lichens, determination of their species composition;
  6. determination of the area covered by lichens for each tree;
  7. setting up test plots and collecting soil samples;
  8. assessment of the physical and chemical state of soils;
  9. noise impact of railway transport.

Negative environmental impacts of railway lines :

  1. landscape change, destruction of phytocenosis.
  2. violation of hydrogeological conditions.
  3. dust pollution.
  4. destruction of the fertile soil layer,
  5. littering of territories.
  6. discharge of polluted waters.

Significance of woodlands for railway lines:

  1. Protects the path from snow, dusty and sandy drifts.
  2. They protect the subgrade and various structures from the destructive effects of water flows and avalanches.
  3. Landslides and crumbling slopes of soil are fixed.
  4. They prevent wild animals and stray cattle from entering the path.
  5. They cover railway communications and moving trains from the harmful effects of winds and intense ice formation.
  6. They are used for decorative and sanitary landscaping of objects.
  7. Reduces temperature and humidity in the surrounding area railway track zone by 10-15%.
  8. A strip of trees and shrubs 25-30 m wide reduces the level of carbon dioxide concentration by 70%.
  9. One hectare of green space per year absorbs 75-80 kg of fluorine, 200 kg of sulfur dioxide, 30-70 tons of dust.
  10. Reduces overall air pollution by 10-35%.
  11. Protects against noise (while narrow forest strips with interband spacings of 2-5 rows are more effective in reducing noise).

Research results:

  1. air pollution by flue gases;
  2. land allocation for track infrastructure;
  3. a small number of lichens on trees along the railway track of Novokubansk, which confirms air pollution;
  4. littering of the territory;
  5. hydrocarbons, petroleum products and the most dangerous elements of 1 - 3 hazard classes (lead, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium) were found in the soil.
  6. As the results of the survey showed, the noise from trains causes negative consequences, which are expressed, first of all, in sleep disturbances, a feeling of a sick state, in a change in behavior, an increase in the use of drugs etc.

Informational resources.

  1. Pavlova E.I. Ecology of transport: Textbook for universities.-M .: Transport, 2000 pages. Romanenko, N.V., Nikitina, G.V. From the history of the development of freight cars Wagons and wagon economy // Industrial - technical and popular science journal / N.V. ... Romanenko, G.V. Nikitina.-2007-No.1 (9) p.42-45
  2. Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by rail: edited by T.I. Yakushin, 1996, p. 3-4
  3. Safety rules and procedure for elimination of emergency situations with dangerous goods during their transportation by rail: Handbook Maslov N.N., M. "Transport" 1992
  4. NN Maslov, YI Korobov "Environmental protection in railway transport" publishing house "Transport" Moscow 1996.
  5. EI Pavlova "Transport ecology" publishing house "Transport" Moscow 2000.
  6. "Soils of the USSR" Dobrovolsky Moscow Mysl 1979.

Application for participation in the competition of the regional children's environmental forum

"Green Planet - 2011"

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

Novokubansky district

Name of the organization organizing the municipal stage

MOBUSOSH # 1 Novokubansk Sinelnikova Olga Petrovna

Address with postal code

352242, Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory,

st. Lenin, 60

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