Smooth dry cloth. Analysis of Tvardovsky's poem "Spring lines

I. SHILLER "Glove". Ballad Analysis Famous german poet Johann Friedrich Schiller mainly wrote ballads, based on legendary or mythological plots - they give his works brightness and originality. The poem "Glove" was no exception. Schiller described the era of brave, strong knights and lovely ladies, and although these times have long been in the past, the themes of the works of the German writer still remain relevant and interesting for readers. All of the poet's ballads are filled with a special drama that hides deep knowledge. The heroes in them must constantly prove to society their courage and devotion to their homeland, show nobility, courage, fearlessness and selflessness. In many of Schiller's works, there is a similarity with the works of Shakespeare, the great English playwright. It is safe to say that Frederick became his loyal follower. The ballad "The Glove" is based on Schiller's real historical fact... The plot takes us back to the days of knights and court ladies. It may seem rather banal and unremarkable, but the author was able to show the real deep meaning of the work, made the reader think about the situation, find out who is right and who is wrong. About the events that happened at the court french king in the 15th century, says Schiller in his ballad “The Glove”. Schiller "Glove". Summary. The summary of the work can be divided into several scenes. Initially, the king and nobles gathered for a performance to watch the battle between wild beasts. The first to enter the arena was a huge lion, which soon lay on the sidelines. Then a brave tiger came out, but when he saw a stronger rival, he did not get involved in trouble. The two leopards who ran after them pounced on the striped beast, but the formidable roar of the lion forced them to step aside. But she wanted to know the continuation of the bloody spectacle ... Creating the ballad "Glove", Schiller wanted to emphasize human cruelty and heartlessness. Among the spectators, the young beauty Kinigunda shone, wishing to test the sincerity of the feelings of the knight DeLorgue for her, and at the same time to have fun. The lady deliberately threw her glove into the arena, which fell right between the predators. Kinigunda turns to the knight with an innocent request to bring the dropped thing and thereby prove his loyalty. Delorge understands that the beauty did it on purpose, but she cannot refuse to fulfill the request, because the refusal will undermine his reputation. With the help of the ballad “The Glove”, Schiller wanted to draw the reader's attention to how valuable human life is. Schiller's glove translation of Zhukovsky The Beasts did not touch Delorge - he brought the glove to his lady, but he did not want her praise and recognition, because he realized that Kinigunda was not his loves and does not appreciate his actions. Moreover, the glove flew to the arrogant beauty's face. The main meaning of the work is that nothing can be more valuable than a person's life, and it is foolish to risk it for the sake of a spoiled girl's whim. Despite the fact that so much time has passed, the ballad still attracts attention and makes you ponder the meaning - the eternal work was created by Schiller ... The glove (Zhukovsky's translation is the most accurate and understandable for the reader) as a symbolic detail - the embodiment of someone else's will, requiring ridiculous victims and senseless evidence of feelings ... Reading the ballad, one involuntarily thinks about the true value of love and life.

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The matinee lay down on the road
Smooth dry cloth.
Take your time, little by little
The sun rises over the hillock.

The sun is like a thin hazel
Grew up as a copper bush.
The bird spoke -
Little joyful house.

Yellow herd of thawed patches
I woke up in the field, lives ...
The joy of the eel debris
The joy of open gates.

"Spring lines" Alexander Tvardovsky

The matinee lay down on the road
Smooth dry cloth.
Take your time, little by little
The sun rises over the hillock.

The sun is like a thin hazel
Grew up as a copper bush.
The bird spoke -
Little joyful house.

Yellow herd of thawed patches
I woke up in the field, lives ...
The joy of the eel debris
The joy of open gates.

1. What type of lyrics can this poem be attributed to? ___________________________________

2. How does the poet perceive an ordinary spring morning? _______________________________________________________________________________________

3. Find and write down the impersonations: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Determine the verse size: _______________________________________________________

5. Determine the main mood of the lyric hero: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Analyzing the work of A. Tvardovsky, the reader always pays attention to the number of poems that were devoted to military topics. And there is a simple explanation for this, because the poet went through the entire Great Patriotic War. He was a war correspondent and went to the front lines in 1938. Naturally, those terrifying events that he could observe while in the war, feeling the explosions, listening to cannon shots and the incessant roar of machine guns, were forever imprinted in his memory.

However, in the soul of Tvardovsky there always lived a lyricist who subtly and softly felt the world around him, who admired the beauty of nature, who felt the breath of the seasons. A vivid confirmation of this fact is the poetic work "Spring lines". It was written long before the war, in 1925.

The author dedicates the poem to his native farm, where he was born and spent the most wonderful years of his life. It was there that Tvardovsky learned to love nature, see and feel the delights of the world around him.

Every morning he pays attention to the beautiful sun that appears from behind the hillock. The poet compares the sun's rays to the branches of a hazel tree. The first rays of the sun begin a new day, awaken strength and energy in each of us.

The author has noticed the changes that are happening around with the arrival of spring. Birds arrive, birdhouses come to life, hardworking feathered parents appear in them, and then chicks. The sun warms everything around.

Alexander Tvardovsky endows completely inanimate objects with the qualities of an ordinary person. He writes about the farm, which slowly thaws and leaves tears on the windows. The poet notices how quickly spring envelops the surrounding lands. It was only in the morning that the edge of the forest was completely snowy, and by lunchtime the traces of the coming spring were clearly visible on it.

Of course, the most obvious sign of the onset of spring is the keys of the cranes, which make the next flight and return to their homelands. If these birds have already returned from warm countries, it means that winter has receded and there will be no more cold weather. The seasons have changed and now a completely new time begins!

"Spring lines" Alexander Tvardovsky

The matinee lay down on the road
Smooth dry cloth.
Take your time, little by little
The sun rises over the hillock.

The sun is like a thin hazel
Grew up as a copper bush.
The bird spoke -
Little joyful house.

Yellow herd of thawed patches
I woke up in the field, lives ...
The joy of the eel debris
The joy of open gates.

Analysis of Tvardovsky's poem "Spring lines"

For many poetry lovers, the work of Alexander Tvardovsky is associated with the events of the Great Patriotic War... Indeed, this poet went to the front of war correspondents in 1938 and took part first in the Finnish company, then in the liberation of western Belarus. Then there were the front roads of the Great Patriotic War, which the poet met in Voronezh. However, few people know that in his heart Tvardovsky remained a sensitive lyricist until his death, whose idols were Pushkin and Lermontov, Fet and Nekrasov. It's hard to say how it would have developed creative way this man, if not for the war. But one thing is indisputable: Tvardovsky's lyrical works are no less interesting than military poetry.

An example of this is the poem "Spring lines", written in 1925 and dedicated to his native farm Zagorje. It was here that the most serene and romantic years of the life of the young poet, who learned in simple words convey the beauty of the surrounding world. The poet perceives an ordinary spring morning as a gift from heaven, noting: "Slowly, little by little, the sun rises over the hill." The poet compares its rays to a thin hazel tree, whose branches bend under a light spring breeze. With the first rays of the sun, nature comes to life, because in the morning everyone has their own worries and responsibilities.

“The bird began to speak - a small joyful house,” the author notes, admiring not only the hardworking birds, but also how the world around him wakes up. The sun has already warmed up the first thawed patches, and not only trees and early wildflowers speak of the arrival of spring, but also the wide open gates of rural estates, the heaps near houses heated by the sun.
Like many Russian poets, Tvardovsky endows inanimate objects with the qualities of living people, which gives his works an amazing imagery. “The frozen farm thawed, the windows shed a tear in the sun,” the poet notes. He also never ceases to be amazed at how quickly nature is transformed. Even in the morning, a sleigh was racing along the snowy edge of the forest, "and by noon, the sun draws a big warm spring across the field."

However, the most accurate and faithful predictor of the change of seasons is the cranes, which, "calling out to each other, make a new flight" and return to their homeland from warm southern countries... Their arrival means that the cold will not return, and spring has really come into its own. New page life is open, and an amazing author called nature is already beginning his next chronicle of the seasons.