The main stages of feta creativity. A message about the work of a feta

The future poet was born on November 23 (December 5, new style), 1820 in the village. Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province (Russian Empire).

As the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker, who left Germany in 1820, Athanasius was adopted by the nobleman Shenshin. 14 years later, an unpleasant event occurred in the biography of Afanasy Fet: an error was discovered in the birth record, which deprived him of his title.


In 1837, Fet graduated from the private boarding school Krummer in the city of Verro (now Estonia). In 1838 he entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow University, continuing to take a great interest in literature. He graduated from the university in 1844.

The poet's creativity

IN short biography Feta is worth noting that the first poems were written by him in his youth. Fet's poetry was first published in the collection "Lyric Pantheon" in 1840. Since then, Fet's poems have been constantly published in magazines.

In an effort to regain the title of nobility in all possible ways, Athanasius Fet went to serve as a non-commissioned officer. Then, in 1853, in the life of Fet, there was a transition to the Guards regiment. Fet's creativity, even in those days, does not stand still. In 1850 his second collection was published, in 1856 - the third.

In 1857, the poet marries Maria Botkina. Having retired in 1858, without having achieved the return of the title, he acquires land and devotes himself to farming.

Fet's new works, published from 1862 to 1871, make up the cycles From the Village, Notes on Free Hired Labor. They include short stories, short stories, essays. Afanasy Afanasievich Fet strictly distinguishes between his prose and poetry. Poetry is romantic for him, and prose is realistic.

Nikolai Nekrasov wrote about Fet: "A person who understands poetry and willingly opens his soul to its sensations, in no Russian author, after Pushkin, will gain as much poetic pleasure as Mr. Fet will give him."

last years of life

In 1873, the title was returned to Afanasy Fet, as well as the surname Shenshin. After that, the poet is engaged in charity work. At this stage, the poems of Afanasy Fet were published in the collections "Evening Lights", of which four issues were published from 1883 to 1891. Fet's poetry contains mainly two themes: nature, love.

Death overtook the poet on November 21, 1892 in Moscow in his house on Plyushchikha. Fet died of a heart attack. Afanasy Afanasyevich was buried in the Shenshin family estate in the village. Kleymenovo Orlovskaya ruin.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • In addition to composing poems, Fet was engaged in translations until his old age. He is the author of the translations of both parts of Goethe's Faust. He even planned to translate the book by Immanuel Kant "Critique of Pure Reason", but abandoned this idea and took up the translation of the works of Arthur Schopenhauer.
  • The poet experienced tragic love for Maria Lazic, a fan of his work. This girl was educated and very talented. Their feelings were mutual, but the couple failed to tie their fates. Maria died, and the poet remembered his unhappy love all his life, which influenced his work. It was to her that he dedicated the poem "Talisman", the poems "Old Letters", "You have suffered, I still suffer ...", "No, I have not changed. Until deep old age ... "and other poems.
  • Some researchers of Fet's life believe that the death of the poet from a heart attack was preceded by a suicide attempt.
  • It was Fet who was the author of the famous phrase that was included in "The Adventures of Buratino"

Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich (November 23, 1820 - November 21, 1892), the great Russian poet-lyricist, memoirist, translator.


Video about Fet


Afanasy Fet was born in Novoselki, a small estate located in the Mtsensk district of the Oryol province. His own father is Johann Peter Wilhelm Feth, assessor of the city court in Darmstadt, his mother is Charlotte Elizabeth Becker. When she was seven months pregnant, she left her husband and secretly left for Russia with 45-year-old Afanasy Shenshin. When the boy was born, he was baptized according to the Orthodox rite and named Athanasius. It was recorded by Shenshin's son. In 1822 Charlotte Elizaveta Fet converted to Orthodoxy and married Afanasy Shenshin.


Afanasy received an excellent education. Studying was easy for a talented boy. In 1837 he graduated from a private german school- boarding house in the town of Verro, Estonia. Even then, Fet began to write poetry, showed interest in literature and classical philology. After school, in order to prepare for entering the university, he studied at the boarding house of Professor Pogodin, a writer, historian and journalist. In 1838, Afanasy Fet entered the law department, and then - the philosophy department of Moscow University, where he studied at the history and philology (verbal) department.

At the university, Afanasy became close to one of the students - Apollo Grigoriev, who was also fond of poetry. Together they began to attend a circle of students who were intensively engaged in philosophy and literature. With the participation of Grigoriev, Fet released his first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon". Creation young student earned Belinsky's approval. And Gogol spoke of him as "an undoubted talent." This became a kind of "blessing" and inspired Afanasy Fet for further creativity. In 1842, his poems were published in many publications, including the popular magazines Otechestvennye zapiski and Moskvityanin. In 1844, Fet graduated from the university.

Military service

In 1845, Fet left Moscow and entered the provincial cuirassier regiment in southern Russia. Athanasius believed that military service would help him regain his lost noble rank. A year after the start of service, Fet received the rank of officer. In 1853 he was transferred to the Guards Regiment, which was stationed near St. Petersburg. He often visited the capital, met with Turgenev, Goncharov, Nekrasov, became close to the editorial board of the popular Sovremennik magazine. In general, the poet's military career was not very successful. In 1858, Fet retired, rising to the rank of staff captain.


During the years of service, the poet experienced tragic love, which influenced all his further work. The poet's beloved, Maria Lazic, was from a good but poor family, which was an obstacle to their marriage. They parted, and after a while the girl died tragically in a fire. The poet kept the memory of his unhappy love until his death.

Family life

At the age of 37, Afanasy Fet married Maria Botkina, the daughter of a wealthy tea merchant. His wife was not young and beautiful. It was a marriage of convenience. Before the wedding, the poet revealed to the bride the truth about his origin, as well as about a kind of "family curse" that could become a serious obstacle to their marriage. But Maria Botkina was not afraid of these confessions, and in 1857 they got married. Fet retired a year later. He settled in Moscow and devoted himself to literary work. His family life was quite prosperous. Fet increased the fortune that Maria Botkina brought him. True, they did not have children. In 1867, Athanasius Fet was elected magistrate. He lived on his estate and led the lifestyle of a real landowner. Only after the return of his stepfather's surname and all the privileges that a hereditary nobleman could enjoy, the poet began to work with renewed vigor.


Afanasy Fet left a significant mark on Russian literature. He published his first collection of poems "The Lyrical Pantheon" when he was at university. Fet's first poems were an attempt to escape reality. He praised the beauty of nature, wrote a lot about love. Even then, a characteristic feature appeared in his work - he spoke about important and eternal concepts in hints, he knew how to convey the subtlest shades of moods, awakening pure and bright emotions in his readers.

After the tragic death of Maria Lazic, Fet's work took on a new direction. He dedicated the poem "Talisman" to his beloved. It is believed that all of Fet's subsequent verses about love are dedicated to her. In 1850, the second collection of his poems was published. It attracted the interest of critics, who were generous with positive reviews. At the same time, Fet was recognized as one of the best modern poets.

Afanasy Fet was a representative of "pure art", he did not touch on burning social issues in his works and until the end of his life remained a convinced conservative and monarchist. In 1856, Fet published his third collection of poems. He glorified beauty, considering this to be the only goal of his work.

Heavy blows of fate did not pass without a trace for the poet. He became embittered, broke off relations with friends, almost stopped writing. In 1863, the poet released a two-volume collection of his poems, and then a twenty-year hiatus came in his work.

Only after the poet's stepfather's surname and the privileges of a hereditary nobleman were returned to the poet, he took up creativity with renewed vigor. Towards the end of his life, the poems of Afanasy Fet became more and more philosophical, metaphysical idealism was present in them. The poet wrote about the unity of man and the Universe, about the highest reality, about eternity. In the period from 1883 to 1891, Fet wrote more than three hundred poems, which were included in the collection "Evening Lights". The poet published four editions of the collection, and the fifth came out after his death.


Afanasy Fet died of a heart attack. Researchers of the poet's life and work are convinced that before his death he tried to commit suicide.

Major achievements

  • Afanasy Fet left behind a great artistic legacy. Fet was recognized by his contemporaries, his poems were admired by Gogol, Belinsky, Turgenev, Nekrasov. In the fifties of his century, he was the most significant representative of poets who promoted "pure art" and praised "eternal values" and "absolute beauty". The work of Afanasy Fet marked the end of the poetry of the new classicism. Fet is still considered one of the brightest poets of his time.
  • The translations of Afanasy Fet are also of great importance for Russian literature. He translated the entire "Faust" of Goethe, as well as the works of a number of Latin poets: Horace, Juvenal, Catullus, Ovid, Virgil, Persia and others.

Important dates in life

  • 1820, November 23 - was born on the estate of Novoselki, Oryol province
  • 1834 - was deprived of all the privileges of a hereditary nobleman, the Shenshin surname and Russian citizenship
  • 1835-1837 years - studied at a private German boarding school in the city of Verro
  • 1838-1844 years - studied at the university
  • 1840 - the first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon" was published
  • 1845 - entered the provincial cuirassier regiment in southern Russia
  • 1846 - received an officer's rank
  • 1850 - the second collection of poems "Poems" was published
  • 1853 - joined the Guards Regiment
  • 1856 - the third collection of poems was published
  • 1857 - married Maria Botkina
  • 1858 - retired
  • 1863 - a two-volume collection of poems was published
  • 1867 - elected magistrate
  • 1873 - returned noble privileges and the Shenshin surname
  • 1883 - 1891 - worked on the five-volume "Evening Lights"
  • 1892, November 21 - died in Moscow of a heart attack
  • In 1834, when the boy was 14 years old, it turned out that legally he was not the son of the Russian landowner Shenshin, and the recording was made illegally. The reason for the proceedings was an anonymous denunciation, the author of which remained unknown. The decision of the spiritual consistory sounded like a sentence: from now on, Athanasius had to bear his mother's surname, and was deprived of all the privileges of a hereditary nobleman and Russian citizenship. From a wealthy heir, he suddenly became a "man with no name," an illegitimate child of dubious origins. Fet perceived this event as a shame, and the return of the lost position became for him a goal, an obsession, which largely determined the further life path poet. Only in 1873, when Afanasy Fet was 53 years old, did his life's dream come true. By the decree of the tsar, the poet was returned to noble privileges and the surname Shenshin. Nevertheless, he continued to sign his literary works with the surname Fet.
  • In 1847, during military service, in the small estate of Fedorovka, the poet met Maria Lazich. This relationship began with a light, non-binding flirtation, which gradually grew into a deep feeling. But Maria, a beautiful, well-educated girl from a good family, still could not become a good party for a man who hoped to regain the title of nobility. Realizing that he really loves this girl, Fet, nevertheless, made the decision that he would never marry her. Maria reacted calmly to this, but after a while she decided to break off relations with Athanasius. And after a while Fet was informed about the tragedy that took place in Fedorovka. A fire broke out in Maria's room, her clothes caught fire. Trying to escape, the girl ran out onto the balcony, then into the garden. But the wind only fanned the flames. Maria Lazic died for several days. Her last words were about Athanasius. The poet suffered this loss hard. Until the end of his life, he regretted that he had not married a girl, because there was no more true love in his life. His soul was empty.
  • The poet carried a heavy burden. The fact is that there were crazy people in his family. Two of his brothers, already as adults, lost their minds. At the end of her life, Afanasy's mother Feta also suffered from insanity and begged to take her life. Shortly before Fet's marriage to Maria Botkina, his sister Nadia also ended up in a psychiatric clinic. Her brother visited her there, but she did not recognize him. For himself, the poet often noticed attacks of heavier melancholy. Fet was always afraid that in the end he would suffer the same fate.

Birth story. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in November or December 1820 in the village. Novoselki, Oryol province. The story of his birth is not entirely common. His father, Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, a retired captain, belonged to an old noble family and was a wealthy landowner. While undergoing medical treatment in Germany, he married Charlotte Fet, whom he took to Russia from her living husband and daughter. Two months later, Charlotte gave birth to a boy named Athanasius and given the surname Shenshin.

Fourteen years later, the spiritual authorities of Oryol discovered that the child was born before the wedding of his parents and Athanasius was deprived of the right to bear his father's surname and title of nobility and became a German citizen. This event is a very impressionable soul of the child, and Fet experienced the ambiguity of his position almost all his life. The special position in the family influenced further destiny Athanasius Fet - he had to win out for himself noble rights, which the church deprived him of. Between the university and the army. Although the Shenshin family did not differ in a special culture, Fet received a good education.

From 1835 to 1837 he studied at a German Protestant boarding school in Verro (now Võru, Estonia). Here he enthusiastically studies classical philology and secretly begins to write poetry. Fet mastered the Latin language here, which later helped him translate the ancient Roman poets. After Verro, Fet continued his education at the boarding school of Professor Pogodin for training at Moscow University, where he was enrolled in 1838 in the department of literature of the philosophy faculty. During his university years, Fet became especially friends with the future famous critic and poet Apollo Grigoriev.

Together they discussed the poetry of the pen, which were included in the first collection of poetry - "The Lyrical Pantheon" (1840): "Let Your dreams into the light, I surrender to sweet hope, What may be on them stealthily A smile of beauty will flash on them, Or a slave of painful passions, Reading a modest creature, Sharing the Secret Suffering With my agitated soul. ”These were imitative verses, and the poetry of Pushkin and Venediktov, whom, as Fet recalled, he“ howled ”with enthusiasm became models for imitation.

Within two or three years after the publication of "Lyrical Pantheon" Fet published on the pages of magazines, in particular "Moskvityanin" and "Notes of the Fatherland", collections of poems, but they do not bring the expected wealth. With the hope of regaining his nobility, the young poet leaves Moscow and enlisted in the military service in the cuirassier regiment, and settled in the Kherson province. Subsequently, in his memoirs, Fet writes: “This conclusion will continue for a long time - I don’t know, and in a moment, a tablespoon of various Gogol Wii climbs into my eyes, and I still need to smile… I can compare my life with a dirty puddle” But in 1858 A. Fet was forced to retire.

He never received noble rights - at that time the nobility gave only the rank of colonel, and he was the headquarters - captain. This made this further military career useless. Of course, military service was not in vain for Fet: these were the years of the dawn of his poetic activity. In 1850 A. Fet's Poems were published in Moscow, which were met with enthusiasm by readers. In St. Petersburg, he met Nekrasov, Panaev, Druzhinin, Goncharov, Yazykov. He later became friends with Leo Tolstoy. This friendship was of duty and necessary for both.

During the years of military service, Afanasy Fet experienced tragic love that influenced all of his work. It was love for the daughter of the poor landowner Maria Lazic, a fan of his poetry, a very talented and educated girl. She also fell in love with him, but they were both poor, and A. Fet, for this reason, did not dare to join his fate with his beloved girl. Soon Maria Lazic died under mysterious circumstances.

Until his death, the poet remembered his unhappy love, in many of his poems you can hear her unfading breath.
In 1856, a new book by the poet was published. Fulfillment of desires. Having retired, Fet married the critic Botkin's sister, M. Botkin, who belonged to a wealthy Moscow merchant family. It was a marriage of convenience, and the poet sincerely confessed to the bride the secrets of his birth. With the money of his wife, Fet bought the Stepanovka estate in 1860 and became a landowner, where he lived for seventeen years, only occasionally visiting Moscow. Here he was found by the highest decree that the surname Shenshin was finally approved for him, with all the rights associated with it. He became a nobleman.

In 1877, Afanasy Afanasyevich bought the village of Vorobyevka in the Kursk province, where he spent the rest of his life, leaving for Moscow only for the winter. These years, in contrast to the years lived in Stepanovka, are characterized by his return to literature. Beginning in 1883, he published a number of collections of lyric poems, united by a common title - "Evening Lights" (first edition - 1883; second edition - 1885; third edition - 1888; fourth edition - 1891). In his poems, the poet refuses any abstraction, since mental states are difficult to analyze, and it is even more difficult to convey in words the subtle movements of the soul.

Creativity A. A. Fet. A. Fet's poems are pure poetry, in the context that there is not a drop of prose. Fet limited his poetry to three themes: love, nature, art. As a rule, he did not sing of hot feelings, despair, delight, high thoughts. No, he wrote about the simplest things - about pictures of nature, about rain, about snow, about the sea, about the mountains, about the forest, about the stars, about the simplest movements of the soul, even about momentary impressions. His poetry is joyful and light, it has a sense of light and peace. Even about his ruined love, he writes lightly and calmly, although his feeling is deep and fresh, as in the first minutes. Until the end of his life, Fetu did not change the joy that permeated almost all of his poems.

The beauty, naturalness, sincerity of his poetry reach complete perfection, his verse is amazingly expressive, figurative, musical. "This is not just a poet, but rather a poet - musician ..." Tchaikovsky said about him. Many romances were written on Fet's poems, which quickly gained wide popularity.

Fet is a singer of Russian nature. Feta can be called a singer of Russian nature. The approach of spring and autumn wilting, a fragrant summer night and a frosty day, a rye field and a dense shady forest stretching endlessly and without edge - he writes about all this in his poems. Fet's nature is always calm, quiet, as if frozen. And at the same time, she is surprisingly rich in sounds and colors, lives her own life, hidden from the inattentive eye:

“I came to you with greetings,
To tell that the sun is up
That it is hot light
The sheets fluttered;
Tell that the forest is awake
All woke up, with each branch,
Each bird has roused
And full of spring thirst ... "

Perfectly conveys Fet and "fragrant freshness of feelings", inspired by nature, its beauty, charm. His poems are imbued with a light, joyful mood, the happiness of love. The poet unusually subtly reveals the various shades of human experience. He knows how to capture and clothe in bright, vivid images even fleeting spiritual movements, which are difficult to designate and convey in words:

"Whisper, timid breath,
Nightingale trills,
Silver and wobble
Sleeping stream
Night light, night shadows
Shadows without end
A series of magical changes
Sweet face
In the smoky clouds, purple roses
Reflections of amber
And kissing and tears
And dawn, dawn! .. "

Usually A. Fet in his poems stops at one figure, at one turn of feelings, and at the same time, his poetry can not be called monotonous, on the contrary, it amazes with its diversity and many themes. The special charm of his poems, besides the content, is precisely in the nature of the moods of poetry. Muse Feta is light, airy, as if there is nothing earthly in her, although she tells us exactly about the earthly. There is almost no action in his poetry, each of his verses is a whole kind of impressions, thoughts, joys and sorrows.

Take at least such ones as "Your ray, flying far ...", "Motionless eyes, Crazy eyes ...", "The sun is a ray between the limes ...", "In silence, I stretch out my hand for you ..." and others ..
The poet praised beauty where he saw it, and he found it everywhere. He was an artist with an extremely developed sense of beauty. This is probably why there are such wonderful pictures of nature in his poems that he accepted it for what it is, not allowing any adornments of reality.

Love lyrics of the poet. The feeling of love, to which many of the poet's works are devoted, was just as wonderful for Fet. Love for him is a protection, a safe haven "from the eternal splash and noise of life." Fet's love lyrics are distinguished by the richness of shades, tenderness, warmth coming from within the soul. "Fragrant honey of love joy and magic dreams" Fet portrayed in his works with words of extreme freshness and transparency. Permeated with either light sadness or light joy, his love lyrics still warm the hearts of readers, "it burns with eternal gold in singing."

In all his works, A. Fet is impeccably faithful in the descriptions or feelings, then the nature of their small risks, shades, moods. It is thanks to this that the poet created amazing works that have amazed us with filigree psychological precision for so many years. These include such poetic masterpieces as "Whisper, timid breath ...", "I came to you with greetings ...", "At dawn, you don't wake her up ...", "Dawn says goodbye to the earth .... ".

Fet's poetry - the poetry of hints, conjectures, omissions, his poems for the most part have no plot - these are lyrical miniatures, the purpose of which is not so much to convey to the reader thoughts and feelings as the "volatile" mood of the poet. He was far from emotional storms and worries. The poet wrote:

"The language of the bad weather
Was incomprehensible to me. "

Fet was deeply convinced that beauty is real important element building a world that provides him with harmonious balance and integrity. Therefore, he sought and found beauty in everything: in fallen leaves, in a rose that smiled surprisingly “on the day of fast-flying September”, in the colors of “native sky”. The poet distinguished between "mind of the mind" and "mind of the heart." He believed that only the "mind of the heart" can penetrate the outer shell beautiful essence being. There is no access to anything terrible, ugly, disharmonious in Fet's cordially clever lyrics.

In 1892, the poet died of an asthma attack, two days before he was 72 years old. Before that, he tried to commit suicide. He was buried in the village of Kleimenovo, the family estate of the Shenshins, 25 versts from Orel.

Fet's work had a significant impact on the Symbolist poets of the early twentieth century - V. Bryusov, A. Blok, A. Bely, and then - S. Yesenin, B. Pasternak and others.
Conclusion. Analyzing the works of the poet, we can confidently assert that the Russian school of pure art was not only not inferior to the French, but perhaps even surpassed it in some way. In contrast to the representatives of the French school of "pure art", who in their poems paid attention primarily to the rhythm of the verse, repetitions, alternation of letters in words, the creation of poems - symbols, Russian poets were masters of "musical poems" that were easy to read. The images created in the poems were light, permeated with light, appealed to the best human feelings, taught beauty, taught to find and love beauty in every manifestation of nature, or the feeling of love.

The poems of the representatives of the Russian school of "pure art" are more understandable to the reader, since their poems are not burdened with a large number of symbolic images. An interesting feature of Russian poets is that they not only glorified nature, but also treated it as something outstanding, amazing, which could become the meaning of life. It is in nature, love for a woman or a man, that a person should find inspiration for life, work, creativity, love for the homeland. In my opinion, Russian poets of the “pure art” school glorified nature in verse through their special attitude to it, and French poets simply believed that in centuries it was worthy to preserve only poetry about the eternal, something sublime, not ordinary. That is why nature reigned in the poetry of the French.

Therefore, I am more impressed by the poetry of the poets Fet and F. Tyutchev, which, through all the dissimilarity, fascinates with its beauty, subtle sense of the "soul of nature" and the desire to reflect it in all its manifestations.

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Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is one of the outstanding lyric poets of the 19th century. “This is not just a poet, but rather a poet-musician,” wrote PI Tchaikovsky about him.

Indeed, many romances have been written to Fet's words: "The garden is all in bloom" by Arensky, "Your luxurious wreath is fresh and fragrant" by Rimsky-Korsakov, "In the invisible haze" by Taneyev, "I won't tell you anything ..." by Tchaikovsky, " In the silence of a secret night ... ”Rachmaninov et al.

One of the first poems to be set to music by the composer Varlamov was "Don't wake her at dawn ...":

At dawn, don't wake her up
At dawn she sleeps so sweetly
Morning breathes on her chest
It glows brightly in the pits.

And her pillow is hot
And a hot tiresome dream
And, blackening, they run on their shoulders
Braids with tape on both sides.

And yesterday evening by the window
For a long, long time she sat
And watched the game through the clouds
What, sliding, was plotting the moon.

And the brighter the moon played
And the louder the nightingale whistled,
She grew paler and paler
My heart was beating harder and harder.

That is why on a young chest,
The morning burns like that on Lanita.
Don't wake her up, don't wake her up,
At dawn, she sleeps so sweetly.

The feelings of a young woman are conveyed by the poet with exceptional artistic expression. The poem is written in song intonation: a three-syllable meter with an accent on the last syllable - anapest.

Some poetic lines begin, as in folk songs, with the same words ("At dawn, don't wake her up, at dawn she sleeps so sweetly; and her pillow is hot, and a hot, exhausting dream"). The repetition of the first lines at the end of the poem: "Don't wake her up, don't wake her up" - enhances the intonational-melodic sound of the poem.

In 1850, the critic Apollo Grigoriev wrote about this poem: "... a song that has become almost popular."

No less poetic and musical landscape lyrics A. A. Feta. Poems about nature are combined by him into separate cycles according to the seasons: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Snow". A special cycle is dedicated to the sea. Fet loved nature, knew it perfectly and felt it subtly.

The poet personifies the phenomena of nature, perceives them as animate beings, due to which the landscapes are always fanned with a certain mood:

Garden color breathes
Apple, cherry.

Tormented by the song
A nightingale without a rose
An old stone cries
Shedding tears into the pond ...
("In the invisible haze.")

A. A. Fet can be called a singer of nature and love. He did not touch on issues of public life in his works. The poet "could never understand that art was interested in anything other than beauty," and advocated "pure art". He viewed artistic creation as the only refuge "from all kinds of sorrows, including civil ones," and sought to oppose art to reality. Fet's literary principles are closely linked with his general worldview, with his life.

He was born in 1820 in the village of Novoselki, not far from Mtsensk (Oryol region), into the family of a wealthy landowner. Until the age of 14, Fet lived and studied at home, and then at a boarding school. In 1837 he entered the Faculty of History and Philology at Moscow University.

His poetic talent was clearly manifested during his studies at the university. As a student, he already becomes a famous poet and is published in literary magazines. After graduating from the university, Fet entered military service and spent nine years in remote places of the Kherson province.

In 1854 Fet began to collaborate with the Sovremennik magazine. But even at this best time of his activity, he did not find himself in the camp of fighters for freedom and democracy, but opposed them and, together with a group of noble writers, left Sovremennik in 1859. From that moment on, Fet finally retired from public life and took up landlord economy and zemstvo affairs. His muse continued to serve the ideals of love and beauty, and he did not notice how Russian literature struggled to solve the most difficult problems of the whole people.

Who is presented in this article - Russian poet-lyricist, translator, memoirist. He was born in 1820, on November 23, and died in 1892, on November 21.

Childhood of the future poet

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born on a small estate located in the Oryol province, in the Mtsensk district. His biography is interesting by the very origin of the future poet. His father worked in the Darmstadt court as an assessor, his mother, Becker Charlotte Elizabeth, left her husband in her seventh month of pregnancy and secretly left for Russia with Afanasy Shenshin. When the boy was born, he was baptized according to the Orthodox tradition. The name was given to him Athanasius. He was recorded as the son of Shenshin. Charlotte Elizaveta Fet converted to Orthodoxy in 1822, after which she married Shenshin.


Fet received a good education. It was easy for the able Athanasius to study. He graduated from a private German school in 1837 in the town of Verro, Estonia. Already at this time, the future poet began to write poetry, and also showed interest in classical philology and literature. In order to prepare for the university, he studied after school with Professor Pogodin in a boarding house. This man was a journalist, historian and writer. Afanasy Fet in 1838 entered the law and then the philosophy faculty of the University in Moscow.

The first collection of poems

While studying at the university, he became close to Apollo Grigoriev, one of the students who was fond of poetry. Together they began attending a circle in which they studied literature and philosophy. Fet, with the participation of Grigoriev, released the first collection of his poems entitled "The Lyrical Pantheon". This book was approved by Belinsky. Gogol also noted that Fet is "an undoubted talent." For the poet, this became a kind of blessing and inspired further creativity. His poems in 1842 were published in various publications, including such popular magazines as "Moskvityanin" and "Otechestvennye zapiski". In 1844 he finished his studies at the University of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. His biography then continued with military service.

Military service

Afanasy Afanasyevich left Moscow in 1845 and entered the cuirassier regiment located in the south of Russia. The poet believed that military service was necessary for him in order to regain his noble title. A year later, he received the rank of officer Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. His biography was supplemented in 1853 by another important event: the aspiring poet was transferred to the Guards regiment, stationed near St. Petersburg. Afanasy Afanasyevich often visited the capital, met with Goncharov, Turgenev, Nekrasov, and also became close to the editors of Sovremennik, a popular magazine at that time. The military career as a whole was not very successful. Fet in 1858 resigned with the rank of staff captain.

Tragic love

During the years of service, he experienced a tragic love that big influence on his work, Afanasy Fet. His brief biography certainly includes the mention of Maria Lazic. She was the poet's beloved, a girl from a poor but good family. This circumstance became an obstacle to marriage. The lovers parted, and after a while the girl died tragically in a fire (they also talked about suicide). The poet kept the memory of her until his death.

Marriage to Maria Botkina

At the age of 37, Afanasy Fet married the daughter of a tea merchant from a wealthy family, Maria Botkina. She was not distinguished by beauty and youth. This marriage was of convenience. Before the wedding, the poet told the bride about his origin, also mentioned the family curse, which, in his opinion, could become an obstacle to marriage (read about it below). However, these confessions did not frighten Maria Botkina, and in 1857 the wedding took place. Afanasy Fet retired a year later.

The biography (short) of these years of his life is as follows. The poet settled in Moscow, where he began to study literature. The family life of Afanasy Afanasyevich was prosperous. He multiplied the state of Maria Botkina. This couple did not have children. Athanasius Fet was elected magistrate in 1867. He lived on his estate like a real landowner. The poet began to work with renewed vigor only after the return of all the privileges of a hereditary nobleman and the surname of his stepfather.

Fet's creativity

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet left a significant mark in Russian literature. A short biography includes only his main creative achievements. Let's talk about them. The collection "Lyrical Pantheon" was released while still studying at the university. Fet's first poems were an attempt to get away from the difficult reality. He wrote a lot about love, sang the beauty of nature in his works. Even then, one characteristic feature appeared in his work: Afanasy Afanasyevich spoke about eternal and important concepts only in hints, he was able to masterfully convey various shades of moods, awakening bright and pure emotions in readers.


After the death of Maria Lazic, Fet's work took on a new direction. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet dedicated a poem called "Talisman" to his beloved. A short biography of this girl will be presented at the end of this article when we tell you about some interesting facts from the life of the poet. Researchers assume that all of Afanasy Afanasyevich's subsequent poems about love were also dedicated to her. "Talisman" aroused keen interest from critics and many positive reviews. Fet at this time was recognized as one of the best poets modernity.

Afanasy Afanasyevich was considered one of the representatives of the so-called pure art. That is, in his works he did not touch upon important social issues, remaining until the end of his life a convinced monarchist and conservative. Fet in 1856 published his third collection of poetry, in which he praised beauty. It was her that he considered the main and only goal of creativity.

Heavy blows of fate did not pass without a trace for the poet. Afanasy Afanasievich became bitter, broke off relations with many friends, practically stopped creating. The poet published a two-volume collection of his works in 1863, and then there was a 20-year break in his work.

"Evening Lights"

Only after the return of the privileges of a hereditary nobleman and the surname of his stepfather, he took up creativity with renewed vigor. By the end of his life, the works of Athanasius Fet acquired an increasingly philosophical connotation, so-called metaphysical realism was present in them. Athanasius Fet wrote about the unity of man with the entire Universe, about eternity, about the highest reality. Afanasy Afanasyevich wrote in the period from 1883 to 1891 more than three hundred different poems that were included in a collection called "Evening Lights". This collection went through four issues during the poet's lifetime, and the fifth came out after his death.

Death of Athanasius Fet

The great poet died of a heart attack. However, researchers of his work and life are convinced that before his death he made an attempt to commit suicide. But it is impossible to say for sure whether this episode marked the life of such a person as Athanasius Fet. Biography, interesting facts about him sometimes cause controversy among researchers. Some of them are nevertheless recognized by the majority as reliable.

  • When the future poet was 14 years old (in 1834) it turned out that he was not legally the son of Shenshin, a Russian landowner, and the record was made illegally. An anonymous denunciation made by an unknown person caused the proceedings. As the verdict sounded the decision: Afanasy must henceforth bear the name of his mother, and he was also deprived of Russian citizenship and the privileges of a hereditary nobleman. Suddenly, from a wealthy heir, he turned into a man without a name. Fet took this event as a shame. An obsession for him was the return of the lost position. His dream came true only in 1873, when Fet was already 53 years old.
  • The fate of such a poet as Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was marked with a heavy burden. Biography for children usually does not mention this. For the poet, there was a danger of one generic disease. The fact is that there were madmen in his family. Already in adulthood, the two Fet brothers lost their minds. Towards the end of his life, his mother also suffered from insanity. This woman begged everyone to kill her. Sister Nadia, shortly before the marriage of Afanasy Afanasyevich with Maria Botkina, also ended up in a psychiatric clinic. Her brother visited her there, but Nadya did not recognize him. Afanasy Fet often noticed attacks of severe melancholy, whose biography and work confirm this. The poet all the time feared that he would suffer the same fate as his relatives.

  • In 1847, during his military service in Fedorovka, the poet met a girl named Maria Lazich. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet loved her very much. His biography and work were largely influenced by this meeting. The relationship between lovers began with a light flirtation, which gradually grew into a deep feeling. However, the beautiful, well-educated Maria could not nevertheless become a good party for Fet, who hoped to return the title of nobleman. Realizing that he really loved this girl, the poet nevertheless decided that he would not marry her. The girl reacted calmly to this, but after a while decided to break off relations with Fet. After that, the poet was informed about the tragedy in Fedorovka. A fire broke out in Maria's room, and her clothes caught fire. The girl, trying to escape, ran first to the balcony, and then to the garden. However, the wind only fanned the flames. Maria Lazic died for several days. Last words this girl was about Feta. This loss was hard for the poet. Until the end of his life, he regretted not marrying Maria. His soul was empty, and there was no more true love in his life.

So, you met such a poet as Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Biography and creativity were briefly presented in this article. We hope that this information aroused the desire of the reader to get to know the great poet better. The poetry of the so-called new classicism was marked by the work of such an author as Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich. Biography (complete) is presented by Bukhshtab B.Ya. The book is called "A. A. Fet. Essay on life and work". By this work, you can get to know more closely such a great Russian poet as Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. A biography by date is given in it in some detail.

The future poet was born on November 23 (December 5, new style), 1820 in the village. Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province (Russian Empire).

As the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker, who left Germany in 1820, Athanasius was adopted by the nobleman Shenshin. 14 years later, an unpleasant event occurred in the biography of Afanasy Fet: an error was discovered in the birth record, which deprived him of his title.


In 1837, Fet graduated from the private boarding school Krummer in the city of Verro (now Estonia). In 1838 he entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow University, continuing to take a great interest in literature. He graduated from the university in 1844.

The poet's creativity

In a short biography of Fet, it is worth noting that the first poems were written by him in his youth. Fet's poetry was first published in the collection Lyrical Pantheon in 1840. Since then, Fet's poems have been constantly published in magazines.

In an effort to regain the title of nobility in all possible ways, Athanasius Fet went to serve as a non-commissioned officer. Then, in 1853, in the life of Fet, there was a transition to the Guards regiment. Fet's creativity, even in those days, does not stand still. In 1850 his second collection was published, in 1856 - the third.

In 1857, the poet marries Maria Botkina. Having retired in 1858, without having achieved the return of the title, he acquires land and devotes himself to farming.

Fet's new works, published from 1862 to 1871, make up the cycles From the Village, Notes on Free Hired Labor. They include short stories, short stories, essays. Afanasy Afanasievich Fet strictly distinguishes between his prose and poetry. Poetry is romantic for him, and prose is realistic.

Latest section materials:

The Golgi complex is a stack of disc-shaped membrane sacs (cisterns), somewhat expanded closer to the edges, and associated with them ...

Chapter I. Description of an elderly teacher, German Karl Ivanovich Mauer, who lives in a family of noblemen-Irtenievs. Nikolenka Irteniev (boy, on behalf of ...

The Golgi apparatus is an important organelle that is present in almost every one. Perhaps the only cells that lack this complex, ...

It starts simply with Shakespearean passions. His father, a wealthy nobleman Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, a 45-year-old hussar, a former captain, while being treated in Germany, fell in love with the 20-year-old mother of the future poet Charlotte Fet. A hindrance to this passion was neither the fact that the lady was married, nor the fact that she already had a daughter, nor the fact that the lady was pregnant with Athanasius ...

The boy was born in December 1820. Fet's biography contains a period of a happy childhood in his father's Oryol estate in the village. Novoselki.

About the Shenshin family - Fetov

In fact, the biological father of Afanasy Fet is Johann-Peter-Karl-Wilhelm Fet, an assessor of the Darmstadt city court. The blood sister remained in Germany.

Two children of Charlotte Fet and Afanasy Shenshin (Anna and Vasily) died in infancy. The poet also had a half-sister, Lyuba, born in 1824.

Offended by the kidnapping of his wife, his biological father, a German, deprived Afanasy of his inheritance.

Bastard status

The carefree period of childhood of the future poet on the Shenshin estate lasted up to 14 years, until the Orthodox (diocesan) authorities, which, as they say, exercise legal supervision, discovered that the date of the parents' wedding (1822) was later than the date of the child's birth. This entailed significant legal consequences for Athanasius. Fet's biography contains information that the young man suffered deeply from his special status of "illegitimate".

The chronological table testifies to the rhythm of life imposed on him. Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich, on the one hand, was attracted by poetry, and on the other hand, by the debt of returning noble privileges to posterity.



In the village of Novoselki, the son of Afanasy was born to the landowner family of the Shenshins

Study at Krommer's boarding house in the Finnish town of Verro

Pension Professor Pogodin

Education at the Department of Literature of Moscow University

Service in the cuirassier regiment in the Kherson province

The first collection of poems

Second collection of poems

Fet becomes a local nobleman and lives on the estate in Stepanovka

The most productive period of creativity (in the village of Vorobyovka)

1883, 1885, 1888, 1891

Years of publication of cycles best poems poet

Death from an asthma attack

Too many milestones in his life - the limitations in education that he had honorably overcome, forced service in the army, marriage to an unloved woman, hermitage in the village - were clearly not included in his original plans. Such stages of life do not make a person happy ... All this, unfortunately, affected the poet's health. The years of Fet's life could cover a longer period of time.

Adversity changed the character of the poet

Perhaps this state of inner suffering was the reason for the birth in his soul of the lyrics of himself high level, crystal clear poetry style.

He could not bear his father's surname, was not a Russian subject, and accordingly, he did not inherit noble rights. His last name was Fet, and the young man was considered a German citizen. All that his brothers and sisters inherited by birth, he should have earned. This is how the vigilance of the spiritual fathers-clerks made the poet's later life miserable. He entered the rights of the nobility only at the age of 50! Therefore, literary scholars emphasize: Fet's dull, gloomy biography and his clear, watercolor poetic heritage are deeply contrasted. The severe psychological trauma caused by the inhumanity of the law determined the difficult character of this most talented person.


Unlike the rest of the Shenshins, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet received a good education. Diligence and a predisposition to science did their job ... As a German citizen, he was forced to start studying at a Protestant German boarding school. However, the teachers of this institution, he owes knowledge latin, classical philology. It was here that his first poems were written.

The beginning of creativity

The young man had a dream - to study at Moscow University. The boarding school of professor Pogodin served as a step towards this admission.

Since 1838 Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet has been a student of the department of literature at the university he longed for. This is where his long-standing friendship with the future poet and critic Apollo Grigoriev originated. Here in 1840 Fet wrote his first collection of poems "The Lyrical Pantheon". In the works of the aspiring poet, there was an imitation of Venediktov and Pushkin. Fet's early lyrics were published by the magazines Otechestvennye zapiski and Moskvityanin. Fet longs for recognition, thanks to which he hopes to regain the title of nobility. However, Fet's early lyrics do not bring success adequate to such a dream.

Then an active young man acts in accordance with "plan B" - he receives a title of nobility after military service.

The poet serves in the army

He serves in the cuirassier regiment, which is stationed in the Kherson province.

At this time, the beginning of his personal drama falls. An obscure, frankly poor young man has a serious feeling for Maria Lazic, the daughter of a landowner. Moreover, this feeling is mutual (and, as it turned out, for life.) However, the destructive complex that has developed in Athanasia "to return the nobility above all else" prevents marriage and the creation of a happy family ... Maria died untimely, while still young, leaving her beloved memories and regrets ...

The years of service Afanasy Fet, whose poetic original gift began to manifest itself, impartially calls it "conclusion." The first resounding success was accompanied by his poems, published in 1850. The poet is recognized by the creative elite. He meets and becomes well-known to Nekrasov, Druzhinin, Lev Tolstoy. His works are finally expected and loved. However, Afanasy Fet, a poet from God, still goes to his creative heights. New collection poetry, published in 1856, is only a milestone on this path.

Marriage, landlord status

He never served the title in the army, although he rose to the rank of captain (which corresponds to the modern rank of captain, and for the return of the title, logically military career Fet should have become a colonel).

However, by this time the life of Afanasy Afanasyevich had changed dramatically. Back to civil life, he married Botkina, the sister of a famous literary critic. This marriage was, rather, made by him out of calculation than out of love. Thus, Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich became akin to a wealthy merchant family and drew the line of his poverty. Fate becomes favorable to him. The royal decree recognizes his right to a paternal inheritance, he is also approved by the name Shenshin. The poet calls this event the most joyful in his life. He had been waiting for him for many years.

However, fans of his work are still interested in the question: "Why did the famous poet decide on a marriage of convenience?" No direct answer was found in his diaries. In any case, this is a matter of personal choice: to choose a family life, secretly suffering from a failed marriage with a loved one ... Perhaps he was tired of fighting with society, which limited him in rights, decided to finally find peace, since there was no happiness in love. Such a characteristic of Fet is well founded. However, he will remember his late beloved Maria Lazic until his death, dedicating poems to her.

Fet is an active landowner

In 1860, using the capital of his wife, he buys the Stepanovka farm, where he has been managing almost without leaving for 17 years. On the farm, the Fetu landowner owns two hundred souls. He is completely immersed in the organization and management of the economy. There is practically no time left for creativity. He becomes "a convinced and tenacious Russian agrarian." Afanasy Afanasyevich, devoting a lot of time and energy to a new business for himself and distinguished not only by his poetic gift, but also by worldly wisdom, achieves respect in society. Recognition is evidenced by his performance as a magistrate.

The efficient management of the Feta landowner contributed to the capitalization of the funds he earned in agricultural production. He actually earned his wealth through his labor.

The most fruitful period of creativity

In 1877, the poet entered a new, most fruitful period of his work. His poetic style has been worked out, and his tormented soul longs to plunge into the ocean of pure poetry. Fet's history goes back to its last highest stage, which brought him the fame of an incomparable lyricist. Precisely in order to isolate himself from the vain world and concentrate on high creativity, Afanasy Afanasyevich buys the Kursk village of Vorobyovka, where he spends the warm season. For the winter, the poet always returned to his Moscow mansion. The life of Afanasy Fet, starting from this milestone, is entirely devoted to poetry.

This period of creativity turned out to be the most productive. Fet's chronological table testifies to the dynamics of his collection of collections: 1883, 1885, 1888, 1891 ... It is noteworthy that all these collections of poems, written over the course of a decade, are combined into a common cycle "Evening Lights".

Fet's poetry is unique

All the poetry of Afanasy Afanasyevich, presented in the author's collections, can be conditionally grouped into three main themes: nature, love, art. Only these subjects did he devote his poetic activity. Fet's lyrics are simple and light, they are really written for all times. A reader who wants to find associations in his poems that are found in his own life will certainly find them: in the majestic landscape of the forest, the life-giving sound of rain, in the joyful portal of the rainbow. The composer Tchaikovsky compared his poetry to music. According to many critics, the richness of the poetic palette achieved by Afanasy Fet in describing nature has not been reached by any of his colleagues. Feta's muse is special: simple and graceful, calmly gliding on her wings above the ground, captivating readers with her lightness and grace.

The poet developed a harmonious beginning in his work, dissociating himself in principle from "mental bad weather", anxiety, conflicts and injustice. The poet called his artistic style "the mind of the heart".

Instead of a conclusion

Fet's years of life are 1820-1892. A year before his death, his literary research was "highly appreciated". Fet was awarded the title of chamberlain (a high court rank, roughly equivalent to a major general).

However, the poet's health was already letting down ... He had no time for palace quarries ... He died during an asthmatic attack. Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich was buried in the family estate of Oryol, located in the village of Kleimenovo.

Summing up the above, it is worth mentioning the influence of Afanasy Afanasyevich's work on the generation of Symbolist poets: Balmont, Blok, Yesenin. He is undoubtedly the founder russian school pure art, fascinating with its soulfulness.

Only in beauty and harmony can one find the meaning of the concepts "divine" and "eternal". So the poet believed Silver Age Afanasy Fet is a nobleman who lost his name and devoted his life to its restoration. Chronological table Fet A.A. will tell in detail about the stages of his life and work.

Origin and education

Fet's poems began to appear in the Moskvityanin edition.

Thanks to the assistance of influential acquaintances (Belinsky and Botkin), the young poet became a regular contributor to the Otechestvennye zapiski publication.

Completion of studies. Death of Caroline Charlotte Fet.

The beginning of military service

Since the death of Caroline Fet, Shenshin's support has become less and less regular. Fet leaves Moscow and enters military service. He is still obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bregaining his title of nobility, and does his best to do so. At the same time, he does not stop writing poetry. Fet's chronological table shows that more than 5 years passed before Athanasius could boast of his small achievements:

First achievements

Fet completely devotes himself to military affairs and poetry. The results are not long in coming. 6 years after the start of his military career, he can already live near St. Petersburg and communicate with people involved in literature. Fet's chronological table confirms what has been said:



Fet becomes a member of the Guards Regiment, at the same time gets the opportunity to live near St. Petersburg and establish contacts with literary figures (Goncharov, Nekrasov and others).

Assumes military duties in the Baltic port.

Meets L. Tolstoy, with whom long time overwrites.

Under the leadership of Turgenev, the third collection of the poet's works was published.

Goes on a trip to Europe. In Paris, he meets Maria Botkina and marries her.

Resignation and nobility

The work of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet has always had many admirers, but times have changed. For a long time, he moved away from literary activity and struck into philosophy, supporting the ideas of Schopenhauer. The answer to the question becomes unclear: "Did the poet manage to regain the title of nobleman?" As the chronological table shows - Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet did achieve the desired:



Having reached the rank of staff captain, he retires from military affairs and settles in Moscow.

He severs all relations with the Sovremennik publishing house, where he was published for many years. The reason for this was the article "Shakespeare in Fet's Translation", where the poet was deliberately insulted.

In the Mtsensk district he acquires land and becomes a real landowner. He practically stops writing.

In the magazines "Russian Bulletin" and "Notes on civilian labor" he publishes a work on the protection of the rights of landowners, which arouses indignation among many segments of the population.

Two volumes of Fet's poems are published.

Fet is elected to the post of magistrate, which he held for 10 long years. During this time, he completely departs from poetry and plunges into philosophy.

A royal decree is issued, according to which Fet can regain the name of Shenshin, and with it all the legal rights of a nobleman.

Sells the estate and buys another in the Kursk province. With renewed zeal he begins to write poetry, publishes translations of Goethe and Schopenhauer.

Last decade

Fet was able to regain his nobility, but did not stop there. At the age of 66, he becomes a member of the Academy of Sciences and publishes several collected works and translations. The publication order is presented by the Fet chronological table (briefly). His last works are presented in the form of prose. Poetry is extremely rare. These are the events recent years Feta:



After buying a new estate, he buys an apartment in Moscow to live there in winter.

A book is published, on which the poet worked as a student - "Evening Lights". It contains the translated works of Horace.

The second edition of Evening Lights is printed.

Two volumes of the autobiographical work "My Memories" are being published.

The fourth and final issue of Evening Lights.

Fet dies of a heart attack in Moscow.

Afanasy Fet is a great poet and thinker, translator and memoirist. His works reflect the feelings that the surrounding world evokes, and the author himself is constantly in search of harmony. Despite his subtle nature, he had a goal, which he successfully achieved through hard work. Fet is a writer who can rightfully be called an example to follow, especially when it comes to perseverance in achieving his plans.

Real surname Shenshin; 1820 - 1892. Fet's father, Afanasy Shenshin, was a wealthy landowner; mother - Carolina Charlotte Fet, was Shenshin's illegitimate wife for some time. He met her during treatment in Germany and brought her to Russia (she had a husband and daughter abroad). Afanasy was recorded in his father's surname, but at the age of 14 they discovered legal illegality \u003d deprivation of privileges of hereditary nobles \u003d takes the surname Fet (now he is a "man without a name" he will write in the book "My memoirs").

The father, on the advice of Zhukovsky, gave the boy to the Pension of Mr. Krümmer in Dorpat (in the image of the Goethe gymnasium). Fet knew Latin ideally, Greek weaker. Three years there - he feels that he can write. Later - a private boarding school M.P. Pogodin in Moscow to prepare for admission to Moscow State University. He was bored at the university; but he constantly kept a yellow notebook - he decided to give it to dean Denisov - he handed it over to Gogol - Gogol appreciated it and said "this is an undoubted talent." He settled with the Grigorievs; encouraged by the praises of his comrades, Fet decided to publish his poetic experiments (he was taught to write by Irinarkh Vvedensky - Dickens's translator). In 1840... his first book appears "Lyrical Pantheon", appreciated by Belinsky and Nekrasov. He is fond of Goethe and Heine.

40-50s Until the end of the 1840s. Fet's poems appear in "Moskvityanin" and "Notes of the Fatherland". In 1844 Fet graduated from the university and, having a long-standing interest in military service, entered a non-commissioned officer in a cuirassier regiment. In 1846 it was made into cornet, and in December 1851, it was promoted to staff captain. In 1853 Fet with the rank of lieutenant was transferred to the Life Guards Uhlan regiment. During the Crimean War, he was in the troops guarding the Estonian coast, and in 1858 he retired as the staff-captain of the guard. The period of military service in the life of Fet was the heyday of his poetic talent. In 1850 and 1856 (based on the collection -50s). two collections of his poems are published... At this time, a feature of Fet's poetry appears - capturing the elusive. Fet's favorite motives - love and nature. According to Botkin's remark, Fet did not capture the plastic reality of an object, but an ideal, melodic reflection of it in our feeling. Critics said that Fet, a representative of the new poetry, different from Pushkin and Lermontov, was compared with the Impressionists. In the 50s, Fet published translations from Goethe, Horace (FET - THE FIRST RUSSIAN TRANSLATOR HORATION \u003d 4 BOOKS), poetic translations of Shakespeare's tragedies Julius Caesar (1859) and Antony and Cleopatra (1859).

60-70s. Before retirement, taking leave, Fet travels abroad. ("Essays from Abroad" ; notes from Germany and France disappeared). There, in Paris, Fet married MP Botkina, the sister of his longtime friend and admirer. In 1860 he bought a farm in the Mtsensk district, where he lived for 17 years, only coming to Moscow for a short time in winter. For more than ten years ( 1867 - 1877 ) the poet served as a magistrate \u003d "Notes of the magistrate." The institution of the court was just emerging at that time, the magistrate's court was considering minor criminal cases. Judges could be those who satisfied 3 points: 1. age qualification - "at least 25 years of age"; 2. higher education / or 3 years in a profession, where they could acquire knowledge about courts; 3. property with a price of at least 15,000 tr. Turgenev was glad of the election of a friend, and incited him to create "Notes of the magistrate."The book did not come out, but you can find many "plots" in letters to friends.

Fet became an ardent agronomist and did not want to hear anything about literature. Fet analyzes the reasons for the revolution, one of them, in his opinion, is that people moved away from agriculture. Writes to

1862 "Notes on civilian labor" (published in the "Russian Bulletin") - about how he has to deal with the name. 17 chapters (Inspection of estates; Purchase; Necessary device; Autumn chores; Approaching winter; Winter activities, etc.). + articles on socio-political topics; - articles on public education and upbringing (Fet for studying the antique literature in gymnasiums / for the comprehensive development of the humanities).

80-90s . Translations: for 10 years he has been translating both parts of Faust, two works by Schopenhauer (The World as Will and Representation and On the Fourfold Root of the Law of Sufficient Reason), all of Horace, the satire of Juvenal and Persius, the poems of Catullus, the elegies of Tibullus and Proportion , fifteen books of Ovid's Metamorphoses, the entire Aeneid by Virgil and the epigrams of Martial. In addition, his new poems were published in separate issues under the general title "Evening Lights".

3 volumes "My Memories" and " early years in my life ”- everything was published during his lifetime.

Know: they were close friends with Turgenev, but they quarreled \u003d bright pages in literature.

13 Tyutchev's work

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born on November 23, 1803 in the Oryol village of Ovstug on the estate of his father (nobleman). She had a strong influence in adolescence on T. Patriotic War \u003d she kindled in the young man a fiery love for his homeland, which he transferred to his poems. At the age of 13 - a volunteer at Moscow State University; translates and writes poetry a lot... At the age of 14 (1818) he was accepted into Society of lovers of Russian literature, next. year he prints his first poems and becomes a student of the verbal department of Moscow State University,

After graduation, in 1822, Tyutchev was assigned to the Russian diplomatic mission in Munich (as a freelance attaché) and the next 20 plus years are spent in Western European countries. Meets Schelling, Heine and marries Elionor Peterson (3 daughters are married, the eldest - Anna - marries Ivan Aksakov).

The steamer "Nicholas I", on which the Tyutchev family is sailing from St. Petersburg to Turin, suffers a disaster in the Baltic Sea - Eleanor is saved and Turgenev, who sailed there, helps the children. Eleanor nevertheless dies (1838) and in 1839 Tyutchev is re-married to Ernestina Dernberg. In 1839, T.'s diplomatic activity was interrupted, but he remained abroad. Nicholas I supported T.'s initiatives to create a positive image of Russia in the West. Article "Letter to Mr. Dr. Kolb" ("Russia and Germany"; 1844). Tyutchev returned to Russia in 1844.

According to Yu. Lotmantyutchev's work (400 verses) can be divided for three periods:

1st period - initial, 1810s - early 1820s, when Tyutchev creates his youthful poems, archaic in style and close to the poetry of the 18th century. Merging everything together: love, philosophy, and nature. T.'s poetry never develops in the form of rational, speculative thought.

2nd period - the second half of the 1820s - 1840s, starting with the poem "Glimpse", the features of his original poetics are already noticeable in Tyutchev's work. It is a fusion of 18th century Russian odic poetry and the tradition of European romanticism. The themes of love and nature are still relevant, but something disturbing is woven into them. This disturbing beginning with different accents and coloring is expressed, in particular, in poems about wandering.

3rd period - 1850s - early 1870s. This period is separated from the previous one by the decade of the 1840s, when Tyutchev wrote almost no poetry. During this period, numerous political poems, poems "in case" and the piercing "Denisievsky cycle" were created. The Sovremennik magazine.

T. did not care about the publication of his works. The first large group of his poems was published through I.S.Gagarin in 1836-37. in Pushkin's Sovremennik - "Poems Sent from Germany." The second major publication, in 1854, was also associated with Sovremennik, prepared by I. S. Turgenev. The last lifetime edition of the collection - 1868

Nature theme. It appears in the 1920s. The poem “Spring. Dedicated to friends "(" Love of the earth and the charm of the year ... ", 1821 - pp. 57-58) - a traditional conventional poetic manner and very light harmonic tones. "Evening" ("How quietly blows over the valley ...", 1829 - p. 73) - convention has been overcome; very lyrical, harmonious sketch of a bright evening. By 1828 belong "Spring Thunderstorm" ("I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May ..." - p. 77), "Summer Evening" ("The sun's already hot ball ..." - p. 78-79), etc. Already here there is a characteristic of T. spiritualization of nature, humanization of it, as well as for the 20s. - bold, extraordinary assimilations (sun). It also adjoins "The Sorceress Winter ..." (1852; p. 185). The motive of the road. The poem "The Wanderer" is a road and not at all metaphorical. The poem contains the idea of \u200b\u200bconnectivity (Zeus is a wanderer) and the unity of not monotony, but diversity. Movable for the wanderer, this world is "motionless" for Zeus. But this world is rich in its diversity, the connection of everything: the unity of the connected world, where all its contrasts are combined into one whole .

Love lyrics.

1824 year. Munich. Passion for Baroness Amalia Krudener. She is 16 years old, T. - 24 years old. ( "I met you..."). 1826 year. T. out of passionate love married Emilia-Eleanor Peterson, she caught a cold and died. In 1848 T. dedicates a poem to his first wife: “I am still languishing with longing for desires / I am still striving for you with my soul). And marriage with a second wife. 1850 T. meets Elena Denisieva. This novel - central in his heart's life - lasted 14 years (they had a daughter and two sons, only their son Fyodor Fyodorovich survived). The novel proceeded in very difficult conditions. Ernestina (T.'s second wife) behaved generously, and did not pretend to know anything. Poems dedicated to Denisieva are cyclized around two dates: 1851-52. (ostracism) and 1864 (death) and form a lyric novel in his work.

T. died on July 15, 1873, and in April, fettered by a near-death illness, he created a wonderful poem "Insomnia". In 1868, the second - and last - book of the poet was published.