Features of education in Canada. Education system in Canada

Why Canada? This country is one of the leaders in the international educational market. Canadians spend more on education than any other G8 country. Canada has proclaimed a course towards building a "knowledge-based economy." The result is excellent quality and learning conditions in universities, colleges, private and public schools.

In terms of price / quality ratio, Canada confidently competes with Great Britain and the USA, and even Australia. By the way, many US citizens go to study in Canada because here, with a high quality and level of education, prices are significantly lower.

Interest in Canada as an educational area continues to grow every year.

Education system of Canada

The Canadian education system is modeled on the British one. It is distinguished by high quality teaching, close contact between students and professors, and an emphasis on scientific research. You can study in any of the country's two official languages \u200b\u200b- English or French. At the same time, the cost of education and living can be called moderate.

Basically, education is financed from the state budget, although other sources of funds are also attracted. Education needs account for 6.6% of the gross national product. No other G8 country spends so much on this.

Canada does not have a federal ministry of education and is regulated at the provincial and territorial levels. In general, educational standards are about the same throughout the country.

There are many professional associations and unions in the educational field. For example, the influential Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). And the interests of parents and students of private schools, for example, are protected by the FISC (The Federation of Independent Schools in Canada).

The basis of the entire system is free compulsory schooling. Its quality is confirmed by the success of Canadian schoolchildren in passing international tests. The schools have an excellent infrastructure, including expensive sports facilities, laboratories for experiments, modern computers and Internet access.

They go to school at the age of six and study compulsory for at least 10 years. First in primary school, then in secondary (grades 7 to 12). The academic year runs from September to July. Upon completion, exams are taken.

The next step is colleges and technological institutes... About 500 thousand people study in various forms (daytime, evening). To obtain a professional certificate or diploma, you need to study for 1-3 years. Co-op programs are very popular, combining theoretical training with internships in enterprises. There are also "transfer" programs that allow you to first go to college for two years, and then two more years at a partner university and get a bachelor's degree. Finally, a number of colleges are eligible to issue applied bachelor degrees.

Next in the hierarchy of educational institutions are universities and university colleges (of the same status, only with a smaller number of students). There are about 70 of them in total. The number of students in various universities ranges from one to 63 thousand people.

The level of Canadian universities is generally approximately the same. This is facilitated by the fact that all higher education institutions are under strict state control. As a rule, educational institutions are well equipped and have a powerful research base.

A bachelor's degree usually takes four years to study. An insignificant part of the students continues their studies in two-year master's programs. Doctoral degrees can be obtained in an average of three years.

Canadian educational institutions offer a wide range of specialties. Among the most popular are information technology, business and commerce, and psychology.

It is worth paying special attention to the areas in which Canada is the undisputed world leader. These are computer graphics and animation, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

Study budget

Education in Canada is on average cheaper than in the US and UK. For international students, a year of study at a university or college costs 10 thousand Canadian dollars (CAD).

Certain savings can be achieved through part-time work while studying. International students are allowed to work on campus for up to 20 hours per week. For example, you can work in a library, in the department for work with foreigners, etc. The salary is 8-12 CAD per hour. True, due to the training load, the actual opportunity to work usually appears only from the second year. Work is also permitted if it is an integral part of the course of study (for example, for co-op programs).

If the applicant has a high GPA, it is possible to receive a small (2-3 thousand CAD) scholarship upon admission. In addition, you can also count on a scholarship if you are among the best students ("Dean's List"). Finally, you can apply for scholarships awarded by various public organizations and funds.

In many ways, the total cost of study determines the choice of accommodation option. The first year usually everyone lives in a hostel on campus. This provides food (meal plan), and it happens different types... By choosing a profitable option, you can save up to 1.5-2 thousand CAD.

The North American kingdom is one of the leaders in terms of funding for schools and universities. Training in Canada is carried out according to advanced programs by the best specialists with the involvement of all the necessary technical equipment. That is why the country can count on getting quality education at any level.

Benefits of studying in Canada

Diplomas from local universities and secondary specialized educational institutions are in demand all over the world. The Kingdom's schools provide excellent basic knowledge, teach independence and purposefulness. For foreign migrants, education in Canada is beneficial because it is 30-40% cheaper than in Europe. And living in the kingdom will require a quarter less expenses than in the United States.

Moreover, local universities are focused on hands-on learning. Paid internships are constantly offered to students, which makes it possible to compensate for their expenses, gain experience and build relationships with a future employer. Local laws allow students to earn money. Graduates are given the right to work in Canada with the subsequent registration of a residence permit. Training is conducted in the most common languages \u200b\u200bin the world - English or French.

Structure of the Canadian education system

The system adopted in the kingdom differs little from the Russian one. There is preschool education here. The school is divided into junior and secondary schools. Besides colleges or universities, there are secondary specialized institutions. The highest stage is postgraduate study. The current education system differs only in details, which depends on the characteristics of the region where the institution is located.

Preschool education of children

Admission to kindergartens is carried out no earlier than from 4 years old (only in Ontario - from 3). The state provides an opportunity for any parents to send their child to such an institution. There is no charge for this. However, you can use the services offered by the private kindergarten. The cost of a month being in it will be from 350 to 700 C $.


Standard school education in Canada involves an 8-year course of study. In Quebec, it is held in French. 6 active primary grades... In any case, studies begin at the age of 6 and are free of charge, with the exception of non-governmental institutions.

School types

The country has a wide variety of establishments for obtaining general education... In addition to the public school, Canada has:

  • national;
  • catholic;
  • private;
  • home schooling institutions.

All of them, except for private ones, are free. National institutions focus on learning the language and culture of an ethnic minority or migrant community living in Canada. Uniforms are compulsory in Catholic schools and there is little emphasis on religious education. Private primary education considered elite and expensive.

Are there specialized schools

For children with disabilities, all conditions are created for learning in standard institutions. In Canada, it is not customary to isolate them in specialized boarding schools. The same standard programs are offered to gifted students. They can receive special education in Canada only in some private schools. Those who do not strive for a university diploma and want to get a working degree are encouraged to go to college.

The average

Programs operating in different regions imply training from 12 (14) to 17 (18) years. Accordingly, in grades 7-11 or 8-12. Due to vocational training, the term can be extended for another 2-3 years.

Secondary education is available for children of foreigners. Stateless persons are charged a tuition fee of up to C $ 15,000. In private institutions, the cost rises 3-4 times. An opportunity to take language courses is provided as an additional service.

When does the school year start

Classes usually start in September and end in June. The duration of the academic year is 190 days, excluding weekends. Classes are held within a five-day working week and take no more than 6 hours a day. Some regions and some private educational institutions have their own unique features.

Features of higher education

Canada has adopted a Western system that includes 3 steps:

  • bachelor's degree (3-4 years);
  • master's degree (2-3 years);
  • doctoral studies (analogue of postgraduate studies), numbering 4 years.

The first two stages can be obtained in college. The main feature of the system adopted here is as follows. Higher education in Canada involves a large number of internships. They begin not even with a master's degree, but with 2-3 undergraduate courses.

The mode of the school year is generally in line with the norms russian education... However, the winter holidays fall in the last 2 weeks of December, ending after Catholic Christmas and New Years. Distance learning is available at colleges and universities in Canada. For this, all technical conditions... Many are getting a second higher education.

For Russians, an important feature of Canadian universities is that they recognize Russian school certificates. Therefore, those who, after grade 11, want to move to Canada, will only have to obtain a TOEFL or DALF language certificate. This will be enough for admission to the entrance exams.

Popular educational institutions in Canada

If we take the official ranking of 2017 (QS), then the first place in it will be occupied by universities in Toronto, which are formally different institutions, but united in a common structure of 10 city blocks. If we consider the list of universities popular among migrants, then it will be crowned by McGill University. It is one of the oldest in the country since it was opened in 1821.

The mentioned Canadian universities are regularly included in the top lists of international ratings of educational institutions. The University of British Columbia is in a good position. Its structure includes 12 faculties. Listeners are given the opportunity distance learning... The best professors in Canada will deliver their lectures here via Skype. Good education gives medical Collegelocated in the province of Alberta.

Top universities in Canada are represented in large cities... All of them annually accept a huge number of foreign students, therefore, the mechanisms for organizing the residence of student youth on campuses and providing them with everything necessary have been debugged.

Cost of education

Tuition fees for obtaining Canadian diplomas are largely determined by regional specifics. Let's consider what will be the cost of studies for Russian students who have successfully enrolled in a university and received a visa. Prices shown are in Canadian dollars.

To significantly reduce the cost of training, you can take part in a grant program. The government and many Canadian foundations, as well as employers, sponsor the training of the most talented young people. Some programs can provide a completely free higher education. In addition, a number of proposals are valid not only for the local population, but also for immigrants.

How to apply for a foreigner to the University of Canada

To enroll in one of the universities, a resident of another state will need to submit a package of documents, pass entrance tests and obtain a visa. Before entering a Canadian university, you need to decide on funding. If the applicant is unable to prove at the embassy that he is able to pay the costs, his trip to the country of the maple leaf may not take place.

Specified requirements

Education in Canada for Russians is possible under the following conditions:

  • age from 17 years;
  • from 80 points in TOEFL or 6.0 in IELTS;
  • the presence of a certificate or university diploma;
  • copies of passports (national and foreign);
  • available recommendations and motivation letters;
  • photo for a visa;
  • availability of a questionnaire for admission to a university (filled in on the institution's website);
  • confirmation of sufficient funds to pay for tuition and living in Canada;
  • summary.

Those wishing to study in Quebec will need a CAQ certificate.

Visa application

You will not be able to enter Canada without an entry permit under any circumstances. To go to the country, study and work in it on a legal basis, you need a visa. It can be obtained from a consulate or specialized center. For this, a questionnaire is filled out and a package of documents is submitted. Often, the applicant is invited for an interview at the embassy.

You can also order registration through an intermediary. In this case, representatives of such a company will perform most of the procedure and save the client's time. In general, it will cost about 5500 rubles. This is the amount of the consular fee.

Scholarships and grants for international students

There are a limited number of programs that immigrants can take part in. Most often, grants for studying in Canada are issued only to the most gifted and / or well-known individuals abroad, for example, prize winners of international Olympiads. There are also 3 government programs in the country:

  • Government of Canada Award;
  • Faculty Research;
  • Faculty Enrichment.

There are several ways to get a grant. You can contact the fund directly and familiarize yourself with the terms of participation. Documents for government programs are submitted to the embassy usually from September until the start of the Christmas holidays. It is better for the applicant to hurry up because the number of participants is limited by quotas.


Students in Canada are offered several options for arranging their life.

  1. Campuses. It provides all the conditions for a full-fledged student living. The rates are set by the university administration, but usually this option is cheaper than renting an apartment.
  2. Renting a house on average costs $ 1000 per month.
  3. For those who cannot afford these rates, it is recommended to participate in the Canadian Homestay Program. Applicants are offered different conditions. Most often, students have to help with the household or look after the children, pay part of the bills. For this, the foreigner receives a roof over his head and food.

Each of the options has its own pros and cons. However, all of them are quite popular among foreigners and it is not possible to single out the best one.

Prospects for further employment

The focus of the Canadian education system on practical training makes diplomas from local universities quite in demand among employers. Graduates are readily accepted domestically, in the United States and Europe. Often, lucrative offers are received during the practice. Thus, it provides excellent opportunities to improve their theoretical knowledge with high-quality practical training.


Per last years both positive and negative reviews of studying in Canada have appeared on immigrant forums. Not everyone succeeded in integrating into the environment of Western society. Many did not succeed in completing their studies due to poor academic performance. In general, immigration is a complex process that requires more efforts from a person than in his home country. However, the prospect of getting a good degree must spur the will to succeed.

Have you ever dreamed of how you would go far, far away and study at one of the most prestigious universities in the world? Naturally, this desire visits every schoolchild and student. And the reasons for this are completely understandable: education abroad has always been considered more qualified and even interesting. Since both Europe and America began to practice new teaching methods long ago, it is their universities and colleges that attract young people from all over the world. In addition, this is an excellent practice in learning a foreign language, because where, if not abroad, you can get a high conversational level! In our article today, we invite you to explore the aspects of studying in Canada - one of the countries with the highest level of education.

Why is Canada considered one of the leading countries in the field of education?

First of all, he is famous for his unique approach to teaching a child, starting from the very first stage - school. Since teachers in Canada are well qualified, they can develop your little one not only with classical teaching methods, but also create something new. And this does not apply only to schools or kindergartens. A similar trend is observed in absolutely all educational institutions, which attracts today's youth. The desire to choose Canada as a country for study is quite understandable, because each of us wants to listen not easily to a boring lecture, but to discover something new for himself, to participate in debates and conferences. And this requires not only a qualified teacher, but also the appropriate technique, which many educational institutions in their hometown do not have.

In addition to all of the above, Canada is the most optimal place for those who like to learn languages, because two languages \u200b\u200bare officially recognized in this country: English and French. This is where you can not only practice one of these languages, but even learn it yourself. The latter is not very difficult, because plunging into the atmosphere of learning, you naturally begin to understand a foreign language.

In principle, the education system, that is, its levels in Canada correspond to international established standards, that is:

  • The first stage is a kindergarten, where children from 4 to 6 years old are sent;
  • The second stage is primary school - children go there from 6 or 7 years old, and finish at 12;
  • The third stage - secondary school - starts at the age of 13 and ends at 18;
  • The fourth stage is a secondary specialized school, that is, a college - adolescents study there until the age of 20;
  • The fifth step - graduate School, that is, the university - education from 18 to 23 years old.

As you can see, the systems of Russian and foreign education are not very different, although the difference can still be noticed. The Russian youth education system implies 4 years of study at the institute, and in Canada, young people study for 5 years. Maybe this is more correct, because in a year of study you can achieve a lot and become a specialist of an even higher level.

But let's not compare two completely different countries, moreover, on different continents. Instead, we'll highlight the pros of studying in Canada:

  • In this country, there is such a thing as a "boarding school". If someone is already familiar with it, then we advise you not to immediately compare with America or England. Since the number of boarding schools in Canada is significantly less than in any other country in the world, in particular in the two above, their level speaks for itself. Naturally, due to their limited number, they have an excellent reputation and many privileges from the state. Such boarding schools provide their pupils with everything they need, from housing to technical equipment in classrooms. Here you will see fully equipped laboratories and classrooms for listening to foreign languages. Even the hostels that provide boarding schools can hardly be called such, since the living conditions in them correspond to almost a three-star hotel.
  • Don't assume that if there are very few boarding schools in Canada, they will cost a fortune. This is absolutely not the case. On the contrary, boarding schools are available to almost every citizen of the country; they can host a huge number of students. I must say that such Canadian establishments in their cost certainly cannot be compared with British, American or Swiss ones, since they are much cheaper.
  • Are you looking for a university after which you can secure yourself a brilliant career in Europe? Then you definitely need to go to the University of Canada, as it opens up huge opportunities for its students. By participating in all kinds of conferences or just in the life of the university, you can easily make the necessary connections that will help you organize your own life in the future. In addition, remember that the universities themselves are, of course, known all over the world, so a specialist with this level of education will be appreciated everywhere and always.

  • In Canada, there is no such problem as accent. And this is quite important, because citizens who come to study in another country very often feel the language barrier. It is quite natural that at first a person is embarrassed to speak another language and makes mistakes. And very often he begins to feel like an outsider, because no one is interested in talking to him. So this does not happen in Canada. Since the country is truly multicultural, you will feel right at home. Even at university, your accent will be understood and corrected to make it easier for you to express your own thoughts.
  • Choosing a boarding school in Canada, you can count on a good level of preparation for university admission. Since such institutions always have training coursesthat are free, you can easily enter any university you like without tutors and several hours of tedious cramming. Very often the boarding schools themselves can tell you required universityand also introduce the guide to you. Of course, you need to excel for such a huge privilege, but this is possible through active participation in the life of the school. If your academic performance is ideal, as is your behavior, there is also a chance of admission to the chosen university without exams (a kind of gift for those who graduated from the boarding school with excellent marks).
  • Don't be surprised and naturally believe that the level of education in Canada is really high. Why? You ask. Firstly, because the country is investing in the education sector huge amounts of investment that cannot even be compared with the contributions of other countries. Secondly, when recruiting teachers, they are tested to determine the level of knowledge, therefore, only really competent, responsible and intelligent specialists in their field are allowed to study in institutions.
  • When you come to Canada to study, you will receive not only a good educationbut also a great life, as the UN has recognized this country as one of the best to live in. The state has its own rich history and unique beauty of nature. Since the country's authorities are investing huge amounts of money in its development. For example, industry is well developed in Canada. All this also affects the residents who can afford to travel to the world's best resorts, dine at a Michelin-starred restaurant, and also determine the standard of living in this beautiful country. And I must say, he speaks for himself.
  • Canada is considered an excellent option not only for study, but also for sports training. Sports are given as much time here as education. Hundreds of sports clubs, swimming pools, tennis courts function on the territory of the country. AT summer time everyone can go for a morning run to the nearest park, or rent a bike. In winter, you can go with friends to the skating rink or go skiing in the mountains.

If we compare education in Canada and, for example, in the United States of America, then one cannot fail to notice the similarities in secondary education. In both countries, most children go to free schools, because they provide a very good high level of education. Only 5% of the total population prefer to attend private schools, for which you have to pay every month. The secondary education system implies 12 years of study, after which the child can choose first college, then university.

The training programs are also similar to the American ones. Since in Canada two languages \u200b\u200bare officially recognized as state languages: English and French, teaching in schools, colleges and universities is conducted in two languages. As already mentioned, this is a great opportunity for newcomers to learn a foreign language or practice speaking.

Under Canadian law, if a child goes to idle comprehensive schoolbeing a foreigner, the director of the institution or he himself must definitely find him a guardian. This is necessary so that control in the absence of parents is carried out not by the child independently, but by an adult who can solve all the issues related to accommodation, nutrition and, accordingly, education. In addition, there is a counselor and a psychologist at any school. If desired, each child can turn to specialists for help in solving certain problems, even if sometimes not related to the educational process.

Most Canadian schools are co-educational, that is, boys and girls attend the same subjects and are in the same classroom. However, special separate educational institutions only for boys or girls are also open in the country. They are not particularly popular, but some are more willing to send their children to such institutions.

Public schools in Canada are naturally free for citizens only. For the rest, tuition costs about CAD 11,000 per year. However, you should not be intimidated by a very large amount, because for this money your child will receive everything he needs to learn. Since the level of education and qualifications of teachers, the equipment of classrooms is very good, public schools can safely compete with private ones. This is, first of all, the merit of the country, which pays a lot of attention and finance to the development of the educational sphere. By the way, Canada is the only member of the G8 countries that spends such colossal money on the development of education and sports.

Private schools are a good alternative to public schools. They have a very high level of learning, and students are given the opportunity to choose the time of study. Some private schools provide their boarding houses for permanent residence, while others prefer to teach only during the day.

It should be noted that even school education is entirely dependent on the child himself. Teachers do not play a primary role in this process. A significant part of the school assignments are independent work followed by a presentation. To do this, the child must find the necessary information, make an abstract on it, and present it to the rest of the group in the lesson.

There is no knowledge assessment in any educational institutions of the country. In other words, students receive not grades for their answers, but a certain amount of percentage. If the subject is taught for a small number of hours, it is necessary to gain fewer points for it, and vice versa. Thus, to achieve an excellent result, you need to gain from 80%. Getting 100% is very difficult. For example, to enter a university, you need to score about 75%. Usually, tasks are presented in the form of tests or writing essays, less often analyzes and creative tasks are used.

Many of you will love the fact that virtually all students in Canada are active. Moreover, they are not obliged to organize it for themselves on their own, the educational institution will do it for them. In addition to the fact that in any educational institution there are couples of art, music and dance, many students get the opportunity during the summer and winter break skiing, swimming in the pool or playing tennis. And all this is completely free. To some, this will seem strange, because in most European countries such a pleasure can only be afforded by wealthy students of private educational institutions. In Canada, this is available to anyone and is only a plus in his life.

If we talk about the higher education system, then first it must be said that about 100 free and private universities and more than 150 colleges have been built throughout Canada. Education in them is distinguished by a high level of training of teachers, as well as the equipment of classrooms. In general, there are still similarities between Canadian and American higher education systems. In both countries, higher education is based on three main components: bachelor's, master's and MBA. But this is perhaps the only similarity between the two systems. The difference is, first of all, that educational methods change depending on the province. Even the language depends on where the university is located, since some can only be taught in French, while in others it is mainly in English. But, for example, at the University of Ottawa, education is conducted in both state languages, which gives a chance to study them.

It is not surprising that the universities in Canada are the most equipped. In physics classrooms, you can see a model of a nuclear reactor, and at the Faculty of Geography, you can personally take part in determining the weather using the latest meteorological equipment. For us this is amazing, but for students of Canadian universities it is quite common.


Entering Canadian universities is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To do this, first of all, you must have freehold of English language. Students for whom English is not native are required to pass special tests to determine their level. Similar tests are known to almost everyone - they are TOEFL and IELTS. They will be your business card, according to which the leadership will decide your fate. In some universities, these tests may not be sufficient, and you will need to write an essay or take another test on a given topic. There are no restrictions on French. Arriving in Canada and deciding to enter a university, you can choose an entrance exam in French, where you will have to write an essay or go through an oral interview, according to the result of which specialists will determine your level of proficiency in this language.


If you decide to go to a university in Canada, it is preferable to learn about the education system in advance in order to be ready for anything and be able to learn the necessary material. In addition, you must clearly know the list of documents that you must present upon admission. Since Canada does not have federal law governing the list of documents to be submitted, each province may need a different number of documents. But the main ones are:

As soon as your documents are accepted, you are assigned a test or interview day (depending on the specifics of the training of a given educational institution). If you successfully pass all stages of testing, you are offered to pay for tuition and, starting in September, you can safely come to the chosen university. Immediately after testing, you receive all required documents for living in the country, and you also have the right to choose a room in a hostel.

Working together with learning

If desired, each student has the right to earn extra money in his free time. To do this, you just need to take permission from the university administration in order to present it to the employer. However, there is a so-called "work limit" whereby a student is only allowed to work 20 hours a week. Naturally, it is necessary to competently combine work and study in order not to pay a lot of money, as they say, "out of the blue."

Some students are concerned about whether it is possible to find a job in Canada after graduation. We answer that this will be the most optimal and best solution, and indeed it is possible. After you graduate from a university in one or another program, you have the right to stay in Canada for up to 3 years. After this period, you must find a job, otherwise you will be deported due to your disability. However, do not be intimidated by this fact, since it is quite easy to find a job in Canada.

For example, in the province of Manitoba, work itself “looks for” students who have not even graduated from university yet. Since most of the provincial educational institutions are well connected, they themselves assign their students to one or another job offered by the companies. Naturally, the students' desire is also taken into account. In addition, the province has a law according to which a student who remains to work there will receive 10% of the total amount spent on education annually. This is a big plus, because after working in Manitoba for several years, you will not only be able to earn extra money, but will also pay off, thus, your training almost in half.

It's easy enough to leave for Canada. For this, the person who submitted the application goes through several stages of identity verification, and also passes all the necessary tests. If everything goes well, then he is issued a visa and permission to leave the country.

As you can see, Canada is good not only for studying, but also for living in general. Come and see for yourself. Good luck!

Secondary education in Canada will open up broad perspectives in the later life of your child. The level of education in this state meets international standards. After graduating from school in the Land of the Maple Leaf, your child will be able to enroll in one of the leading universities in the world and receive a diploma of the appropriate sample. This, in turn, will help him find employment in large international companies or build his own business with a high level of profitability.

If you are planning to send your child to study abroad, contact the Chancellor agency. Experienced managers will help you choose a school at the best price, collect a package of necessary documentation and solve other organizational issues.

How is the secondary education system in schools in Canada?

According to the PISA (international rating), student performance in educational institutions in this country is very high. For example, in literature and science, students rank 3rd in the world, and in algebra and geometry - 5th.

In terms of the quality of teaching, schools in Canada are not inferior to American and English educational institutions. At the same time, the cost of training in this country is more budgetary.

The provinces can independently establish the educational system. In elementary school, children study from 6 to 12 years old (sometimes up to 13). Then each child gets into an intermediate link - Middle school. There he studies for another 2 years. The next stage of training is High school. It lasts until adulthood.

Usually a medium school education in Canada looks like this:

  • primary school (grades 1-6);
  • middle school (grades 7-8 / 9);
  • secondary school (grades 8 / 9-12 / 13).

However, depending on the province and its legal age of majority, the school system in Canada may vary slightly.

The school year starts in September and lasts 10 months until the end of June. This period is subdivided into 2 semesters. Holidays lasting 2 weeks fall on Christmas and mid-March. In addition to these, there are federal and provincial holidays.

In elementary school, students take compulsory subjects. Then the program gradually expands towards elective disciplines. In high school, she becomes more focused on the future specialty of the student, which gives him the opportunity to prepare for entering the university.

The most difficult secondary education program for children in Canada is the AP program. It consists of 35 disciplines. The final grades are considered for admission to universities in Canada, as well as the United States and Great Britain. After graduating high school, Russian students receive a diploma (Secondary School Diploma) with which they can continue professional education or go to university.

Also, applicants can, while studying in the last two school classes take the International Baccalaureate course. It gives the opportunity to enter any university in the world without passing entrance examinations. Also, some educational institutions have their own educational programs that give priority to students when entering a university, as well as receiving scholarships. These include the Global Leadership Program or the Capstone Diploma.

Secondary education in Canada can be obtained not only in a public, but also in a private institution. Less than 6% of the country's students are enrolled in commercial schools. Nevertheless, a diploma from a private institution is valued higher when entering a university. This is because such institutions provide a high-quality level of academic preparation. In addition, for foreigners, including Russians, private educational institutions - this is the only option for getting school education in the Land of the Maple Leaf.

Another plus of such an institution is the student's independence. In private boarding schools, children live separately from their parents, in the circle of their peers. Therefore, by the end of their studies, they become more adapted to student life.

Benefits of private schools

  • The breadth of choice. Teaching methods and curricula are developed independently by schools in Canada. They often offer popular university preparation courses - Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate. There are confessional educational institutions working according to the Waldorf system or the Montessori method, linguistic schools offering ESL and FSL programs (English or French as a second language), as well as classical boarding schools with fundamental academic training.
  • High quality schooling in Canada. The vast majority of graduates of private schools successfully pass entrance exams to universities of the country and the world. At the same time, the slogan "Any university of your choice" is popular in Canada. The task of teachers is to ensure that each student has mastered the program at a high level.
  • Small classes. This guarantees a lot of attention from the teacher, an individual approach to the student and good discipline in the lesson.
  • Highly qualified teachers. Private schools select the best applicants for their vacancies. Each teacher must be certified at the federal or provincial level. Many teachers have several higher education diplomas, scientific degrees and titles.
  • Excellent material base. Private schools have first-class sports facilities, art studios, music schools, libraries, theaters and science laboratories. Classes are equipped interactive whiteboards, multimedia equipment. The training uses smartphones, iPads, Internet resources and online technologies.
  • Safety. Getting into the prestigious private educational institutions in Canada is not easy. A certain contingent of children enters there - aimed at serious study, inquisitive, active. The optimal ratio of schoolchildren and teachers (on average 7-10 to 1) allows you to get to know each child well and be as attentive to him as possible. Boarding discipline helps to avoid many teenage problems. Round-the-clock security of the school grounds guarantees a safe environment for children.

What do you need to study in a Canadian school?

For admission to the selected institution, an application must be submitted six months ‒ a year before the start of training. This can be done from September to June.

Requirements for applicants depend on the institution. They should be specified additionally. Top tip: if you want your child to be educated in the Land of the Maple Leaf, choose several educational institutions. Thus, in case of refusal in one, you can get into another. After you choose, you will need to fill out a form on the official website of the school. Then all the necessary documentation is sent to the administration of the educational institution with the data of the future student, translated into english language... It is important that a notary certifies all copies.

For admission to a private educational institution you will need:

  • international passport and birth certificate of the applicant;
  • an extract from the report card of the institution in which the child is studying, with a list of the mastered disciplines and grades;
  • evidence of previous or additional education (in the presence of);
  • medical certificate.

Before entering a non-state educational institution, a student will also need to pass an international language exam. These can be IELTS, TOEFL (English) or DALF (French). Sometimes additional testing is required for admission. For example, SSAT, CAT or internal school exam.

If you successfully complete all entrance tests, you will need to pass an interview with the school administration (often via Skype). Next, you should receive an official letter from the school administration, which indicates successful admission and is the basis for obtaining a Study Permit visa. Its registration will take 4-6 months.

Documents required for a visa:

  • a copy of the student's international passport (make sure that it is valid for more than six months after graduation educational program);
  • letter of successful admission to school;
  • completed forms IMM 1294 and IMM 5645;
  • accommodation Confirmation;
  • 2 photos 35 * 45;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the visa fee;
  • an extract from the bank on the state of the personal account and a certificate of the presence of at least CAD 10,000 on it.

With this visa, you can stay on the territory of the state from 1 to 4 years.

Minors overseas students (under 18-19 years of age) living in Canada without a parent are required by law to have an officially appointed guardian (resident over the age of 25). This person assumes responsibility for the child during the period of study, represents his interests, has the right to act on behalf of the parents in their absence. The guardian must also live within reasonable accessibility of the school so that the guardian can stay with him on weekends and holidays. This person:

  • monitors the progress of children, their adaptation to the country and school;
  • helps with household issues;
  • attends school meetings and events;
  • keeps in touch with parents, etc.

Chancellor will help you find a responsible caregiver in Canada. Our employees take an active part in the life of the child throughout the entire period of his studies abroad.

How is the extracurricular life of students going?

Students of private educational institutions are accommodated in comfortable rooms for 1-2 people. The rooms have everything you need for life and study. School campuses are equipped with sports and medical centers.

On the territory of the educational institution, educators and teachers are on duty, so you can be sure that your child will be under constant supervision. In addition, they will at any time help the child with solving household issues or difficulties in academic performance. After classes, students go in for various sports, go to theaters, museums and go on excursions.

Popular schools

  • Ashbury College. The institution is intended for students from 9-18 years old. The school is located in downtown Ottawa. Students are trained in programs such as OSSD, International Baccalaureate.
  • Trafalgar Castle School. A girls' school located in Whitby. Applicants from 10 to 18 years old have the opportunity to apply there. The priority is the detailed study of academic disciplines, as well as the disclosure of the students' abilities. Training takes place in OSSD, ESL, AP courses.
  • Upper Canada College. School for boys. The educational institution is located in Toronto. Suitable for students aged 5 to 18. The educational institution provides preparatory, secondary and senior levels. After completing the training programs, students receive OSSD or IB diplomas.

Chancellor managers will provide qualified assistance in organizing education at a Canadian school for your child. We will select an educational institution in accordance with your requirements, take on the paperwork, organize the trip, negotiate with the administration of the educational institution, help with obtaining visas and preparing for testing.

To sign up for a professional consultation on getting school education in Canada at a bargain price, contact us at the telephone number in Moscow indicated on the website.

Canada's school system is recognized as one of the best in the world. Either due to the fact that teachers are hired after receiving a bachelor's degree or even a master's degree, or because of the high expenditures on the education system in the country as a whole (they reach 7% of GDP).

Education in Canada

Be that as it may, in terms of the level of equipment with computers and their connection to the Internet, Canadian schools are world leaders. Not to mention sports grounds, laboratories and classrooms, which have everything you need to conduct practical exercises.

Another feature of studying in Canada is lack of a national education system... Educational issues for children and adolescents are within the competence local authorities... In this regard, in each of the country's districts, the school education system is different, taking into account the needs and historical and cultural traditions of the region.

Because the canada has two official languages \u200b\u200b(English and French), training can be conducted on any of them. You can also find Russian-language schools for Russian emigrants.

School system

Get secondary education in Canada is possible for 12 years. Although there is an exception - the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. There, you will have to spend 13 years of life to get secondary education.

Length of study in primary and high school also depends on the region. However, one thing remains unchanged - children from 4 years old attend preschool classes ( Pre-school),which are similar to our kindergarten... Children are taught to speak correctly, think logically, develop their creative, mathematical, physical abilities.

After 6 years (in some districts - 7 years), children go to primary school ( Elementary School),in which they study up to grade 6 (and in Ontario - up to grade 8 inclusive). During this period, students master the basic concepts, laws, categories from the field of general knowledge. They learn to get along with other children and build relationships in a team. In general, this period is aimed at the formation of personality, disclosure of creative potential.

Grades 7 to 9 - Junior High,from 10 to 12 grades - Senior High... Although, for example, in the province of Ontario, Elementary School includes the period from grade 1 to 8, and everything that is older belongs to Secondary School - high school. During this period, students can independently form a list of subjects that they want to study, in addition to the compulsory ones.

The educational process at school

Training begins in the first week of September and ends in the last week of June.The academic year in Canada is divided into two semesters of 5 months (in some provinces - 3 semesters of 3 months).

Per year pupils must study 8 subjects... 4 each in the first and second semesters. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes. That is, from day to day during the semester, Canadian schoolchildren repeat the same 4 subjects.

Classes in Canadian schools begin at 8.30 (9.00) in the morning and end at 15.00 (16.00).The lunch break is 1 hour and there are 15 minute breaks between morning and afternoon classes.

The curriculum for each student is drawn up separately. But each class has a set of compulsory subjects (English and French, history, mathematics, career guidance, geography, physical education), which is complemented by a huge list of optional subjects.

In primary school, it is compulsory to study the basic integrated course - Core Сourse (a combination of classes in mathematics, literature and grammar). As well as natural sciences - an integrated course Science (chemistry, physics, biology). Plus physical education, art, getting computer skills. In addition, all schools have classes in theater, painting, musical instruments and crafts.

In grade 10, compulsory subjects include English, Mathematics and Science Integrated Course. In grade 11 the number of compulsory subjects is reduced to two (English and mathematics), and in grade 12 only English remains. At the same time, the list of additional subjects is truly wide - from world religion to information technologies. Grades 9-10 each student must decide what subjects he will need upon admission, and can choose the level of their study. Profile subjects can be studied at an advanced level, which is close to the university program. In addition, in high school, they learn to apply for admission.

Much of the training is in independent work schoolchildren... Each of them must complete a personal assignment (Independent Study Project, ICP). It consists in preparing an essay on a given topic and presenting it to classmates.

Volunteering is also mandatory for Canadian schoolchildren. They can help in nursing homes, hospitals, libraries, etc.