To enter higher education without an exam. Distance learning higher education without USE is real and achievable

Unfortunately, statistics for Russia for last years shows that more and more students either pass the exam for minimum scores, or simply fail the exam, and then open the browser search bar and type in "Where can I go without the exam?"

It seems that the life of a person who has not received the required number of points ends. Is it possible to become an applicant as a result? Sure!

There are many options for admission without uSE results, which, unfortunately, not everyone knows about.

How to enter the institute without the exam according to the law of the Russian Federation

Which universities can I enter without the exam

Which universities are also admitted on the basis of the results of the admissions?

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), State University - graduate School Economics, St. Petersburg State University - St. Petersburg State University, as well as many metropolitan universities and universities of St. Petersburg.

Directions and specialties, which can be entered without the results of the exam

In addition to the USE, the main way of enrolling students is the entrance test. As a rule, in each university it has its own characteristics.

For example, some institutes conduct special interviews with an applicant, in others - test tasks, thirdly, a test of creative orientation.

Let's look at the most popular specialties and entrance tests for them in the largest universities in Russia.

Specialty "State and Municipal Administration"

This is the direction of the faculty government controlled Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University).

The applicant must pass test assignments conducted in the form of the Unified State Exam at the university. The written assignment is mathematics.

"Taxes and taxation"

This direction is in many educational institutions of Russia, for example, in the North Caucasian Federal University. Federal Universitylocated in the city of Stavropol.

The Faculty of Economics and Management will gladly accept new applicants based on the results of the admissions.


This is the direction of the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the RANEPA in the capital. Various training formats, business education programs - this is what it is worth taking the introductory courses for. Their refinement usually takes place at the admissions campaign.

"Applied Mathematics and Informatics"

To enter this specialty at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology), you must complete an entrance test in mathematics, as well as tests. These include Russian, computer science, mathematics and physics.

"Internet Marketing"

This is also one of the disciplines that you can get acquainted with by entering the Faculty of Journalism at St. Petersburg State University. As introductory English, literature and Russian in the format of tests, as well as a written task of a creative orientation.

Directions "Accounting" and "Marketing"

They are included in the direction of "Management" at Moscow State University. The Faculty of Economics set the tasks in this order: test in mathematics, Russian language, foreign language and mathematics.


To enter the direction "Logistics" according to the results of the introductory is at the State Institute of Management (GUU) in Moscow. Among the tests are Russian, mathematics and a foreign language.

"Human Resource Management"

If you have benefits (foreign citizens, people with disabilities, etc.), then in Russian University Friendship of Peoples (RUDN), you can try to pass entry exams for the direction of management "Human Resource Management". However, if you do not have any benefits, then you can count on admissions to the specified university only in the areas of "Journalism", "Linguistics" and "Architecture".

"Crisis management"

You can also enroll in the direction "Anti-crisis management" at the State University of Management, and the science "about everything" is added to the number of two compulsory introductory subjects - social studies.

Where can you go without the exam after grade 11

What to do for an ordinary schoolchild who has just entered the 11th grade and is afraid of being left behind because he will gain low scores on the exam? In addition, he does not have special benefits to help him turn a blind eye to exam results.

Having talked with the "sharks of admission" freshmen, there are two main ways to get into training without the results of the exam:

  1. Admission based on the results of the Olympiads. In our country, various events and competitions are launched annually to help the younger generation to self-actualize. Among them are the Olympiads, to which the majority of schoolchildren are not serious. It is the victory in them that makes it possible to submit documents to one of the universities and enter out of competition. Of course, 1st place in the school Olympiad will not be counted. However, a prize-winning place in the All-Russian Olympiad can bring a lot of benefits upon admission.
  2. Ask your teachers what large-scale Olympiads are in your favorite subjects. For example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, such events are held quite often. Also start preparing for them globally - reading the textbook before going to the competition will not help. Now in the vastness of the network you can find textbooks on in-depth study of subjects, as well as reference books for preparing for the Olympiads. Sure, it's worth the hard work, but it's worth it, right?

  3. Target direction, that is, the opportunity to learn at the expense of the organization. Eleventh graders and their parents enter into an agreement with a company that pays for the training of their future employee. Upon graduation, a student will have to work in the organization for some time (from 3 years). In case of refusal - to pay a forfeit.
  4. How to proceed in this way?Firstly, get approval from the school management, since they help to draw up documents. Secondly, to find the very organization in which there is an opportunity for targeted training. Try to choose a large and promising company with the opportunity to gain a foothold in it in the future. It is worth worrying about this at the beginning of grade 11, since in April the institutes form target lists.

Note: if it was not possible to use the methods presented above, non-state universities could become another option. Of course, education in such institutions is paid, but no one will look at the result of the exam.

Most universities provide an opportunity for students to enroll through the delivery of admissions. It is worth familiarizing yourself with this information on the official website of the university to which you plan to apply.

Where to go to study after college without the exam

Those who entered the technical school on the basis of 9 classes are very warm by the thought that they do not need to take the exam.

Indeed, college graduates also have certain rules that will allow them to bypass the state exam upon admission. Using them correctly is the key to success!

First of all, you need to decide for yourself where to go to study next - in your direction or not. Further it is necessary to find out whether the technical school has concluded an agreement with any university.

If yes, then it will help in many aspects: from the submission of documents to direct transfer to the university to the HSE.

If a future student University after the technical school does not plan to change the specialty, then you can simply pass the entrance tests instead of the exam. Unfortunately, everyone else will have to take a state exam.

Students after medical college can count on reading the passed disciplines, which will greatly facilitate the process of admission to a medical university.

The graduates of the military school can be reassured a little: more often than not, when entering military universities, they look only at the availability of results, and not at the numbers themselves obtained on the state exam. The commission is guided only by passing entrance examinations and physical assignments.

Who can get a job, he will certainly consider the option of admission in absentia.

Admission to the correspondence department without the exam

Distance learning is another way to get an education if the USE results are small.

This acquisition of knowledge is by no means a freebie, you have to work hard to master the material in the shortest possible time.

However, there is a key "but": to study without the results of the state exam will have to paid basis, because budget places are very quickly sorted out by the holders of high scores, especially if you are applying to the economic one.

The main plus is that the cost will be much lower than at full-time. But, unfortunately, it does not give a respite from the army.

Distance learning without the exam

If self-discipline is well developed, and the desire to learn only increases, distance learning becomes an ideal option, for which exam results are not important.

All you need is a computer and internet access.

Teachers send material in the form of lectures and assignments to the mail, and the student independently studies it. You can also communicate through video calls, which improves the level of knowledge of students.

Where to go after the army without the exam

Unfortunately, those who have given their debt to the Motherland will not be able to enter without the results of the exam.

but a law was passed according to which the exam results are valid for two years for those serving in the army.

Therefore, while still in school, you need to squeeze out the maximum and pass exams with high scores.

Well, if the scores are low, no one canceled the paid form of education.

It is worth noting: A good option after the army is to continue serving the country: entering the police school, the Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies. At the expense of high level physical fitness and the discipline commission will immediately pay attention to the potential student.

Is it possible to go to university if I have not passed the exam

The most important thing in this case is not to get upset and confidently go towards your goal - getting an education.

If there is an opportunity to enroll on a paid basis, feel free to follow it.

If you don't have one, try to take entrance tests, consider distance learning, or, finally, retake the exam.

Remember that failing an exam is not the end of the world. Many famous people time after time they were defeated, but everyone continued to go to the goal early. Follow their lead and remember that nothing is impossible!

Those school graduates who are not afraid to take an unconventional path will be able to receive higher education without passing the institute exams and USE. No higher found at present educational institution, upon admission to which one would not have to pass examinations. For those who are not confident in their abilities to withstand a huge competition for budget places and do not have the opportunity to study on a paid basis, there is an alternative way to get a diploma of the coveted higher education:.

We enter the institute without passing the exam and exams

For distance learning, a computer, the Internet and the desire to independently master the educational material will be enough. The teaching staff of such institutes and universities took into account all the peculiarities of the everyday life of a student studying, and prepared high-quality teaching material, which is sent to the student in the form of lectures. They can be published in audio or video format, as well as in the traditional version: in the form of text.

The main difficulty for a student with this form of study is self-organization. Speed educational process directly depends on the student's ability to master the material and the desire to systematize his work. Acceptance of documents to distant universities takes place year-round, performed test papers sent by mail or the Internet. There is an opportunity to receive advice from teachers in the mode. If a student does not have the opportunity to receive study materials via an electronic network, CD-disks with recordings of lectures and seminars are sent to him by mail.

Leading Distance Learning Centers

Almost every institute has a department that practices correspondence work with students, in which their personal presence is not required to pass the sessions. There are also independent units of these higher educational institutions.

Under the Novosibirsk State pedagogical university there is a Center for Open Distance Education for all comers, where you can get a diploma in the following specialties: psychology, law, social pedagogy, etc.
- Invites IBPU students - Institute of Business, Psychology and Management. There is a large selection of specialties, and to start training you only need payment and Internet access.
- Remote Institute at Tomsk State University provides an opportunity to get higher education in specialties: radio engineering, state. management, economics and finance, management, etc.

Thus, for those school graduates who do not want to take exams and the Unified State Exam when entering a university, there is a decent way out - to receive all the knowledge and certification documents necessary for building their career.

Probably, every schoolchild and parents know that, graduating from grade 11, it is imperative to take the USE in order to be able to enter a higher educational institution in the future. It is the USE results that serve as the basis for grade 11 graduates who want to enter a university, and only after passing the exams will schoolchildren be able to receive their secondary education certificates.

But how tired the preparation for the exam is, because schoolchildren begin to prepare for exams not from grade 11, but much earlier. It is very difficult to get the required number of points without taking advantage of the additional lessons, which are most often given by private tutors. So you have to sit all day with books and notebooks, hoping to pass the exam normally. But maybe you shouldn't be so zealous, but just try to enter where you want and without the USE results after the end of grade 11? It is this moment that worries graduates and their parents, so we will now try to figure it out with it.

Is it possible to apply after grade 11 if there are no USE results

According to the laws, it is possible to enter universities after grade 11 without the USE results for a certain category of applicants, if at the same time they have collected all the necessary documentation and redirected to this place in a timely manner. The following points apply:

  1. After the 11th grade without the Unified State Exam, it is possible for those graduates who are winners of the All-Russian Olympiads or their prize-winners, as well as those schoolchildren who participated or became prize-winners of the Olympiads of international importance. Such applicants can choose any university for study, where they will not need to provide USE results. Some higher institutions of the capital, for example, the State Moscow University itself creates a competition in which applicants are asked questions to test their intelligence. If the applicant becomes the winner or prize-winner of the competition, then he has the right to be enrolled in the university without examination tests.
  2. You can enter universities without the USE if the applicant is going to get a second education. In this case, it is necessary to pass those exams that are provided in the institution where the documents are submitted, and based on their results, enrollment is made.
  3. Graduates of the 11th grade can enter universities without the USE if they have limited abilities. For such a category of graduates who are unable to take the USE in the general stream (since their health does not allow this process to be carried out), separate audiences are allocated. In these classrooms, you will need to appear at the agreed time and pass those exams that the university will establish. Based on the results of examination papers it will be established whether the applicant is enrolled in the institution for further education.
  4. Without the exam, applicants can be transferred from one higher institution to another. However, translation usually requires passing an additional exam. This issue is resolved by the leadership of the university to which the transfer is carried out.
  5. If the applicant is a foreign citizen, then he can enter the university without the exam. Such citizens just need to choose a higher institution in which they wish to study and submit the required list of documents in a timely manner.

Which universities are ready to accept applicants without the exam

Earlier, there were listed the reasons why you can go to study where you want, without having at the same time the results of the exam. But what about those applicants who do not fit any of the written points and could not adequately pass the state exam?

In this case, things will be more complicated, and only two options are visible:

  • choose a college for training and, having received a diploma of its completion, enter a university;
  • to enter for higher education at a university in faculties where you can get a specialty of a creative nature.

The first option, of course, will take 2-3 years, but it is realistic to enter a university based on the results of a diploma received in college.

And the second option is most suitable for creative people who show talent or have a desire to show and develop it. IN higher institutions with creative faculties and specialties, they practically do not look at the amount of points scored, the ability to draw, create music, and so on is important for them. Such universities organize their own exams, which are of a creative nature. And in order for the enrollment to take place, the future student just needs to show his talent, and show it in such a way that everyone, without exception, will notice and remember him.

Among such establishments, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Institute choral singingnamed after A. Popov.
  2. Capital Slavic Institute. You can try to enter this university without the required number of points on the exam, but since the qualifying competition is rather severe, it is best to have good results in state exams. Such advice is given to applicants by students of the Slavic institute.
  3. Being foreign citizen, you can become a student of the Peoples' Friendship Institute without the USE, where many foreign students are currently studying.

The unified state examination is the basis for obtaining a certificate of secondary education and further admission to a university. It has become mandatory since 2009. The essence of the exam the fact that each 11th grade graduate gains a certain number of points in two compulsory disciplines (mathematics and Russian) and additional, which he himself chooses. These results are counted as an entrance exam to a college, institute, university.

Attention! The USE data is valid for 1 year only.

However, it happens that a person who wants to become a student, for whatever reason, does not have the USE results. Does he have the right to go to university? The legislation presupposes such a possibility, but only for certain categories of citizens. During admission to study (both full-time and correspondence forms) in the university should not require the results of the unified state examination:

  1. If the person has a disability or physical disability. It happens that an applicant simply for health reasons cannot take the exam in the form in which it is provided: in writing, on special printed forms. In this case, his knowledge will still be tested, but only in the way that suits him. For example, they will offer to draw out a ticket and answer orally. Based on this, the graduate will be issued a certificate of maturity.
  2. Foreign nationals who have graduated from school in their home country. A certain number of places is provided for them (quotas for the education of foreigners, established by the Government).

Attention! Applicants who fall into these two categories will have to take entrance examinations to be admitted to the chosen faculty. The list of disciplines must be specified in admissions committees the universities themselves.

A few years ago it was possible to enter creative specialties without a single state exam. The determining factor was the competition, which revealed the talents and abilities of the future student. However, now graduates of schools who are going to become singers, actors, artists, musicians take the exam in the same way as other applicants. The creative competition still plays the main role in admission, but without the results of a unified state examination, they will not be admitted to it.

Additional options for admission to a university without passing the exam

If a student is going to try to enter an institute or university of interest to him without passing the exam, he can advance towards this goal. Here are some examples.

  • While studying at school, actively participate in international tournaments: Olympiads (the All-Russian level is also suitable, the main thing is that the event is approved by the Ministry of Education) or competitions in Olympic sports. Boys and girls who have received gold, silver or bronze medals in these competitions have the right to enter any profile without exams, i.e. sports university.

Council. Intellectual contests for future students are often organized by universities themselves, for example, Moscow State University. Tournament winners get a chance to become students without the Unified State Exam.

  • After grade 9, go to college, and then to a specialized university. True, instead of 2 years in high school (grades 10-11), you will have to study for 3 years before entering the university. However, there are universities that allow you to skip the first year and get a bachelor's degree after studying at the alma mater for 3 years. But not everyone state institute or the university is considering applicants without a USE, even if they graduated from college. A future student who graduated from college at the university itself has the opportunity to enter without a single exam. You need to ask about the rules of a particular institution in advance.
  • Get a certificate of a foreign school. You can do with it as in russian universityand foreign. Secondary educational institutions abroad conduct their own exams and test future applicants according to the system that has been developed over many years. But as a rule, such graduates continue their studies in a foreign country. Hence the way for those who do not expect to pass the exam with brilliance.

  • Enter a foreign university. Usually, the results of the Russian unified state examination in such educational institutions not taken into account. Many foreign universities have internal entrance exams. Therefore, at least you will have to take the USE to obtain a certificate of maturity, but its results will not greatly affect admission. Russian school education does not always give the opportunity to immediately become a student of a foreign university. Sometimes applicants study additionally during the year according to a special program that prepares them for a foreign university.

In addition, those who already have a diploma and are going to get a second higher education, as well as students who move from one university to another, enter without the USE. Some institutes and universities are ready to accept without the Unified State Exam those who graduated from school before 2009 (before the introduction of the unified state examination). However, this is relevant for applicants entering the evening and correspondence departments... In addition, the list of such universities is shrinking, so you need to inquire about this opportunity in advance at the selection committee.

How to enter a university without the exam: video

It is not the first year that we all know that 11th grade graduates pass such an exam as the "Unified State Exam" - United State exam... These three letters from the first days of their existence immediately began to catch up with fear and horror in schoolchildren who fear for their future. Fortunately, nowadays, taking the exam has become commonplace. After all, everyone passes it.

However, in life there are still cases when a school graduate still does not have USE results. Does this mean that the child was in vain at school for 11 years? Of course not. Even in such cases, it is possible to carry out studies in a secondary / higher education institution. The main thing would be desire.

Next, questions arise: where can you enter without the USE, how to proceed without the USE for correspondence? You can go to college without the USE! Just like going to college without the USE. Is it possible to enroll in absentia without the USE? And then the answer is yes! Let's take a closer look.

In what cases is it possible to continue studying after school without the results of the exam

At the end of grade 11, each graduate russian school surrenders compulsory exam Unified State Exam. As the teachers at school say, without him it is impossible to go anywhere after school. But is it? Not really. Yes, without the results of the exam, the school cannot issue a certificate to a graduate, and he leaves the school's home walls only with a certificate that he attended the proposed course of lectures for 11 classes. But this is not the end. There are several cases when a child can go on to study further.

Go to college without the exam

Can you go to college without the exam? You don't have to wait for the USE to pass after grade 11 and leave school at the end of 9 years of study. The option is good for those who are not going to study at a higher educational institution, but want to get an average professional education... Such institutions are accepted for training on the basis of not only 11, but also 9 grades.

Go to college without the exam

With the institute, things are a little more complicated. It's not enough just to finish 9 classes. Something else is needed. And what exactly - now we will consider.

So, first of all, you can try to pass the USE next year with other graduates. On the one hand, this is the simplest option: you don't need to invent something, look for some paths that lead to universities without USE results. There are at least 360 days left in order to have time to thoroughly prepare for the next passing of such a serious exam. On the other hand, what to do this whole year? Cramming biology and solving equations all day long? No, this option will not suit anyone. Or go to work? In this case, if you turn up good job, you can generally "score" on further training... In general, there are some pluses, some minuses in this option, but still this option is.

You can enter the institute without the Unified State Exam if the graduate wins the All-Russian School Olympiad or the Olympiad held at the university itself, where the former student of the school wants to enter. Based on the victory in the All-Russian School Olympiad, it is possible to enter absolutely any university without the results of the Unified State Examination and any other exams. The university Olympiad, in turn, makes it possible to enter the relevant university without hindrance. A great option for talented guys.

Thirdly, it should be noted that each graduate has the opportunity to choose not only between the educational institutions of his country, but also try to go abroad, where it is absolutely not necessary to have the USE results. It will be necessary to pass the "local" exams and then you are welcome. Only now, in order to achieve a budget place, you will need to pass everything perfectly. Which is not so easy at first glance, although quite feasible for some. By the way, this option is suitable for both the "tower" and the college.

The fourth option for admission without the USE may be college graduation. If you, as already mentioned, entered college on the basis of 9 grades, then it is quite possible to enter a university without an exam after college, continue your studies and get a "higher education" without the hated USE results. So, quite a good option.

And, of course, I would like to say about children with disabilities, as well as "beneficiaries" who are completely free to study at any university without passing the exam. In some cases, it will only be necessary to pass university exams. Nevertheless, whatever the results, an educational institution has no right to refuse a school graduate, but must "meet the graduate halfway."

Apply in absentia without the exam

How to enter a university without the USE in absentia? In general, we can say that in all educational institutions for evening and distance learning applicants are accepted without presenting USE results. To enroll in distance learning without the USE, you will only need to pass the entrance exams for your chosen specialty at the relevant educational institution. True, on budget place not worth counting - almost always such training takes place on a paid basis.

Where can you go without the exam

Despite all the listed methods of admission after school, it will not be so easy without passing the exam. What universities can I enter without the USE? It is necessary to choose a suitable educational institution.

If you - creative personwho has a pronounced talent in any area (draw, sing, etc.), then it will not be difficult for you to enter the desired university. Basically, universities with creative specialties do not pay attention to the presence of the exam, because for them the talent of a potential student is much more important.

You can try to enroll in humanitarian university, even for a budget place. To do this, you will need to pass entrance exams.

And if you already graduated from college, you won All-Russian Olympiad or you have the right to "preferential" admission - then it will not be difficult for you to enter the university, because in these cases many doors open for you.