Pedagogical Universities with Budget Seats. Pedagogical specialties

Many people, in love with the sky, try to conquer its vast expanses. How to become a professional pilot? It is not simple. However, endurance, willpower and a great desire to go forward will allow any person to learn this difficult profession.

Russian legislation gives the right to issue flight permits in three categories:

  • amateur pilot;
  • commercial pilot;
  • line pilot.

How to become a pilot? This question does not leave many amateurs and novices in the field of aviation alone. To realize your dream, you need to accurately understand and be aware of all the difficulties and problems that a pilot may face. Piloting training is a long and laborious process that includes the following:

  • obtaining a special education at a university;
  • training in the flying club;
  • obtaining a pilot's license.

Education at the university

How to become an airplane pilot? Complete training at a flight school or university. This process is the longest and most time consuming, on average it takes five years. There are two state flight schools in Russia, located in St. Petersburg and Ulyanovka, the rest of the institutions are branches.

To enter such institutions, a potential pilot must have exceptional health and endurance, so the first step on the path to training is to pass sports standards: running for a while (100 m and 1000 m), pull-ups on the horizontal bar. If the commission is satisfied with the student's results, then he enters. It is important to note that if the state of health deteriorates during the training process, a potential pilot may be expelled from the university.

Mostly in schools, they study theory, which is taught in various directions: aircraft design, flight manual, aircraft navigation, aviation medicine, and more. Upon completion of the course, the pilot is awarded a diploma.

Having received the necessary knowledge, a person begins to practice. To get a job as a pilot, a graduate needs to fly about two hundred hours on an airplane.

Aeroclub training

How to become a pilot? Any specialist must constantly improve and improve his qualifications. Here, various courses organized in flying clubs come to the rescue, where experienced instructors will talk about innovations in the field of aviation and control test flights.

If a person intends to become an amateur pilot, then it is enough for him to pass full course in the flying club without primary education in Academy civil aviation... However, the Federal Air Transport Agency requires a large amount of practical and theoretical knowledge from the pilots of the flying club.

At the very first lesson, the beginner will be offered to make a test flight together with the instructor and will be told about the operation of the main instruments on the aircraft control panel.

The pilot will have to master theoretical training on his own, since training in flying clubs is more focused on practice and flying hours.

At the end of the course, the newly-made pilot passes the medical commission of the VLEK GA (medical and flight expert commission) for professional aptitude.

It is important to know that only flying clubs that have all the necessary certificates and licenses are granted the right to exercise professional activity within the framework of the current law.


An amateur pilot who graduates from an aeroclub receives a corresponding certificate, which gives him the right to make independent flights on light aircraft, but limits his employment.

A graduate of the Flight Academy receives a commercial pilot license, which allows him to become the commander of a single-engine and multi-engine aircraft.

The most difficult task for a line pilot is to obtain a flight license of the appropriate level. The total plaque should be one and a half thousand hours, and the health requirements are increased.

Commercial and line pilots are divided into classes, of which the third is the lowest, the second is the middle, the first is the highest.

How to become a civil aviation pilot?

A specialist with a commercial flight certificate is eligible for employment. How to become a civil aviation pilot is explained to him by the airline where he is going to work. The procedure for accepting a pilot to the staff in most cases does not undergo changes.

After training at a flight school, a newly minted specialist can only apply for the role of a co-pilot of the crew.

How to become a civilian pilot:

  • a commercial pilot license is required;
  • passing exams: theory and practice;
  • medical examination;
  • availability of the required hourly flight time.

    To become a line pilot, get the highest category and get a job in the largest airlines, you need to have a lot of experience in commercial flights as a co-pilot and crew commander.

    How to become an Aeroflot pilot?

    Aeroflot is Russia's largest airline and national carrier, operating domestic and international flights around the world. It is prestigious and honorable to work in it. The airline conducts a rigorous selection of its employees, as it requires only highly professional personnel.

    How to become an airplane pilot? On the basis of Aeroflot, its own flight schools have been created and programs for personnel retraining have been developed. A pilot must be in possession of a commercial license upon admission to work.

    The first stage of one and a half year training falls on the Ulyanovsk School of Civil Aviation. Then the Aeroflot school prepares a pilot for a Commercial Pilot License or Multi-crew Pilot License for six months.

    The cost of training in the amount of twenty-seven thousand dollars is paid by the pilot himself. Aeroflot provides its employee with a loan for this amount on the condition that he has to work for the airline for five years. He will be withheld $ 450 from his monthly salary to repay the loan.

    To save money, the company decided to train its cadets on a light twin-engine Diamond Aircraft of Austrian origin. Also, the Aeroflot school is equipped with the latest simulators, which allows for many manipulations on the ground.

    The airline is offering accelerated refresher courses worth $ 100,000. The initial payment of $ 55,000 is paid by the student himself, and Aeroflot provides a loan for the remaining amount.

    Helicopter flights

    How to become a helicopter pilot? In many cities of Russia there are pilot training centers for working with various brands of helicopters. Almost everyone dreams of flying a rotorcraft, and not everyone succeeds in becoming a professional pilot.

    Those who enroll in such courses master the theoretical and practical knowledge base. Helicopter control training takes place individually with an experienced instructor.

    The pricing policy of training courses for piloting a rotorcraft consists of a number of factors:

    • presence or absence of primary aviation education;
    • preferred type of helicopter (Robinson R44, Eurocopter, Bell, Agusta and others);
    • the number of practical sessions and the total plaque.

    Several teaching methods have been developed in schools: for beginners and virtuoso professionals who want to take a refresher course.

    Upon successful completion of the training, the cadet is issued a state-standard civil aviation amateur pilot certificate.

    Piloting a fighter

    How to become a fighter pilot? Currently, the most popular Russian fighters are the MiG-31 and Su-27. They are also used for training pilots.

    Fighter pilot is a very risky and adrenaline-filled profession. On the basis of the flight school, cadets practice the techniques and methods of correct and accurate flight. On average, each pilot should fly one hundred hours during the year.

    The practical training course includes the following:

    • flights according to the combat training plan;
    • restoration of lost flight crew skills;
    • performing various kinds of tasks from the military crew;
    • a program for refueling an aircraft in the air during the day and at night.

    It is very important to master the technique of refueling fighters in the sky, since it is quite difficult to do this: at a speed of 600 km / h you need to get into the tanker's hose. Refueling increases the flight duration to five hours.

    All tricks and methods of interception are practiced on the latest simulators

    Fighters that accurately repeat all tactics and movements.

    After five years of hard work, professional first class fighter pilots are produced. They join the Air Force.

    Military pilot

    How to become a military pilot? It is necessary to graduate from the Civil Aviation School, and then - the Air Force Academy. Yuri Gagarin.

    It is important to know that working as a military pilot is a service in the Russian Air Force, and it implies all state benefits and programs.

    Young people over 18 years of age, after a full medical examination, can proceed to military service... In addition to the medical examination of doctors, the cadet will have to undergo a neurological and psychological examination. If he does not pass at least one of the criteria, he will not be accepted into the ranks of the Air Force.

    Any potential military pilot should have the following qualities:

    • bravery;
    • a responsibility;
    • endurance;
    • high intelligence;
    • stable psyche.

    Undoubtedly, the profession of a pilot is prestigious and honorable. You can learn how to become a pilot and truly professional in your field in specialized institutions, having discussed all the conditions and rules for admission. The most important thing is that the pilot must be truly in love with the sky, constantly develop, improve and go towards his goal in spite of all the difficulties that arise.

The profession of an aviation pilot involves managing various categories aircraft... Under the general name, the specialty combines several positions. Pilots include the commander, co-pilot, flight engineer and navigator. Aviation pilots fly both civilian and military vessels. Specific duties, in addition to piloting and landing an aircraft, include monitoring instrument readings. The crew commander signs the accompanying documents. Also, the profession involves timely decision-making by pilots in emergency situations. Do not forget that in the case of work in the field of passenger transportation, the commander is responsible for dozens of lives.

Personal qualities

The first requirement for a pilot is absolute health. Long-term flights and sensitive g-forces during takeoff and landing require endurance. Taking into account the constantly changing weather conditions and the possibility of force majeure on board, stress resistance will be an additional advantage. Successful crew management requires leadership and confidence in your actions.

Where to study

Aviation pilot training takes place in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. The applicant can choose between educational institutions civil and military orientation. Even a slight deviation in medical indications can become a reason for refusal to accept an applicant. The main academic disciplines are navigation and routing. Students study the device, aircraft control capabilities, get acquainted with ship orientation.

The educational status of an educational institution determines how much an applicant will study to become an aviation pilot. Usually the term of study ranges from 3 to 5 years. However, during labor activity the pilot takes a kind of refresher courses. In addition, flight schools offer courses for amateur pilots. In a short course you can learn how to fly an ultralight craft. This option is suitable for those who consider piloting as a hobby.

Required exams: Russian language, mathematics, physics (optional), standards for physical training.

Suitable specialties:

  • "Flight operation of aircraft"
  • "Testing of aircraft"
  • "Air navigation"
  • "Operation of aircraft and air traffic management"

Examples of educational institutionswhere they teach for the chosen profession:

Civil Aviation:

Military aviation educational institutions are distinguished by stricter discipline and barrack-type dormitories. Students receive not only higher military education, but also a civilian specialty.

Military aviation:

  • Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero Soviet Union A.K. Serov
  • Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots
  • Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators

Pros and cons of the profession


Demand in the labor market;

Decent salary;

The ability to travel;

Social security;

Early reaching retirement age.


Emotional stress during the flight;

No guarantee that the next medical commission will be passed;

Frequent absences from home;

The inability to maintain close contact with loved ones constantly.

Career, places of employment

After graduating from specialized institutions, the graduate has the required number of flight hours to get a job in the company. Although it should be noted that the more serious the organization, the more experience is required from applicants. There is fierce competition for prestigious positions in Russian airlines. In most cases, test pilots are graduates of military schools. The average salary of a beginner specialist is 70,000-90000 rubles.

The profession of a pilot is inherently very complex. It requires tremendous endurance and emotional stress. There are flights that last almost 14 hours, and all this time the pilot should not be distracted from work - he needs to observe the instruments, check their serviceability. What it takes to become a pilot of a passenger aircraft and how to become a pilot of a civil aviation aircraft in Russia - this interests many who are in love with the sky.

The pilots themselves say that in itself it is a very beautiful job. Nevertheless, it is also dangerous, although it is not officially recognized as such. Indeed, during the flight, various emergency situations may arise - from engine failure to a terrorist attack on board. A pilot should be prepared for any of these situations and know what to do and how to do it. But how to become a civilian pilot in Russia?

In general, the pilot must exercise not only control over the aircraft during the flight, but also preparation for the flight, inspection of the aircraft before departure, and the ability to manage the crew of the liner.

The most important thing is to ensure the safety of each and every passenger on board. This is a huge responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the pilot, especially the PIC.

What is needed for this?

First of all, of course, very good health... The pilots regularly undergo honey. commission, as well as before the flight, they are examined by a doctor.

Excellent vision and hearing, excellent eyes, perfect mental health, good vestibular apparatus - this is not a complete list of health requirements for pilots.

The pilot's work is challenging and tense.

Work experience, the availability of certificates, admissions and a diploma of graduation from flying school, as well as a good knowledge of the English language also play an important role in the formation of a future pilot.

As for the FAC, they also need to be a Personality with a capital letter. After all, they are the ones who make all the main decisions regarding the flight and during emergency situations.

You need to constantly be concentrated and attentive. The slightest mistake can cost the lives not only of the pilots themselves, but also of all passengers on board.

Where in Russia are they taught to become a civil aviation pilot?

There are only a few educational institutions in Russia where future pilots are trained. It is quite difficult to enter there. To do this, you must have excellent health (before admission, you must pass a medical commission) and pass exams in basic technical disciplines.

Moreover, if during training, health deteriorates (at least for one indicator), then they can be removed from training.

Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School and St. Petersburg Academy of Civil Aviation - these are the best flight training institutions, where they study for 5 years.

Omsk LT College of Civil Aviation, Sasov Flight School of Civil Aviation, Krasnokutsk Flight School and Buguruslan Flight School - a list of other educational institutions where training lasts 3 years.

It is more difficult not even to go there, how long to finish the training. After all, theory is one thing, and quite another is to be in a real booth.

Upon graduation from college / academy

When a future pilot finishes training with him only 150 flight hours. This is very small, since to become a pilot of a passenger liner, you need at least 4,000 flight hours.

At the moment in Russia there is a huge problem in order to work the required number of hours. The Soviet Union had a well-established system for training pilots of passenger airliners.

Initially, they worked on forestry or other similar aircraft. Then they transferred to domestic aircraft and the last stage was international flights.

Pilots learn throughout their lives.

Now this system is no longer operational. For this reason, airlines have to hire pilots with a minimum set of flight hours... Sadly, but this is directly reflected in the level of flight service.

Some of the pilots go abroad and gain experience there, working as a pilot for small companies or as an instructor. For example, in the United States, such work allows you to make money.

On the contrary, in Russia nothing is paid for it. Also individual companies have their own flight schools, training in which makes it easier to find a job.

In addition, you must have a special airplane pilot or commercial pilot license. To obtain them, you must definitely graduate from an academy or college. It's kind of like a driver's license that allows you to fly an airplane.

Plus to everything pilots have categories - 1, 2 and 3... Respectively, to get the first category, you need to unlearn 2 and 3. And in general, during their entire career, pilots undergo various advanced training courses. This means that pilots have to learn constantly.

How to get a job with a major airline?

As noted above, for this, first of all need to have a large number of flight hours and a commercial or air pilot's license.

To get a job with a good airline, a pilot must have a certain number of hours.

Of course, each individual airline has its own requirements for the candidates. For example, how to become an Aeroflot pilot from scratch?

To do this, you must have for each aircraft model at least 500 flight hours, and he must also know english language at level 4 on the ICAO scale... It is an international organization under the UN. It is she who sets the rules and regulations for civil aviation around the world.

Education must be higher or secondary with the provision of the title of pilot. The break in work should not exceed 5 years, and you already know about the presence of a pilot's license.

What is required to get a job as a flight attendant and what is their salary is indicated and

Flight schools train future pilots and aviation technicians... In secondary flight schools, you can learn to be a pilot of both civil and cargo aviation.

Specialties of flight schools

"Flight operation of aircraft" is not the only qualification that students of secondary schools acquire, there are others:

  • "Technical operation of aircraft and engines";
  • "Technical operation of electrified and flight and navigation complexes";
  • "Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment (by mode of transport)";
  • "Software computing technology and automated systems ";
  • "Information systems (by industry)";
  • "Programming in Computer Systems".

How to choose an educational institution

There are higher and secondary schools of flying, but still the pilot's profession is closer to secondary education, since it relates to the field of operating machines, and not to the field of engineering.

In general, the number of flight schools in Russia is decreasing, and the choice is not too great. In our big countryWhen considering alternatives for admission, it makes sense to be guided by the geographical factor. If desired, it will be possible to continue education at a university, a branch of which is considered a secondary school.

If there are no flying schools in the nearest cities, contact the zonal selection committee at the regional civil aviation administration.

Since Soviet times, aviation has been divided into military and civil aviation. Middle-level military flight schools are organized at the airfields of the Ministry of Defense, but more often the army aspect of flying is studied within the framework of higher education.

Requirements for applicants

Admission is carried out at the end of 11 classes of school, while candidates cannot be older than 25 years. Applicants must present a military ID or ID of a citizen to be drafted.

The school has the right to count uSE results or conduct your own entrance tests.


  • russian language;
  • maths;
  • physics (sometimes, depending on the specialty).

Unlike other colleges, flight schools on their websites are in no hurry to specify the list entrance examinations: admissions committee it will be interesting to draw conclusions about the school success of applicants on the basis of education documents.

Flying school is not the place to go for the company or as a result of the hasty decision to become a pilot. The professional standard requires a steady interest in the profession from the applicant.

No matter how strong the dream of flying is, they can refuse to admit for health reasons. It should be at the level of a conscript fit for service in the army.

The admissions committee must submit blood tests for sugar and group, certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist. Complete list medical requirements specified in a specific school.

It is not possible to stock up on certificates in advance: many of them are valid for a short period, but taking care of the photos in advance is worth more than for admission to other colleges and technical schools - at least 10.

In addition to good academic performance in general subjects and excellent health, composure, stress resistance, responsibility, and quick reaction are needed. Willingness to master the profession in general is also very important. Nothing to do with the capricious statement: “I want to fly! - study at the flight school does not.

Today, more aviators are retiring than graduated from flight schools, so secondary vocational institutions are interested in training, and the chances of successful admission are great.

Civil aviation pilots are professionals who are dedicated to life in the skies. These are fearless people who have challenged fate and have gone through many trials. Therefore, everyone who dreams of such a profession should be aware that his life path will become just as difficult and thorny.

And if such a fate does not scare you, then let's talk about civil aviation in Russia. Where should I go to study? How long will it take, and then how to look for a job?

The beginning of a long journey

First of all, you should be aware of the fact that it will take quite a long time to study as a civil aviation pilot. Indeed, unlike a car, operating an airplane requires extensive knowledge: from its structure to the features of flights in bad weather.

Therefore, it is worth preparing for the fact that you will have to study "tons" of educational material. At the same time, it is not easy to memorize all the information, but to be able to competently use it during flights. Especially if in the future you have plans to get a job in a commercial structure.

Flight licenses

Today, all civil aviation pilots fall into three broad categories. This is due to the strict licensing system, which absolutely all pilots are required to pass. It is she who subsequently determines what kind of winged machines a person can control.

  1. PPL or private pilot. Possession of this document grants the right to fly small planes that are not intended for cargo transportation. Simply put, a person can fly as much as he wants for his pleasure, but no one will take him to work.
  2. CPL or commercial pilot. This type of license allows a person to deliver small loads, fly tourist flights, and take parachutists into the sky.
  3. ATPL or line pilot. What can I say, this is the highest category of pilots, allowing to fly multi-ton passenger airliners.

civil aviation

As soon as a person decides to embark on this path, he immediately faces a choice: to submit documents to the flight school or to be limited to the aviation school? Oddly enough, but both options have their pros and cons, so let's look at them separately.

Let's start with flying schools. higher here, since much more time is allocated for pilot training. In addition, students are taught not only piloting, but also other disciplines - physics, advanced mathematics and law. This allows us to educate comprehensively developed pilots who are able to perform their duties efficiently.

As for the disadvantages, flight schools and academies are recruiting based on the state order. This leads to the fact that from 10 to 12 applicants apply for one place. In addition, many successful civil aviation pilots imply that the technical base of our educational institutions is noticeably outdated. Because of this, their graduates have to take additional courses in order to understand the peculiarities of piloting new aircraft.

But everyone can enter the flight school. More important here is whether a person has money for training. The quality of education here is slightly lower, although it largely depends on the school itself and what teachers work there. At the same time, it is worth noting that it is much easier to get a certificate of the PPL category at the aviation school, since here you can take extracurricular activities.

Moving from one category to another

Both male and female civil aviation pilots in Russia pass the same standards to obtain a license. They are different for each type of document, so let's take a look at them:

  1. The PPL type certificate can be obtained by candidates who have reached the age of 16. To do this, they need to master 155 hours of theoretical material, as well as fly 47 hours on a Cessna 172 aircraft. On average, training in this category takes from several months to one year, depending on the intensity of the classes and the type of educational institution.
  2. The CPL type certificate can be obtained by candidates who have reached the age of 18. To do this, they need to have a PPL type license or complete this training course from scratch. In addition, they will have to study more than 600 hours of theory, and also fly 152 hours on a single-engine plane. And at the end of the training, close another 30 hours of flights on a navigation simulator and 12 hours on a multi-engine airplane.
  3. ATPL type certificate is a more sophisticated version of the CPL license. That is, you will need to learn everything that is in the previous categories, only with greater depth in practice. In addition, you will have to practice flight simulations on passenger and cargo airliners.

Passing the medical commission

All civil aviation pilots undergo rigorous medical examinations. Moreover, it is carried out both before the start of training and after its completion. Also, the medical commission will have to be passed annually even after employment, otherwise the pilot will simply not be allowed to take off.

The difficulty lies in the fact that any flaw or disease can become a reason for a negative conclusion. If we talk about commercial flights, doctors can ban flights even because a person does not have a couple of teeth. This is due to the fact that such a defect distorts speech, and this, in turn, makes it difficult to communicate with the tower dispatcher.

Finding a suitable job

In their search for work, naturally, all civil aviation pilots in Russia rely on what license they have. So, if you have a CPL, you should try to get a job in a small airline that provides travel services. Alternatively, you can consider the vacancies of instructors in flight schools, but then you will have to complete additional courses.

Much more prospects open up for those who own the ATPL license. In this case, the chances are high that the big airline will offer you a job. There is only one but - most likely you will have to sign up for special courses that allow you to master the management of an airliner.

The trouble is, their cost is quite high. Therefore, you will have to conclude a special agreement, according to which the pilot will deduct part of his salary in order to pay off the debt to the airline. In addition, initially, a novice is only admitted to the position of 2nd pilot, since the captain's position requires experience in flying large aircraft (over 1.5 thousand hours).

Duties of a civil aviation pilot

Airlines often disagree on the intricacies. domestic policy... However, there is something that unites them all - the rigidity of the requirements in relation to their pilots. After all, not only the safety of the aircraft depends on this, but also the life of its passengers.

Therefore, all pilots are required to comply with the following five points:

  1. Fly the plane professionally.
  2. Always follow safety regulations.
  3. Know in advance the reports of the meteorological services.
  4. Check the condition of the vessel before starting the flight.
  5. Obediently use the commands and prompts of the air traffic controller.

Female Civil Aviation Pilots in Russia

Most people are used to the fact that the pilot is a man. Therefore, for them, a female civil aviation pilot is something out of the ordinary. However, the reality is that both men and the fairer sex can fly the plane. But for some reason, even today, they are allowed to approach large airliners with caution. And yet in Russia there are examples of women who rule such giants.

So, Olga Kirsanova has been piloting a passenger plane weighing more than one hundred tons for several years. She is sure that everyone can get a seat in the cockpit of a winged machine - the main thing is to want it with all your heart. True, Olga herself had to sweat a lot to achieve her position, since the management of her airline for a painfully long time could not decide on this appointment.