VGIK preparatory courses. Other photography courses to help you prepare for the WGC

Higher Courses of Film and Television VGIK announces recruitment for the program " Filmmaking"Under the leadership of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation Vladimir Petrovich Fokin.

According to a long-standing tradition in VGIK, each workshop of VK Kit is an author's, unique phenomenon, when classical teaching methods are combined with the personal achievements of the leading masters of Russian cinema, thereby creating the basis for a successful creative and professional career for future directors who can compete in the modern screen industry market ...

Vladimir Petrovich Fokin - one of the most famous Russian directors, (see filmography), professor of VGIK, academician of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, academician Russian Academy cinematic arts "Nika", laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize and the Prize. Alexandra Dovzhenko, winner and prize-winner of numerous Russian and international festivals, has released 15 directing and acting workshops.

Possessing colossal pedagogical experience, V.P. Fokin is able to educate a young, modern director. Exploring the many years of experience in the domestic and foreign industry of fiction, non-fiction and television films, he developed a workshop strategy based on the combination of classical directing and acting. Training under this program will undoubtedly give a workshop graduate an opportunity to master the necessary set of skills that correspond to both his personal abilities and the needs of the modern film market.

The duration of the program is 2 years. The beginning of the educational process - March - April 2017. The recruitment for the program takes place at competitive basis... Persons who have higher or secondary specialized education or are able to provide a diploma of education by the time of graduation are allowed to participate in the competition.

The following works are submitted for the preliminary creative competition:
1. (click)
2. Autobiography in literary form (1-2 pages)
3. Interesting case from the life of which the author was a witness or participant (2-3 pages)
4. The idea of \u200b\u200byour debut film (2-3 pages)
5. Other works characterizing the creative potential of the applicant. (The total amount of work should not exceed 20 pages)
6. Passport scan (spread with photo and spread with registration)
7. Scan of education document (without attachments with grades)

Works for the preliminary creative competition are accepted by e-mail. The questionnaire and creative works (text files) are accepted only in text format (MS WORD), jpeg, pdf and other pictures with text are not accepted. The file name should look like this: "Lastname_rezh". For the same email. You can ask the address you are interested in - you will definitely be answered.

You can also bring us the work in person or send it by registered mail (be sure to indicate: "with delivery") to the address: 129128, Moscow, st. Budayskaya, 3, VGIK, office 212, 219 Monday - Thursday, from 14:00 to 20:00. The works are accompanied by 2 copies of the completed printed questionnaire with the indication of the "Film Directing" program and with a photograph of the applicant.

The electronic questionnaire is sent in parallel to the following email address:
Works that did not pass the preliminary competition are not reviewed either orally or in writing and are not returned.

Works and a set of documents are accepted until March 15, 2017. Only a complete set of documents is accepted for consideration. For applicants who have passed the preliminary competition, a creative interview will be held. Lists of eligible for interviews and interview times will be published on the website and sent to applicants by e-mail.

During the interview, general cultural training (knowledge of cinema, literature, theater, fine arts, music) is tested. Questions about the works of the preliminary creative competition. The applicant must be ready to justify his choice of profession, talk about his interests (especially in art, cinema). Enrollment is made by order of the rector following the results of the preliminary creative competition and creative interview (after paying for the first stage of training). A hostel is provided for nonresidents.

In the curriculum of the discipline:

  • Filmmaking
  • Director's work with an actor
  • Installation
  • Screenwriting
  • Cinematography
  • Sound engineering
  • The mastery of the film artist
  • Fundamentals of filmmaking
  • History of world cinema
  • Copyright
The teaching staff of the "Film Directing" program is both young talented practitioners and the best, experienced teachers of VGIK, who have graduated many successful filmmakers. During the training, the students will complete several educational filming tasks, put on several mini-performances.

In this workshop, special attention is paid to the discipline "The work of a director with an actor", as a result of the development of which graduates will be able not only to work filigree with professional and non-professional artists, but also independently perform complex roles. And this is one of the foundations of the filmmaking profession. This is not to say that it will be easy, but for those who choose filmmaking as their profession, this, albeit difficult, but the most correct way! Good luck to you!

If your future profession you see theatrical creativity, directing or the visual arts, you will have to prepare for admission to a university incredibly carefully. In such universities, there is always a serious competition, at least 200 people per place. It is very difficult to prepare on your own, it can help with this school of theatrical skillor special courses.

Stage school of theatrical skill, structure of directions

Almost in all creative universities there is an unspoken written pre-examination competition, where the applicant writes a free essay on the subject of his vision of himself in the future profession. This can be a summary of the concept of their hypothetical directorial work, a free retelling of the creative plans of a particular production with a step-by-step explanation of their implementation. It can be a play or a script of its own authorship, poetry, etc.

The commission assesses the creative potential of the applicant, the feasibility of submitting documents to this educational institution. You need to submit documents at once to all theatrical educational institutions of the city. There is a simple explanation for this - with a huge competition for a place, it turns out that you do not choose the university, but the university is thinking about your professional suitability.

The school of theatrical skill in each Temple of Melpomene has its own unique style. It will be good if you have visited theatrical performances theater chefs of universities, where you enter and understand the difference between stage schools. After all, there is a certain unspoken competitive element between the theaters and it is fatal to get into a mess, confusing, for example, the school of the VTU im. Shchepkina with the Moscow Art Theater School.

Will be a huge plus if you're done training courses at this educational institution. So, you have chosen for yourself admission to VGIK, training coursesand the recommendations for the university are as follows: twice a year, students are recruited here for vocational guidance courses at the directing department. The courses last two months and introduce the prospective applicant into the details of the chosen profession. It is important to understand that these courses do not provide any advantages upon admission, they are only intended to introduce you to the course of some aspects.

Teaching choreography, plastics, the basics of acting and stage speech are designed to prepare the applicant for admission to the university as much as possible. Classes are held regularly three times a week for six months. There is a preliminary registration for the preparatory courses. In this case, the applicant is obliged to audition. Any format of a work of art - prosaic or poetic - is allowed for reading at the audition.

Preparatory courses at VGIK are divided by profiles: directors of TV shows, fiction and non-fiction film format. These classes are held four months three times a week.

How to choose the right poetry to listen to

Applicants often wonder what poems for admission to the theater It will be more advantageous to choose a university. There can be no other advice than to look back at the stage schools of theaters and the teacher recruiting the curriculum. In any case, it is categorically impossible to limit oneself to one poem. Even two will not be enough, because at the admissions office you may be interrupted at any time and asked to read something else.

Confident knowledge of five or six rhymed works, be it poems or fables, is your trump card. The main thing is to be confident and dignified, thereby demonstrating your ability not to be afraid of the audience. You should not allow unnecessary pathos and theatricality. Speech must be clear and free from defects.

To enter here is the dream of many young men and women. Every year there is a competition among applicants - more than 100 people per place. Of these, only 10% of the lucky ones are selected. This means that getting to the first course of VGIK is still real. Today we will talk about how to become a student at the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov.

VGIK provides excellent education, which is highly valued in all countries of the world. This is one of the few cinematographic universities that has its own educational film studio with pavilions, an educational theater, and art workshops. Almost all graduates of the institute get a job in their specialty.

What directions are there in VGIK?

At the institute, students are trained in full-time and extramural forms learning. At the same time, you can apply for three directions from the following:

  • Acting, a passing score of 242, 18 seats are allocated in each workshop.
  • Feature film director, TV film - 289 points, 12 seats planned.
  • Director of non-fiction films and television films - 295 points, 8 seats.
  • Director of television programs - 295 points, 8 seats.
  • Director of animation and computer graphics - 288 points, 8 places.
  • Multimedia director - 242, 10 seats.
  • Audio-visual arts sound engineering - 276 points, 12 places.
  • Cinematography - 252 points, 18 places.
  • Film and television artist - 273 points, 5 places.
  • Film and TV costume designer - 308 points, 5 places.
  • Animation and computer graphics artist - 259 points, 7 places.
  • Animated film designer - 308 points, 5 places.
  • Drama - 294 points, 10 places.
  • Film Studies - 289 points, 10 places.
  • Producer - 262 points, 11 places.

The number of points and places paid for by federal budget, indicated as of last year.

What exams are waiting for you?

For all specialties, a successful passing the exam on Russian language and literature. But the programs for creative, professional tests and interviews are slightly different. For convenience, they are called tours. They are rated on a 100-point scale. More than 41 points can be called a positive result.

  • Content of the professional test

For actors, these are photo and video tests. For directors - reading an excerpt fiction, poems, fables, as well as various creative tasks, during the implementation of which you need to show imagination, observation, figurative thinking. General technical literacy is assessed for sound engineers. Cinematographers take an exam on their knowledge of the history of photography, photographic art and technology. Future painters and graphic artists carry out painting and drawing assignments. Playwrights submit literary works for evaluation to the selection committee. Film critics need to prepare several creative film studies articles in advance: a biography, a film review, a book about cinema, they need to write a written work on the art of cinema directly on the test. Producers are also tested in writing, they need to complete tasks on the function of a producer in the film process, solving creative-production problems, etc.

  • Content of the creative challenge

For actors, this is the performance of sketches on a given topicreading by heart excerpts from literary works. For directors - written work in the form of a study based on life impressions. Sound engineers perform a written assignment based on the film they watched. Cinematographers need to submit a portfolio of 10 pictures of different genres, and then go through another practical test. Applicants for "Painting" and "Graphics" carry out two assignments in composition. Playwrights need to write a literary sketch on one of the proposed topics. Film critics write a review of the proposed film. Producers are tested orally, basically, you need to prepare an argument in favor of creating an audiovisual work.

  • Content of the interview

During the last round, the general cultural level of the applicant is assessed. Each applicant is given an individual conversation on the topic of the chosen specialty. The papers submitted to the selection committee, as well as written exam tasks, are analyzed.

From year to year, the programs of entrance examinations may change, so before you start preparing, check this information on the official website of the university. Please note that auditions and screenings will end around the end of May, so hurry up.

How to improve your chances of admission?

VGIK has career guidance courses. Here you can prepare for admission and try future professiontastes, as they say. Classes are held from October to May, three times a week, taught by the staff of the institute. You can join them at any time, as the groups are recruited monthly.

In contact with

Admission to career-specific courses will begin on 23 January 2020.


"Composition of an Animated Film"

  • The program is designed forand high school students(Grades 9-10-11) interested in the art of animation.
  • Classes are taught by:
Komarova Maria Alexandrovna - Lennikova Irina Aleksandrovna -teacher of the highest category;
Pozhidaev Leonid Gennadievich -teacher of the highest category.

  • In a group up to 15 people.
  • Classes are held on weekdays only.
  • Cost of the program: 12 lessons (1 lesson - 4 academic hours per week) - 19.800 RUB
  • List of recommended materials:
Whatman format A2, drawing paper A4 format, pencils, eraser. Tuesday
Lecturer Pozhidaev L.G.

1. Bayturina Jamilya Faridovna
2.Baturina Varvara Pavlovna
3.Varganova Vasilisa Maksimovna
4.Gamov Semyon Alekseevich
5.Gardenkova Daria Dmitrievna
6.Kobulashvili Sofiko Taimurazna
7.Kolesnikova Alena Denisovna
8.Okladnikov Alexander Stanislavovich
9.Romanova Olga Alexandrovna
10.Sapozhnikova Polina Sergeevna
11.Tikhomirov Ilya Maksimovich
12.Shugaeva Anastasia Olegovna

Teacher Komarova M.A.

1.Atanyan Karina Arturovna
2.Akhmetkhanova Milana Ruslanovna
3.Galkina Christina Svyatoslavovna
4.Golovina Maria Olegovna
5.Danelia Mikhail Kirillovich

7.Zakharova Alexandra Yaroslavovna
8.Zinger Sofia Alexandrovna
9.Kiktenko Sofia Stanislavovna
10.Pavlushina Margarita Stanislavovna
11.Pechenkina Daria Pavlovna
12.Safronova Maria Leonidovna
13.Frolova Yulia Olegovna

Teacher Lennikova I.A.

1.Aleksandrova Yulia Maksimovna
2.Vu Yulia Hoaevna
3.Gaevskuya Alisa Sergeevna
4.Grigorieva Alena Pavlovna
5.Elizaveta Ruslanovna Guseva
6.Kirina Sofya Yurievna
7.Litnevskaya Anastasia Olegovna
8.Lyakhov Dmitry Nikolaevich
9.Matveeva Anna Georgievna
10.Pronicheva Daria Denisovna
11.Sviridova Sofya Dmitrievna

13.Khamroeva Daria Nematulloevna
14.Khomyakova Elizaveta Dmitrievna


"Drawing, painting"

  • The program is designed for high school students (grades 9-10-11) who love fine arts.
  • Classes are taught by:
Dobroserdova Tatyana Mikhailovna - teacher of the highest category;
Komarova Maria Alexandrovna - teacher of the highest category.

  • In a group up to 15 people.
  • Classes are held only on Saturday.
  • Classes are from 15-00 to 19-15.
  • Cost of the program: 12 lessons (1 lesson - 5 academic hours per week) - 23.000 RUR
  • List of recommended materials:
Drawing: Whatman A4 format, buttons or tape, simple pencils H, HB, B, eraser;
Painting: paper for watercolors, size A2, buttons or tape, watercolors (artistic), brushes for watercolors.

Teacher Dobroserdova T.M.

1.Aksenova Daria Alekseevna
2.Atanyan Karina Arturovna
3.Beskaeva Alyona Alexandrovna
4.Vostrova Maria Evgenievna
5.Grigorieva Alena Pavlovna
6.Zhuravleva Alexandra Alexandrovna
7.Kondratieva Elizaveta Andreevna
8. Kuznetsov Gleb Ilyich
9.Merzlikina Ulyana Dmitrievna
10.Motina Tatiana Vladimirovna
11.Rubtsov Andrey Mikhailovich
12.Sideltseva Arina Vadimovna
13.Tikhomirov Ilya Maksimovich
14. Shitova Daria Alekseevna

Teacher Komarova M.A.

1.Baturina Varvara Pavlovna
2.Galkina Christina Svyatoslavovna
3.Gaevskuya Alisa Sergeevna
4.Danelia Mikhail Kirillovich
5.Volunteer Vasily Vladimirovich
6.Zakharova Alexandra Yaroslavovna
7.Ivanova Anastasia Yurievna
8.Kobulashvili Sofiko Taimurazna
9.Lebedeva Elizaveta Alekseevna
10.Litnevskuya Anastasia Olegovna
11.Oblogina Alena Andreevna
12.Palmova Polina Eduardovna
13.Pronicheva Daria Denisovna

"Development of imaginative and artistic perception of works of art"

  • The program is designed for high school students (grades 9-10-11) interested in the art of animation.
  • The program offers an overview of the main stages in the development of world painting from ancient times to the present, acquaintance with the basic concepts and terms of art history.
  • Classes are taught by:
Victoria Nazarova - teacher of the highest category.

  • In a group up to 15 people.
  • Classes are held on weekdays only.
  • Classes are from 17-00 to 20-00.
  • Cost of the program: 12 lessons (1 lesson - 4 academic hours per week) - 18.300 RUB
Teacher Nazarova V.V.

1. Atanyan Karina Arturovna
2. Baturina Varvara Pavlovna
3. Galkina Christina Svyatoslavovna
4. Generalova Serafima Evgenievna
5. Danelia Mikhail Kirillovich
6. Zakharova Alexandra Yaroslavovna
7. Kobulashvili Sofiko Taimurazna
8. Lebedeva Elizaveta Alekseevna
9. Manaenkova Olga Igorevna
10. Motina Tatiana Vladimirovna
11. Nazarova Varvara Alexandrovna
12. Okladnikov Alexander Stanislavovich
13. Pavlushina Margarita Stanislavovna
14. Usanova Alisa Besarionovna
15. Chubukova Maria Alexandrovna
16. Shigaeva Daria Emrakhovna
17. Shugaeva Anastasia Olegovna