Spiritualization of nature in Tyutchev's lyrics. Man and nature in the lyrics of Tyutchev

“The main merit of Mr. F. Tyutchev's poems lies in a lively, graceful, plastically correct depiction of nature. He dearly loves her, understands perfectly well, the most subtle, imperceptible features and shades of her are available to him, and all this is perfectly reflected in his poems, ”wrote N. A. Ne-Krasov, highly appreciating Tyutchev's lyric poetry of nature and calling the poet's talent is "the primary poetic talent."

FI Tyutchev especially loved the spring and autumn nature, symbolizing rebirth and withering. He created unique images: thunderstorms, spring waters, night sea, etc.

Tyutchev's poem "Autumn Evening" is remarkable - a kind of lyrical meditation, evoked by the beauty of falling asleep nature. In it, nature appears in its magnificent festive decoration, the author emphasizes its "sweet mysterious charm." The poet draws images of the sky, wind, trees, leaves, a clear evening. The intonation of the whole poem is soft, pacifying, creating a feeling of peace and harmony. Only the "ominous shine and variegation of trees" and "gusty, cold wind" foreshadow the approach of late autumn, not so calm and sweet. In the poem Tyutchev humanizes nature, speaks about it with the language of metaphors. This landscape of a clear autumn evening is truly captivating.

Tyutchev's well-known hymn to the storm ("Spring Thunder") serves as a striking contrast to this poem. The thunderstorm rumbles, plays, frolics, joyfully proclaiming the awakening of spring nature. By pumping a trembling sound, Tyutchev conveys the strength and power of a natural phenomenon: "Young thunders are thundering ...".

Metaphors help the poet to revive the picture: "rain pearls", "the sun gilded the threads."

The thunderstorm makes you remember the gods - Tyutchev introduces the image of the goddess Hebe, spilling her "boiling cup" on the ground.

Distinctive feature Tyutchev's lyrics - a comparison of natural phenomena with human experiences. The poet compares the inexhaustible strength and vitality of the key ("The stream thickens and grows dim ...") with the spark of life that always flickers in the "orphaned breast", happy love - with northern summer, the breeze of spring in the middle of autumn - with memories about youth ...

More than once the image of the sea appears in the poet's lyrics. The contemplation of the sea was really exciting for Tyutchev. A vivid evidence of this is the poem "How good you are, O night sea ..", which the great poet left five versions.

The poem "You, wave, my sea ..." Tyut-chev also dedicated to the sea. The poet is conquered by the willfulness and love of life of the wave, its secret charm, he entrusts his soul to her. The wave then laughs, "reflecting the sky of the vault", then violently beats against the shore, then tenderly whispers, then violently murmuring, it is "now gloomy, then bright." She appears as a living, animate being in this poem.

According to V. Ya. Bryusov, “Tyutchev's poems about nature are almost always a passionate declaration of love. Tyut-chevu seems to be the highest bliss available to man - to admire the diverse manifestations of the life of nature. "

Nature has always been of interest to most Russian writers, it occupied the main part in their work. She also did not leave indifferent the writer Tyutchev Fyodor Ivanovich - he is a genius lyricist, his world is full of mystery and harmony. Nature is very well revealed in his poems. Tyutchev saw nature from different angles and revealed it in different directions. Tyutchev's lyrics played an important role in all Russian poetry. He always described nature in bright colors, fresh and alluring, reading his poems, nature knows how to feel, be sad and rejoice. Nature in Tyutchev's imagination is spiritualized and poetic, well manifested in the well-known poem "Summer Evening".

Looking at his work, we can conclude that he was very fond of nature in such times of the year as spring and autumn. This is noticeable in his poem "Autumn Evening" nature does not lose its beauty, it is always beautiful. How amazing it is to watch a leaf that smoothly descends to the ground, people always do not pay special attention, and do not think about the beauty that surrounds us all. The beauty of autumn evenings is full of quivering breath, alive and unique.

Reading Tyutchev's poetry, you become calm in your soul, you get the feeling that the world is filled with harmony. Tyutchev's nature is beautiful in any of his reigns. The opposite poem to the calm style about autumn, is revealed in the poem "Spring Thunderstorm". In this work, the poet described a charming spring and the first spring thunder in May, reading the lines of this poem, you feel alive, the smell of a fresh thunderstorm in the air.

Poetry of F.I.Tyutchev is different earthly, lively and unique, joyful which cannot be forgotten.
Nature itself is beautiful and perfect thanks to the writers who open our eyes with their beautiful works about nature.

An essay on the theme of Nature in Tyutchev's lyrics

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyuchev is a great poet of the nineteenth century. With the help of his poetic talent, he very accurately chooses very vivid comparisons of nature. He managed to display all her beauty and grandeur.

The poetry of this poet is very, very different. But she is always so unique. A nature that cannot be forgotten if you have ever felt this beauty. Reading the poems of this poet, you imagine nature as something inspired, alive. But this is because the poet loves nature and is not indifferent to it. Thanks to his talent, Fyodor Ivanovich wants to give his reader the opportunity to come closer and love nature. Plunging into the work of this outstanding poet, you understand that F.I. Tyuchev was very fond of nature in autumn and spring. In his poems, he shows nature from different angles, his nature knows how to be sad, rejoice.

Looking at the works of the poet, the conclusion is not arbitrary that the author loves nature most of all in the spring and autumn seasons. An example of this is his verse "Autumn Evening". In this poem, the author conveys all the beauty of nature, although it is already autumn, but nature has not lost its beauty. She also remained beautiful. A person never thinks about how beautiful nature is. And if you look closely and observe the leaf falling to the ground, how it smoothly whirls and falls to the ground. This beauty is alive, it is unique.

Plunging into the poetry of Fyodor Ivanovich, you feel serene, peaceful. The complete opposite of the poem "Autumn Evening" is the poem "Spring Thunderstorm". In this poem, the poet gives his reader the opportunity to plunge into the birth of a new life, since the very title of the poem speaks about this. Plunge into the wonderful springtime. Reading this work, you begin to smell a fresh thunderstorm in the May spring air, as well as hear the first thunderclaps.

Tyuchev devoted many of his poems to nature, not just at different times of the year, however, and at different times of the day.

Night is also one of the main themes in the poetry of Fyodor Ivanovich. The night described by the author is not only usually beautiful, its beauty is regal. Showing the night to his reader, the author draws it pure and holy, full of invisible secrets and mysteries.

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Analysis of Tyutchev's poems



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Presentation on the theme: "Nature in the poems of F. Tyutchev" Performed by a student of 6 "B" class Ivanova Daria

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born on November 23 (December 5), 1803 in the Ovstug estate of the Oryol province in an old nobility middle-class family. Father - Ivan Nikolaevich Tyutchev served as a caretaker in the "expedition to the Kremlin building." Mother - Ekaterina Lvovna Tolstaya. The poet's childhood was spent in Ovstug, his youth in Moscow. The young poet-translator S.E. Raich was involved in the upbringing and training of Tyutchev. He taught Fyodor Ivanovich Latin and ancient Roman poetry, encouraged Tyutchev's first poetic experience.

"Nature for Tyutchev" All of Tyutchev's work is necessarily something bright, kind, simple and invariably its own - Russian, penetrating into the soul, "grasping" the heart, giving rise to a high feeling of love in a person. Love for nature, for the homeland, for life at last. Its themes are diverse, and nevertheless, almost all are somehow connected with the theme of nature. And in many poems this is the main subject of the image. Nature, praised by Tyutchev, is close and understandable to every Russian person, it is inextricably linked in his mind with the image of the Motherland.

Tyutchev's skill is always amazing. He notices in the most ordinary natural phenomena something that, for all its nondescriptness, serves as the most accurate, simply mirror-like, reflection of unearthly beauty. And this "something" is expressed not in flowery phrases, but in simple and ordinary words, but coming from the very heart of the poet. Tyutchev does not have a "dead nature" - it is always full of movement, at first glance imperceptible, but in fact continuous, almost eternal. And Tyutchev admires this movement of life, thanks to which, perhaps, man exists. Without cluttering the description with an abundance of details, Tyutchev chooses the most necessary, thanks to which he achieves great artistic expressiveness. The poet succeeded in capturing, as Nekrasov said, "precisely those features by which in the imagination of the reader a given picture can arise and be drawn by itself." This can only be done by a person who has seen a “soul” in nature, who has realized that “there is freedom in it, there is love in it”.

Poems by Tyutchev

There is in the original autumn A short but wondrous time - The whole day is like a crystal, And the evenings are radiant ... Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell, Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, - Only a cobweb of thin hair Shines on an idle furrow. The air is emptying, no more birds can be heard, But it is far from the first winter storms - And clear and warm azure is pouring On the resting field ...

Analysis of the poem The Poet shows how closely nature is connected with human life. In this poem, the poet speaks of the beginning of autumn. This is an amazingly beautiful time. It is as if nature gives all its bright colors goodbye. Nature prepares for sleep, and finally pleases the human eye with magical beauty. The days become unspeakably beautiful, the world around is amazingly beautiful. The weather is especially joyful - mild, striking with its magical tranquility. People are finishing their usual jobs associated with the onset of the new season. Preparations for winter are in full swing. Now the fields are no longer pleasing with the violent growth of wheat, the cold gradually creeps in. The beauty of nature does not exist by itself. It makes a person especially keenly feel his belonging to this world. It is impossible to give in to gloomy thoughts and reflections, watching the leisurely change of seasons, affecting the mood so unobtrusively and easily.

Winter is not without reason angry, Its time has passed - Spring is knocking at the window And drives from the yard. And everything was fussing, Everything was annoying Winter out - And the larks in the sky Already raised the ringing. Winter is still busy And grumbles at Spring. She laughs in her eyes And only makes more noise ... The wicked witch went mad And, capturing the snow, Let it go, running away, Into a beautiful child ... Spring and grief is not enough: Washed in the snow, And only became blush, In defiance of the enemy.

Analysis of the poem After reading the poem "Winter is not for nothing is angry" suddenly there is a causeless joy. Maybe because Spring "laughs" and "makes noise"? Or because she "became blush", because happy, joyful children always evoke a feeling of affection and a desire to kiss the "lovely child" on the reddened cheek. Of course, the author also sympathizes with Spring. Although she "drives from the yard" the old woman-winter, but does it, as they say, legally, because "her time has come." But Winter is behaving very rudely. At first she gets angry, grumbles like an old man, but then she proceeds to take decisive actions: she “got mad” and even threw snow goodbye at her young rival. Therefore, the traditional philosophical elegiac motive does not sound here: they say, it's time for me to smolder, you - to bloom. No, only joy and triumph of victory sounds.

Spring waters Snow is still whitening in the fields, And the waters are already rustling in the spring - They run and wake up the sleepy coast, Run, and shine, and say ... They say to all ends: "Spring is coming, spring is coming, We are the messengers of the young spring, She is us sent ahead! Spring is coming, spring is coming, And quiet, warm May days Ruddy, light round dance Crowds merrily behind her! .. "

Analysis of the poem The poem "Spring Waters" can be attributed to the landscape lyrics of Tyutchev. It was written in 1830. This work describes the wonderful period of early spring, the awakening of nature from winter sleep, the onset of joyful spring days. Reading the poem, you really feel the spring atmosphere. One can feel the smell of melting snow in the air, birds singing around, the sun melts the winter cold, filling the soul with ecstatic excitement and joy.

Spring thunderstorm I love a thunderstorm in early May, When the spring, the first thunder, as if frolicking and playing, Rumbles in the blue sky. Young thunders are thundering, Here the rain splashed, the dust flies, Rain pearls hung, And the sun gilded the thread. A swift stream runs from the mountain, In the forest the bird noise will not be silent, And the forest noise and the mountain noise - Everything echoes merrily to thunder. You say: windy Hebe, Feeding Zeus' eagle, Laughing, spilled a boiling cup from the sky on the ground

Analysis of the poem "I love a thunderstorm in early May ..." - this is how Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm", written by him abroad in the early 1850s, begins. In its name, the adjective "spring" brings a certain meaning: spring for Tyutchev is a symbol of the renewal of nature and the human soul. That is why the whole poem is filled with the breath of a "real, happy" May day. Constructed as a monologue of a lyrical hero, it touches with sincerity and captivates with its simplicity. The poet is delighted, admiring the play of young thunder, which strongly and loudly declares the solemn procession of spring, setting a joyful, major tone to all living things. Babbling young streams respond to its sounds, noisy mountain streams echo it.

Thanks for attention!

The author of brilliant lines about Russia, which cannot be measured by a common yardstick, according to K. Pigarev (literary critic, grandson of F. I. Tyutchev), is perceived by people, first of all, as a unique singer of nature. During the years of Soviet power, the work of this poet was not given due attention due to his social position, Tyutchev's landscape lyrics were only mentioned in passing.

In our time, his poetry is recognized as the most precious treasure of Russian classical literature, and the author of genius lines deservedly becomes especially cited. But all the same, the poetic work of this famous wit and subtle thinker remains not fully studied and appreciated at its true worth.

Unique asset

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873) - academician and diplomat, an adherent of traditional values \u200b\u200band order, which he defended in his journalistic activities, was a subtle lyric poet who wholeheartedly loved Russian nature. This amazing poet has amazing ones such as, for example, "Contemporary", but man and nature in Tyutchev's lyrics attract special attention from both fans of the poet's work and critics. The author himself did not attach much importance to his poetry, but it, consisting of more than 400 poems, always attracted smart and talented literary critics, such as Yuri Nikolaevich Tynyanov. He, like I. Aksakov, appreciated the poet's legacy. And Fet, paying tribute to the significance of the poet's work, wrote on the book of Tyutchev's poems the following words: "This book is not large, volumes are much heavier."

Beautiful and meaningful

Tyutchev's landscape lyrics of all periods of creativity reflect the feelings of the great poet, evoked by which he loved selflessly. She always tuned him in a special joyful mood, delighted and calmed him. FI Tyutchev never described dirt and shortcomings, did not call Russia "unwashed" - this was not characteristic of him.

There is no trace of despondency, inspired by nature, in his poems. And some, according to Yu. Tynyanov, "fragments" (or "compressed odes" - as the literary critic called Tyutchev's poems because of their maximum intensity and intensity) sound like a joyful, triumphant hymn - for example, the well-known poem "Spring Thunderstorm".

Nature's priority

Both man and nature in Tyutchev's lyrics are meaningful in a special way. The poet endows nature with human feelings and characteristics. He claims that man himself can be happy only in merging with nature.

And if he is not in harmony with her, then he is deeply unhappy, but nature is not to blame for this. This homo sapiens, who has absorbed the evil of chaos, lives an unnatural life, being unable to understand and let the blessed world of nature into his heart.

Splendor and versatility of the surrounding world

Man and nature in Tyutchev's lyrics are subject to passions and storms, in which the poet tries to understand, comprehend them. In his own way, he is both an artist and a composer - so picturesque and musical are his poems. Having become acquainted with the poetry of Tyutchev, it is impossible to forget it. According to I. Turgenev, only those who are not familiar with his work do not think about Tyutchev. The poet, admiring nature, always finds something unknown in it, which promises interesting discoveries and only positive emotions. And the mundane and mundane is not capable of carrying any joy in itself.

Unique and self-sufficient

Fyodor Ivanovich was absolutely right, considering that the source of all troubles was a person - a weak, disharmonious being, unable to cope with his passions and vices, bringing destruction to nature. Whereas she all lives only by world law triumphant life.

Tyutchev's landscape lyrics glorify the self-sufficiency and stately tranquility of nature, devoid of rending passions. There are elements, but these are phenomena caused by the life of nature, and not by its malice. Yes, and Tyutchev did not praise the tsunami and volcanic eruptions - he was a patriot in the highest sense of the word and loved precisely Russian nature. Some researchers believe that the term "landscape lyrics" Tyutchev is more consistent with the phrase "landscape-philosophical".

Poems about love

Lyrics of Tyutchev occupies a certain place in the heritage. His poems about love, so to speak, are highly moral. Aristocrat of the spirit, he did not like to flaunt his inner worldconsidering it shameful. But his lines, known to absolutely everyone - "I met you, and all the past in an obsolete heart came to life ..." - testify to the ability to write about love in simple wordsbehind which there is a great feeling. FI Tyutchev sings the sublime and beautiful feeling that kindles the stars. For modern cynics, it may cause rejection - just look at the "reviews". But such statements only confirm what the poet wrote about - man is the bearer of evil on earth.

Many-sided and dynamic

The main motives of Tyutchev's lyrics are devoid of artificiality. A person with all his variety of feelings, nature, unsolved, mysterious, but perfect and beautiful, love for a woman and the Motherland - everything is filled with drama, but taken from real life. The poet does not get tired of admiring the world, nothing bores him, nothing bores him. He tries to glorify the changeable, many-sided nature in all its manifestations, to capture the moment of transition from one picture to another.

Live nature

The features of the image of nature in Tyutchev's lyrics have already been noted above. This is the identity of a person's soul, his feelings and experiences with phenomena outside world, and the animation of nature. FI Tyutchev constantly draws parallels between different periods of human life, the state of his soul and natural phenomena. This is one of his main artistic techniques.

Animation of nature is emphasized by such words, for example, as "the spirit fell asleep." The poet himself calls nature not a cast and soulless face, but something that is able to breathe freely, love and tell about all this to a caring, sensitive person.

One whole

The theme of nature in Tyutchev's lyrics is the main and leading one. He finds surprising, heartbreaking words to describe her, such as "the divine shame of suffering." This is how the poet speaks of autumn, of the quiet wilting of nature. And how he describes the sunbeam, which "grabbed the blanket", or what his words about the evening are worth - "the movement was exhausted, the work fell asleep ...". Few people can find such words.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that man and nature in Tyutchev's lyrics are connected by an invisible thread into a single whole. And, despite the fact that sometimes a person tries to break away from the integrity of the world and the divine principle, he certainly realizes that he can be truly happy and calm only by becoming one with mother nature. Some researchers noted the cosmic nature of Tyutchev's poetry. S. L. Frank wrote about her, saying that the poet's poems reflect the ideas about space, indeed, the poet has enough references, for example, "... and we float, surrounded by a flaming abyss from all sides ...".

The theme of nature has always interested many Russian poets and occupied one of the main places in their work. A.S. Pushkin admired the colorful landscapes, the romantic M. Yu. Lermontov praised the natural greatness and the elements. Each artist had his own perception of this difficult phenomenon. The poems about nature, written by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, are marked with a special feeling of youthful life. Like many poets, Tyutchev believed that man is a destructive principle in nature. A person is weak both physically and spiritually, he cannot resist his passions and vices. This makes his actions chaotic and erratic, and desires fickle and inexplicable.

These contradictions do not exist in the life of nature, where everything is subject to a single, universal law of life. Nature is self-sufficient, its existence is serene and calm, which is expressed in the poems of Russian poets, including Tyutchev.

Tyutchev's lyrics occupy a special place in Russian poetry. In his fresh and excitingly attractive poems, the beauty of poetic images is combined with the depth of thought and the sharpness of philosophical generalizations. Lyrics

Tyutcheva is a small particle of a large whole, but this small is perceived not separately, but as being in interconnection with the whole world and at the same time carrying an independent idea. Tyutchev's nature is poetic and spiritualized. She is alive, she can feel, rejoice and be sad:

The sun is shining, the waters are shining

A smile in everything, life in everything,

The trees tremble with joy

Swimming in the blue sky

Spiritualization of nature, endowing it with human feelings, gives rise to the perception of nature as a huge human being. This is especially evident in the poem "Summer Evening". The poet associates sunset with a "hot ball" that the earth rolled from its head; “Bright stars” at Tyutchev raise the firmament.

And a sweet thrill, like a stream,

I ran through the veins of nature,

Like her hot legs

We touched the spring waters.

Closely related to the subject is the poem "Autumn Evening". In it one can hear the same spirituality of nature, its perception in the form of a living organism:

There is in the grace of autumn evenings

Sweet, mysterious charm:

Ominous shine and variegation of trees,

Crimson leaves languid, light rustle ...

The picture of an autumn evening is full of lively, quivering breath. Evening nature is not only in some individual signs similar to a living creature: ≪ ... there is that meek smile of fading in everything, which in a rational being we call the divine bashfulness of suffering, it is all alive and humanized. That is why the rustle of leaves is light and languid, the lightness of the evening is full of inexplicable attractive charm, and the earth is not only

sad, but also humanly orphan. Depicting nature as a living being, Tyutchev endows it not only with a variety of colors, but also with movement. The poet draws not one state of nature, but

shows her in a variety of shades and states. This is what can be called being, the being of nature. In the poem "Yesterday" Tyutchev depicts a sunbeam. We not only see the movement of the beam, how it gradually made its way into the room, “grabbed the blanket”, “climbed onto the bed”, but we also feel its touch.

Tyutchev's poetry always strives upward, as if in order to know eternity, to join the beauty of unearthly revelation:

≪And there, in solemn peace, exposed in the morning,

The White Mountain shines like an unearthly revelation≫.

Perhaps that is why the sky is the symbol of purity and truth for Tyutchev.

In the poem ≪ The feast is over, the choirs are silent ... ≫ first, a generalized image of the world is given:

The feast is over, we got up late -

The stars in the sky were shining

The night has reached half ...

The second part, as it were, opens the curtain. The sky theme, only slightly outlined at the beginning, now sounds strong and confident:

… .As over this child of children,

In the high lofty limit

The stars were bright,

Answering mortal gazes

Immaculate rays ...

One of the main themes of Tyutchev's nature lyrics is the theme of the night. Many of Tyutchev's poems are devoted to nature, not just at different times of the year, but at different times of the day, in particular at night. Here nature carries a philosophical meaning. It helps to penetrate into the "secret secret" of a person. Tyutchev's night is not just beautiful, its beauty is majestic, it is primarily sacred for the poet: :The holy night has risen to the sky ... ≫ There are so many secrets and mysteries in it:

... Above the sleeping hail, as in the tops of a forest,

A wonderful nightly hum woke up ...

Where is he from, this incomprehensible hum? ..

Or mortal thoughts, freed by sleep,

The world is incorporeal, audible, but invisible,

Now swarming in the chaos of the night? ...

The breakthrough of the vital forces of the elements is clearly visible in the poem "Spring Thunderstorm", which is permeated with a feeling of new life, renewal, and joy. It is no coincidence that the words "first", "young", "fun", "laughter" and others are repeated here. They convey the flourishing of natural life. A thunderstorm is a grandiose moment, an element, its riot is natural. The very word "spring" already tells us about the birth and development of a new life. A similar motive is imbued with the poem "How cheerful the roar of summer storms ..." the thunderstorm is shown here as a sudden phenomenon. Epithets and metaphors vividly convey the scope and strength of the awakened nature ("tossing up", "surging", "recklessly madly", "trembling", "broad-leaved and noisy"). A different tonality, in the poem "The Sea and the Cliff", filled with philosophical reflections. The power of nature is no longer directed at its self-renewal, as it was stated in the early lyrics, but at destruction, here its dark, aggressive side is shown. And the unattainable ideal, and the symbol of eternal youth, and the personification of an indifferent force beyond the control of man - in such a contradiction the great poet of the 19th century F.I.Tyutchev saw the true beauty and essence of the natural element.

Pisarev wrote that "Tyutchev entered the minds of readers primarily as a singer of nature" and, indeed, his skill in describing nature is striking. Thanks to his poetic talent, Tyutchev unmistakably selects vivid comparisons and epithets for her, finds in the most ordinary phenomena that which serves as the most accurate mirror image of the beauty and grandeur of nature.

Tyutchev's poetry can be sublime and earthly, joyful and sad, lively and cosmically cold, but always unique, one that cannot be forgotten if you touch its beauty at least once. ≪About Tyutchev do not

the one who does not feel it begs, thereby proving that he does not feel poetry≫. These words of Turgenev perfectly show the magnificence of Tyutchev's poetry.