The main components of the natural complex are. Natural complexes and natural areas

The concept of a natural complex

All shells of the Earth - lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere - are connected with each other. Plants don't live without soil. If there are no plants, the gas composition of the atmosphere will change. Without water, all life on Earth will perish. In nature, everything is closely related to each other, forms a single whole. Particles from other spheres can be distinguished within each of the shells. On the surface and in the depths of the lithosphere are the waters of the hydrosphere. Plants, animals, microorganisms live on the surface and at great depths in the earth's crust. The hydrosphere dissolves in itself individual substances of the lithosphere, carbon dioxide and oxygen of the atmosphere. Throughout its thickness, living organisms. Hydrosphere water vapor, lithosphere dust particles, plant spores are found in the lower part of the atmosphere.

All living organisms in the biosphere are partially composed of water and minerals. Dying off, they form deposits at the bottom of the seas, oceans and on the continents.

The primary source of all shell interaction processes is the sun's rays. their energy, heating the earth's surface, causes the movement of air and water masses, destruction of rocks, gives life to organisms. The shell, within which the upper layers of the earth's crust, the entire hydrosphere and the lower layers of the atmosphere collide, penetrate and interact, is called geographical.

The word "complex" in translation from Latin means connection, combination. Natural complex - a combination of components (constituents) of nature: rocks, water, air, organisms.

The most natural complex, covering the entire planet, is the geographic envelope. It is solid, but not uniform. The difference in the angle of incidence of sun rays on the Earth's surface, the variety of relief, vegetation and fauna, the ratio of water and land determine the division of the geographic envelope into natural complexes of a lower order. The largest of them are continents and oceans, which are divided into smaller natural complexes - natural areas, natural areas and the like.

All components of nature in a natural complex (PC) are closely interconnected and are in constant equilibrium. A change in one of them leads to a change in the entire natural complex.

Interaction of relief and climate and their influence on soils, vegetation, animal world

The natural zone is one of the largest natural complexes on the Earth. The main factors in the formation of a natural zone are climate and relief, that is, the components of the natural complex, on which the formation and development of its other components (soils, vegetation, fauna) depend. Natural zones are located throughout the land in a certain sequence from the Yusov floor to the equator. their distribution can be traced on a map of natural areas of the world.

Arctic desert zone. In the near-polar areas, the weather is constantly cold. Very low temperatures throughout the year make it impossible for vegetation to develop. Only mosses and lichens appear in small areas in the summer on the islands of the Arctic Ocean and partially on the coast. Animals feed on organisms that live in the oxen of the ocean. Seagulls different types, polar owls, polar bears, seals, arctic foxes are the main animals of the arctic deserts. Gradually to the south, this zone passes into the tundra zone.

The tundra occupies vast areas covered by swamps formed on the surface of permafrost. Tundra vegetation appears mainly in the Northern Hemisphere on the coast and islands of the Arctic Ocean and high in the mountains. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is almost absent, since there are no appropriate conditions for it. The main feature of the zone is treelessness. Lichens, dwarf trees creeping along the ground (dwarf birch and polar willow) grow here. In summer, there are many berries (cranberries, cloudberries, lingonberries). There are many mushrooms in autumn.

Tundra partridges, snowy owls, small rodents - lemmings, large reindeer, arctic foxes and polar wolves inhabit this area throughout the year. In winter, the tundra turns into a desert. Herbivores feed on vegetation and are preserved by the pidsnig cover, predators - on herbivores.

In summer, many migratory birds (ducks, geese, seagulls) feed on fish and form columns on the steep sea rocks - "bird colonies".

Gradually to the south, the tundra turns into forest-tundra. Trees (birch, spruce, larch) are already appearing here. The forest-tundra is changing with taiga and a zone of mixed forests.

Taiga and mixed forests. Opals, more than in the tundra, the temperature of winter and summer favor the spread of relatively rich woody vegetation. Conifers (spruce, larch) grow here, deciduous (birch, aspen) trees grow to the south. In the undergrowth there is herbaceous and shrub vegetation. Rich fauna. Hundreds of bird species, the largest of which are wood grouse and black grouse. Among rodents - hares, squirrels, mice, etc. Among hoofed herbivores, deer, roe deer, elk live here, and from predators - lynx, wolf, bear, sable, marten. Man has greatly changed the nature of the taiga: cutting down large areas of forests, destroying birds, animals, building cities and roads.

Mixed forests occupy the northern part of Ukraine, almost to the latitude of Kiev.

The steppe stretches in a narrow strip across the entire territory of Eurasia and North America south of the forests. Distributed in the south of Ukraine. In summer, the steppe climate is hot and dry. Little snow falls in winter. The vegetation in the steppe is grassy, \u200b\u200bsince there is not enough moisture for the development of trees. The virgin steppe is especially beautiful in spring. Bright spots of irises and tulips, poppies, wild peonies and other flowers turn the steppe into a bright multi-colored carpet. By the middle of summer, the vegetation dries up and becomes brown. The steppes have fertile soils - chernozems. Now the steppes are plowed up. Natural flora and fauna have been preserved only in reserves.

Desert. Of all natural zones in the desert, the climate is the most arid and hot. The temperature in summer reaches 50 ° C, and the surface in some places (the Sahara Desert) heats up to 80 ° C. There is not enough moisture, there is no continuous vegetation cover. Plants have adapted to these conditions. They have deep roots and thin, needle-like leaves (so that less moisture evaporates). Among the reptiles, snakes and lizards, rodent-jerboas live here. They escape from the scorching rays of the Sun in deep burrows and come to the surface at night. There are few birds.

Savannah. The closer to the equator, the more rain. In the savannah zone, they fall in summer. At this time, tall grasses completely cover the surface. Some of them, for example, elephant grass, reach a height of 5 m. Umbrella acacias grow in separate groups of trees, baobabs in separate trees. In the dry season (winter), most of the trees shed their leaves, the herbs dry out.

Many large ungulates live in the savannahs, such as zebras, antelopes, giraffes, buffaloes, rhinos, elephants. Of the predators - lions, cheetahs, hyenas.

Man has significantly changed the nature of the savannah. Wild animals are deprived of their habitats. Untouched nature is preserved in nature reserves and national parks.

Wet equatorial forests. On both sides of the equator, where the climate is humid and hot, there is a zone of humid equatorial forests. Thousands of different species of trees intertwined with lianas form impenetrable thickets. Through dense vegetation in the equatorial forest, constant twilight. It is rare to find two identical trees within a kilometer of the square.

It's constant summer here. Therefore, on one branch you can simultaneously see both flowering and fruits. The animals and birds of these forests have constant food. Most animals live in the treetops where there is plenty of sun.

From monkeys, parrots and other birds, constant noise in the upper part of the forest reaches 80 m above the ground. Below it is quiet, dark, damp, and only sometimes the spotted body of a jaguar or other predator flashes through. There are crocodiles, hippos and other animals in the reservoirs.

Humid equatorial forests are the lungs of our planet as they release a lot of oxygen into the atmosphere. their preservation is the task of all mankind.

Thus, natural areas change mainly from the poles to the equator, depending on the latitude of the area. But there are exceptions.

The location of natural zones is influenced by the height of the terrain, the proximity of seas and oceans, the presence of warm and cold currents, and other reasons.

Changes in natural complexes under the influence of human economic activity

Under the influence of human economic activity in the process of performing socio-economic functions according to the appropriate technology, natural complexes change and an anthropogenic landscape is formed. In such a landscape, the microrelief, soils, flora and fauna have undergone significant changes. Typical elements of the anthropogenic landscape: lands, settlements, industrial buildings, transport routes, anthropogenic landforms (canals, cockroaches, etc.). By the degree of variability and the nature of human impact, landscapes are distinguished, changed, disturbed and transformed. In the altered landscape, anthropogenic activities have been reflected in individual components. A landscape that has suffered intensive irrational economic impact (mudflows and landslides caused by human activities, destruction of forests and plowing of steep slopes, continuous buildings, etc.) is called disturbed. In the transformed landscape, the natural components and the connections between them have been purposefully changed, these changes are scientifically grounded by the system of nature conservation and other measures.

According to socio-economic functions, the following main types of anthropogenic landscape are distinguished: urban (formed during the creation and functioning of cities), agricultural, forestry, water management, industrial, residential and recreational landscapes.

Anthropogenic changes in the relief associated with the development, settlement and economic transformation of the territory. In connection with the intensification of industry and agriculture the number of anthropogenic landforms is growing (main and distribution channels, quarries for the extraction of minerals). Bulk landforms are cockroaches, "tail storage" of metallurgical enterprises, heaps of thermal power plants, embankments of highway and railways... There are sinking funnels in the places of underground workings of minerals, landslides, etc.

Anthropogenic climate changes have global and regional aspects. Changes in the Earth's climate are associated with an increase in the content of carbon dioxide, aerosols, sulfates and dust in the atmosphere, with the possible destruction of the ozone layer, as well as pollution of the World Ocean. Regional change driven by transformation earth surface, which leads to changes in its radiation regime and the corresponding climate. Deforestation or planting of forests, plowing of land, land reclamation, construction of various structures, creation of artificial reservoirs form new types of microclimate. Significant regional climate changes are taking place around reservoirs, during the construction of hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants and forestry.

The direct impact of economic activity on water bodies includes hydraulic engineering, fishing, the inflow of untreated wastewater into the reservoir, and the side effect - the introduction of fertilizers and pesticides on agricultural land and their flushing into water bodies.

There are the following types of impact of economic activity on soil: mechanical, chemical and biological. Mechanical impact is soil degradation with insufficiently substantiated agriculture. Chemical impact is a decrease in soil fertility. Biological impact - reinforced takeaway nutrients along with the harvest.

The main object of studying modern physical geography is the geographic envelope of our planet as a complex material system. It is heterogeneous both vertically and horizontally. In the horizontal, i.e. spatially, the geographic envelope is subdivided into separate natural complexes (synonyms: natural-territorial complexes, geosystems, geographic landscapes).

Natural complex- territory, homogeneous in origin, history of geological development and the modern composition of specific natural components. It has a single geological foundation, the same type and amount of surface and groundwater, a uniform soil and vegetation cover and a single biocenosis (a combination of microorganisms and characteristic animals). In a natural complex, the interaction and exchange of substances between its constituent components are also of the same type. It is the interaction of the components that ultimately leads to the formation of specific natural complexes.

The level of interaction of components in a natural complex is determined primarily by the amount and rhythms of solar energy (solar radiation). Knowing the quantitative expression of the energy potential of a natural complex and its rhythm, modern geographers can determine the annual productivity of its natural resources and the optimal timing of their renewability. This makes it possible to objectively predict the use of natural resources of natural-territorial complexes (NTC) in the interests of human economic activity.

At present, most of the natural complexes of the Earth have been changed to one degree or another by man, or even re-created by him on a natural basis. For example, desert oases, reservoirs, crop plantations. Such natural complexes are called anthropogenic. According to their purpose, anthropogenic complexes can be industrial, agricultural, urban, etc. According to the degree of change in human economic activity - in comparison with the initial natural state they are subdivided into slightly altered, altered and strongly altered.

Natural complexes can be of different sizes - different ranks, as scientists say. The largest natural complex is the geographic shell of the Earth. Continents and oceans are natural complexes of the next rank. Within the continents, there are physical and geographical countries - natural complexes of the third level. Such, for example, as the East European Plain, the Ural Mountains, the Amazonian Lowland, the Sahara Desert and others. Well-known natural zones can also serve as examples of natural complexes: tundra, taiga, temperate forests, steppes, deserts, etc. The smallest natural complexes (areas, natural boundaries, fauna) occupy limited areas. These are hilly ridges, individual hills, their slopes; or a low-lying river valley and its individual sections: channel, floodplain, above-floodplain terraces. It is interesting that the smaller the natural complex, the more homogeneous it is. natural conditions... However, natural complexes of significant sizes retain the homogeneity of natural components and basic physical and geographical processes. So, the nature of Australia is not at all similar to the nature of North America, the Amazonian lowland differs markedly from the adjacent Andes from the west, an experienced geographer-researcher will not confuse the Karakum Desert (temperate zone desert) with the Sahara (tropical zone desert), etc.

Thus, the entire geographic envelope of our planet consists of a complex mosaic of natural complexes of various ranks. Natural complexes formed on land are now called natural-territorial (NTC); formed in the ocean and another body of water (in a lake, river) - natural aquatic (PAK); natural-anthropogenic landscapes (PAL) are created by human economic activity on a natural basis.

All nature around us consists of parts or, as they are also called in another way, components. These include: relief, climate, animals, soil, plants and water. Interacting, they form natural complexes.

one system

A natural complex is an area similar in origin, development history and modern composition. It has a single geological foundation, similar surface and the groundwater, soil and vegetation cover, animals and microorganisms.

Natural complexes were formed a long time ago, but at first they went through a long path of development, becoming natural. They are very closely related to each other, and changes in one component directly affect the other. This can serve as a confirmation of the existence of a single system.

The founder

In Russia, the founder of the study of this area is considered to be L.S. Berg. He identified complexes by similar features, for example, by the same character relief. Examples of such complexes are forests, deserts or steppes. The scientist noted that a natural complex is very similar to a living organism, which consists of parts and affects them.


If we compare the sizes of natural complexes, we can see that they differ significantly from each other. For example, the entire geographic shell of the Earth is also a natural complex, the same as its more limited representatives - continents and oceans. Even glades and ponds are considered a natural complex. IN modern world the geographic envelope is the main object of the study of physical geography.

The smaller the natural complex, the more homogeneous its properties. But this does not mean that natural conditions of large sizes are heterogeneous.

Natural ingredients

In general, the Earth is a collection of zonal and non-zonal natural complexes. Non-zonal zones in combination with the relief act as a base, while zonal zones seem to lie on top of them. Combining and complementing each other, they form a landscape.

  1. Zonal complexes. Due to the spherical shape of the Earth, it is unevenly heated by the Sun, as a result of which this factor is formed. It depends mainly on latitude (the amount of heat decreases with distance from the equator to the poles). Thus, geographic zones appear, which are especially well expressed in flat areas. But in uneven areas (oceans, mountains) differences are noted depending on the height and depth. Steppes, tundra, taiga can be taken as an example of zonal natural complexes.
  2. Non-zonal. The same factor depends on the processes that occur in the bowels of the Earth, which affects the surface relief. Thanks to this, areas arose that are called physical-geographical countries (Ural Mountains, Cordillera, etc.).


The landscape tends to change over time, which is greatly influenced by the activities of people. Nowadays, the so-called anthropogenic landscapes are already beginning to appear. According to their purpose, they are industrial, agricultural, urban and so on. And depending on the measure of human influence on them, they are divided into:

  • slightly altered;
  • modified;
  • strongly modified;
  • improved.

Man and natural complexes

This situation has developed to such an extent that human activity is almost a fundamental factor in the formation of nature. This cannot be avoided, but it should be remembered that the components of the natural complex must be consistent with changes in the landscape. In this case, there will be no risk of upsetting the natural balance.

Almost every natural complex of the Earth has now been changed by man, albeit to varying degrees. Some of them have been created at all. For example, plantations located near a natural reservoir, an island of vegetation in the desert, reservoirs. It also affects the diversity of natural complexes.

The degree of interaction between the components is primarily influenced by solar energy. Thanks to information about the energy potential of a natural complex, one can judge the productivity of its resources and their renewability. This enables a person to control the use of resources on the farm.

Russia is the largest country in terms of area. Its territory with an area of \u200b\u200b17.1 million square kilometers is located on the Eurasian continent.

The territory of the country has a large extent from west to east, which is why a vast variety of time zones can be traced. Natural complexes in Russia are quite diverse. Each of them has characteristic features: temperature, precipitation, and so on. Other factors also influence the nature of the natural zone - for example, its location in relation to the ocean. So the variety of natural complexes in Russia cannot but surprise.

Arctic climate.

This climatic zone is characterized by the presence of arctic deserts and tundras. This area is heated by the sun weakly, which is why there are rather harsh conditions and a poor animal and vegetable world... Polar nights are a feature of the arctic deserts.

The climate is very cold - the temperature in winter can drop to 60 degrees. And this lasts almost the whole year, because winter here lasts for 10 months. As a result, there is simply no time left for spring and autumn, which is why there are only two seasons here: winter and summer. And the latter can hardly be called such, because the temperature during this period rarely rises above 5 degrees.

But if a given natural zone is surrounded by water (for example, the islands of the Arctic Ocean), then the conditions change slightly. In winter, it is a little warmer here, because the waters accumulate heat in themselves, after which they give it to the air.

Subarctic climate

It is a little warmer in this climatic zone, although winter still prevails over summer. In the warm season, the temperature here is about 12 degrees. Precipitation occurs more often than in the Arctic zone, but as a result, there is less of it.

A feature of this area is the passing arctic cyclones, due to which it is mostly cloudy and strong winds blow.

Temperate climate

It is this zone that occupies more territory than other natural complexes in Russia. In general, it is characterized by four distinct seasons of the year, differing in temperature. But the temperate climate is usually divided into 4 varieties:

  1. Moderate continental. It is quite hot here in summer (average temperature is about 30 degrees), and frosty in winter. The amount of precipitation depends on the proximity to the Atlantic. Humidification throughout the territory is also different.
  2. Continental. It is formed under the influence of western air masses. The colder ones spread to the southern part of the territory, and tropical ones to the northern. That is why precipitation in the north is about 3 times more than in the south.
  3. Sharp continental. A feature of this climatic zone is low cloudiness and low precipitation, most of which occur during the warm season. Due to the small amount of clouds, the earth heats up quickly and also cools down quickly, from which there is a big difference between winter and summer. Due to the small layer of precipitation, the soil freezes strongly, which is why permafrost is observed here.
  4. Monsoon climate. It rises here in winter atmosphere pressureand the cold dry air goes to the ocean. In summer, the mainland heats up well and the air returns from the ocean, which is why, as a rule, strong winds blow here, and sometimes even typhoons occur. Precipitation occurs more often and more in summer.

Waters, plants, animals, etc. All these components have gone a long way of development, so their combinations are not accidental, but natural. Due to their interaction, they are closely related to each other, and this interaction unites them into a single system, where all parts depend on one another and influence one another. Such a unified system is called a natural-territorial complex, or landscape. The founder of Russian landscape science is deservedly considered L.S. ... He defined natural-territorial complexes as areas similar in the prevailing nature of the relief, climate, waters, and soil cover. Natural complexes can be distinguished, etc. L.S. Berg wrote that a landscape (or a natural-territorial complex) is, as it were, an organism in which parts determine the whole, and the whole influences the parts.

The sizes of natural-territorial complexes are different. The largest can be considered all, smaller -. The smallest natural-territorial complexes may include glades, ponds. It is important that regardless of size, all components of these complexes are closely interconnected with each other.

Natural components are the reason for the formation of natural-territorial complexes. They are usually divided into two groups:

Thus, our Earth is a system of zonal and azonal complexes, and the azonal complexes together with the relief represent the base, and the zonal ones, like a blanket, overlap them. Touching and penetrating each other, they form a landscape - part of a single geographic shell.

Natural-territorial complexes (landscapes) change over time. Most of all, they are influenced by human economic activity. IN recent times (within the framework of the development of the Earth), complexes created by man begin to appear on the planet - anthropogenic (Greek anthropos - man, genes - birth) landscapes. According to the degree of change, they are differentiated into:

  • slightly altered - hunting grounds;
  • changed - arable land, small settlements;
  • highly modified - urban settlements, large mining, large-scale plowing, deforestation;
  • improved - sanitary clearing of forests, park zone, "green zone" around large cities.

Human impact on landscapes is now an important nature-forming factor. Of course, human activity in our century cannot but change nature, but it must be remembered that the transformation of landscapes should take place taking into account the interrelation of all components of the natural-territorial complex. Only then can the disturbance of the natural balance be avoided.


NATURAL COMPLEX [from lat. complexus - connection, combination] - a set of natural objects, phenomena or properties that form one whole. PC. - the historical predecessor of the concept of a natural system. The term is used to refer to: 1) any interconnected natural phenomena; 2) regular spatial combinations (mosaics) of soils, vegetation, landscapes (eg, saline complexes, etc.). PC. a broader concept than, for example, landscape or NTC, since it does not contain indications of either geography, territoriality, or comprehensiveness of coverage of components.

Ecological Dictionary, 2001

Natural complex

(from lat. complexus - connection, combination) - a set of natural objects, phenomena or properties that form one whole. PC. - the historical predecessor of the concept of a natural system. The term is used to designate: 1) any interconnected natural phenomena; 2) regular spatial combinations (mosaics) of soils, vegetation, landscapes (eg, saline complexes, etc.). PC. a broader concept than, for example, landscape or NTC, since it does not contain indications of either geography, territoriality, or the completeness of coverage of components.

EdwART. Glossary of Environmental Terms and Definitions, 2010


See what "NATURAL COMPLEX" is in other dictionaries:

    A complex of functionally and naturally interconnected natural objects, united by geographic and other relevant features. EdwART. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergencies, 2010 ... Emergency Dictionary

    Natural complex - a complex of functionally and naturally related natural objects, united by geographic and other relevant features; ... Source: Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 7 FZ (as amended on 25.06.2012) On environmental protection ... Official terminology

    A complex of functionally and naturally related natural objects, united by geographic and other relevant features (Article 1 of the Law) Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Business Glossary

    NATURAL COMPLEX - a complex of functionally and naturally related natural objects, united by geographic and other relevant features ... Legal encyclopedia

    A natural territorial complex is a natural combination of geographic components or complexes of the lowest rank, which are in complex interaction and form a single inextricable system of different levels from the geographic envelope to the facies. ... ... Wikipedia

    See Geosystem ... Big Medical Dictionary

    Protected area near the city of Kyshtym Chelyabinsk region, 90 km north of Chelyabinsk, the Kyshtym Slyudorudnik highway runs between the lake and the mountain with a cave. The Kyshtym Tyubuk highway passes nearby. Consists of natural monuments Sugomakskaya ... ... Wikipedia

    NATURAL COMPLEX - geographic complex, geocomplex, geosystem, a term used to denote: 1) any interrelated natural phenomena; 2) regular spatial combinations (mosaics) of soils, vegetation, landscapes (for example, saline ... ... Ecological Dictionary

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