College of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Railways. Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region

Chelyabinsk Institute of Railways (CHIPS), Chelyabinsk branch of the Ural state university railways (USUPS) , higher education an institution that trains specialists for the railway transport. Created in July 1997 through the reorganization of Pers. technical school railway transport (founded in 1944) and people. branch Ural. state academy of railways. In the 1940s and 60s. uch. the institution carried out training in specialties; “Steam locomotive facilities” (later “electric rolling stock”), “traffic management”, “power supply and energy facilities” (since 1956), “carriage facilities” (1957), “automation and telemechanics in railway transport” (1961). In 1956 in Chel. was opened educational-consulting center (UKP) All-Union. correspondence institute of railway engineers transport (VZIIT). In 1961 on the basis of the UKP was founded. People branch of VZIT, then Ural. electromechanical Institute of Transport Engineers (UEMIIT). In 1994, Pers. the UEMIIT branch became the Ural branch. state Academy of Railways (UrGAPS). Currently, CHIPS USUPS is training specialists in a multilevel system. For programs of higher education and cf. prof. education is trained approx. 4 thousand people: in 6 specialties in the daytime and 8 in each correspondence departments... At the institute there are: a center for advanced training of executives and specialists (in the profile of the university), as well as for the training of workers in mass professions; uch. center for training personnel for certification in the field of non-destructive testing tech. railway objects transport; labor protection center. For n.-i. work, laboratory and practical. classes of students in-those are St. 100 modern uch. of classrooms and laboratories, computer classes, educational-production. workshops. Institute has a library, sports. hall, comfortable hostels, recreation center on the lake. Chebarkul. The monthly university gas is published. "Highway". Graduates of CHIPS USUPS work at the enterprise. railway, prom. and mountains. transport, as well as in other industries, communications. with received. specialties. Occupied by engineers and technicians. and managerial positions, in particular, 80% of engineers and technicians of SUR. I. P. Vorobyov in tech. pl. years was the beginning. South Ural Railways; AS Kosopkin - Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the State. thought; N.I.Subochev - President of the Swiss Railway firms. Deer. Institute N.Z.Sabirov (also a graduate of ChIPS).

CHIPS through the eyes of a student


My name is Nikita Yurlovsky, at the moment I am a third-year student vocational education specialty traction rolling stock - locomotives.

I want to tell you about my technical school. The Chelyabinsk Institute of Communications trains specialists of a wide profile for the South Ural railway. In CHIPS there are many interesting specialties, communicating with the guys from different departments, you can hear a lot of pluses and of course minuses, but as they say, there are no comrades in taste and color.

How did my journey to CHIPS begin? And it began very simply. After the ninth grade, having passed the GIA, I thought for a long time where to give the documents, since I did not want to go to the tenth grade. They advised me to go to the railroad ... I thought why not try it as in hometown I didn't want to stay either, I was attracted by a thirst for adventure and wanted to try my capabilities in Chelyabinsk, having arrived from Magnitogorsk.

He began to study, as they say, at ease, without thinking about studying. This went on for about a month, thinking, and what is the first year, the same school subjects that are not favorite, I will not strain. But then everything changed, realizing that they require a lot of knowledge, they ask a lot, I began to understand that it would not work here to have a rest.

In the second year, some general education subjects remained, but also began technical subjects, it is immediately noticeable that the specialty is technical, not humanitarian. It was difficult to learn to master a technical language, if in humanitarian specialties you can rely on life experience, then this will not work here, you have to understand and understand. They just don't give credits for beautiful eyes - this is not the place where you can sit out.

In the third year, you begin to comprehend all the delights of the profession, and interest in future profession... There are only specialty subjects, but also in the course of training we are taught to communicate and develop a commanding voice, as in the army. This begins to temper the character, because you will have to work in difficult conditions and people's lives will depend on your decision. After the third year, all students without arrears go to work practice.

There are many good teachers working at CHIPS, all of them have experience of working on the railway. Many times I noted for myself that they are truly fans of their work. In truth, not every teacher can literally “chew” the material, help students in mastering something new.

Also, if you are a nonresident, then you will be allocated a hostel. There are three dormitories, but I only know about two, which are located directly next to the technical school. The first hostel, one might say budget, the level of comfort is lower, a corridor-type hostel, in rooms for 4 people. But for that all living in the first dormitory live amicably and help each other. The second hostel as they say "Hotel" The level of comfort is higher than in the first one, but the price is also higher. There is a gym in the basement of the second dormitory, where physical education classes are also held. Since I touched upon the topic of physical culture, I want to say that there are many sections working in the technical school, also CHIPS has its own volleyball, football, basketball teams. Various competitions are also held between groups, which helps to unite the team and makes it possible to defend the honor of the branch in a game environment.

Events related to the disclosure of the talents of students are also held - this is playing the instruments, singing, dancing or KVN and much more. For this, whole concerts are arranged, and one has to perform on the stages of the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers.

The CHIPS trade union committee works directly in contact with students, to a greater extent with the heads and trade union organizers of the groups. The trade union committee works well, there are many interesting events, including going to the theater and cinema. Also, every year active students are taken to the recreation center, where, under the guidance of professional trainers, the team is rallied, everyone comes from there with a lot of impressions and many friends. Every summer a group of distinguished students from the trade union committee goes to the sea.

Some people say that why I came here at all, they demand so much. Perhaps this is so, in CHIPS there are many advantages, but there are also disadvantages, like in any other educational institution, I am certainly not the most diligent student and not when I was not, yes, it is difficult for me to study, I study in Cs, but I never I did not regret that I chose the Chelyabinsk Institute of Communication Ways.

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The Chelyabinsk Institute of Railways (CHIPS UrGUPS), acting as a branch of the Ural State University of Railways, was created on the basis of the Ministry of Railways' instructions dated June 24, 1997 on the basis of the association of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Ural state academy railways and the Chelyabinsk technical school of railway transport attached to it. Institute implements educational programs incomplete higher vocational education, secondary vocational education with a complete training cycle, as well as programs of additional vocational education. The institute trains personnel for the South Ural railway and other enterprises of the Ural region.

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Director of CHIPS USUPS

Director of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Railways, a branch of the Ural State University of Railways. Was born in 1948 in the city of Emanzhelinsk, Chelyabinsk region. In 1967 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Technical School of Railway Transport, in 1973 - from the Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Engineers, in 1986 - from the Higher School of Art in Sverdlovsk, in 1997 - from the Ural State Academy of Railway Transport. He worked as an electromechanic at the Troitsk Signaling and Communication Distance, Secretary of the Troitsk State Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, instructor at the Troitsk State Committee of the CPSU. Director of SGPTU-6, secretary of the central party committee of Troitsk station, from 1986 to 1991 - in the apparatus of the Chelyabinsk regional committee of the CPSU, from 1991 to 1997 - in the management of the South Ural Railways: head of the price department, self-financing and self-financing department. He is married and has a son. Hobbies - fishing, sports, books. Sabirov Nakip Zakievich

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Institute structure

The structure of the institute includes two faculties - the faculty of higher professional education (prepares specialists with higher professional education) and the faculty of secondary vocational education. To meet the needs of South Ural Railways in qualified personnel, ChIPS USUPS has a Center for Additional Professional Education. Preparation for entering higher and secondary vocational educational institutions is carried out by the Center for vocational guidance and pre-university training. To organize the educational process, the institute has four educational buildings, a sports hall with an area of \u200b\u200b364 sq. m, as well as a recreation center for 50 places. Nonresident students live in hostels where all the necessary conditions are created.

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Specialties SPO

Secondary vocational education at CHIPS USUPS can be obtained: 140409 Power supply 190623 (V) Technical operation of rolling stock railways Wagons. 190623 (L) Technical operation of rolling stock of railways Locomotives. 220415 Automation and telemechanics in railway transport 190701 Organization of transportation and control in railway transport 270835 Construction of railways, track and track facilities

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Specialties SP VPO

Higher professional education at CHIPS USUPS can be obtained: - in the areas of training bachelors (form of study: full-time and part-time) 080100 - Economics (profile: Economics of enterprises and organizations) 080200 - Management (profiles: Production management, Information management) 270800 - Construction (profile : Industrial and civil construction) 230400 - Information Systems and technologies (profile: Information systems and technologies) - by specialties (Form of study: full-time and part-time) 190300 - PSv - Wagons (Rolling stock of railways) 190300 - PST - Electric transport of railways (Rolling stock of railways) 190901 - Power supply of railways roads (Train traffic support systems) 190901 - Automation, telemechanics and communication in railway transport (Train traffic support systems) 190401 - Organization of transportation and transport management (by type) (Operation of railways) 271501 - Construction of railways, track and track facilities (Construction of railways, bridges and transport tunnels)

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Specialty 140409 - "Power supply (by industry)"

Head of the department - Golova Lyubov Alexandrovna Work experience at the institute 16 years, work experience as head. department for 12 years, has been heading the department "Electricity" since 2012. The teacher of the highest qualification category, conducts disciplines: - "Labor protection", - "Labor protection and electrical safety" Department Secretary - Svetlana Sergeevna Golova, has been working since 2011.

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The CHIPS library was created by merging the library funds of the Chelyabinsk Technical School of Railway Transport, and since the inception of the library, its main task is to collect and store information sources. The status of any library, its social significance is determined by the number and composition of the collection. Today in our library there are 171,272 copies of publications. More than 4529 thousand readers, teachers, staff and students of the Institute use the services of the library. At the disposal of the readers of the library are documentary services on a loan and in a specialized reading room, interlibrary loan services.

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