Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Bulletin

The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) was founded in 1916 at the University of London as the School of Oriental Studies, and in 1938 it acquired its modern name. The most powerful colonial power, which was then Great Britain, needed specialists who were versed in the specifics of the economy, politics, culture and mentality of the peoples dependent on it, who inhabited mainly Asia and Africa. Therefore, the need for such an educational institution was obvious.

But it was also preserved by the abandonment of the United Kingdom from almost all of its overseas possessions. now it was no longer required to manage dependent territories, but to maintain old ties and develop relations with independent and equal partners. Therefore, it is in the second half of the XX-th, and especially the beginning of the XXI-th centuries that the institution's maximum flourishing falls. So, from the 70s to the present day, the number of students in it has grown from about one to almost six thousand. And in 2011, the School of Oriental and African Studies received the right to award academic degrees, which finally confirmed its university status.


The school is the only university in Europe where Asian and African countries are studied. But she is authoritative not only in her "role" - for example, in UK she became:

  • 3rd and 4th in the study of Southeast Asia and the Middle East, respectively, in 2011 (Complete University Guide);
  • 6th in the organization educational process in 2016 (RUR Ranking);
  • then - 9th in history, philosophy, theology and law teaching (Times Higher Education).

And in 2009, the university was awarded the royal prize for significant contributions to language teaching.

The Institute managed to achieve such heights largely thanks to its research base - first of all, the library opened in 1973 with one of the richest collections of oriental literature in the world (about 1.5 million paper and electronic media).

Teaching programs and organization

SOAS offers those wishing to study for a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree at the faculties:

Each faculty has several departments, of which there are 19 in total. Foreign students enrolled in some programs are awarded scholarships. Also, the university constantly organizes short-term summer courses.

The Career Service deals with employment prospects for future graduates. She arranges various seminars, trainings and workshops on finding a job, as well as meetings of students with employees of HR departments and recruiting agencies; advises students on career issues and provides information on vacancies from its database.

After classes

The extracurricular activities of the student community are also quite active, especially since in an institute of such specialization, study and social life are closely interconnected. So, in the gallery of Brunei (built with donations from the sultan of this state) various exhibitions of works of art from the countries of the East are periodically held, and on its roof in 2001 a real Japanese garden was laid out as a place for rest and meditation.

But students have something to do besides self-contemplation. there are about 50 different clubs of interest - sports, culinary, political, cultural (including its own radio station with programs about contemporary world culture) and others. And since SOAS is actually a branch of the University of London, its students can also join its communities.


Visitors can be accommodated in 2 hostels located near St Pancras and King's Cross stations and offering respectively 510 and 259 rooms with private baths. Each has a common room with TV and DVD, vending machines and laundry facilities.

Accommodation is also possible in 7 inter-university residences of London University. Telephone and internet are available everywhere.

A.A. Kireeva at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

On October 23-30, Associate Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies A.A. Kireeva was at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, in which she conducted research in the School's library, spoke at two events organized by the Institute China and the Center for Taiwan Studies, and took part in a seminar on Japanese security policy and diplomacy organized by King's College London.

The opportunity to conduct research in the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London was provided by the European Association for Chinese Studies. Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies is one of the best libraries in the world for the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. It contains more than 1.3 million books, as well as an extensive collection of manuscripts, manuscripts, rare books, historical chronicles. The library provides access to electronic databases containing articles in leading academic journals. Distinctive feature libraries, like a large number of Western libraries, is the ability to independently choose the books of interest, which are grouped by thematic sections.

Associate Professor A.A. Kireeva spoke at a seminar organized by the China Institute of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, on the topic of Russia's turn to the East and Russia's relations with China, North Korea and the countries of North-East Asia. In her speech, she touched upon the role of East Asia in Russian foreign policy, the transformation of Russia's policy towards Asia after the deterioration of relations with the West as a result of the Ukrainian crisis in 2014, the strengths and challenges of the strategic partnership between Russia and China, the complex of relations between Russia and other North -East Asia - North and South Korea and Japan. The discussion on the results of the report was attended by the presiding director of the Institute of China, Professor Steve Sang, teachers and students of the School, employees of the Royal Joint Institute for Defense Studies, Institute of East and West.

At the invitation of Director of the Center for Taiwanese Studies Duffid Fall A.A. Kireeva made a presentation on the theme of the "movement of sunflowers" in Taiwan in 2014, mass protests among young people and activists about the actions of the ruling Kuomintang party at that time on the conclusion of the Agreement on trade in services between PRC and Taiwan. She analyzed the events from the point of view of the Taiwanese democratic model, the problems of consolidating democracy and centralizing government in the hands of the Kuomintang party during the presidency of Ma Ying-jeou, relations between Taiwan and the PRC, the formation of Taiwanese identity and the political economy of the Taiwanese development model. The event was attended by a large number of students, undergraduates, graduate students and staff from the School of Oriental and African Studies attending courses in Taiwan or doing research in Taiwan. An active exchange of views with students, teachers and researchers ensued a lively discussion on social movements in Taiwan, the Taiwanese model of democracy, political parties, political participation, Taiwanese identity and relations between Taiwan and the PRC.

In addition, A.A. Kireeva took part in a seminar entitled "Transformation of Japan's Diplomatic Practice and Policy in the Field of Security" held by King's College London and the Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin). During the seminar, organized by the staff of King's College London, Julio Pugliese and Alessio Patalano from the British side and Professor Verena Blechinger-Talcott and the researcher Kai Schultz from the German side, the participants presented papers and discussed the transformation foreign policy and Japan's security and defense policies, changes in foreign policy decision-making, Japan's relations with the United States, Australia, India, the EU and the UK. Associate professor A.A. Kireeva took part in the discussion in several sessions of the seminar.


international Conference

Theater in public space: aesthetics, economics and politics of in situ performances

The Laboratory for Historical and Cultural Studies of the RANEPA STEPS and the Institute for Theater Research at the University of Paris III New Sorbonne announce the call for applications for an international conference dedicated to the study of performative practices that unfold outside their designated stage space (in situ), which will be held in Moscow on November 12-14, 2020 ...

We propose to consider the aesthetic, economic and political principles of creating and producing performances in situ, in a comparative perspective of France and Russia. If in France the sector of street and public art has already undergone institutionalization, which resulted in centers for creation and distribution, information platforms and educational programs, then in Russia this is an emerging direction, remarkable, nevertheless, for its pace of development. The conference will provide an opportunity to compare and clarify the terminology, to compare the methods of analyzing performances, aesthetic and economic features of their existence, to discuss the history of the direction, the current state of affairs and development prospects.

We welcome applications from both practitioners and researchers of the performative arts and / or sociology and economics of culture alike.

Within the framework of the conference, applications are announced for the following sections:
- Places, spaces, arrangement of projects in situ
- Drama and aesthetics of in situ performances
- Political aspects of theater and performance in public space
- Cultural policy and in situ project financing models
- Touring: cultural, territorial and language challenges

Working languages \u200b\u200bof the conference: Russian, French.

Those wishing to take part in the conference should until April 10, 2020 send abstracts (max. 500 words) and a short CV to the address [email protected] Please indicate in the subject line of the letter the name of the section for which you are applying. The candidates will be notified of the decision of the organizing committee by April 25.

Organizing committee of the conference: E.I. Gordienko, V.V. Zolotukhin, Yu.G. Liderman, E.Yu. Nagaeva (RANEPA STEPS), A. Mouton-Rezuk, D. Urrutyage (Paris III New Sorbonne).


Student conference

Academic Dialogues 2020

The Department of General History of STEPS RANEPA invites senior students, undergraduates, graduate students to take part in the section "Power, State, Society in Greater Europe: Problems of Political and Cultural History" within the framework of the annual conference of the RANEPA.
About the master's degree of the department →

Mar 31 (Tue)


Department of General History

"Responsibility of the Historian"

Applications are accepted for participation as a speaker in the second Readings in memory of Arseniy Roginsky.
The topic of the readings: "The responsibility of the historian."

Applications are accepted until March 9, 2020.
Apply →

Within the framework of the Readings, three blocks are planned:

1. "Historian and source" - How is the responsibility of a scientist manifested in the choice of the subject and methods of research, in the struggle for access to archival sources?

2. "Historian and Education" - What tasks do historians solve outside the professional research community? The focus of attention is public history, popular science texts and statements, teaching, informal history circles.

3. "Historian Today" - Historian and public policy memory: from confrontation to proactive loyalty and working together... Experience from different countries.

Applications are accepted until March 9, 2020. On March 16, we will send you a letter in which we will give an answer regarding your participation.

Each performance will be approximately 15 minutes long.

23, 24 Mar (Mon, Tue)

International colloquium

Lab. literary history research

History and Fiction in Literature, Culture and Society of the Golden Age (XVI-XVIII)

As part of a joint research project LILI STEPS with the Center for the Study of the Golden Age Culture (GRISO, Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro) of the University of Navarra (Spain), an international Russian-Spanish colloquium “La percepción del“ otro ”en las culturas europeas de los siglos XVI-XVIII: ¿asimilación o rechazo? " (Perception of "alien" in European cultures XVI-XVIII: acceptance or rejection?).

The aim of the project is to study the forms of cultural creation in the Spanish culture of the Golden Age (XVI-XVII centuries), as well as to study the forms of interaction of literature and historiography with social and cultural practices (custom, ritual, everyday life).

On the Russian side, the project is attended by: head. LILI laboratory, Doctor of Philology, prof. I.V. Ershova, Ph.D. Sci., Leading Researcher, O.V. Aurov, Ph. Sci., senior researcher ON. Pastushkova, Ph.D. in Philology, Assoc. RGGU M.B. Smirnova, Ph.D., HSE A.V. Marey, post-graduate student of the Russian State Humanitarian University N. Kiseleva.
From the GRISO Center of the University of Navarra: GRISO Director, prof. Ignacio Arellano, GRISO secretary, prof. Carlos Mata Indurain, prof., Jesus Maria Usunaris, prof. Blanca Oteis and others.

In the fall of 2020, within the framework of the project, the RANEPA conference will host the STUDIA IBERICA-2. Fact and Fiction: Methods of Interaction and Representation in Spanish Culture. "

Mar 19 (Thu)


Open lecture

Lab. historical and cultural studies

The land of love and other imaginary worlds in allegorical maps of the 17th - 19th centuries

Head Laboratory for Historical and Cultural Research STEPS RANEPA Maria Neklyudova will give a public lecture at the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin in the framework of the program "Laboratory for the study of migration of images"

Anyone who has read "Winnie the Pooh" by A. Milne or the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" by JRR Tolkien will surely remember maps that help navigate these imaginary worlds. But not everyone knows that one of the first novels to which maps were attached appeared in France in the middle of the 17th century. The map, invented by the writer Madeleine de Scudery and drawn by the engraver François Chauvet, pointed the way to the Land of Tenderness, that is, it allegorically represented the birth of love. Soon there were parodies of this map and imitations of it - maps of the Land of Love, the Land of Coquetry, the Land of Marriage, the Empire of Bacchus, etc. The beginning of this fashion and the formation of a tradition that has survived to our time will be discussed in the lecture.

Scientific report

Lab. historical and cultural studies

In situ performances: the philosophy of French theater in public space

Elena Gordienko, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Social Communication of the RANEPA STEPS, will make a presentation at the Center for French-Russian Studies
(the event will be held in French without translation)

Feb 25 (Tue)

19:00 – 20:30

Open lecture

Lab. historical and cultural studies

Key concepts early modern times in modern research culture and society

Public lecture by Richard Scholar, professor at the University of Durham (UK) within the framework of the conference "Conceptualization of the Early Modern Age: Words, Images and Theories."

In recent decades, the study of "words in history" has become one of the main directions in the study of European society and culture. While its development bears some resemblance to what historians of political ideas do, there is an important difference between their methods and their approach to the word in sociocultural research: it is obvious that cultural historians are very fond of language.
The first part of Professor Sholar's lecture will be devoted to the scientific legacy of the British theorist and critic Raymond Williams, and the methodological problems associated with his work "Keywords" (1976). In the second part of the lecture, Professor Scholar will propose modifying the Williams model through a comparative and multilingual approach, especially with regard to English vocabulary.
As an example, Professor Sholar will consider two words “migrant” that came to English from French, naïveté (naivety) and ennui (boredom). Their untranslatable makes it possible to identify the most important cultural and social traits English-speaking society, among which not the least role is played by an ambiguous attitude to everything foreign and, specifically, to everything French.

Richard Scholar - professor, deputy. School directors modern languages and Cultures at Durham University, author of Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi: Facing Uncertainty in Early Modern Europe (2005) and Montaigne, The Art of Free Thought (2010).

Lecture on english language (with translation), preliminary registration is required.

: Ossetian etymologies G.V. Bailey

K. E. Gagkaev

Several years ago, a famous English orientalist, Dr. Harold Walter Bailey, visited the North Ossetian Research Institute. Professor G.V. Bailey stayed in Ordzhonikidze, returning from Georgia to his homeland. In Tbilisi, he took part in the anniversary celebrations in honor of the great Shota Rustaveli. The invitation to the USSR and Bailey's stay in the Caucasus were important events in the life of the scientist. He admired everything in our country: the scale of the anniversary celebrations, and Caucasian hospitality, and the Georgian Military Road, and especially successes in the cultural and scientific life Caucasian peoples. At our institute, G.V. Bailey shared with the staff his impressions of the trip and spoke about his work on oriental studies.

As an orientalist, G.V. Bailey enjoys the fame of a world-renowned scientist. This is evidenced by the following fact. When, at the 25th International Congress of Orientalists in Moscow (1960), a survey of Iranian scholars about the degree of popularity of famous modern orientalists was conducted, the first place was taken by an English scientist.Unfortunately, he was not at the congress then, but the participants in this impromptu survey made up a small a congratulatory letter addressed to him, under which all Iranianists - participants of the congress, including the late Professor B. A. Alborov and the author of these lines - signed.

Before talking about the Ossetian studies interests of G.V. Bailey, we give here his brief curriculum vitae. G.V. Bailey was born in 1899 in the town of Divizez in Wiltshire (Great Britain). In 1910 he moved to Australia, where he became first a BA and then an MA from the University of Western Australia.

In 1927-1933. he studied at Oxford University in England, where he received his Ph.D. Around this time (1926-1936), Bailey was a lecturer in Iranian studies at the School of Oriental Studies, University of London. For over thirty years (1936-1976) - Professor of the Sanskrit language University of Cambridge... In 1967 he became an emeritus professor (professor emeritus). In 1944 G.V. Bailey was elected a member of the British Academy, in 1946 - a member of the Danish Academy, in 1947 - a member of the Norwegian Academy, in 1948 - a member of the Swedish Academy ("Witterhete History och Antiquities"). In the postwar years, Bailey was a board member of the British School of Oriental and African Studies (1946-1969), President of the Philological Society (1948-1952), President of the Royal Asiatic Society (1964-1967) and an honorary member of many foreign academies, universities and scientific institutions and societies - it is impossible to list them all. Professor GW Bailey has published up to two hundred works on Oriental studies in various European, Asian and American periodicals. In these works, the material of almost all Indo-Iranian, ancient and new, written and non-written Indo-European, Turkic, Mongolian, Caucasian and other languages \u200b\u200bis widely used. Most of the work was published in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Research (bsos) and in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies bsos at the University of London.

The main direction of scientific research interests of G.V. Bailey is, perhaps, the etymology of languages \u200b\u200band the culture of Indo-European peoples. An important source of his etymological studies is undoubtedly the Indo-Iranian language material. G.V. Bailey is a major etymologist in the best sense of the word. Following the established linguistic tradition, the English scientist makes extensive use of the entire scientific apparatus of comparative - historical linguistics. Where necessary, the language material is studied in the complex of ethnography, history, literature, religion and culture of peoples. The greatest attention is paid to the early history of the languages \u200b\u200band cultures of the Indo-European peoples. The object of the research is the materials of dead and living languages, evidence of written monuments, relic remnants of unwritten languages \u200b\u200band dialects. The material under study is carefully checked against the most authoritative etymological dictionaries: Chr. Bartolome, Ancient Iranian Dictionary, (1904), Y. Pokorny, Indo-German etymological dictionary, (1959-1969), M. Mayrhofer, A Brief Etymological Dictionary of the Old Indian Language, (1953), etc. G.V. Bailey closely follows all the etymological literature that comes out and uses and summarizes the observations of the most prominent representatives of the Indo-European comparative historical linguistics, among which, in particular, the works of such comparative linguists as E. Benveniste, E. Kurilovich, J. Dumézil, W. Henning, H. Nyberg, L. Palmer, G. Morgenshern, I. Gershevich, V. Minorsky, V.I. Abaev and others.

Ossetian material occupies an honorable place in the large list of G.V. Bailey's works due to its importance for the etymological study of Indo-European languages. Materials about the Ossetian language are taken from the works of V. F. Miller, A. A. Freiman and especially from the works of V. I. Abaev. GV Bailey began to study the Ossetian language for a long time. So, back in 1934, he compared the Ossetian fezonӕg - fizonӕg with Old English afigen. This comparison was unsuccessful, and Bailey later abandoned his etymology. Referring to the material of the Khotanese language, Bailey came to the conclusion that the Ossetian root fěz-(-physical-) is an epithet, like a root shish- in the Turkish word for "shashlik".

V. I. Abaev also emphasizes the etymological connection of the Ossetian fizonӕg with Anglo-Saxon afigen "roast". Doubt arises from the absence of other Iranian parallels (IES, 1, 478).

More systematically, Ossetian material is used in the works of G.V. Bailey, published in the post-war years. He, in particular, needs Ossetian material to restore the languages \u200b\u200bof the Scythians, Sarmatians and Saks. To this purpose he devotes his comments on the language of the surviving poem in honor of the Saka king Vijaya Sangram. For comparative analysis The text of Bailey's poem draws on some words of ancient and modern Iranian languages, including Ossetian. Words are taken from the Ossetian language: irazyn, which ascends * araz- and is associated with sak. rrāys (cf. IES, 1, 58); bӕlas - presumably goes back to Old Ind. palása- (IES, I, 247); khyntsyn - etymology has not been established.

In the etymological parsing of the Iranian daha- and agua-, G.V. Bailey finds the root gift- from the Ossetian daryn"Hold" (-the holder-power). Root gift- matches in all Iranian languages \u200b\u200b(cf. IES, 1, 346-347). Hence the word ӕrdar-ldar is of undeniable Iranian origin. As for the root agua-, then, according to Bailey, it reflects the Persian, era-, parf. īra- and Khotansk. hira-. According to V.I. Abaev (IES, 1, 545-546), the Ossetian ir is not associated with agua, although it is argued that in the toponym (hydronym) Ir-ӕf, the name of the river in Digoria, two elements can be seen: Ossetian - up and ancient Iranian ӕf-ar "Water", "river", therefore, Irӕf translated as "Ossetian river" (IES, 1, 547).

For the interpretation of some obscure forms of the dead Khotanese language, G.V. Bailey draws on Ossetian words. So the word oudag(-wedag) "Root" is matched against hot. -Viya- fӕndag "road" -s Khorezm. pindak; osset. kalak"Fortress" - pahlav. kalaka; osset. uyrnyn (-urnyn) "Believes" - with hot. haura; osset. gods "Beer" - with hot. bviysna, etc. ("Ambages Indo-iranica"). Ossetian material is very abundantly presented in comparative-historical terms in a series of articles under the general title "Aria". Ossetian words of one lexical nest xhapp and app "Core" is associated with sak. agva - "inside"; osset. ar-, ard-, last time. ardta in a broad sense - "to receive", "to conceive", "to give birth" (children) finds numerous correspondences in Iranian languages \u200b\u200band dialects (cf. IES, 1, 74); osset. kuymӕl "Sour drink" is associated with sturgeon. huymӕllӕg "hop"; osset. zaryn "sing", uӕkhsk "shoulder", aftauyn (ӕthyd) “put”, “shift”, today "Pluck, tyllg "Grain", "harvest", etc. also have their parallels in the ancient and new Iranian languages.

G.V. Bailey studies the Ossetian adjective tӕpӕn"Flat", "even" in connection with the ancient * tapana-; Ossetian adjective fӕtӕn "Wide" is seen in connection with the ancient * patana-; Ossetian noun t'ang Gut, found in a verb atang uyn "Stretch out" and mtang kunin "Stretch", juxtaposed with the ancient * tan-; the latter is also associated with the Ossetian tӕn (-tӕnӕ) "String", "bowstring"; Ossetian noun хъӕпӕн "Pile", "snowdrift" (cf. mity hjӕpӕn "Snowdrift") is associated with the ancient gaf-, etc.

In an article published in a collection in honor of W.B. Henning, G.V. Bailey studies the etymological connections of Ossetian words bӕlvyrd, tel, warӕn fӕz and some others. Through numerous etymological comparisons, the author comes to the conclusion that bӕlvyrd "Exact", "clear", "true" finds its correspondence in Sanskrit, ancient Persian, Avestan and new Iranian languages. The most ancient basis of this adjective was the root * vara-vurta - "categorically assert", "declare", "represent yourself. " This backbone is formed by reduplication. Ossetian word tel "Wire" is common with Armenian eating and Turkic tel (tӕl): in the same meaning. This word is also found in many indigenous languages \u200b\u200bof the Caucasus, as well as the word white "shovel". From Iranian languages \u200b\u200bwith Ossetian tel definitely juxtaposed with Khotanese ttila - in the same meaning. Collocation uarӕn fӕz The "place of division" is taken by G.V. Bailey from the language of Nart epic legends and its meaning is determined on the basis of a large illustrative material. The second element of the phrase uarӕn fӕz "Place of division", namely fӕz is incontestably raised to avest. pazah- hot. paysa- and Sogd. p'z * paza-. The first element of the phrase is also easily explained on the material of the Iranian languages.

The article "Aryan Notes", published in the Roman edition of "Study Classics and Orientalia", deals with the etymology of Ossetian words ӕфцӕг "Pass", burzuy "neck", ӕtsӕg"Truth", "truth", waldzag "spring" and so on. All these words, according to Bailey, find faultless interpretation in the Indo-Iranian languages. Word ӕфцӕг "Pass", for example, goes back to the ancient Indo-Iranian apcaka- and finds correspondences in other Indo-European languages. From the Ossetian, this word penetrated into the non-Indo-European Karachai-Balkarian language in the form ipchik. The meaning of this word is extensive: in addition to "mountain pass", it is also comprehended: "isthmus", "peak", "protruding part of an object, body", etc.

GV Bailey usually gives all his linguistic illustrations in two Ossetian dialect variants, and preference is given to the forms of the Digor dialect as more archaic. Here are some examples given by the author in various of his works: a piece of chalk - nice in the sense of "twilight", cf. isӕr - miltӕ, sugzarinӕ - syzgӕrin "gold", moveӕ - thin "cap", kizg - chyzg "girl", ustur khӕdzarӕ - styr Khudzar "big house", sigit - sydzhit "Earth", "soil", mud - myd "Honey", etc.

In one of the most recent works - "Sakskie sketches", published in the British magazine "Iran", GV Bailey connects his etymological research in the field of Ossetian historical lexicology with the problem of the origin and migration of the Scythian-Sarmatian-Alan tribes. These migration processes took place at the beginning of our era (4th-5th centuries), when the Sarmatians and Alans penetrated into France and Spain. A little earlier than this time, the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius won a victory (in 173 AD) over the Sarmatians and, as a winner, appropriated the title of "Sarmatian" to himself. Eight thousand Sarmatians-Iranians were enlisted in the Roman army, of which 5,500 were sent to Britain. An inscription about the stay of the Sarmatians in Northern Britain, namely, in the Cambridge College of St. Johns, has survived to this day. Information about the presence of the Sarmatians on the British Isles is scarce, but historically accurate.

Traces of the presence of the Sarmatians and Alans in France are preserved to this day. So, the road through the French city of Reims was once called via Sarmatarum - "the Sarmatian road". There is evidence of the presence of the Alans on the territory of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. GV Bailey also dwells on the history of the movement of the Alans to the North Caucasus, speaks in detail about the connections of the Alans with the Greeks, Georgians and other peoples of the Middle Ages, emphasizes their cultural, historical and dynastic ties with many peoples. The influence of the Alanian element, Bailey continues, is evidenced by the fact that the Alanian name Bahr al-lan was given to the Caspian Sea, and the Migrelians called their bravest youths alani k'oc'i "Alanian man".

G.V. Bailey also speaks about the migration of Alanian tribes to the east and about their penetration into China. This is evidenced by onomastic and historical materials left by the Alans on the way of their advancement and at the place of their stay.