An atom of a non-metal with the largest radius corresponds to an electronic one. Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry

The nonmetal atom with the largest radius corresponds to the electronic configuration

A) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2
B) 1s2 2s2 2p4
B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4
D) 1s2 2s2 2p2

The degree of dissociation of acetic acid in solution will decrease when:

1) heating the solution,

2) dilution of the solution,

3) the introduction of a strong acid into the solution,

4) adding sodium chloride to the solution

An aqueous solution has an acidic medium:

1) sodium phosphate,

2) sodium hydrogen phosphate,

3) sodium dihydrogen phosphate,

4) sodium sulfate ???

Part A 1. The electronic formula of the external energy level of the sulfur atom corresponds to the electronic configuration:

a) ns2 np3 b) ns2 np4 c) ns2 np5 d) ns2 np2
2. Of the listed elements, the atom has the smallest atomic radius:
a) bromine b) chlorine c) iodine d) fluorine
3. The lowest electronegativity in compounds is possessed by an atom:

4. Metallic properties in the series of chemical elements Te → Se → S → O
a) change periodically b) do not change c) increase d) weaken
5. A pair of formulas of substances, each of which has only a covalent polar bond:
a) F2, NaCl b) HCl, HBr c) Cl2, Br2 d) BaCl2, I2
6. Property typical for sulfur:
a) highly soluble in water b) yellow solid c) does not burn
d) leads an electric current
7.. Write down the name and symbol of the halogen, the compounds of which are added to table salt to prevent thyroid disease:
a) bromine b) iodine c) fluorine d) chlorine
8. A number of formulas of substances in which the oxidation state of sulfur increases:
a) SO3 → FeS → SO2 b) MgS → S → SO2 c) SO2 → S → H2S d) S → H2S → Al2S3
9. Sulfur oxide (VI) reacts with a substance, the formula of which is:
a) H2 SO3 b) Na c) SiO2 d) CаO
10. The sum of all coefficients in the reaction equation, the scheme of which is H2S + O2 → SO2 + H2O:
a) 4 b) 7 c) 9 d) 12

URGENTLY!!! Please, help!!! We need the right answers!

1.Non-metal is
1) Sr 2) Ca 3) Se 4) Mn

2.Electronic configuration corresponds to the external level of a non-metal atom
1) 2s1 2) 3s23p1 3) 4s2 4) 2s22p2

3. Which statement is false?
1) at the outer level of nonmetal atoms, usually 4
and more electrons.
2) Non-metals - simple substances with various colors. 3) For non-metals, an ionic crystal lattice is characteristic.
4) In the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev, the non-metallic properties of elements increase in periods from left to right.

4. In which row are the chemical elements arranged in order to enhance the acidic properties of their higher oxides?
1) C-Si-N 2) As-P-N 3) Cl-S-C 4) Cl-Br-I

5. A chemical reaction is possible between substances:
1) CO2 and NO2 2) S and Mg (OH) 2 3) Cl and O2 4) SO3 and KOH

6. The sum of the coefficients in the equation for the reaction between aluminum and dilute sulfuric acid is
1) 3 2) 5 3)7 4)9

7.Calculate: Transformation scheme
A) NH3 + CuO -\u003e Cu + N2 + H2O
B) C + H2SO4-\u003e CO2 + SO2 + H2O
B) Al2S3 + O2-\u003e Al2O3 + SO2
Changes in the oxidation state of the oxidant
1) E + 6 -\u003e E + 4 2) E + 5-\u003e E + 3 3) E0-\u003e E-2 4) E + 2-\u003e E0

Maximum score - 50

Task 1 TEST "YOU CAN DO IT" (10 points)

1. The atom of a non-metal with the smallest radius corresponds to the electronic configuration

A) 1s22s22p63s23p2

B) 1s22s22p63s23p4

2.The oxidation state (s. O.) Of manganese in potassium permanganate is:

3. What chemical "smells" after a thunderstorm

A) oxygen

B) ozone

B) carbon monoxide

D) hydrogen sulfide

4.Match the names of substances with their formulas

A) Iron pyrite

C) River sand or quartz

D) Red blood salt

5. An aqueous solution has an acidic medium

A) sodium phosphate

B) sodium hydrogen phosphate

B) sodium dihydrogen phosphate

D) sodium sulfate

6. The transformation scheme N0à N-3 corresponds to the reaction equation

A) N2 + 3H2а2NH3

C) 4NH3 + 5O2а4NO + 6H2O

D) 4NH3 + 3O2а2N2 + 6H2O

7. Mass fraction of carbon in acetic acid СН3СООН

8. The atomic crystal lattice has

C) Lead oxide

9. Using the electronic balance method, select the coefficients in the redox reaction scheme, indicate the sum of all coefficients (the absence of a coefficient should be taken as 1):

H2S + K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 → S + Cr2 (SO4) 3+ K2SO4 + H2O

10. One of the elements of the periodic table of chemical elements forms an oxide, the mass fraction of oxygen in which is 30.5%. The element exhibits an oxidation state of +4 in this oxide. Determine the relative atomic mass of this element and name it.

B) Sodium

C) Germanium

D) Vanadium

Problem 2 "GIFTS OF THE MAGNETIC MOUNTAIN" (10 points)

In 1929, the city of Magnitogorsk and the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works began to be built at the foot of the Magnitnaya Mountain. For more than 50 years, the main ore base of the plant was the magnetic iron ore deposit of the Magnitnaya Mountain. The main useful mineral of the deposit was magnetite, containing 72.36% iron, and the second element of magnetite is the most abundant element on earth.

1. Determine the chemical formula of magnetite. What class of inorganic substances does it belong to?

The ore from the deposit was fed to the processing plant, where it was crushed and concentrated by magnetic separation. This method separates magnetic minerals (magnetite and pyrrhotite, which consists of two elements and contains 63.57% iron in the oxidation state (+2)) from non-magnetic (waste rock) in a magnetic field. The magnetic fraction of the beneficiation of iron ores is called concentrate, and the non-magnetic fraction is called tailings. The concentrate contains 60.5% iron and 0.5% of a harmful impurity - the second element of pyrrhotite. It is located in the same group of the periodic table of elements as the second element of magnetite.

2. Determine by calculation the chemical formula of pyrrhotite. What class of inorganic compounds does it belong to? What is the content of pyrrhotite and magnetite in mass percent in the concentrate.

Waste rock partially passes into the concentrate from the ore, adding silicates, aluminosilicates and other minerals containing AL, Si, Ca, Mg to the concentrate. In metallurgy, it is customary to represent their content as the content of their oxides.

3. Write down the silicate formulas aluminum , metho - and calcium orthosilicates, magnesium aluminate.

The concentrate is a fine powder, which cannot be loaded into the blast furnace without pelletizing. At MMK, the pelletizing method is used - agglomeration ... In the process of agglomeration, the concentrate is mixed with calcium carbonate and fuel - coke (finely crushed coke). The resulting mixture (sinter charge) is fed to the sintering machine. In the machine, the mixture is ignited from the surface and, due to the suction of air from top to bottom, is sintered in its entire volume into an agglomeration cake, since a temperature of more than 1100 ° C develops in the combustion zone. When leaving the machine, the cake is crushed into large pieces, which are called agglomerates. In the process of agglomeration, two problems are solved: firstly, to obtain a strong large piece, and secondly, to obtain a given basicity of the agglomerate. Basicity (B) is the ratio of the CaO content to the SiO2 content in mass percent.

4. Write down the equation of thermal dissociation of calcium carbonate. Calculate how many kilograms of limestone containing 100% calcium carbonate to add to 100 kg of concentrate containing 0.3% CaO, 5.0%SiO2 to obtain an agglomerate with a basicity of 1.7. In the calculation, assume that during the agglomeration process, the mass of the concentrate does not change, and in limestone, calcium carbonate thermally dissociates completely.

Problem 3 "HUNDRED HOUSE" (10 points)

Many of the "haunted house" phenomena are due simply to a poorly functioning heating system, causing residents to be poisoned with low concentrations of carbon monoxide. Symptoms of such poisoning, in addition to headaches and fatigue, also include visual and auditory hallucinations.


1. Write down the methods of obtaining carbon monoxide known to you (each method will be estimated at 1 point, the maximum number of points for this task is 5 points).

2. It is known that phosgene can be obtained from carbon monoxide. Calculate

how much poisonous gas can you get if you take 50 m3 of carbon monoxide and 20 kg of chlorine for the reaction (consider that the product yield is 98%)

Problem 4 "KOLOSHNIKOVY GASES" (10 points)

Agglomerate together with coke is a charge for a blast furnace (solid materials fed into the furnace). Coke performs a number of functions in a blast furnace: first, it is a reductant of iron oxides; secondly, it is the fuel that keeps the furnace hot. Hot air is blown into the furnace to burn the coke. Gaseous products of coke combustion and reduction processes (blast furnace gases) are in equilibrium and contain 19% by volume СО2 and 24% СО. Equilibrium is achieved due to the reaction С + СО2 \u003d 2СО.

1. Determine its thermal effect if the thermal effects of the following reactions occurring in the blast furnace are known:

1) С + О2 \u003d СО2 ΔrHo1 \u003d -393.3 kJ,

2) С + 0.5О2 \u003d СО ΔrHo2 \u003d -110 kJ.

2. Determine the direction of displacement of the reaction equilibrium with decreasing temperature, using the Le Chatelier principle.

At standard temperature, the reaction proceeds almost irreversibly in the direction you have determined. What amount of heat will be released or absorbed if 1m3 of blast furnace gas is involved in the reaction? Gas volume measured under normal conditions.

3. Determine the amount of heat released during combustion in a blast furnace of 1 kg of coke containing 83% carbon by mass if both CO and CO2 are present in the combustion products, and the ratio of the amount of CO to the amount of CO2 corresponds to the ratio of their amounts in the blast furnace gas.


Potassium carbonate - food additive E501, also known as potash and potassium carbonate, is officially called potassium carbonate, and it is obtained by the interaction of a solution of potassium hydroxide with carbon dioxide. Potassium carbonate is used mainly in chemical industry and agriculture ... The properties of this compound allow it to act as a desiccant, baking powder, acidity regulator and stabilizer. Potassium carbonate also has an antimicrobial effect, which allows it to be used in medicine. The use of potassium carbonate in food Industry is the subject of much controversy due to possible health risks.

The task:

1. Determine which of the three tubes dispensed contains potassium carbonate.

2. Based on potassium carbonate, obtain potassium chloride and isolate the resulting substance.

Fill in the proposed experimental flow chart.

"Structure of the electronic shell" - Group. - One quantum cell can contain two electrons with different spins. N - the principal quantum number - determines the number of energy levels. Rules: The number of the period coincides with the number of energy levels of the element. - Brief electronic entry. Third level. - The orbital is made up of quantum cells.

"Electronic structure of atoms of elements" - Beryllium atom. Electronic structure of atoms of elements. Helium atom. Covalent bond. CPS are formed by atoms of different non-metals. The number of electrons in the outer layer of atoms of elements. The number of electrons in an atom of an element. Carbon atom. Lithium atom. Hydrogen atom. SOS are formed by atoms of the same chemical element.

"The composition of the atom" - Rutherford Ernst (1871-1937). Dalton is an English chemist and physicist, since 1822. member of the Royal Society of London. Thomson carried out research on the geometry of electron diffraction patterns and the theory of scattering. Core. Ernst was born in Spring Brove (now Brightwater) in New Zealand. Atomic nucleus. Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich (1711-1765).

"The structure of the atom" - the Unified state examination in CHEMISTRY (consultation 2). The second energy level of the chlorine atom contains 8 electrons. 17 - (2 + 7) \u003d 8 12. Determine the oxidizing and reducing agent. An atom consists of three types of particles: Electron - (e) - negative charge,. q \u003d -1.6. 10-19cl. The arrangement of electrons at the third energy level can be written like this: 3s23p5.

"Atoms of chemical elements" - The structure of the atom of iron. Determine the composition of the atoms. Energy diagram. Fundamental discoveries. Isotopes. Electron distribution schemes. Atom. Electronic configuration of atoms. The wording of the Periodic Law. Chemical element. Models of the structure of atoms. The serial number of the chemical element. The structure of the electron shells of atoms.

"Charged particles" - The method of thick layer photographic emulsions. Nuclei and particles. Isotopes. Nuclei of hydrogen isotopes. The bubble chamber allows you to register the trajectories of charged particles. The Geiger counter allows registering only the fact of the passage of a particle. The use of isotopes. The method of thick-layer photographic emulsions makes it possible to register rare phenomena.

There are 12 presentations in total

For the 2nd quarter

I option

1 . In the atoms of Group II elements of the main subgroup at the last energy level:

2 .

A) Be B) Mg C) Ca D) Sr

3 . In chemical reactions, metals of group II of the main subgroup:

reducing agents.

4.. Compared with alkali metals, metals of group II of the main subgroup:

C) equal activity.

5. A) iron B) carbon monoxide (IV) C) silicon oxide (IV) D) hydrogen

6. The phrase “toothpaste with fluoride” refers to: A) a chemical element; B) a simple substance; C) fluorine atoms; D) fluorine molecules.


8. The degree of dissociation of acetic acid in a solution will decrease when A) heating the solution B) diluting the solution C) introducing a strong acid into the solution D) adding sodium chloride to the solution


10. The N-3 → N0 transformation scheme corresponds to the reaction equation A) N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3; B) N2 + O2 → 2NO; B) 4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O; D) 4NH3 + 3O2 → 2N2 + 6H2O.

Test work in chemistry grade 9 for the 2nd quarter

II option

Choose one correct answer from the suggested ones.

1 ... In the atoms of the elements of group I of the main subgroup at the last energy level:

A) 1 electron; B) 2 electrons;

B) 3 electrons; D) 4 electrons.

2. Among the elements there is a metal, the oxides and hydroxides of which are amphoteric. This is the element:

A) Al B) In C) Tl D) B

3 ... In chemical reactions, metals of group I of the main subgroup:

A) oxidizing agents, B) reducing agents, C) oxidizing agents and

reducing agents.

4 ... Compared with alkaline earth metals, metals of group I of the main subgroup:

A) more chemically active; B) less active;

C) equal activity.

5 ... Which metal forms peroxide when interacting with oxygen:

A) Li; B) Ca; B) Na; C) Mg

6. A substance of molecular structure is A) sodium chloride B) graphite C) carbon monoxide (IV) D) potassium oxide

7 ... To separate immiscible liquids, use: A) a separating funnel; B) an ordinary funnel; B) mortar and pestle; D) round bottom flask and refrigerator.

8. The nonmetal atom with the largest radius corresponds to the electronic configuration

A) 1s22s22p63s23p2 B) 1s22s22p4 C) 1s22s22p63s23p4 D) 1s22s22p2

9 ... A) iron B) carbon monoxide (IV) C) silicon oxide (IV) D) hydrogen

10. The N0 → N + 2 transformation scheme corresponds to the reaction equation A) N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3 B) N2 + O2 → 2NO C) 4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O D) 4NH3 + 3O2 → 2N2 + 6H2O

Responses to monitoring work in grade 9

Option 1

1-B, 2- A, 3- B, 4-B, 5- C, 6 - A, 7 - C, 8- C, 9- C, 10-D

Option 2

1-A, 2- A, 3-B, 4-A, 5- B, 6- B, 7-A, 8-B, 9-B, 10-B