Ecology crossword 10. Ready ecology crossword - on the topic "environmental law"

1. Science about the laws of the relationship of organisms, species, communities with the environment.

2. A temporary state of the body, in which life processes are slowed down to a minimum and all visible signs of life are absent.

3. Adaptation of animals to the transfer of the winter season.

4. The need for organisms in the periodic change of a certain length of day and night.

5. The factor where there is a direct human impact on organisms or their impact through a change in the habitat.

6. The limit of endurance, beyond which the existence of an organism is impossible.

7. The adaptive property of a perennial plant (in winter), which is characterized by the cessation of visible growth and vital activity, the death of above-ground shoots in herbaceous life forms and leaf abscission in arboreal and shrub forms.

8. Factors when living organisms interact and influence each other.

9. Abiotic environmental factors associated with the supply of solar energy, the direction of the winds, the ratio of humidity and temperature.

10. The factor most favorable for the body.

11. Factors interacting with the body as separate elements of the environment.

12. Factors of inanimate nature: climatic, soil, orographic (relief).

13. Photoperiodic response of organisms to changes in seasons.

Zhigalov Evgeniy

"Ecological crossword puzzle" on the topic "Let's save the native nature of the Komi region."

Crossword instructions: The answers to the crossword puzzle are hidden in the table of letters, after answering the question, you need to find this word in the table. Words can go in different directions, in a circle. One letter can only be used once. Have a good time!



Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school»P. Priozerny

School forestry "Poacher Hunters"


"Ecological crossword"

On the topic "Let's save the native nature of the Komi Territory"

6th grade


Crossword instructions: The answers of the crossword puzzle are hidden in the table of letters, after answering the question, you need to find this word in the table. Words can go in different directions, in a circle. One letter can only be used once. Have a good time!

  1. What are the fires spontaneously spreading through the forest area called?
  2. Areas of storage and burial of wastes that cannot be used and processed are called ...?
  3. To detect forest fires, experts use two types of patrolling. One of them is ground, name the second type of patrol.
  4. A progressive waste management strategy focuses on separate collection and ...
  5. This is one of the main industries of the Komi Republic with high education waste.
  6. With the growth of the number of people and their active development of land for economic needs, the process of deforestation began. What is it called?
  7. In forestry, there are several types of felling: final felling, plant maintenance, complex, sanitary, selective. What is the method of felling with the least environmental damage?
  8. Which organization is involved in forest protection, reforestation, afforestation, forest plantation and forest management?
  9. Chairman of the Society of Foresters of the Komi Republic. (Surname)
  10. The most popular type of wood destroyed on New Year's Eve.
  11. Who litters the forest with garbage most of all?
  12. What is the name of the introduction of foreign substances and materials into the environment
  13. Who besides humans is a forest pest?
  14. A fire that cannot be seen but can be felt.
  15. The construction of reservoirs, large roads that disturb the underground runoff of groundwater can lead to ...
  16. One of the measures to prevent littering of forest parks with household waste.


  1. "Forest"
  2. "Landfills"
  3. "aviation"
  4. "Waste sorting"
  5. "Woodworking"
  6. "Deforestation"
  7. "Selective"
  8. "forestry"
  9. "Lyubov IvanovnaArchipenko "
  1. "spruce"
  2. "population"
  3. "pollution"
  4. "Insects"
  5. "Peat"
  6. Flooding
  7. "Cleaning".

Crossword "Let's save the native nature of the Komi region"

Ecology crossword. Grade 9

Held by: S.A. Kuzmina

Topic: ecology

Lesson objectives:

Developing: developing interest and curiosity, fostering love for nature.

Educational: the formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world.

4. A systematized legislative act establishing responsibility, including in the field of protection environment and nature management (abbr.).

6. Discharge of polluting waste.

8. Communication, report on their actions.

9. Waste materials in production, remnants of materials suitable for further use (plural).

10. Depositing money, for example, for negative impact on the environment.

12. The gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth and the unit of pressure measurement.

13. Ecology as a system of knowledge.

15. The smallest solid particles floating in the air or settled (singular hours).

16. Animal world.

18. Gas, a layer of which protects the Earth from solar radiation.

19. This treeless plain cannot be compared to forests or seas.

20. Established compulsory payment collected from citizens and legal entities.

21. Pre-payment of funds for future settlements, for example, payments for negative impact on the environment.

24. Thoroughly neutralized present (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky).

25. Everything that exists on earth, not created by human activity.

27. A boggy place, usually with stagnant water and a shaky surface.

28. Animals and plants are classified by families, orders, classes and ... (singular).

1. A thick veil of smoke, soot and exhaust gases over the city.

2. Routine observation, monitoring, for example, the state of the environment.

3. Failure to pay for the negative impact on the environment in fact.

5. The area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of a species.

6. The environment ... is the natural and man-made material world.

7. This includes payment for negative impact on the environment.

11. Income or value of assets on the basis of which taxes are calculated.

14. Normative actregulating the legal status, for example, of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

15. The inspector in the field of environmental protection visits the objects of economic activity for this purpose.

16. Vegetable world generally.

17. An orderly system for collecting, registering and summarizing information about assets and liabilities.

20. federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear ... (form of control).

22. Runoff of rain, melt and underground waters into reservoirs and relief depressions.

23. Exact calendar time, for example, payment for negative environmental impact.

26. All living organisms need this liquid "tasteless, colorless, odorless."

Answers to the crossword puzzle "Environmental"

4. Administrative Code. 6. Reset. 8. Report. 9. Waste. 10. Fee. 12. Atmosphere. 13. Science. 15. Dust. 16. Fauna. 18. Ozone. 19. Field. 20. Tax. 21. Advance payment. 24. Future. 25. Nature. 27. Swamp. 28. View.

1. I could. 2. Control. 3. Non-payment. 5. Areal. 6. Wednesday. 7. Budget. 11. Base. 14. Position. 15. Verification. 16. Flora. 17. Accounting. 20. Supervision. 22. Stock. 23. Date. 26. Water.

Crossword on the subject "Ecology" on the topic "General"


12. A direction of development that does not destroy the biosphere and ensures the progress of the human race, i.e. the possibility of joint development of society and nature.

13. Organisms that are unable to synthesize organic matter from inorganic, by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis

14. Organisms capable of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic

16. The emergence or exacerbation of diseases under the influence of unfavorable climatic influences due to disruption of the processes of adaptation of the body to changed meteorological conditions
19. Reuse of any resource after it has been processed to make it fit for such use
22. The ability of organisms to survive under the influence of unfavorable factors (drought, cold, any form of pollution - physical, chemical, etc.).


1. Substances, the effect of which on the body leads to abnormalities in its development, the occurrence of deformities

2. The ability of a person for appropriate purposeful activity, determined by previous upbringing and education
3. A type of biotic connection in which co-living organisms (or species) do not affect each other. In nature, true neutralism is extremely rare, since indirect relationships are possible between all species.
4. The degree of resistance of living things to environmental changes.
5. Similarity of organs or their parts of the same origin, but capable of performing different functions
6. An organism that is unable to tolerate significant fluctuations in environmental factors, or with a narrow environmental valence
7. A set of co-living organisms and the conditions of their existence, which are in a natural relationship with each other and form a system of interdependent biological and abiotic phenomena and processes.
8. Water shell of the earth, including oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, the groundwater, glaciers
9. Virus that infects microorganisms
10. Development of the ecosystem as a whole, i.e. systemic change (including results) of both subject (central member) and object (environment)
11. Propagation of fruits (and seeds) of plants using water.
15. Energy based on the use of biofuels
16. The emergence of similar species and biotic communities of various origins external signs as a result of a similar lifestyle and adaptation to similar environmental conditions
17. Enterprises, organizations, as well as citizens russian Federation, foreign legal entities and citizens, stateless persons carrying out any types of activities on the territory of the Russian Federation related to the use of natural resources
18. The ability of the body to endure the adverse effects of one or another environmental factor
19. The process of recovering valuable substances involved in the technological process and usually ending up in waste, and returning them in their original form for reuse
20. Extermination of rodents (primarily rats) indoors or in any areas
21. A set of animals that live (as a rule, freely soaring) in the water column of marine and freshwater reservoirs and on those capable of resisting the transfer of currents
23. Diversity of traits and properties in individuals and groups of individuals of any degree of relationship

Ecology Basics Crossword

Form start

End of form

1. Science about the laws of the relationship of organisms, species, communities with the environment.

2. A temporary state of the body, in which life processes are slowed down to a minimum and all visible signs of life are absent.

3. Adaptation of animals to the transfer of the winter season.

4. The need for organisms in the periodic change of a certain length of day and night.

5. The factor where there is a direct human impact on organisms or their impact through a change in the habitat.

6. The limit of endurance, beyond which the existence of an organism is impossible.

7. The adaptive property of a perennial plant (in winter), which is characterized by the cessation of visible growth and vital activity, the death of above-ground shoots in herbaceous life forms and leaf abscission in arboreal and shrub forms.

8. Factors when living organisms interact and influence each other.

9. Abiotic environmental factors associated with the supply of solar energy, the direction of the winds, the ratio of humidity and temperature.

10. The factor most favorable for the body.

11. Factors interacting with the body as separate elements of the environment.

12. Factors of inanimate nature: climatic, soil, orographic (relief).

13. Photoperiodic response of organisms to changing seasons

Answers to the second crossard


1. Earthquakes2. Volcanoes3. Tarpan4. Lava5. Floods6. Element7. Tsunami8. Typhoon9. Mangroves10. Tornado11. Tornado12. Hurricane13. Freon

Crossword "Ecological systems No. 1"

Form start

End of form

1. A sustainable self-regulating ecological system in which organic components are inextricably linked with inorganic components.

2. Destroyers of organic residues.

3. An aggregate of individuals of one species, occupying a certain area, freely interbreeding with each other, having a common origin, genetic basis, and to some extent isolated from other populations of this species.

4. Herbivorous and carnivorous animals, consumers of organic matter.

5. Biocenosis artificially created by man.

6. A community of plants and animals inhabiting one territory, mutually connected in the food chain and influencing each other.

7. Green plants, producers of organic matter.

8. The number of individuals per unit area or volume of a particular environment.

9. A plant community, historically formed as a result of a combination of interacting plants in a homogeneous area of \u200b\u200bthe territory.

10. Complex relationships in the ecological system, in which different components consume different objects and themselves serve as food for different members of the ecosystem.

11. Chains of interrelated species, successively extracting organic matter and energy from the original food substance; each previous link is food for the next.

Natural and anthropogenic ecological disasters

1. Shake, wobble of the Earth.

2. Geological formations on the surface crust or the crust of another planet, where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, stones.

3. Wild horse.

4. An incandescent liquid or very viscous mass pouring out onto the surface of the Earth from a volcano vent.

5. Flooding of coastal areas with flooded river water.

6. Phenomenon of nature, powerful force which is independent of man and irresistible by him.

7. Giant waves moving towards the coast at a speed of 1000 km / h, sweeping away everything in its path.

8. A type of tropical cyclone that is typical of the Northwest Pacific Ocean.

9. Thickets of evergreen trees and shrubs with aerial roots.

10. Strong whirlwind between the tropics, off the western coast of Africa, preceding heavy rains.

11. An ascending vortex of extremely rapidly rotating air in the form of a funnel of enormous destructive force, in which moisture, sand and other suspended matter are present.

12. Extremely fast and strong, often of great destructive force and considerable duration of air movement.

13. Gas used as a refrigerant for refrigerators and aerosol cans.