Test tasks for preschoolers 6 7 years old. Bukovka - child development center

Dear Parents!

Currently, the practice is becoming more widespread checking the readiness of children to enter the first grade based interviews with a psychologist.

During an oral conversation with a child specialist finds out his ability to compose a story from a picture, answer elementary questions, solve simple problems. Skills are also tested verbal counting, the child's speech is analyzed: how well he knows how to choose the right words, how rich he is lexiconwhether he is able to clearly, coherently and emotionally express a particular thought.

The psychologist also tests the child's ability to understand the question posed and answer it in essence, without being distracted by secondary points. The child's phonemic hearing and the consistency of his reasoning are subject to verification.

When children perform practical actions, sensory development, the ability to plan their actions, is tested. Along with general development, the level of primary knowledge of children in basic school disciplines is also revealed: children's knowledge of numbers and letters, the ability to read, count, use a pencil, scissors and other objects.

Partly parents may and by yourself assess the child's readiness for schoolby offering him a certain set assignments and tests.

According to the general requirements for the child's readiness to start school education below we give options for example tasks.

Tests for children 5-6 years old

(determining the degree of preparation for school)






Stability of attention
duration, time,
during which it lasts

Track Test

The child needs to carefully trace the direction of each path from its beginning to the end, without using a pencil and finger. He should give the track number on the left and right side. It is necessary to note the execution time of the task:

For children 6 years old, the norm is 2 minutes, practically without errors.

Attention volume
the number of similar items,
which the mind of a child can grasp

Test "Points"

The child is shown the first square, then the sample is removed. He has to dot the empty square. Then the next sample is shown. Memorization time is 1-2 seconds, 15 seconds are allotted to place points.

For children 6 years old, the norm is 5-6 correctly spaced points in squares

Distribution and switching of attention
the ability to concentrate on more than one,
and on several objects and meaningfully transfer attention
from one object to another

Test "Encryption"

The child must fill in the empty figures in the table with the same characters as in the corresponding sample figures

For children 6 years old, the norm: 35-45 figures filled in correctly.

Arbitrariness of attention
the ability to keep attention on the fact
that the child is not directly interested

Test "House"

The child should draw in the lower rectangle exactly the same house as in the upper rectangle.

For children 6 years old, the norm: do not make the mistakes listed in the picture.


Visual memory
based on the preservation and reproduction of visual images

TEST: Take a look at the picture (10-15s) and memorize all these items. Turn the page and find them in the picture.

Norm for children 6 years old: 7-8 subjects

Auditory memory
based on memorization and reproduction of speech,
musical and other various sounds

TEST:Read the words to your child: forest, bread, window, chair, water, brother, horse, mushroom, needle, honey... Ask him to repeat them.

The norm for children 6 years old: 7-8 words

Semantic memory
based on memorizing information,
carrying a certain meaning

TEST: Read the phrases to your child: the cat meows, the violet is blooming, the wolf is howling, the ballerina is dancing, the mother is cooking, the water is flowing, the rocket is flying, the thunder rumbles, the children are playing. Then read only the first words, and the child must finish speaking from memory

Topics: working with clocks, analog and digital clocks, working with tens, recognizing geometric shapes, comparing the number of objects and numbers. Addition and subtraction of numbers up to 5, up to 10, and up to 20.

Additional materials on the topic
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Time tests - hours and minutes

What is the difference between left and right clocks?

The study began at the moment shown by the left clock. And it ended at the moment shown by the right clock. How long did the study last?

Write in the rectangles what time the clock shows?

Draw the hands of the clock.

Draw the hands of the clock. What time will the clock show in 2 hours, and in 6 hours? What time did the clock show 4 hours ago?

Draw the hands of the clock. What time will the hands show in 1 hour and 30 minutes? What time did the clock show 50 minutes ago?

Speak and write in words.

Tests to work with dozens

Fill in the squares with the required numbers.

How many red stars are in the picture? How many stars are there in the picture?

Numbers are written on the balls. Find the balls, the sum of the numbers on which is 20.

Solve examples.

Subtraction test

Solve examples.

Geometric Shape Recognition Test

Name geometric figures and geometric bodies.

How many flamingos are in the rectangle? Circle this number.

How many ostriches are in the rectangle? Circle this number.

How many birds are in the rectangle? Circle this number.
How many animals are in the rectangle? Circle this number.

How many animals are in the rectangle? Circle this number.


P. 1.
1 + 3 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 0 + 5 = __

2 - 2 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 0 - 0 = __

3 + 0 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __

2 - 1 = __ 3 + 1 = __ 2 - 0 = __

1 + 3 = __ 2 - 1 = __ 1 + 3 = __

4 - 4 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 5 - 2 = __

4 + 0 = __ 3 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __

2 - 2 = __ 3 + 2 = __ 1 - 1 = __

4 + 0 = __ 2 - 2 = __ 4 + 1 = __

2 - 2 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 4 - 1 = __

4 + 0 = __ 2 - 2 = __ 5 + 0 = __


P. 2.

Date: __________________ Full name: _______________________________ Evaluation: __________

Add or subtract two single digits. Numbers up to 5
4 + 1 = __ 3 - 2 = __ 0 + 4 = __

4 - 4 = __ 0 + 1 = __ 3 - 3 = __

0 + 4 = __ 2 - 2 = __ 2 + 0 = __

2 - 1 = __ 2 + 3 = __ 5 - 3 = __

1 + 1 = __ 4 - 2 = __ 5 + 0 = __

0 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 0 - 0 = __

1 + 2 = __ 3 - 1 = __ 4 + 1 = __

4 - 0 = __ 4 + 1 = __ 3 - 2 = __

1 + 2 = __ 3 - 0 = __ 1 + 1 = __

3 - 3 = __ 0 + 2 = __ 1 - 0 = __

4 + 0 = __ 1 - 1 = __ 5 + 0 = __


P. 1.

Date: __________________ Full name: _______________________________ Evaluation: __________

0 + 3 = __ 9 - 6 = __ 6 + 3 = __

8 - 6 = __ 7 + 2 = __ 8 - 1 = __

3 + 7 = __ 8 - 4 = __ 8 + 2 = __

1 - 1 = __ 7 + 2 = __ 5 - 5 = __

3 + 5 = __ 7 - 5 = __ 4 + 6 = __

5 - 0 = __ 0 + 4 = __ 8 - 5 = __

2 + 6 = __ 2 - 1 = __ 9 + 0 = __

7 - 2 = __ 6 + 1 = __ 8 - 6 = __

4 + 2 = __ 5 - 1 = __ 7 + 3 = __

4 - 2 = __ 10 + 0 = __ 7 - 4 = __

6 + 2 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 8 + 0 = __


P. 2.

Date: __________________ Full name: _______________________________ Evaluation: __________

Add or subtract two single digits. Numbers up to 10
4 + 4 = __ 6 - 6 = __ 9 + 0 = __

1 - 1 = __ 7 + 0 = __ 2 - 2 = __

1 + 1 = __ 2 - 1 = __ 6 + 4 = __

4 - 4 = __ 1 + 6 = __ 10 - 0 = __

3 + 5 = __ 5 - 5 = __ 10 + 0 = __

6 - 4 = __ 7 + 0 = __ 1 - 1 = __

0 + 3 = __ 1 - 1 = __ 9 + 1 = __

9 - 6 = __ 9 + 1 = __ 6 - 5 = __

9 + 1 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 2 + 5 = __

6 - 2 = __ 5 + 3 = __ 7 - 5 = __

2 + 7 = __ 2 - 0 = __ 2 + 7 = __


P. 1.

Date: __________________ Full name: _______________________________ Evaluation: __________

20 + 0 = __ 2 - 2 = __ 0 + 17 = __

15 - 8 = __ 17 + 1 = __ 4 - 4 = __

0 + 17 = __ 13 - 9 = __ 5 + 15 = __

20 - 17 = __ 5 + 8 = __ 0 - 0 = __

1 + 1 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 5 + 2 = __

5 - 4 = __ 5 + 8 = __ 13 - 13 = __

2 + 14 = __ 11 - 4 = __ 17 + 1 = __

6 - 4 = __ 6 + 12 = __ 6 - 1 = __

17 + 1 = __ 11 - 2 = __ 0 + 10 = __

12 - 10 = __ 5 + 3 = __ 10 - 7 = __

12 + 4 = __ 2 - 0 = __ 3 + 10 = __


P. 2.

Date: __________________ Full name: _______________________________ Evaluation: __________

Add or subtract two single digits. Numbers up to 20
4 + 11 = __ 11 - 4 = __ 6 + 0 = __

15 - 9 = __ 3 + 11 = __ 8 - 1 = __

17 + 2 = __ 14 - 5 = __ 4 + 0 = __

2 - 2 = __ 20 + 0 = __ 2 - 1 = __

5 + 12 = __ 7 - 3 = __ 6 + 12 = __

15 - 15 = __ 2 + 4 = __ 14 - 0 = __

12 + 4 = __ 18 - 3 = __ 5 + 12 = __

3 - 2 = __ 19 + 1 = __ 17 - 1 = __

8 + 6 = __ 9 - 7 = __ 5 + 7 = __

13 - 0 = __ 4 + 15 = __ 10 - 0 = __

0 + 20 = __ 20 - 20 = __ 11 + 8 = __

Galina Shalaeva



Development tests

BVK 74.102v6 Sh 18

Binding E. Sokolova

Ш 18 Child aged 6 years. Development tests /. - M .: SLOVO, Eksmo, 2007 .-- 64 p .: ill. - (Individual child development).

I8ВN -3 (WORD) 18ВК 3412-7 (Eksmo)

How to determine the intelligence of a child? How to understand what to pay more attention to when teaching a preschooler, how to prevent difficulties when a child enters school? In the new books by Galina Shalaeva, you will find tests that will help you understand whether your child is ready for the next age period of study. The performance of the proposed tasks by the child will make it possible to determine: whether he has the necessary stock of knowledge, abilities and skills; whether he owns mental operations; can the baby understand the task assigned to him and complete it on his own. All tests are presented in the form of play tasks, which children usually perform with interest and pleasure.

UDC 373 * 00 BBK 74.102v6

All rights to this publication belong to the publishing house "Philological Society" SLOVO "and are under its protection. No part of this publication, including the title, may be altered, photocopied, reproduced or multiplied in any other way.

© Philological Society "SLOVO", 2007
18ВК -3 © Design.

I8ВN 3412-7 "Eksmo", 2007

Our babies do not grow and develop equally quickly, so the level of development of each of them cannot be determined based on general parameters, such as age, height and others, although they undoubtedly play a role in achieving a certain level of development. However, more attention is now being paid to individual development child, and not its laws. Each baby is ahead of others in some way, and lags behind them in some way.

Various tests to determine the level of children's abilities appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, the results obtained showed that all children are not the same. However, such tests did not allow assessing imagination, aspiration, emotionality and other qualities that make up the personality of a person.

The tests offered in this book are designed with these qualities in mind and show general level, on which the child performs tasks. Thus, in addition to the level of development (sufficient, high and gifted), parents can also calculate the so-called IQ of their child based on the test results [ IQ]. This coefficient can be calculated by dividing the so-called mental age shown by the child by his actual age. For example, a child with a mental age of 7 and a valid 5 has an IQ (7: 5 \u003d 1,40 or 140, as it is commonly believed in the international dimension).

Test of the first degree of difficulty

(for a child with a sufficient level of development)

Exercise 1

A cup,fork, saucer, saucepan, kettle, cheese. Tell me what is superfluous on this list and why.

Correct answer - 2 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 2

Solve a logic problem.

Five siblings have one sister. How many children are there in the family?

Correct answer - 5 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 3

Correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 19

Tell me: who weaves the web?

Correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 20

Tell me, is there a 3 in your home phone number?

How many digits and which ones are in your home phone number?

Tell me, is there a 2 in your house number?

How many digits and which ones are in your house number?

Tell me, is there a 5 in your apartment number?

How many digits and which ones are in your apartment number?

Tell me, what is the name of the street on which you live?

What are the letters that go into the name of your street?

What letters are repeated in your street name?

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 21

Guess the profession.

Each correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 22

What is the character of each of these animals? Find a couple of words.






Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 23

Galya is looking for shoes. What other items beginning with the letter "T" can she find?

Each correct answer - 2 points
Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 24

Tell me why the policeman stopped the pedestrians. At what traffic light can they start moving again?

Correct answer - 2 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 25

Tell me who eats what and how. Choose the appropriate word in each column.

cow drinking grass

hen gnaws corn

cat chews milk

dog bite a bone

Each correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 26

Tell me which animal likes to ride what.

Each correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 27

Answer the questions:

How many floors are in your house?

What streets are near your house?

Each correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 28

Which of these items are oval?

The correct answer is 1 point.

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 29

Connect in kits.

Correct answer - 3 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 30

Circle the most easysubject.

Correct answer - 3 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 31

Circle the most slowanimal.

Correct answer - 3 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 32

Answer the questions.

Who crawls faster: a turtle or a hare?

Which is bigger: strip length or width?

Which is bigger, the width or the thickness of the book?

Each correct answer - 3 points
Wrong answer - 0 points

Test results:

If the child scored 120 points or more, then he undoubtedly tallfor six
year old child level timesornate.

If the child scored less than 100 points or more, then he has quite sufficient level of evolution.

If the child scored less than 80 points, then try
go with him test of the first degree of difficulty,so that
determine what needs to be tightened up in his knowledge.

Test of the third degree of difficulty

( for a gifted child)

Exercise 1

Name the numbers in order increasing.Name the numbers in order decreasing.

(It is important to formulate the question in this way, since at the age of six years a child should know what the order of decreasing or increasing numbers is. Because a child is able to simply list the numbers from 1 to 10 and vice versa at four or five years old).

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 2

Which two words from this list are antonyms (opposite in meaning)?

soft large

the black sour

small flat

Correct answer - 5 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 3

What shape do they resemble:

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Each correct answer - 5 points
Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 5

What does a plant need a root for?

Correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 6

What won't earthworms eat?

vegetables, soil, juicy piece of meat

Correct answer - 5 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 7

Solve a logic problem.

There are several titmice sitting on a branch. They have only 6 wings. How many heads do they have?

Correct answer - 3 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 8

Find the objects in the picture that start with the letter "P".

Each correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 9

Cross out those items that the builder does not need.

Correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

The task10

Tell me, with which organ do you recognize the taste of food "

Correct answer - 3 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 11

Name the trees that stay green even in winter.

Correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Assignment 12

Tell me how these items are similar and different.

Each correct answer - 1 point

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 13

Which of the things does Petya need to take to keep warm?

The correct answer is 3 points.

Wrong answer - 0 points

The task14

Select items for dressmaker, doctor, builder, hairdresser

Correct answer - 2 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 15

What subject in each group does not fit the rest?

Correct answer - 3 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

The task16

Which of these animals live in the forest, and which in our homes?


Correct answer - 2 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 17

What object appears in the drawings only five times?

Correct answer - 2 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

Task 18

How many children came to school?

Correct answer - 2 points

Wrong answer - 0 points

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If your child scored 50 points or more, then he has high level development.

If your child scored less than 40 points, then he has a sufficient level of development, but if you want to bring him closer to a high one, then you need to study a little about him on those topics to which he answered incorrectly or found it difficult to answer.

Test 1. Tasks for ingenuity

There is a pear on the table. If you divide it into 3 parts, how many apples will be on the table? (No one)
Every day Masha gives one candy to her brother. What month will he receive the least candy? (In February)
Where can no dry stones be found? (In the sea)
Where can an astronaut lose his weight? (In flight)
That there are only four a year? (Season)
How to light a candle under water so that it burns for at least 20 minutes? (No way)
There are 20 children in the class - 10 boys and 10 girls. There were more boys in the class on Monday. When is this possible? (If one of the children did not come)
When can the lid go into the pot? (If it's from another pot)
There were two boys in the hallway. The teacher came up and told Petya to return to class. Why did both boys go to class? (They were both called Petya)
Which days are one year apart? (Between December 31st and January 1st)

Test 2. Tasks for attention

Cross out all the stars that appear several times in the line.

Test 3. Find and cross out everything edible.

Test 4. Find and underline all numbers greater than 5.

Test 5. Get to the cheese so that the mouse does not meet the cat.

Test 6. Read the poem, naming animals and birds with intonation.

Test 7. Look carefully at the picture and answer.

How many boys are in the picture?
How many children are looking in one direction (left, right)?
How many balls are on the grass?

Test 8. Tasks for training memory.

Show your child the picture for 30-60 seconds. Then put it aside and ask the question, what number to call the tiger cub, piglet, kitten, lamb.

Test 9. Tasks for the development of thinking

4. Come up with 3 questions for this task.

“The girls were picking berries. Each had 2 baskets. One of the girls collected two full baskets, and the other two only one. "

5. Make a sentence out of words.
- Five children got two in a class.
- Bad weather has no nature.
- Each of us believes in his dream.
- Snow usually begins to melt in March.
- Heroes come to us in dreams of fairy tales.

Tests for future first graders

Test 10. Determine the number of vowels and consonants in words.
Potatoes, table, pen, game, girl, phone, hand.

Test 11. Retell an excerpt from a fairy tale.

Test 13. Find extra words. Explain your choice.

Stool, sofa, table, vase, curbstone.
Banana, apple, tomato, orange, tangerine.
Pencil case, briefcase, notebook, ruler, mug.

Test 14. Determine what kind of fairy tale in question.

Test 15. Find the differences.

Test 16. Find sentences that can describe the picture.

Winter is on the street.
Children are sledding.
It's warmer outside in mittens in winter
There are no trees in the picture.
There is a skating rink near the house.
The boy has a blue hat.
It's snowing outside.
Bullfinches are sitting on a branch.
Children make a snowman together.
The boy has green eyes.
The squirrel asks for a treat.

And more tasks for testing a child of 7 years old. Pay attention to which task your baby has a hitch and work through this part.

  1. Arrange the actions in the correct sequence.
  2. Paint over a circle, take a pen, draw a circle.
  3. Put on a jacket, make a snowman, get off the couch, go outside.
  4. Feed the cat, go to the bowl, take the sausage, go to the refrigerator.
  5. Sit down at the table, write out 5 sentences from the book, take a pen, open the book.
  6. Check true sentences.
    There is no cold weather in Siberia.
    Bears hibernate in winter.
    Cuckoos toss eggs in other people's nests.
    Many birds fly south in the fall.
    Stir sugar in tea with a fork.
    New Year is celebrated on November 30.
    In summer, you can find berries in the forest.
    Cats live in the taiga.
    Mice are not afraid of cats.
    It's always hot in Africa.

Video puzzle for children