Speech therapy thematic planning. Calendar-thematic planning of a speech therapist

Organization: Kindergarten number 125

Organization: Kindergarten number 296

Locality: Chelyabinsk

Nurieva Ramilya Rafailovna,

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU number 125,

Olga Fedotova,

Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU number 296,

Leninsky district, Chelyabinsk

The system of preschool education in Russia today is in difficult conditions associated with the implementation of the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation", The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education is the largest innovation of the present time, which will include the entire teaching staff and administration of each educational institution. The main goal of the work is not the transfer of knowledge and social experience, but the development of the child's personality.

The need to develop a new calendar-thematic planning for speech therapists is associated with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Creation of scheduling-thematic planning is innovation process, and like any innovative activity, it presupposes the observance of certain stages of the transition period. The transition period is a lot of questions, discussions, doubts, the search for the most effective ways to introduce innovations. We believe that it is in such a period that we are working now: we independently make some changes to the educational process, develop the variable part of the program, organize cooperation with the families of pupils and interact with preschool teachers in a new way.

We developed the "Work program of correctional and developmental work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech among pupils in groups of a compensatory orientation for children with severe speech impairments" we created taking into account the characteristics and needs of pupils and teachers working in groups for children with severe speech impairments

As part of the implementation of measures to implement the program, a lot of work was done with speech therapists. When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives. Building the educational process on a complex thematic principle, taking into account the integration of educational areas, makes it possible to achieve this goal. Building the entire educational process around one central theme provides great opportunities for the development of children. Topics help you organize information in an optimal way. The thematic principle of building the educational process makes it easy to introduce regional and cultural components, to take into account the specifics of preschool educational institutions.

"The working program of correctional and developmental work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech among pupils in groups of a compensatory orientation for children with severe speech impairments", used by speech therapists teachers of the Leninsky district, offers a comprehensive thematic planning, which is based on an approximate plan of educational work of a preschool educator, drawn up taking into account the recommendations of the Department of Preschool Education of GOU DPO "Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Educators" (Appendix No. 1).

The basic component of calendar-thematic planning is the method of thematic perception of the world around by preschoolers. The topic of the week is chosen, which is initially considered in the course of direct educational activities to familiarize oneself with the outside world, all other forms of work continue the proposed topic, or are somehow related to it.

Thematic planning allows you to solve main task - providing conditions for the successful development of the speech of each child, regardless of the level of his abilities and life experience, who fell into the group for children with speech disorders.

The Federal State Educational Standard for teachers of a preschool educational institution is an externally set requirement for the quality of education set by the state to an educational institution and therefore is mandatory, in this regard, the calendar-thematic planning that has developed among speech therapists over a number of years of work has been subject to great changes.

Positive trends

  • a single topic of the week, which is initially considered in the course of directly organized educational activities to familiarize with the outside world and on which all the specialists of the preschool educational institution work;
  • choice of various forms of work on the topic proposed;
  • interaction of all narrow specialists and parents on this topic;
  • enrichment and expansion of the vocabulary of pupils;
  • the success of the child during the entire stay in the preschool educational institution;
  • the need and sufficiency of the degrees of freedom for pupils to choose the methods of communication, behavior;
  • the opportunity for pupils to choose the types of activities, means, materials, content and orientation of education (in accordance with interests and abilities);
  • implementation of developing educational technologies in preschool educational institutions.

Negative tendencies:

  • overload of the content of approximate topics with unnecessary information, often not corresponding to the topic presented initially;
  • loss of a number of lexical topics necessary from the point of view of speech therapists.
  • for the first time, all specialists working in a preschool educational institution work on a clearly defined topic for a week;
  • there was an opportunity for a speech therapist to develop an active plan for interaction with all preschool teachers;
  • there was a possibility of general interaction of all teachers with their parents within the framework of a given topic.

The creative group, which has developed the calendar-thematic planning of lexical topics, hopes that this development will help, at a certain stage, speech therapists to properly arrange work with pupils, parents, narrow specialists, educators of correctional groups for children with TNR (Appendix No. 2).

List of references

1. Design basic general education program DOU [Text] /Aut.-comp. I.B. Edakova, I. V. Kolosov and others - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2012. - 104 p.

2. Management of the design and implementation of personalized programs for preschool educational institutions: a methodological guide [Text] / Comp. Litvinenko N.V., Chelyabinsk: GBOU DPO CHIPPKRO, 2013. - p. 56.

3. Algorithm for the development of a Work program for correctional and developmental work in a preschool educational organization for children with disabilities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO [Text] / Ed. G.N. Lavrova, G.V. Yakovlevoy.-Chelyabinsk: Tsitsero, 2014 - p. 80.

4. Correction of speech disorders in preschoolers: part 2. Teaching children with general speech underdevelopment in a preschool educational institution [Text] / Ed. L.S. Soskovets. - M .: ARKTI, 2006 .-- 368 p.

5. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders. [Text] / T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina - M .: Education, 2009 .-- 207 p.

6. Nishcheva N.V. Variable approximate adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years old. [Text] / N.V. Nishcheva - St. Petersburg .: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2015 .-- 199 p.

7. Sazhina S.D. Drafting workers curricula for a preschool educational institution.

8. Navigator of educational programs of preschool education [ Electronic resource]. ─ Access mode: http://Navigator.firo.ru. (date of access: 15.05.2016).

Appendix No. 1

Calendar and thematic planning

on the development of lexical and grammatical means of the language

and the development of independent detailed phrasal speech

in groups of compensatory orientation for children with TNR

General topic

Senior group


to school group

1 week of September

"Goodbye, Summer"

"Hello, kindergarten" "Knowledge Day"

Hello kindergarten. Acquaintance with the premises of the kindergarten. Kindergarten professions.

Knowledge day. Back to school soon. School supplies. Professions of teachers, kindergarten workers.

2nd week of September

"My home", "My city", "My country"

My city.

My country. My region is the Urals. Day of the city.

3rd week of September


Vegetables. Fruit

Garden (fruits, berries), vegetable garden. Bread.

4th week of September

"Colors of Autumn"

Autumn (signs). Trees (deciduous, coniferous).

Fall. Forest (trees, shrubs, mushrooms, berries).

1st week of October

« Animal world»

Domestic animals and birds and their young.

Animals of the north and south and their babies. Zoo.

2nd week of October

"I am human"

The structure of the human body.

Man is a representative of life on Earth. The functioning of the human body

3rd week of October

« Folk culture and traditions "

Toys. Folk crafts (Gorodets, haze, khokhloma).

Folk crafts of the Urals (Zlatoust, Kasli, stone cutters). History of the native land.

4th week of October

"Our Life"

House (parts of the house, apartment). Furniture.

House (types of houses). Electrical appliances.

1st week of November

"Friendship", "National Unity Day"

Russia is my homeland. Moscow.

State symbols of Russia. Cities Chelyabinsk region, Russia.

2nd week of November


Transport classification: land, air, water. Transport professions.

Special purpose vehicles.

3rd week of November



Proper nutrition, vitamins.

4th week of November

"Who prepares for winter how"

Who prepares for winter how

Who prepares for winter how

Appendix No. 2

Thematic planning

on the development of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of independent detailed phrasal speech

in ____________________________________ compensating direction

(age group)

for children with TNR

on this topic ____________________________________________________________

(name of the lexical topic)

Vocabulary work

Grammatical structure

Coherent speech



Regional component

Family work

Mental processes


subject-spatial environment

Calendar-thematic planning in speech therapy in a special school

Explanatory note.

The search for and elimination of the causes of difficulties arising in a certain part of children in mastering the school curriculum is one of the most acute problems of education.

Recently, there has been a significant increase in the number of students lagging behind in their studies.

One of the reasons that does not allow a child to learn successfully is the lack of formation of the components of oral speech, which to one degree or another affect the mastery of writing and reading.

As a result of a speech therapy examination of children entering a correctional school, it was revealed that many children have oral speech disorders:

  • lexical and grammatical underdevelopment,
  • disadvantages of sound pronunciation,
  • coherent speech.

These speech disorders, as a rule, impede the successful assimilation of program material and can lead to general school maladjustment.

Many children experience great difficulties in mastering writing and reading, the concept of number and counting operations, in the assimilation and understanding of texts, in logical mental operations, in understanding complex oral and written speech texts.

Failure to perform at school often causes a negative attitude towards learning, to any kind of activity in this group of children, creates difficulties in communicating with others, with successful children, with teachers and parents, and leads to conflict situations.

The causes of speech disorders can be very diverse. The etiology of speech pathology is associated with the impact of biological and social factors. They can also be caused by organic and functional reasons.

Speech disorders are often caused by organic damage to areas of the brain, for example, Brokk's area, which is directly involved in speech utterance.

Functional reasons can be associated with the impact of internal (for example, long-term somatic diseases) and external (incorrect speech of others, bilingualism, insufficient attention to the development of the child's speech on the part of adults, deficiency of speech contacts) factors that delay the formation of mental functions involved in the speech process ...

Spoken language disorders in schoolchildren impede full-fledged literacy training.

To prevent reading and writing disorders, preventive work is necessary, including the correction of existing speech disorders and the development of mental functions necessary for the successful mastering of program material.

Objectives Tasks
1. Correction of violations in oral speech. - correct articulatory disorders, form correct sound pronunciation; - develop phonemic perception, phonemic analysis, synthesis; - develop understanding of speech; - expand, clarify and activate vocabulary;

Teach inflection and word formation of various

differentiation of grammatical forms;

Develop dialogic and monologue speech.

2. Prevention of violations in writing, in development written speech.Correction of violations in writing, in the development of written speech. Development and improvement of thought-speech-language activity. - to form the correct skill of writing, reading; - to develop written speech as a form of communication; - to promote the acquisition of language as a means of communication.
3. Development of cognitive activity. Development of thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical). Development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic). Development of memory (motor, figurative, verbal-logical). Development of voluntary attention. - to learn to correlate the conditions of the problem with their requirements; - to form generalized and systematized ideas about the surrounding reality; - to form concepts about cause-and-effect relationships, temporal relationships, ideas about quantity,


Learn to highlight signs of objects based on color, shape,


To teach the comparison of objects according to certain criteria;

Learn to classify, generalize objects;

Develop dynamic and kinesthetic praxis;

Develop visual, auditory control.

4. Overcoming emotional and behavioral disorders. - to help prevent negativism, emotional discomfort, anxiety; - to develop verbal regulation of behavior.

The speech therapy work program is based on the programs:

  • edited by V.V. Voronkova, Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - M: "Education" 2001
  • Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of 8 types, preparatory and 1-4 grades. Voronkova. Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - Moscow: Vlados Humanitarian Publishing Center, 2001
  • Programs of a special (correctional) educational school of 8 types, 5-9 grades.

The work program is designed for the general teaching hours according to the calendar schedule.

Number of teaching hours per year

  • 1st grade - 134 hours (4 hours a week)
  • 2nd grade - 139 hours (4 hours a week)

(8 hours speech therapy examination)

  • Grade 3 -137 hours (4 hours a week) (8 hours speech therapy examination)
  • 4th grade - 104 hours (3 hours a week), 4th grade - 101 hours,
  • 4 to class -104 hours
  • 5th grade - 102 hours (3 hours a week), 5th grade - 101 hours, 5th grade - 101 hours.

(6 hours speech therapy examination)

  • 6th grade - 68 hours (2 hours a week) 6th grade - 68 hours
  • 7th grade - 68 hours (2 hours per week) 7th grade - 68 hours

(4 hours speech therapy examination)

Correctional work is carried out in the form of group, subgroup and individual lessons using technology personality-oriented developmental training.

  • eliminate the manifestations of speech pathology;
  • to promote the assimilation of the program in the native language;
  • to form the communicative and linguistic competencies of students;
  • to form cognitive and general educational skills.


Content of training material

Expected Result

The sound side of speech.Phonemic processes Development of articulatory praxis, speech breathing. Setting and automation of sounds, correction of syllable structure. Sequential development of correct articulation of sounds, their characteristics (in parallel with their assimilation in a literacy lesson): - vowel sounds [a], [y], [o], [s], [and], [e]. Their designation by letters; -vowel letters e, ё, yu, i in various positions (at the beginning of a word, after a vowel, after consonants); - consonant sounds designation of sounds by letters.

Development of phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis. Formation of strong sound-letter connections.

Automation of syllable fusion, development of the skill of conscious reading.

Select sounds from a word, pronounce them correctly, analyze articulation. Distinguish vowels and consonants and letters. Correctly designate letters in writing. Indicate the softness of consonants in writing.

sounds with vowels and a soft sign.

Designate voiced and deaf letters on the letter.
Conduct syllabic analysis, highlight stress

syllable, transfer words by syllable.

Conduct sound-letter analysis of available

Correctly write the combinations zhi-shi, cha-shcha,

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary for the main lexical topics: "Clothes", "Dishes", "Furniture", "Seasons", "Vegetables", "Fruits". Domestic and wild animals ". Acquaintance with words denoting objects, signs, actions. Practical assimilation of grammatical categories (through game tasks and exercises, without mastering linguistic terminology). Know the dictionary, generalizing concepts for the main lexical topics. To activate through speech practice, learned vocabulary. Understand, select and name words that denote the name of objects, their signs,


Align nouns with

adjectives and verbs, form

new words (practical skills).

Understand the purpose of speech: word, sentence,

text - units of speech.

Work on a sentence and a coherent speech Intonation in a sentence. Mastering the model of a simple two-part sentence: noun + verb. The main words in the sentence: Who? What is he doing?
Distribution of a simple two-part sentence on models and questions (r.p., d.p., etc., p.p). Analyzing them - asking questions. Establishing a connection between words. Teaching the initial skill of a coherent statement. Retelling by questions, parts, selective. Narration based on personal observations, plot pictures, a series of pictures.
Assimilate the concept: sentences of two or more words, connected in meaning and expressing a complete thought. Make a model of a simple two-part sentence.

Be able to distribute the proposal across the models

and questions.

Correctly form an offer on a letter

(capital letter at the beginning, period at the end).

To retell a fairy tale, a story. Make up

simple text of 2-4 sentences for a given

Non-speech processes Development of all forms of perception, auditory and visual attention. Development of attention properties (switching, stability, concentration, distribution). Consolidation of temporal and spatial representations. Development of general and fine motor skills, mental operations (analysis, classification, comparison, generalization). Know the seasons, days of the week, parts of the day. Determine spatial directions and denote them verbally. Be able to analyze, compare, generalize objects and phenomena. Classify

items on a given basis

Development of general educational skills and abilities. Formation of educational and organizational skills (preparation of the workplace, material, duties of the person on duty). Development of the ability to perceive instructions and act clearly and consistently in accordance with its instructions. Teach to highlight the main thing. Formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher. Prepare your workplace and material for the job. Clean up the workplace at the end of the class, take the instructions of the speech therapist and act consistently on their implementation.

Be able to highlight the main thing.

Conduct an educational dialogue. Anwser the questions

full offer.

Perform duties of a duty officer.

for the first half of the 2013-2014 academic year

Lesson topic Number of hours Dates
1-8 Speech therapy examination 8
9. Lexical meaning of the word. Word as part of a sentence. 1
10. 1
11. Words denoting the actions of objects. 1
12. Summer. Drawing up proposals for the summer. 1
13. Writing sentences from 2 words. Drawing up schemes of proposals "About Vitya and Tanya". 1
14. Sentence. Coming up with 2-word sentences about Alena. A picture depicting a girl in action. Schemes of sentences. 1
15. Sentence. Drawing up proposals for a series of paintings. The boy writes. The girl draws. The bird is flying. Drawing up proposal schemes. 1
16. Fall. Cabot on the picture. 1
17. Sentence. Differentiation of the concepts "word" and "sentence". Work on the painting "Autumn" 1
18. Sentence. Drawing up proposals for the picture and scheme. The dog barks. The dog barks. 1
19. Sentence. Drawing up proposals with homogeneous definitions based on the theme "Vegetables". 1
20. Work on the poem "Garden". 1
21. Vowel sounds. Recognizing and isolating a vowel by ear. 1
22. Consonant sounds Recognizing and isolating a consonant by ear. 1
23. Offer. Fruits. Drawing up proposals on the topic "Fruit". 1
24. Fruit. Finish the sentence in one word, changing it in meaning. Education plural numbers on the topic "Fruit". Lotto "One - many". 1
25. Spatial orientation. Determination of the body scheme and basic directions in space. 1
26. Sentence. Replacing 2 sentences with one, consisting of 2 words. 1
27. Autumn harvest. Work on the painting "Garden" 1
28. Sentence. Draw a sentence diagram. Composing sentences by 2-mind pictures and a graphic image of the word. 1
29. Analysis of the poem. Work on memorizing verse I. "Our Tanya" 1
30. Sentence. Drawing up a sentence for a reference word and a picture. 1
31. Sentence. Drawing up a graphic image of proposals on the topic "Thunderstorm is beginning" 1
32. Sounds, letters. / A /, / Y /, / M /, / X /. Determining the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle or end). 1
33. Word. Difference by ear of long and short words. Exercise "Clap - clap" 1
34. Logorhythmic lesson "The Tale of the Smart Mouse" 1
35. Pets. Drawing up proposals on the topic "Pets". 1
36. Vowels and consonants. Distinguishing vowels and consonants by the method of formation. 1
37. Sound Analysis monosyllabic words. Determination of the sequence of sounds in words. 1
38. A lesson on visual attention. Game "What has changed?" (fruits, vegetables) based on subject pictures. 1
39. Poultry. Drawing up a mini-story on the topic "Poultry". 1
40. Sentence. Determination of the number of sentences in the story. 1
41. Word. Matching a word to a word is a sign.
42. Logorhythmic lesson "At the forest crossroads" 1
36. Wild animals. Drawing up proposals for reference pictures. 1
43. The sound and the letter / M /. Three bears. Isolation of the consonant [m] from the stream of sounds. 1
44. Logorhythmic lesson on the topic "Under the fungus" 1
45. Mushrooms, berries. Answers to questions of a speech therapist.
Expansion of vocabulary on the topic: "Mushrooms, berries". Lotto.
46. Wild animals. Preparing animals for winter. 1
47. Sounds, letters. Reading and writing words with the letters C, M, Sh. 1
48. Sounds, letters.
Finding stars. [l]
Determination of the presence or absence of sounds [l], [l '] in words. 1
49. Sounds, letters. Differentiation of sounds. /l./ Sound [л] in syllables, monosyllabic and disyllabic words. 1
50. Word. Composing words with stars. / l /, position in the word. 1
51. Word. Drawing up a word scheme from pictures, toys with stars. / l / 1
52. Sound analysis of words. Highlighting the last consonant. 1
53. Sound analysis of words. Emphasizing impact sound.
Isolation of the initial consonant and the vowel after the consonant.
54. Dictation. 1
55. Sound-syllabic analysis of words. Drawing up a sound-syllable scheme of a word. 1
56. Sound-letter analysis and synthesis. Determination of the presence and sequence of sounds in a word. 1
57. Syllabic analysis and synthesis. Determination of the number and sequence of sounds in a word. 1
58. Accent in the word. Emphasizing impact sound. 1
59. Sound and letter / K /, / P / Isolation of the sound [k], [n] among other consonants. Sound analysis of words lump, cat. 1
60. Sounds, letters. Vowels of the 1st row. 1
61. Analysis and synthesis of words. Composing words with vowels of 1 row at the beginning and middle of a word. 1
62. Speech matinee on the theme: "New Year". 1

Calendar-thematic planning of group speech therapy classes in grade 1

Lesson topic Acquisition of sound analysis and synthesis Number of hours


63. Word. Composing words with vowels of the 1st row at the end of the word.
Determining the place of sound in a word.
64 Sounds, letters. Vowel letters in words (according to pictures) 1
65 Winter. Drafting proposals on the topic: "Winter" 1
66 Work in a two-syllable phrase from pictures. Game "Magic Bag" 1
67 Pets. Mastering the verb dictionary on the topic: "Pets"
Definition of consonants / k /, / l /, / z / sounds in words.
68 Pets. Drawing up simple sentences on the topic: "Pets" Determining the position of the sound in words (beginning, middle, end). 1
69 Development of the lexical dictionary. Repetition of the story behind the speech therapist - descriptions of the chair. 1
70 Furniture. Development of visual and auditory attention. "Fix the furniture" (What's missing?) 1
71 Logorhythmic lesson on the topic: "Who lives where?" 1
72 Work on the story "The goat has a birthday" Distinguishing sounds [h] - [s] in words. 1
73 Formation of dialogical speech based on the fairy tale "Teremok" Determination of the position of the sound [a, o, y, s] in a word (beginning, middle, end). Sound analysis of the word. 1
74 Word. Work on the word in ed. number and pl. I have a doll, but in the store ......... 1
75 Dishes. Development of language analysis skills.
Syllabic structure. Words: vase, basins, cup, saucepan.
76 Pick up pictures whose names begin with a sound. / y / Development of phonemic representations. 1
77 Word. Differentiation of Zh-Sh in words.
Distinguishing the sounds [w], [w] in words.
78 Toy shop. Consolidation of the ability to use noun. units and many numbers. Conducting games: "Shop", "Who has what?" 1
79 The game "Affectionate names" The game "Affectionate Names" 1
80 The grammatical structure of speech. Diminutive - affectionate words. Mom, sister, brother, son. 1
81 Word formation. Using verbs and making sentences with them.
Verse "Confusion" K. Chukovsky
82 Sound analysis of syllables. Understanding and distinguishing noun m.r. and f.r. Find your picture game 1
83 Dictation. Distinguishing sounds in words. 1
84 Sentence. Uploading proposals for reference pictures.
Distinguishing sounds in words.
85 Clothing. Formation of noun with decreasing - caress. suffixes, theme: "Clothes" Game "Big - small" 1
86 Logorhythmic lesson on the topic: "Visiting frogs" 1
87 The words. Development of language analysis skills. Syllabic structure. Words: boots, sneakers, boots, boots. 1
88 Footwear. Dictionary update. Development of vocabulary. Consideration of the picture "Shoes". 1
89 Differentiation gk in words. Distinguishing of paired consonants [g], [k] in words. Sound analysis of the words cat, year. 1
90 Assimilation of the genus form. case of names noun Game "Help the cubs find their mother" Highlighting the sound / k /, / r / among other consonants. Determination of the position of the sound in the word (beginning, middle). 1
91 Colour. The form. The magnitude. 1
92 Sounds [d], [d ']. Distinguishing between hard and soft sounds [d], [d ']. Sound analysis of the word melon. 1
93 Spring. Work on the painting "Spring" 1
94 Sounds, letters. Selection of words starting with the passed vowel sounds. Game "Pass the ball" 1
95 The shape and size of objects. 1
96 Sentence. Syllabic structure. Sentences with worked out two-syllable words with a closed syllable.
Position, sound in the word.
97 Logorhythmic lesson on the theme: "Funny musicians" 1
98 Dictation. Analysis of words. 1
99 Transport. Development of auditory and visual attention.
Game "What's extra?"
100 Sounds, letters. Extraction of the initial sound / a / from the names of transport (bus, car). Analysis of words. 1
101 Spring. Game "What did the artist confuse?" (Signs of spring) Analysis of words. 1
102 The first spring flowers. Formation of the dictionary. Consideration of subject pictures and natural colors. Formation of a dictionary. 1
103 Spring. Syllabic structure. Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants. Game "Phone" 1
104 Spring flowers. Word analysis. Composing a story of 3-4 sentences about a snowdrop (based on pictures) 1
105 Logorhythmic lesson on the topic: "Birds" 1
106 Migratory birds. Consideration of the painting "The Rooks Have Arrived." Formation of the dictionary. 1
107 Migratory birds. Education genus. n. n. “Who is missing?
Migratory birds.
108 Sounds, letters. Composing and reading words with passed letters. Living letters.
Place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).
109 Insects. Determination of the position of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end). Development of visual perception. 1
110 Spring. The use of simple prepositions in speech. "Butterfly and flowers" 1
111 Insects. Development of vocabulary. Formation of a vocabulary.
Consideration of subject pictures. "Insects"
112 Differentiation in-f, b-p, g-k in words. Distinguishing of paired consonants [in], [f], [b], [g], [n], [in] in words. 1
113 Reading tongue twisters at 3 rates. Writing in a notebook.
114 Differentiation d-t, z-s, zh-sh in words. Distinguishing of paired consonants [d], [t], [h], [s], [g], [w] in words. 1
115 Trees. Forest. Drawing up sentences for key words, pictures. 1
116 Sound analysis of words. Determination of the sequence of sounds in a word. Characteristics of sounds. 1
117 Work on the content of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" Composing words from these sounds. 1
118 Spring. Painting "Spring". Sketches in children's notebooks.
Learning the quatrain "Spring Bells"
119. Development of the lexical and grammatical system of the language. Changing words according to the pattern: baby-kids, hut-huts. 1
120. Working with riddles. Expansion of vocabulary. Learning riddles in verse. 1
121. Work on the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare" 1
122. Visual dictation. 1
123. The development of coherent oral speech. The development of coherent oral speech. Work on the story "Heron and the Fox" 1
124. Spring. Sketches of pictures based on the story "Spring" 1
125. Reading tongue twisters at 3 rates. Memorization. Writing in a notebook. 1
126. Word. Development of attention to the sound side of speech. "Knock off how many sounds are in the word" 1
127. Sounds and letters. Visiting Zvukoyezhka. Working with riddles on the sound /sh/-/zh/. "Add sound" game
128. Word. Differentiation of sonorous sounds in words. Game "Name it affectionately"
129. Coherent speech. Increased speech activity. Compilation and use of two-word sentences in speech.
130. Vocabulary. Household items. Working with illustrations, natural objects.
131. Dictation.
132. Speech holiday.
133. Coherent speech. Watching cartoons. Retelling of the watched cartoons.

Grade 2 (139 hours)

Sections of work

Content of planning. Expected Result.
The sound side of speech. Phonemic processes. Sounds and letters. Vowels and consonants and letters. Alphabet. Syllable. Division into syllables. Word wrap. Stress. Hard and soft consonants. Indication of soft consonants using second row vowels. Differentiation of sounds [s] - [u], [a] - [i], [o] - [e], [y] - [u]. The designation of the softness of consonants using a soft sign at the end and middle of the word. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of sounds [b] - [n], [c] - [f], [g] - [k], [d] - [t ], [h] - [s], [g] - [w].

Separating soft sign.

Me-myya differentiation.

Stress. Rhythmic-intonation structure of the word. Formal

and the meaningful role of stress.

Phonetic analysis of words.

Know the name of the letters of the alphabet, signs of vowels and consonants. The role of sounds in distinguishing words. Pronounce words of different sound and syllable structures correctly.
Divide words into syllables, highlight the stressed syllable, transfer words into syllables. Distinguish between hard and soft consonants. Indicate the softness of consonants in writing with second row vowels and a soft sign. Recognize voiced and voiceless consonants, correctly designate them with letters in strong positions, know the rule for checking voiced consonants at the end of a word. Highlight stressed and unstressed vowels.
Lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Expansion of the vocabulary by topics: " Summer holidays"," Day mode "," On a visit to autumn, winter, spring "," On the streets of the city "," Family at home "," Migratory and wintering birds "," Wildlife and inanimate nature at different times of the year "," Winter entertainment and Sport "," Defenders of the Fatherland "," Holiday of Our Mothers "," Speech Etiquette. "Words that are close and opposite in meaning
Multiple words. Revealing meaning in context. Lexical combination of words. Comparison of words, objects, signs, actions.
Change nouns by numbers.
To activate the learned vocabulary through speech practice. To use the acquired terminology in speech. To be able to pose a question to a word and to determine words on a question that denote objects, signs, actions. To distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns, to use a capital letter in proper nouns. To select words close and opposite. within the meaning, correctly use polysemantic words, correct word usage errors.
Work on a sentence and a coherent speech. Language analysis of sentences. Reconstruction of deformed sentences. Main members of the sentence. Establishing a connection between words in a sentence on questions. Prepositions.
Differentiation of prepositions. The relationship between sentences in the text. Dividing the text into sentences.

General concept of narrative text. Construction of the text (beginning, main part, conclusion). Title and subject of the text.

Understand the role of a sentence in communication. Determine the number of words in a sentence by ear, the place of a word. Make sentences with a given number of words. Emphasize logical stress in a sentence. Use prepositions correctly.

Tell about yourself and your family, weather, seasons on a given topic.

Recover deformed narrative text.

Compose and write down a text on a given topic or based on personal observations.

Convey the content of the text on questions, determine the topic of the text, title, establish links between parts

Non-speech processes Development of the properties of attention. Consolidation of temporal and spatial representations. Correction of psychomotor. Development of observation to linguistic phenomena. Development of thinking, all types of memory. Know clearly, define and name temporal and spatial representations. Work thoughtfully, with concentration: be able to distribute attention. Analyze, compare, generalize. Memorize and transmit information.

in 2nd grade

for the first half of the 2013-2014 academic year

Theme The content of the work Number of hours Timing
1-8 Speech therapy examination 8
9 Word Words denoting objects. 1
10. Word Action words. 1
11. Word Differentiation of words for objects and words for action. 1
12. Sentence. Differentiation of the concepts "word" and "sentence" 1
13 Sentence. Intonational completeness of the sentence. 1
14. Sentence. Composing sentences of three words. 1
15. Sentence. The main members of the proposal. 1
16. Development of speech. Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Children in the Autumn Forest". 1
17. Games with riddles. Enrichment of the vocabulary. 1
18. Sounds and letters. Highlight the first sound in a word. 1
19. Sound-letter analysis and word synthesis. Highlight the last sound in a word. 1
20. Retelling of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans". 1
21. Vowel sounds of the 1st row: a, o, y, s, e. Composition of words. 1
22. Sound-letter analysis and word synthesis. The relationship between sounds and letters in a word. 1
23. Vowel sounds of the 2nd row: i, e, e, yu, i. Composition of words. Determination of the number of sounds in a word. 1
24. Logorhythmic lesson on the topic: "Resourceful beaver" 1
24. Highlighting the first syllable in a word. 1
25. Vocabulary. The development of coherent speech. "Vegetables. Vegetable garden »Education plural. number noun Ball game "One-Many" 1
26. Dictation 1
27. Differentiation bp by pictures. Development of language analysis skills. 1
28. Syllabic analysis and synthesis of words. Division of words into syllables. 1
29. The development of coherent speech. Lexicon. "Garden. Fruits "Differentiation of vegetables and fruits. The game" Help the clown " 1
30. Stress. Stress in simple words. 1
31. Stress. Stress in two-syllable words. 1
32. Development of coherent oral speech. "Mushrooms. Berries" Drawing up a story based on reference pictures. "In the woods" 1
33. Development of speech. A story based on a series of pictures "Kolobok". 1
34. Hard and soft consonants. A soft sign at the end of a word. 1
35. Hard and soft consonants. Soft mark in the middle of a word. 1
36. Sounds, letters. The consonants are whistling. 1
37. Sounds, letters. Consonant sounds are hissing. 1
38. Hard and soft consonants. Distinction in writing letters a-z after consonants. 1
39. Hard and soft consonants. Distinguishing in writing letters u-y after consonants 1
40 Hard and soft consonants. Distinguishing letters o-yo after consonants in writing. 1
41 Hard and soft consonants. Distinction in writing letters y-and after consonants. 1
42. Logorhythmic lesson on the topic: "Fly - Tsokotukha" 1
43. Hard and soft consonants. Differentiation uh. 1
44. Letter I. 1
45. Letter Y. Sound - alphabetic analysis of words. 1
46. Letter E. Sound - alphabetic analysis of words. 1
47. Vowels that give firmness to consonants. Letters A, O, U. Sound - alphabetic analysis of words. 1
48. Vowels that give firmness to consonants. The letters E, Y. Sound - alphabetic analysis of words. 1
49. Logorhythmic lesson on the theme: "Visiting frogs". 1
50. Development of speech. Work on the painting "Autumn" 1
51. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of bn in syllables. 1
52. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation bp in words. 1
53. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of bp in sentences and in coherent texts. 1
54. Travel to the land of "Deaf sounds." Sound - alphabetic analysis of words. 1
55. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation dt in syllables. 1
56. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation dt in words. 1
57. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of dt in sentences and in coherent texts. 1
58. Vocabulary. Development of speech. Clothing. Drawing up stories - descriptions about clothes. Game "Shop". 1
59. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation gk in syllables. 1
60. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation gk in words. 1
61. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of Mr. in sentences and in coherent texts. 1
62. Development of speech. Story-description "Santa Claus". 1

Calendar-thematic planning of group speech therapy classes

in 2nd grade

for the II half of the 2013-2014 academic year

63 . Differentiation in - f in syllables and words. 1
64. Sounds and letters. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation in - f in sentences and in connected texts. 1
65. Sounds and letters. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation w - w in syllables. 1
66. Sounds and letters. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation w - w in words. 1
67. Sounds and letters. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation w - w in sentences and in coherent texts. 1
68. Winter. Wintering birds. Division into syllables of the names of wintering birds. 1
69. Sounds and letters. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation s - s in syllables. 1
70. Sounds and letters. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation s - s in words. 1
71 Sounds and letters. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of s - s in sentences and in coherent texts. 1
72. Logorhythmic lesson on the topic: "Zaykin's Day" 1
73. Differentiation r - l. 1
74. Sounds and letters. Voiced consonants. Differentiation r - l. 1
75. Sounds and letters "i, y" Sounds and - th. 1
76. Sounds and letters. Consonant "th" Differentiation of words with letters and, d. 1
77. Development of speech. Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Mitten". 1
78. Syllabary composition of the word. Extraction of vowels from words. 1
79. Syllabary composition of the word. Division of words into syllables. 1
80. Working with deformed text. Determining the order of words in a sentence. Syllabic analysis and synthesis of words. 1
81 . Pets in winter. Development of coherent speech. Story - a description about pets according to plan. 1
82. Dictation. 1
83. Stress. Emphasis of stressed syllable. 1
84. Stress. Emphasizing a stressed vowel. 1
85. Word. Words denoting the names of objects. Classification of objects. 1
86. The development of coherent speech. Watching a cartoon followed by a retelling, analysis of characters. 1
87. Sentence. Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. 1
88. Reading books - babies. 1
89. Word. Differentiation of singular and plural nouns. 1
90. Logorhythmic lesson on the topic: "Fox baked pies" 1
91. Sentence. Drawing up a proposal scheme. 1
92. Drawing up proposals for graphic schemes. Game "Telegraph" 1
93. Rearrange words in order to get the desired phrase. (Julia, beautiful, doll, y) 1
94. Working with crosswords. Drawing up coherent sentences with the characters of the crossword puzzle. 1
95. Dictation. 1
96. Poem "Days of the Week" Work on the passage Expressive reading. 1
97. Development of speech. Sequential retelling based on the pictures "Turnip". 1
98. Drawing up a mini-story on the topic: "Aquarium" The development of coherent speech. 1
99. Syllable. Differentiation of one, two, three-syllable words. Development of syllabic analysis. 1
100 Auditory dictation. Learning the verse-I "Frog". 1
101. Prepositions. Clarification of the specific spatial meaning of prepositions.

From birth, a child is surrounded by many sounds: speech of people, music, rustling of leaves, chirping of birds, etc. But of all the sounds perceived by the child's ear, only speech sounds serve the purpose of communicating with adults, a means of transmitting various information, motivation to action

Work program "Correction of articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia in junior schoolchildren"Mostly based on the methodological developments of EV Mazanova" Correction of acoustic dysgraphia and school speech center. "Suitable for both full course completion and for the correction of specific violations of written speech caused by articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia.

Target audience: for speech therapist

The work program "Correction of optical dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren" is mostly based on the methodological developments of E.V. Mazanova "Correction of optical dysgraphia and school speech center". Suitable for both full course completion and for the correction of specific violations of written speech caused by optical dysgraphia.

Target audience: for speech therapist

The work program "Correction of dysgraphia caused by impaired language analysis and synthesis in primary schoolchildren" is mostly based on the books of E.V. Mazanova CORRECTION OF DISGRAPHY ON THE SOIL OF DISTURBANCES OF LANGUAGE ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS and school speech center. Suitable for both full course completion and for the correction of specific violations of written speech caused by dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis.

Target audience: for speech therapist

The work program "Correction of Agrammatic Dysgraphia in Primary Schoolchildren" is mostly based on the methodological developments of E.V. Mazanova Correction of agrammatic dysgraphia and school speech center. Suitable for both full course completion and for the correction of specific violations of written speech caused by agrammatic dysgraphia.

Target audience: for speech therapist

The work program "Correction of acoustic dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren" is mostly based on the books of E.V. Mazanova Correction of acoustic dysgraphia and school speech center. Suitable for both full course completion and for the correction of specific violations of written speech caused by acoustic dysgraphia.

Target audience: for speech therapist

The working program is based on the author's programs of E.V. Mazanova "Correction of acoustic dysgraphia",
"Correction of dysgraphia on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis", "Correction of agrammatic dysgraphia".
This work program is aimed at creating conditions for the effective implementation and development of the basic educational program of primary general education by students, including providing conditions for the individual development of students who need special learning conditions, and is designed to timely identify, prevent and eliminate their shortcomings oral and written speech.
Objectives work program
The implementation of the work program is aimed at achieving the following goals:
 prevention of academic failure due to various violations of oral and written speech;
 overcoming deviations in speech development and carrying out corrective work to prevent all types of dysgraphia and dyslexia of students for their further socialization;
 creation of special conditions for teaching and upbringing, taking into account the special educational needs of students with speech disorders, through individualization and differentiation of the educational process;
 formation of elementary linguistic competence.

Target audience: for speech therapist

A long-term plan for the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech, for preparation for teaching literacy in the senior group of the ONR III level. taking into account vocabulary - thematic planning. The plan is based on the "Program speech therapy work on overcoming the general speech underdevelopment in children ”TB Filicheva, GV Chirkina, Moscow,“ Education ”2009.