Sequence of sound analysis of monosyllabic words. Pedagogy

The development of phonemic hearing and the skills of sound analysis and synthesis is extremely important not only for the development of oral speech, but also for the formation of the skills of correct reading and competent writing, for which, first of all, it is necessary to teach the child to hear one or another sound, to determine its place in a word, establish the sequence of sounds in a word. But the main thing remains the development of auditory perception, since only on this basis it is possible to master the sounds of speech and successfully master reading and writing.



Developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis as a way to form correct reading and competent writing

1. Preparing students for sound analysis

Sound analysis of words presents significant difficulties for mentally retarded children, since a word is a certain spatio-temporal sequence of sounds. Already during a speech therapy examination, it is found that children with intellectual disabilities have difficulties in orientation in space. They do not know the concepts “left, right, before, behind, under, above, between, at the beginning, in the middle, at the end”. They find it difficult to find an item in a row if they need to be guided by a verbal instruction where one of these words was used. The children's dictionary also lacks many other words and terms, on the knowledge of which it is necessary to rely on the formation of sound analysis and synthesis:row, place in a row; beginning, middle, end of the row.Not possessing an elementary analysis of the subject row, mentally retarded children cannot cope with the task of arranging objects in a row, counting them in order, naming ordinal numbers, and highlighting the location of a separate element of the row. In preparation for sound analysis, the concept of “row" becomes nodal. The subject line is diverse in content: a thematic series, a series organized by color, size, shape. The ranks can differ in quantitative composition, they are amenable to restructuring, change, it all depends on the purpose of the lesson and the capabilities of the children. When forming a concept" row" , the spatial and temporal representations of children are clarified and fixed in the word. By counting objects, naming their place in a row, children master ordinal counting and remember ordinal numbers.

The analysis of the composition of the subject line is the material level of action, which underlies a complex mental action, which is the sound analysis of a word. Using the thematic subject series, compiled according to the tale "Turnip", you can observe the change in the series, when one object is replaced by another, moves, disappears or one more object is added. Children note that the row is lengthened by increasing its elements or shortened by reducing their number, it is possible to select any object from the beginning, middle, end of the row.

All work is carried out in a playful way. So, working on the topic: "Subject row", you can use the following games:

  1. "Who pulled the turnip?"

After the gradual construction of the subject series based on the tale "Turnip", the concepts of "left", "right", "end of a row", "beginning of a row" are clarified. The series ended. The last mouse. Grandfather is at the beginning of the row, the mouse is at the end of the row. And between them a grandmother, a granddaughter, a bug and a cat. They are in the middle of the row. All this is accompanied by a gesture display.

  1. Game "Empty space"

In the process of this game, children's ideas about the formation of a row, about the place of each object in relation to others are fixed, the meaning of the word-term is clarified"a place". Empty spaces are left in the subject line. Children find them, circle place after place, show the first place - on the left, at the beginning of the row, the last place, at the end of the row. Then, with the help of a speech therapist, they begin to fill in empty spaces.(“Who was behind the grandfather?”, “Call the woman, granddaughter, ... to the place”). Clarifies who stands in front of whom, between whom, after whom.

  1. In the game "Walk"

The figures change places, and the children specify who is now at the beginning of the row, in the middle, at the end.

  1. In the game "Which and how much

The speech therapist calls those who came to pull the turnip, and the children count how many characters have gathered(grandfather is first, woman is second).How many are there?

  1. In the game "What has changed in the row?"

Various options for changing the row are made: deleting an item, adding a new item, moving figures. The ability to analyze the composition and structure of the subject line determines the child's successful mastery of complex forms of sound analysis.

As noted above, in mentally retarded children, mastering sound analysis and synthesis at the level of even vowel sounds is associated with a number of difficulties. They hardly master the analysis and synthesis of combinations of three vowel sounds; highlighting a vowel from the beginning of a word (especially in an unstressed position), the middle of a monosyllabic word, by determining the last vowel sound. Visual support in the perception of the studied vowel sounds helps to facilitate the understanding and assimilation of sound analysis. Such support can be visual symbols - geometric shapes, the appearance of which resembles the outlines of the lips when articulating the corresponding vowel sound.

A -, U -, O -, I -, S -, E -

Thus, upon acquaintance with each vowel sound, children receive, as it were, a double support for perception: auditory and visual, which, unlike a letter, are easily and quickly memorized, helps to instantly reproduce the sound and, therefore, greatly facilitates the mastery of sound analysis. Here you can play games on the analysis of combinations of two and three indicated sounds.

  1. The game "Read it, don't be mistaken"

How many sounds did you say? What's the first sound? Second sound? Third?

  1. Count and Set aside game

This game teaches children to analyze and reproduce sound combinations in a given order (i.e., synthesize the assigned sounds). Children should by ear determine the number and sequence of sounds pronounced by the speech therapist and put the corresponding symbols on the desks in a row, “read” what happened.

  1. In the game "Raise the figure"

Children, having heard one of the three given sounds in the stream of vowels and consonants, raise the corresponding symbol.

  1. In the game "Lay out the pictures"

Depending on the initial sound, the pictures must be decomposed under the corresponding two sound symbols. In a similar way, you can differentiate the three sounds.

  1. Repeat after me game

This game trains children in reproducing syllable rows, consisting of three, four syllables. The speech therapist pronounces a syllable with easily pronounced consonants (n, t, m, n ...)then - that - that.
Simultaneously, the symbols of pronounced syllable-forming vowels are displayed in a rowO - U - A. Then the children repeat the syllable. More complex options:pa - po - pu - py; am - om - mind - im.

  1. Game "What's in the middle of a word?"

The game teaches children to highlight the vowel sound in the middle of monosyllabic words. Pictures are displayed on the typesetting canvas:catfish, cheese, poppy, wolf. The child pronounces the word, highlighting the vowel sound with his voice, then finds the desired symbol and puts it under the picture.

Such work on sound analysis helps children to master the ability to hear sound, to keep in memory its correct sound image, to highlight it in a word.

2.Work on sound analysis and synthesis

The unpreparedness of mentally retarded children for learning to read and write due to impaired analytical and synthetic activity at the level of all analyzers, and first of all, auditory, creates additional difficulties in the formation of sound analysis and synthesis operations in students. The first operations that need to be worked out with them are the ability to hear the sound in a word and highlight it in the position in which it is heard clearly. The work on the formation of sound analysis and synthesis continues for a long period. It is conducted purposefully, preparing children to master writing. Considering that schoolchildren with reduced intelligence very often skip vowels when writing, leaving only supporting consonants from words, it is necessary to show them the role of vowel sounds in a word. Observing the speech therapist's articulation, students establish the distinction between vowels and consonants. They make sure that the vowels are pronounced freely, the air is not obstructed. Something always interferes with consonant sounds: now lips, now tongue, now teeth. To designate vowels and consonants (and they felt the difference in their pronunciation), red and blue dots or squares, red and blue letters are used. To consolidate the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants, the following games are held:

1. "Morse code"

The speech therapist makes sounds - children put red and blue dots on the board or in notebooks, respectively.

2. "Red - blue"

Speech therapist makes sounds - children raise red or blue squares.

3. "Looking for my square"

Letters are given to children. There are two large squares on the board - red and blue. Children take turns to the blackboard, read the letter correctly, pronounce the appropriate sound and put the letter in their square.

Knowing how to differentiate vowels and consonants, students begin to define these sounds in syllables. Here the emphasis is on sound analysis and synthesis of syllabic structure. For this purpose, the following games are used:

1. "Find a syllable"

The speech therapist names the syllable - the children show a card with the corresponding diagram.

2. "Pick a syllable"

The speech therapist shows a color scheme of a syllable - children select possible variants of syllables from the syllable alphabet.

3. "Morse code"

The speech therapist dictates syllables - children write them down with red and blue dots.

Then the work is carried out on the analysis of the sound composition of the word. Before writing down words, learners pronounce them with a long duration of each sound (intonation).

The words selected for this purpose consist of vowels, long consonants and sonors. Next, work is done on the word scheme. One scheme is taken for one lesson, and the words corresponding to it in terms of sound composition are analyzed. To help children in choosing words, they are offered pictures, the names of which correspond to the phonetic scheme. As you work, it becomes possible to compare word schemes, look for similarities and differences between them. You can invite students to choose a scheme for a particular word. This work should begin from the moment when the second diagram appears. Speech therapist names a word or shows a picture(brand, fly, juice -). Children look for the corresponding diagram on the table.

Students can choose a word for one of the schemes themselves. Work can be carried out based on pictures.

In parallel, work is being carried out to consolidate the sound-letter composition of words. For this purpose, you can use the game"Magic word": the picture is cut into strips according to the number of letters in its name. Letters are written at the bottom of the stripes. Having correctly identified the desired order of letters in a word, children get a complete image of the object.

The following exercises will be helpful in working on your proposal:

  • The speech therapist pronounces the sentence: “Ira soaped the doll ". After that, each word is spoken out separately, and the children find the schemes on the tablets and put them on the board one by one. Then these schemes are written down in a notebook.
  • "Come up with a proposal"

Children are offered word schemes, and they must come up with a sentence in which words in phonetic composition would correspond to these schemes.

  • "The most ingenious"

Children independently come up with sentences, find the necessary word schemes and put them in the correct sequence on the board.

Children learn to first highlight the individual words included in it in a sentence, and then determine the letter composition of each word. This work is more complicated, since the analysis process is noticeably lengthened and requires additional operations.

Dictations at the beginning of work are best done with a preliminary sound analysis. At the end of the work, control dictations are performed without sound analysis. Before moving on to dictation, you should practice writing according to the schemes as follows:

  • count how many words are in the sentence, and put the same number of dashes;
  • divide words into syllables and put the same number of dashes;
  • count how many sounds are in the word, and put the same number of dots.

Writing according to the scheme leads children to consciously writing dictations and checking the dictation they have written.

Thus, the ordering of ideas about the sound side of speech and mastering the skills of analyzing and synthesizing the sound-letter structure of a word create the necessary prerequisites for the formation and consolidation of the skill of correct writing and reading, the development of linguistic flair, and the prevention of general and functional illiteracy.


  1. Aksenova A.K. Methods of teaching the Russian language in an auxiliary school. - M .: Education, 1986.
  2. Voronkova V.V. Teaching literacy and spelling in grades 1-4 of a special school. - M .: Education, 1988.
  3. Efimenkova L.N., Sadovnikova I.N. Correction and prevention of dysgraphia in children. - M .: Education, 1972.
  4. "Speech therapy" Ed. Volkova L.S., M .: Education, 1989.
  5. Milostivenko L.G. Methodical recommendations for the prevention of reading and writing errors in children. St. Petersburg: Stroylespechat, 1995.
  6. Petrova V.G. Development of the speech of students of a special school. - M .: Pedagogy, 1977.
  7. Rybina E.V. Preparing preschoolers with speech disorders for sound analysis. // Defectology, 1989, №4.
  8. Sadovnikova I.N. Written language disorders and their overcoming in younger students. - M .: Vlados, 1995.
  9. Tkachenko E.A. Sounds and Signs: Vowels. Publ .: Yunves, 2001.
  10. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Basics of speech therapy. - M .: Education, 1989.

Age features of the perception of book illustration. The method of using it when reading a literary work.

I. Kotova established some features of the recognition of the depicted image by children. So, for children 3-4 years old, the main sign of recognition of the depicted image is the shape, while the color is of secondary importance. For children of the fifth year of life, color begins to play a major role in recognition, and for children of the sixth year of life, color is just as important a sign in recognizing the depicted image as the shape.

It is important to pay attention to the composition of the picture. It should be simple and flow directly from the plot of the book. It is necessary that the little one "understands" the picture at first glance, correlating it with the text just read.

The child's impression of the illustration depends directly on the technique of its execution, and on the degree of emotional impact of the text to which it refers.

The drawing (as the child grows up) should become more complex following the text. The illustration includes both perspective and chiaroscuro, and a more complex compositional solution - unusual angles, a more detailed image of familiar and familiar objects. Most children, from two to three years old, prefer drawings with a complex plot and many details.

Pedagogical guidance aimed at acquainting children not only with the content, but also with the artistic and expressive means of book graphics, significantly increases the level of artistic perception of children, contributes to the emergence of interest and desire to view illustrations, and evokes an emotional response to them. The main task in the classroom with preschoolers, when reading books, is to teach them to listen and hear, i.e. correctly perceive speech.

In the classroom, when getting to know a new book, it is advisable to first read the text to the children, and then consider the illustrations with them. A picture-illustration, placed in a children's book, helps the teacher to more fully present the readable text to the child, but it can also interfere with perception if shown at the wrong time. It is necessary that the picture follows the word, and not vice versa: otherwise a bright picture can captivate the children so much that they will only imagine it in their minds, the visual image will not merge with the word, because the children "will not hear" the word, its sound shell is theirs will not interest. The exception is the colorful cover of the book, which arouses the natural interest and curiosity of children in this book.

After the book is read, the children's attention is fixed on its content, the teacher must show illustrations for it. Children will recognize them as heroes, things, events that were discussed in the text. When re-reading the book after looking at the illustrations, children learn vocabulary very intensively. When the book deals with things unknown to children, i.e. there are words that are unfamiliar and incomprehensible to them, it is advisable to show the corresponding pictures when explaining these words before reading.

When choosing pictures, it should be remembered that they not only clarify the text, but also activate fantasy, imagination, and educate an aesthetic taste. Depending on the age of the children, the educator changes the methods of examining artistic illustrations for books: 1) recognition by the child of characters, things. 2) correlation of phrases of the text with pictures. 3) the child's assessment of the color of the objects drawn, the expressiveness of the hero's gesture, the location of the figures. 4) comparison of illustrations by different artists for the same work.

The method of familiarizing the preschooler with the word, its sound form.

When forming ideas about a word, two main points can be distinguished: the isolation of the word from the flow of speech and the disclosure of the word as an independent semantic unit.

Children begin to get acquainted with the term "word" in the middle group in the process of communication, while performing various speech exercises to teach sound pronunciation, enrich the vocabulary. Expressions “Listen as I say this word”, “Say the word. right ”and others are often used by the teacher. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, special work is carried out to familiarize children with the concept of "word".

In order to isolate words from the flow of speech, a variety of play exercises are used, in which children call different objects and toys, their properties and qualities with words.

The concept of "word" can be introduced to children by means of fiction, with the help of those works in which the word plays a large role. For the same purpose, games are used, game actions in which are determined by words that can or cannot be pronounced.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba word is fixed in a variety of vocabulary exercises, word formation exercises. At the same time, they help to draw the child's attention to the semantic side of the word (a word denotes an object, a sign, an action. For comparison with words that have a certain meaning, F.A.Sokhin recommends pronouncing some sound combination (w, ra), ask if it is clear what it means. Then explain: "This is not a word, but just sounds that do not mean anything, have no meaning. Every word has a meaning, meaning."

Thus, attention to the word is brought up in children; they practically assimilate the meaning of the word word, perceive it as an independent unit of speech, and begin to use it correctly in their speech.

Methodology for teaching children to sound analysis of a word.

In the process of getting acquainted with the sound structure of a word, it is necessary to make the sounding word an object of special observation and analysis.

The sound side of speech early becomes the subject of the child's attention. He notices the peculiarities of the pronunciation of other people, gives specific examples of incorrect pronunciation, notices the difference in individual sounds. However, he does not know how to decompose words into sounds on his own. This is due to the fact that in everyday communication, the task of analyzing the sound side of a word does not arise for children. It needs to be addressed only in connection with literacy training.

In the studies of F. A. Sokhin, L. E. Zhurova, and their students, a sequence has been developed for the formation of orientation in children in the sound form of the word.

Familiarization of children with the sound side of the word begins even in the younger and middle groups, when, in the process of educating the sound culture of speech in exercises and speech games, they learn to pronounce sounds clearly and clearly, listen to the sound of words, distinguish by ear similar and different words, pronounce them with different strength of voice and at different rates. Children are taught to listen attentively to poems, to rhyming words, to notice frequently repeated sounds in them. Gradually they master the meaning of the word sound. All this allows you to draw the attention of children to the sound form of the word. This work is then continued in the older groups. For this, a variety of methodological techniques are used, aimed at isolating sound and understanding its meaningful role: pronunciation of words with intonational selection of sounds; listening to the sound of different words (long, short); highlighting frequently repeated words and sounds in nursery rhymes, songs, poetry; comparison of synonymous words (doctor - doctor, cheerful - joyful: the meaning of the words is close, but the sound is different); comparison of ambiguous words, homonyms (needle; key - the sound is the same, but the meaning is different). Acquaintance with the sound and semantic side of the word helps in the formation of ideas about the word as a unit of language and is the basis for subsequent learning to analyze its sound structure.

Children are introduced to sound analysis in the middle group. This stage is considered as propedeutic (preparatory) in the subsequent teaching of sound analysis, and then reading. The method of working with children of the fifth year of life was studied by N.V. Durova.

To solve the problem of preparing children for sound analysis, it is necessary to teach them to perceive the word not as a single sound complex, but as a kind of structural formation consisting of separate sounds, i.e. to teach to hear individual sounds in a word. The way to highlight a sound in a word is a special pronunciation of the word - with intonation, especially emphasized highlighting of one sound in it.

When children master the method of intonational highlighting of a sound in a word, they begin to learn to determine where the desired sound is located - at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Then the children themselves name the words that have the desired sound.

The next stage of work is the formation of the ability to name an isolated sound and highlight the first sound in a word.

In the older group, the task is to form children's ability to produce sound (phonemic) analysis. Recall that the sound analysis of words in modern methods is understood as: 1) clarification of the order of phonemes in a word; 2) establishing the distinctive function of phonemes; 3) highlighting the main phonemic oppositions inherent in a given language (D. B. Elkonin).

50. Replace the methods of development of the master-maulenchay dzeinastsi from the dzyatsi pa-for the busyness.Acquaintance with fiction literature cannot be limited to studies. Reading and telling books is organized at all moments of the life of children in kindergarten, it is associated with games and walks, with everyday activities and work. The list of works of oral folk art and fiction is recommended by the program, and the forms of activity in which the fiction word is included are more diverse than classes and are determined by the teacher's creativity.

When using literary works outside the classroom, the following tasks are solved:

1. Implementation of the program for familiarization with fiction; fostering a positive aesthetic attitude to a work, the ability to feel the figurative language of poems, fairy tales, stories, fostering artistic taste.

2. Comprehensive upbringing and development of the child with the help of works of literature and folk art.

When solving the first problem, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the literature on the kindergarten program was not only read, but also fixed. Reading outside of class makes it possible to re-encounter the book. Only a systematic repetition of works of art can one foster interest and love for poetry, stories, fairy tales. Repetition prevents forgetting.

When planning to read fiction, you should take into account the repetition or primary presentation of the material. Rereading is usually given outside of the lesson. But sometimes the initial acquaintance with the work does not occur in class. So, in younger groups, a picture or a toy is considered and A. Barto's poems about toys are read. At an older age, also outside of class, poetry can be read for the first time while perceiving beautiful natural phenomena (snowfall, ice drift, birch grove). In these cases, in the classroom, they reinforce the material with which the children were familiarized during the observation process.

The teacher uses nursery rhymes, songs, small poems in connection with life circumstances. While dressing for a walk, it may be appropriate to read the poem by E. Blaginina "I will teach my brother to put on shoes" (“I know how to put on shoes, if I only want to, I will teach my little brother to put on shoes. right leg ... "). Calming the child, the teacher touches his fingers and says the nursery rhyme: “Finger-boy, where have you been? - I went to the forest with this brother, cooked cabbage soup with this brother ... "While washing, the teacher reads verses:" Water, water, wash my (Vitino, Vovino) face, so that the eyes shine, that the cheeks turn red, so that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites ... "

At an older age, the literary baggage is systematically expanded by reading program and non-programmed works of Russian and world literature. Middle-aged children take an interest in animal and fairy tales. In older groups of particular interest is reading books for a long time (reading with continuation), such as "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" by N. Nosov, "Golden Key" by A. Tolstoy, etc.

In addition to classes, it is possible to plan reading to encourage children to play.

The implementation of the second task is associated with solving the problems facing the educator - the education of politeness, kindness, the formation of skills of correct behavior. The solution to any of these problems can be considered in two ways: the upbringing of the missing qualities in children and the consolidation of the existing ones. Literature is selected accordingly. Reading is accompanied by conversations. Children will listen, remember, tell about what they have read, and sometimes act in accordance with the actions of literary characters. The child independently moves on to good deeds. First he needs confirmation that he did the right thing, and later doing good deeds gives him pleasure even without approval. Such impulses of children must be supported and taken seriously, with understanding.

In order to form children's interest in fiction and foster respect for the book, a corner of the book is created in each group. This is a calm, comfortable, aesthetically designed place where children have the opportunity to communicate in an intimate atmosphere with a book, look at illustrations, magazines, and albums. All forms of work on acquainting children with fiction outside of class develop interest and love for the book, form future readers.

Development and formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis. The first stage of learning to read

Alexandrova K.A. Methodist

department of Preschool Education JSC IPPK RO

Sound analysis of a word is a prerequisite for fully teaching children to read and write. Based on sound analysis and synthesis, children master the reading of syllables and words.

There are 2 types of sound analysis:

1. Elementary sound analysis - highlighting sound against the background of a word. With correct speech development, this skill develops in preschool age without special training.

2. Complex analysis.

Determination of the first and last sound in a word.

Determination of the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Determination of the sequence of sounds in a word.

Determination of the number of sounds in a word.

Determination of the positional position of a sound in a word (before which sound is the given sound, after which sound, etc.).

Complex forms of sound analysis need to be trained specifically. This is especially true for children with speech defects. It is best to organize the development of sound analysis in the form of the most attractive activity - play. The effect of classes will be higher if adults treat play learning as entertainment, pleasant communication with a child.

The following are exercises to help you master your sound analysis skills. By the way, such exercises perfectly allow you to brighten up the time on the road from kindergarten home, forced waiting, for example, in the clinic.

"The sound you want"

Invite your child to choose words with a given sound. For example, dad says: “Imagine, son, that you went with your mother or grandmother to the market and you started buying only vegetables and fruits, the name of which must contain the sound“ L ”. What kind of vegetables and fruits would you buy? " The child names (beet, apple, onion, salad, etc.).

Another variation of this game. An adult says: “We have a zoo, but an unusual one. In it live animals, in the name of which there is the sound "R". What kind of animals are they? " (tiger, bison, lynx, etc.). And now let's collect the animals, in the name of which there is the sound "L". (elephant, elk).

"Catch the ball"

Assignment for the child: "I will throw the ball, and you will catch it only if the word I have named begins with the sound" S "."

Then the adult says: “And now the new rules of the game. You will name the words. There should be a "K" sound at the end of the word.

"Guess which word is intended"

The adult names the words in which the first sound is missing (. Like: cancer, poppy, tank, varnish), and the child guesses and shows correctly and loudly pronouncing the whole word.

"Who is bigger?"

Who can come up with more words for a given sound. You can complicate the task by limiting yourself to a specific topic.

Learn the word game

Name the word, omitting the last sound, for example: "tan ..", "pau ..", "veni ..", etc. The child must add the last sound to make the word.


Come up with a word that starts with the last sound of a previously spoken word.

For example: juice - pencil - ball - cat ...

"Field of Dreams"

Guess a word by a given number of letters.


Write a word on paper, cut, mix and ask the child to assemble the word from the resulting parts.

When trying to perform such tasks, adhere to the following sequence of presenting words:

1. Words where the first sound is A, U, I, E, O, select only with an emphasis on the first syllable, for example: CLOUD, LAKE, SHEEP, but not GLASSES, not FIRE, not MONKEY.

2. Words where the first sound is a separate consonant that does not participate in the fusion syllable (K-ROT, T-RACTOR, S-TOL, etc.).

3. Words starting with a solid consonant in a fusion syllable (MACHINE, HAND, etc.), ie, in which the second letter is one of the following: A, O, U, Y, E.

4. Words starting with a soft consonant in a fusion syllable (CINEMA, TV, etc.), that is, in which the second letter is one of the following: I, E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

5. Words beginning with Е, Е, Ю, Я, it is better, if possible, to exclude from the tasks altogether, since these letters at the beginning of a word mean not 1 sound, but 2 at once, and we hear the sound Y at the beginning of such words. These features of Russian phonetics are difficult to explain to a preschooler.

The formation of sound synthesis skills is the reverse process. A child should be able to synthesize (“add”) syllables and words from scattered sounds. The stages of work are almost the same as in the formation of the skills of phonemic analysis, however, for work it is necessary to select material that is easy and understandable for the preschooler. It is best to prepare material for the synthesis of three and four sound words. Longer words can be difficult.

The work on the formation of the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis in preschoolers should be carried out gradually, noting whether the child has mastered this direction of work or not. If a child has mastered a certain stage, it is necessary to move on to work on the next direction.

Only in this way, step by step, gradually, in small steps, you can achieve a high level of formation of the skills of sound analysis and synthesis from the child and, in the future, competent reading and writing.

The modern school has adopted a sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy. First-graders, in terms of their mental development, are ready for the perception of individual sounds, and for such mental operations as analysis and synthesis.

During the period of literacy training, much attention is paid to the development of phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to distinguish individual sounds in a speech stream, to separate sounds from words and from syllables. Pupils should "recognize" phonemes not only in strong, but also in weak positions, to distinguish between the variants of the sound of the phoneme. This, in turn, allows you to form the spelling vigilance necessary for the successful development of literate writing.

In elementary school, an analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy is used, implemented by the following techniques: sound analysis of a word, syllable-sound analysis of a word, sound-letter analysis, sound synthesis, syllabic synthesis.

KD Ushinsky spoke about sound analysis for the purpose of teaching literacy. The studies of physiologists and psychologists make it possible to speak of analysis and synthesis as related, but structurally different mental actions. DB Elkonin considered sound analysis as an analysis of the sound structure of words. One of the most important provisions of teaching literacy according to the system of D.B. Elkonin is the formation in children of the action of sound (phonemic) analysis of a word prior to familiarization with the letters. D. B. Elkonin characterized this action as repeated pronouncing of a word with intonational emphasis (stretching, “emphasizing” with the power of the voice) of each subsequent sound. Using specially selected words, the sound structure of which is gradually becoming more complex, relying on the scheme-model of words in the form of sequentially arranged cells and with the help of tokens in which sounds materialize ("materialize"), children learn to establish the number and order of sounds in words and to characterize them ...

This is what the first stage of learning to read and write with the ABC book by D. B. Elkonin is devoted to. In its original form, phonemic analysis is the establishment of a sequence of phonemes (sounds) in a complete word. The assimilation of the method of phonemic analysis is associated with a number of difficulties. Unlike the natural (intuitive) division of a word into syllables, the division of a word into sounds must be specially taught. As a rule, before learning to read and write, a child knows about the existence of letters, sounds are generally absent in the child's mind, do not exist for him. Phonemic analysis, that is, the ability to isolate a sound sequence from a word, becomes a way of action if from the very beginning of its formation it develops purposefully and consciously: the student not only masters a certain sequence of operations, but also acquires the ability to control and evaluate his actions. The correctness of isolating each subsequent sound of the word is most effectively controlled in the complete word. There is a natural connection between the sound of a word and its lexical meaning in the language. Any violation of one of the elements of this interconnected integrity leads to a distortion of the "sound portrait" of the word.

Syllabic analysis of words

In traditional practice, the priority value in teaching literacy acquired syllabic-sound analysis words. The term "syllabic-sound analysis" was introduced by V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin and A. F. Shanko, who developed a stable "Primer" and guidelines for it. The introduction of the term is associated with increased attention to syllabic work, especially with the syllable consonant + vowel (SG), which in the manuals of these authors is called "merger". The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that in a syllable of the SG type, two sounds are closely related: they seem to merge together and therefore are pronounced at one time, without stopping, inseparably from each other (sound synthesis occurs). The designation of such a fusion of a consonant with a vowel on the model diagram is given:

[S] → [A] → [CA] → - "imposition" of the articulation of a vowel sound on the articulation of a consonant (syllable like SG).

The syllabic-sound analysis when teaching according to the new "Primer" is, according to V., G. Goretsky, a means of penetrating into the phonetic structure of the word, is the most important component of all work not in literacy lessons. "The existing feature of the syllable-sound analysis of words, which is an indispensable part of the work in the lessons of teaching reading and writing, is not only in establishing the number and sequence of sounds, as is usually the case, but also in determining the nature of the connection between them" (V.G . Goretsky).

In-depth work on the sound composition of the word subsequently leads students to a clearer correlation between sound and letter, prevents their confusion. The authors of the method recommend syllabic synthesis when reading a word, which goes in parallel with syllabic-sound analysis. For example, to read a word table, first of all, the syllable-fusion (SG) should be distinguished: [then], then the syllable is closed [l] - [tol], and then [s] is first pronounced and the already identified [tol] - [table] is added.

Sound-alphabetic analysis of words

Sound-letter analysis of words has long been considered in our school the main type of sound analysis in teaching literacy. However, the scientist-methodologist P.S. Zhedek, emphasizes that the most persistent and insurmountable mistakes are mistakes when performing tasks for the sound-letter analysis of words: "... the students, having received the task for sound analysis, actually analyzed the letter composition of the word, based on its visual representation." The reason for the stability of the error, according to PS Zhedek, is the result of replacing the analysis of the sound shell of a word with reasoning about the sound meanings of letters. Sound analysis, which is carried out with orientation to the letter without listening to the word, is the cause of phonetic errors in children. PS Zhedek believes that it is necessary to distinguish the actual sound analysis, which is allotted time in the pre-literal period, from the sound-letter analysis, which is the leading technique in the main (alphabetical) period of teaching literacy. Moreover, the actual sound analysis as an exercise for the formation of phonemic hearing must be carried out throughout the entire period of education in elementary school, and not only in the pre-literary period. Working with the sound structure of a word is a propaedeutic of a spelling skill, as it forms the spelling vigilance of a student.

What is the difference between sound-letter analysis and sound analysis itself?

Let's analyze the plan of the sound-letter analysis of words.

1. How much is in a word an Apple syllables, which syllable is stressed?

2. How many sounds and letters are there in a word?

3. How many vowels are there in a word? How many consonants?

4. Describe each sound. What letter is it indicated in the letter?

It can be seen that already in the plan of sound-letter analysis, there is an orientation towards the letter, and not towards the sound: the posing of questions at the second and third steps of the plan encourages us to operate with letters, not sounds. The purpose of the actual sound parsing is to highlight successive units in the sounding word. This kind of parsing does not require addressing a letter.

PS Zhedek believes that when moving to a higher level of sound analysis, it is necessary to expand the range of analyzed words. First, use words in which, if there are phonemes in weak positions, then they coincide with the main type of phonemes (with a strong position), for example: word forms feet, water... At the next stage, parse words that contain sounds that do not coincide in acoustic characteristics with a strong position, for example: word forms: leg, water, foot, water.

Thus, when moving to a new stage of sound analysis, there is a need to discuss the spelling of these words, that is, to include this analysis in the sound-letter analysis. In order for the actual sound analysis to really constitute the initial stage of the sound-letter analysis, to be included in it, it is necessary to preserve the already established order of the actual sound analysis of the word, supplementing it with one more point: which letter denotes each sound and why.

With this analysis of words, the student explains the choice of letters not simultaneously with the selection of sound, but only after he has already completely completed the sound analysis. This is how the sound analysis proposed by PS Zhedek differs from the traditional sound-letter analysis, in which, when analyzing the sound composition of a word, orientation to the letter is possible, which can adversely affect the development of the ability to hear and correctly characterize sounds.

In the methodical piggy bank.

To carry out sound analysis, various game techniques are used that create motivation for articulatory actions and the development of phonemic hearing.

1. Introducing students to a new consonant sound, one should come up with an image that will allow practicing its correct articulation, for example: “What sound does a tiger make when he is angry? - [rrrrrrr] "," How does the wind rustle in the foliage of the trees? " - [sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh] "," How does a mosquito ring over the ear? - [z-z-z-z-z-z-z] "etc.

2. Introducing the pupils to the new letter of the consonant sound, we play the game “Soft - hard”: “With the fingers of one hand, touch the tips of the fingers of the other hand: the top of the nails are hard, and the pads are soft below. Now, together with me, we pronounce sounds and touch either from above - where are the marigolds, or from below - where are the pads, depending on what sound - hard or soft - I will pronounce. " The teacher utters a hard sound and touches the marigolds, and the children repeat after him: [s-s-s-s-s] - and tap on the nails - "hard", [s'-s'-s'-s'-s '] - on the pads - "soft". Tactile sensations reinforce the understanding of hardness - the softness of consonants.

3. Introducing children to the parity of voiced consonants - deafness of consonants, we play "voice": we pronounce alternately deaf and voiced consonants and observe what appears and disappears, we conclude - the voice. The deaf can be pronounced in a whisper, and the voiced ones can only be pronounced loudly, without a voice the voiced ones turn into deaf sounds; we continue the game: the teacher asks you to put your hand on your throat and pronounce deaf sounds [s], [s '], [k], [k'], [w], [h '], and then voiced [z], [z' ], [g], [g '], [g], [l]', asks how the throat behaves. The children say alternately after the teacher, now deaf - "the neck is sleeping", then the sonorous "neck is waking up". We conclude: when a dull sound we say - "the voice is not needed", when a voiced sound - "the voice runs, and the throat trembles." We fix it with the game “Soft - hard, deaf - sonorous”. The teacher pronounces the sounds, and the children guess their "character", pronouncing after the teacher and helping with their hands: [t-t-t-t-t] - nails? Pillows? - Nails! - solid, hand on the neck - sleeping? trembling? - "asleep" - deaf; [s'-s'-s'-s'-s'] - "nails?" "Pads!" - soft, voice “sleeping? trembling? " - "asleep" - deaf, etc.

4. The game "Mirror": while pronouncing the sounds, compare them, look in the mirror and discover how the sound is formed. For example, we observe the pronunciation of vowels: we pronounce it while looking in the mirror: not a single sound has an obstacle, then why do they sound differently? It turns out that lips and tongue take different positions. We observe the pronunciation of consonants, for example: [s] / [z] - the language sets the barrier the same for both sounds, but why are they different? We check the nails, the pads are “equally hard”, we check “the voice is asleep? trembling? " This is where the difference is: [s] - "asleep", which means deaf, [s] - "trembling", which means voiced.

A variety of techniques allows children to master many of the complex skills of sound analysis and synthesis in a relaxed atmosphere. Often teachers independently come up with play techniques, adapting complex phonemic material in different ways in accordance with the specifics of their class. This work is also necessary because first-graders often have speech therapy problems, which, thanks to many of the above techniques, can be overcome without special help.

Method of warehouses N. A. Zaitsev

"Zaitsev Cubes" - a practical implementation of the ideas of the founder of Russian physiology I.M. Sechenov. The flow of sensations passing through the growing organism is clearly divided into a kind of “quanta of information” (according to N. Zaitsev), operations with them are accompanied by rhythmic movements with periodic motor-emotional accents. “I see, hear, touch” are the main guidelines of the method. Each cube reproduces combinations of one consonant with all vowels of either the upper or the lower row (according to the "tape of sounds and letters"): for example, on one of the six sides of a large cube you can read HA - NO - NY - NE - OU - N, and a small cube - NI - NOT - NOR - NOT - NUDE - NN. The cubes, which depict all possible syllabuses in the Russian language, are of different sizes and different sounds. 1) Cubes with fusion syllables with a hard consonant are larger in size than cubes with syllables with a soft consonant. This is due to the peculiarities of articulation: when pronouncing hard sounds, the oral cavity is more voluminous than when pronouncing soft consonants. Children, singing or pronouncing sounds, syllables, words, learn to notice these facts. 2) Cubes with letters of voiced consonants are filled with metal parts and, when you take them in your hand, emit a slight tinkling sound. Cubes with letters of hard consonants are filled with wooden details and "rustle". Zaitsev's sounding cubes are a kind of "musical" instrument with which a child can independently develop word-forming creativity. Children learning according to this method not only successfully master the skills of reading and writing, but are specially introduced into the sound reality of the language in such a way as to ensure the subsequent assimilation of grammar and associated spelling.

For N.A. Zaitsev is characterized by such an important factor for a growing organism as the rhythm of activity. It manifests itself in the rhythmic presentation of sound stimuli on the part of the teacher, and in the rhythmic motor responses of children, and in the motor-emotional aspects dosed according to a certain rule, and in the rhythmic movements of the child's hand to identify the types of blocks. Rhythms, synchronizing neuropsychic processes, “shake” the brain and contribute to the necessary functional resonance, facilitate perception, activity and assimilation of knowledge and skills. Another important advantage of N.A. Zaitsev is the formation of correct posture, a high level of general motor activity, improved diction, correct fixation of the gaze and many more additional factors associated with the possibility of active liberation of the child's individual abilities.

Thus, the application of the method proposed by N.A. Zaitsev, meets the vital interests of the organism of a small child, his biological needs, aimed at understanding the world in play, in motion, in the joy of successful rivalry. At all stages of learning to read in children, mental actions are formed (SM: Zaitsev NA Letter. Reading. Counting. - M., 2003; Zaitsev NA I draw, read, write. Methods of NA Zaitsev. - SPb., 2003).

N.A. cubes Zaitsev appeared as a result of generalization of a number of techniques of innovative teachers (in particular, SN Lysenkova), based on the method of synthesis and comparison of the "tape of sounds and letters". The most productive sound synthesis techniques are reading tables and / or filling them out. For example, when learning the letter m (uh) a table of syllables with consonants [m] and [m ’] is reproduced:

m - [m] ma mo mu me we
m - [m ’] me my mu me mi

As the studied consonant letters accumulate, the table increases:

m - [m] ma mo mu me we
m - [m ’] me my mu me mi
p - [p]
p - [p ’]
d - [d]
d - [d ']

When introducing a new letter in the lesson, it is advisable to read the table of syllables formed by letters of vowel sounds with the letter studied in the lesson. As the number of letters in the table increases, at the stage of fixing, you should use the technique of horizontal and vertical stripes (strips are cut from cardboard to fit the column and the size of the horizontal column). The strip closes either the column, and then the children independently reproduce the syllables of the closed column, focusing on the upper letter of the vowel and looking at the consonant sound indicated on the left; or the graph is closed opposite the letter of the consonant, then the children are asked to pronounce the syllables on their own, focusing on the letters of the vowel sound indicated in the upper column.

To train the ability to add the sounds of parallel, another type of table is used, which increases the proportion of students' independent participation in composing syllables for reading. The teacher is advised to fill in only the left column with consonants corresponding to the studied letters, and the upper row with vowels. With a pointer, the teacher draws a line from consonant to vowel (and from vowel to consonant) and asks the student to name the syllable (at the intersection of the column and line). Then, in an empty cell, the students will write down the spoken syllable on their own. Example: syllable-fusion [la], syllable "with a lock" [al ']. You can correlate the first syllable with the name of the note A, and the second with the form of the personal female name Al (Alya).

Any method used in literacy classes should be playful to maintain interest in native language classes.

The basis of the method is the study of the living pronunciation of a word. In this regard, a a typical plan for the study of a new sound and letter, which applies to the alphabetical period.


    Isolation of sentences from speech.

    Division of sentences into words.

    Isolation of words from sentences (or by a picture, a riddle) for analysis.

4. Dividing a word into syllables, establishing their number.

5. Isolation and study of a new sound from a syllable (word), the establishment of its characteristics: vowel or consonant, hard or soft consonant.

6. Establishing the place of this sound in the sound structure of words.

7. Designation of the selected sound by a letter.


1. Compilation of syllables and words from the cut alphabet (printing).

2. Reading and converting syllables using a mobile alphabet or syllabic tables.

3. Reading words according to a table, an alphabet book based on additional marks.

4. Reading sentences and related texts.

The standard plan can change in connection with the material being studied or be reduced as the children acquire knowledge and acquire skills in analytical-synthetic work.

When using techniques sound analysis the task is to help students understand the sound composition of words and the sequence of sounds in words.

Highlighting a new sound, those. the sound to be studied in this lesson can be organized in such ways as:

1) the selection of a sound-word from a sentence ("Plum and pear" - sound [and]);

2) highlighting a vowel that forms a whole syllable: o-sy, u-sy, or iotated: u-la, i-ma;

3) the technique of onomatopoeia (How does the bee buzz? - gh);

4) highlighting a consonant sound from a closed syllable, where it is least strongly associated with the previous vowel (with m, ma to);

5) selection of a consonant sound from an open syllable, mainly "long" consonants [w] [s] [g] ( Shhooray, FROMasha);

6) highlighting voiceless consonants at the end of words (ko t, su p);

7) highlighting voiced consonants at the beginning of an elephant with a confluence of consonants ( brat, grah).

Analysis of the sequence of sounds in words, counting their number, determining the nature of the connection between them, the syllable composition is the beginning of phonetic analysis, which children will learn in subsequent classes.

The analytical and synthetic work of students is associated with the use of models (schemes).

Model schemes are an important condition for the development of phonemic hearing in children, the ability to produce syllabic analysis of the sounding word, mastering productive ways of reading. In the primer and alphabet, as well as the teacher, the following schemes are offered.


    Word divided into syllables:

    Word with stress:

    Syllabic word models:

mushrooms spruce

red -

green -

Periodization of the literacy learning process

Literacy training continues when teaching children:

from seven years old - 3.5 months;

from six years -7.5 months.

The literacy process is divided into two periods: preparatory (14 days for seven-year-olds and 54 days for six-year-olds) and basic (alphabetical).

Preparation period has its own goals:

- introducing children to educational activities;

- assimilation of sounds as a result of the analysis of sounding speech;

Preparation for reading and writing;

Identifying the degree of readiness of students for learning.

In the preparatory period, there are two stages. On first stage, letterless, children master concepts and terms such as speech, sentence, word, syllable, stress, sound, vowel, consonant, letter, syllable-fusion.At the same time, there is an acquaintance with the educational book, the alphabet (primer), with the means of writing; the first analytical and synthetic exercises and exercises that train the hand for writing are carried out.

On the second stage of the preparatory period, the vowel sounds [a], [o], [and], [s], [y] and the letters Aa, Oo, Ii, s, Uy are studied. Familiarity with the five most important vowel sounds and corresponding letters provides orientation to vowels when teaching reading. With letter eh get acquainted much later, since she is rarely found in speech; with iotated e, i, e, y - also at a later stage, since these letters denote vowels in special conditions or the fusion of a consonant with a vowel.

Main period characterized by a gradual complication of the material, an increase in the volume of readable texts, an increase in the level of formation of the reading and writing skills, and a deepening of the analysis of the content of the read.

Start the main period coincides with the study of the first consonant letter... The main tasks of the main period:

Learning all letters;

Mastering letter combinations;

Practical assimilation of the rules of graphics;

Developing the skill of fluent syllabic with the transition to whole reading words;

Development of interest in reading and literature;

Development of speech and thinking.

The main (alphabetical) period of literacy training includes four consecutive stages.

At the first stage During the ABC period, students master the techniques of reading vowels, direct syllables and adjoining consonants in a word. The texts are simple and concise. Syllabic tables are used for reading and composing words.

On the second stage During the ABC period, students master a quick orientation in the syllabic-sound structure of words, consolidate the basic techniques of reading words, including merging in different positions. They learn the reception of selective reading, the correct construction of answers to questions, a sequential retelling of the read

At the third stage the volume of reading increases significantly (several tests on one page), poetic texts appear. In sound analysis, students who are lagging behind are mainly involved. The main focus is on improving the reading technique. The rules of pronunciation (orthoepy) are explained to children, some spelling phenomena are observed. More attention is paid to the development of coherent speech (statements from a picture, activation and enrichment of the vocabulary).

On the fourth step read a lot of different texts, while the work is approaching the one that will be present in classroom reading lessons.

In the main period of teaching literacy, once a week, 20 minutes of the lesson is allocated for extracurricular reading lessons using the book "Learning to Love a Book" by N. N. Svetlovskaya.