Essay on the topic "my holidays" for schoolchildren. Composing my summer vacation

When the autumn period begins, children should be prepared for the fact that they will be asked to write an essay on the topic "My Holidays". There is nothing difficult in completing such a task, it is enough just to talk about how the time was spent on the warm summer and what adventures were most memorable. If you were asked to write an essay at home on the topic “How I spent summer vacation”, Moms and dads can help the child get the job done by directing his thoughts in the right direction.

Essay plan

The correctness of writing an essay is largely determined by a correctly drawn up plan. Usually they use the standard scheme for writing an essay on the topic "My Holidays". The plan can be made as follows:

  • Introduction. This section briefly describes how well the holidays were spent. Here you can also write about the weather, the mood that accompanied.
  • Main part. Here you should tell in detail about where you had to visit during the summer holidays, what you liked and remembered most of all.
  • Conclusion. In this part of the essay on the topic "My Holidays" summarize. They also talk about what emotions remained after a long break in studies.

Such an essay plan on the topic "My Holidays" will help children of different ages to write a decent work. The most important thing is to pay attention to each item.

Composition on the topic "My Holidays" for elementary grades

Even children who study in the first, second or third grade can write a work about summer vacations. The main thing is to fully express your emotions regarding your summer vacation. An essay on the topic "My Summer Vacation" for the youngest students of the school can be like this.

"During the summer holidays, I had a great time and rested. It is very good that this season there are three months for rest. After all, it is during the summer period that you can heartily soak up the sun and swim in the nearest reservoir.

I spent most of the holidays at my grandmother's dacha. Every day I woke up and ran for a walk around the territory. The swing, the pool and the tent in which I spent the hottest hours were at my disposal. When my grandfather came to the dacha, we went fishing with him at five in the morning. I caught a few fish, and emotions just overflowed. After that we returned home, gave our catch to grandmother so that she could cook dinner, and went to the lake ourselves.

Our lake is such that you can stay there from morning to night. My grandfather Grisha and I rode a boat, a catamaran and even jumped from a bungee that the guys built in the first days of the holidays. After swimming in the lake and sunbathing, my grandfather and I went to the dacha, where a delicious lunch was already waiting for us from the morning catch, which we, as real earners, brought to grandmother. In the evenings, my grandmother turned on her flashlights, and we had the creative part of our program. Grandma sang songs, grandfather danced army dances, and I danced or recited poetry. Sometimes neighbors came to us with a boy of the same age as me, then it was even more fun.

My parents were at work all summer, so this year I was not able to go to the sea. But I can say that I had a great time with my grandparents and had a great time. I am sure that next year I will spend the summer at the dacha, which is very happy. "

Such an essay on the theme "My Summer Vacation" is suitable for first grade children and will be highly appreciated. Therefore, it is worth taking into account this manner of writing a creative assignment.

High School Summer Vacation Essay

Students over grade 3 are also asked at the beginning school year write a discourse about rest. An essay on the topic "Summer Holidays" in grade 5 can be of the following content:

“In the summer I had a great time and had a good rest. Thanks to my parents for thinking in advance of the entire period of my rest from school.

The first days I actively did everything that was asked home for the summer. Because otherwise I would not have been able to go on vacation. From the middle of the first month of summer, I went to a children's pioneer camp in the woods outside the city. There I was not bored for a minute. Every day was scheduled: we participated in sports competitions, prepared scenes for evening performances, sang songs around the fire with the whole squadron. I was in a children's camp for the first time, and I liked it so much that I am already looking forward to next summer to visit this beautiful place again.

In the second month of summer, my mom and dad and I flew to the sea abroad, to Egypt. I liked it there too. The most beautiful clear sea, delicious fruit desserts and being in the sun is a wonderful vacation. We were in Egypt for two weeks, but that was enough to have a great time.

In August, my parents had to go to work, and I was sent to the village to stay with my grandparents. This vacation was also unforgettable. My grandmother is a real entertainer, and my grandfather always comes up with something unusual. There were always a lot of people and children on the territory of our house, because my grandmother and grandfather are very sociable and hospitable.

Each of the months of summer vacation was filled with emotions, warmth and unforgettable adventures. It's even hard for me to say which of my summer adventures I liked the most, they are all wonderful. Thank you to my loved ones for making sure that I really have a rest this summer. "

Such an essay on the topic "How I spent my summer holidays" fully reveals the topic, so the teacher will certainly like this story.

How to express thoughts in an essay about summer

To be highly appreciated, you need to express your thoughts in the correct order. And also put real emotions into every line. Then the teacher will certainly appreciate the composition.

Summer vacation of all school holidays I like the most
because they are the longest and fall in the summer.
Summer is one of the best seasons of the year and offers many options for spending time.
You can walk on the street all day, and not sit at home.
Walk to the sea, lake, river. Enjoying the nature.
I also like summer holidays because the sun rises early and sets late. The days are very long and the nights are warm.
You can go outside in the evening and watch the sunset.
After the sun goes down, it's nice to sit or walk down the street enjoying the warm air,
listen to crickets and admire the starry night sky.
During the summer holidays, you can play various sports games: football, volleyball.
You can just walk and admire the beauty of summer, how trees and flowers bloom.
In summer, many people go to the sea, the river, swim, sunbathe, have fun.
Summer vacations are among the most beloved vacations among schoolchildren.

Essay on the topic: Summer holidays.

This summer I spent a lot of fun and varied.
And also, as my mom says, with great benefit.
Of course, after all, I devoted a lot of time to my little brother.
He is still a tiny child with us - he recently turned nine months old. At first I thought that with such a little man I would not be interested. Don't think that I don't love my brother! No, I just adore it! But before, I stayed with him for a short time - for an hour or an hour and a half. And this summer my mother was busy, and I had to spend half a day with my brother.
At first it seemed to me a very difficult matter.
I was worried if I would do everything, if something would happen. But soon, when I got used to it a little, everything went like clockwork. I got to know my brother even better, because I had the opportunity to observe him longer. I found out that this kid already has his own character. He is a big cunning, always gets his way, and by any means. He can show with his little eyes what he needs, he can demand, or he can just scream, without stopping, if he does not receive something.
My brother also loves it when books are read to him.
I read aloud to him Pushkin's tales and The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe.
But my brother's favorite book is undoubtedly M. Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Hearing about the tricks of the protagonist, the brother calmed down, it seemed that he was forgetting about everything in the world. It seemed to me that he memorized all of Tom's pranks in order to repeat them when he grows up. Or come up with your own, just as interesting and funny.
In general, the time that I spent with my brother was good for me. My parents talk about it too. I became more mature and more serious. And also - she became close to her brother. Now I love him even more.
Also this summer I visited my grandmother Lena. She lives in a village on the banks of the Volga River. Of course, I already saw this river when I was little. But now I seemed to see her for the first time. The Volga seemed to me very wide and beautiful. Grandma says that this river is majestic, that it has a long and glorious history.
Indeed, the Volga has always been a "navigable artery" for Russia. Many ships went along it, which transported a wide variety of goods. On the banks of this river there were many merchant cities, barges were pulled along the Volga by barge haulers, songs were composed about this river, pictures were painted from it.
I, of course, could not help but swim in the Volga. The water in it seemed to me surprisingly clean and transparent. The beautiful greenish bottom was illuminated by the sun, and the unique smell of a warm river emanated from the water. Sun glare played across the entire surface of the Volga. And even when you close your eyes, these glare remained in your memory. And even now, if you remember the Volga, then these sunbeams are one of the most vivid impressions.
Of course, I also have many pleasant memories of life in the countryside. There I helped my grandmother with the housework, milked a cow for the first time, looked after a newborn calf, helped herd cows. In addition, my grandmother and I baked lush country pancakes, made real Russian porridge in the oven.
I also, of course, talked with the neighbors' guys. We spent a lot of time outside, playing different games and just talking. And also sometimes they raided neighboring yards - they picked apples and pears there. Only at first they asked permission from the owners. And they always allowed - everyone in the village said that this year the harvest is extremely rich.
Time flew by in the village, and I had to return home. In memory of my summer adventures, I have memories, photographs and the experience and knowledge that I received. Putting it all together, I feel like I had a wonderful summer.



1. Goodbye School!

2. Hello summer:

a) vacation is rest;

b) love of travel;

c) alone with nature.

3. "I want so much that the summer does not end."

I myself understand: it's ridiculous. What would I do if it wasn't for summer? So I wanted to take a walk in the wild! And now I miss school.

M. Borisova

Each of us is waiting for summer. For many, summer is their favorite season, primarily because summer is the biggest vacation. Who does not dream of sunbathing, bathing in plenty, or maybe just taking a break from the school hustle and bustle. As soon as the spring sun warms up, we are already making plans for the future on how we will spend our summer holidays. We all can't wait to finish school faster and hear the last school bell. On the one hand, it is sad to part with school friends for several months. But on the other hand, warmth, sun, good mood, the idea that we have a lot of free time and we can walk as much as you want makes us so happy that we think of only one thing: to make the holidays come faster.

The guys spend their holidays differently. Some are on vacation with their parents at sea, others - with relatives in the village or in the country. Some stay at home. But wherever we are, summer holidays are still a wonderful and unforgettable time. This is a rest. The main thing is to spend this time with benefit so that there is something to remember for the next year. Some believe that in the summer it is imperative to go somewhere far away from hometown... Of course, summer we associate with the warm sea, exotic nature. Who doesn't want to soak up the sand, swim, play on the waves! Some people like to relax away from the bustle of the city and leave the city, where you can swim in a clean river or lake, lie in the shade under a tree, enjoy the singing of birds. During the summer holidays, you can have a good rest at home. River, summer cottage, help for parents, walks in the park, picnics with friends. Is it possible to refuse this?

Among my acquaintances there are many who like to travel. Visiting different cities and countries, people learn a lot of new and interesting things. I like to travel too. And if the parents have the opportunity, we go to those cities that we haven’t been to yet. Our dream is to visit Prague and Paris. I know that this dream will come true, and we will wander the streets of Prague and admire the beautiful Paris. But we are sure that there are also many places in our country that cannot leave anyone indifferent. “I love the corner of Russia - my kind father’s home,” wrote E. Sheveleva.

Probably, each of us also has a favorite corner, a favorite place that we love to visit. My family and I often go out of town in the summer and relax in nature. For us, nature is not only a resting place, but also a source of inspiration and strength. Imagine a hot July day. Who wants to sit in an apartment in this weather? So the whole family is going out of town for a few days. We have a rest, swim, listen to the birdsong, the murmur of a stream, admire the flowers. Summer is generally difficult to imagine without flowers. And flowers are always a holiday for a person. Joy and good mood comes to us with them.

“I really want the summer not to end ...” Have you noticed that this song is played very often in the summer? Probably, many people want such wonderful weather to last longer so that the summer mood does not leave us all year round. But the Indian summer will still delight us with the last warm days, and the holidays, unfortunately, will go away with the summer. Let's not be upset, because we are waiting for a meeting with friends, with whom we will share our impressions, plans for the future and together we will wait for the new summer.

A selection of essays about "Summer" for grade 4

The composition "How I spent this summer"

Summer is an amazing time. I was looking forward to the holidays, and finally they came. In the first week of the holidays, I went to the open air together with the guys from the art school. We depicted there flowers, trees, grass, and much more. After the plein air, I went to the village several times. We went there with the whole family to help our grandparents.

Sometimes I stayed overnight in the village. And when he returned home, he visited his girlfriends and went for a walk with them. And then the sultry beach time began. My brother and I went to the beach almost every day, where we swam and sunbathed. Alas ... Summer passed very quickly! And it's time to go to school again.

The composition "How I spent this summer"

It was the best summer of my life. I learned to swim myself, my dad taught me how to fish, and my mother taught me how to bake delicious pies. We went to the forest. Swam in the river. We went to the movies. For rides. We ate cotton candy. Roller skating. By bike. Caught in the rain. And they were happy.

The most interesting thing that happened this summer was that my grandfather brought me a turtle. I saw her for the first time. She is very unusual. At first I was afraid of her, but then we became friends. I looked after her. She fed her, played with her. And I called her the iron lady Mila. Why Iron Lady Mila? Because she has a strong shell, but still hides behind her a cute face that always smiles at me. I love her.

Hopefully next summer will be just as fun and interesting.

Composition "My summer holidays" grade 4

Like most guys, I was looking forward to the summer holidays. Summer is a special period of time. In addition to the opportunity to take a break from school, there are many other advantages. Warm weather, when you can walk in shorts and a T-shirt, summer activities and entertainment, summer sports.

I spent most of my time with my friends: playing, walking, doing sports. In addition, several times we managed to go on a picnic with my family on hikes, I really love tourist summer vacations.

Of course, I not only had fun, but also did not forget to train my intellectual skills. I was engaged in reading literature and studying history, it is very interesting when you go beyond the school curriculum.

Composition "Why I Love Summer"

Summer is the most wonderful time. I am always really looking forward to summer holidays. I like to play football, swim in the river, walk in the forest, travel. Summer is the perfect time of the year for all this. This summer I played a lot of sports - playing football in the school stadium almost every day. In summer, I not only walked, swam and sunbathed. When it rained, I read my favorite books. One of them is Jack London's White Fang. I really liked her and I want to tell you about her.