How to arrange the title page. How to write the title page of an abstract: we draw up beautifully and correctly

The first page of the document has its own unique design, which must be adhered to by each student. After all, the title of the abstract is the face of all the work done and the first impression (negative or positive) is created from the examiner. If the first page is framed incorrectly, then the reviewer will send the document for revision without even reading the text.

The title page of the abstract is drawn up according to two main state standards:

  1. GOST 7.32-2001 - "Research report". This applies to research work, which is the abstract. In this section, all the necessary requirements are well described and students should adhere to them when they design the main page of the work. That is, what exactly should be on the title.
  2. GOST 2.105-95 - as a rule, they say ESKD, but the whole document is called: "Unified system for design documentation." This state standard is valid not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. General requirements for any text documents are indicated here. That is, the student will read what the title page format should be, how to write the name of the university, student and teacher data, etc.

Teachers of some universities are not guided by GOSTs, but create guidelines based on GOSTs, which specify the requirements for the entire abstract, including the first page of the abstract.

Still, according to GOSTs, it is easier to draw up documents, because even if students did something wrong according to the manual, the teacher will not be able to object, since the student adhered to state standards.

Title page design rules

Despite the fact that university teachers create training manuals with their own requirements, there are certain rules that must be adhered to in any case. Before creating title page abstract, you need to set the size of the margins: right - at least 1.5 cm, left - 3 cm, and the top and bottom 2 cm, respectively.

However, it is better to learn these nuances at the department, since the teacher can change the requirements and deviate from state standards.

The title page of the main page of the document for each student must contain the following data:

  • Country name (not always);
  • full or abbreviated name of the department. This should be consulted with the reviewer;
  • name of the discipline;
  • subject of scientific work;
  • data of the student (the author who wrote the work). All data must be indicated in full, that is, full name, course or group number;
  • the form of teaching the author. The student can study in full-time, part-time or evening form;
  • data of the reviewer, that is, position (required) and full surname, name, patronymic;
  • the city where the student is studying;
  • year of issue of the document.

It should also be remembered that the abstract should be numbered from the first page, but the page number is not put on the title page.

It should be noted that in none of the GOSTs is the font regulated, that is, the type and size are not indicated. As a rule, teachers themselves tell which font to use, usually it is Times New Roman, size 14. Therefore, before you start writing a work, you need to consult your reviewer about this, who will accept the work.

Procedure for completing the title page of the abstract

Not sure how to arrange the title page of the abstract? If the teacher did not indicate his requirements, then the student can independently draw up a document in accordance with GOST.

To begin with, you can conditionally divide the A4 sheet into 4 parts. This is the top, center, right and bottom, and in each of them adhere to certain requirements.

In the first upper part, in capital letters in the center, it is written: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE of the Russian Federation. On the next line, write the name of the university and below the name of the department in quotation marks. We present an example for clarity:

The second part is located in the center of A4 sheet. Here the word “ABSTRACT” is written only in capital letters, and after it the subject and topic of the scientific work is indicated. For instance:

The third block must be aligned to the right, where the data of the students (group, full name) and the examiner (position and full name) are written. The position of the teacher must be indicated:

And the last, fourth block, although small, is no less important. Drawn at the very bottom of the page and must be centered. The city in which the university is located and the year of graduation of the scientific work are indicated here. It is worth remembering: if the abstract is submitted at the end of December, then you need to indicate the next year. The example shows that only the name of the city and the year are written. It is very important to note that the full stop is not put anywhere.

Of course, title pages are often different from each other. It all depends on the specific university and its requirements. Some teachers ask that the design of the title page of the abstract comply with all GOST standards, others want to see the work written exclusively according to the manual.

The title page of the abstract is drawn up quickly and easily if the student knows all the necessary rules. Here the requirements are minimal, but it is very important to correctly indicate the data not only of the university or department, but also of the teacher.

The article discussed how to correctly draw up the title page of an abstract in accordance with all GOST standards. When writing a work, it is very important to consider the design of the first page. However, do not forget that universities often deviate at least a little from GOST, so it is better to consult with your reviewer, and then start writing an abstract.

How to draw up the title page of the abstract correctly? updated: February 15, 2019 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

The title page is the face of the student's work that creates the first impression of it. Whether it is good or bad is up to you. We, for our part, will tell you in detail and will definitely show how to write the title page of an abstract so as not to hit your face in the dirt.

What is the importance of the correct presentation of the title page of the abstract? If the title page is not formatted correctly, then the reviewer, most likely without even reading the text of the main part, will expand you for revision.

Of course, all the norms and standards of registration are spelled out in GOST and the manual at the department. However, before you start writing the title page of the abstract, ask the teacher if he has any personal preferences in design. Suddenly, you came across a not particularly accommodating scientific advisor.

What exactly should be on the title page of the abstract?

Before writing the title page of the abstract correctly, you need to set the size of the fields:

  • right - not less 1.5 cm,
  • left - 3 cm,
  • top and bottom - by 2 cm.

It is worth clarifying the size of the fields with the teacher, as he may not adhere to state standards and change the requirements.

The title page must contain:

  • the name of the university;
  • full name of the department;
  • name of the discipline;
  • subject of scientific work;
  • student data (name, course, group number, form of study);
  • data of the examining teacher;
  • the city where the student is studying;
  • year of issue of the document.

Numbering rules and font

Although the numbering begins with the title page, the number "1" is not put down, the same applies to the content page.

In the document, the numbering starts from the introduction page with the number "3".

As a rule, when writing an abstract, you must adhere to the standard font - Times New Roman and 14 point size.

Steps for creating a title page

To begin with, conditionally divide the A4 sheet into 4 parts. These are the top, center, right and bottom, and in each of them certain requirements must be adhered to.

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First part

In the first part at the top of the page we write in capital letters in the center: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE of the Russian Federation. On the next line we indicate the name of the university and below the name of the department in quotation marks.

The second part of

We place the second part in the center: here we write the word “ABSTRACT” in capital letters, and after it we indicate the discipline and topic.

The third part

The third block needs to be right aligned. The data of the student and the examiner are written here. We indicate the position of the teacher without fail:

Fourth part

And the last, fourth part, we make out at the very bottom of the page and align it to the center. Here we indicate the city and the year of issue of the abstract.

If the abstract is submitted at the end of December, then we indicate the next year.

It is important to remember that a full stop is not put anywhere.

You understand that it is not difficult to write the title page of an abstract correctly. However, if you do not want to bother and "rivet the title" yourself, then the student service will do this mechanical work for you. You just have to subscribe to our telegram channel to keep up to date student life and current news.

Certain requirements and conditions are put forward for the preparation of many documents, the observance of which, if not necessary, then at least highly desirable. Essays, thesis, term papers are one of the clear examples of this. It is impossible to imagine documents of this type, first of all, without a title page, which is a kind of person containing basic information about the topic and the author.

In this short article, we will take a closer look at how to insert a title page in Word. By the way, there are quite a few of them in the standard set of the program, so you will obviously find the right one.

Note: Before adding the title page to the document, the cursor pointer can be anywhere - the title will still be added to the very beginning.

1. Open the tab "Insert" and in it click on the button "Front page"which is located in the group "Pages".

2. In the window that opens, select the title page template you like (suitable).

3. If necessary (most likely required), replace the text in the template title.

As we have already said, the title page is not always necessary, because in many cases the report is just your "cheat sheet". Despite this, teachers often require a well-formed "scientific document" - especially when it is supposed to speak at a conference. In this case, the manuscript must be handed over to the commission, and not only the text and content must comply with the established regulations, but also the person of the report - the title.

How to arrange the title page of the report

Text scientific work regulates several GOSTs. Many people think that in state standards contains some kind of sacred knowledge. Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. In most cases, GOSTs offer only rather lengthy, general recommendations. At the moment, with the help of them, you can only deal with footnotes and a list of references - the name and data of the sources are drawn up in the form of "bibliographic descriptions", and the scope of their application is slightly wider than term papers, thesis and other student works, and therefore in this area already there is no order.

What, unfortunately, cannot be said about the title page - in all educational institutions almost identical, but slightly different rules for its design are adopted. They have the same essence - a set of mandatory data about the author of the report and the place of his training, but there are no general requirements in the field of fonts, centering and other nuances. Here is the traditional order of elements:

  • University name (along with all official abbreviations at the beginning, etc.). If the educational institution is state-owned, the founder is written in front of its name. As a rule, these are the "Ministry of Education and Science", "Ministry of Culture", etc. At the end, the faculty is written.
  • Title of the report.
  • Information about the author - surname and initials, course and group.
  • Information about scientific advisor - surname and initials, title (doctor, etc.), position (professor).
  • City and year.

Any work, such as a diploma, coursework or essay, begins with a title page. There are generally accepted rules for the design of such first sheets. We offer you to download the sample title page that you need.

  • all title pages are presented in a Word, on A4 paper;
  • any sample can be opened even in the old version of Word, since they all have the DOC file extension;
  • you can easily download and edit the presented cover pages.

Title page for the abstract

On the title page of the sample for the design of the abstract, you must print your subject, topic, number and letter of the class, as well as your last name and first name. You can download the title page for the abstract at.

Title page for term paper

The first page for term paper is slightly different from the title page for abstracts. Coursework are never asked in schools, but they need to be done frequently in higher education. The above title page is suitable for most Russian establishments. Free download in.

Title page for the thesis

As a person is greeted by dress, so your thesis will be judged primarily by appearance, in particular on the title page. It is very important for the thesis that the title page is designed according to a certain GOST. But the problem is that many institutions and professors do not adhere to the actual design parameters. theses, but it happens that they compare your work according to GOST, which was 10, or even 20 years ago. Therefore, it is best to take a sample from the head of your graduation project. In any case, the most correct example of a title page for a diploma is possible.