Associations for the word "table. A funny incident from life A table is always a table in one word wood

m. (to lay?) household utensils. for luggage. setting what. AT table are distinguished by: countertop. top board. and underframe. and in this: strapping (sometimes with a box) and legs. sometimes with steps. According to the sample. tables. are: quadrangular. long. round. coal;

sliding. spreading, etc. of different sizes;

about one leg. on pedestals. tripods. and usually on four legs;

by appointment: dining (banquet). written. under the mirror. lombard (gambling). restrooms (or restrooms). tea houses, etc. Tailor table. shelves. The third (fifth) player under table. Money for table. and go home. Dinner. dinner. meal. They have table good. Called table. He is his table does not hold. does not dine at home. Lean. modest table. Table yes tablecloth. arch. bread and salt. treats. Whenever you come to them. is always table yes tablecloth. From tablecloths do not refuse. On table. money for table. for lunch. wedding custom: at the first hand. before drinking. there is a bargaining with the father of the groom. how much table. masonry. canteens money. and agreed. beat on the hands. Cover table. prepare to go out. for lunch or dinner. Sit down for table. sit down to eat;

sometimes for a card. The gentlemen have not yet risen from behind table. They have an open table. they dine without being called. Keep table. feed for a fee. Table was in half-table. Kirsha;

at half lunch. AT tables look. old. after the order of the royal table. Russian table : hot (cabbage soup. borsch. soup) and botvinje;

cold (beef. jelly. fish. aspic);

roast. roast;

pies (kulebyaka, kurnik, hearths, etc.). porridge (sometimes for cabbage soup). sweet pie. diff. snacks. Didn't eat. yes for table sat. Not everyone is for table. other and under table. Otherwise for table planted. other from under table chasing. Thirteenth for table does not sit down. Plant the fool for table. he and feet on table. Drink for table. don't drink for post. Past table road stolova (not everyone's name). Table will deliver. and will make you work. Bread on table. So table throne;

and not a piece of bread - so table board. Knife with table fell - the guest will be. a spoon or fork is a guest. Doesn't cry for table. pay for pillar (the bride at the bachelorette party must cry). Money for table. and the hut to the open space (from matchmaking: canteens money). Table. old. and the church. throne. capital. place of residence and rank of the sovereign or saint. department. Sit on table (not on table). to be the sovereign. saint. Costantia is swollen table I will accept. prologue. Table great reign. annals. Paki with a prayer brought the archbishop Moses to his own table in holy Sethia. novg. chronicle. Table. in the offices. a well-known category of cases. run by one official. with an assistant and scribes. Serf table the civil chamber. Who in table this business? AT table also meaning at dining room box. Female worker table. Pine little table. Capital covered the whole room. Little table. the upper plane of the facet of valuable stones. plane of the crown. Charochki on table walk around. song. Dining room. to table. things. to the subject;

dining room. also. or to table. lunch. food related;

capital. to table. throne rel. Dining room. sliding underframe. with dining rooms. loose boards. Dining room device. dishes. - money. on table. food;

wedding conditional payment by the groom's father. for wedding expenses. Canteens property. old. app. assigned to the royal table. in the kind of specific. - linen. - wine. simple. white and red. Stolny city. - chambers. Canteen noun g. peace. where they dine. drinking. refectory. Dinner. drinking minister. in the spiritual. schools. Column m will belittle. Column folding. Money changers for so many sit. Column cash. Old. throne. The king (Gregory) accepted him. and capital (Metropolitan) gave him Kiev. annals. church. and old. seat. chair. bench or stool. The mad wife is gray at the door of her house. on capital. Prov. And put Petrovi capital. and gray. annals. Capitals. bonfire. black mushrooms. boletus. Stolchak. locker. luggage shop;

seat in latrine... or pass-through chairs. vessel. -white. referring to it. Countertop. tablecloth. Joiner. working furniture. tables. chairs. south. novoros .. changed. We have the whole village table top. taken out for auction. -nice. tile. board canteen. Table top solid oak. over a yard in width. Table top glued. on dowels. Window sills and countertops marble. Table top removable. foldable. downcomer, etc. Capital g. app. board. on which they destroy. cut. crumbling. Cover the fish on capital at the parlor. song. Capital. capital. throne city. main. the first in the state. where the highest government resides. sovereign. Metropolitan city. Stolichnoe fussy life. Factory. metropolitan : will swipe in and out. Steward. old. court dignity. caretaker of the royal table generally;

indoor steward consisted of table the royal family. Stolniki. hard. drinkers. or guests for table. Yarros. countertop. tablecloth. Stolnikov a cap. Stolnichye rank. rank. - to play. serve for table;

to be steward. How the king eats with the queen. stolnik at the time of the Tsaritsyn stewards. Kotoshikhin He has been hard for three years. three years stolnik. Have a table. lunch. have supper. sit behind table. have a meal. mess around;

feast. where. who. live on bread. on the finished table. grub. -wang Wed dinner party. feast. feasting;

wedding feast. after the crown. Dining table m. sowing. the largest rye bread. which is deliberately baked for the wedding;

generally rye bread. which always lies on table. as if in hello to incoming. Vologodsk. bonfire. a kind of round pie of juicy. stuffed with pancakes. oatmeal. turnips or potatoes. with hemp juice. Carpenter and south. app. carpenter. artisan carpentry work. for clean finishing of wooden things. for interior decoration of rooms and wooden utensils. Sotolyarich. his wife. Stolyarov. -quine. that personally they;

carpenter's or - tartar. to this craft. carpentry rel. Carpentry. - to be nervous. to do a craft. by this. carpentry. Joiner's. joinery g. workshop joiner. working hut. institution. Stallmeister astrakh. pronounce equestrian. cookmaster. cook. letting food go home. Clerk. office manager table. the category of government writing;

Nikov. that personally him;

Nobody. -mic. referring to it. - to play. be in this post. Table turning. - rotation. included in modern times the custom is mesmeric or magnetic communication to soulless objects of self-propelled force. as reported by her. ex. and electricity. magnet, etc .;

What do you think more specifically calls the subject a word or phrase? Let's think, for example, the word a pen... What do you imagine when you hear this word?

Can baby handle or pot handle, maybe writing pen... You see how the phrase concretizes the subject.

Earlier we already talked about what it is, we will repeat it again and in more depth.

So, a combination of two or more words related to each other by meaning is called a phrase.

Usually there is one word in a phrase the main thing and the other is dependent .

For instance:

Clay bowl, cranberry juice, study at school.

Let's take a look at the structure of these phrases.

In the first case ( clay bowl) this is the scheme + , (what? - bowl : n., what kind of bowl? - clay : adj.). Moreover, the main word in this phrase is the noun bowl and the dependent word is an adjective clay.

This is how this phrase will look on the diagram:

Let's build diagrams of other phrases from the example:

How to determine the main word in a phrase.

Let's take a look at the picture:

In the picture we see different tables. Just a word table does not explain which table it is. Adding to the word table adjective, we will explain which table it is.

For instance:

computer table, kitchen table, writing desk.

Thus, we determined that in these phrases the main word is noun tableand the words adjectivescomputer , kitchenand writing- dependent. Let's make a diagram for these phrases:

Consider an example of other word combinations with the word table:

write on the table

come to the table

put on a table

In these phrases, the word tableis not the main one. Here the main thing is, and noun table- dependent, since it specifies the verb:

What to do? Writech . Writeon what? On the tablenoun... in the prepositional.

What to do? Come upch. Come upto what? To the tablenoun... in the dative case.

What to do? Putch. Putfor what? On the tablenoun... in the accusative case.

How words are related in phrases

Let's look at this issue using two phrases as an example:

  1. ancient oak
  2. ancient oaks

So, the diagram of these phrases adj. + noun., and n. is the main word, and adj. - addicted. But how are they different?

In the first case, the noun oak in singular, and in the second - in. The number of the dependent word - adjective varies depending on the number of the main word - the noun.

We got the rule:

In the phrase, dependent adjectives are used in the same number as nouns.

Let's take another example:

  1. cherry juice
  2. cherry juice

How are these phrases similar? They describe the same thing, but their schemes are different:

There are similarities in meaning here: subject and object attribute .

Phrases, like words, can be close in meaning, despite the difference in their structure

Question: Write down all common nouns from the text, indicate their constant and inconstant signs Determine the case forms of a proper noun, Table is always a table, one word for a tree we can imagine a tree, and hearing a boy, describe approximately how this boy can and should look like, And Vasya, can you describe what Vasya looks like? If Vasya is among your acquaintances, you describe him, Better yet, if you are Vasya yourself, then you don't need to strain yourself, And if I just describe Vasya? Any Vasya right away? Would you like to describe the cat? On the basis that almost every cat Vasya,

Write out all the common nouns from the text, indicate their constant and inconstant signs Determine the forms of cases of a proper noun, Table is always a table, by one word a tree we can imagine a tree, and hearing a boy describe approximately how this boy can and should look, And Vasya ? Can you describe what Vasya looks like? If Vasya is among your acquaintances, you describe him, Better yet, if you are Vasya yourself, then you don't need to strain yourself, And if I just describe Vasya? Any Vasya right away? Would you like to describe the cat? On the basis that almost every cat Vasya,


i do it too ... but I do not know if it is correct? Common nouns: tree, boy, cat. constant signs: tree: narits, inanimate, Wed, 2nd place, unit, number. boy: common soul, m.r., 2nd floor, unit number cat: narits, odush, m.r, 2nd skl, singular number Irregular signs: tree: singular number, I. p. (nominative) boy: singular, I. p. cat: singular number, I. p. but I don't understand myself to determine the forms of the cases of a proper name ... I hope it helped a little

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TABLE, noun. A piece of furniture in the form of a plate reinforced on legs or other supports or a plate with a horizontal surface for placing objects

TABLE, noun. Low cabinet, the upper plane of which can be used as a table

TABLE, noun. Place for eating; also translated. lunch, food

TABLE, noun. Transfer, special diet, a set of foods eaten

TABLE, noun. Transferred. institution, department

TABLE, noun. Outdated. throne

TABLE, noun. Outdated. wedding feast; feast

TABLE, noun. Food, table contents

TABLE, noun. Geogr. mountain, high ground with a flat top and steep slopes

TABLE, noun. Tech. part of a machine tool in the form of a plate that serves to accommodate and fix workpieces

TABLE, noun. Cosm. spaceship launch pad

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

TABLE, table, m. 1. A piece of home furniture, which is a wide surface of boards (wooden, marble, etc.), fixed on one or more legs and serves to put or lay something. on him. Round table. Desk. Dinner table. Lombard table. Kitchen table. Toilet table. 2. The same as the table top, in contrast to the underframe (table.). 3. Place for lunch, food; transfer lunch, food. set the table (see set). dial on the table (see dial). collect on the table (see collect). remove from the table (see remove). submit something. to the table or on the table. what is in the oven, swords are all on the table. proverb. sit at the table (sit at the table to eat). Get up from the table (finish eating). Speeches were made at the table. I was alone at the duke's table in armor. Pushkin. - where did you go? - In the cellar ... get milk for the table. Goncharov. Keep your table (dine at home). He was the smallest landowner, he ran to dinner at other people's tables. Dostoevsky. I don't keep a table at home. Goncharov. (The governor) receives a table, a room, and an undefined salary. Chekhov. Last month, about one and a half thousand rubles came out on one table. Goncharov. a widow prepares a table for the dear guests. A. Koltsov. when Pyotr Ivanovich asked for dinner, he was told that the table had not been prepared. Goncharov. At Dusot (tavern) they prepare gloriously anniversary tables. Nekrasov. || transfer, only units Nutrition; diet. Healthy table. She (the pike) got bored with the fish table. Krylov. Meat table. Vegetarian table. Diet table. 4. Department in the institution in charge of some n. a special narrow range of cases (official station). Personnel table. Pre-order table in stores. Information desk. Address table (an institution in cities that registers residents and issues certificates of their addresses). Lost and Found (police department, where they are sent for conservation and where lost in in public places and by whom. found things). The serf table of the civil chamber (old). 5.In ancient Russia - throne, reign (history). Yaroslav sat down on the table of his father Vladimir. Kiev table. Rod-de our from Rurik, they themselves sat on great tables. A.N. Tolstoy. Keeping a table - feeding strangers with meals at home for a fee (outdated). (Lies) on the table (about a person; colloquial) - trans. died (but not yet buried). The widower admiral lies on the table, a distant relative is rolling to bury. Nekrasov. Arriving in my uncle's village, ours is already on the table, as a tribute to the ready land. Pushkin. Curve table (joking saying) - uptr. in cases where salt is forgotten.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

TABLE, m. (To lay?) Household utensils, for luggage, setting what. In the table, they distinguish: a tabletop, a top board, and an underframe, and in this: a strapping (sometimes with a drawer) and legs, sometimes with spacers. According to the model, tables are: rectangular, long, round, coal; sliding, spreading, etc. of different sizes; about one leg, on pedestals, tripods, and usually on four legs; by appointment: dining (banquet), writing, under the mirror, lombard (gambling), restrooms (or toilet), tea rooms, etc. Tailor's table, shelves. The third (fifth) player is under the table. Money on the table, and go home. | Lunch, supper, meal. Their table is good. Party table. He does not keep his table, does not dine at home. Lean, modest table. Table and tablecloth, architect. bread and salt, treats. Whenever you come to them, there is always a table and a tablecloth. They do not refuse a table-cloth. On the table, money for the table, for lunch, the wedding custom: at the first masturbation, before drinking, there is a bargaining with the groom's father, how much money is on the table, masonry, table money, and upon agreement, they beat on the hands. Set the table, prepare to go out, for lunch or dinner. Sit down at the table, sit down to eat; sometimes for a card. The gentlemen have not yet risen from the table. They have an open table, they dine without being called. Keep a table, feed for a fee. The table was half-table, Kirsha; at half lunch. Look at the tables, old. at the order of the king's table. Russian table: hot (cabbage soup, borscht, soup) and botvinje; cold (beef, jelly, fish, aspic); fried, roast; a fish; pies (kulebyaka, kurnik, hearth, etc.), porridge (sometimes for cabbage soup), sweet pie, different. snacks. He did not eat, but he sat at the table. Not everyone is at the table, others are under the table. Someone is seated at the table, others are driven from under the table. The thirteenth does not sit down at the table. Put the fool at the table, he and his feet on the table. Drink at the table, do not drink at the pillar. Past the table the road of the pillar (not everyone is called). The table will be set up and forced to work. Bread on the table, so the table is the throne; and not a piece of bread - so the table is a board. A knife fell from the table - there will be a guest, a spoon or fork - a guest. Does not cry at the table, will cry at the stake (the bride at the bachelorette party must cry). Money for the table, and the hut for open space (from matchmaking: table money). | Table, old. and the church. throne, capital, place of residence and rank of the sovereign or saint, the pulpit. Sitting on a table (not on a table), being a sovereign, a saint. I'll take Costantia's table, Prologue. Table of the great reign, chronicle. Paki with entreaty brought the archbishop Moses to his table in Saint Sithia, Novg. chronicle. | The desk, in the offices, is a well-known category of affairs, run by one official, with an assistant and scribes. The serf table of the civil chamber. Who has this case in his desk? The table also means. in the dining drawer. Women's work table. Pine table. The capital was covered in the entire ward. | Small table, top plane of the face of valuable stones, plane of the crown. Charochki walk around the table, song. The dining room, to the table, things, objects are related; dining room, the same, or to the table, dinner, food related; capital, to the table, to the throne. Dining room, sliding underframe, with dining rooms, inset boards. Cutlery, dishes. - money, for the table, food; wedding conditional payment by the groom's father, for wedding expenses. Dining estates, old. app. assigned to the royal table, a kind of appanages. - linen. - wines, plain, white and red. The capital city is the chambers. Dining room n. g. peace where they dine, table, refectory. Dinner, table attendant, spiritual. schools. Column M. will belittle. Folding table. The money changers sit behind so many. The cash table. | Old. throne. The king (Gregory) accepted him, and the capital (metropolitan) gave him Kiev, chronicle. | Church. and old. seat, chair, bench or stool. The mad wife is gray at the doors of her house, on the capital, Proverbs. And put the capital of Petrov, and sede, chronicle. | Capitals, bonfire. black mushrooms, boletus. Stolchak, locker, luggage bench; | latrine seat, or walk-through chairs, ship. -kovy, referring to it. Countertop, tablecloth. | Joiner working furniture, tables, chairs. | South. novoros., changed. We have the whole village table-top, they take them out to bargaining. -nice, tiles, dining room board. The table top is solid oak, over a yard in width. The table top is glued, on dowels. Marble window sills and countertops. The table top is removable, folding, drop-down, etc. app. board, on which they tear down, cut, crumble. To cover a small fish in the capital near the Svetlitsa, song. The capital, capital, patronal city, the main, the first in the state, where the supreme government resides, the sovereign. Capital city. The life in the capital is hectic. Factory, metropolitan: conduct and withdraw. Steward, old. court dignity, caretaker at the royal table in general; the room attendant was at the table of the royal family. | Stolniki, hard. diners, or guests at the table. | Yarros. countertop, tablecloth. Stolnikov's hat. Capital rank, rank. - to play, serve at the table; | to be a steward. As the tsar eats at the tsarina's, the tsarina's stewards are stolniki at that time. To eat, dine, dine, sit at the table, dine, have a meal; feast. - where, with whom, to live on bread, on a ready-made table, grub. -wang Wed dinner party, feast, feast; | wedding feast, after the wreath. Table m. Sowing the largest rye bread, which is deliberately baked for the wedding; | generally rye bread, which always lies on the table, as if in hello to the incoming. | Vologodsk. bonfire. a kind of juicy round pie, stuffed with pancakes, oatmeal, turnips or potatoes, with hemp juice. Joiner and southern app. carpenter, artisan for carpentry work, for clean finishing of wooden things, for interior decoration of rooms and wooden utensils. Sotolyarikha, his wife. Stolyarov, -rikhin, that they are personally; carpentry or -type, to this craft, carpentry related. Carpentry,-to-do, to engage in a craft, this business, carpentry. Carpentry, carpentry carpenter's workshop, working hut, establishment. Stallmeister astrakh. pronounce equestrian, cook, cook, letting food home. Clerk, head of the clerical desk, category of government writing; -nikov that personally him; -nie, -shy, referring to it. - to act, to be in this position. Table-turning, - rotation, which has entered in modern times into the custom of mesmeric or magnetic communication to soulless objects of self-propelled force, as it reports, for example. and electricity, magnet, etc.