Georgy Kurbatov about his heroic relatives. Georgy Kurbatov - Christianity: Antiquity, Byzantium, Ancient Russia

My grandfather Kurbatov Georgy Alekseevich, my dad's dad, participated in the Second World War. During the war, he served in Moscow, in Smersh (short for "Death to spies!"). Has awards: medal "For the Defense of Moscow", medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

My great-grandfather Golovin Alexander Andreevich, grandfather of my mother. Born on August 6, 1918 in the city of Zmeinogorsk. Was brought up in an orphanage. He graduated from the school and the mechanical department of the Altai Mechanical and Technical College. In September 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army, served in a separate tank regiment as a tank driver. From June 26, 1941 served on western front... He finished his service as a member of the 213rd separate Red Banner Order of Kutuzov of the II degree of the tank brigade in October 1945 near Berlin (Potsdam). Was shell-shocked, burned in a tank. He was demobilized from the army in October 1945.

Awarded with medals: "For Courage", "For the capture of Konigsberg", "For the victory over Germany."

Archival document on awarding Alexander Andreevich Golovin with the medal "For Courage"

After the war, he came to Kolyvan to visit relatives, where he met with my great-grandmother Nina Danilovna Golovina. After the war he worked as director of the Kolyvan stone-cutting plant.

During the war, grandmother Nina worked in the rear, at the Kolyvanstroy mine, at the processing plant, and at logging. She has many awards. Five years ago she was awarded the 65th anniversary medal Great Victory, and this year a jubilee medal for the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The modern Russian Navy is going through a period of modernization and re-equipment. To replace combat ships that were built during their existence Soviet Union, new modern combat ships are coming. The focus is on attack warships and submarines, which form the backbone of any modern fleet. However, in the arms race, one should not discount technical support ships, without which the fleet loses its combat effectiveness and efficiency.

Mine defense ships continue to be one of the main elements of any fleet, and Russia today is making desperate attempts to replenish the ranks of its fleet of this class. The main combat unit in the structure of mine protection formations should be a Project 12700 ship.

What is the newest vash pr 12700 for the Russian fleet

The mine defense ships that are part of the current Russian Navy are mostly old Soviet-built ships. Modern requirements that are imposed on the conduct of a mine war at sea have indicated the need to create a combat vessel of a completely different type. The new minesweeper must be completely invulnerable to mine weapons and be able to effectively deal with the mine threat in the coastal sea zone.

The novelty consisted in the use of structural materials completely new for warships for the construction of the ship. The new base minesweeper, which received the code "Alexandrite", was designed by the Central Design Bureau "Almaz". The idea to create an anti-mine ship has long been in the circles of the country's top naval leadership. Only in the zero years the technical task began to take shape in a real project, which received an index of 12700.

The new base minesweeper of the "Georgy Kurbatov" class should become the main combat unit for searching, detecting and destroying mines of all classes and types at the base of the fleet. The construction site for the new vessel was the Sredne-Nevsky shipyard. The series received the production code BT-730. The lead ship of the series, the Project 12700 minesweeper Aleksandr Obukhov, was laid down in 2011. Almost three years later, the newest base minesweeper was launched. The result of the work of the St. Petersburg shipbuilders inspired the naval command, so it was urgently decided to continue the series. The very next year, in April 2019, the second ship was laid down, named "Georgy Kurbatov", corresponding to the name of the type of ships for this project.

The base minesweeper of the Georgy Kurbatov type of project 12700 has a composite hull made of fiberglass by vacuum diffusion. The length of the vessel is 62 meters. The minesweeper's displacement is also impressive. Until that moment, all ships made of composite materials had a displacement of no more than 450 tons. The Russian base minesweeper of Project 12700 has a displacement twice as much - 800 tons. Today it is the only combat ship in the world of this size that does not have a metal hull.

As conceived by the creators, the new base minesweeper should become a new generation mine defense ship. The design of the ships of the mine-sweeping group was based on the concept of “hunting for mines”. The emergence of new types of mines in the armament of fleets, equipped with multi-channel fuses of a combined type, posed a threat to a warship of any class. The new mines were insensitive to the existing types of sweeping equipment, so it was decided to move from massive trawling to the blind directly to the search for mines and their destruction.

The main design features of the project 12700 minesweeper

Thanks to the fiberglass hull, the ship has a reduced background of physical and electric fields, reducing the likelihood of non-contact mines being triggered. Unlike steel hulls of ships, a fiberglass structure can last 30-40 years without losing its basic physical and chemical properties. Project 12700 is considered the most successful development of Russian designers over the past decade. The practical experience gained in the use of composite materials for the construction of warships can lay the foundation for the construction of warships of other classes, designed to operate in the coastal sea zone.

To create a composite hull, for the first time at a shipyard, the latest equipment was used, which is a pilot production. The production complex created from scratch is unique in its kind and has no analogues in Russia. The technological capabilities of the equipment complex provide the ability to create monolithic fiberglass hulls up to 80 meters long. Such a case has a number of obvious advantages:

  • strength comparable to steel structures;
  • long service life;
  • minimal technological maintenance;
  • light weight compared to steel structures of similar size.

The composite hull is ideal for installing a new anti-mine circuit on it, which, together with the latest hydroacoustic stations, significantly increases the survivability and combat capability of the ship. The new anti-mine circuit is installed on the ship's hull and on portable underwater vehicles towed by the ship. In addition to novelties in the field of mine detection, the new minesweeper is also equipped with traditional sweeping equipment, contact and non-contact trawls. A set of anti-mine equipment and weapons is included in a unified control system, which has received the short name ACS PMD. The mine action system is controlled from the ship's command post.

A novelty in mine action equipment is robots that operate autonomously or with the help of television equipment. The minesweeper is equipped the latest system positioning and can search for mines even with excitement up to 5 points.

In the process of creating the ship, the features of the high buoyancy of the fiberglass hull were taken into account. The new ship has a buoyancy margin of 70%, in contrast to the traditional 50-60% buoyancy margin for most military vessels. It was possible not only to create a seaworthy, strong and stable vessel, but also a maneuverable battleship.

The "Georgy Kurbatov" type combat ship BT received a powerful power plant for equipping. Diesel engine with a capacity of 2500 hp should provide the ship with a maximum speed of 15 knots. The cruising range at an economical course is 1500 km, which is quite enough for prolonged combat work in a rather vast water area. The sailing autonomy for the new ship is determined at 10 days, which is quite enough for the ship's crew of 41 people.

The anti-mine armament of the newest minesweeper is supplemented by an AK-306 30-mm artillery mount, portable Igla air defense systems and two large-caliber 14.5 mm machine guns on turrets.

The future of the new minesweepers of project 12700

Following the second ship of the BT series "Georgy Kurbatov" in 2019, with a difference of three months, two more ships were laid down on the stocks of the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard, which are currently at different stages of construction. The ship "Georgiy Kurbatov" has not yet been commissioned. Cause of delaying change battleship there is a fire on the ship, which damaged the interior of the main building. Today, restoration work is being actively carried out on the ship. There are prerequisites to use the main components and assemblies of the damaged ship to speed up the construction of two other ships of the series.

The firstborn of the series, Project 12700 base minesweeper, is on combat service as part of Baltic Fleet... The performance characteristics demonstrated by the new vessel indicate correctness technical solution and the course of design thought. Combat ships made of composite materials can serve as the basis for a mosquito fleet armed with missile weapons.

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G. L. Kurbatov, E. D. Frolov, I. Ya. Froyanov

Christianity: Antiquity, Byzantium, Ancient Russia

1988 is a jubilee year for the Russian Orthodox Church. It celebrates its millennium this summer. Preparations for the jubilee are in full swing: a special commission headed by a workers' presidium chaired by the patriarch himself is operating, literature dedicated to the approaching date has been launched.

In modern conditions, the preparation of the Russian Church for the jubilee celebrations and, of course, their holding are aimed primarily at achieving an ideological effect. The fact is that the clergy intend to celebrate, in fact, not so much the millennium of the Russian Orthodox Church as the millennium of the “baptism of Rus”, thereby giving the celebration a nationwide sound. With the help of sophisticated, but alien to science, presentation techniques historical facts, the mystical interpretation of the adoption of the Christian faith by Russia, the ideologists of Orthodoxy are trying to present the establishment of Christianity by Prince Vladimir in the ancient Russian society as a turning point in the history of Russia. That is why church leaders, intending to “prayerfully celebrate the millennium of the baptism of Rus”, believe that they “together with all the people” will “celebrate the millennium of our domestic culture and literature” (Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, 1982, No. 1, p. 6). If we add to this that the ancient Russian hierarchs, as the newest clerical historians assert, “directed their influence on the organization of the state, the strengthening of central power, the imposition of enlightenment and the moral education of the people” (Russian Orthodox Church. M., 1980, p. 11), then the far-reaching conclusion becomes quite obvious: the highest fruits of civilization - statehood, culture, enlightenment - were removed by the Russian people from the church tree. Such is the historical legend created by the zealots of Russian Orthodoxy. To reveal its inconsistency, one needs not general reasoning, full of good atheistic intentions, but a specific scientific analysis of historical facts. F. Engels pointed out that “such a religion as Christianity cannot be done away with only with the help of ridicule and attacks ”, it must also be overcome scientifically, that is, through a historical explanation.

Several years ago, Nikol'skii's History of the Russian Church, written in the 1930s, was republished. The reprint of this solid, but already, naturally, noticeably outdated Marxist work, clearly highlighted one sad fact - in half a century, very few books have been written that combine the depth of scientific analysis of the problems of the history of the Russian Church with a vivid journalism. Of course, all this time, science has not stood still (many important private issues have been investigated - from church land tenure to local heretical movements), but no stage works summarizing the results of scattered research works of interest to a wide range of people have been created. The reader interested in this issue was put on a starvation ration. Arose and took root, as the authors of this book rightly noted, "neglect of the themes of the history of Christianity in our lecture and literary and publicistic practice."

This book is one of those works in which the problem of scientific overcoming of Christianity is solved. Its authors undertook to embody the original idea (in my opinion, there have never been any attempts to implement it) - to show what path Christianity has traveled from its birth and establishment in the ancient era through the Byzantine Middle Ages to the Kiev state. It also solves an important ideological task, since it is directed against distortions of historical truth in clerical historiography.

The first section was written by Professor E. D. Frolov, who is known as a deep and subtle connoisseur of the history of antiquity, the author of works that have received European recognition. His sketch of the history of the emergence of Christianity in terms of depth and clarity of analysis is one of the most successful works on this topic in recent decades. Its most powerful feature is its deep logical alignment. After reading it, the reader will receive a strictly scientific and harmonious understanding of the most complex subjects of the origin of Christianity.

The author examines in detail the historical preconditions for the emergence of Christianity, social conditions and spiritual atmosphere in the ancient world, where this religion was born, the ideological origins and the first forms into which the Christian movement took shape. Historical material testifies that Christianity arose naturally, that is, due to certain social reasons, and not through divine revelation, as the churchmen claim. Answering the question: "Why was Christianity born?" - E. D. Frolov convincingly shows that it was formed in an atmosphere of deep spiritual depression that engulfed all layers of the ancient world. In connection with the decline of local cults, there was a growing passion for superstitions, mysteries that had a mysterious character. Christianity, which appeared just at this time, offered desperate and broken people the illusion of consolation, the hope of salvation, placed on the messiah - "the anointed of God." This topic in Christianity was the basis of its attractiveness, on which the Christian Church subsequently successfully speculated.

The second important question posed in the first part of the book: "From what was Christianity born?" Two streams formed from many small streams - a motley mixture of Eastern cults (Cybele, Isis, Mithras) and a number of currents of ancient idealistic philosophy (Kinism, Stoicism, Gnosticism) - moved along their own channels for a long time, but then converged and mixed, and this mixture is in the end it turned out new religion - Christianity. She adapted for her own purposes many of the spiritual values \u200b\u200bdeveloped in previous eras, from moral norms and fragments of philosophical trends to literary traditions and methods of psychological influence. Many of these phenomena, significant and powerful in themselves, have multiplied their impact by human consciousnessbeing combined into a system.

For the general reader, much may be new in this section. The Church in general, and the Russian Church in particular, has worked hard to instill in the minds of people the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sublime exclusivity of all its elements - rituals, calling them nothing but "sacraments" that arose under the influence of God's dictate. Therefore, for another reader it will be unexpected, for example, the striking similarity between the rituals of Christianity and the Mithraism that arose much earlier, well described in the book - sacred ablutions, communion with bread and wine (the body and blood of Christ!), Overshadowing oneself with a symbolic sign, and which the Christian sign of the cross is guessed, finally, the coincidence of the main holiday of Mithras with the day of the birth of Christ. The discovery of such borrowings debunks Christian sacraments better than any frontal criticism.

The section clearly traces the paths of the gradual degeneration of the original Christianity, as a result of which wealthy elements prevailed in the Christian communities, through whose efforts a solid church organization was created.

So, Christianity came into being and took shape. What was his path to Russia? The main link of this path is medieval Byzantium, which adopted Christianity in the first centuries of the new era and, a millennium after its birth, transmitted this religion to Ancient Russia.

In the second section of the book, penned G. L. Kurbatov, one of the largest Soviet Byzantinists, traces the fate of Christianity and church organization within the framework of that special semi-antique-semi-medieval state, which was the Empire of the Romans. The formation of the Byzantine church organization, its originality, the role of church councils, the formation of Christian Orthodox dogma - that is main topic the second part of the book.

Byzantine Christianity has traveled a difficult path over a thousand years. From the early Christian ideals of goodness, non-acquisitiveness and forgiveness, it came to the idea of \u200b\u200bGod's chosenness of Byzantium and the Byzantines, and then stayed for a long time, continuously evolving, in a variety of Christological disputes that gave rise to Nestorianism, Monophysitism, iconoclasm, godliness, and so on. mysticism abundantly flavored with miracles, followed by already at sunset Great empire On the stage of Byzantine life, hesychasm appeared, demanding from a person complete detachment from earthly concerns, leading the believer to an extreme degree of permanent religious exaltation.

Using a broad historical material, G.L. Kurbatov reveals the specific features of Byzantine Christianity and the Church, which, unlike Western Christianity, were characterized by a certain democracy and greater tolerance for paganism, which in no small measure determined the adoption of Christianity by Russia from Byzantium, and not from countries of Western Europe.

Three years ago, in April 2015, the first new generation mine-action ship was laid down in St. Petersburg, which was named after the Yelchanin, the hero of the Great Patriotic War Georgy Kurbatov. Who was this brave guy, our fellow countryman, a native of Yelets?

Georgy Dmitrievich Kurbatov short biography

Georgy Kurbatov was born into a family of Yelets workers in 1919. Due to the fact that his father died early, and the sick mother could not put her children on their feet, he and his brother would end up in an orphanage. Later he graduated from college and will work at the chemical plant. At a young age, Georgy is actively involved in sports, joins the Komsomol, and in 1939 he enters the Kronstadt naval school, from where he will be sent to the Northern Fleet, where his war will find him.

The Nazis tried to destroy our northern naval bases, but our sailors fought without sparing their lives. Georgy Kurbatov was appointed commander of the torpedo boat's minders. These boats were a formidable force. With their help, it was possible to attack a convoy, land an assault force, throw a reconnaissance and sabotage group behind enemy lines. The torpedo boats were hunted by enemy submarines. However, it was also possible to inflict damage on boats from ordinary small arms. An enemy bullet, damaging the engine, made the boat vulnerable. But Kurbatov could quickly fix the problem by fixing the motor.

Georgy Dmitrievich Kurbatov participated in the sinking of many enemy ships, and took part in mine laying. Yelchanin especially distinguished himself during the Petsamo-Kirkineskoy operation, when there was a landing in the Murmansk region. Then the boats approached the landing point, but the enemy found them. Kurbatov manages to moor the boat and then begins to cover the landing of the paratroopers. Under enemy fire, the boats began to retreat. Just at this time, Kurbatov's boat was damaged, but to prevent the enemy from getting the boat, the wounded Kurbatov continues to drive the car and with incredible efforts he manages to get the boat together with the crew out of the fire.

For his feat, for courage and heroism, Georgy Dmitrievich Kurbatov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition, for services to the Fatherland, Kurbatov was awarded the order Lenin, the Gold Star medal, the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree.

In the postwar years, Kurbatov continued to serve in the Baltic Fleet. In 1949 he will return to where he will be greeted with honors. For some time Kurbatov worked at the City Executive Committee, but then he left for the position of a mechanic, because he loved this profession above all else. Despite the fact that Kurbatov was finishing his service in the Baltic Fleet, he considered himself a North Sea, so he annually went to his comrades in the Northern Fleet.

Georgy Kurbatov passed away in 1991.

Georgy Kurbatov remained in the memory of many residents of Yeltsk and in the obelisk that was installed in the city on the Alley of Heroes.

Georgy Dmitrievich Kurbatov
Date of Birth 7 april(1919-04-07 )
Place of Birth Yelets, RSFSR
Date of death April 19(1991-04-19 ) (72 years old)
A place of death Yelets, Lipetsk region, RSFSR, USSR
Affiliation the USSR the USSR
Type of army Soviet Navy
Years of service -
Part 1st torpedo boat division of the torpedo boat brigade of the Northern Fleet
Battles / wars The Great Patriotic War
Awards and prizes


During the Great Patriotic War

In the postwar years

Until 1949, Senior Lieutenant G. D. Kurbatov continued to serve in the USSR Navy. In 1954 he graduated from the Oryol Party School. He lived in the city of Yelets. He died on April 19, 1991.

Awards and titles


Ratings and opinions

Our losses in the battles for Liinakhamari are minimal, taking into account the breakthrough through the three-mile firing zone, where every meter of the area was shot and shot by the enemy in advance. And we have not lost a single ship. Even the boat of Uspensky (from Shabalin's group), illuminated when leaving Liinakhamari by the glow of gas tanks burning on the shore and thus came under the aimed fire of enemy batteries, managed to get out of the shelling. The damage to the boat was severe. The most serious thing is that the steering has failed. The commander and all the personnel behaved with full consciousness of duty.