Summary of the lesson on the subject "man and the world." topic: "the main rules of good relationships" (with a presentation) - class notes - catalog of articles - speech therapist at home

Christina Tsagaraeva
Abstract open class "Me and the world around"

This material will be useful for pedagogues-psychologists, teachers of additional education.

Objectives: the development of group dynamics, the rallying of children in the group, the development of the cognitive sphere, the removal of muscle and emotional tension, the development of a sense of empathy.


Development of auditory-speech memory;

Movement coordination development;

Development of attention;

Decreased aggression;

Improved mood.


apples, sheets of paper with a drawn square and sheets of paper with a drawn circle for each participant, blank sheets of paper, balloons (2-4 pcs.).

Course of the lesson

I. Introductory part. Organizing time... Acquaintance with children.

1. Game exercise "Name-clap".

Leading: Hello guys! How smart and beautiful you are. I am glad to see you all today, and I would like to get to know you better and make friends. But first, let's remember the rules of behavior in a group (children pronounce all the rules). And now it's time to get acquainted, I will say my name and slap it, for example, Kree - (clap, Sti- (clap, Na (clap, after that, the rest of the participants must repeat my name and clap, then the next participant also calls his name and slaps him, and so on until the end. So we met. You are all so different, now we will talk about us. I invite everyone to sit on chairs.

II. Main part.

2. Exercise "Apples".

Leading: “When do people harvest? What time of year is it? Guys, look what I brought for you in the basket (apples in the basket). Take each of you an apple, try to carefully examine it, remember its color and spots. Then I will take your apples, mix them with others, and each of you must find your apple among the others. After the child finds his apple, the psychologist gives it to the child and invites everyone to stand in a circle.

3. Game exercise "We grow in our garden ...".

Leading: Guys, now we are going to play an interesting game where we will learn to memorize. Children stand in a circle. The game begins with the host. Leading: “Where do vegetables grow? Now we will remember what vegetables you know. The presenter begins with the words: "We have potatoes growing in our garden", the person sitting on the left repeats his word and adds his own, for example, "We have potatoes and carrots growing in our garden, etc." The game continues until the game returns to the host. Well done, you all coped with the task, and now let's see how skillful and dexterous you are.

4. Game exercise "Merry balls".

The facilitator divides the group into two teams and asks each team to stand in a circle and join hands. Now I will give each team one ball, your task is to keep the ball in the air without unhooking your hands, you cannot just hold the balls, they must be in the air, you cannot raise the dropped ball. After that, one more ball is launched for each team, in the end, the team that can hold the most balls wins. The game continues until one of the teams disengages their hands, or until all the balls fall to the floor. Leading: Well done guys, now I am convinced that you are skillful and dexterous, in fact, friendship has won.

5. Game exercise "If we were artists."

Leading: Guys, now we will imagine that we are artists, for this I will now divide you into two teams. Each team will have its own task. Children of one team are given sheets of paper with a drawn square, and children of the other team with a drawn circle. Children are encouraged to come up with and draw as many objects of a certain shape as possible. (round and square). Leading: What good fellows you are, real artists!

6. Game exercise "Festive fireworks".

Leading: Guys, each of us deserved salute today, but in an unusual way. Each child from the group takes a piece of paper and tries to depict with its help his state, mood. Paper can be crushed, crumpled, chewed. You can't just draw on it. At the signal of the leader, everyone transmits their mood to the neighbor on the left. He also does something with his neighbor's paper and, on a signal, again passes it on to the next one, and so on in a circle. It is desirable that after the completion of the exercise only small pieces remain from the sheet of paper. The presenter invites the children to make a festive fireworks out of them.

III. Final part.

7. Relaxation exercise "Pick apples".

Leading: Guys, imagine that a large apple tree with wonderful big apples is growing in front of you. The apples hang very high and cannot be easily reached. You see, there is a large apple hanging in the upper right. Let's try to rip it off, stretch your right hand as high as possible, rise on tiptoes and take a sharp breath. Now pluck the apple. Bend over and place it on the grass, now exhale slowly. We do the same with the other hand.

Reflection of the current lesson.

What were we doing today?

What did you like most about the lesson?

With what mood do you end today's lesson?

Leading: Guys, we all deserve a round of applause today, let's applaud each other!

GUO " high school No. 42 of Vitebsk "

Theme: "The main rules of good relationships" Lesson type: combined.

goal: to form the child's ability to choose the desired style level and use expressions appropriate to speech etiquette and behavior.


  • teach respect for yourself and others;
  • develop connected speech of students, teach them to accurately and figuratively express their thoughts and feelings;
  • to educate attention to the side of speech, which is associated with a kind, respectful attitude towards a person, education of politeness.

Lesson equipment: multimedia, textbook, envelopes with tasks, visual material.

During the classes
I. Organizational moment.

Defectologist teacher: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We have guests at the lesson. What do you have to say?

Children: Hello!

Defectologist teacher:

See if you have everything ready for the lesson?

What would you wish each other for the lesson to go well?

II. The main stage of the lesson.

1. Checking the passed material

Now the one who will correctly name the words-greetings will sit down. (Children call)

a) hello
b) good morning
c) good afternoon
d) good evening

Teacher-defectologist: Guys, today we will be traveling around the country of the "Main Rules of Good Relations". And together with us will travel the elf Razumeyka and the wise dwarf Vasily. Gonom Vasily got lost in our country, so we must help him. And in order to help Vasily, you must correctly complete all the tasks that Razumeika has prepared for you.

Teacher-defectologist: So are you ready?

The first task of Reason "What are the rules of behavior with which you are already familiar" (slide 2)

Children call the rules:

1. To be healthy in the morning with family, teachers, classmates, friends and acquaintances.

2. To thank, to say always thank you. Do not be rude to adults and classmates.

3. Apologize if you accidentally pushed someone, did something wrong.

4. To behave culturally at the table at a party and at home. IN public transport, cinema, theater.

5. To be polite and friendly to people around you.

Checking (slide 3-6)

Well, you have coped with this task and our gnome Vasily is one step closer to his home.

Before we continue our journey, let's move a little. (slide 7)

2. Physical education.

Get up, pull up,
Two - bend, unbend,
Three claps in your hands,
Head three nods,
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands,

Six, sit down quietly.

Teacher-defectologist: Guys, you are already familiar with many rules of conduct.
And today you will learn about the main rules of a good relationship. Before you know about them, you must complete the following task from Razumeika. (slide 8)

The assignment is read by the student: listen carefully to the text and answer the teacher's questions.
Teacher-defectologist: This text describes the situation that happened to the boy Igor. (slide 9)

Working with the textbook p. 94-96

Questions to the text:

1. Why did no one want to play with Igor?

2. Reason brought you a task in an envelope and each of you must choose the right words,

which characterize the boy's behavior.
Music sounds: (words: Plyatskovsky M., music: Savelyev B.) ... "If you are kind, it is always easy."

Check (slide 10)

We analyze the word "ignorant" (slide 11)

Teacher-defectologist: Until the 16th century, "vezha" meant "expert", one who knows the rules of decency, the generally accepted forms of expressing a kind attitude towards people.

And if you add the prefix "some" to the "vezha" part. What happens? The result is an ignoramus.

What does the word "ignorant" mean? (rude, ill-mannered person)

3. What did the old man teach the boy?

  • You cannot do and wish others what you yourself dislike.
  • Good always returns good.
  • Evil returns as punishment.

4. After the boy learned these rules, what did he become? (Children answer)

Teacher defectologist: what does it mean to be kind?
(Children give their own answers)

4. Physical education for the eyes "Astrologer"

5. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge

Defectologist teacher: (slide 12)
Well guys, it's time to check how you have learned the new rules of good relationships, so you must complete the following Razumeika's task: “TORN NOTES. The rules of conduct are written on the notes so that they are formulated in two parts. Children need to restore the torn notes by choosing the right parts for each other.
And you coped with this task correctly, and our dwarf Vasily got to his home (slide 13)

III. The final stage

1. Summing up

a) What rules did you learn in the lesson?
b) What new word did you learn
Children answer

2. Reflection

A circle from the sun is attached to the board, rays of yellow and blue... The rays must be attached to the sun:

  • yellow - I really liked the lesson, received a lot of interesting information;
  • blue - the lesson was not interesting, there was no useful information.

Teacher-defectologist: I am glad that you enjoyed the lesson, you did a very good job, and for helping the dwarf Vasily find his way home, he gave you a surprise, what do you think? What do gnomes love more than anything else? That's right, gold. Children get chocolate coins wrapped in gold.

This concludes our lesson, but everything that we talked about today should always be with us.

To develop the outline, I used tutorial on the subject "Man and the World", by O. Kh. Seredinskaya.

Culture of good neighborliness

Topic: Homeland and World

Lesson objectives:

    Educational :

    • bring children to the realization of the concept of the Motherland;

      to reveal some possible forms of manifestation of love for the Motherland;

      to acquaint with the symbols of the Russian state;

      expand the horizons of students;

      enrich their vocabulary.

    Developing :

    • educate a humane, creative, socially active person

    Educational :

    • promote the development of interest in the history of their homeland;

      to form children's interest in their "small" Homeland, respect for the culture of their native country;

      to create an emotionally positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings: love and devotion to the Motherland, a sense of pride in the heroic past of their Motherland.


1. Organizational moment

The bell rings brightly, He calls the children to the lesson.
Here they are already, Forming a slender row.
Now all quietly sat down And did not touch the neighbor.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson

I bring to your attention an excerpt from the song. After listening to the passage, you will have to answer the question: "What will be discussed in the lesson today?"

An excerpt from the song "You are my Motherland - Russia"

Who guessed what we are going to talk about today in the lesson?

3. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson

Can you imagine how the topic of the lesson will sound?
- What are we going to repeat today? Study?
- We are starting to study a new section "Russia is your Motherland". And we begin our section by studying the topic "Homeland - what does it mean".
- Today in the lesson we will talk about what the Motherland is, how people express their love for their native land, what does the Motherland mean for a person?

4. Acquaintance with new material

We have a common roof over our heads - blue sky.
- We have a common floor under our feet - earth surface.
- We all have one lamp and a stove - a gentle sun.
- We have a common water supply - these are rain and snow clouds.
- And now listen to E. Serov's poem "My House", prepared for us by Shvets Vladimir.

E. Serov "My house"

I have a wonderful home.
There is not a single wall in this house of mine.
Only there is a ceiling - blue - blue,
There are only many roads - know, walk on any!
My house is very huge - from sand to ice!
It's good that I'm not alone at home.

What kind of house is the poem talking about?
- That's right, this poem says about our planet Earth.
(Slide 8)
- We live on this planet.
- On this planet there is a place where you and I were born, live, work, study, our relatives and friends live here.
- What's the name of this place?
- This is our

Formulation of the problem

Think guys and try to answer the question:
- What is Motherland?

(Compilation of a cluster on the topic "Homeland")

There can be many answers to this question:

Homeland is the country in which we were born and live.
- Our Motherland is Russian forests, fields, seas and rivers.
- This is the land on which our ancestors lived and worked.
- The land that our ancestors protected from enemies.
- Homeland is our land, city, village.

Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "Homeland".

Guys, tell us about how you showed your Motherland in your drawings.
- What do we call the Motherland?
- The guys will answer this question with the words of a poem, which is called
"What do we call the Motherland?"

"What We Call Homeland"

What do we call the Motherland?
The land where you and I grow
And birches along which
We walk next to mom.
What do we call the Motherland?
The sun is in the blue sky.
And fragrant, golden
Bread at the festive table.
What do we call the Motherland?
The house where you and I live
And the starlings of spring songs
Behind the open window.

- Have such stories happened to you when you were homesick?
- Why does a person miss home?

Conclusion: a person gets used to his home, where he is always comfortable and good, here they are waiting for him and miss him.

Homeland is also native home people, therefore a person cannot live without his homeland.
Homeland is a place where you want to return again and again.

Vocabulary work

The text of the story contains the wordforeign land .
- How do you understand this word?
Chuzhbina Is a foreign country.
- The words
Homeland andforeign land are opposite in meaning.
- Mikhail Prishvin said: “... Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe and mountains. And man needs ... Homeland. "
- Every person needs a homeland. The proverbs say how carefully and with what feeling the people treated their homeland.
- You've probably heard this proverb:

"Everyone has their own side"

What proverbs and sayings do you know?

"Houses and walls help." "A native side is a mother, a stranger is a stepmother." "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song."

What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?

"Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for it."
The homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more expensive than gold. "

Game "Make a proverb". Working in pairs

On the table are cut cards with proverbs. Children discuss in pairs and make up proverbs.

Where someone is born, a foreign land is a stepmother. To live - to serve the Motherland. Homeland is a mother, it will come in handy there.

Continuation of vocabulary work (work with explanatory dictionaries) (

- Do you think these words are similar or different in meaning?
- All these words have a common meaning. They all designate the place where a person was born, where he lives, works. He studies where his family and friends live.
MOTHERLAND, FATHERLAND, FATHERLAND. With these words we call our country - Motherland.
- Where did the word "MOTHERLAND" come from? Let's listen to children who have found words in dictionaries that are close in meaning to this word.

The word "MOTHERLAND" comes from the ancient word "ROD", which denotes a group of people united by blood kinship. Each of us is a descendant of some ancient family. Rod - the god of Slavic-Russian mythology, the ancestor of life, the spirit of ancestors. Patron saint of family and home. In honor of this god, the main city of the Ross tribe is named - Roden (Relatives). The words are also close in meaning: to give birth, parents, relatives, pedigree, homeland, people.

We live in Russia. This is our Motherland. So who are we? We are Russians.
- Russia is the largest country on Earth. It occupies one-ninth of all land. Russia is located in two parts of the world at once: in Europe and in Asia. Its territory is so large that it takes almost a week to travel by train from west to east.
- Russia is called a rich country.
Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary explains:
The rich is the same as the abundant, containing a lot of something valuable ”.
- What is Russia rich in?

Russia is rich in forests;
minerals (oil, diamonds, peat, coal, granite, sand and clay, iron ore);
monuments of architecture;
people who have become famous.

Tatyana Kazankina - Olympic champion in track and field athletics, a native of the city of Petrovsk, our countrywoman.
Yu. A. Gagarin - pilot-cosmonaut, hero Soviet Union,
Svetlana Savitskaya - twice Hero of the Soviet Union,
Oleg Tabakov - People's Artist of the Soviet Union, our fellow countryman.
Alla Perfilova (Valeria) - Honored Artist of Russia, singer, our countrywoman.
Vladislav Tretyak - Honored Master of Sports, hockey player, deputy State Duma and many others.

4. Physics minute "We are children of the big planet"

5. Symbols of our Motherland. Work

Name the capital of our country.
- Who is the president of our state?
- Each state has its own symbols.
- Name the symbols of the state.
- The inhabitants of our country have their own coat of arms, anthem and flag.
- You will now be divided into three groups. On the tables you have worksheets with information on the topic, illustrations, photographs. Your task is to prepare a message about the symbol of the country: coat of arms, anthem or flag. (each group has its own symbol)

6. Working with the heading "Picture gallery"

Look at the pictureI. I. Levitan "Evening Bells".
- Let's imagine that we are sitting on the banks of this river, listening to the melodic bell ringing. It is getting dark. Peace and quiet all around. This is how the artist I.I. Levitan imagined the Motherland.
- Now listen to the song
"Red Sun", Sl. I. Shaferan, Muses. Aedonitsky performed byL. Zykina .
- What a feeling for the Motherland L. Zykina conveys in the song "Red Sun" to the words of I. Shaferan.
- And you guys, how can you express your feelings for your native land?
- By their deeds, actions: to help the elderly, to take part in the protection of nature.
- Even the smallest contribution of each person bring results. Be kind to your land. Be a friend and conservationist. Take care of flowers, trees and bushes. Do not give offense to animals and birds. By doing this you will help preserve the unique beauty of your native land. The homeland will be rich, and the people will be happy.

7. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge

1) Drawing up a presentation of your city. Creative work. Working in groups

Imagine that aliens come to us and ask you: "What does Petrovsk mean to you?" Try to explain to them as briefly as possible, but the most important thing is to make them want to visit here. (On the tables, plan cards

2) Solving the crossword puzzle. Working in pairs

1. The country in which we live.
2. The capital of our Motherland.
3. President of Russia.
4. How many stripes are on the Russian flag?
5. What was the name of our country before?
6. What is it called regional city?

8. Lesson summary. Reflection

Five Finger Method

M (little finger) - thinking process.

What knowledge and experience have you received today? What surprised you?

Pupil: We learned what the Motherland is. Russia is my homeland.
Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. It is in our country that a large number of reserves are located, there are many minerals, forest and water resources.
Each person should love and protect their homeland, take care of its cultural values, be proud of the achievements of their people.

B (nameless) - the proximity of the target.

What did you do today? What have you achieved?

Pupil: We read poems, a story, called proverbs and sayings, explained the meaning of the words: Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland, native country; worked in a notebook, played the game "Make a proverb".

FROM (middle) - state of mind.

What was your prevailing mood, state of mind today?

Pupil: I was in a high, cheerful mood.

Have (pointing) - service, help.

How have you helped today? What made you happy? How did you contribute?

Pupil: I answered the teacher's questions.

B (large) cheerfulness, physical fitness.

What was your the physical state Today?
- What did you do for your health?

Pupil: I was awake. In the lesson, we did a physical education minute.

Teacher: Well done guys, you did a good job in the lesson. Please listen to the poem "Take care of Russia" by E. Sinitsyn.

(The song "Where the Motherland Begins" sounds quietly. At this time, the teacher reads a poem.) Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia.

Objectives: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat nature is; to teach to distinguish objects of nature and objects of the man-made world, to classify them.

Planned results: students will learn to evaluate their own attitude to the world around them; distinguish between objects of nature and objects of the man-made world; draw conclusions from the material studied.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects of nature and objects of the man-made world, presentations "Types of Nature", "Creations of Man" (video clips, pictures, photographs are possible); students have colored tokens.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Knowledge update

- What do you know about your city or village?

- State your address.

- What street is your house on?

- Who knew how old your house is?

- What decorates your home, creates comfort and warmth?

(Drawing competition "My House". You can use CMMs (tests 2, 3, p. 7-8).)

III. Self-determination to activity

(On the board are pictures depicting objects of nature and objects of the man-made world.)

- Guys, look closely at the board. What two groups would you divide these subjects into? (What is in nature and what is made by man.)

- What do you think, what is the topic of the lesson today? (Answers of children.)

- Read the lesson topic on p. 14 textbooks. (Nature and the man-made world.)

- What kind learning objectives set before us? (Learn what is related to nature and what is related to the man-made world.)

- Read the lesson objectives in the tutorial.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation, work on the textbook

- Guys, look around. How many objects surround us! Discuss what we refer to nature and what does not apply to nature. (Answers of children.)

Nature is the whole diverse world that surrounds man and exists without his participation. We refer to living nature as plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, to inanimate nature - stones, water, air, etc. Some of the objects around us were created by man himself - these are artificial objects, products or things. These include cars, clothing, dishes, furniture, buildings, etc.

- Look at the photos on p. 14-15. Cover with green tokens that belong to nature, and yellow ones that are man-made. Check the correctness of the task with each other.

- How did you understand what a man-made world is? (What is created by human hands.)

2. Completing an assignment in a workbook

- Play words with a neighbor on a desk: one names objects of nature, and the other - a man-made world (in turn). Who will name more words. Then switch.

- Fill the table.

V. Physical education

Game "Nature is not nature"

(The teacher names an object or shows a drawing with its image. If the object belongs to nature, children clap, if created by man, they stomp.)

Vi. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

(The teacher shows the presentations "Types of Nature", "Human Creations." If there are no presentations, you can show videos, photographs or pictures.)

- What feelings does what you see evoke in you? (Admiration, surprise with nature, pride in a person.)

Now let's talk about a person's attitude to this beauty, to the world around him.

(The class is divided into groups.)

- Look at the pictures on p. 16-17 of the textbook. Discuss in groups a person's attitude to himself and to other people, to nature, to the man-made world.

- Answer the questions for the pictures.

(Group discussion. Then each group answers one question.)

- What conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said? (Answers of children.)

- Read the conclusion made by the Turtle.

Vii. Reflection

(Students answer textbook questions (page 17, box).)

(Students take out one of the signs and explain their choice.)

VIII. Lesson summary

- Read the lesson objectives again. Check if we have complied with everything.


2. Workbook: No. 2 (p. 5).