Benefits for pupils of schools on railway tickets. How to get a discounted public transport ticket School train ticket

According to statistics, over 40% of Russian citizens use railway transport. For socially unprotected groups of Russians, the state has provided benefits for electric trains: federal and regional.

Each region independently determines who will receive the discount, depending on the level of the local budget.

Features of preferential travel on electric trains

Privileges for travel on electric trains are provided at the local level, but regional authorities can only supplement the “federal” list of beneficiaries.

Reduced fare - purchase or reservation of a free one-way or round trip ticket on the basis of a special document;

  • at the station ticket office;
  • self-service terminal;
  • electric train.
A one-way ticket is valid for one day according to the date + one hour of the next day. If the passenger also travels "back", it is valid for the next day. Weekends and holidays do not count. Reservations are made 10 days before the trip.

How to confirm your benefit at the federal level

These include:

  • Veteran or disabled person of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Hero of the USSR or Labor;
  • Former minor prisoner of fascism with and without an established disability;
  • He worked during wartime at objects related to air defense, the construction of airfields, defensive structures, or was a member of the crew of ships of the transport fleet;
  • Former liquidator of the Chernobyl accident;
  • He lived in besieged Leningrad.

You can confirm the right to privileges with the following documents: a certificate of a veteran of labor or the Second World War, a book of a Hero of the USSR or of Labor, a certificate of a Chernobyl disaster. On their basis, the Pension Fund issues a certificate of social benefits within 10 days.

If a person wrote an application from September 1 to September 15, the privilege will be valid from September 1. An application completed after September 15 to September 30 entitles you to free travel on electric trains from October 1.

The application is filled in with your own hand or electronically at state portal services. Also, in each city there are multifunctional centers that provide assistance in paperwork.

Privileges for federal beneficiaries

Privileges for travel on commuter electric trains can be established both at the federal and regional levels.

In order to receive a discount on travel by train, you must have a document confirming the right to receive a privilege in the form of free travel.

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State support for disabled people

The following persons have a 100% railway discount from the state regardless of place of residence:

  • War invalids;
  • Disabled people who were held captive by the Nazis in childhood;
  • Children and grandchildren of disabled people who died during the hostilities;
  • Disabled persons of the 3rd degree, disabled children and accompanying persons.

A person with a persistent disability or his parent, in addition to a disability pension, has the right to:

  • To issue a social package in the Pension Fund, which includes privileges when using trains;
  • Refuse this service, replacing it with monetary compensation.

This confirms this benefit: for a minor - a certificate of disability, for an adult - a certificate of a disabled person of group 3.

Child with disabilities and his parent can travel for free on vacation and back. If the sanatorium is provided in a few years, and the family lives in the province, it is not advisable to issue this privilege.

Travel for military personnel

On the basis of a service certificate and a transport requirement, servicemen and their families can use rail transport free of charge.

Grounds for using the privilege:

  1. Going on a business trip (when transferring to a new duty station).
  2. They are sent to the place of rehabilitation leave.
  3. They move to another place of residence (in case of dismissal from service).

The conscripts and military cadets have free travel to the place of additional leave. Contractors serving in the Far North, as well as in the Ural, Far Eastern and Siberian districts go to the place of the main vacation free of charge and return from there.

The military medical commission has the right to appoint an accompanying person for the military if the state of his health requires it. Such a person also uses the train free of charge, accompanying the military to medical treatment or home.

The transport request contains the destination and arrival stations, the initials of the military and his relatives, the type of carriage and the purpose of the trip.

Who else has the right to use free trains

Suburban rail travel is paid from the state treasury if the passengers are:

  • Members of the Federation Council;
  • Deputies of the State Duma;
  • Persons who lived in Leningrad during the Blockade;
  • Labor veterans;
  • Rear operators who have worked in war conditions for at least six months;
  • Citizens exposed to radiation during the Chernobyl accident;
  • Railway employees;
  • Citizens working in transport prosecutor's offices;
  • Non-departmental railway security guards;
  • Victims of political depression.

What is the basis for travel at the expense of the state: certificates of a member of Parliament, a certificate of a railway employee, a certificate of the siege of Leningrad, a book of the Hero of Labor.

Railway discounts for pensioners in the regions

At the regional level, retirees buy tickets free of charge (central regions) or with a 50% discount. To do this, you must present: in Moscow and St. Petersburg - a social (transport card), in other regions - a pension certificate.

The transport card is issued by the social protection authority for 5 years on the basis of an application, passport, pensioner's certificate and insurance policy.

Pensioners who do not use trains have the right to refuse the reduced fare and receive additional money to their pension every month.

Until the summer of 2015, the privilege extended not only to suburban electric trains, but also to the Moscow metro. In 2019, underground trains are fully paid for by pensioners if they do not have federal benefits.

Petersburg pensioners are not obliged to pay for the metro. To do this, they need to present their passport and pensioner's ID at the cash desk.

If a pensioner is registered in the Far North, he can apply to the Pension Fund once a year:

  1. For monetary compensation for a ticket purchased for a vacation trip.
  2. With an application for the provision of such a travel document at the expense of the local budget.
Money is paid every two years on the basis of a voucher to a sanatorium, a rest home, a tourist base or a dispensary. Its size does not exceed the cost of a reserved seat carriage.

Regional support for students and schoolchildren

The general condition for all subjects is the limited season travel discount, i.e. students only from early September to mid-June are entitled to use it.

50% of the ticket price is paid by:

  1. Schoolchildren and boarding school students;
  2. Full-time students of institutes and technical schools;
  3. Cadets of military schools;
  4. Children from large families (registered in Moscow and under 16).

Documents for the purchase of preferential train tickets: a certificate from the school or student cardas well as an identity document. In the central regions, a social card can be issued for a child, according to which he will move not only on trains, but also on the metro.

Instead of one-time trips, it is better to get a monthly subscription. With it, when buying, you do not need to present student documents every time.

Thus, in Russia, many categories have reduced fares. This kind social support significantly helps the poor.

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Discounts for travel on trains for students and schoolchildren

March 2, 2017, 12:20 pm Mar 3, 2019 13:49

Over the years, schoolchildren have been able to enjoy various benefits provided by the state. The year 2017 is no exception. This year, schoolchildren are also provided with various discounts and benefits so that they have the opportunity to receive a decent education and choose their specialty in the future. In order to assess the level of state concern for the younger generation, let's take a closer look at what benefits schoolchildren have and what is needed to take advantage of them.

Train ticket discounts

All students russian schools have the right to reduced fares, that is, the cost of train tickets for schoolchildren is lower than the regular price. However, in order to get a discount and buy train tickets at a low cost, a number of rules must be followed. First, students between the ages of ten and fourteen must provide a student certificate from school or college to qualify for travel benefits. If a teenager aged 14 and older wants to take advantage of the discount, then together with a certificate he must provide a document confirming his right to do so.
These rules are valid only during school hours, that is, from September 1 to June 15. To buy a Russian Railways ticket with a discount in the summer, a student must pay fifty percent of the cost of a regular ticket. Students are not provided with reduced fares during the summer. This is a forced measure. Previously, the discount was provided to schoolchildren all year round, but there were many cases of attempts to deceive Russian Railways employees - teenagers who had already graduated from school tried to buy train tickets at a discount or even travel for free.

What do you need to get benefits?

Russian schoolchildren are entitled to reduced fares on all types of public transport, be it buses, metro or trains. From the age of seven to ten, it is easy for students to get a discount on travel. But after ten years, special conditions for obtaining a discount apply to schoolchildren. To buy tickets in Moscow, Astrakhan, Volgograd or any other city at a discounted price, the student must provide the following documents to the employees of Russian Railways:

  • Passport (or other identity document);
  • Student certificate from an educational institution;
  • For students over fourteen years old - a statement with a note stating that the student has the right to receive the appropriate benefits.

To prevent attempts to deceive Russian Railways employees, a certain format has been introduced, which must correspond to the certificate provided by the student. The student document must contain the following:

  • The stamp of the educational institution;
  • Full name of the student;
  • The signature of the person in charge (usually the headmaster or his deputy);
  • Details of the educational institution and legal address.

When providing the specified documentation and its compliance with the established format, the student gets the opportunity to buy Russian Railways tickets at a special price determined by the norms for this year.

Read more on how to issue a train ticket for a child.

Interesting about benefits for schoolchildren for the current year

In 2016, schoolchildren had the right to enjoy benefits when purchasing tickets for all types of railway transport, including electric trains. But many experts agreed that this is not entirely advisable, since many regions are now inclined to decide to abandon this type of transport altogether. Therefore, it is not yet known whether schoolchildren will benefit from commuting benefits this year. But it is obvious that students will be able to purchase tickets for long-distance trains at the usual low cost.
Please note that schoolchildren can use the reduced fare only on standard long-distance trains. No types of discounts and benefits for students apply to trains and carriages of increased comfort.

What other discounts can students of schools and other educational institutions expect?

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, students of schools, colleges and other educational institutions have the right to use all the benefits provided by the state to this category of persons. In addition to the reduced cost of train tickets, students have discounts on all types of ground public transport, with the exception of taxis. Also, a discount is provided for air travel for schoolchildren under the age of fourteen. High school and college students must provide all of the documents listed above to qualify for discounts on air travel and ground transportation.
With regard to food benefits in educational institutions, then there have been some changes. Previously, students in grades 1-11 had the right to receive free meals. This year, only students are eligible for this benefit. primary grades... Students in grades 5-11 are not eligible for free meals.
However, all schoolchildren, regardless of age, have the right to buy discounted tickets to theaters and museums, as well as other cultural and educational institutions, whether they are commercial or public.

Who are they? What discount is available? Does its size depend on the region of residence?

We will consider these issues in our article.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact a consultant:


(St. Petersburg)

It is fast and is free!

Legislative regulation of the issue

The issue of granting discounts on electric trains is regulated by the following rF laws:

  • Federal Law “On Education”, which provides for the possibility of using railway transport with a discount;
  • Federal Law "On Veterans" indicating the right to free travel on commuter trains;
  • Federal law on the provision of social benefits for certain categories of the population.

It should be noted that most of the bills on this issue are envisaged at the regional level, since it is the local self-government bodies that decide on the allocation of this type of state support for “local” beneficiaries.

Who is entitled to benefits

Not all pensioners of our country can use free travel on the train.

Beneficiaries are:

The amount of aid and modes of transport

In addition, it has the right to free (no more than 2 times a year) travel free of charge on any type of railway transport in both directions for medical treatment or rehabilitation.

On international trains there is an opportunity buy tickets at half price.

As for regional beneficiaries, their discount is determined depending on the region of residence.

How to get the

To be able to purchase tickets with a 100% discount on commuter trains, such list of documentation:

Regional features

Consider the provision of benefits in various regions of our country.


In the capital, only other categories of citizens who are equated to them can use free travel. Of the mandatory additional criteria are need for permanent residence in the city.

Tickets can be issued after the Muscovite's social card is presented. In the absence of this card, a ticket can be issued upon presentation of a passport and a document that can confirm the availability of privileged travel rights, as well as a certificate of issuing a social card (the document has a validity period of 30 calendar days).

You can issue a ticket in both directions, subject to a direct trip to the capital. Moreover, the benefit applies to trains of all categories.

In addition, if necessary, registration ticket for interregional express trains you will also have to present a document that confirms your identity and benefits.

On the directions OJSC "TsPPK" since July 2014, it is allowed to purchase non-cash tickets not only on the day of departure, but also in a preliminary version (up to 10 days).

In addition to the above, you can get a ticket completely free such categories:

  • citizens with status;
  • citizens who were recognized as victims during the period of political repression;
  • minor children under the age of 16 from;
  • children from large families up to the age of majority who are studying in educational institutions;
  • , including children who, for whatever reason, were left without the care of biological parents (who are in private or government agencies capitals intended for such minors).

Citizens of retirement age who do not fit the above categories must pay for the ticket in full. An exception is travel by train in the Vladimir region during the summer period of the year (from May to the end of September).

Moscow region

You can buy tickets with 100% discount on regular trains such categories of citizens:

  • labor veterans;
  • military service veterans;
  • home front workers;
  • recognized as rehabilitated during the period of political repression.

St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg you can buy tickets with a discount of 85% only during a certain period of the year.

Orphans, including children who for various life circumstances were left without the guardianship of biological parents and are studying at the same time in educational institutions of St. Petersburg, have every right to receive a discount of 100% of the ticket cost. Moreover, the rule is valid throughout the entire calendar year.

To use the discount need to prepare:

  • certificate of a pensioner or an electronic card "Single personalized ticket", which is installed in St. Petersburg with mandatory filled in white fields;
  • a passport or a document provided by a local registration office for residents of the Russian Federation without a permanent place of residence (it is not necessary to provide if there is a photo in the "Single personalized ticket").

It is allowed to issue a ticket at a discount for all routes on the day of departure of the train or in advance.

Leningrad region

Get the opportunity to use a discount of 85% citizens of retirement age and who are the indigenous inhabitants of the Leningrad region have throughout the entire calendar year.

Have the right to get a discount citizens with a rank:

  • labor veteran;
  • home front worker;
  • rehabilitated or recognized as victims during the period of political repression.

For students and schoolchildren

Final amount of discount for this category of citizens depends on several factors:

  • where the train will follow;
  • what route.

Travel discount is provided for the whole educational process (valid from September to mid-June). The discount amount is 50% of the ticket cost.

To be able to use the discount, you must meet certain criteria:

Initially, you need to know that the benefit is a regional, therefore, not all students are entitled to.

For example, in the Republic of Crimea, the privilege is granted exclusively to students of this peninsula.

In other regions:

  • only students are prohibited from discounted travel in the capital extramural form learning;
  • in the Pskov region, all students are entitled to a discount until the end of the educational period (until the end of June);
  • some regions even allow the possibility of using a discount on high-speed trains.

Design nuances

It is necessary to remember about such nuances:

  • some regions use a preliminary form for obtaining a reduced fare (you need to issue a ticket 7 days before the trip);
  • a discount ticket can be issued using a student's or a student's social card;
  • it is possible to issue a monthly pass with a 50% discount.

For example, in the capital you can issue a ticket after presenting a Muscovite card.

For this reason, it is necessary to find out in advance about the intricacies of the process of purchasing a ticket with a discount at the railway ticket offices of your region of residence. This is due to the fact that local governments can make any changes.

For discounts on commuter trains for students of St. Petersburg, see the following video:

Discount ticket is a travel document issued at a reduced cost. The procedure and conditions for granting benefits are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Discount travel documents are issued only at the request of the passenger, upon presentation by the passenger of documents confirming the right to discount travel.

Pay attention: All privileged passengers are required to issue a ticket at the box office or ticket machine, even if the ticket price is zero ... Otherwise, the cashier-controller on the train will be obliged to issue a ticket with a fee of 100 rubles, or the privileged passenger will be obliged to issue a ticket at the destination station at the exit ticket office or ticket machine with a fee of 200 rubles

Who is eligible for reduced travel?

What documents do a beneficiary need to issue a ticket?

The documents required to issue a discount ticket may vary depending on the category of the benefit and the region providing the benefit. In most cases, two documents will suffice:

  • identity document;
  • a document confirming the right to a benefit.
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Who is entitled to free travel for an accompanying person?

The following persons have the right to free travel for an accompanying person (travel together with a disabled person):

  • Disabled people of group I, as well as citizens recognized in accordance with the established procedure before 01.01.2010, disabled people of group II and III, having limited ability to work in III degree (until the next examination),
  • Disabled children.

Where can I get an Express travel document with a seat?

Can I buy a discount ticket in the mobile app?

Where can I find out about the available benefits for traveling on electric trains?

What trains have a discounted single ticket for students?

What kind of season ticket can a student issue?

Which trains are the student pass valid on?

The pass for students is valid on ordinary commuter trains (trains of the 6000th category).

On express trains (trains of the 7000th category) both without provision of seats (REKS, Sputnik) and with provision of seats, the pass for students is not valid.

What does a student need to apply for a preferential subscription?

Where can I get a student card?

Which regions can students purchase a discounted ticket?

Do children have benefits?

On commuter trains without seats (both in regular and in express trains), the passenger has the right to carry free of charge children under the age of 5 years, as well as children aged 5 to 7 years with payment at the child fare.

How much does a student ticket cost?

In different regions, schoolchildren can be issued with different types of travel documents at different costs.

According to existing agreements on the territory moscow, Moscow, Tula, Kursk and Bryansk regions, students of general educational organizations (schoolchildren) are provided with a discount on tariffs for travel by railway transport of suburban traffic in the form 50% discounts from the current tariff.