When ships are returned to the harbor. Corvettes of the Baltic Fleet returned from a long campaign when warships will return to the harbor

Waiting for a little delayed. Apparently the Siberia stars was delayed due to the powerful storm in the sun. Even on Earth, covered with a thickness of the atmosphere, the devices began to be overwhelmed, unresponsive people, speaking, which is not all in their power, and with space will have to be reversed. There was a wonderful weather, the most height of the summer. It was warm and cozy. Until the evening there was still enough time. I gathered on the cosmodrome, and it was mostly young people, did not very much seal such a delay. A rather large mass of people waiting for the landing of the ship, spontaneously dispersed in small groups, and lively discussed issues related to this epochable event, whose witnesses they would all want to become.

A young man came out of the control board of the cosmodrome, and quickly overlooking his eyes on the sides, stopped her gaze on his peers who were not thought of the entrance and moved to them quickly. The guys looked forward to him with impatience, and when he appeared backwards her jokes and talk on common topics.

Well, what do you say there? - The young, very pretty girl asked, with lush, brown-colored hair.

Oh, light, the lights are as always irresistible! - Smiling widely, unexpectedly, and not to the place expressed her attitude towards her a young man.

I always have when I see you, the rest of the questions become very small, and so somewhere strangely evaporate.

Two other guys have fun and strangely laughing. And on their faces, in addition to the will, an ridiculous expression arose. They understood it perfectly well, but nothing to do with me. Light, only nicely expressed surprise, as if asking a look: - Is it so? It was an irresistible female coquetry. And the Bessels, who played in her eyes, burned the guys finally.

Well, what will we discuss me? My hair, figure, - said flirtary of the world, and immediately tried to show interest in the cosmodrome, but, without preparing a serious tone, laughed.

Volodya, you think about something I wanted to tell us? - She asked seriously through laughter.

Yes, of course, for what I ran there. Boris Nikolayevich will soon come out. And "Siberia" will soon land, it remained to complete several landing maneuvers, which because of the storm had to be deposited. Imagine maybe it will be the last landing of the starship in our history.

Who would have thought that such a thing that could happen, "one of the guys praised, and Svetlana, with an enthusiasm, he dreamed of the idea launched, - imagine, after many, many years, not without a share of romance and pride, we will tell our grandchildren about it. ...

That's for sure. As now BN tells us about the flight of Gagarin, - added Volodya.

At this moment, everything came to move on the cosmodrome. Boris Nikolayevich Zvyaginsev, the legend of space science appeared from the front entrance of the management building. He was already far in a hundred years, and only a thick hat of gray hair spoke about his age. His movements, they were all also young and gusts as when he was twenty, and he witnessed the same, an epochal event, when for the first time a person only spoiled from his native nest, on a small and yet completely imperfect spacecraft. On such a small - as a children's cradle, in which it was even difficult to turn, but who made his main thing - confidently moved the process of knowing the mysterious and mounted space forward. And from this, the endless movement of mankind for the advanced land in the darkness and emptiness of the universe, for new knowledge, in the search for other worlds, everything, accelerating and accelerating, opening and approaching new and new horizons unknown.

With Zvyagintsev, there were many guests from the capital, but here, on the cosmodrome, the main thing, of course, he was. He was idol, God and authority, but if anyone else is still, but this is already depending on the mental state of those who watched him. Everyone was waiting for what he would say - a man of the old formation, who was more than a hundred years old, a huge experience, and from which it was possible to expect not only bright technical solutions and breakthroughs in separate areas of science, but also such philosophical generalizations that are not available yet Youth, due to her youth. In his head, soul and heart, accumulated and intertwined huge amounts of most valuable information. He was something to compare, he could decompose as a lot of the fact that was not given to others, to his younger colleagues.

The stand was opposite the entrance and the present immediately involuntarily reached closer to it, so as not to miss a solemn moment - a moment, when a new era, the development of the universe, will be announced.

Zvyagintsev easily rose to the stand and without preparation, immediately threw emotionally over the heads of the gathered powerful appeal:

People! Comrades! Brothers! We are standing on the threshold of an amazing, fascinating, time, which should finally bring happiness to all on our planet. The need for a humble person in the knowledge of the world and self-development receives unlimited possibilities. We are already starting to fully and widely use the power of human spiritual energy. Thanks to this, everyone has the opportunity to be creators. Not in vain was spoken in the Bible: "Certain a person in the image of our and like our likeness." The semblance was originally laid in a person, but not yet fully implemented until time. And now, the era of consumption and came the era of creation, the creation is in this and there is the highest meaning and the image of the intention of the Most High, and the essence of nature itself. We have so far been only babies - our whole civilization in general. We were like infant children, immediately after birth, could only consume. The baby at birth can not yet and does not know how to create, he only eagerly consumes everything for his height, but with time is growing, it begins to act independently, acquiring the ability to work. So humanity should have been sooner or late to grow from diapers of infant consumption and acquire the image and similarity of the Almighty Creator of the World. Go from the reflex give! - To reflex on! The Creator is a parent, experiencing endless pleasure and happiness from creation to give, give and give. He creates, giving up to be happy and do others happy. But people still could not afford to be happy creators, because they were limited to the framework of limb and lack of matter. In order to create something, it was necessary to take something from someone.

And now, thanks to the development of spiritual energy, these frames moved away. We have already learned to teleports to two hundred kilograms, which gave us the opportunity to abandon the extensive method of mastering the space and even return our last and the Siberia spacecraft closest from the ground to put it in the museum as an exhibit, together with others.

Now much of what people spent many years and even their lives turned out to be not necessary. Finally, all without exception will be able to truly touch the world and independently work creativity, because the synthesis of matter in any place, the form and form of physical vacuum is already following on the threshold of global discoveries. Yes, there are still restrictions in this, but they are connected only with our mental and spiritual state. You know, it is impossible to give children to indulge with fire. It's time to grow up, comrades! Try as far as possible becoming people with a capital letter, because, happiness of knowledge and happiness to create, the greatest achievements and the necessary condition to be a person and given to us as a gift from over, - he froze for a moment, looking somewhere outside the horizon.

Watch and rejoice, - Boris Nikolayevich stretched out his hand, - Now we will meet our last starship, because a person is no longer needed and walkers, we get up and start walking like people.

Siberia appeared on the horizon, as a point, but very weighty for human history. The starship quickly approached and the noise of its engines has already filled the surrounding space.

Having rolled down the landing strip and throwing brake parachutes, he stopped slightly smoking. All those who were ready to run to him, but the voice of the dispatcher was powerfully stopped the gust that gathered the youth. The starship had to give a little cool, and the dispatcher gave the team to drag off the stripper at the permanent place of his parking - to the museum that was at the end of the strip, to the other of the same raritets of space development.

And all, not in a hurry, went to the museum to touch the frozen focus of the history of the expansion of the universe.

A few kilometers who had to go through those present were the opportunity to establish a starship in place, where he cooled from the "hot cosmic winds", who had recently blowing it on the scene after the victorious race. He stood like a huge, beautiful liner at the airport, but only with a smaller number of portholes and with a burnt, smoked trim, on their sides, speaking to everyone: "Do not compare me, please do not confuse with homemade breams - I'm not a home pussy, I am a tiger who returned for some reason back to the aviary. I am born for wildlife and space is my element. "

It became dark, the silhouettes of people lit up with even light, lighting everything around, from which the cosmodrome was light and cozy, as if it was not a landing strip for spacecraft, and the pedestrian zone in the city, intended for rising citizens, where the measured, leisurely, was heard Rhythm, tapping heels, so well binding in the evening.

Everything is not in a hurry, it began to approach Siberia and clapping it on cooling some more warm parts, and bypassing around it, and with her and with the whole era of the development and knowledge of the cosmos and the surrounding world, discussing further prospects and slightly About romance of pioneers with them: the dangers of flights, the joy of discoveries, and with nationwide love.

Light was not in a hurry, the guys were walking nearby, which involuntarily hardening a car that interferes with others, more hurried, because of which the waves of hurrying to meet with Siberia was washed with multi-colored luminous fluxes, creating picturesque twists in the total flow of people. But for this young company, the center of attention was not a starship, but a fragile girl who was the greatest of all the secrets for them and much more attractive than space. For walking next guys, it was an endless and mysterious cosmos of feelings, still not at all open and not bad, and maybe he will remain for them until the end of their days.

And why in the West, nothing turns out, what do you think? - Suddenly asked a question one of the guys.

I do not know, Igor. Boris Nikolaevich says they did not grow spiritually. They have a split personality, "Volodya replied, as if the question was asked him.

In the sense? - Igor was surprised. The rest in anticipation of the answer looked at Volodya. He thought slightly.

In the sense that ... - He again silent for a while, turning out thoughts, - Or maybe it's about what he just said: "They have not grown out of the diapers and they have only grazing reflex - Give! "

You want to say, "Igor began to reflect, - that the use of spiritual energy is creativity, and not a consumerism? But the expression itself "Using spiritual energy" is also more like consumption - paradox!

Lights unexpectedly laughed, and, taking under the hands of Vladimir and Nikita, so the name of the third guy, asked Lukovo: - And to love - is it what - to consume or give?

This, to give up to the last drop, I am ready for my beloved for everything, Nikita spoke rather gloomily.

Sveta! Do not distract from the topic, "Igor immediately tried to break the new discussion," the question is very important. What is the priority? And, by the way, it depends on what love will be with us.

And we have no love yet, - fun laughed light.

I mean not from us, but for all people, at least in the union of the Union, Igor became a little angry.

Boris Nikolayevich, says that the capitalist image itself carries split and contradiction in itself, in order to enjoy foreign labor, it is necessary to use all sorts of defaults. That is, I say one thing, but I mean the other. I say, we will do together, and I mean that you will work shovel, and I will count the number of abandoned shovel and money that I get, and so on. And with this approach, the information that comes on request for execution to the nosphere does not receive an accurate destination address for execution and remains, as a result, without incarnation. And it is not possible to determine the point of reference and destination to pave a straight end line. Where is the truth, and where is the lie, where is the real purpose, the addressee? This is something like that, "Vladimir expressed quite extensively and a little, and stopped, looking around.

They almost approached Siberia, and the crowd scattered a little. That's where people began to lose their outlines slowly, and melting in their eyes. Their teleportation in the space was very picturesque and charming, just that there was a man, covering everything around his field, and suddenly he melted somewhere, and somewhere he was also unexpectedly unexpectedly, but gently arise and will continue his existence filled with various cases. .

In general, with the development of teleportation, there was less fuss, "Vladimir thought about all this.

Light came to Volodya closely and looked into his eyes, her brown eyes Were widened, she smiled. They froze. It seemed that eternity was descended by a soft covering on them. Light quietly asked, continuing to smile mysteriously, - and you have no split?

I do not have, "Volodya responded with a fading in his heart.

Quite quite? - As if something, very sorry, asked Light.

At that moment someone pushed Vladimir in the side and said, - Raising! It's time to wake up - it was Igor, who was lying next to him in a haymaker, and already woke up, and began to guess. And Vladimir, felt the horsepower in the whole body, and, without opening his eyes, tried to keep the flood-eating in the distance, and the sensations, of that other space, another world, amazing and honeying. It was light on the soul, and soft warm blowing airs, wash his face, continued to relax him, and he wanted to extend this state of happiness that filled it. But the consciousness slowly returned it to reality. He finally realized that he was on the haymaker, the smell of fresh hay with a fragrant shade of a whole bouquet of herbs, most likely: Pijmas, wormwood and the Hyperician, did, of course, it is more pleasant, but at the same time he strongly returned to reality.

Surprisingly, is it really that will ever be? As if I would like to live before. From one thought about it becomes warm in the soul, "Vladimir thought, and unfortunately sighed about the intact of these wonderful, light visions, but by typing the full light fragrant aromatic air of the Senake, suddenly filled with indescribable happiness of momentary being.

Still, how good life is! - He came to the conclusion, and he very wanted to see the light suddenly soon. Where's she? Probably engaged in girls' clothing. They have a lot of work now, there were big orders for dresses again in the settlement. What if they are already on the summer kitchen?

Igor, how much time? - Immediately, as if to come back, Vladimir asked, raising his elbows.

Almost three, - Pulling, muttered Nikita, from somewhere from the far corner of the hatch.

Oh you! - involuntarily exclaimed, Vladimir.

Yes, there is probably there, everything was eaten without us, "Nikita concluded rather grimly. Igor was silent, and slowly slipped along the Seine to the bottom.

Where are you going? Vladimir asked him.

Where where? Everything is there, he may not eat, they know that we are drying here, "Igor replied. All three quickly tearned from the haymaker, devoured from the adhered hay. The weather was wonderful. The sun frying the entire coil, in fact, it was still possible to sneak and soaked, because the heat did not sleep yet. The muscles with unaccustomed did not yet rest at all, and in the whole body was attended by strokes, heaviness and wanted to thoroughly alone and not move, but some internal stronger motives pushed young guys to go more on the summer kitchen, where they may Waiting for not only food.

They came out with a haymow on Hozdvor, there was empty and except alone standing carts, which they carelessly threw, spreading the sides of the neck, having finished unloading the last war with Sen, there was no one and nothing. The men, most likely, right on the technique went to the summer kitchen, this is only three of them west and clearly get to the end of the distribution, if at all costs. But you still have to listen to the ridicule fellow villagers that: "Who yawns, that water is bread." But, very much they were clogged with unusual. In the end, nothing terrible, you can keep up to the house, sleep is sometimes sweeter than honey and more useful and borsch.

Going out for fenced yerdes yard, they went straight through the grove, was uringed for flax, and then the pond with carpami, past the clearing, on which their worker grazed - Mill Milka. Seeing the guys, she joyfully rusted, but continued to slow the earth nervously, since the grass was already all eaten. I had to stay, rearring it, apparently for such kindness to her, she slightly bitten by Volodya by the shoulder, and maybe just begging his bread, and along the kindness of her horse, thus totals attention, leaving a small tag from the teeth.

Well, what are you, what are you! Milka, calm down, - remove a horse's face aside to avoid continuing all sorts of horsepower and rubbing a fresh bite, began to calm her Vladimir, - then I will bring bread to you, "he promised to her finally, and patted her.

Then they quickly along the already prior track, reducing the intricate swirls spread a few kilometers of the picturesque settler, all, accelerating and accelerating the step, jumped out to the summer kitchen, standing on the shore of a small pond with shores in the form of Big Bob. Under the canopy was empty, although there was a single tractor on the parking lot. Everything already, we apparently filed and separated who where, tired of summer heat to enjoy the cool. Two entrances with pergolas by the northern grapes were drawn up at the edges of the terrace, at which he had a large wooden table with a samovar at the end, and the white side of the stove was visible under the edge, and the white side of the stove was visible near the stone wall from the tile Neither soul.

Get hunting! - Suddenly said Nikita.

Nothing. Let's see. Maybe there is something left, - reassured him. And the guys, passing through one of the pergol, moved to the saving stove.

Where are you climbing? Sony! I slept everything in the world, - where the mana appeared from.

I'm waiting for you here, waiting, and you? She pounced.

Oh, Manya! And what did you send, someone from the small for us? - Igor outraged.

Small with Seragia went to swim away, they, by the way, did not eat yet, "said Manya, shook her head and unrestraining him.

It is for a long time, now they will not pull them out of there, "Nikita grinned," it's good that we are not alone, "he continued with some fraction of pleasure.

Igor was awesome looking at Manya, with red hair, painted in braid, laughing, beautiful eyes, and a full appetizing white peer and pink cheeks, as in the paintings of Kustodiev, which provoked it to mischievous thoughts. And he wanted to grab her, which became visible even from the side. Guys frozen waiting, what will happen? Will he decide or not?

But the grandfather crushed, - she happily said and nodded his head towards the pond and the road, according to which someone had just drove.

Very good, "Volodya delighted," I really need it. And this for sure, was he?

Yes, no one more, "Nikita said.

Manya, at this moment, slipped under his hand of Igor, hugs grabbing a white linen tablecloth, and began to cover it on a long wooden table. Igor also began to help her, straighten the tablecloth.

Afraid of grandfather? - flirting with her, poded her Igor.

And what should I be afraid of him? Since you are all gathered, you need to feed you rather, otherwise after all, with hunger, they completely scratch. You have some greedy, with hunger before eating the face has done, "man giggled, straightening the folds on the tablecloth.

Igor is now at all up to food Zhaden. After all, so, Igorek? - Pulled oil into the fire of Volodya.

And what about? - Echlessly asked Manya, sprouting in surprised eyes.

Well, you never know why, - slyly swaying your head, continued Volodya.

And Won is already the grandfather goes, - Manya laughed in response. The guys immediately as the team turned towards the road, where the grandfather appeared on the edge near the grove, hurrying to the kitchen. From his fast walking geese, peacefully grazing on the lawn in front of the pond, burned and, spreading the wings and clapping them for the coolness of the unborn guest, ran to the water, looking for salvation in their native elements. Their cargo bodies one after another looked around in a pond and everything as is a housal, one by one, despair from the shore.

The guys calmed down and sat down at the table, threesome back to the wall, escaping on the faces of boredom and indifference, and modestly arms waiting for food to the table. Silence has come. Manya fled to bother to the stove.

Grandfather swirl entered the kitchen, quite still as it can be seen without cooled from riding a horse. I looked in surprise on those present, - and that's all? And where are the rest?

I do not know, you can see very busy, - Manya laughed.

Oh, and the laughter you, Manya, - not without pleasure, crushed her grandfather, and sat down in the middle of the table, but immediately got up and went to the sink his hands sentencing, - clogged, you need to rinse a little.

The guys also remembered that they were not silent after the haymaker and slowly and it was important to be in line to the washbasin.

Well? I looked at the hay, did you all transported everything? - Santa addressed to the guys.

Yes, we decided to lie today, there are few times, customers are asked to finish debugging their programs next week, "Vladimir explained.

And what about the press pick? - Without paying attention to the explanations of Vladimir, slowly smoothing the folds on the tablecloth, asked the grandfather.

Grandfather, you understand ... - Igor began.

Well, I listen, - Grandfather I waited for a response.

We cannot lose so much time, we need to fulfill our obligations to customers, - Vladimir connected.

Soon Ivanov is the day, by the way. Customers are of course important! And Sloboda, is that, in your opinion? - Grandfather was indignant, because, this is also an obligation, but only no longer before a separate customer, "he made a small pause," and in front of the whole country, before all the union. You understand it?

Maybe even in front of the whole civilization, the man giggled down because of the stove, the rode of dishes, the rest in response tried to keep smiles. The grandfather looked at Manya, came of his eyebrows, and shook her finger.

This, her girl, is permitted, and you are the future men, it is necessary to think, "the grandfather fell silent.

Grandfather, we love you all, "Igor began to calm him," but why are you all the time condensed with paints? " - As calm and peaceful, he tried to convey his thought to his grandfather, and as it was seen on his tone and the reactions of the rest of the guys, not the first time.

I do not thicken paints, my lovely. Yes, I already spoke about it a thousand times. Well, what to repeat again? Then, in twenty-ninth, we were not at all joking.

But nothing happened, "Nikita said.

Almost nothing happened. Thank God, passed by, only slightly struck the atmosphere. But the main thing was not in this, but in what they were then deceived. We hoped ... And when they found out the truth, it was already too late and many even put in pants.

Grandfather, and what are you not afraid at all? - High giggling, asked Manya because of the stove.

I am a fatalist, you know, "the grandfather replied, then, who was spaging a little, added," In any case, my pants were exactly clean, "and laughed, remembering how everything was, and it was already very serious," but it was Very dirty, I confess ... And what are you there, beautiful, sleep or what? "The grandfather hurried his favorite, but man myself had already become the plates herself, and then the soup, and began to spill the soup to the plates.

And where is the bread? - Grandfather turned in her direction, stirring soup with a spoon, - and sour cream? - again he had to remind the hostess about her duties. Finally, the table was covered as it should be, and everyone silently and happy to eat. They ate the first time per day. In the morning, it was not accepted in the morning, and late in the evening too, so better the stomach rest, and the body climbed the body. Tea, of course, could drink, but is it really food? And then, he drank him every day at home, more to quench thirst, or tolery for tea. There were, of course, they have fans to eat, but there were very few such.

Oh, and well done you man! - Moving to the second baked potatoes with vegetables and smoking from pleasure, praised the grandfather mistress. Guys, people said modestly thanks, and fell off the backs of the wall waiting for what would be on the third.

Grandfather! - Suddenly Vladimir appealed to him.

Yes! - answered his grandfather, retarding aside, an empty plate.

This is possible how do you think? - Vladimir began carefully.

What are you talking about? Do not pull, I listen - picked up his grandfather.

I had a dream, - the guys grinned, but Vladimir did not pay attention to it and continued, - fantastic. I saw such a bright future, it is even difficult to retell. And there, in the future, people learned teleportation, but only for some reason we have in the Union, and it was connected with spiritual energy. One person there told me that in the West because of the desire, to pretend to others, the consciousness was divided, and this is exactly what we move forward too quickly like us. Due to this split, they are not correct requests to the nosphere, and because of this they do not work, she does not answer them, and they cannot receive the necessary information that you say, is it possible?

The grandfather listened carefully and thought, then called Manya.

Is you my beauty, about tea quite forgotten?

Manya and in fact, forgot about tea, leaning out due to the stove and frozen waiting, what will happen next. At the very first words of his grandfather, she remembered about tea and about buns and much, much more, about everything that related to her accomplishment in the kitchen, and immediately disappeared behind the wall so that it will immediately appear with a dish filled with dryness, and then With tea in a brew. And everyone together began to be for buns with tea, and the question is and hung in the air.

What is the relationship of teleportation to have to spiritual energy? - Suddenly the silence of Nikita was interrupted, because the matter is teleported.

Do not tell! - Igor objected, - to some extent teleportation, you can call the transmitted, and then the embodied package of information. For example, we are sent to the poelectric different drawings and data packets, and we immediately embody them on printers and machines in the matter, because so? What is this not teleportation?

Well, what does it interfere in this case when the transmission of this data is repaid on others, if I want this? - Nikita objected. Igor was still welding in a cup and went to samovar for boiling water: in thought almost overflowed across the edges on the tablecloth, silently returned to the place, waiting for an answer with curiosity, began to look at silent grandfather.

Teleportation is not the same as the duplication that you just said, "Vladimir did," if we talk about teleportation, you need to talk about the role and continuity of consciousness, and otherwise it's just duplication. Teleportation is so that: I visited somewhere and at the same time I understood that it was me, but not here, but somewhere there is very far and instantly.

Well, you said! I did not understand anything, "Nikita laughed. The grandfather continued to be silent, carefully looking at the crumbs on the tablecloth. Manya approached them, carefully listening to what we were talking about, but, without interfering, sat down on the bench and leaned on the table, sitting a little, just in case, asked, interrupting silence.

Or maybe you still have something to eat?

Standard feminine resolution of the question, - Igor laughed.

I still have some tea, man, - I asked the grandfather. And then, slowly putting tea brought to him, began to reflect:

Actually, teleportation as a phenomenon is possible. The possibilities of the universe are endless, I believe in it. There are such dreams that you wake up and do not know if it was nothing or not? And in such a dream it happens, you fly away, the hell knows where. And what is it? Maybe all our life is the game of imagination, who knows him, there is such a philosophy. But it seems, based on his own experience, the state of the soul still plays a huge role. Here, let's think. Progress is a movement from simple to complex, that is, the complication of anything, which means the synthesis of simple to more complex, and exploitation is a assignment of something that is there ... Sealing and crushing in common, the population of the fruit of general synthesis. Therefore, their civilization inhibits progress and deeply tends to destroy it with all its essence.

But, how then are the achievements that they still have, "Vladimir expressed suddenly.

Yes, there is no contradiction here, "the grandfather explained," does not happen in the universe of homogeneous phenomena, everything is mixed. So they have: not everything is there by nature of their capitalists. Some are assigned and destroy, and others are creating, create, and move progress and get pleasure in it. The only question is who more. When dependents become more, the world becomes the edge of the collapse.

That's how to take and all who sits on the neck to collect together and send somewhere away, - Manya said dreamily.

You are, how simple everything, Nikita grinned on the manines of the words, "how many thousand years have passed, and humanity did not solve this question.

I will ever decide that guys, "the grandfather calmed down," you just need to teach people to enjoy creativity, and not from consumption of material benefits. When everyone understands that even in our entire globe, the amount of matter is limited, and the work is not limited to the work. Create - everyone is good and rejoice. And enjoy free. More ancient epicuretes said: "What is this pleasure, if you have to pay for him." But the main thing in your question is not this, Volodya, the main thing is the nature of the most creativity. In order to come up with something new to make creative fantasy ... In short, any energy, including creative, is born when there is a difference in potentials, in this case different points of view and ideas. I need at least bean information. But, if ... - Grandfather did not have time to finish the thought, Baba Olya entered the kitchen.

Well, that the old man, are you all guys? - she joked, putting on him.

I'm not an old man! I still have five years before a hundred, you know it better than others.

Well, okay, okay, you are not an old man, you are grandfather - not hot. I lost you at all today. Where did you disappear while I hurt with excursions?

I went to see what we have with water on the mountain, and what? He answered.

No, nothing. Just look, there is no my grandfather anywhere. You also need an eye yes, - smiling, she said.

What are you worried about, - Grandfather hugged his wife, - what can happen to me?

You see, mana, what are they guys. We do not find places, and they? "And, by turning his head towards Mani, Baba Olya joking, pushed in the side of her husband's elbow," so you get pretending to be pretty, to your difficult female share. "

Oh, oh, whether it is not easy! - the grandfather laughed.

Manya approached and hugged Babu Olya from his back, who took her hands and, patting them with soft palms, began, jokingly sentenced, - Yes, yes, here we have a share. You try, trying, and no thanks.

Baba Olya, and you do not want, I'm now, mig? - Manya came his senses.

No, I already walked, thank you, Manechka.

Or can tea with buns?

Well, if only drink tea.

Manya, happily ran to the dishwasher behind the cup. The grandfather got up, swaying from pleasure, guys got up behind him.

Well? Let's go, sit on the logs, "the grandfather suggested, and not in a hurry, went with the guys to the pond.

You see, I prevented them, - said Baba Olya Mane.

No, they have already trembled and just chatted here about different things, about some kinds, about ideas, energies ...

Well, nothing, we are now too, I'll joking a little about our, "drinking tea, and looking at the men, go around the lawn in front of the kitchen to the pond, said Baba Olya.

Vladimir immediately went next to her grandfather, so that it was more convenient to talk, the rest also stretched in anticipation of the continuation. Overlooking a little from the kitchen, the grandfather began not loudly, so that it was only audible next to the guys.

Women are a whole universe. How much I live in the world, I open everything new and new in them. They many me to themselves no less space. Manya is very good! Take that guy who will get it. The main thing when choosing a wife is needed to look at her mother and relatives, because a woman is having a stamp of ancestors more than a man. And if the girl does not know how to rejoice, and not satisfied with himself and others, and she has any problems ... And this is still in his youth, what will happen then when family problems add?

Yes, grandfather, we all know, "Igor woven," and that if the parents do not like the parents, then you need to wait and look at, well, and so on ... are you there, in the kitchen something else would like to say?

Grandfather stopped, - Ah, yes! I completely forgot, - and continued to go to the logs lying at the pond around the fire.

Well, send, we will continue our brainstorming, - suggested the grandfather. All got on the logs next to grandfather.

To be born good ideas - it is necessary to have, first of all, a clear and understandable goal. It is like mushrooms to collect. If you and the mushrooms collect and immediately hide them from others, and even traces to take the "not let God" others have found your mushroom places, then most of the fungi will remain not collected and disappear. This is called: "And he himself is not AM, and I will not give another." How do we collect mushrooms?

All together, - the guys answered almost simultaneously.

This is what it is, and even ridiculous, and in a common basket for the kitchen, because so? And when you have more, it turns out, collect mushrooms when you are alone on the woods or when all together?

I now presented that one go to the forest behind the mushrooms, it is difficult to even even express, unless you need to be very necessary if there is nothing at all. The main thing in mushrooms is the company.

And even better, if with the girls, because the grandfather grinned, - just with ideas - it's called a collective mind when you throw your little mushrooms in a large overall basket and from this scale, this common basket has a breath and wants even more Throw mushrooms there. After all, whatever you find a big mushroom - it will still be smaller than the common basket. For the soul you need a space to turn around. If we were sitting only in our yards, and we would not have any general affairs, no workshops, no museum, nor the same in our summer kitchen, but the main sense of our huge huge country, how would you feel? The guys in response laughed.

And, this is the time, as the echo, the same joyful and relaxed laugh of them eaten, which appeared from the grove of men, Toli from an unexpected meeting with their own, simply because of a good mood. And the meeting between them occurred as if they had not seen even eternity.

Oh, grandfather! - Joyfully shouted one of the men, waving his hands up, having greeted the whole company with a time, and expressing such a gesture, natural joy, from an unexpected meeting, then, approaching each of those sitting, greeted his hand, saying, - hello, hello guys.

Hi, Misha! - answered grandfather. Misha was a burn of his grandfather for fifteen years, but they looked at each other, their age was frozen somewhere there, at sixty. Two more men are the same as Misha after him, shook hands to all those present, and sat down near the logs.

What is it talking about? - asked Misha.

ABOUT collective mindthat one head is good, but much better, "answered Grandfather.

This is accurate, "Misha confirmed," in this matter, the main resonance, then usually the result happens. This is how the company goes through the bridge, if everything is in foot, then the bridge will collapse.

That's for sure, the other men left their heads, and began to talk together: that resonance and harmony in this matter is the most important thing. What happens: one you think, you think, and then they are going together together - since everyone decided.

While they sat and reasoned, Manya came from the kitchen, and went to the men. Seeing her, the grandfather smiled, nodding his head in her direction, grinned: "Now you will be harmony, from Mani."

Grandpa, what are you not going to eat? - She turned to one of the men with a red beard, and then to all the rest - and you, grandfather Misha and grandfather Kolya, what are you sitting? I'm waiting for you, I am waiting for me, by the way, still wash and clean the dishes ...

Here is a grandfather Yura, you do not respect your granddaughter at all, - fooling, the men rose from their places, and went to the kitchen.

Something does not work your press picks offline, without an operator. Yes, and without us, well, in no way, turning around, Santa Misha said Vladimir, "again I had to pull out, brunked at the most ears," saying this grandfather Misha went having fun.

Grandfather, maybe you will tell you why I can't work? - Vladimir Santa complained, - I kind of tied and tied to Glanss and even specifically started a step-by-step debugger plan, in case of failure. And something is not all. And all the same place.

Now I can't say anything to you, "answered Grandfather," you need to look and understand if you want, tomorrow morning and do? "

In the morning we will communicate with customers, Igor wedged.

Well, it means that when you free yourself, bother me, I will wait, because it is also impossible to postpone. Soon Ivan Kupala is already and needed to finish.

Grandfather, we lost so much time, well, why do you force us every time you manually mow, and even carry on the horse, if we still almost all hay harvesting the technique. This is archaism and only time loss! - Igor outraged.

Because, you should be able to do it, and, by the way, do not forget that tomorrow we have a forge in the evening, and you, Igorak you will redo your braid. I told you then that it is impossible to do it, it will be hard, and you will peel your nose on all the bumps. What do you think, I have not seen how you mow? - as if not noticing objections, Grandfather said.

Listen, grandfather, what do you want, so that we are in the twenty-first century, instead of moving the brains wrapped the shovel and oblique? Yes, we are so completely loss of qualifications, and all our customers run away from us, and then what do we have to do? We do not want you to spend your life on any archaic, - talked guys at once.

Tsyz, Maalyas, - sharply broke off the Gallege Grandfather. - What do you think you are such ingenious, and without you there will be no progress - or what? Everything is just the opposite, the wider your knowledge, the greater the chances of doing something truly useful for people, - grandfather spoke confidently and outlined, and the escape guys, looking at him, looked at him, hiding his thoughts until better times, because Now on their side there were few arguments, except for the desire to do a favorite thing and not distracted by different little things, in their opinion. Grandfather understood this perfectly, because he himself was so, and was even glad that they were configured to work in business, but could not pass by their misunderstanding of simple capital truths, which were clear as a white day acquired by him for many years by the method Samples and errors.

Are you important customers, it's good, and native and close to you are not important? If you lose them. You will lose everything that is so close to you, and it's only all because of your unwillingness to sometimes learn what you need, and not just what brings pleasure. You are already such healthy foreheads, and still have not learned how to enjoy what is around, because it is so simple: it is only important that it is useful and gave you food for brains. Do you understand? Do you think the technique is all? Highest achievement? For human thought, maybe yes, but not for nature. Its possibilities are endless and only studying it, you can endlessly improve your intellect. You look at these bugs that crawl around. They are perfect. Try to repeat them. And you can not even debug simple computer programs. Everything should be in harmony. And, by the way, nature produces trillions of such bugs not tightening, but because it has a comprehensive process, from the simplest bacteria to a person - everything is improving at the same time. Do you understand? At the same time! - by syllables already pronouncing the last word, finished his speech grandfather.

At his voice and enhanced gesticulation gathered, the harassment of the men and women who came from the workshops, they looked curiously, what is the case, standing by a semicircle around his grandfather and guys who are forced to be silent in mind the superior enemy forces. One of the women, the prenatal species suddenly did not suffer:

Grandfather, do you scold this my grandson?

And you are sorry Natalia, when the elders say, "the grandfather cut the grandfather.

And what should I be silent, I want to know what the child is to blame?

It's not to blame for nothing, just stupid and all, and you, instead of indignant, better help to convey to him to learn.

What can I convey to him? He studied at school and knows everything. I was smarter than me.

Nikita turned to Natalia and said angrily:

Grandma, do not interfere, we will understand here.

The grandfather immediately gave Nikita Podbitol, senoming:

Who is so talking to the older!

The grandfather they gathered, they supported the grandfather, but at the same time the guys patted in the shoulder and good began, speaking themselves condolences, and advising attentively listen to what grandfather gives them, because he always says the case.

Something in our break went, I see! "Suddenly the grandfather Misha said loudly," I would need to return everything to harmony, and calm the dieuner! " - And began to dance.

It's possible! - Women laughed. Baba Olya approached his grandfather and took him at hand.

Well, what are your grandfather? Now Pavlukha will come with his harmonization apparatus, and everything will be fine and everything is normalized immediately - with these words she laughed, showing his hand on the road.

On the way, Pavlukh was walking in space with harmonica, and with him several women and men, also dressed in the parade in the sundresses and white shoes. The fellow villagers met their joyful cries. And Pavlukh, being like a fish in the water, hitting his native fun for him, and picking up the mood in the air, began to play on the farm from afar on the harmonica, the picturesquely stretching furs in the whole breadth. And it was still only the nailers, crowning with gripping misses, but leading the state of the spirit of those who gathered to the overall denominator. At that moment, in the middle of the circle, Grandfather Mikhail had already betrayed the foot of the pretzel. He joined him, having broken off Natalia, hacking his heels. The gathered began to slap into your hands, encading and piercing to ask more lively. Grandfather Mikhail Znorly drank a chastushka about Nataliana's legs, in response he got the same thing about the fact that his feet are also good, but they don't sneak behind them. The jokes fell from all sides, someone sang, someone from the side only checked and all laughed. The men snatched from the crowd of those who gathered women, inviting you to pay with them, and dealt, who will overwhelm, the main thing in this was to ask the necessary tone and the pace and withstand it to the end, without falling out of the total harmony, which had just had a dance. Sometimes Pavlukh started a slow melody, some old dance: then Amur waves, then something else. And men and women were circled in a circle, brightly with their eyes and snow-white smiles. Youth looked shyly on the outside.

For general fun, both bees on honey converge more and more fellow villagers, who finished their affairs in workshops and shops, and the fun with every minute has grown more and more, and with the arrival of new forces only increased the number of couples, swaying even more and more pendulum Universal sincere resonance and fun.

Vladimir suddenly saw Svetlana with girls came up. Vladimir's heart immediately dismissed, spilling around the body, a languishing, sweet wave of different premonitions and desires. She was dressed in a very beautiful lace white blouse. Maybe it seemed to him, and it was just a reflection of his relationship to her and the mood, unexpectedly arise, and hidden fortunately for the rest, but insistently manifest itself in irrepressible courtyard, which in addition to his will resonated with couples in front of him. He also wanted to grab Svetlana by his hand and pull into the circle of dancing, but as if Giri was chained him to the ground. The irrepressible desire of the dance with her, in which he can finally gain long-awaited contact with his beloved and incredible timidity, paralyzing it from the bottom to the bottom, ruined him into parts.

Svetlana saw that he was looking at her, she sacked himself.

Hello, Volodya! She said and got up nearby. There was a silent pause, which seemed an eternity for them. But such sweet eternity that I did not want to interrupt it. And only the inner feeling of awkwardness from the thought that others may notice something wrong in their respect to each other, pushed to squeeze out of themselves, at least some phrase ancillary to this point.

Hello, light! - Forwarding the condition of the in love Paralycha, Vladimir answered with some delay. And the silence came again.

And at that time, Grandfather Mikhail sang Mightwall, famously, sailing in the circle of his peers.

Unspot "Russian" together;
See, delete young
I came in a chance ...

Someone, having broken down from the place and grabbing his neighbors by the hand, started the dance, forcing and others do the same, tightening the rings of the dance, like the whirlwind of an impending hurricane. Movement began with jokes and laugh, then one way to another, changing rhythm and speed. Who did not have time to adapt and dropped out of the common mass, laughing more than all his own awkwardness, quickly returned to the common circle or were picked up by the careless hands, thus supported the unity of all the gathered.

Suddenly, Vladimir and Svetlana also found themselves in this whirlpool of fun and joy. And over all this fun, the bale game of the Pavlukhina Harmony rushed. Vladimir kept Svetlana's hand, fearing to break away from her, but at the same time, to the trembling in his heart, fearing unnecessarily to surpasses her hand, as if he had to keep not a brush of his beloved girl, but a small gentle bird, responsibility, for the life of which she went to the whole on Him and which, as his heart suggested him, should grow into a big beautiful bird of happiness.

Vladimir, such responsibility warmed the soul and gave birth to a desire to protect his girlfriend from everything that her joy could prevent. Holding her hand, and feeling every blow to her anxious pulse, it seemed to him that she was stunned by rapidly developing events and would like to retire from all this coureh. Vladimir snatched her from the dance and ran away to the direction, continuing to keep her hand. He guessed her desire, she sighed with relief.

Crazy, "she said.

Yes, - confirmed Vladimir.

They stood and looked at the dancing, afraid to move their fingers, looted with a clutch. Through which the energy was measured, generating absolutely new mental state for them, and it was very pleasant to mess around this suddenly arising from them the corner of the Universe of Human Relations.

Maybe let's go, go? - asked, a little hoarse voiced ligaments Vladimir.

I am pleased, - said the light, already having a little recovered from what happened.

And they went towards the grove, leaving behind the fellow villagers, having a warm summer evening, which naturally completed their working day, which brought them and labor joys and new problems that now naturally demanded restraints and rest.

Okay! - answered light, turning his head slightly.

Oh, you need to go to the kitchen, "Vladimir suddenly remembered.

Why did you forget anything? - surprised light.

We need to take bread, I promised to bring Malka when I rearranged it, "Vladimir explained.

You have already been late, her Vasily led to the stable, I saw how he walked with her when we came out of the workshop.

So you have to go to the stable, "said Vladimir.

Listen, Volodya, take away a double portion tomorrow morning and she will forgive you, - laughed in the world, - and if you leave me now, I will not forgive you for the second time.

And Svetlana moved away from Vladimir to the side of an elongated hand, so the trees began to interfere with them to go together, Vladimir had to let her go, so as not to go after her.

What are you offended? He asked seriously.

Well, why, studying is study, but you took and left, and if I wanted to stay in Sloboda could be remotely learning. Grandfather, by the way, says that the most best Education This is self-education.

Your grandfather will speak a lot of things. Everyone says that it is necessary to improve all the time and use the maximum to use talent, given more than, and he himself took and threw everything for some museum.

Well, not somehow, and the union meaning, and he did not support the government, by the way - a little offended by his grandfather, Svetlana answered.

And for me, being a cool programmer and a museum of museum are completely different weight categories.

You are right, a lot of programmers, and such acting museums as our still have little, and our first became the first, and he is the founder of a whole new course in science. He developed new principles of survival after the incident of the twenty-ninth year. And now no one disputes his principle of the stability of the system, - Svetlana's slightly indignant.

I probably do not understand something, but why duplicate, what has long been forgotten? - yielding the spirit of rivalry, in addition to his will, Vladimir continued his dispute.

The principle of "embryo" is not duplication. Nature is much more than all that has created humanity, even the human embryo is strangely undergoing the stage of primitive development. What do you think for what is in nature such duplication? - Svetlana asked his question and, smiling, began to wait for a response, apparently already knowing his action in practice and waiting for the reaction. Vladimir grinned, seeing all this trick, and a little harming, decided not to get involved.

God with him, then figure it out, "he replied. But Svetlana was not without pleasure I decided to put the point.

What do you think at all, at our globe can there any catastrophe, which will drop us in the Stone Age? - she asked her next question.

Well, in principle, yes, - Vladimir replied briefly.

And in order to return rather to the already achieved, what is needed first? - Svetlana inexorably continued his interrogation. It was well at that moment in this moment felt a unreleased rod inherited from the grandfather.

Not! In addition, it is also necessary to free yourself for the development of these knowledge, which means it should be preserved at least some level of doping technologies, only this can be defeated in a competitive struggle. While others will simply survive, scratching the nails of the Cora, we will mow the grass oblique, possessing elementary technologies that will give us advantages. The fall in the abyss is deeper where there is more the absence of previously created chains for which we rose up. Now imagine: if you climb the stairs highly, and suddenly you break down the step, what kind of option do you prefer? The first - all previously covered steps are destroyed, they are not, as unnecessary, because you have already passed them, or and the second - all the steps are in their places? - finished Svetlana. Vladimir thought, then came close to the world and silently silent, looking into her eyes, said:

Well, I give up, you won your grandfather. I saw an amazing dream today, in which we were with you together, why would it?

Well, it's better for you to know, "Svetlana replied, and not in a hurry, went along the path. Some time they walked and silent. The Grove is quickly ended, and they came to the estate, drowning in the greenery in the literal sense of the word, the house was bundled in a hill with green thick grass instead of roofing and only walls with windows of different, not symmetrical shape picturesquely performed from the slope. The lamps scattered on the estate, and along the droces began to glow a little, compensate for inexorably impending twilight. And the fruit garden, the picturesquely filling space near the house with the arches by the lianas of grapes and actinidia source the aroma of flowering and fragrance.

Look, Nikifora, it seems there is no one at home, - trying to discharge silence, said Vladimir.

Everything is having fun at the pond, "Svetlana suggested.

For the estate over the road going to the settlement, the shadow flashed in the foliage of the thick crowns of trees, naturally divorced estates among themselves.

ABOUT! Already the container arrived, - said Light.

What, the material is waiting? - asked Vladimir.

Yes, we wait, "Svetlana explained.

And maybe it came to the guys? - He suggested Vladimir, trying to support the wrong conversation in this way. Svetlana in response was silent, waiting for some other words, and Vladimir felt it, but it's not clear where the mobility appeared again, and he could not say anything again.

I wonder what is doing now Sergey? Suddenly asked Svetlana.

In the afternoon I was bought with the boys, "Vladimir replied.

Yes, all the water for him. He decided to go to learn from the oceanologist. It is going to enter the St. Petersburg Institute of Meteorology and Geodesy, "Svetlana supported the topic.

And he will swim in the distant seas from us, - not without pleasure stated Vladimir. And again there was a tomitious silence, in which only the alarming beat of the hearts guessed and the waiting for something that they themselves still do not even know, but what makes them manit and shoves their bodies and thoughts, not letting them get out of that sweet Western, which the nature broke them. They just walked near and silent, walking around the picturesque roads and the paths of the Sloboda, imperceptibly coming out for her the days in the field, and also quietly approached the river, where the green hill with a dubbal, a favorite place of young couples fell, who had a mighty sacros, erected over all surrounding space. Like them, in a difficult position. From the hill, a picturesque view of the entire settlement was opened and even on the nearby estate behind the river. Throughout the valley, the lights shone along the roads and the monorailways, along which they are almost silent, but quickly moved the next container quickly.

But here, this container is definitely our, - the light was delighted, which appeared to interrupt silence.

Yes, one or the other is exactly yours, "Vladimir agreed," and now you will not pull out you from work for your ears, "he added deliberately, he added.

But why? If you want, next week you can go to Peter, "Svetlana suddenly suggested.

Yes? - even surprised Vladimir, and immediately delighted, - of course! "But immediately aroused," yes, but your grandfather will not let me go, I promised to debug a program for a press pick-up program on a field curve. "

And we will be very promoted. He himself can debug the program if he wants. We will say that we are going to the Museum of Ethnography, I am there Zoya Vasilyevna, by the way, invited.

Vladimir from words of Svetie deeply sighed, it seemed to him that she had already agreed to all his hidden desires, unspoken by him only because of the robust, but actively living in his heart and therefore apparently noticed by her. Mount fell from his shoulders, and he shone as morning sun.

Yes of course. I agree, he happily responded to such a fabulous proposal, but still he tried all the forces, for decency, to keep his emotions, which did not work well, it seemed to him that his heart was already directly retraining the ABC of Morse his feelings, from His face suddenly was covered with a dense blush.

Well, that's good, with relief, - said Light.

I then order a taxi, "Vladimir inspired inspired.

No, no, just not a taxi, I'm sick with takeoff and landing, - I protested the light, it is better for the piece of iron. Or maybe you are in a hurry somewhere, - as if just in case Svetlana.

Yes, it is not possible by hardware. And let's come out on the arrow in Gatchina and straight from there and begin. They have a wonderful park and palace. And it will be possible to walk perfectly, - invited Vladimir

Come on! - Svetlana was delighted, - I have already wanted to go to their botanical garden with ponds, I really want to choose something from aquaculture for us. Something like this! She said, famously, tightening her fingers up.

Listen, let's, since I went, go to the Gatchina Institute of Manor Landscaping Urbanization and see everything in kind. Let's talk, share experience, and maybe we will see something and there?! - Vladimir raised his face and hands up to the sky, as if it should be something supernatural, - they developed there such activities. They say that they already have options for all occasions, for all latitudes and heights, you will not see all this on the network, and here there is such an opportunity to see everything at the same time.

Yes exactly! - Svetlana agreed, - and then we will sit in the subway and already reach Peter. I think that a couple of days will be enough for a trip, it will still be impossible to argue at once.

And I love to walk on white nights along the embankments, when everyone is already sleeping and there are almost no people, and when the first trolleybuses start to walk in the morning ... imagine! They still have real old trolleybuses! This such romance! - Vladimir dreamily sat down, savoring the upcoming trip.

Yes, I imagine, Svetlana's no less dreamily agreed, - let's go and say about this segya.

Sergey, why? - Vladimir was surprised.

Well, what about, all together and go, - Svetlana was surprised.

And without, Sergey, we can't go? - Vladimir retiredly asked.

And what did you quiet with Sergey? - she was surprised.

Well no. But I thought that we ... Maybe you like Sergey more, then I say, I will leave, "I decided right now to figure out everything to the end of Vladimir.

Not. I do not like it yet, - answered the light.

Vladimir failed a little on his heart.

And to me, how do you feel? - Vladimir risked to ask.

Just like Sergey, the light smiled mysteriously.

Vladimir did not know what to do: "What did this mean? Why then all this? And who she loves then? " - Caverzny questions in his head are spoiled. "Or maybe not love anyone?" - Something reassured him inside.

Let's go home, my already worried, "Svetlana said and slowly went along the path. Vladimir went Radom with her. They were silently for a long time, then, apparently, having come to what decision Vladimir, carefully touched the light by his hand, she stopped.

What? She answered the question of touching.

You have become some other. Previously, you always smiled at me, "Vladimir began. - And now, sometimes you are silent so mysteriously?

I used to be a girl, and now matured. Now I know that the one who you like can leave somewhere, without asking your opinion. And he may be right in this too. Relationships should be equal, only can something happen. And the dreams of the girl and her desires - this is not a reason to change your life, right?

Well, what are you saying, light?! Could I then think that you ... You were still quite a schoolgirl.

And what, schoolgirls can not love? "Light stopped and looked into his eyes, then quickly ran along the path to his house hiding behind the trees.

Vladimir standing for a long time and looked at her house with white clay walls and a straw roof, built by her grandfather in the retro style of southern Mazanoca, and from this house a friend from early childhood such warmth emanated! Or maybe it only seemed to him? He even seemed to him that he sees through the walls, the light coming from her, and even more, as he permeates the year, lost to them in their relationship, and now the filling his heart is so joy and strength that nothing is scary! But there is still such a long night ahead. And behind it will definitely be a magnificent sunrise and long-long life. Long and happy life together with her. Together with all fellow villagers, with your favorite groves, ponds, fun and songs over the river, carrying our waters in the big ocean. With a sense of pride in the native country, in which there is such a place for his great love.

N.G. Alekseev

But another more complex sea transition during the Second World War.

By order of the drug addict NSC No. 00192 of 19.06.1942, a transfer plan was approved on the Northern Fleet of several warships from the Pacific Fleet. The operation under the EON-18 sector (special purpose expedition) was carried out under conditions of maximum secrecy, and the entire transition of ships on the high seaside route was required to complete until the end of navigation.

Such operations on the hidden translation of warships from one fleet to another were performed before. The first of them, "Eon-1" took place in the summer of 1933, when the Omins "Uritsky" and "Rykov", guard ships "Tornado" and "Hurricane" were held on the White Timor-Baltic Channel of Kronstadt to Murmansk, -1 and D-2. Passed ships of the Navy and the Northern Sea. So, in 1936, the Esming "Stalin" and "Zakov" (Operation "EON-3") were translated into the Pacific Ocean (Operation "EON-3"), and in 1940 - Underwater boat Sh-423 ("Eon-10").

Now it's time to translate ships in the opposite direction - from the Pacific Ocean in the Barents Sea.

The memory of the participating in the secret expedition "EON-18" ships is stored in the form of a few surviving photos and modern layouts. In the photo, the destroyer "Reasonable".

According to the plans "EON-18", the leader "Baku" and three destroyers were leather: "reasonable", "furious" and "zealous". The main advantage of such ships was always considered a quick move (up to 40 knots!) And high maneuverability, which was achieved due to very weak armor protection. Their body kept the water pressure of only 2 t / m2, so the thickness of the trim in some places did not exceed 10 mm. But the destroyers never intended for swimming in the Arctic, where ice pressure could reach 10-12 t / m2. That is why in the docks of Vladivostok, all ships "Eon-18" dressed in a special "ice coat" from boards and wooden bars 100 x 100 mm, covered with steel sheets with a thickness of 3-5 mm on sides to 15 mm in the Forstevnya area. Such a "fur coat" defended the destroyers 3 m below the Waterlinia and 1 m above it. To present the amount of work performed, it should be noted that the "dressing" had not tiny booties, but the full combat ships with displacement from 1,700 to 2500 tons and a length of the hull from 113 to 127 m.

All interior facilities of the destroyers were insulated in the calculation of the upcoming frosts and are seriously reinforced with additional internal struts from boxed metal beams and 250 x 250 mm timber. In addition, many mechanisms were also specifically modified, taking into account the expected low temperatures and strong vibrations of the housing due to collisions with ice. Bronze rowing screws were gained in the form of a special steel finish, and some of them were simply replaced by folding steel screws with removable blades that allowed them to repair them during the navigation. All these works were carried out practically around the clock under the leadership of the flagship ship engineer, the captain of the 2nd rank A.I. Dubrovina, who has already had the experience of participation in the Operation "Eon-3". In order to comply with the secrecy regime, the ships were preparing for long-range treasures under the legend of official relocation of the Division of the Esminians in Kamchatka.

Accident in Tumane

On July 15, the "EON-18" ships were starred from the anchors and left the Gulf of Peter the Great Bay in the Japanese Sea. The leader "Baku" commanded the captain of the 3rd rank bp Belyaev. Esminans - the captain of the 3rd rank V.K. Nikiforov (Zelantny) and Captain Lieutenant V.V. Fedorov ("Reasonable") and N.I. Nikolsky ("enraged"). The head of the whole operation was appointed captain of the 1st Rank V.N. Obukhov, commanded in 1936 by the Esminets "Stalin" in its transition by the Northern Sea path as part of Eon-3. Together with the martial ships, the Lok-Batan tanker and the transport ships of Communication "Volga" and "Kuznets Forests" went to the campaign.

Two days later, the caravan passed the Tatar strait and arrived in the de-Kastri bay (now - Chikhachev's Bay). At that time, the southern part of Sakhalin and all the Kuril Islands belonged to Japan, so for the USSR warships it was the only one possible way In the Bering Sea. After adding fuel and water in de Castries, the caravan continued the movement, but the next day in the Amur Liman, the destroyer "zealous" fell into an accident. Moving in a dense fog, he failed a caravan and faced with the transport of Tereney. The entire nose of the destroyer turned out to be confused and rolled up to the right of about 10 m in length. Ships "EON-18" stood on anchors until July 19, until the Narc of the Navy decided to reduce the composition of the caravan.

A damaged "zealous" was towed to the Soviet harbor, where in the dock the fascinated nasal part of the ship was cut off and made anew from three new sections. For the tenth day after the accident, the destroyer was already out of the dock, but the command decided that the "zealous" was hopelessly behind the caravan, so he was left in the Pacific Ocean. In August 1945, during hostilities against Japan, the ship participated in the landing of Soviet landings to Sakhalin to the port of Moku (now - Holmsk).

And the caravan passed the Okhotsk Sea, passed by the Soviet and Japanese mine fields and was reached on July 22, reached the first Kuril Strait, according to which the border between Japan and the USSR took place. At that time, Japanese destroyers were constantly on duty here, in which ships and courts "EON-18" and proceeded in the Pacific Ocean. It is believed that after this meeting, the Japanese intelligence reported to Berlin to relocate warships from the Pacific in Murmansk. In the evening of the same day, the Soviet destroyers entered Avachinsky lip and became anchored in Tarja Bay (now - Vilyuchinsk Bay), where since 1938 the database of diesel submarines was deployed. Three days later, the ships replenished the fuel oil reserves, which was served from the coastal tanks by gravity through hoses carried out in the dams of 200 meters from the coast. By turning fuel, the destroyers left the base and continued to move to the north.

On the morning of July 30, the ships came to Chukotka, overcoming almost all the way from Kamchatka to the bay of providence in a dense fog. It happened here another state of emergency: when approaching the pier "furious", the soil hooked, having damaged the screws and mowing the tip of the right rowing shaft. Repair work was carried out afloat, taking a whole week, but failed to get rid of the shaft beat. In the future, the route of the destroyer had to be limited to eight knots, and later (already in Dixon) the right screw from the damaged shaft was generally removed.

Esminets "Reasonable"


In the Bay of Providence to Caravan joined the icebreaker "Mikoyan". From November 1941 he made unparalleled circumnavigation From Batumi through the Bosphorus and the Suez Canal to the Cape of Good Hope, and then, bypassing Cape Horn, passed through the entire Pacific Ocean on Chukotka. Moreover, in the Aegean Sea, the icebreaker was forced to actually break through the zone of the Action of the Navy and the Air Force of Italy and Germany.

On August 14, the caravan of Esmintsev again went out into the sea and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Welen met the first ice. The next day, already in the Chukchi Sea, ships entered the ice density from 7 to 9 points. Move through such ice, the destroyers could only with the help of icebreakers "Mikoyan" and "Kaganovich", which simultaneously with the caravan "EON-18" provided the wiring of five transport ships with strategic loads. It is the Chukotka Sea that has become the most difficult plot of all transition. In some moments, the pressure of ice fields became critical, with the ship's devices fixed the deflection of the sides of more than 100 mm.

True, the destroyers were disturbed not only polar ice. So on August 26 to the address "EON-18" received a message about the appearance of Admiral Sheer "Admiral Sheer" in the Kara Sea of \u200b\u200bthe German Heavy Creiser. The Navy command ordered urgently to take all measures to increase the combat readiness, and in the event of a meeting with the ships of the enemy they needed to attack and destroy. It is curious that to the area of \u200b\u200bactions of the German raider, our ships were still a month, and to give him at least some serious resistance three of our destroyers were simply unable. But in the last few days of Admiral Sheer, he returned to Norway himself, and the EON-18 ships were still off the coast of Chukotka at that time.

Slowly moving in heavy ice, icebreakers spent every destroyer separately, so the caravan was forced to temporarily divided in the Chukchi Sea.

For this reason, by September 15, "Baku" and "furious" already came to the Buchiki bay, and "reasonable" at the same time was still going through the East Siberian Sea. Only in Tiksi ships again gathered in a single detachment and in the future they moved only together.

By September 24, the caravan finished overcoming the most difficult and dangerous portion of the Northern Sea Route and, accompanied by the icebreaker, "Krasin" arrived in Dixon.

After a severe transition, the destroyers looked quite satisfactory, although their corps and got small dents from compression in the ice. True, the screws "Baku" and "furious" had rejuvenations and cracks, while the shaft beat on the "furious" caused a very strong vibration of the entire body. Noticeably reduced the speed of ships and the "ice coat". Thus, the maximum course of the leader "Baku" was 26 knots, "reasonable" - 18, and "angry" - only 8 nodes for clean water.

The destroyer "reasonable" is pierced through the Chukotka Sea. After the completion of the "EON-18", the ship actively participated in combat campaigns, including escort 14 Arctic convoys. It was in ranss until the end of the war (with a rear for repairs).

Interestingly, after the caravan arrival in Dixon, the headquarters of the Belomorsk military flotilla tried to use the EON-18 destroyers as an escort for icebreakers and transports returned from the Arctic to Arkhangelsk. The Navy command was even sent a special request, which immediately came a categorical refusal.

New combat ships were urgently waiting in Murmansk. On October 9, the destroyers left Dixon and the next day arrived in the Strait of the Ugra Ball. In the Bay of Warrek, the ships replenished the fuel reserves and in the evening of October 12 were safely passed to the Barents Sea, miraculously avoiding death in German mines. The fact is that the German intelligence knew about the transition of Soviet destroyers through the Strait of the Ugra Ball, although the exact schedule of their movement was unknown. Hidden mining of the Strait performed the U-592 submarine, exposing 24 mines of various types at the exit from the Ugra ball. But the German submarine was late for a day, mining the shed after the caravan took place in the Barents Sea. Neverthewes began on October 14, on one of these mines, the transport "Shchors" was injected, heading through the shed to the West Bank of the New Earth.

And the caravan of destroyers safely arrived in the bay of Vamenta (now - the city of Severomorsk) early in the morning of October 14. On the approach to the Kola bay, they met the commander of the Northern Fleet Vice-Admiral A.G. Head, released into the sea on board the destroyer "Rading". Thus, for three months, the Euro-18 ship detachment passed from Vladivostok to the main SF base of almost 7360 miles for 762 run hours at an average speed of about 9.6 nodes. With the autonomy of the destination of the destroyers, about 2,000 miles of ships had to replenish fuel reserves from the shore several times and from the Koz-Batan tanker accompanying the caravan. A significant part of this long way a damaged destroyer "Enjoyed" was on the tug of the leader "Baku".

One of the memorable signs issued to the 30th anniversary of the heroic transition from Vladivostok to Murmansk. This sign is dedicated to the Esming "Reasonable".

Thus, the most difficult operation was successfully completed, and two days later the Caravan "EON-18" was officially disbanded. As a result, the northern fleet was replenished with the most modern ships built on the shipyards of Nikolaev and Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1938-1941.


I bring to your attention a small review over long campaigns of our Navy in 2017 as in previous years, the main tasks of our fleet are:

1) participation in a military operation in Syria

2) Ensuring the actions of our RPKSN

3) the control of the Arctic zone

4) Maritime Shipping Protection

5) Demonstration of the flag, participation in international events.

Thus, it is possible to highlight the area of \u200b\u200bconstant presence (where our fleet is constantly) - this is the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, where our operational squadron operates.

Regular presence zones (where our ships are several months a year) - this is the Northern Atlantic, Arctic, Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.

And the zones of a periodic presence, where our ships are "raids", if there is a free pennant - this is the Caribbean Sea and South Atlantic.

This requires from our fleet of intense and intensive activities, and the ship's significantly "perhaps" compared with the Soviet times forces our maritime command to make non-free efforts to competently distribute combal pennants throughout the oceans, support their combat readiness and quickly maneuver forces.

Thus, the main operational unit at the moment is a detachment of ships - a compound consisting of 1-2 ships of 1-2 rank and 2-3 subsidiary ships. This is the minimum outfit capable of performing the above tasks. The operational Mediterranean squadron is an enhanced ship detachment, which in addition to 1-3 ships 1-2 rank includes 1-3 ship and boats smaller, a few dept (and possibly submarine), as well as several auxiliary ships and BDK.

Also, the command actively attracts to solve problems in the far sea zone of coastal sailing ships and the near sea zone. Last year, these were Black Sea MRK, in this - the Baltic Corvette. Despite the unusual tasks, the ships successfully carried a combat service.

Northern Fleet

The Northern Fleet is the most powerful out of 4, but also the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility is the largest - this is the northern Atlantic, the Arctic, as well as (together with the BF and the ChF) of the Mediterranean Sea and the western part of the Indian Ocean. At the same time, the presence of our fleet in the Arctic is of particular importance, since, unlike other operational commands, the main force in the North OSC is not ground forces, but the Navy.

Despite the completion of the repair of two ships of 1 rank (cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" and the BPK "Admiral Levchenko"), the Northern Fleet lowered its activity compared to last year. Or, rather, it will be to say, returned to the usual mode of operation - 2 long-haired campaigns of single BOD + Arctic hike. A somewhat mansion is worth the transition of the detachment of ships to participate in the parade - this is a distant hike, but not a full combat service.

Far campaign of Navalomorsk BPK ".

During the long campaign, which began on October 15, 2016. The crew of the North Code "Severomorsk" solved the tasks in the Mediterranean Sea twice. For the first time in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the ship entered the ship's aircraft carrier headed by a heavy aviance cruiser "Admiral Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov "and acted there during three months old.

In mid-January, Navalomorsk BPK began to fulfill the tasks of a long hike, accompanied by a rescue-towbering vessel "Altai" and the Middle Marine Tanker "Dubna". Through the Suez Canal, Russian sailors made a transition to the Red Sea and then to the Indian Ocean.

The crew of the ship adequately presented the Russian Navy in the International Navy "Aman-2017", which took place in the Arabian Sea's waters and on the coastal base of the Navy Pakistan.

Then Russian sailors made a circular bypass of the African continent, having visited 10 ports of Africa and Asia: Salalah (Oman), Karachi (Pakistan), Victoria (Seychelles), Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), Pemba (Mozambique), Cape Town (South Africa ), Walfish Bay (Namibia), Luanda (Angola), Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) and Praia (Cape Verde).

During the long campaign, Russian also made business visits in the Limassol ports (Cyprus), Tartus (Syria), Lisbon (Portugal).

On June 6, the ship came to the base. The long-range campaign of the Navalomorsk BPK passed under the flag of the headquarters of the headquarters of the anti-submarine ships of the Kola flotheal of the heterogeneous SF Captain 1 rank of Stanislav Varics. During the long campaign, more than 40 thousand nautical miles passed a large anti-submarine ship.

Participation of the detachment of the Northern Fleet ships in the main naval parade

On July 17, a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet came out of Severomorsk to the Barents Sea to participate in the main naval parade. The detachment included the cruiser "Marshal Ustinov", BPK "Vice-Admiral Kulakov", several auxiliary ships, as well as the world's largest combat shock ships with a nuclear power plant - a heavy atomic missile cruiser "Peter Great" and a heavy rocket underwater cruiser strategic Dmitry Donskoy destination.

At the same time, the TRPXN Ave. 941 "Dmitry Donskoy" was supposed to take part in the parade for the first time. And in general, for the first time for his service, the largest submarine in the world appeared in the Baltic Sea. The passage of ships through the Baltic Straits was represented by an impressive spectacle, and a lot of local residents came to look at our atomic giants.

Video from YouTube.com.

Video from YouTube.com.

On July 31, ships took part in the grandiolent parade in which they were undoubtedly the main decoration.

Video from YouTube.com.

After the parade, the detachment of the Northern Fleet went home. On the way, the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" was separated from him, which headed to the Red Sea.

On August 12, a heavy atomic missile cruiser "Peter Great", the missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" and the heavy atomic underwater rocket cruiser of the strategic appointment "Dmitry Donskaya" arrived at the main base of the Northern Fleet (SF) of Severomorsk, successfully completed the Interpottic transition after participation in the main military Sea parade at the Kronstatt raid. Then Dmitry Donskoy moved on September 4 to the White Sea Naval Base, thus shutting up his 3-month hike.

Hike BPK "Vice-Admiral Kulakov"

On August 12, the BOD of the Northern Fleet "Vice-Admiral Kulakov completed the passage to the narrowest part of the Gibraltar Strait and entered the Mediterranean Sea. Then he arrived at the port of Limassol (Cyprus), replenished stocks and on August 25 entered the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. By this moment, during the long campaign, the ship has already left for the feed more than 8 thousand miles.

On September 1 to October 17, the ship served the conjunction of foreign trade vessels from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean and performed anti-piracy tasks. During this time, the Chinese tanker "Casco Jay", the balker under the flag of the state of Barbados, the Indian tanker was carried out.

Twice in September, an approach was taken to the port of Salala (Oman).

On October 19-21, the BOD of the Northern Fleet "Vice-Admiral Kulakov completed the passage of the Suez Canal and went to the port of Alexandria (Arab Republic of Egypt).

On November 3-7, the ship passed Gibraltar and made a business at the capital of Portugal Port Lisbon. This is the fourth business entry of the Russian ship to the port of a foreign state since the beginning of a long campaign. On November 28, the ship returned to the main database of the Northern Fleet, the city of Severomorsk. Directly far trades of the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" lasted for more than three months. From the end of August to mid-October, the crew of the BOD "Vice Admiral Kulakov" acted in the southern part of the Red Sea and the Aden Bay. The main task of the ship was to ensure the regular naval presence of Russia in the region and the safety of civil wonderland.

During the long hike, the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" passed more than 23,000 maritime miles and made four business entry into foreign ports: Limassol (Cyprus), Salala (Oman), Alexandria (Egypt) and Lisbon (Portugal).

Arctic hike

On August 10, the detachment of ships and vessels of ensuring the Northern Fleet as part of a large anti-sidelum ship "Severomorsk", large landing ships "Kondopoga", "Alexander Relkovsky" and "", Tanker "Sergey Osipov", rescue tug "Pamir" and Kil-164 killets In accordance with the plan of combat training, it was out of the main base of the SF of Severomorsk in the Barents Sea and took the course to the eastern regions of the Arctic.

As part of a special teaching on the type of ensuring the forces of the Navy (Navy), Russia, which started on August 7, the exit of the ships and courts of the SF, from the permanent base points in the Barents Sea, provided the ship's tray group of the Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces.

Traits "Colomna", "Yelnya" and "Nadrine" also performed the tasks of neighboring mineralies on the deployment route of the detachment of ships and vessels of providing the Barents Sea.

On August 13, a detachment of ships and vessels of providing the Northern Fleet led by a large anti-sidelum ship "Severomorsk" came out of the Barents in the Kara Sea through the strait of the Kara Gate and arrived in the northernmost port of the continental part of Russia - Dixon.

After that, the detachment of ships first went to the port of the mouth of Yenisei - Dudinka.

Video from YouTube.com.

Where large interspecific teachings took place.

Video from YouTube.com.

On September 1, Officers and Michmans of the BOD "Severomorsk" BDK "Kondopoga" took part in events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge in educational institutions Dudinki and conducted courage lessons for Taimyr schoolchildren.

On September 5, the detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet, which performs the tasks of a long hike to the Arctic, divided into two groups. The first - as part of a large landing ships "Georgy Victoronec" and "Alexander Relkovsky" with a personnel and technique of units of marines and the Arctic Brigade of the Northern Fleet and the Rota of Aerial Affairs - came out of the Yenisei Bay in the Kara Sea and took a course to the West.

The second group headed by the BOD "Severomorsk", BDK "Kondopoga" with the personnel and technology of the divisions of the Arctic Brigade of the Northern Fleet, the Tanker "Sergey Osipov", the rescue and towing ship "Pamir" and the Kil-164 killer will hold replenishment and continued to perform tasks According to the plan of the Arctic campaign.

On September 6, the New Earth's South Archipelago with a large landing ship (BDK) "George Victoronec" took place in the Lip of the Belushia Island of the Southern Archipelago. The teaching was attracted by the Unitary Enterprise Unit of the Northern Fleet (SF) on the standard technique.

After that, the BDK returned to the database. "Alesandr Rechakovsky" - September 9, and "Georgy Victorious" - September 12.

Large anti-submarine ship "Severomorsk", a large landing ship "Kondopoga" with a personnel and technique of divisions of the Arctic Brigade of the Northern Fleet, the tanker "Sergey Osipov, a life-tug ship" Pamir "and Kil-164 killetel continued to follow in the northeast direction in areas close to the route of the Northern Sea Route.

At the very northernmost point of the Eurasian continent - Cape Chelyuskin for the first time in history was landed by a naval land. In the landing operation, 2 platforms of the Arctic Brigade and 5 multi-purpose armored transporters MT-LBV equipped with large-caliber machine guns "Cord" lined with BDK "Kondopoga".

After disembarking from the BDK, arctic motorized rifles with the support of the Morpekh's assault groups with the BOD Severomorsk worked tactical actions to seize the coastar and made a 5-kilometer march - a throw in the Taimyr Peninsula.

On September 10, the detachment of warships and auxiliary vessels of the Northern Fleet, continuing the transition from the Yenisei Bay to the Novosibirsk Islands, in the Kara Sea met with the Vaigach atomic icebreaker and 11 September entered the Laptev Sea.

September 14-23, the detachment of the ships carried out tasks in the area of \u200b\u200bNovosibirsk Islands. In particular, the large anti-submarine ship "Severomorsk" and the large landing ship "Kondopoga" provided the landfill of the seabed to the unequipped coast of the island of the boiler. During the landing operation, the division of the Arctic motorized rifle brigade of the Northern Fleet worked out the tactics of fighting on the seizure and retention of the coastar with a combat shooting of automatic small arms and grenade launchers.

Video from YouTube.com.

September 28, the personnel and technique of the Arctic motorized rifle brigade of the Northern Fleet (SF) for the first time in modern russian history Made a landfill from a large landing ship "Kondopoga" on the island of the Golobovy archipelago Northern Earth.

The landing was carried out in a way to emphasize, during which the divisions of the Arctic motorized rifle brigade on four multi-purpose armored transport seats MT-LBB, equipped with large-caliber machine guns "Cord", worked out a number of issues on the maintenance of raid acts on an unfamiliar area in the Arctic.

October 4, the large anti-submarine ship "Severomorsk" together with great amateur ship "Kondopoga" and the courts will come to the main database of the Northern Fleet - Severomorsk.

The squad under the flag of the commander of the Kola flotilla of the heterogeneous forces of Vice Admiral Oleg Golubeva took place within 55 days more than 6,000 maritime miles to the Novosibirsk Islands in the Laptev Sea across the water area of \u200b\u200bBarents and Kara Seas, as well as on the Yenisei River to the port of Dudinka. The North Mountains completed four marine landing operations on an unequipped coast. In the landing ashore, Yenisei in the Dudinka area immediately, three large landing ships "Georgy Victoronec", "Alexander Relkovsky" and "Kondopoga" were involved.

During his stay on Taimyr, the military personnel of the Northern Fleet fulfilled a large cultural program. The ships of the Northern Fleet were opened to visit the population as part of the Military Technical Forum "Army 2017" on the Northern Fleet. On board, more than 10,000 residents of the Far North visited. 160 Taimyr schoolchildren were adopted in the ranks of UNARMIA.

Hiking of landing ships.

On April 5, a large landing ship "Georgy Victoronec" arrived in the main database of the Northern Fleet after successful completion of the tasks of a long campaign under the command of the captain 2 rank Andrei Zharkov.

BDK "Georgy Victoronec" went out on the long campaign on May 5 last year and during 2016-2017 performed tasks mainly in the Black and Mediterranean seas. During this period, the ship had about 4400 running hours.

In total, the ship was completed more than 45 thousand maritime miles (if we translate into kilometers, it turns out that the North Mountains have rejuvenated with the land by Equator). During the long campaign in the families of the crew members of the BDK "Georgy Victorious", 2 boys were born.

On September 13, the BDK "Alexander Relkovsky" came out of the main base of the Northern Fleet of the city of Severomorsk in the Barents Sea and took the course to the western areas of the Atlantic. On September 21, "Alexander Relkovsky" completed the passage of the strait of La Mans.

Baltic Fleet

The Baltic Fleet is the smallest ("former fleet"), besides, 2 of the 3 Detail Zone ships are in long-term repairs. This fact was forced to send a couple of Corvetov to the far hike this year.

On October 14, the ships of the Baltic Fleet under the command of Captain 1 rank of Andrei Kuznetsov as part of Corvetov "Boyky", "Cool" and the Middle Sea Tanker "Cola" today left the military harbor in Baltiysk and took the course to the Atlantic to perform the planned tasks of a long campaign.

On October 18, the detachment of ships of the Baltic Fleet as part of Corvetov "Boyky", "Sophisticated" and Tanker "Cola", which performs the planned tasks of a long campaign, passed the Scandinavian straits of the Cathegat, October 23 - La Mans and on October 29, entered the Mediterranean Sea.

On November 7-9, Corvette "Boyky" and "smart", performing tasks of a long campaign, made a business entry to the Cyprus port of Limassol. Further, the ships were divided: the Corvette "Boyky" remained to perform tasks in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Corvette "Sophisticated" on November 14 through the Suez Canal entered the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Red Sea, where he carried out civil courts during the month. At the same time, the ship twice went to the port of Djibouti (next to which, by the way, is Chinese VBM).

Corvette "Corrective" project 20380 Navy of Russia on Limassol raid (Cyprus)

On December 11, the detachment of ships of the Baltic fleet as part of the Corvettes "Boyky" and "smart", performing the tasks of a long campaign, completed the business entry into the Cyprus port of Limassol.

In the first half of the year, the Baltic Corvette doubled during the North Sea:

On April 7 - May 1, a detachment of ships of the Baltic fleet as part of Corvettes "Boyky", "Sorty", Marine Towing MB-123, Cola tanker performed tasks in North Atlantic. During the trip, the detachment left for the feed of more than 4 thousand nautical miles, conducted dozens of ship exercises to find a conditional submarine in various parts of the North Atlantic. Ka-27 deck helicopters have been implemented more than 20 flight shifts, fulfilling educational tasks.

In June, a detachment of ships of the Baltic fleet was located in the far bearing as part of the Corvettes "Boyky" and "Unregular".

In addition, on January 29, the BDK "Ivan Shabalin" returned from a long trip A 7 May - a detachment of ships of the Baltic Fleet as part of a large landing ship (BDK) "Korolev" and a tanker "Cola". Both hikes were quite long in time - the Korolev BDK went hiking in November 2016, and the BDK "Alexander Shabalin" - in July 2016.

Black Sea Fleet

The Black Sea Fleet is the basis for the formation of our operational squadron in the Mediterranean Sea, so all combat-ready ships 1-2 rank can be on duty off the coast of Syria. Last year, the fleet was replenished with two new frigates of PR.

This year, the operational squadron was alternately entered the SCR "Mute" (from October 28, 2016 to March 5 and from May 23 to June 3), the Admiral Grigorovich frigate (from April 8 to July 12, from September 25 to October 4 , From December 1 to the present), the UKR "torture" (from July 21 to August 3 and from September 13 to November 14).

Also, for the first time, the Fregat "Admiral Essen" came out for the combat service, which began the Interpottic transition from the Baltic on April 28 and carried the combat service from May 5 to July 5 and from July 11 to September 22. At the same time, in May, June and September 2017, the ship carried out the launches of the winged missiles "Calibr" on the shelters of the ISIL militants during the operation russian troops In Syria.

Video from YouTube.com.

As we can see, in 2017 there was only one month, when there was not one of the largest ship in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea - this is from March 5 to April 8. In the future, Syria constantly duty 1-3 of our frigate / SCR (and in the period from the beginning of November to the beginning of December - Corvette BF).

During the combat service, our ships repeatedly went to the port of Limassol ("Grigorovich" - 3 times, "Essen" - 1 time). The watchdog "Inquisitive" took part in the first naval parade of ships in honor of the Day of the Navy of Russia, which was held on the raider of the Syrian port of Tartus. From September 28 to October 1, the Fregat of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral Grigorovich made a visit to Kerkira port on the Greek Island Corfu.

Also in the Mediterranean Sea this year they began to be almost on the permanent basis, Black Sea "Warsawans".

On May 6, the newest large diesel submarine of the Black Sea Fleet (ChF) "Krasnodar" began the interplotical transition from the Baltic on the Black Sea. Then she took the combat service in the Mediterranean until August 7. In May and June 2017, the boat performed the launches of the Caliber's winged missiles from the underwater position on the shelters of the MOG militants during the operation of Russian troops in Syria.

Video from YouTube.com.

The PL "Krasnodar" safely passed through the Black Sea Straits and arrived in Sevastopol on August 9.

August 28, the two newest large diesel-electric submarines of the Black Sea Fleet "Kolpino" and "Veliky Novgorod", which make the interpottic transition from the Baltic Sea to the ChF, arrived in the Watercology of the Mediterranean Sea.

September 14, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the submarines "Veliky Novgorod" and "Kolpino" of the project 636.3 from the underwater position struck the Calibr wrecks on important objects of the terrorist group of ISIS in Syria. The targets for the defeat were the control points, nodes of communication, as well as the warehouses of weapons and ammunition of militants in the territory controlled by ISIL, the southeastern city of Deir-Ez-Zor. On the objects of terrorists from the underwater position, 7 winged maritime basing missiles were issued.

On September 22, at 10 o'clock 11 minutes of the submarine of the Black Sea Fleet "Velikiy Novgorod", acting in the operational connection of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean, from the underwater position, the lands were made by the Caliber's winged missiles on the objects of terrorists in Syria. The targets for defeat became revealed for the last days Supporting points, clusters of live strength and armored vehicles, as well as warehouses of ammunition of Jebhat-An-Nusra militants in the province of Idlib.

On October 5, the submarines struck by another 10 Kalibr missiles on the positions of ISIL militants in the Deir-Ez Zor region. On October 31, DEPL "Velikiy Novgorod" inflicted a volley blow from the Mediterranean Sea three cruise missiles "Calibr", as a result of which the fortifications were destroyed with the accumulation of militants and armored vehicles, as well as a large warehouse of weapons and ammunition of terrorists of IHIL in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Abu-Kemal Deyar -Ez-zor. On November 3, DEPL "Kolpino" repeated the blow to Abu-Kemal 6 rockets.

TOTAL for the year, the ships of the ChF released 45 missiles "Calibr" for the purposes.

At the moment, the submarines "Veliky Novgorod" and "Kolpino" carry service in the Mediterranean.

Also, the operational squadron included smaller ships. It is the travelers "Ivan Solubeye" (from September 2016 to January 25 and from November 4), "Kovrovtsy" (from January 25 to March 27), Valentin Pikul (from March 27 to August 10).

On April 11 to September 8, the newest anti-informational boat of the Black Sea Fleet "Unarmers Crimea" was located as part of the squadron. The boat of this class first made a long-range hike with the exit for the zone of the Black Sea Straits, provinging its high nautical qualities.

On October 18-22, a large landing ship of the Black Sea Fleet "Azov" stood in the Greek port Plos, where Russian sailors took part in the events dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the Navarino Sea Battle.

Pacific fleet

The operating zone of Tof is Southeast Asia and the eastern part of the Indian Ocean.

On January 25, the detachment of the Martial Ships of the Pacific Fleet as part of a large anti-sidelum ship "Admiral Tributs" and the Big Maritime Tanker "Boris Butoma" returned from a long campaign to the main base of Tof - Vladivostok.

Tof's combat ships under the command of the deputy commander of the seaside flotilla of the heterogeneous forces of counter-admiral Eduard Mikhailov carried out the tasks of a long hike in the waters of the World Ocean from October 15, 2016. During this time, ships passed over 17 thousand nautical miles.

Pacific sailors visited business visits in the Indonesian port of Tanjungprik, where they were attended by the International Arms Exhibition "Indodefens-2016", and in the port of Sattahip Kingdom of Thailand.

In mid-December 2016, a visit to the port of Vishakhapatnam Republic of India and took part in the Naval Russian-Indian teaching "Indra Navi-2016" in the Bengal Bay.

In January 2017, We visited the port of Manila (Phillippines), the port of Busan of the Republic of Korea and the port of Maizuru (Japan). Upon completion of the visit to the port of Maizuru, the crews of the ships took part in the joint Russian-Japanese naval exercise.

From April 1 to June 14, 2017, a detachment of the Pacific Fleet warships in the Guards Rocket Cruiser "Varyag" and the Tanker "Pechenga" was located in distant swimming. During this time, more than 11 thousand nautical miles were completed ships. During the far ocean swimming, the ships were located in the ports of Busan (Republic of Korea), Manila (Philippines), Camran (Vietnam), Sattahip (Thailand), Changi (Singapore), Tajung - Society (Indonesia) and Hong Kong (China). Pacific participated in the International Sea Parade dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Navy of the Republic of Singapore and in the exhibition of weapons and military equipment "Impheks Eysh-2017" in the naval base of Changi. We conducted joint communication and maneuvering exercises with Singapore Navy and Indonesia ships. During the parking lot in the port of Manila, the flagship of the Pacific Varyag Guards Rocket Cruiser visited the President of the Republic of Philippines Rodrigo Roa Dubtain.

Video from YouTube.com.

On October 2, the detachment of ships of the Pacific Vinogradov, "Admiral Pantheyev Admiral" and the Great Marine Tanker "Boris Butoma" under the command of the Deputy Commander of the Primorskoye Fleotilla of the Droinen Forces Council Admiral Eduard Mikhailova left Vladivostok to fulfill the tasks of the far ocean campaign .

On October 12-17, as part of the implementation of the Military Cooperation Development Program, the port of Moir (Brunei) was visited. After completion of the visit, the joint teaching "PASSEX" was carried out, during which tasks for the organization of communication, the exchange of information and joint maneuvering were worked out.

On October 20-26, our ships visited Manila - the third time in the year. After that, the BPK "Admiral Vinogradov" returned to Vladivostok on November 9, completing a 40-day hike, and "Admiral Panteleev" and Boris Butoma continued on combat service and committed an unofficial approach to Cambodian port of Campongaon.

On November 17-21, the detachment of Tof ships in accordance with the informal visit program to the Kingdom of Thailand was in the port of Chuk Samet (Base of Navy Thailand Sattahip).

27 "Admiral Panteleev" visited Indonesia with an informal visit, and December 7-10 - Port Tilava (Republic of Myanmar Union)

On December 21-24, the detachment of the ships of the Pacific Fleet as part of a large anti-pelvic ship "Admiral Panteleev" and the Big Maritime Tanker Boris Butoma made an unofficial visit to the Republic of Singapore.

On January 14, 2018, the press service of the Western Military District, the squad of the Baltic Fleet warships in Corvettes "Boyky", the "smart" and tanker "Cola" went to the Military Harbor of Baltiysk after the tasks in the districts of the North Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Corvette and tanker were hiking more than 90 days, passing during this time more than 35 thousand nautical miles. During the campaign, business visits were committed in the ports of Limassol (Cyprus), Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti), Tartus (SAR). In the sea, the crews of ships as part of the OBC fulfilled a complex of educational tasks, including anti-aircraft and anti-parental defense exercises, shipworks and training, as well as artillery shooting.

Corvette "Boyky" project of 20380 Baltic fleet enters Baltiysk on returning from a long campaign, January 14, 2018 (c) the Ministry of Defense of Russia

Representatives of the Baltic Fleet Command, the administration of the Baltiysk, as well as relatives and close sailors-Balti residents were present at the solemn rally.

The Commander of the Baltic Fleet Vice-Admiral Alexander Nosatov on behalf of the Military Council of the Baltic Fleet congratulated the crews with the successful implementation of the tasks of the far ocean navigation and wished military sailors new success in combat schools.

The military personnel distinguished in the far campaign were awarded valuable gifts from the fleet command. A number of military personnel will be presented to state and departmental awards.

The ships returned from a long campaign technically sound and ready after replenishing the necessary reserves perform tasks for purpose.

From BMPD Recall, that the detachment of ships of the Baltic fleet in the composition of Corvettes "Big" and "Sophisticated"project 20380 and Middle Marine Tanker "Cola" Project 160 from Baltiysk October 14, 2017 and through the Gibraltar Strait in the Mediterranean Sea October 28. From 7 to 9 November, all three ship business visiting in Limassol in Cyprus.
"Big" After that, continued to perform tasks in the Mediterranean Sea, including with the stay from November 11 to 23 at the station and technical support of the Navy in Tartus (Syria). Corvette "Sophisticated"and tanker "Cola"On November 11, through the Suez Canal in the Red Sea and later, tasks were performed in the Aden Gulf, including twice by daming in Djibouti. December 5 Corvette "Sophisticated" and tanker "Cola"procedured through the Suez Canal back to the Mediterranean Sea, then after having occurred to Tartus. From 9 to 11 December, all three ships again made an approach to Limassol in Cyprus.

It was originally reported that ships should return to Baltiysk on December 30, 2017, but as a result, their stay in the Mediterranean was extended for two weeks. Only on January 2, 2018, all three ships proceeded from the Mediterranean Sea through the Gibraltar shed at the Atlantic Ocean and took the course to return to the Baltic.

This is the first such far tour of the Corvettes of the project 20380 and their first hike in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the first passage of the ship of this type in the Red Sea and the Aden Bay. Before that Corvette of the project of 20380 of the Baltic fleet, six pair long trips were made (two campaigns in 2013, 2016 and 2017), but in all cases did not go to the Biscay Bay, the North Atlantic or the coast of Ireland.

Corvette "Boyky" and "Sophisticated" project A 20380 Baltic Fleet in Baltiysk on returning from a long campaign, 01/14/2018 (c) Ministry of Defense of Russia

On Sunday, the squad of the Baltic fleet warships in the Corvettes "Boyky", the "smart" and tanker "Cola" went to the harbor of the city of Baltiysk after the tasks in the districts of North Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, reports Western District.

Corvette and tanker were hiking more than 90 days, passing during this time more than 35 thousand nautical miles. During the hike, business visits were committed in the ports of Limassol (Cyprus), Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti), Tartus (SAR). At the sea, the crews of ships in the composition of the OBC fulfilled a complex of educational tasks, including the exercises on air and anti-submarine defense, ship exercises and training, as well as artillery shooting,

The release says.

The Commander of the Baltic Fleet Alexander Nosatov on behalf of the Military Council of the BF congratulated the crews with the successful implementation of the tasks of the far ocean navigation and wished military sailors new success in combat school.

"The servicemen distinguished in the far bearing were awarded valuable gifts from the fleet command. A number of military personnel will be submitted to state and departmental awards, "added in the district.

The press service noted that the ships returned technically sound and ready after replenishing the necessary reserves to carry out tasks for purpose.

It was originally reported that ships should return to Baltiysk on December 30, 2017, but as a result, their stay in the Mediterranean was extended for two weeks. Only on January 2, all three ships proceeded from the Mediterranean Sea through the Gibraltar shed at the Atlantic Ocean and took the course to return to the Baltic.