The concept of collective consciousness. The future of technology: collective consciousness

In this lecture, we conclude our consideration of the factors that influence superficial human behavior in society. Earlier, we analyzed the behavioral energy types associated with the activation of subpersonalities, pair relationships, types and role models of behavior.

Now we consider the behavior of a person when he is in a group of more than two people. In this case, a phenomenon arises that is well described in the esoteric and occult literature, an energetic entity is formed, which feeds on the energy of people belonging to this group. Such entities are called egregors. It is these egregors that give rise to the transauric consciousness, which manipulates the energy and behavior of people in the group for the purposes of the transauric essence itself.

The transauric essence is formed from the energy auras of people who have been for a sufficient time close range apart. For example, a family living in the same house. People who work or are just in the same room.

Astromechanics considers two forms of transauric formations. One for small groups of 3-5 people. Another is for teams of more than 10 people (3x3 +1). The first is called Penta, the second is VA.

For many people, this worldview position may turn out to be unacceptable. Therefore, we will give a way and an opportunity to avoid this ideological conflict. In order to use the following material and all the possibilities provided by Astromechanics of consciousness for the analysis of human behavior, we use the following terminological device.

We consider, as is customary in ordinary life, a person endowed with awareness of their actions. But being within a group, a person consciously or unconsciously tunes in to the interests of the collective and plays the role necessary for the community. At the same time, he bears additional energy costs associated with the performance of duties in the team. During life in society and subject to being in a group of people, human behavior can change dramatically.

When solving everyday tasks, we often face a variety of difficulties. Most general advicethat we hear sounds something like “Pull yourself together. Mobilize. Use your inner resources. " Unfortunately, as a rule, it is not said how to activate these resources. But Astromechanics of consciousness allows us to approach this issue constructively.

As we already know, the activated MC is the energy acting in us with its specific shades generated by our thoughts and moods. Through the phenomenon of resonance, we can receive support from energetic entities that can help in solving our problems. Let's move on to considering the question of which MS should be activated when solving a variety of life situations.

Consider first a case where a person is in a large group of people. A large group is more than 10 people.

Let's start our discussion with an IA that works with large groups of people. It began to exist and be active already at the level of primitive tribes. The basis of VA is 6 MC. Each MC allows a person to actively implement their decisions and receive the support of other people. The areas of influence can be described as follows.

45-21 management and administration

51-25 competition

27-50 logic

59-6 relationships

3-60 innovations (mutation)

A person who has a completely MC from the VA system will be intuitively and unconsciously recognized by the group as an authority and leader in the direction that is associated with this MC. Therefore, his views and opinions on these issues become the laws of the tribe or the work collective.

Each MC has its own support group among the tribe, which is formed by people who have the corresponding activated gateways in the mind map. Let's consider them in more detail.

Display the list of groups.

Support group MC 45-21 management.

This group includes people who have certainties in the family - tribal contour. Namely, for which gateways are activated:

45, 21, 26, 44, 32, 54, 19, 49, 37, 40. The more gateways of this group are activated, the more people will be inclined to support the owner of MC 45-21.

A person with such an MC is most likely the leader of the tribe. His social leader. Gateway 45 is the seat of the king or queen. The support group will stand in solidarity on the issues of the tribe's cohesion as a whole.

Support group for MC 51-26 competition.

The person MC 51-26 will be supported by people with activations in the centering group. Namely, those with activated gateways: 51, 26, 10, 34. Despite the fact that this is a small group, its activations have strong energy... We can say that 51-26 is the high priest of the tribe. 51 is also the gate of the Warrior, that is, the leader of the military squad. This group reacts very clearly to danger from outside.

Development support group MC 2-14.

This includes the gateways from the individual knowledge group. Moreover, the gateways are responsible for individual expression: 14, 2, 1, 8, 23, 43, 24, 61. They will support their representative with MC 2-14 on issues of national symbols and all elements that emphasize the uniqueness of the community.

Support group MC 27-50 logic.

Gateways: 27, 50, 18, 58, 48, 16, 62, 17, 4, 63, 31, 7, 15, 5, 9, 52.

This group is associated with the logical rules of interaction between the members of the group. Basically, these will be the laws of commodity-money exchange, and violations of order (crime) in relation to rights and obligations. A leader with MC27-50 can be a tribal judge.

Support group MC 59-6 interaction and relationships.

Gateways: 59, 6, 53, 42, 29, 46, 13, 33, 56, 11, 47, 64, 35, 36, 30, 41.

A person with this MC will form moral ethical rules in a tribe or group. These are rituals of courtship, weddings, relationships between parents and children, men and women, etc. This group activates the gateways of the experiential circuit associated with sensation. Life experience and the raison d'être.

Support group for MC 3-60 Innovations.

Gateways 3, 60, 28, 38, 57, 20, 12, 22, 55, 37.

AND last group support will strengthen the position of the person with channel 3-60 on innovation in tribal life. In this group, in addition to gateways 3 and 60, the gateways of two streams of consciousness are activated, leaving the root pressure area. It is a stream of survival and a stream of emotionality.

Now let's look at the smaller energy formation of the Pentu.

Pents are formed within large associations of people and they receive criteria for success from the community. That is what it means to be a full-fledged Penta. For example, an exemplary family. MCs feeding the energy of Penta are formed by streams of consciousness emanating from the Creative area and passing through the Area of \u200b\u200bthe Higher Self to the Area of \u200b\u200bSelf-expression.

MS Penta: 5-15, 14-2, 29-46, 7-31, 1-8, 13-33.

As you can see from the picture, Penta is not interested in Intelligence and Emotionality. Even the system of Immunity and Selfishness is not included. The penta formed by subpersonalities gives rise to inner world a person and is aimed at realizing his Higher Self.

However, in outside worldwhen a person is in a group of people, most of whom are guided by the False Self, Penta wants only one survival on the physical plane and to be successful in accordance with the criteria set by society. It completely paralyzes the Higher Self of a person and its relationship with the Heavenly World. Instead, she makes a person a blind instrument for achieving her purely pragmatic goals.

All the creative energy of a person is put at the service of Pente, generated by False concepts. Such a Penta is the most inhuman education. Although when people with spiritual interests gather, Penta reinforces precisely these tendencies. As Jesus Christ said where three gathered in my name, there I am always present.

We can say that all the evil in the world comes from the Penta, generated by the False I of the people entering it. But it was thanks to her that humanity survived on the physical plane. If more common system VA has support groups, there is a connection with Upper world through the priests and shamans, then there is none of this in Penta.

The movement of energy in Penta is unidirectional. It is shown in the following diagram.

From this figure it can be seen that energy is collected in gateways 15 and 46 and then moves to gateways 5 and 29. After that, the energy is concentrated in gateway 14. MC 14-2 works like a funnel, where all the energy is mixed and distributed among the Penta participants. After the second sluice, the energy is distributed into three streams: left 7-31, central 1-8 and right 13-33.

Graphically, the Penta is represented by a special diagram with a pentograph. For production Penta, it is shown in the figure.

Here, the gateways are linked to the table headers as follows.

Administration 15, Public Relations 8, Oversight and Control 33, Planning 7, Implementation 1, Accounting 13, Credibility 15, Vision 2, Coordination 46, Culture 5, Resources 14, Commitment 29.

Participants' definitions are reflected in different colors. Instead of gateways, Penta considers the zones associated with these gateways. The pentograph is in the shape of a rectangle with five columns corresponding to the gateways. For five possible participants. Penta is not functional if there is a zone that does not contain activations of any of the participants. In this case, Penta is complete.

If we are dealing with a family or social Penta, then the gateways and associated zones will have different names, reflecting the interests of Penta in this area of \u200b\u200blife. The same applies to the inner Penta formed by subpersonalities.

So. We examined the mechanisms of the influence of transauric forms of consciousness on human behavior. Now, based on this knowledge, we can outline a methodology for working with our consciousness to achieve success in solving our social problems.

This technique is based on the use of stones to activate the gateways we need. As mentioned earlier, each stone has its own astrological coordinates. Therefore, it is associated with a specific hexagram and its line. Carrying a stone with you activates the corresponding hexagram and its line. That is, the reaction of the field of consciousness inherent in this hexagram and the properties of the psyche corresponding to the line in which the stone is located are activated in our consciousness. Instead of stones, you can use the download of these qualities into our consciousness.

Before use, the stones must be cleaned of extraneous energy deposits. Methods for cleaning stones can be found online or apply elimination negative impacts through the Creator of All That Is, as discussed in previous lectures on consciousness rebirth and key loading. Stones cannot be worn for very long. They should be used only at the moments of actions related to the solution of the situations that have arisen. The same is true for the procedures for loading the required qualities into consciousness. They don't last forever. To consolidate these qualities, it is necessary to consciously translate them into the category of acquired skills.

For instance. If a person works in a large organization and the process of recruiting employees for a higher position is underway, then he can activate competition in his MS 51-26. In this case, it is necessary to use the activation of the gateways of the natal chart and long-term transits. To activate the 51st hexagram, you can use Almadin Garnet 17g. 27Min. Aries, and for the 25th Orange Sapphire 2g. 30 min. Aries.

In this lecture, we examined the most powerful factor influencing human behavior associated with his presence in the family or at work. Thus, we have finished considering all the factors that determine human behavior from the point of view of the laws of energy influence. There are still factors associated with upbringing and the norms of behavior adopted in society. But these factors are superimposed on top of what we have discussed in our lectures.

This concludes our lecture. Thanks for attention.

Collective consciousness is a set of common interests, beliefs, convictions, feelings, values \u200b\u200band aspirations among members of the same society. C.S. - "the mental type of society, a type that has its own way of development, its properties, its own conditions of existence." It has a special, "separate reality" - it exists objectively, independently of our will and consciousness, but it is realized only in individuals.

Individuals are attracted to each other through shared beliefs and similar feelings. The latter constitute the conditions for the existence of the collective, the most important prerequisite for their spiritual existence. The more the collective consciousness as a “voice of public conscience” regulates the social life of society, the stronger and stronger the bond between the individual and the group.

Small parts of society, organized within themselves, also strive for integrity and solidarity, like society as a whole; group consciousness develops in them.

The state of society - normal or pathological - depends on the degree of solidarity. Durkheim introduced a new concept for sociology - anomie (pathology of society) - a feeling of the absence of norms that arises in periods of transition and crisis, when old norms and values \u200b\u200bcease to operate, and new ones have not yet been established.

Pathological forms of the state of society: anomie, social inequality, routine labor, degradation of the labor force, class conflicts. The main way to solve the problem is through reforms.

Social facts

"Social fact", according to Durkheim's definition, is any mode of action, clearly defined or not, but capable of exerting external pressure on the individual and having at the same time its own existence, independent of him. At birth, the individual finds ready-made laws and customs, rules of conduct, religious beliefs and rituals, language, monetary system, functioning independently of him. These ways of thinking, acting, and feeling exist independently, objectively.

The consequence of the objectivity of social facts is their other characteristic - the pressure exerted on individuals, the compulsion of the latter to a certain action. Every person experiences social coercion. Legal and moral rules, for example, cannot be violated without the individual feeling the full weight of universal disapproval. It is the same with other types of social facts.

Social facts are modes of action, ways of thinking and feeling, existing outside the individual (that is, objectively) and possessing a normative-coercive force in relation to him.

Social facts are subdivided, in turn, into facts of collective consciousness (ideas, feelings, legends, beliefs, traditions) and morphological facts that ensure order and connection between individuals: population size and density, form of dwelling, geographical location, etc.

The facts of collective consciousness include the following classes of phenomena: general ideas and feelings, moral maxims and beliefs, moral norms and legal codes of conduct, economic motives of people and interests of people.

Structural (anomical) facts, institutional facts and social trends, which are manifested in the formation and implementation of public opinion, differ according to the degree of people's consolidation.

Various types of facts underlie the formation of social forms: a simple (or complex) society, which correspond to the mechanical and organic solidarity of people.

Type conversion

To perform any operation on data of various types, it is necessary to do a type conversion. More precisely, it is necessary to cast data of one type to another type so that the data participating in the operation is either of the same type, or their types are appropriate. The relevant types are:


All numeric types;

Date, time, date-time and corresponding intervals.

The types do not need to be coerced.

Conversion of a value of one type to another is carried out with using the CAST () function:

CAST (expression AS type);

For instance:

CAST ("1234.52" AS NUMERIC (9.2));

CAST ("2005-10-03" AS DATE);


“The aggregate of beliefs and feelings common on average to members of one and the same society forms a certain system, which has its own life; it can be called collective or shared consciousness. "

Religion - “a coherent system of beliefs and rituals related to sacred, that is, separate, forbidden things; beliefs and rituals, uniting in one moral community, called the church, all who are their supporters. "

Totemism is an animal or plant, a symbol of a certain group of people. According to Durkheim, the totem is sacred because it symbolizes the group, acting as its most important value.

Anomy is a state of a value-normative vacuum characteristic of transitional and crisis periods in the development of society, when old values \u200b\u200band norms cease to operate, and new ones have not yet been assimilated.

Types of suicide:

§ Selfish. The reason for this suicide is the social gap. The individual's connections with the group;

§ Altruistic (opposite to egoistic) happens when social life completely, without a trace absorbs individuality;

§ Anomical. This type of suicide is caused by anomie, sots. Deorganization, as a result of which people lose their usual way of life and cannot adapt to new social services. Conditions.

§ Fatal.

E. Durkheim is considered one of the founders of sociology as a science and subject of teaching.

Lecture. Understanding Sociology.

Max Weber (1864-1920)

Major works:

"Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism"

"Economy and Society"

Factors in the development of capitalism

The basis of capitalism, more fundamental than economics, turned out to be science and bureaucracy. Science has shaped modern technology and will shape it in the future. In turn, bureaucracy is considered to be an effective way of organizing large groups of people, and therefore it inevitably increases with economic and political growth. The emergence of science modern technology and bureaucracy Weber describes as rationalization.

In his work "Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism" M. Weber shows the relationship between Protestant religious values \u200b\u200band the development of the "spirit of capitalism", arguing that in countries where these values \u200b\u200bdominated, capitalist relations were established more quickly and easily.

Protestant ethics.

§ Feeling the profession as a “vocation” determined by God.

§ Wealth is not for the sake of pleasure, but as an indicator of successful activity in your field;

§ Well-done work, honesty in entrepreneurship is part of Protestant ethics.

Protestant ethics led to the formation of Western-style capitalism.

§ The best “document” of the “spirit” of capitalism is the philosophy of Benjamin Franklin;

§ “Remember that time is money; he who could earn ten shillings a day, and nevertheless walks and lazy about half a day at home, must - if he spends only sixpence on himself - take into account not only this expense, but consider that he has spent, or rather, thrown away then another five shillings. "

"Remember that money is inherently fruitful and capable of generating new money ... Whoever cheats one coin of five shillings, kills (!) Everything that it could produce: whole columns of pounds."

“Remember the proverb: that. Who exactly pays, the wallet of others is open. A person who pays right on time can always borrow money from friends that they do not need at the moment ... Therefore, never delay the money you borrowed for one hour beyond the specified time, so that your friend's anger does not close his wallet for you forever ".

“It should be borne in mind that the smallest actions have an impact on the loan. The knock of your hammer, which your creditor hears at 5 am and 8 pm, gives him peace of mind for as long as 6 months; but if he sees you at the billiards or hears your voice in the tavern at the hours when you have to be at work, then the next morning he will remind you of the payment and demand his money the moment you don’t have it. ”

All Franklin's moral rules have a utilitarian rationale: honesty usefulbecause it brings credit, the same is the case with punctuality, diligence and moderation - all these qualities are precisely why they are virtues. From this it can be concluded that where the appearance of honesty achieves the same effect, it may well be replaced by genuine honesty. The efficiency of a person following his own vocation, constitutes the alpha and omega of Franklin's morality.

Social action

2 signs of social action:

§ The presence of subjective meaning;

§ Orientation to the “other”.

Types of social action.

§ Purpose-rational (goal + means);

§ Value-based - rational (value in itself, regardless of the result);

§ Affective (emotional);

§ Traditional (due to custom or habit)

Sociology studies the social actions of individuals.

The most understandable is the goal-oriented rational action.

"Sociology is a science that seeks, by interpreting, to understand social action, and thereby causally explain its process and impact."

§ Three conclusions should be drawn from this wording:

§ 1. Sociology must concentrate its attention on explaining the facts of action, that is, it must reveal its certain regularities and patterns.

§ 2. The explanation of this action must occur through understanding, which means the identification of its semantic significance.

§ 3. This action must be interpreted, that is, to present its subjective meaning through a system of concepts. It is necessary to consistently consider these postulates, which still cause controversy in sociology.

Ideal type

This is a theoretical construction that correlates with empirical reality (and is not extracted from it), not identical to reality.

The ideal type of bureaucracy

§ A hierarchy of power, in which tasks in an organization are distributed as “job responsibilities;

§ Established rules govern the conduct of officials at all levels of the organization;

§ Officials are employed full-time and receive an official salary;

§ There is a division between responsibilities official within the organization and life outside of it;

§ None of the members of the organization owns the material resources that they manage.

Domination types:

§ Rational (legal)

§ Traditional

§ Charismatic.

Although the untrained mind can only perceive direct physical attributes, the true Morphogenesis of our multidimensional existence is generated by multiple levels of consciousness. Together they form the whole identity of the Collective Consciousness, or that from which we are going to shape our own experience.

As our ability to perceive layers of collective consciousness that exist as interconnected, we are no longer defined as entities attached to ...

Although the untrained mind can only perceive direct physical attributes, the true Morphogenesis of our multidimensional existence is generated by multiple levels of consciousness. Together they form the whole identity of the Collective Consciousness, or that from which we are going to shape our own experience. As our ability to perceive layers of collective consciousness that exist as interconnected, we are no longer defined as entities attached to ...

Consciousness is a mental component, a set of mental reactions of every body of a being. Each human body has its own consciousness. Its level depends on the degree of development of matter and the correspondence to the vibration frequency of the standard of Matter of the Cosmic Plan to which it belongs. Space Plans are subdivided into space-energy Levels.

The combination of energies on the highest overtone of the energy Octave reflects the state of consciousness of Matter, which is the standard for the lower ...

Consciousness is a function of the mental body of a living being. Consciousness of the object of the Universe is its virtual mental body. Since the entire Universe has a complex multidimensional structure, all consciousnesses have a connection with specific plans of the Universe.

All consciousnesses of intelligent beings are connected with mental planes, of which there are a great many in connection with the enormous multidimensionality of this level of the universe.

All egregors inhabiting the mental world are interconnected, and they all have a connection with everyone ...

The consciousness of a person who takes the path of spiritual development undergoes a significant expansion. Streams of Light and Love flow into his Light body, enlightening the whole being. Gradually, the whole life of a person changes. His Lightbody becomes dominant.

The ego resists, but gradually fades into the background.

Formation of a personality on the basis of the Light body takes different time. There are periods of significant progress, and there are periods of downs and downs in vibration. But...

Champion Kurt Teutsch: "A person can cope with any circumstances, do incredible things, if he wants and is able to understand and raise his consciousness."

We continue to talk about genetic predisposition.

We inherit from our ancestors and parents the biological, physiological characteristics of the body, a tendency to certain diseases, as well as models of behavior, worldview and worldview. It turns out that we look at the world and all the events happening around us and react through ...

The inner or central being consists of the inner mental, vital and physical being. The psychic, on the other hand, is an intimate, deeply hidden being that supports the central being. it is the inner being, being in a state of silence and silence, that realizes the outer nature as something separate from itself.

Sometimes the central being is realized above the head, and then we speak of the Atman, and its realization is the realization of the Silent Higher Self.

In the usual ...

The Consciousness Field and the Memory Field are created from the energies of the Ocean of Space. Every living being living in any Universe of Space has a built-in mechanism of communication with the Field of Consciousness and the Field of Memory. We will consider the operation of this communication mechanism using the example of a Human.

First of all, let me remind you that when the Third Father was created Christos I Spaces He immediately creates two Fields that fill the entire Space. These Fields are built from and with the help of the energies of the Ocean of Space. These are related ...

Any definition of the mind is inevitably very limited and arbitrary. For instance, modern psychology roughly divides the mind into three parts: conscious, subconscious and unconscious. It is very easy to count them as fixed parts or specific areas of the mind.

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karma as a doctrine of ecology

The Law of Karma includes an important doctrine about ecology. It shows how our private actions are connected with the fate of the whole world. The world becomes this or that as a result of our activity. And in turn, the world changes us depending on our activities.

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- english consciense, collective; german. Kollektivbewusstsein. According to E. Durkheim - the spiritual unity of society, which is not a simple sum of individual consciousnesses, existing independently of them in the form of social. factors (customs, morality, law, traditions, knowledge, etc.), which has a strong influence on individual consciousness. K s. creates moral societies, an environment that forces people to accept the modes of action and thinking that are common in a given society. Forms of K. page: collective representations, collective feelings.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

See what "COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS" is in other dictionaries:

    COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS - (collective conscience) collective beliefs and associated moral relations that act as a unifying force in society. Especially often Durkheim applied the term to simpler societies based on mechanical ... ... Comprehensive explanatory sociological dictionary

    COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS - See group consciousness ... Dictionary in psychology

    COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS - English. consciense, collective; German. Kollektivbewusstsein. According to E. Durkheim, the spiritual unity of society, which is not a simple sum of individual consciousnesses, existing independently of them in the form of social. factors (customs, morality, law, traditions, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Sociology

    A term meaning the totality of all conscious acts and the content of consciousness that are characteristic of each member of a human group (when it comes to group consciousness) or all people in general (when it comes to "consciousness in general" or ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    collective unconscious - A COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS concept introduced in the theory of analytical psychology by CG Jung. According to him, the psyche consists of two spheres of consciousness and the unconscious, which complement each other compensatory and together form a totality ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

    COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS - (Collective Unconscious; Collectives Unbewusstes) the structural level of the human psyche, containing hereditary elements. It should be distinguished from the personal unconscious (see also archetype and archetypal image). "Collective ... ...

    Noun., P., Uptr. very often Morphology: (no) what? consciousness, what? consciousness, (see) what? consciousness, what? consciousness, about what? about consciousness 1. Consciousness is the ability of a person to perceive and understand the surrounding reality. Development, ... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Despite the fact that S. is the most obvious and well-known sign of our existence to everyone, philosophy. and psychol. reasoning about S. is very confusing and contradictory. RB Perry remarked: “How can a term mean anything when used ... ... Psychological encyclopedia

    collective unconscious - Eng. collective unconscious. A term that owes its popularity in the 20th century to K. Jung and denotes the complex of concepts that later received a terminologically more rigorous definition of the cultural unconscious. These two terms and ... ... Postmodernism. Glossary of terms.

    CONSCIOUSNESS - (Consciousness; Bewusstheit) a function or activity that maintains the relationship of mental contents with the ego. “Consciousness for me is not identical with the mental for the mental appears to me as the totality of all mental contents, from ... ... Analytical Psychology Dictionary


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