The star is 20 light years away. Determining Distances to Nearest Stars

Looking out of the train window

The calculation of the distance to the stars did not really bother the ancient people, because in their opinion they were attached to celestial sphere and were at the same distance from the Earth, which a person can never measure. Where are we, and where are these divine domes?

It took many, many centuries for people to understand that the universe is somewhat more complicated. To understand the world in which we live, it was required to build a spatial model in which each star is at a certain distance from us, just as a tourist needs a map to complete a route, rather than a panoramic photograph of the area.

The first assistant in this complex undertaking was parallax, familiar to us from travel by train or by car. Have you noticed how quickly the roadside pillars flicker against the background of distant mountains? If you noticed, then you can be congratulated: you, unwittingly, discovered an important feature of parallax displacement - for close objects it is much larger and more noticeable. And vice versa.

What is Parallax?

In practice, parallax began to work for a person in geodesy and (where can we go without it ?!) in military affairs. Indeed, who, if not artillerymen, needs to measure distances to distant objects with the highest possible accuracy? Moreover, the triangulation method is simple, logical and does not require the use of any complex devices. All that is required is to measure two angles and one distance, the so-called base, with acceptable accuracy, and then, using elementary trigonometry, determine the length of one of the legs of a right-angled triangle.

Triangulation in practice

Imagine that you need to determine the distance (d) from one coast to an inaccessible point on a ship. Below we will give an algorithm of the actions required for this.

  1. Mark two points on the bank (A) and (B), the distance between which you know (l).
  2. Measure the angles α and β.
  3. Calculate d by the formula:

Parallactic displacement of loved onesstars in the background

Obviously, the accuracy directly depends on the size of the base: the longer it is, the correspondingly larger will be the parallax displacements and angles. For a terrestrial observer, the maximum possible base is the diameter of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, that is, measurements must be taken at intervals of six months, when our planet is at the diametrically opposite point of the orbit. This parallax is called annual, and the first astronomer who tried to measure it was the famous Dane Tycho Brahe, famous for his exceptional scientific pedantry and rejection of the Copernican system.

Perhaps Brahe's adherence to the idea of \u200b\u200bgeocentrism played a cruel joke on him: the measured annual parallaxes did not exceed an angular minute and could well be attributed to instrumental errors. An astronomer with a clear conscience was convinced of the "correctness" of the Ptolemaic system - the Earth does not move anywhere and is in the center of a small cozy Universe, in which the Sun and other stars are literally a stone's throw, only 15-20 times farther than the Moon. However, the works of Tycho Brahe were not in vain, becoming the foundation for the discovery of Kepler's laws, which finally put an end to the outdated theories of the device Solar system.

Star cartographers

Space "ruler"

It should be noted that triangulation did a great job in our cosmic home before we seriously tackle distant stars. The main task it became the determination of the distance to the Sun, the very astronomical unit, without the exact knowledge of which measurements of stellar parallaxes become meaningless. The first person in the world who set himself such a task was the ancient Greek philosopher Aristarchus of Samos, who proposed a heliocentric system of the world 1,500 years before Copernicus. After doing complex calculations based on rather rough knowledge of that era, he found that the Sun was 20 times farther than the Moon. For many centuries this value was accepted as true, becoming one of the basic axioms of the theories of Aristotle and Ptolemy.

Only Kepler, coming close to building a model of the solar system, subjected this value to a serious reassessment. On this scale, it was not possible to connect real astronomical data and the laws of motion of celestial bodies discovered by him. Kepler intuitively believed that the sun was much farther from the Earth, but as a theorist, he could not find a way to confirm (or refute) his guess.

It is curious that the correct estimate of the size of the astronomical unit became possible precisely on the basis of Kepler's laws, which set the "rigid" spatial structure of the solar system. Astronomers had it accurate and detailed map, on which it only remained to determine the scale. This was done by the French Jean Dominique Cassini and Jean Richet, who measured the position of Mars against the background of distant stars during opposition (in this position, Mars, Earth and the Sun are located on one straight line, and the distance between the planets is minimal).

The measurement points were Paris and the capital of French Guiana, Cayenne, which is located a good 7 thousand kilometers away. Young Richet went to the South American colony, and the venerable Cassini remained "musketeer" in Paris. Upon the return of a young colleague, the scientists got down to calculations, and at the end of 1672 they presented the results of their research - according to their calculations, the astronomical unit was equal to 140 million kilometers. Later, to clarify the scale of the solar system, astronomers used the transit of Venus across the solar disk, which occurred four times in the 18th-19th centuries. And, perhaps, these studies can be called the first international scientific projects: in addition to England, Germany and France, Russia became their active participant. By the beginning of the 20th century, the scale of the solar system was finally established, and it was accepted modern meaning astronomical unit - 149.5 million kilometers.

  1. Aristarchus suggested that the moon has the shape of a ball and is illuminated by the sun. Consequently, if the Moon looks "split" in half, then the Earth-Moon-Sun angle is right.
  2. Next, Aristarchus calculated the Sun-Earth-Moon angle by direct observation.
  3. Using the rule "the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees", Aristarchus calculated the angle of the Earth-Sun-Moon.
  4. Using the aspect ratio of a right-angled triangle, Aristarchus calculated that the Earth-Moon distance is 20 times greater than the Earth-Sun distance. Note! Aristarchus did not calculate the exact distance.

Parsecs, parsecs

Cassini and Richet calculated the position of Mars relative to distant stars

And with these initial data, it was already possible to claim the accuracy of measurements. In addition, the goniometric instruments have reached the required level. The Russian astronomer Vasily Struve, director of the university observatory in the city of Dorpat (now Tartu in Estonia), published the results of measuring Vega's annual parallax in 1837. It turned out to be equal to 0.12 arc seconds. The baton was picked up by the German Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, a disciple of the great Gauss, who measured the parallax of the star 61 in the constellation Cygnus - 0.30 arc seconds a year later, and the Scotsman Thomas Henderson, who "caught" the famous Alpha Centauri with a parallax of 1.2. " Later, however, it turned out that the latter overdid it a little and in fact the star is displaced by only 0.7 arc seconds per year.

The accumulated data have shown that the annual parallax of stars does not exceed one arc second. It was adopted by scientists to introduce a new unit of measurement - parsec ("parallax second" in abbreviation). From such an insane distance by conventional standards, the radius of the earth's orbit is visible at an angle of 1 second. In order to more clearly represent the cosmic scale, let us assume that the astronomical unit (and this is the radius of the Earth's orbit, equal to 150 million kilometers) "compressed" into 2 tetrad cells (1 cm). So: you can "see" them at an angle of 1 second ... from two kilometers!

For cosmic depths, parsecs are not a distance, although even light will take three and a quarter years to overcome it. Within just a dozen parsecs of our stellar neighbors, you can literally count on one hand. When it comes to galactic scales, it’s just right to operate with kilo- (thousand units) and megaparsecs (respectively, a million), which in our "tetrad" model can already climb into other countries.

The real boom in ultra-precise astronomical measurements began with the advent of photography. "Big-eyed" telescopes with 1-meter lenses, sensitive photographic plates designed for many-hour exposure, precision clock mechanisms that rotate the telescope synchronously with the Earth's rotation - all this made it possible to confidently record annual parallaxes with an accuracy of 0.05 arc seconds and, thus, determine distances up to 100 parsecs. For more (or rather, for less) terrestrial technology is incapable: the capricious and restless terrestrial atmosphere interferes.

If measurements are taken in orbit, the accuracy can be significantly improved. It was for this purpose that in 1989 the astrometric satellite "Hipparch" (HIPPARCOS, from the English High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite), developed by the European Space Agency, was launched into low-earth orbit.

  1. As a result of the work of the Hipparchus orbiting telescope, a fundamental astrometric catalog was compiled.
  2. With the help of Gaia, a three-dimensional map of part of our Galaxy has been compiled, showing the coordinates, direction of movement and color of about a billion stars.

The result of his work is a catalog of 120 thousand stellar objects with annual parallaxes determined with an accuracy of 0.01 arc seconds. And its successor, the satellite Gaia (Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics), launched on December 19, 2013, draws a spatial map of the nearest galactic environs with a billion (!) Objects. And who knows, maybe it will be very useful for our grandchildren.

Parallax principle using a simple example.

A method for determining the distance to stars by measuring the angle of apparent displacement (parallax).

Thomas Henderson, Vasily Yakovlevich Struve and Friedrich Bessel were the first to measure distances to stars using the parallax method.

The layout of the stars within a radius of 14 light years from the Sun. Including the Sun, this region contains 32 known star systems (Inductiveload /

The next discovery (30s of the XIX century) is the determination of stellar parallaxes. Scientists have long suspected that the stars might look like distant suns... However, it was still a hypothesis, and, I would say, until that time, practically not based on anything. It was important to learn how to directly measure the distance to the stars. How to do this, people understood for a long time. The Earth revolves around the Sun, and if, for example, today you make an accurate sketch of the starry sky (in the 19th century it was still impossible to take a photo), wait six months and re-sketch the sky, you will notice that some of the stars have shifted relative to other, distant objects. The reason is simple - we are now looking at the stars from the opposite edge of the earth's orbit. There is a displacement of close objects against the background of distant ones. It is exactly the same as if we first look at the finger with one eye and then with the other. We will notice that the finger is displaced against the background of distant objects (or distant objects are displaced relative to the finger, depending on which frame of reference we choose). Tycho Brahe, the best astronomer-observer of the pre-telescope era, tried to measure these parallaxes, but did not find them. In fact, he just gave a lower limit on the distance to the stars. He said that the stars are at least farther than, about a light month (although, of course, there could not be such a term then). And in the 30s, the development of telescopic observation technology made it possible to more accurately measure distances to stars. And it is not surprising that there are three people in different parts The globe made such observations for three different stars.

The first to formally correctly measure the distance to the stars was Thomas Henderson. He observed Alpha Centauri in the Southern Hemisphere. He was lucky, he almost accidentally chose the closest star visible to the naked eye in the Southern Hemisphere. But Henderson believed that he lacked the accuracy of the observations, although he received the correct value. Errors, in his opinion, were large, and he did not immediately publish his result. Vasily Yakovlevich Struve observed in Europe and chose the bright star of the northern sky - Vega. He was also lucky - he could have chosen, for example, Arcturus, which is much further. Struve determined the distance to Vega and even published the result (which, as it later turned out, was very close to the truth). However, he clarified it several times, changed it, and therefore many felt that this result cannot be trusted, since the author himself constantly changes it. Friedrich Bessel acted differently. He chose not a bright star, but the one that moves quickly across the sky - 61 Swans (the name itself says that it is probably not very bright). The stars move slightly relative to each other, and, naturally, the closer the stars are to us, the more noticeable this effect is. In the same way as on a train, roadside poles flicker very quickly outside the window, the forest only slowly moves, and the Sun actually stands still. In 1838, he published the very reliable parallax of 61 Cygnus and measured the distance correctly. These measurements proved for the first time that stars are distant suns, and it became clear that the luminosities of all these objects correspond to solar values. Determination of parallaxes for the first tens of stars made it possible to build a three-dimensional map of the solar neighborhood. Still, it has always been very important for a person to build maps. This made the world kind of a little more controllable. Here is a map, and already a foreign area does not seem so mysterious, probably dragons do not live there, but just some kind of dark forest. The advent of the measurement of distances to stars has indeed made the closest solar neighborhood, a few light years away, any more friendly.

This is a chapter from the wall newspaper published by the charity project “Briefly and clearly about the most interesting”. Click on the newspaper thumbnail below and read the rest of the articles on your topic of interest. Thanks!

The material of the issue was kindly provided by Sergey Borisovich Popov - astrophysicist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Russian academy Sci., Leading Researcher, State Astronomical Institute. Sternberg of Moscow state university, laureate of several prestigious awards in the field of science and education. We hope that acquaintance with the issue will be useful for both schoolchildren and parents and teachers - especially now, when astronomy is again included in the list of compulsory school subjects (order No. 506 of the Ministry of Education and Science of June 7, 2017).

All wall newspapers published by our charitable project "Briefly and clearly about the most interesting" are waiting for you on the website of k-ya.rf. There are also

At some point in our lives, each of us asked this question: how long to fly to the stars? Is it possible to carry out such a flight in one human life, can such flights become the norm of everyday life? There are many answers to this difficult question, depending on who is asking. Some are simple, others are more difficult. To find a definitive answer, there are too many things to consider.

Unfortunately, no real estimates exist that would help find such an answer, and this frustrates futurists and interstellar travel enthusiasts. Whether we like it or not, space is very large (and complex) and our technology is still limited. But if we ever decide to leave our "home nest", we will have several ways to get to the nearest star system in our galaxy.

The closest star to our Earth is the Sun, quite an "average" star according to the Hertzsprung - Russell "main sequence" scheme. This means that the star is very stable and provides enough sunlight for life to develop on our planet. We know that other planets revolve around the stars near our solar system, and many of these stars are similar to our own.

In the future, if humanity wishes to leave the solar system, we will have a huge selection of stars that we could get to, and many of them may well have favorable conditions for life. But where are we going and how long will it take us to get there? Keep in mind that this is all speculation and there are no landmarks for interstellar travel at this time. Well, as Gagarin said, let's go!

Reach for the star
As already noted, the closest star to our solar system is Proxima Centauri, and therefore it makes a lot of sense to start planning an interstellar mission with it. Part of the Alpha Centauri triple star system, Proxima is 4.24 light years (1.3 parsecs) from Earth. Alpha Centauri is essentially the brightest star of the three in the system, part of a close binary system 4.37 light years from Earth - while Proxima Centauri (the faintest of the three) is an isolated red dwarf 0.13 light years away. from a dual system.

And while conversations about interstellar travel evoke thoughts of all kinds of faster-than-light travel (FSS), ranging from warp speeds and wormholes to subspace engines, such theories either the highest degree fictional (like the Alcubierre engine), or only exist in science fiction. Any mission in deep space will stretch for generations of people.

So, starting with one of the slowest forms of space travel, how long does it take to get to Proxima Centauri?

Modern methods

The question of estimating the duration of travel in space is much easier if existing technologies and bodies in our solar system are involved in it. For example, using the technology used by the New Horizons mission, 16 hydrazine mono-fuel engines, you can reach the Moon in just 8 hours and 35 minutes.

There is also the European Space Agency's SMART-1 mission, which was propelled towards the moon using ion thrust. With this revolutionary technology, a variant of which the Dawn space probe also used to reach Vesta, it took SMART-1 a year, a month and two weeks to reach the moon.

From a fast rocket spacecraft to an economical ion drive, we have a couple of options for getting around local space - plus you could use Jupiter or Saturn as a giant gravity slingshot. Nevertheless, if we plan to get a little further, we will have to build up the power of technology and explore new possibilities.

When we talk about possible methods, we are talking about those that involve existing technologies, or those that do not yet exist, but which are technically feasible. Some of them, as you will see, are time-tested and confirmed, while others are still in question. In short, they represent a possible, but very time consuming and costly scenario of traveling even to the nearest star.

Ionic movement

Currently, the slowest and most economical form of engine is the ion engine. Several decades ago, ion propulsion was considered the subject of science fiction. But in recent years ion propulsion support technologies have moved from theory to practice, and with great success. The SMART-1 mission of the European Space Agency is an example of a successful mission to the Moon in 13 months of spiral motion from Earth.

SMART-1 used solar-powered ion thrusters, in which electricity was collected by solar panels and used to power Hall effect thrusters. It took just 82 kilograms of xenon fuel to get SMART-1 to the moon. 1 kilogram of xenon fuel provides a delta-V of 45 m / s. This is an extremely effective form of movement, but far from the fastest.

One of the first missions to use ion propulsion technology was the Deep Space 1 mission to Comet Borrelli in 1998. The DS1 also used a xenon ion engine and consumed 81.5 kg of fuel. For 20 months of thrust, DS1 developed speeds of 56,000 km / h at the time of the comet's passage.

Ion engines are more economical than rocket technologies because their thrust per unit mass of rocket fuel (specific impulse) is much higher. But ion engines take a long time to accelerate spacecraft up to significant speeds, and maximum speed depends on fuel support and power generation.

Therefore, if ion propulsion is used in a mission to Proxima Centauri, the engines must have a powerful source of energy (nuclear power) and large reserves of fuel (although less than conventional rockets). But if we start from the assumption that 81.5 kg of xenon fuel translates into 56,000 km / h (and there will be no other forms of movement), calculations can be made.

At a top speed of 56,000 km / h, Deep Space 1 would take 81,000 years to travel 4.24 light years between Earth and Proxima Centauri. In time, this is about 2700 generations of people. It's safe to say that an interplanetary ion drive will be too slow for a manned interstellar mission.

But if the ion thrusters are larger and more powerful (that is, the rate of exit of ions will be significantly higher), if there is enough rocket fuel, which is enough for the entire 4.24 light years, travel time will be significantly reduced. But all the same there will be much longer than the period of human life.

Gravity maneuver

The fastest way to travel in space is to use gravity assist. This method involves the spacecraft using the relative motion (i.e., orbit) and gravity of the planet to alter its path and speed. Gravitational maneuvers are an extremely useful technique for space flight, especially when using the Earth or another massive planet (like a gas giant) for acceleration.

The Mariner 10 spacecraft was the first to use this technique, using Venus's gravitational pull to accelerate toward Mercury in February 1974. In the 1980s, the Voyager 1 probe used Saturn and Jupiter for gravitational maneuvers and acceleration to 60,000 km / h, followed by an exit into interstellar space.

The Helios 2 mission, which began in 1976 and was supposed to explore the interplanetary environment between 0.3 AU. e. and 1 a. e. from the Sun, the record belongs to high speeddeveloped using gravity assist. At that time, Helios 1 (launched in 1974) and Helios 2 held the record for the closest approach to the Sun. Helios 2 was launched by a conventional rocket and put into a highly elongated orbit.

Due to the large eccentricity (0.54) of the 190-day solar orbit, at perihelion Helios 2 managed to reach a maximum speed of over 240,000 km / h. This orbital speed was developed only by the gravitational attraction of the Sun. Technically, the perihelion speed of Helios 2 was not the result of gravity assist, but the maximum orbital speed, but the device still holds the record for the fastest artificial object.

If Voyager 1 was moving towards the red dwarf Proxima Centauri at a constant speed of 60,000 km / h, it would take 76,000 years (or more than 2,500 generations) to cover that distance. But if the probe reached the record speed of Helios 2 - constant speed at 240,000 km / h - it would take 19,000 years (or more than 600 generations) to travel 4,243 light years. Much better, although not nearly practical.

Electromagnetic motor EM Drive

Another proposed method for interstellar travel is a resonant cavity radio frequency motor, also known as EM Drive. Proposed back in 2001 by Roger Scheuer, a British scientist who created Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd (SPR) to implement the project, the engine is based on the idea that electromagnetic microwave cavities can directly convert electricity into thrust.

While traditional electromagnetic motors are designed to propel a specific mass (such as ionized particles), this particular propulsion system does not depend on the reaction of the mass and does not emit directional radiation. In general, this engine was greeted with a fair amount of skepticism largely because it violates the law of conservation of momentum, according to which the momentum of a system remains constant and cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed under the action of force.

Nevertheless, recent experiments with this technology have clearly led to positive results. In July 2014, at the 50th AIAA / ASME / SAE / ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, NASA's advanced jet scientists announced that they had successfully tested a new electromagnetic motor design.

In April 2015, scientists at NASA Eagleworks (part of the Johnson Space Center) said they had successfully tested the engine in a vacuum, which could indicate a possible use in space. In July of the same year, a group of scientists from the department space systems Dresden technological university developed my own version of the engine and observed tangible thrust.

In 2010, Professor Zhuang Yang from the Northwest polytechnic university in Xi'an, China, has begun publishing a series of articles about her research on EM Drive technology. In 2012, it reported a high input power (2.5 kW) and a fixed thrust of 720 mn. In 2014, she also conducted extensive tests, including internal temperature measurements with built-in thermocouples, which showed that the system was working.

According to calculations based on the NASA prototype (which was given a power rating of 0.4 N / kilowatt), an electromagnetic-powered spacecraft can make a trip to Pluto in less than 18 months. This is six times less than what was required by the New Horizons probe, which was moving at a speed of 58,000 km / h.

Sounds impressive. But even in this case, the ship on electromagnetic engines will fly to Proxima Centauri for 13,000 years. Close, but still not enough. In addition, until all the dots are dotted in this technology, it is too early to talk about its use.

Nuclear thermal and nuclear electric propulsion

Another possibility to carry out an interstellar flight is to use a spacecraft equipped with nuclear engines. NASA has studied such options for decades. A nuclear thermal propulsion rocket could use uranium or deuterium reactors to heat hydrogen in the reactor, converting it into ionized gas (hydrogen plasma), which would then be directed into the rocket nozzle, generating thrust.

A nuclear-powered rocket includes the same reactor, which converts heat and energy into electricity, which then powers the electric motor. In both cases, the rocket will rely on nuclear fusion or nuclear fission to create thrust, rather than the chemical fuel that all modern space agencies operate on.

Compared to chemical engines, nuclear engines have undeniable advantages. Firstly, it is practically unlimited energy density compared to rocket fuel. In addition, the nuclear engine will also generate more thrust than the amount of fuel used. This will reduce the amount of fuel required, and at the same time the weight and cost of a particular apparatus.

Although thermal nuclear power engines have not yet entered space, their prototypes have been created and tested, and even more have been proposed.

Yet despite the advantages in fuel economy and specific impulse, the best of the proposed nuclear thermal engine concepts has a maximum specific impulse of 5000 seconds (50 kN · s / kg). Using nuclear engines powered by nuclear fission or fusion, NASA scientists could deliver a spacecraft to Mars in just 90 days if the Red Planet is 55,000,000 kilometers from Earth.

But when it comes to travel to Proxima Centauri, a nuclear rocket will take centuries to accelerate to a substantial fraction of the speed of light. Then it will take several decades of the way, and after them many more centuries of inhibition on the way to the goal. We are still 1000 years from our destination. What's good for interplanetary missionsnot so good for interstellar.

On February 22, 2017, NASA reported that 7 exoplanets were found near the single TRAPPIST-1 star. Three of them are in the range of distances from the star in which the planet can have liquid waterand water is a key condition for life. It is also reported that this star system is located at a distance of 40 light-years from Earth.

This message made a lot of noise in the media, some even thought that humanity is on the verge of building new settlements near a new star, but this is not so. But 40 light years is a lot, it is a LOT, it is too many kilometers, that is, this is a monstrously colossal distance!

From the physics course, the third cosmic speed is known - this is the speed that a body must have at the surface of the Earth in order to go beyond the solar system. The value of this speed is 16.65 km / s. Orbital spacecraft start at a speed of 7.9 km / sec and revolve around the Earth. In principle, a speed of 16-20 km / s is quite accessible to modern earth technologies, but no more!

Humanity has not yet learned how to accelerate spacecraft faster than 20 km / sec.

Let's calculate how many years it will take for a spaceship traveling at a speed of 20 km / s to travel 40 light years and reach the star TRAPPIST-1.
One light year is the distance traveled by a ray of light in a vacuum, and the speed of light is approximately 300 thousand km / sec.

A spacecraft made by human hands travels at a speed of 20 km / sec, that is, 15,000 times slower than the speed of light. Such a ship will cover 40 light years in a time equal to 40 * 15000 \u003d 600000 years!

An earth ship (with the current level of technology) will reach the TRAPPIST-1 star in about 600 thousand years! Homo sapiens has existed on Earth (according to scientists) only 35-40 thousand years, and here it is as much as 600 thousand years!

In the near future, technology will not allow humans to reach the TRAPPIST-1 star. Even promising engines (ionic, photonic, space sails, etc.), which do not exist in earthly reality, are estimated to be able to accelerate the ship to a speed of 10,000 km / s, which means that the flight time to the TRAPPIST-1 system will be reduced to 120 years. ... This is already a more or less acceptable time for flying with suspended animation or for several generations of settlers, but today all these engines are fantastic.

Even the nearest stars are still too far from people, too far, not to mention the stars of our Galaxy or other galaxies.

Across our galaxy Milky Way is about 100 thousand light years, that is, the path from end to end for a modern earth ship will be 1.5 billion years! Science suggests that our Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and multicellular life is about 2 billion years old. The distance to the nearest galaxy to us - the Andromeda Nebula - 2.5 million light years from Earth - what a monstrous distance!

As you can see, of all living people, no one will ever set foot on the earth of a planet near another star.

Proxima Centauri.

Here's a classic trick question. Ask your friends, " Which one is the closest to us?"and then watch how they list nearby stars... Maybe Sirius? Alpha is there something? Betelgeuse? The obvious answer is this; a massive ball of plasma located about 150 million kilometers from Earth. Let's clarify the question. Which star is closest to the Sun?

Nearest star

You've probably heard that it is the third brightest star in the sky just 4.37 light years away. But Alpha Centauri not a single star, it is a system of three stars. First, a double star (binary star) with a common center of gravity and an orbital period of 80 years. Alpha Centauri A is only slightly more massive and brighter than the sun, and Alpha Centauri B is slightly less massive than the Sun. This system also contains a third component, a dull red dwarf Proxima Centauri.

Proxima Centauri - That's what it is the closest star to our sunlocated at a distance of only 4.24 light years.

Proxima Centauri.

Multiple star system Alpha Centauri located in the constellation Centaurus, which is visible only in the southern hemisphere. Unfortunately, even if you see this system, you will not be able to see Proximu Centauri... This star is so faint that you need a telescope powerful enough to see it.

Let's figure out the scale of how far Proxima Centauri from U.S. Think about. moves at nearly 60,000 km / h, the fastest in. He covered this path in 2015 in 9 years. Traveling fast enough to get to Proxima Centauri, New Horizons will take 78,000 light years.

Proxima Centauri is the closest star over 32,000 light years, and it will hold this record for another 33,000 years. It will make its closest approach to the Sun in about 26,700 years, when the star is only 3.11 light years away from Earth. In 33,000 years, the nearest star will be Ross 248.

What about the northern hemisphere?

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the closest visible star is Barnard's Star, another red dwarf in the constellation Ophiuchus. Unfortunately, like Proxima Centauri, Barnard's Star is too dim to see with the naked eye.

Barnard's Star.

Nearest starwhich you can see with the naked eye in the northern hemisphere is Sirius (Alpha Big Dog) ... Sirius is twice the size and mass of the Sun, and is the brightest star in the sky. Located 8.6 light-years away in the constellation Canis Major, it is the most famous star that stalks Orion in the night sky in winter.

How did astronomers measure the distance to the stars?

They use a method called. Let's do a little experiment. Keep one arm outstretched and place your finger so that some distant object is nearby. Now open and close each eye in turn. Notice how your finger seems to jump back and forth when you look with different eyes. This is the parallax method.


To measure the distance to the stars, you can measure the angle to the star relative to when the Earth is on one side of the orbit, say in the summer, then 6 months later, when the Earth moves to the opposite side of the orbit, and then measure the angle to the star relative to what - any distant object. If the star is close to us, this angle can be measured and the distance calculated.

You can actually measure the distance in this way up to nearest starsbut this method only works up to 100 "000 light years.

20 closest stars

Here is a list of the 20 closest star systems and their distance in light years. Some of them have multiple stars, but they are part of the same system.

StarDistance, St. years old
Alpha Centauri4,2
Barnard's Star5,9
Wolf 359 (Wolf 359; CN Leo)7,8
Lalande 21185 (Lalande 21185)8,3
Lieuten 726-8 (Luyten 726-8)8,7
Ross 154 (Ross 154)9,7
Ross 248 (Ross 24810,3
Epsilon Eridani10,5
Lacaille 935210,7
Ross 128 (Ross 128)10,9
EZ Aquarii11,3
61 Swans (61 Cygni)11,4
Struve 2398 (Struve 2398)11,5
Groombridge 3411,6
Epsilon Indi11,8
DX Cancer (DX Cancri)11,8
Tau Ceti11,9
GJ 10611,9

According to NASA, there are 45 stars within a 17 light-year radius of the Sun. There are over 200 billion stars in the world. Some are so dim that they are nearly impossible to detect. Perhaps with new technologies, scientists will find stars even closer to us.

Title of the article you read "The closest star to the Sun".