Fedor konyukhov crossed the Pacific Ocean. Russian traveler fedor konyukhov crossed the pacific ocean on a rowboat

On December 22, 2013, a single row boat sailed from the Chilean port of Koncon into the open ocean. The end point of the route was the Australian city of Mooloolaba. There was only one crew member on board - Fyodor Konyukhov.

On December 12, 2012, on his birthday - he is now 62 - the traveler announced his intention to cross the Pacific Ocean in a rowing boat without entering ports and without being accompanied. It happened in England, where Konyukhov flew to approve the final version of the boat under the working name "K9". By Konyukhov's decision, this boat retained the classic design and shape of his previous URALAZ boat, on which he crossed the Atlantic in 46 days in 2002.

The boat was made of carbon fiber. The hull is 9 meters long and 1.6 meters wide, divided into 5 watertight bulkheads. It is significant that all the builders of "K9" and the professional seafarers themselves have experience in single sea voyages on oars. In particular, the chief construction manager, an Englishman, Charlie Pitcher, twice crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone in a rowboat. Among the creators there are rowers who rowed the Indian Ocean.

However, it is incorrect to compare the Pacific Ocean with others. “The Atlantic is a 3,000-mile route that can be covered in one season,” explains Konyukhov. “The Pacific Ocean in the Chile-east coast of Australia has a route length of 9,000 nautical miles. It is clear that I will not be able to meet in one season. I plan to start in the summer (December in the Southern Hemisphere), and finish in late autumn, I cannot avoid storms on the way to Australia. The boat must withstand enormous loads, and I will need the most modern technologies, the latest developments in ocean rowing projects. That is why I invited active ocean rowers to the project. "

Later, the boat instead of the faceless "K9" was named "Turgoyak".

Turgoyak is a large freshwater lake in the Chelyabinsk region near the city of Miass. Very scenic. In addition to its beauty, it is famous for the fact that in the summer it hosts the All-Russian regattas for the Konyukhov Cup. Here is the house-museum of the traveler. As the organizers of the regatta remind, it is on this lake that he is recovering from difficult expeditions and draws inspiration for his new projects.

But the most meticulous admirers of the exploits of the traveler, who try to find out the etymology of the name of the boat, I am afraid, will have to abandon the idea. Mission Impossible. The fact is that the origin of the term Turgoyak is not entirely obvious even for local historians. Presumably a word from bashkir language, but there is no convincing interpretation of the toponym. There are many translation options, one more ridiculous than the other: from "Stop the foot" to "Big chicken". There is also a romantic version: the lake got its name from old legend about the love of the young man Tour and the girl Goyak.

Whatever it was, but "Turgoyak" has already entered the history of the most incredible travel. "The first-ever solo trip on a rowboat from the coast of Chile to Australia was successful," President Putin stated in his congratulatory telegram to Konyukhov. "You have continued the wonderful traditions of the great Russian explorers and travelers who made a great contribution to the study of the World Ocean."

The conquest of the elements, as always, was hard. The route through the Pacific Ocean ran in a corridor of 30-35 degrees South latitude, and in these latitudes Fedor had to go around the islands of Robinson Crusoe, Easter, Pitcairn and others. After passing the first half of the journey (4000 miles), the boat entered the zone of atolls, many of which are still not marked on the map. In this part of the ocean, there is poor shipping and in the event of an emergency, help can wait a week or more, unlike Atlantic Ocean, where, according to statistics, help to yachtsmen comes within a day. “The main difficulty of this kind of test is its monotony, - admitted Konyukhov. - Every day I tried to row for 18 hours, slept for 20-25 minutes, but no more than 2.5 hours a day. I was not thrown out on islands or reefs, I avoided collisions with ships, did not receive any injuries, and, of course, my approach to the shores of Australia in perfect weather and safe disembarkation are all thanks to prayers. "

The motive for record swimming is not so much science and sports interest. In any case, this is what Konyukhov himself claims. The record is for the sake of the younger generation, to whom he wants to instill the spirit of romance.

“I travel to make people dream more,” says the traveler. Adding that his next goal is to fly around the Earth by hot-air balloon.

Konyukhov crossed the Pacific Ocean on a solo rowing boat in 160 days, with a plan of 200 days. The previous best achievement was 273 days. This result was shown by 52-year-old Englishman Jim Shekdar.

Dossier "RG"

Fedor Konyukhov was born in 1951 in Ukraine, on the shore Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, in the village of Chkalovo. Navigator by profession (Odessa Naval School and Leningrad Arctic School), artist and sculptor (Bobruisk Art School), Honorary Academician Of the Russian Academy arts, author of 3 thousand paintings. Member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation, author of 12 books.

Made 4 voyages around the world. The first man in the world to reach 5 poles: the North Geographic (three times), the South Geographic, the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, Everest (the Pole of Height) and the Pole of Cape Horn sailors. The first Russian citizen to climb the 7 Summits of the World.

In 2010 he was ordained a deacon and was ordained a priest in the St. Nicholas Church in Zaporozhye.

He has a large family: a wife, two sons and a daughter, four grandchildren and two granddaughters.

Fyodor Konyukhov set a new world record for the speed of a balloon trip around the world. The Russian traveler set out on 12 July. He took to the skies in a hot air balloon from the west coast of Australia. This morning, July 23, the Russian reached the shores of Australia after 11 days of travel. The last record belonged to American Steve Fossett, his flight took 13 days. An amazing person, what records he has not set, where he has not been. This post summarizes some of his achievements:

1) Climbed to a height of 10 thousand 600 meters in a hot air balloon

Having risen to a height of 10 thousand 600 meters during a round-the-world balloon trip, the famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov, bypassed the record set by the American businessman, yachtsman and balloonist Steve Fossett. Its maximum flight altitude was 10 thousand 200 meters.

2) The first Russian who managed to complete the Grand Slam program

The first Russian who managed to complete the "Grand Slam" program. Here, sometimes, it is difficult to climb the stairs to the twentieth floor, not to mention the mountain peaks. What is not included in the "Grand Slam", to complete the program must be conquered: the North Pole, South Pole, Cape Horn, Everest.

3) Completed the program "7 Summits of the World"

The first Russian who managed to complete the 7 Summits of the World program was to climb the highest peak of every continent.

As part of this program, Fyodor Konyukhov made ascents:

4) Rowing across the Atlantic Ocean

In 2002, the Russian Fyodor Konyukhov crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone. He traveled on a rowing boat "URALAZ", setting a world record - 3 thousand nautical miles in 46 days.

5) Paddle across the Pacific Ocean

Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov reached the coast of Australia in May 2014. Thus, he managed to cross the Pacific Ocean alone in a rowboat without calling in ports and outside assistance.

Konyukhov started on December 22, 2013 from the port of Concon (Chile) at 09:15 am Chilean time, overcame over 17 thousand km on a boat called "Turgoyak" and finished in the town of Muloolaba (Queensland) at 13:13 Eastern time. coast of Australia. "Turgoyak" has a length of 9 meters, a width of 1.8 meters, the weight of its body made of carbon fiber is 250 kg, weight with a full load - 850 kg. He completed his journey in 160 days.

6) The first in the history of Russia, single non-stop circumnavigation of the world

He made the first in the history of Russia, a single round-the-world voyage non-stop. On the 36 pounds yacht Caraana, he sailed the Sydney - Cape Horn - Equator - Sydney route. It took him 224 days. Konyukhov's circumnavigation began in the fall of 1990, and ended in the spring of 1991.

7) Solo skiing trip to the North Pole

1990 - the first solo skiing trip to the North Pole in the history of Russia. Started from Cape Lokot, Sredny Island, on March 3. Reached the Pole on May 8, 1990. Travel time - 72 days.

8) Solo hike to the South Pole

1995–1996 - the first solo trip to the South Pole in Russian history, followed by an ascent to the highest point of Antarctica - the Vinson Massif (5140 m). Launched from Hercules Bay on November 8, 1995 - reached the South Pole on January 6, 1996. Reached the South Pole in 64 days, alone, autonomously.

9) Crossing Greenland with dog sleds

The record was set in 2007 - crossing Greenland on dog sleds from the east coast (village of Isortok) through the ice dome, to the west coast (village of Illulisat), along the Arctic Circle. A record was set for crossing Greenland on this route - 15 days and 22 hours.

10) World record for duration of flight

In January 2016 - together with his partner Ivan Menyailo, setting a world record for the duration of a flight in a hot air balloon with a volume of 3950 cubic meters - 32 hours 20 minutes.


https: //www.site/2017-06-09/kak_fedor_konyuhov_gotovitsya_k_krugosvetke_na_veselnoy_lodke_i_chto_meshaet_emu_pogruzitsya_v_maria

"I return from expeditions with debts"

How Fyodor Konyukhov prepares for his trip around the world in a rowboat, and what prevents him from diving into the Mariana Trench

The famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov once again came to Chelyabinsk regionto congratulate the winners of the children's sailing regatta named after him. In addition, the traveler's partners live in the South Urals, who sponsor his sea crossings - businessmen Oleg Sirotin and Sergey Eremenko. And this time they help Konyukhov in preparing a new round the world expedition... The traveler plans to go on a rowboat along Antarctica and cross one of the most storm-prone areas in the Cape Horn region.

- I plan to start on November 1, 2018 from Tasmania and return there in 220 days, says Fyodor Konyukhov. - Active preparations are already underway. There are blueprints for the boat; they will soon start building it. You also need to prepare informationally. Know clearly what currents and winds will be at that moment. How to distribute forces, how much distance you need to walk in a day.

According to him, preparations for crossing the Pacific Ocean were similar. Then famous traveler and his team calculated: to cross the ocean in six months, you need to walk 60 miles a day. To cover such a distance, it was necessary to make 24 thousand strokes of the oars a day, row for 15-18 hours, depending on the wind.

- Therefore, for almost the entire expedition I did nothing but row. I hardly ever fished, because it’s a waste of time, and it’s not suitable for food. It has almost no calories. I was spending 6,000 calories a day then. In normal times, a person spends 1500-2000. And, of course, you need to prepare mentally. For me, this is fasting and prayer - the most difficult training, - continues Konyukhov.

Fyodor Konyukhov, flying in a balloon, dropped a gas cylinder on the FSB training center

In the area of \u200b\u200bCape Horn, the traveler plans to meet with friends from Chelyabinsk. They will approach him on their yacht in order to morally support him on a difficult journey.

“I'm not doing this for fame, I don't even notice it,” says Fyodor Konyukhov. - I have goals, I have curiosity, to discover something new.

According to the navigator, he does not lose hope of one day diving into the Mariana Trench, but this is a difficult project, so it has been stuck for several years. The first contract on it was signed back in 1997, but there is still no technology that would allow such a dive, the traveler complains.

- There are 7 billion of us living on earth, and there is only one designer who can develop a capsule for diving. He lives in Australia, he is already an elderly man and does not really want to take on this. We have postponed the descent to the Mariana Trench to 2021, but I think that this date will have to be postponed to 2023, '' said Fedor Konyukhov.

In any case, according to him, the project remains relevant, and if, nevertheless, he does not have to sink to the bottom of the depression himself, then someone else will certainly do it.

“I will prepare everything for this,” the traveler assured.

A children's sailing school will be opened in Miass on the basis of the Fedor Konyukhov center

The ocean has been studied by only three percent, there is always something new, he reminds. Curiosity is the main motive of his campaigns. But many projects do take years to prepare. If Konyukhov swam the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov at the age of 15, then the Atlantic - only at 50. All this time, preparations were underway, the lone sailor gained experience and waited for technologies that would allow a boat to sail such distances by oars.

At the same time, almost all of his expeditions are commercially unprofitable, which Fyodor Konyukhov says bluntly: he does not know what commerce is.

- I have had more than 50 expeditions. And I already have a tradition of returning from an expedition with debts, - he shares. - Ask, what do I live on? I am a pensioner, I also teach at the university. And then, I'm an artist. My paintings are in demand. It happens that I have not finished painting yet, but they already want to buy it. I have big exhibitions planned at the Tretyakov Gallery and in Dubai. I'm also a writer. Victor Astafiev gave me a recommendation when joining the Writers' Union.

But books don't bring much. And pensioner Konyukhov's pension is only 6300 rubles. When he was drawing it up, he was asked to collect all the medals and certificates. But the famous traveler did not do any of this. He shouldn't, he says, Konyukhov beg for something, that's why the very minimum was appointed.

- I have enough. The main thing is that I take the metro for free, the traveler jokes.

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A person from another planet. He is always floating somewhere, flying, walking. An eternal journey. And each expedition is more difficult than the previous one.

In mid-November, he is going to go to the next, already eighth, round the world - on a boat with oars. The route will consist of three stages: New Zealand - Chile, Chile - Australia, Australia - New Zealand. For the first time in history, Fyodor Konyukhov will try to cross the Southern Ocean on a rowboat and round Cape Horn.

A month before the start of the circumnavigation, Konyukhov flew to Yekaterinburg. The fact is that the local IT-company SKB Kontur became one of the sponsors of the expedition. Its logo will be displayed on a nine-meter boat, which was created by British designer Philip Morrison.

We talked with Konyukhov in the five-star "Hyatt".

I could spend the night in a tent - I'm more used to it, - the traveler joked.

Where does he get money for expeditions?

You save up for vacation - so do I. In general, I think that if you cannot find money for an expedition, then it means that no one needs it and there is no point in it. People are ready to help. I have a very large team: some build a boat, others a balloon.

I am supported by those who are romantic, love adventure. Then we find a common language. If people do not have this, then it is difficult to agree on something.

How much is the first round trip from New Zealand to Australia?

The boat costs 15 million rubles. Its delivery to New Zealand by ship costs 6 thousand dollars. I don't really need food. I think that three thousand dollars will be enough for me. I will say an important thing: I have not earned a ruble on any expedition. Usually I return with debts.

What, then, does Konyukhov earn, if not on expeditions?

On March 27, the Russian Museum will host a large exhibition. I have painted about three thousand paintings. Three or four collectors buy my works a year. And that's enough for me to live. Each job costs me about 30 thousand dollars.

Usually during expeditions I make sketches, and then, upon arrival, paint pictures. But sketches are often even more valuable. One Canadian collector saw a notebook and really wanted to buy it. He liked that the sketches were made right during the expeditions.

Plus I teach at the university, I write books.

What will you eat during your trip around the world?

I don't eat for pleasure. There you just want to eat, that's all. I take freeze-dried foods in packs: vegetables, beef, chicken, fish. I'll have gas cartridges.

I will eat twice a day. In two minutes my water boils, I pour it into a bag, then it stands for seven minutes. I eat very quickly - a couple of minutes is enough for this.

How much will sleep during the trip around the world?

How many strokes will be done per day?

For example, in two stages we have 9 thousand miles, or 17 300 kilometers. They must be completed in six months. The calculations are as follows: I have to cover 111 kilometers per day. Whether I want it or not, I have to. In one stroke I go about 3 meters, which means that I need to do 24 thousand strokes a day! And the counter shows me how much I have already done. This will take me 15 to 18 hours. This means that from 6 to 9 hours I have to do all the other things.

What kind of expedition is he dreaming of?

I want to fly around the globe in an airplane with an electric motor, but there are still technical problems. Here I have a phone, but I'm not happy with it, because I have to charge it all the time, connect an additional battery. I think that this problem will be solved in the next two years. As soon as this happens, then I immediately take off.

During the day, I will fly using solar panels at an altitude of 17-18 thousand meters. The speed will be 300-400 kilometers per hour. I'll fly up in Australia and return there in five days. We have everything for this: solar panels, electric motors, an airplane ... We are only waiting for the batteries.

Was it close to death?

When I flew in a hot air balloon in 2017, I avoided a thunderstorm through Antarctica. And if lightning hit me, it would explode. There was a polar night in Antarctica. And I could just crash to the ground.

I am an archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church, a believer since childhood. And I have all my hope in the Lord God, in those saints to whom I pray. And this is Nikolai the Wonderworker, and Mother Matryona, and Fyodor Ushakov. All hope is only for them. But you must understand that I am not going on trips to take risks.