Comparison of the Azov Black and Caspian Seas. Ecology of the seas

The southern seas are of great importance for Russian Federation... After all, it is through these three waters - the Black, Azov and Caspian - that the state is connected with foreign countries.

All sea areas play an important role in the country's economy. First, they perform many essential functions, for example in the transport and industrial sectors. Secondly, the seas tend to attract tourists, which significantly increases the flow of funds to the state treasury.

These are covered in the school course in sufficient volume, so you should prepare for the study. This article will help you get the basic knowledge you will need when writing presentations or abstracts.

Brief description of the Black Sea

The Black Sea is the warmest among all water bodies of the Russian Federation. It does not freeze, so you will not find icebergs here. Its greatest depth is 2245 meters. This southern sea is notable for the absence of islands. The number of bays that belong to this water area reaches the minimum mark.

Unlike other southern seas of the Russian Federation, there are few fish in the Black Sea. And the point is most likely that the water is saturated with hydrogen sulfide. The main commercial species are mullet and mackerel. Also, the poor fish world can be caused by sewage pollution.

The largest Russian Black Sea port is the beautiful city of Novorossiysk. Thanks to him, the main transportation of domestic oil to foreign countries is carried out.

Features of the Black Sea

The described southern sea (see photo above) is constantly exposed to fluctuations in water level. That is why it is not surprising that the most ancient settlements were found by marine archaeologists. They remained buried at the bottom.

Water also has a certain peculiarity. The fact is that it consists of two layers. The first is 100 meters thick and well supplied with oxygen. And in the lower layer there is a high content of hydrogen sulfide. At the bottom of the sea is practically a dead valley.

Azov sea

The second southern sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation is the Azov Sea. In terms of territory, it is one of the smallest on the planet and at the same time the shallowest. Its maximum depth is 14 m. And on average - no more than 7 m. In summer, the water warms up well, and the temperature reaches +28 ° C. In winter, the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is exposed to freezing.

The waters of the Azov sea

Through the narrow and shallow Kerch Strait, this southern sea in Russia exchanges waters with the Black Sea. Due to favorable conditions, the described water area a certain time ago had a record number of fish. Basically they include the following: beluga, sturgeon, pike perch, bream, herring and carp. Due to a decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface (this is due to the frequent construction of reservoirs and a drop in the water level), the described southern sea has become too salty and less productive.

Caspian Sea

The third southern sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation is the Caspian Sea. It, unlike the previous two, is a closed reservoir. Geographically, it is considered a lake. It has an oblong shape, stretching from north to south. Its length is 1200 km, and its width is on average 320 km.

Climate of the Caspian Sea

This southern sea is found in several climatic zones. In the north - in the continental, in the south - in the subtropical, in the central part - in the temperate. Dry winds often blow here. In the winter season, the air temperature ranges from -8 to +10 ° С, in the summer - from +24 to +28 ° С. From the Russian side (in the northern part) the sea is subject to severe glaciation, the ice thickness is about 2 meters. The ice continues to stand for about 3 months.

Features of the water area

Rich in unique fish species. The most valuable of them are herring, sprat, sturgeon, beluga, roach, carp, stellate sturgeon, sterlet.

This southern sea is special. Where is it located? In a place where there are enough oil and gas fields. Many people know about this, because it is thanks to this fact that the reservoir became famous. These oil deposits have been discovered not only on the coasts, but also on the seabed. The main Russian deposits are located near the borders with countries such as Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Water level fluctuations and consequences

Due to frequent fluctuations in water levels, the Caspian Sea is experiencing problems. Indeed, the result is the flooding of nearby settlements and agricultural land, the destruction of sea piers, industrial and port structures. Therefore, fishing villages are forced to move to other territories, there is a constant redevelopment of coastal cities. What are the reasons for such Caspian fluctuations? Experts believe that the matter is in the relief and climatic conditions.

The answer to the question - how does the Azov Sea differ from the Black Sea - is obvious. In the same way, how all the seas differ from each other:

  • geographic location;
  • size;
  • depth;
  • water salinity level;
  • the magnitude of the tides;
  • flora;
  • fauna and several dozen other features.

But let's try to make them all the same comparative analysis, because these are not some distant seas, but ours, relatives, which every Russian has visited at least once in his life.

Physical and geographic characteristics

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Black Sea is 422 thousand km 2, the Azov Sea is much smaller - about 39 thousand. The maximum depth of the Black Sea is more than 2 kilometers. And Azovskoe takes the first place in this indicator. Only not in the list of the deepest, but in the list of the shallowest seas of our planet, its maximum depth is only 13.5 meters. At the bottom of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, only a four-story house can be hidden, and even then the television antennas will stick out above the surface.

The difference between the Azov Sea and the Black Sea is also in the salinity of the water. The salinity of the Black Sea is about 18 ppm, while in the Azov Sea this figure is only 11 (in the past, before the creation of the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric complex on the Don, this figure was even lower). Geographically, the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is the northeastern Black Bay. But historically it so happened that, despite its relatively small size and depth, it bears the proud name “sea”, while many sea or ocean bays, which have much larger “dimensions” in all respects, are not awarded this title. For example - the Great Australian Bay.

According to the most common hypothesis, in a relatively recent time (about 5.5 thousand years BC) the Black Sea in the modern sense did not exist. In its place there was a huge freshwater lake that has no connection with Mediterranean Sea, and the water level in it was about 100 meters lower than the current one. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov did not exist, let alone in the "modern sense", it did not exist at all, and the Don River did not flow into the present Taganrog Bay, but directly into this lake, approximately in the area of \u200b\u200bthe present Kerch Strait. This situation is due to the fact that during the Ice Age, gigantic masses of water were concentrated in blocks of ice that covered vast territories. Then the climate changed, the glaciers melted, and the level of the World Ocean rose.

Through the formed Bosphorus strait, masses of salt water rushed into the freshwater lake. The level of the newly created sea was equal to that of the ocean, and in place of a shallow depression in the lower reaches of the Don, the modern Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov was formed. That is, it is not only the shallowest, but also the youngest sea in the world. Huge territories (including those mastered by people) were flooded. Perhaps the memory of this cataclysm survived through the centuries and became the basis of the legend of the "Flood".


Differences lie not only in size, depth and salinity. Although these reservoirs are located nearby, the Black Sea coast is interesting because it includes zones with different climates. If the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov lies entirely in an area of \u200b\u200btemperate climate, then the Black Sea, due to the presence of mountains on the coast, has a subtropical climate in places. These are the southern coast of Crimea (sheltered from the northern winds by the Crimean mountains), the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and northeastern Turkey. Interestingly, most of the Turkish coast (this is the southern coast of the Black Sea) belongs to the region with a temperate climate, while some areas much farther north are subtropics.

And, finally, the main difference is the presence in the depths of the Black Sea of \u200b\u200ba hydrogen sulfide layer (a compound of sulfur and hydrogen dissolved in sea water). It begins at a depth of about 150-200 meters, and the entire volume of water below this mark is not suitable for the existence of any living organisms, except for some anaerobic bacteria. According to estimates, there are about 3.1 billion tons of hydrogen sulfide in the sea. There is no consensus on the causes of the formation of the hydrogen sulfide layer. According to recent studies, the depths of the Black Sea contain not only huge reserves of hydrogen sulfide, but also methane, but nothing of the kind is observed in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.

Flora and fauna

What is the difference between the Azov and the Black Sea in terms of the distribution of living organisms? Yes, almost none. However, their common animal and vegetable world very different from the Mediterranean. This is due to the fact that both seas are generally located north of the Mediterranean and have less salinity. And the presence of a hydrogen sulfide layer makes its own adjustments to the distribution of plants and fish migration.

There are significantly fewer species in the Black and Azov Seas marine lifethan in the Mediterranean. There are no corals at all, no sea stars, sea \u200b\u200burchins, octopus, squid and cuttlefish. The Black Sea katran (subspecies of a small shark) lives only in the Black Sea, only occasionally entering the southern regions of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. However, the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, due to its shallow water (after all, the whole sea is one large shelf, which most commercial fish love so much) has record indicators of fish productivity. The Caspian Sea, which ranks second in the rating, lags behind the Azov Sea 6.5 times, the Black Sea - 40 times (the presence of a hydrogen sulfide layer affects), and the Mediterranean - 160 times!


Black Sea Azov sea
Area422 thousand sq. km39 thousand sq. km
Volume of water contained in the sea555 thousand cubic meters km256 cc km
DepthAverage1240 m7.5 m
Maximum2210 m13.5 m
Salinity18 ppmAbout 11 ppm, there is little seasonal variation
Education timeAbout 7.5 thousand years ago, before that it existed as an isolated freshwater lakeAbout 7.5 thousand years ago, before that there was a vast shallow lowland in its place
Flora and faunaThey do not differ significantly in the types of living organisms, but the Azov Sea exceeds the Black Sea by 40 times in the number of fish per square kilometer.

The Caspian Sea is one of the most amazing enclosed bodies of water on Earth.

Over the centuries, the sea has changed more than 70 names. The modern originated from the Caspians - tribes inhabiting the central and southeastern part of Transcaucasia 2 thousand years BC.

Geography of the Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is located at the junction of Europe with Asia and along geographic location divided into the South, North and Middle Caspian. The middle and northern part of the sea belongs to Russia, the southern part belongs to Iran, the eastern part belongs to Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, and the south-western part belongs to Azerbaijan. For many years the Caspian states have been dividing the Caspian waters among themselves, moreover, quite sharply.

Lake or sea?

In fact, the Caspian Sea is the world's largest lake, but it has a number of marine features. These include: large water mass body of water, severe storms with high waves, ebb and flow. But the Caspian does not have a natural connection with the World Ocean, which makes it impossible to call it a sea. At the same time, thanks to the Volga and artificially created channels, such a connection appeared. The salinity of the Caspian Sea is 3 times lower than the usual sea salt, which does not allow attributing the reservoir to the seas.

There were times when the Caspian Sea was indeed part of the World Ocean. Several tens of thousands of years ago, the Caspian was connected with the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, and through it with the Black and Mediterranean. As a result of lengthy processes taking place in earth crust, the Caucasus Mountains were formed, which isolated the reservoir. For a long time, the connection between the Caspian and Black Seas was carried out through the strait (Kumo-Manych depression) and gradually ceased.

Physical quantities

Area, volume, depth

The area, volume and depth of the Caspian Sea are not constant and directly depend on the water level. On average, the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 371,000 km², the volume is 78 648 km³ (44% of all world reserves of lake waters).

(Depth of the Caspian Sea in comparison with lakes Baikal and Tanganyika)

The average depth of the Caspian Sea is 208 m, the northern part of the sea is considered the shallowest. The maximum depth is 1025 m, noted in the South Caspian depression. In terms of depth, the Caspian is second only to Baikal and Tanganyika.

The length of the lake from north to south is about 1200 km, from west to east on average 315 km. The length of the coastline is 6600 km, with the islands - about 7 thousand km.


Basically, the coast of the Caspian Sea is low and smooth. In the northern part, it is heavily indented by the river channels of the Urals and Volga. The swampy local shores are very low. The eastern shores are adjacent to semi-desert zones and deserts, covered with limestone sediments. The most winding shores are in the west in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Absheron Peninsula, and in the east - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kazakh Bay and Kara-Bogaz-Gol.

Sea water temperature

(The temperature of the Caspian Sea at different times of the year)

The average temperature of water in winter in the Caspian Sea ranges from 0 ° С in the northern part to + 10 ° С in the south. In the water area of \u200b\u200bIran, the temperature does not drop below +13 ° C. With the onset of cold weather, the shallow northern part of the lake is covered with ice, which lasts for 2-3 months. The thickness of the ice cover is 25-60 cm, at particularly low temperatures it can reach 130 cm. In late autumn and winter, drifting ice floes can be observed in the north.

In summer, the average sea surface temperature is + 24 ° C. Most of the sea warms up to + 25 ° C ... + 30 ° C. Warm water and beautiful sandy, occasionally shell and pebble beaches create excellent conditions for a good beach holiday. In the eastern part of the Caspian Sea near the city of Begdash, anomalously low water temperature remains in the summer months.

The nature of the Caspian Sea

Islands, peninsulas, bays, rivers

The Caspian Sea includes about 50 large and medium-sized islands with a total area of \u200b\u200b350 km ². The largest of them are Ashur-Ada, Garasu, Gum, Dash and Boyuk-Zira. The largest peninsulas are: Agrakhansky, Apsheronsky, Buzachi, Mangyshlak, Miankale and Tyub-Karagan.

(Tyuleniy Island in the Caspian Sea, part of the Dagestan Nature Reserve)

The largest bays of the Caspian include: Agrakhan, Kazakh, Kizlyar, Dead Kultuk and Mangyshlak. In the east is the salt lake Kara-Bogaz-Gol, which was previously a lagoon connected to the sea by a strait. In 1980, a dam was built on it, through which water from the Caspian goes to Kara-Bogaz-Gol, where it then evaporates.

130 rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, located mainly in its northern part. The largest of them are: Volga, Terek, Sulak, Samur and Ural. The average annual runoff of the Volga is 220 km ³. 9 rivers have delta-shaped mouths.

Flora and fauna

The Caspian Sea is home to about 450 species of phytoplankton, including algae, aquatic and flowering plants. Of the 400 species of invertebrates, worms, crustaceans and molluscs predominate. There are many small shrimps in the sea, which are the object of fishing.

More than 120 species of fish live in the Caspian and the delta. The objects of fishing are sprat ("Kilkin fleet"), catfish, pike, bream, pike perch, kutum, mullet, roach, rudd, herring, white fish, pike perch, goby, grass carp, burbot, asp and pike perch. Stocks of sturgeon and salmon are depleted today, but the sea is the largest supplier of black caviar in the world.

Fishing in the Caspian Sea is allowed all year round except for the period from late April to late June. On the coast there are many fishing bases with all the amenities. Fishing in the Caspian Sea is a great pleasure. In any part of it, including in large cities, the catch is unusually rich.

The lake is famous for a wide variety of waterfowl. Geese, ducks, loons, gulls, sandpipers, eagles, geese, swans and many others arrive in the Caspian during the migration or nesting period. The largest number of birds - over 600 thousand individuals - is observed in the mouths of the Volga and the Urals, in the bays of Turkmenbashi and Kyzylagach. During the hunting season, a huge number of fishermen come here not only from Russia, but also from countries of near and far abroad.

The only mammal lives in the Caspian Sea. This is the Caspian seal or seal. Not long ago, seals swam close to the beaches, everyone could admire the amazing animal with round black eyes, the seals behaved very friendly. Now the seal is on the verge of extinction.

Cities on the Caspian Sea

The largest city on the Caspian Sea coast is Baku. The population of one of the most beautiful cities in the world is over 2.5 million people. Baku is located on the picturesque Absheron Peninsula and is surrounded on three sides by the waters of the warm and oil-rich Caspian Sea. Less big cities: the capital of Dagestan is Makhachkala, Kazakh Aktau, Turkmen Turkmenbashi and Iranian Bender-Anzeli.

(Baku Bay, Baku - a city on the Caspian Sea)

Interesting Facts

Scientists are still debating whether to call a body of water a sea or a lake. The level of the Caspian Sea is gradually decreasing. The Volga delivers most of the water to the Caspian. 90% of black caviar is mined in the Caspian Sea. Among them, the most expensive is the albino beluga caviar "Almas" ($ 2,000 per 100 g).

Companies from 21 countries are taking part in the development of the Caspian Sea oil fields. According to Russian estimates, offshore hydrocarbon reserves amount to 12 billion tons. American scientists claim that one-fifth of the world's hydrocarbon reserves are concentrated in the Caspian. This is more than the combined reserves of oil producing countries such as Kuwait and Iraq.

What is the difference between the Azov Sea and the Black Sea? The differences between them are cardinal. It's easier to say what is the similarity of these reservoirs. Perhaps only in one: Azov and Black Sea, connected by the Kerch Strait, form a single Black Sea-Azov basin, which in turn is the inner basin of the Atlantic Ocean.

Geographical position

The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov had quite a few names, the most famous - Blue ocean and Russian sea... The current name - Azov comes from the city of Azov, located on the east coast. The reservoir is located in the northeastern part of the Black Sea region.

Due to the fact that only a small Kerch Peninsula separates it from the Black Sea, some scientists tend to consider the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov a kind of Black Sea gulf, its area is 37600 km2. The largest dimensions in length and width are 343x231 km, respectively.

This sea is the shallowest in the world... On average, the depth fluctuates at the level 5-7 meters, the maximum depths do not exceed 15 meters. This is due to the extremely small volume of water - about 256 km3. The sea has 16 bays and estuaries, among them the largest are Taganrog - in the eastern part and Sivash Bay - in the western part. A characteristic feature of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is a fairly large number of coastal spits. There are no islands, there are only shallows. Only two countries are washed by the waters of the Azov Sea - Russia and Ukraine.

The maritime boundaries have not yet been determined. The sea is entirely located in the steppe zone, on flat terrain. Volcanic rocks on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bAzov do not come to the surface, which is why the coast is muddy or sandy almost along its entire length. Small outcrops of limestone are found on the coast of the Taman and Kerch peninsulas. The river runoff is formed by two large rivers - Don and Kuban, as well as many small rivers.

The Black Sea is larger than the Azov Sea by about 11 times, it is called Black because of the high content of hydrogen sulfide at a depth of over 120 meters. Metal objects falling to this depth become black. In the northern part of the sea is the Crimean peninsula, and, which is part of the Crimean - Kerch peninsula. The water surface area is 422,000 km2.

Length from west to east - 1130 km, from North to South - 600 km... This body of water is one of the deepest in the world's oceans. Average depth - 1270 m, maximum reaches 2245 m, volume - 547,000 km3... There are over 40 bays in the sea. The largest bays are Tamansky, Sinopsky, Odessa, Karkinitsky and Kalanitsky. There is only one relatively large island in the sea - Serpentine. The Black Sea washes the coasts of 6 states.

In the northwestern part - it is mainly the coast of Ukraine and Romania, the sea has gently sloping shores and sandy beaches... The banks are composed of sedimentary rocks. The western coast, washing Bulgaria, along with gentle shores also has rocky areas, which is due to the Balkan Mountains. The Turkish coast in the south is almost entirely rocky, as it is propped up by the Pontine Mountains. On the southeastern and eastern coasts, the Caucasus Range is located, which is why the shores are also rocky. The river runoff is formed by the Danube, the Southern Bug and the Dnieper. In addition, there are a large number of small rivers.

In the southwestern part, the sea connects through the Bosphorus with the Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara. This strait passes through Turkey.


Due to the small volume of the Azov Sea, the composition of its water largely depends on the river flow. In essence, the water of the Azov Sea is the Black Sea water mixed with the water of the rivers flowing into it. On average, salinity is low - in the central part of about 13 ppm. In the Taganrog Bay, the water is absolutely fresh, since the Don flows into this bay, in addition, the Taganrog Bay is located at a considerable distance from the Black Sea. As we approach the Kerch Strait, salinity increases, reaching 17 ppm.

The Black Sea is characterized by more high level the salt content is 18 ppm on the surface and 22 ppm at a depth of more than 500 meters, but still, in comparison with other water bodies of the world ocean, the salt content in the Black Sea is low. The composition of the water is influenced by the Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara, but since the salinity of the Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara is higher, its waters are heavier and go deeper.

Fish stocks

The fishery value of the Azov Sea is incredibly high... Until the 50s of the 20th century, in terms of fish stocks, it was the most productive reservoir in the world. The Azov sturgeon and sterlet were unique in their taste, but the hydro-construction developed in the 50s on the Don and Kuban had a detrimental effect on fish reproduction. The presence of dams has blocked access to spawning grounds, and poaching is also causing terrible damage to fish stocks.

However, the water world of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov contains about 80 species of fish Are both marine and freshwater fish. Today, the annual production is about 30,000 tons.

The Black Sea is characterized by rather small fish stocks. For freshwater fish salty water unusable. As for marine fish, the situation is the opposite - marine fish do not tolerate the rather low salt content in the Black Sea water. In addition, due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide, there is no fauna at all at a depth of more than 100 meters. In the Black Sea, more than 180 species of fish have been counted, but no more than 30 of them are commercial. Unlike the Azov Sea, mammals live in the Black Sea - 3 species of dolphins. In addition to fish, mussels and algae are of commercial importance.

Ports and resorts

The Azov Sea does not have convenient bays necessary for navigation, but its main drawback is shallow water... Azov ports are located in the cities of Berdyansk, Mariupol, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Yeisk, Temryuk. For the above reasons, large ocean-going vessels cannot enter the ports of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov - this is the reason for the low cargo turnover of the ports and their weak development.

The popularity of the Azov Sea resorts is also low. The reasons are the opacity of the water, the monotony of the coastal landscape. Hence the weak development of the infrastructure of the resorts.

Due to the deep water, the ports of the Black Sea are characterized by a large cargo turnover. The Black Sea coast of all countries has 43 ports. The largest ports are Novorossiysk, Odessa, Constanta, Varna, Trabzon, Batumi.

The mild climate, the beauty of nature and the clear sea water make the Black Sea resorts very popular. The infrastructure of the resorts is relatively developed - this attracts a significant number of tourists.

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