Abstract drawing up sentences with a given number of words. Synopsis of speech therapy classes for older preschool children on the topic: Acquaintance with the proposal

20.11.2015 7490 774 Akamova Tatiana Kenisovna

Topic: Offer. Word. Differentiation of concepts.


1. To form knowledge about the sentence as a unit of speech, remember the rules about the sentence.

2. Differentiate the concepts of "sentence" and "word", teach to distinguish between a set of words and a sentence, independently compose a sentence from words.

3. development of vocabulary on the topic "Autumn"

4. Development of attention, memory, thinking, coherent speech.

Equipment: individual sets of cards with words.

The course of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment. - What time of year is now? How did we know about this? Let's remember the signs of autumn.

II. Clarification of knowledge about speech, sentence, word.

1. - Why does a person need speech? What kind of speech is there? (oral and written) How is it different written speech from the oral?

Everything that we say is our speech. What does our speech consist of? Do you think from words? If we say the word "book", do we understand what they wanted to say? We named the item, but didn't say anything about it. And like this: "The book is on the table." Is it clear? What did I say? (sentence)

Listen to what I tell you: chair, sat down. Do we say so? Of course not. This means that our speech does not consist entirely of words, but of ... sentences.

What is a proposal? Listen to what I have to say. Cat, on, window, wall, floor. Is this a proposal? The cat sat down on the window. Is this a proposal?

Conclusion. A sentence is a complete thought.

2. Repetition of offer rules.

Big letter at the beginning of a sentence. Period at the end of a sentence.

III. Differentiation of the concepts "word", "sentence"

- Can I call what I say a proposal? If you hear a sentence, raise the blue checkbox (card), and if it's just a set of words - the red checkbox.

Yellow red leaves tree

There are yellow and red leaves on the branches of the tree.

Zoo zebra giraffe beasts.

We saw a giraffe at the zoo.

The birds were going to fly away to ...

The birds were about to fly south.

Physical minute.

Game "Find your sheet"

Each child receives a leaf (oak, maple, birch). Children examine their leaves, memorize their color and shape. The speech therapist takes a tambourine and knocks on it, the children are circling with their leaves. Suddenly "the wind blew" (the tambourine rang), children, throwing leaves, run in a circle. Then the tambourine rattled again, and by this sound signal, each child must find his sheet.

Breathing exercises.

Children, following the instructions of the speech therapist, blow on their leaves (without puffing out their cheeks), while portraying that

"Weak breeze", then "strong wind", then "wind that swaying leaves."

IV. Working with a deformed sentence. (The task is on individual cards.)

Open the envelopes. What's on your cards? (The words)

You need to make a sentence from these words.

It became, less often, the sun to shine.

Red, yellow, color, trees, colored, c.

More often it rains. In flocks, birds, gather, prepare, and fly, to.

Animals, forest, winter, to, are preparing.

Who got what proposal? Remember it.

V. Writing sentences, working with text.

1. Let's remember the rules about the offer.

How are words in a sentence spelled? Together or separately from each other?

How do you spell "little words" - prepositions? Also separate from other words.

What do we put at the end?

What letter do we start writing the first word with?

2.- Let's write down the sentences from memory. (leave one line free)

3. Are these sentences related in meaning? Yes, that means we have a text. What does it say? What are the signs of autumn described? What happens in nature in autumn? What will we call our text? Write down the name in the line that we have left free. This is the title of the text.

Finger gymnastics.

Rain. Grad. The sun. (knock on the desk with pads, fingers (it is raining), then with knuckles (hail has begun), then clasped hands in the lock, raise and lower fingers (the sun is shining).

3. Retelling of the text.

Vii. The bottom line. - What did we talk about in today's lesson?

What does our speech consist of? - What is an offer?

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Summary of literacy classes in the senior group Suggestion


Correctional educational goals. Give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposal.

Teach children to correctly change words that indicate signs.

Correctional and developmental goals... To develop auditory attention and memory, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional educational goals. To form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment. Subject pictures, sentence diagram, cards with graphic images of words - objects, actions, signs.

I. Organizing time

- The one who names the water transport will sit down; air, ground.

II... Working with an offer

1. The speech therapist calls the sentence:

The girl is reading a fairy tale.

- Do you understand what I said?

- Who did you find out about?

- What did you learn about the girl?

- What is she reading?

The speech therapist names three words that are not grammatically related to each other: boy, go, bus.

- Do you understand what I wanted to say?

- It was not clear to you, as I named three words between which there was no "agreement". These words did not form a sentence.

- Let's put these words together so that there is agreement between them.

The speech therapist pronounces a sentence:

The boy is riding the bus.

- Who did you find out about?

- What did you learn about the boy?

- Where is the boy going?

- Words began to live "in harmony", a proposal was made. Now try to draw a conclusion. When an offer is received. (A sentence is obtained when words live in agreement.)

2. Finger gymnastics "I have toys"

I have toys: Alternately clap. clap your hands and bang your fists

A locomotive and two horses Bend the fingers on both hands.

Silver plane

Three rockets, an all-terrain vehicle

Dump truck, crane -

A real giant.

How many together? Clap their hands alternately and

How to find out? hitting the fists.

3. Drafting proposals

- Guys, look at the pictures and make two-word sentences from them. And then try to answer the questions: what? what is he doing?

For example: The steamer is humming. What? - Steamer. - What is he doing? Buzzing.

The work is carried out according to the pictures (The plane is flying. The car is going. The bus is standing.)

4. Speech with the movement "Airplane"

The plane is flying by They look up and move their finger.

I got ready to fly with him.

I took my right wing away, Take hands alternately and trace

I looked. look.

I took my left wing away,

I looked.

I start the engine Rotational movements in front of the chest and

And I look carefully. trace with a glance.

I go up, I fly. Stand on tiptoes and perform

I don't want to go back! flying movements.

5.Differentiation of the concepts "word", "sentence"

- Listen to what I say: car, go.

- What did I name? (Two words.)

- And now I will say it differently: the car is going.

- What did I name? (Sentence.)

- How did you guess that in the first case I named the words, and in the second - a sentence? (In the first case, the words were not friends. There was no agreement between them. In the second case, they became friends and began to live in harmony.)

6. Graphical representation of the proposal Analysis of the proposal

Car rides.

- What does the first word in a sentence mean? (Subject.)

- Words denoting an object, we depict with one line.

- What does the second word mean? (act).

- Words denoting action are drawn with two lines.

Speech therapist gives a graphic image of the sentence on the carpet.

- We will show the beginning of the sentence with a corner, and denote the end with a dot.

- The corner marks the beginning of a sentence. A dot marks the end of a sentence. The dot tells us that the sentence is over. When you write a sentence, be sure to put a full stop at the end.

- How do we show the beginning of a sentence? (In a corner.)

- How do we show the end of the sentence? (Period.)

The speech therapist suggests making a two-word sentence and making sentence diagrams on the tables.

Sample: A steamer is sailing. The plane is flying.

What is floating? What's flying? Etc.

7. Exercise "Fold down the car

8. Exercise "Find the word"

- Guys, I will ask you a question, and you can answer with the help of pictures.

What is the bus doing? What is the truck doing?

What is the tram doing? What is the steamer doing?

The speech therapist distributes cards to children to determine the number of syllables in a word. Then he distributes small pictures of transport and invites the children to determine the number of syllables in these words.

10. Work in notebooks

Children write a sentence under dictation, then read sentences.

11. Securing the material

The speech therapist draws a two-word sentence diagram on the board.

What is depicted? (Sentence.)

- How did you guess that this scheme means a proposal? (The beginning of a sentence is indicated by a corner, and the end of a sentence is indicated by a period.)

- What do the first and second words in this sentence mean (Subject, action of an object.)

III... Lesson summary.

- What new did you learn in the lesson?

- What did we learn to distinguish?

- What helped you in the preparation of proposals?

- What did you like the most in the lesson?

Lesson objectives:

  • to form the ability to compose complete answers to questions, observing the correct word order;
  • improve the skills of language analysis;
  • to expand children's knowledge of birds;
  • develop understanding and use of prepositions in speech.

Equipment: multimedia installation, Appendix 1, cards with the text “Crow”.


1. Org. moment. (Slide 2.)

- Look at the pictures I got recently. What is depicted on them? (chest, paws, tail, wing, head.)

- How can all these words be combined? (These are body parts)

- Whose body parts are these? (These are body parts of birds)

- Can you guess the names of the birds from these fragments? Name who you recognized.

2. Record the number and topic of the lesson.

3. The main part.

Complete answer game. (Slide 3.) Images of birds appear on the screen.

(Magpie, tit, woodpecker, rook, swallow, starling, cuckoo.).

- Name the pictures. How to say in one word who is depicted in the pictures?

- Give a correct, complete answer to my question. Count the number of words in a sentence.

- What birds winter in our area?

- What birds fly away to winter in warm regions?

- What tree does the crow sit on after the rain?

- Which bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds?

- What bird is called the forest doctor.

- What was your answer? Explain why?

4. Physical minutes.

Swans flew
And they sat down on the water,
Sat down, sat down
And flew again.

- Dictionary work. (Slide 4.)

- Guess the riddle:

Coloring - grayish,
By her behavior she is thieving,
Hoarse screamer -
Famous person.
Her name is ... (crow)

- Find related words to the word crow (raven, raven, raven, raven, raven, miss ...), write down the words, highlight the root

Working with a tongue twister.


- Read it. Why is it difficult to understand. What needs to be done to make it clearer. Write the sentence correctly. Repeat the patter at a fast pace. (ask 2, 3 students).

Working with the text "Crow".(Slide 5.)

- Read the text:


This bird is familiar to everyone. The crow has strong legs, a large beak. Her feathers are usually gray and black.

Ravens live everywhere: in forests, in mountains, in deserts. A lot of crows live in cities. Ravens eat harmful insects and rodents.

What are the benefits of crows? Read the sentence-answer.

(Ravens eat harmful insects and rodents.)

- How many words are in this sentence?

- What was your answer: complete or short?

Writing a sentence in a notebook, a commented letter.

Where do the crows live?The work with the proposal is similar. ( Ravens live everywhere: in forests, in mountains, in deserts.)

5. Working with prepositions.

(Slide 6, 7.)

Guess the riddle: On the sixth is a palace

There is a singer in the palace
And his name is ... (starling)

A starling sits on a birdhouse.

The starling flew into the birdhouse.

- Look carefully at the pictures. Read the sentences to them and correct any mistakes. Write the sentences down in a notebook.

6. Lesson summary.

- What did you do in class today?

- What were your answers?


  1. Andreeva N.G. Speech therapy classes for the development of coherent speech junior schoolchildren... - M .: humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2008.
  2. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Album 3, 2 / N.E. Teremkova - M .: publishing house “GNOM and D”, 2008.

Topic: "Writing proposals - full answers
to questions about the text "

Goal: to form the ability to compose complete answers to questions in the text, observing the correct word order;
develop the ability to disseminate the proposal;
learn to pronounce sentences with different intonation;
... to expand children's knowledge of birds;
develop syllabic analysis and synthesis of words.

1. Organizational moment
On the desk:
Letters cry in every line. - From our words - one piece. We all have one beginning And, as luck would have it, it disappeared. But if you find it, You will immediately read all the words.
(Y. Pishumov)
- Guess which identical syllable is missing in these
words. Read the words.
- The one who will name the words of two syllables will sit down. All syllables of a word end in a vowel. (Skin. Goat
- The one who will name a word of three syllables will sit, in which
all syllables end in a vowel. (Knee.)
- The one who will name the words of two syllables will sit down. Last
the consonant of the word sounds solid. (Kitty, head of cabbage.)
- The one who calls a word of two syllables will sit down. Last
the consonant of the word sounds soft. (Root.)
- The one who pronounces the remaining words will sit down.
(Ship, box.)
2. Recording the number, topic of the lesson
3. Game "Complete answer"
■■ - Name the birds. (The speech therapist teacher exposes subject pictures (Fig. 2): "Duck (wild)", "Nightingale", "Swift", "Magpie", "Cuckoo", "Owl", "Sparrow", "Tit", "Woodpecker", "Crane", "Swan", "Starling", "Crow".
- Give a correct and complete answer to my question? Count the number of words in the sentence.
What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (After the rain, the crow sits on a wet tree.)
Which bird likes shiny things? (Magpie likes shiny things.)
Which bird lays its eggs in other birds' nests? (The cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.)
Which bird hunts at night? (Owl hunts at night.)
What birds winter in our area? (In our area, crowns, sparrows, magpies, woodpeckers, tits winter.)
What birds fly away to winter in warmer regions? (Cranes, swans, ducks, cuckoos, nightingales, starlings fly to warm lands to winter.)
What bird is called the forest doctor? (The woodpecker is called the forest doctor because he saves trees from harmful insects.)
- What was your answer: complete or short, short?
Explain your answer.
4. physical education "Who is the last?"
- Listen to the proposal. Complete it with one word,
throw the ball to each other. The winner is the one who comes up with the most the last word to the proposal and repeat the entire
the phrase is correct.
The bird has returned.
The bird returned in the spring.
The bird returned in early spring.
The migratory bird returned in early spring
5. Selection of related words for this sample.
Vocabulary work
- Guess the bird:
[S], then [T], then [R], then [I], then [Zh]. (Swift.)
- Listen to related words.
Swift - haircut, haircut, haircut, swift, haircut, haircut, haircut.
- Guess the riddle.
Like a fox among animals
This bird is the most cunning.
Hiding in green crowns
And her name is (crow).
The speech therapist teacher exposes the subject picture "Crow".
- Find related words to the word crow:
Raven - raven, raven, raven, raven, raven, missed ...
6. Working with a tongue twister
- Read it.
- What is written? Why is it difficult to understand?
- Write the sentence correctly, indicating the beginning and
end of the sentence.
- Read the recorded sentence with narrative intonation.
- Read the sentence with exclamation intonation.
- Read the sentence with interrogative intonation.
7. Working with the text "Crow". Complete answers to questions
The speech therapist teacher distributes cards with the text "Crow"
This bird is familiar to everyone. The crow has strong legs, a large beak. Her feathers are usually gray and black.
Crows live everywhere: in the forests, in the mountains, in the deserts. A lot of crows live in cities. Ravens eat harmful insects and rodents.
- Listen. (The text is read by a speech therapist.)
- Read it. (Read by 1-2 students.)
- What have we read? (Text.) Explain your answer.
- Who are you talking about in the text?
- What are the benefits of crows? Read the sentence-answer.
Ravens eat harmful insects and rodents.
- How many words are in this sentence? (b)
- What was your answer: complete or short?
- Write down the sentence, mark the beginning and end of the sentence (spelling dictation of the student.)

- Where do the crows live? Write a complete answer. (Students compose a complete answer on their own.)
- How many words are in this sentence? Was your answer complete or short?
- Write down the sentence, mark the beginning and end of the sentence (spelling dictation, pay attention to the setting of punctuation marks.)
- Underline the subject and predicate.
- Draw a graphical outline of the proposal. Indicate the intonation of the end of the sentence.
- Using the text and your observations, orally describe the crow. (The speech therapist teacher edits the children's sentences.)
8. Lesson summary
- What did you do in class today?
- What were your answers?
- What answer can be considered complete?

MUNICIPAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "TOLPINSKAYA SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL" KORENEVSKY DISTRICT, KURSK REGION Speech therapy lesson extracurricular activities "Sounds, letters and words" in grade 1 TOPIC: "Making up common sentences". Lexical topic: "Fairy tale". Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist Fomina E.A.

Objectives: practicing the skill of drawing up a common proposal for plot picture and by key words, using "words-objects", "words-signs" and "words-actions".

Planned results:


- to consolidate the ability to draw up a common proposal for a picture;

- to consolidate the ability to compose common sentences for key words;

- develop all types speech activity schoolchildren, the ability to read and write, listen and speak, as well as freely use their native language in different situations communication.

    develop coherent speech, auditory attention, phonemic perception, thinking, visual, figurative memory, fine motor skills;

    develop dialogic speech, speech breathing, articulation apparatus;

    improve the grammatical structure of speech;

    develop the ability to clearly and competently answer the questions posed.


    foster love and interest in fairy tales;

    develop cooperation skills: the ability to work in a team;

    to unite the children's team, to show the importance of each of the students in the uniform work of the class.

Expected Result :

students will learn how to write common sentences.

Health-saving technologies: exercises and games for coordination of speech with movement, finger exercises, breathing exercises.

Equipment: PC, presentation "Writing common sentences", pencils, notebook, envelopes with words, individual mirror, evaluation emoticons.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited call is given

The lesson begins.

Sounds with letters have come

To put things in order.

I'm glad this new meeting

I'm interested in you, friends!

Interesting your answers

I listen with pleasure.

Today we will observe again, draw conclusions and reason.

And so that the lesson goes to everyone for future use,

Be actively involved in the work, my friend!

Guys look, we have guests today. Let's say hello!
(Children say hello)

Today we have an unusual activity. We will go on a journey to a fairyland. Do you want with me?

L: Then listen. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, the wicked witch drove many clouds to the sky, and now that day the sun is not visible, it is pouring rain. The Tsar was saddened. Only brave, brave knights can help to remove the evil curse. Let's help the people of this country return the sun. To do this, you need to pass the tests by completing all the tasks correctly. You are ready?

L: Then let's start.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

L: There is a magic mirror in this fairyland. Look what it shows us. This is a story about a tongue. "Visiting grandparents."

Fat grandchildren came to visit ("Fatties")

With them thin, only skin and bones. ("Skinny")

Fat granddaughters came too, ("Fatties")

With them thin - only bones and skin. ("Skinny")

Grandparents smiled at everyone, ("Smile")

They all reached out to kiss. ("Tube")

In the morning we woke up - lips with a smile, - ("Smile")

We brush all of our upper teeth. ("We brush our teeth")

Left and right, inside and outside, -

We are also friends with the lower teeth.

We squeeze our sponges and rinse our mouth

And we puff with a samovar. ("Balls", "Samovar")

We put the saucers - they will put pancakes for us. ("Shoulder")

We blow on the pancake - not in the cheeks, not by. ("Blowing on the spatula")

We chew a pancake, wrap it up and bite it ("Chew a pancake")

The next pancake is with jam. ("Delicious Jam")

We will put the cups so that they will pour tea ("Cup")

They blew on the nose - we cooled the tea. ("Focus")

We drank tea - no one is offended ("Don't break a cup")

Breakfast was delicious - we'll lick our lips. ("Licking lips outside in a circle")

L: The first obstacle has been successfully overcome. We follow on.

3. Finger gymnastics + Kenesiological exercises.

Our fingers will help us overcome the new obstacle.

What do you guys think you need to exercise your fingers for?

D: (children's answers)

Correctly. Now let's get started.

1 exercise "Ball"

I inflated an elastic balloon.

He was bitten by a mosquito.

A balloon burst - it doesn't matter,

I'll blow a new balloon.

2.exercise "Lock"

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

Pulled, twisted,

They knocked and opened.

3.exercise "Brush" (mirror painting)

I will paint with a soft brush

Chair, table and cat Masha.

4.exercise "Fist, rib, palm"

5.exercise "House"

Connect the ring phalanges of straightened fingers. With the fingers of your right hand, press firmly on the fingers of your left hand. Then vice versa. Practice the movement with each pair of fingers separately.

6.exercise "Pencil"

Place the forearm of your right hand on the table. Use your index and middle fingers to pick up the pencil from the table. Raise and lower it. Do the same alternately with all pairs of fingers. Then do it with your left hand too.

7.exercise "Fingers go to sleep"

4. Graphic dictation.

Guys, the road to the magic kingdom goes through the forest. And in order not to get lost in the forest, you need to choose the right path. The next obstacle is graphic dictation. Let's all draw the correct path together.

You are ready? What do you need to successfully write a graphic dictation?

D: listen carefully, do not get distracted and remember right-left.

Then listen carefully. Everyone has a piece of paper on their desk. Take it, see the dot on it? This is the beginning of the path. Place a pen on this point and listen carefully to my instructions: 2 cells up, 2 cells to the right, 4 cells up, 1 cell to the right, 4 cells down, 2 cells to the right, 2 cells down, 1 cell to the right, 2 cells up, 2 cells to the right , 4 cells up, 1 cell to the right, 4 cells down, 2 cells to the right, 2 cells down, 1 cell to the right. Then continue the drawing yourself.

5. Self-determination to work.

The next test is before your eyes. What do you think, looking at these pictures, what can you think of?

D: suggestions.

That's right guys. So what do you think we're going to do in class today?

D: we will make proposals.

6. Pronunciation of pure phrases.

But first we need to tune our mouth to correctly pronounce sentences, so repeat the following phrases after me:

La-la-la - a fairy tale has come to us.

We-we-we - we were surprised.

De de de - the kingdom is in trouble.

At-at-at - we wake up to save everyone.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - we will succeed.

7. Work on the topic.

Guys, to overcome a high fence, you need to make as many correct and beautiful sentences as possible. What words can you use when writing sentences?

D: words-objects, words-actions, words-signs. (Come up with suggestions for the picture)

8. Respiratory gymnastics.

A magic apple tree grows in the magic garden of the fairy kingdom. Whoever eats an apple becomes clever, But you can approach an apple tree only by performing certain breathing exercises. Guys, do you think breathing exercises are good for children?

D: yes. Correct breathing affects the correctness of speech.

1.exp. "The flower is blooming"

I.p .: hands on the back of the head, elbows brought together (unopened bud).

Execution: inhale - slowly rise on your toes, spread your elbows to the sides (the flower blooms). Return to I. n. - exhale.

Slowly, 4-6 times.

2.exercise "The forest is noisy"

I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Fulfillment: tilt to the right - inhale, tilt to the left - exhale, in I. p. - exhale. Perform 4-5 times.

3.exercise "Fungus"

I.p .: deep squat, hands clasp the knees (small fungus).

Exercise: slowly straighten up, spreading your arms to the sides, taking your head back - inhale (the fungus has grown). 5-7 times.

4.exercise "The grass sways"

I.p .: main stance, hands down.

Execution: raise your hands up, smoothly, shaking your hands - inhale. Put your hands down - exhale. 4-5 times.

5.exercise "Rainbow, hug me"

I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Fulfillment: we spread our arms to the sides - inhale, hug our shoulders with our hands - exhale. 4-5 times.

9. Continuation of work on the topic.

The next test is final. "Making a sentence from a group of words." The responsibility is great. Therefore, I suggest working in groups. I will now give you envelopes with words, from which you will need to make beautiful and correct sentences... Guys, be careful, because now it depends on you whether the inhabitants of the fairy kingdom will rejoice in the sun or will always get wet in the rain.

D: (make proposals in groups).

10. Lesson summary.

Well done! You helped the inhabitants of the fairy kingdom. The clouds dispersed, it became light, the sun appeared. See what the sun is doing? It laughs, rejoices that you are so clever!
What did you like the most? What games did you play?

11. Reflection.

Guys, now take the empty emoticons that are on your desks and draw a sun, if you think that you worked well in the lesson and everything worked out for you; or rain, if you don't quite succeed and still have something to work on.

12. Conclusion.

That's all for today. It was a pleasure for me to travel with you through the fairyland. Thanks for attention. Goodbye, guys. Say goodbye to our guests.

D: Goodbye.