Poly's inflamed condition is her main concern. Preparation for the exam in Russian - collection of texts

Russian language

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(1) Pauline's inflamed state, and most importantly, her confused, ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much worse than even Rodion's captivity or his mortal wound. (2) “No, no, this is completely different,” Polya shuddered and, turning to the wall, pulled out from under the pillow a crumpled, read-out triangle.
(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions. (4) Although rare transit trains did not linger in Moscow, the stations were nearby, and Pauline knew the address to Rodion. (5) Of course, the command could not allow the soldier to leave the echelon in the Blagoveshchensky blind alley, then why at least he didn’t scribble a postcard with his beloved one on his way to the active army? .. (6) So, this was his first front-line news more than two weeks late. (7) In any case, it will now become clear with what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded the sheet, all pierced by a pencil - apparently, it was written on her knee. (9) I had to go up to the lamp to make out the dull, half-finished lines. (10) Varya immediately stumbled upon the main place. (11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why he was silent all this time, was that there was nowhere to settle down, - Rodion wrote briefly, with unexpected fullness and straightforwardness, as in confession. (12) - We are all retreating for now, retreating day and night, occupying more advantageous defensive lines, as they say in the reports. (13) I was very ill, besides, and even now I have not quite recovered yet: my illness is worse than any concussion. (14) The most bitter thing is that I myself am completely healthy, whole, there is not a single scratch on me yet. (15) Burn this letter, I can tell you about it alone in the whole world, - Varya turned the page. (16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our unit was in retreat. (17) I went last in the company ... or maybe the last in the whole army. (18) In front of us on the road stood a local girl of about nine years old, quite a child, apparently, at the school bench, accustomed to love the Red Army ... (19) Of course, she did not really understand the strategic situation. (20) She ran up to us with wildflowers, and it so happened that they got to me. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - it is a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take a bunch of flowers, because I am not a coward, I swear by my mother to you, Polenka, that I am not a coward. (22) I closed my eyes and took it from her, abandoned at the mercy of the enemy ... (23) Since then, I have kept that dried broom with me constantly, on my body, like a fire in my bosom, I have ordered it to be put on myself in the grave, if anything happens. (24) I thought I would shed blood seven times before becoming a man, but how it happens, dry ... and this is a font of maturity! - (25) Then two lines came across completely illegible. - (26) And I don't know, Polenka, if my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift ... "
(27) - Yes, he has grown a lot, your Rodion, you are right ... - Varya said folding the letter, because with such a structure of thoughts, it is unlikely that this soldier would be capable of any reprehensible act.
(28) Embracing, the girlfriends listened to the rustle of the rain and the rare, fading horns of cars. (29) The topic of the conversation was the events of the past day: an exhibition of captured aircraft that opened on the central square, an unfulfilled funnel on Veselykh Street, as they used to call it in everyday life, Gastello, whose selfless feat thundered all over the country in those days.
(According to L. Leonov)

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War. How does it affect a person's growing up? This is what L. Leonov writes about in his wonderful text.

The problem that the author touches on is eternal, because every person goes through the stage of growing up, but in ordinary life this process lasts longer than in difficult life situations such as war... The text tells how a young guy Rodion went to the front and sent "the first front-line news." She made it clear that the young man became older before the due time, because during the war, people feel a sense of duty, a huge responsibility to the Motherland, they realize the value of life and love. During the retreat of the Red Army, an unknown girl presented a bouquet of wild flowers to Rodion. These flowers were a symbol of trust, the hope that soviet army will protect the Motherland. “I don’t know… will my whole life be enough to pay for this gift…” - these words Rodiona say that now his main goal is is to justify the hopes of compatriots left to the enemy... This incident helped the young man to grow up morally. How is this manifested? The writer does not give an answer to this question; he probably wants the reader to think about it himself.

L. Leonov poses such a problem as the formation of personality. He believes that difficult life situations contribute to early adulthood. In his opinion, it is not necessary go through great trials, one important case is enough.

I fully agree with the opinion of the author and believe that in a war, when a person is responsible not only for himself, moral growing up proceeds faster than in normal life. Who can be called an adult? Note


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If you notice these five signs of inflammation, you urgently need to see a doctor.

The inflammatory process is a serious pathology that cannot be treated on its own.

From a young age in the office of an uncle or aunt in a white coat, a frightened child hears these strange words: rhinitis, sinusitis, or, for example, tonsillitis. With age, mysterious diagnoses with the ending "it" are added to the medical record of almost every person. Did you know that all these “itas” mean one thing: inflammation of one or another organ. The doctor says nephritis means your kidneys have a cold, arthritis means your joint hurts. Absolutely every structure in the human body can be affected by the inflammatory process. And your body starts to inform you about it early enough and actively.

Five signs of inflammation were identified in ancient times, when not only special medical devices for diagnosis did not exist, and there was no talk even about simple analysis blood.

Knowing these five characteristic signs of inflammation, you, too, can determine your disease without any additional methods:

1. Tumor - edema

Any inflammatory process in the human body begins with the penetration of a provoking agent into it. It can be a bacteria, virus, foreign body, chemical, or other provocateur. The body immediately reacts to an unexpected guest, sending its guards to him - leukocyte cells, which are not at all happy with him and instantly enter into battle. In the place of accumulation of exudate, an infiltration is formed. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflammatory process, you will definitely see edema.

2. Rubor - redness

As a result of the death of damaged cells in the body, special substances are released - inflammatory mediators. The blood vessels located in the surrounding tissues react to them, first of all. To slow down the flow of blood, they expand, fill with blood and the result is redness. In this way, redness is another characteristic feature inflammation.

3. Calor - temperature rise

Vascular dilatation is an essential component of any inflammatory process also because it is necessary to clean up on the battlefield. The inflow of blood brings oxygen and the necessary building materials to the site of inflammation, and takes away all the decay products. As a result, such active work it gets very hot in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation. The third mandatory sign of inflammation is fever.

4. Dolor - pain

The fact that somewhere in the body there is an active fight against a pest must be communicated to the brain, and the best way to do this is some kind of bright and expressive signal. For this, in almost every part of our body there are special bells - nerve endings. Pain is the best signal for the brain, as a result of which a person understands that something is wrong in a certain area of \u200b\u200bhis body.

5. Functio laesa - dysfunction

The above signs of inflammation add up to another important symptom of this pathological process - dysfunction of the affected structure.In the field of warfare, life cannot go on as usual.Therefore, inflammation is always accompanied by a functional failure of the affected organ. In some cases, it can be very dangerous for the body, for example, in inflammatory processes of the heart, kidneys or other vital organs.

If you notice these five signs of inflammation, you urgently need to see a doctor.

Remember that the inflammatory process is a serious pathology that cannot be treated on your own. Consulting a qualified specialist and selecting an effective treatment regimen will help your body become a winner in the battle against inflammation.published

L. Leonov is a master of artistic words and a Russian writer who, in his works, considers spiritual and social problems, as well as discusses many rhetorical questions of mankind.

The author raises the problem spiritual growth The writer tells about a letter from Rodion preparing for military action. The lines that the soldier wrote on the paper sealed in the envelope reflected a significant part of his life. L. Leonov writes about how Rodion met a little girl who gave him wildflowers. Such an act greatly influenced the soldier: "I forced myself to take a bouquet, because I am not a coward." The author draws the reader's attention to the fact that Rodion grew spiritually after the event that took place in the war: "will it be enough for my whole life to pay for that gift?" L. Leonov emphasizes how a reprehensible act can change a person's life and help him reveal his the best qualities... Varya, having read the letter, realizes that before her is already a completely different person, still the same Rodion, but capable of moral deeds, "growing" a good heart in himself.

I completely agree with the opinion of the author. Indeed, we are not born with a lot of spiritual "baggage". Only certain actions, the attitude of others to us, form spiritual and moral qualities in a person. Positive emotions, negativity, experience - all this allows people to reveal their own "I" and develop their character. In support of the above, I will give two literary arguments.

One involuntarily recalls the work of F.I.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Rodion Raskolnikov, being in search of himself, decides to kill the old woman-prosecutor. But this act only destroys him inner world, throughout the entire work, Raskolnikov hates himself for the act he committed. At the end of the novel, Rodion comes in harmony with his soul, and life for him continues after severe torment.

The second argument is the play by M. Gorky "At the Bottom".

All the heroes of this work dream of a wonderful life. Luka, like a magician, comes to the residents of the flophouse to help them solve their problems. He tells each hero that he can achieve more, reminds of who Anastasia, Tick, Baron were in a past life. Luka's act evokes positive emotions among the residents of the flophouse, they seem to "come to life" and look at life in a different way.

Thus, I can conclude: any events in a person's life change him. Important are those actions, thanks to which we grow spiritually.

Option 2

We are used to thinking that life consists of childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age. And a person must pass all these lines. But sometimes life circumstances force one to jump over one of these lines. One of these reasons may be a terrible event - war.

In the text proposed for analysis by L.M. Leonov touches on the question, what makes a person grow up?

The narrator reflects on the raised topic of growing up not detached, one feels his interest in what he writes about.

The author presents us with a letter from a young soldier to his girlfriend. A young man shares his feelings when meeting a little girl. Holding out a bunch of wildflowers, her eyes expressed hope for these young soldiers. “She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - the midday sun is a thousand times easier to look at…” At that moment the boy became a man. He felt all the power and significance of his future actions. The soldier realized how great the responsibility entrusted to him was. “I thought I’ll shed blood seven times before I become a man, but this is how it happens, dry ... and this is a font of maturity”

This problem is especially acute in works devoted to the war. In B. Vasiliev's story "Doesn't appear on the lists" Young Lieutenant Nikolai Pluzhnikov grows up in a matter of days as soon as he comes to his defense Brest Fortress... His war lasted only 10 months. He entered her as a boy, and came out as a courageous man. He understood what a burden of responsibility rests on his shoulders and never once was hesitant, did not succumb to cowardice. He proudly and steadfastly defended the honor of the Brest Fortress and the honor of the Red Army. In the novel “ Captain's daughter"A.S. Pushkin Greenev turns from a youngster into a man by refusing the oath to Pugachev

After reading the text of L.M. Lyonova was once again convinced that it is far from years and not status in society that make us grow up. Only a sense of responsibility can make you grow up.


(1) Pauline's inflamed condition, and most importantly, her confused, ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much more terrible than even Rodion's captivity or his mortal wound.

(2) “No, no, this is completely different,” Polya shuddered and, turning to the wall, took out a crumpled, read-out triangle from under the pillow.

(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions. (4) Although rare transit trains did not linger in Moscow, the stations were nearby, and Pauline knew the address to Rodion. (5) Of course, the command could not have allowed the soldier to leave the train to the Blagoveshchensky blind alley, then why at least he didn’t write a postcard with his own, beloved, on the way to the active army? ..

(6) So, this was his first front-line news more than two weeks late. (7) In any case, it will now become clear with what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded the sheet, all pierced by a pencil - apparently, it was written on her knee. (9) I had to go up to the lamp to make out the dull, half-finished lines.

(10) Varya immediately stumbled upon the main place.

(11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why I was silent all this time, was that there was nowhere to settle down, - Rodion wrote briefly, with unexpected fullness and straightforwardness, as in confession. (12) - We are all retreating for now, retreating day and night, occupying more advantageous defensive lines, as they say in the reports. (13) I was very ill, besides, and now I have not quite recovered yet: my illness is worse than any contusion. (14) The most bitter thing is that I myself am completely healthy, whole, there is not a single scratch on me yet. (15) Burn this letter, I can tell you about it alone in the whole world, - Varya turned the page.

(16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our unit was in retreat. (17) I went last in the company ... and maybe last in the whole army. (18) In front of us on the road stood a local girl of about nine years old, quite a child, apparently, at the school bench, accustomed to love the Red Army ... (19) Of course, she did not really understand the strategic situation. (20) She ran up to us with wildflowers, and it so happened that they got to me. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - it is a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take a bunch of flowers, because I am not a coward, I swear by my mother to you, Polenka, that I am not a coward. (22) I closed my eyes and took it from her, abandoned at the mercy of the enemy ... (23) Since then I have kept that dried broom constantly with me, on my body,

like a fire in my bosom I carry a burden, I command it to be put on myself in the grave, if anything happens. (24) I thought I would shed blood seven times before becoming a man, but how it happens, dry ... and this is a font of maturity! - (25) Then two lines came across completely illegible. - (26) And I don't know, Polenka, if my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift ... "

(27) - Yes, he has grown a lot, your Rodion, you are right ... - Varya said folding the letter, because with such a structure of thoughts, it is unlikely that this soldier would be capable of any reprehensible act.

(28) Embracing, the girlfriends listened to the rustle of rain and the rare, fading horns of cars. (29) The topic of the conversation was the events of the past day: an exhibition of captured aircraft that opened on the central square, an unfulfilled funnel on Veselykh Street, as they used to call it in everyday life, Gastello, whose selfless feat thundered all over the country in those days.

(According to L. Leonov *)



Each person at a certain period of life goes through the path of growing up. Most people mature over a number of years, gradually gaining life experience... Someone becomes an adult quickly, performing, for example, some heroic act. And only a few people grow up instantly, unexpectedly.

Problem formulation

The problem of a person's growing up cannot leave anyone indifferent, including the famous Russian writer, author of the novel "Russian Forest" Leonid Leonov. It does not depend on the time, on the nationality of a person and on which country he is from. And what does growing up depend on?

Commentary on the formulated problem

So, reflecting on the reasons for the belated growing up of today's young people, we can say that today many young men and women are surrounded by the care of close people, ensuring their material well-being and mental comfort, most of them do not feel a sense of responsibility for others, do not know wars and hunger. But it is war that often makes a person an adult, forcing him to make responsible decisions.

So, the hero of the presented text becomes an adult in the war. Leonid Leonov, reflecting on the problem of growing up, shows the conditions - unusual, unexpected - of this growing up. He argues that it is not necessary to “douse yourself in blood seven times” to become a man. Sometimes it is enough for a young man to receive a modest bouquet of flowers from a little girl in order to feel responsibility not only for himself, but also for such children, a desire to protect them, to save them from a terrible disaster.

My position. Arguments

If we turn to the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace", then, of course, remember the young Petya Rostov, who at the age of fifteen, despite the persuasions of his family, voluntarily went to war with the French to stand up for the Fatherland, to protect his loved ones from the enemy.

From the story "Son of the Regiment" by Valentin Kataev, dedicated to another Patriotic War, we learn that her hero, Vanya Solntsev, who lost all his loved ones in wartime and ended up in the territory occupied by the Nazis, drank a dare, finally ends up on a battery of scouts, commanded by Captain Yenakiev. He is still a boy, becoming the son of a regiment, fighting bravely, risking his life to the German rear. The war makes this child an adult, ready to stand up for the Motherland, for the lives of people.


The main thing that unites these so different heroes is their thoughts, feelings, desire to be needed by their Fatherland at a time of difficult trials. There is something to learn from people like Petya Rostov and Vanya Solntsev, there is something to envy many of my peers!

the worst guesses, much worse than even Rodion's captivity or his mortal wound. (2) “No, no, this is completely different,” Polya shuddered and, turning to the wall, took out a crumpled, read-out triangle from under the pillow. (3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions. (4) Although rare transit trains did not stay in Moscow, the stations were nearby, and Pauline knew the address to Rodion. (5) Of course, the command could not allow the soldier to leave the echelon in the Blagoveshchensky blind alley, then why at least he didn’t scribble a postcard with his beloved one on his way to the active army? .. (6) So, this was his first frontline news more than two weeks late. (7) In any case, it will now become clear with what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded the sheet, all pierced with a pencil - apparently, it was written on her knee. (9) I had to go up to the lamp to make out the dull, half-finished lines. (10) Varya immediately stumbled upon the main place. (11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why he was silent all this time, was that there was nowhere to settle down, - Rodion wrote briefly, with unexpected fullness and straightforwardness, as in confession. (12) - We are all retreating for now, retreating day and night, occupying more advantageous defensive lines, as they say in the reports. (13) I was very ill, besides, and even now I have not quite recovered yet: my illness is worse than any concussion. (14) The most bitter thing is that I myself am completely healthy, whole, there is not a single scratch on me yet. (15) Burn this letter, I can tell you about it alone in the whole world, - Varya turned the page. (16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our unit was in retreat. (17) I went last in the company ... and maybe the last in the whole army. (18) In front of us on the road stood a local girl of about nine years old, quite a child, apparently, at the school bench, accustomed to love the Red Army ... (19) Of course, she did not really understand the strategic situation. (20) She ran up to us with wildflowers, and it so happened that they got to me. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - it is a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take a bunch of flowers, because I am not a coward, I swear by my mother to you, Polenka, that I am not a coward. (22) I closed my eyes and took it from her, abandoned at the mercy of the enemy ... (23) Since then, I have kept that dried broom with me constantly, on my body, like a fire in my bosom, I have ordered it to be put on myself in the grave, if anything happens. (24) I thought I would shed blood seven times before a man Demo option USE 2012 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11. (2012 - 12/22) © 2012 federal Service for supervision in education and science Russian Federation I will, but this is how it happens, dry ... and this is a font of maturity! - (25) Then two lines came across completely illegible. - (26) And I don't know, Polenka, if my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift ... "(27) - Yes, he has grown a lot, your Rodion, you are right ... - Folding the letter, Varya said, because when With such a structure of thought, it is unlikely that this soldier would be capable of any reprehensible act. (28) Embracing, the girlfriends listened to the rustle of rain and the rare, fading horns of cars. (29) The topic of the conversation was the events of the past day: an exhibition of captured aircraft that opened on the central square, an unfulfilled funnel on Veselykh Street, as they used to call it in everyday life, Gastello, whose selfless feat thundered all over the country in those days.

Well, if this is an exam, first identify the topic of the essay. There may be several of them here - People's love for their homeland, or how hard it is to love a soldier, or children in war ...

take all the arguments from the novel "War and Peace", and write a global conclusion