Battle for heroes. "Brest Fortress" on the Moldavian bank of the Prut

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Outpost of three heroes, Stoyanovskaya outpost,
Outpost near the village Stoyanovka, Zastava near the Prut.

The Three Heroes Outpost is located in the south of the Moldavian Republic, in the Cantemir region, near the village of Stoyanovka.
Initially, the outpost was called Stoyanovka, after the name of a nearby village.
The administration of the site does not have exact historical data; on the Internet, the first mention of the history of this outpost dates back to 1941, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
Stoyanovskaya outpost was one of the first to accept the battle.
On that memorable day, Senior Lieutenant Alexander Konstantinov took over on the first day of the war, June 22, 1941, the leadership of the defense of the frontier post No. 5 near the city of Cahul (Moldova), near the village of Stoyanovka. During the day alone, the outpost, led by a brave border guard officer, repulsed eleven enemy attacks. On June 24, 1941, Senior Lieutenant Konstantinov A.K., together with the soldiers, recaptured the railway bridge across the Prut River from the enemy, personally destroying two enemy machine-gun crews.
The commander of the machine-gun section of the 5th border outpost (25th Cagul border detachment, NKVD troops), junior sergeant Buzytskov I.D. On June 22, 1941, while guarding the State Border of the USSR at the 5th Stoyanovskaya frontier outpost in the Kantemirovsky district of Moldova, at the bridge over the Prut River, he was the first to take battle, in which he killed over forty enemy soldiers. In a fierce battle, the brave border guard received seven wounds, but did not leave his post until he received an order from the command.
After severe wounds he was evacuated to the hospital in Armavir, he was awarded the rank of "junior lieutenant".
Vasily Mikhalkov, junior sergeant of the 5th border outpost, played an equally important role.
23 August 2004 , on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Moldova from the fascist occupation of the frontier post "Stoyanovka" in the Cantemir region by order of the head of the Department border troops Republic of Brigadier General Igor Kolenov was named on Monday "Outpost of three heroes Soviet Union"A memorial plaque was installed on the building of the outpost for this occasion.
The outpost is named after three heroes -

Alexander Konstantinovich Konstantinov (1910-1994) - colonel of the border troops of the KGB of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Born on March 9, 1910 in the village of Zinovidovo, now in the Rzhevsky district of the Tver region, into a peasant family. Russian.
Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1941. Graduated from a rural school. He worked at the Drive Belt factory in Moscow.
In the Red Army since 1932. In 1937 he graduated from the Saratov Border School. Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941.
Assistant Chief of Staff of the 1st Border Commandant's Office (25th Cagul Border Detachment, Moldavian Border District of the NKVD Troops), candidate member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 26, 1941, for the exemplary fulfillment of combat missions of the command on the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, Senior Lieutenant Konstantinov Alexander Konstantinovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal "(No. 618).
In 1950, the hero-border guard graduated from the Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, served in the border troops. Colonel A.K. Konstantinov has been retired since 1959. He lived in Odessa. Died June 16, 1994. Buried in Odessa at the City Cemetery.
He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star, and medals.
In honor of the Hero, a monument was erected at the border outpost of the village of Stoyanovka.
Hero of the Soviet Union, Order of Lenin
Order of the Red Banner, Order of the Red Star
Order of the Patriotic War I degree, Order of the Patriotic War 2 degrees
Medal for Military Merit, Medal for Courage, Medal for the Liberation of Warsaw.

Buzytskov Ivan Dmitrievich - the commander of the machine-gun department of the frontier outpost No. 5 of the 25th Cahul frontier detachment of the Moldavian frontier district of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR, junior sergeant.
Born on November 15, 1917 in the village of Nizhnee Sancheleevo, now in the Stavropol region Samara region in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1942. Graduated from 7 classes. He worked as a combine operator.
In the Border Troops of the NKVD of the USSR since 1938. Graduated from junior commanding school in 1939. From the first minutes of the Great Patriotic War - at the front.
The commander of the machine-gun section of the 5th frontier outpost in the Kantemirovsky district of Moldova, at the bridge over the Prut River, was the first to take battle, in which he destroyed over forty enemy soldiers.
In a fierce battle, the border guard received seven wounds, but did not leave his post until he received an order from the command.
After severe wounds he was evacuated to the hospital in Armavir, he was awarded the rank of "junior lieutenant". By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 26, 1941, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, Junior Lieutenant Ivan Buzytskov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star "(No. 512).
He continued to serve in the border troops, participated in the Great Patriotic War... In 1942 he fought on the North Caucasian front. In 1945, the courageous officer completed retraining courses at the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze and was appointed battalion commander in the NKVD troops. Then Colonel Buzytskov I.D. served in the organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in last years services - in the Ukrainian republican organization of the sports society of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Dynamo" in Kiev.
After his retirement he lived in Dnepropetrovsk, worked at the Southern Machine-Building Plant. Died July 12, 1978. Buried in Dnepropetrovsk at the Sursko-Litovsk cemetery.
Colonel (1954). He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Star, and medals.
A monument was erected on the site of the feat of the border guard Ivan Buzytskov. The outpost is named after the three Heroes of the Soviet Union who fought on it - A. K. Konstantinov, I. D. Buzytskov and V. F. Mikhalkov. Honorary Citizen of the city of Cahul, Moldavian SSR.
A street in Togliatti, Samara region, is named after him.

Junior Sergeant of the 5th Border Outpost. The title of hero was awarded by a decree of August 26, 1941.
There is no more information.

Who in June 1941 heroically defended this section of the Soviet border on the Prut River, for which they were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
In the museum military glory "Stoyanovka" preserved many relics of the war, documents, materials that tell about the glorious pages of the history of the Soviet border troops.
The Stoyanovka frontier post is the second on this section of the border, honored to be named.
The Kagul outpost bears the name of its former chief, the hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Vasily Vetchinkin, who heroically fought the Nazi invaders here in June-July 1941.
For 11 days the Stoyanovsk border outpost defended itself on its own. These hostilities claimed the lives of 600 Soviet soldiers and 12 thousand Romanians. All those who died in the village were buried in the outskirts.

Back in the 50s of the last century, newspapers published publications under the heading “Brest Fortress on the Bank of the Prut”, dedicated to the heroism of the defenders of the outpost of the village of Stoyanovka.
On June 22, 1941, the war began, at the location of the 5th outpost near the village of Stoyanovka, Kantemir district, there were 17 soldiers. They did not yet know that they had to take the blow of thousands of fascist soldiers. Thousands of well-equipped, heavily armed fascist soldiers who were not going to linger for a long time at Stoyanovka. But everything did not go as planned by the enemy: only during the first day of the war, the outpost led by a brave border guard officer repelled eleven enemy attacks. And in the end, as a result of protracted fighting, a handful of people locked the border. On June 25, the state border was fully restored and held by units of the 9th Army and border detachments. The outpost repelled enemy offensives until July 2, 1941 - until the order was received to retreat.
The head of the outpost, senior lieutenant Alexander Konstantinov, the commander of the machine-gun squad, junior sergeant Ivan Buzytskov and junior sergeant Vasily Mikhalkov were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in the early days of the war. The border post was named after these heroes.

Lupu cut the ribbon ...

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Moldova from the fascist invaders, by the order of the commander of the border troops of the Republic of Moldova No. 333 dated August 5, 2004, the border outpost of the village of Stoyanovka was named "Outpost named after three Heroes". On the occasion of this significant event, grand opening monuments to the soldiers-border guards who defended the border in June 1941. The ribbon at the opening was cut by today's
and. about. President of the Republic of Moldova and Speaker of the Parliament Marian Lupu.
There is a museum at the outpost, which contains documents, letters, newspapers from the times of the war. Small arms of heroes, orders for conferring the title of Hero, photographs. The museum was created by the outpost's own forces. It is often visited by schoolchildren, residents of the village and the district. Foreign delegations often come.

Heroes interfere with someone ...

On December 1, 2011, the order came into force general director of the border service of the Republic of Moldova Roman Revenko "on recognizing as invalid the order of the commander of the border troops of the Republic of Moldova No. 333". “The outpost is the only one that bears a similar name, all the others bear the names of the area or the nearest settlements,” the ministry's press service explains. “Therefore, during the restructuring of the border service, it was decided to return the former name to the outpost.” "How can the renaming of the outpost generally contribute to the reform and restructuring of the border service?" - asks the deputy of the Moldovan parliament Grigory Petrenko.

An officer's honor or an order?

The honor of the Moldovan officer is above the order - it becomes clear if we analyze the course of dissemination of information about the criminal actions of the leadership of the border post. After all, they, the military, were the first to sound the alarm, were the epicenter of the information bomb. It was their indignation, unable to stay in the professional circle any longer, that burst out, thundering and flashing lightning in the press, in conversations with relatives and friends. They had to reluctantly carry out this "order" of the leadership. They do not need to explain the uniqueness of Outpost of Three Heroes. They, like no one else, understand the importance of the outpost and the historical value that is stored in it - in every centimeter of it, in every letter of its name. Let Revenko beat his head even from morning till night - the Moldovan officer, the officer of the internationally recognized elite, border troops, will not understand you, the "liberal-democratic" would-be reformer, and in fact - the vandal of these very troops.

Across the throat

On December 5, the fact of the renaming of the border outpost received widespread publicity. From numerous sources (mainly from military personnel), information is received about the renaming of the outpost and that on the night of December 3-4, the outpost employees dismantled memorial plaques by order of the leadership. Some officers had to "sit" on the phone all day, answering calls from acquaintances, newspapermen, bloggers and television workers, calling comrades and friends.
If the acting officers did not make loud statements, then the military pensioners have nothing to lose - they, without fear of anyone, directly stated everything they think about this matter. For example, the former head of the frontier post of three heroes, Svyatoslav Idzhilov, said that “the frontier service is not engaged in its direct duties, but fights against historical monuments,” and advised the leadership to “engage in smuggling that flows as a river across the border”. “For those who defend the interests of Romanians, history is in the throat,” he summed up.
They managed to attract the attention of the broad masses - they fulfilled their duty as an officer, did not succumb and did not surrender to the criminal, marauding regime - they did not cave in under it.

Information explosion

In the Internet environment, one after another, alarming emergency messages begin to appear about another looting of the regime. Information gets into social networks, accompanied by the indignation of users, a flame of discontent with the current government and its actions. It is clear to everyone: it is impossible to just leave this literal outrage at the border outpost.
The decision of the leadership of the border troops is condemned in the news blocks of television channels, the viewers are reminded of the story of the border "Outpost of Three Heroes".
In the district committee of the Party of Communists, a bureau is urgently convened, there is one issue on the agenda: "Renaming the outpost and dismantling the plates." The leadership of the district committee contacts the mayors of the Kantemir district, councilors of the city and villages, residents of Stoyanovka, Antonovka and Kantemir. The decision of the district party committee to convene a gathering of citizens and adopt a declaration condemning the action of the leadership of the border troops and including an appeal demanding to immediately cancel the "marauding" order. Until 20:00
On December 5, this declaration is adopted and published in the press. “We will do everything in our power to save the name and historical monuments of the border outpost of the village of Stoyanovka,” said Giorgi Popa, first secretary of the Cantemir RK PCRM, in an interview: “We have already contacted the mayors and advisers and will all together demand that everything be returned in place: return the name, return the memorial plaques, not touch the museum and monuments. "
At about nine o'clock in the evening of the same day in social networks the call of the residents of Chisinau to picket the building of the border service department on December 6 and demand the restoration of the name of the outpost of heroes and the return of the plates to their original place. Users convey this message to each other.

Commemorative plaques were hastily returned

The General Prosecutor's Office received appeals from the deputies of the Party of Communists Artur Reshetnikov, Inna Shupak and Alexander Petkov with the demand to understand the situation with the border "Outpost of Three Heroes", "Stop vandalism and hand the liberal-democratic leadership of the border service. No to fascism! " - he said in one of the social networks.
On December 6, despite the rain and bad weather, more than a hundred residents of the village Stoyanovka came to the building of the mayor's office to express their indignation and discontent caused by the actions of the border service leadership. “Such actions are directed against the people themselves, against what is dear to them - against their values,” said one of the residents of Stoyanovka. "As a gift to the Romanians - a mockery of the Moldovans." “I don’t understand how you can trample the history of the heroes of your country, your people? How can historical memory be destroyed? " - comments a pensioner of the border service.
“Our people have been brought up from an early age to respect memory, respect history, respect heroes, and no one will take this away from us: no orders or decrees,” said Afanasy Malkov, mayor of the village of Stoyanovka. In his opinion, "the outpost not only changed its name, it lost its heroic names and history, so the order must be canceled."
Afanasy Malkov confirmed the information that the memorial plaque was dismantled, but on December 6 it was returned to its place.

"Revenko, hand over your shoulder straps!"

On the same day, December 6, at 15:00 in front of the border service department under the slogans "Fascism will not pass", "Revenko, hand over your shoulder straps!", "Resignation!" and "Down with the alliance!" a picket was held, organized by residents of Chisinau. The picket was attended by representatives of the Party of Communists, public organizations KSMM and August. The residents of Chisinau were also supported by MPs from the Party of Communists: Grigory Petrenko, Mikhail Polyansky, Inna Shupak. The actions of the border service were opposed at the picket chief Editor newspaper "Kommunist" Alexander Isaev and editor-in-chief information portal Pavel Grigorchuk.
“I am convinced that what we are doing today, we are not doing in vain. Because already now, already today, the leadership of the border service has fastened the memorial plaques back to the monument. All this happened precisely under public pressure. Under pressure from those activists who immediately stood up to defend the frontier "Outpost of Three Heroes", ”said Grigory Petrenko, deputy of the Moldovan parliament, speaking at a picket in front of the building of the frontier service department. “The very fact of issuing such an order is a shame. Shame on the entire current leadership of the country! For the entire so-called Alliance for European Integration, ”the MP says.
In his speech, the editor-in-chief of the Kommunist newspaper, Alexander Isaev, said: “This junta, which now sits in the house of the government, is promoting the idea of“ Soviet occupation ”simply to make our country easier to annex to Romania. ... It is both blasphemous and cynical to use in their dirty political games the names of people who fought against fascism, who gave their lives for this, standing to the end and to death. "

Another clownery

So, the chronology of events. The outpost was renamed by order of the leadership. On the night of December 3-4, memorial plaques were removed and removed. Local residents feared the imminent dismantling of the monuments and the closure of the museum at the outpost. This information, owned by the employees of the outpost and villagers, eyewitnesses of the events, was first disseminated from colleague to colleague, from inhabitant to inhabitant, and then, thanks to the alarmed journalists, deputies and local authorities from PCRM, it reached the national level.
Information explosion. Disturbance. A call to protest. Gathering of the villagers. And now the very next day, before lunch, everything returns to its place. Memorial plaques are hastily returned, claiming that no one removed them. Everything except ... Except for the very name of the outpost. Instead of apologizing to the indignant residents, the leadership of the border service starts an information war, like: “What are you talking about? The name was changed, yes. But the memorial plates were not touched. And nobody dismantled anything at night. This is communist propaganda. "
In this case, you need to tactfully apologize to everyone and everyone. Openly report the error and discard all decisions. But looking people in the eye and saying “there was no such thing” is at least a supernatural lie. The person who removed the plaques is famous. This is a native and resident of Cahul, Major Tsercelov. It was he who received the order to leave at night for Stoyanovka.
Representatives of the current government have long and firmly secured the status of circus performers and clowns. But, hiding under such a mask, one can cunningly and imperceptibly carry out vile, base deeds. This is exactly what the leadership of the border troops department, headed by Roman Revenko, tried to do. After all, it is logical that there will be more outraged if monuments are demolished, memorial plaques are dismantled, the museum is closed than when the name is changed. It is also logical that it will not be difficult to knock down the general wave of indignation from the indignant if you tell them that they have not understood everything so well. And the criminal order encroaching on our history passes, one might say, without hindrance. If so, then the circus performers miscalculated this time. People understood perfectly well that everything is happening exactly THIS.

The fight continues

By the joint efforts of the military, fellow citizens, the press and the Party of Communists, the tablets returned to their original place. But you cannot stop there. We cannot be allowed to change our history. It is impossible, without any good reason, to allow the renaming of settlements, streets, border outposts.
According to the organizers of the picket in front of the department, they are not going to be satisfied with what has already been achieved and will seek the return of the glorious name of the border outpost.
Because the exploits of the heroes are inviolable for any scoundrel of Revenko.

On the morning of June 22, 1941, residents of the village Stoyanovka of the Kantemir District were awakened by the roar of shells and the roar of artillery weapons. According to Pyotr Ivanovich Dan, a living witness of those events, in the first minutes it seemed to everyone that exercises were going on at the outpost, which stood on the border with Romania. However, the skirmishes were so strong that soon no one had any doubts that the war had begun. Those villagers who had the opportunity to go to their relatives hurriedly collected their things.

© Sputnik / Daria Chernega

"When we left, we took only a little food and a blanket with us. All the rest of the goodness was left in the house. And when we returned a few weeks later, our entire household, all our property and even the dog, everything burned down," Pyotr Ivanovich Dan shared his memories ...

Since then, as Dan noted, 75 years have passed. "I am still afraid of loud noises and bright flashes. When a holiday takes place in the village and firecrackers are thundering, I feel scared," the source said.

As they remember locals, the fighting at the outpost near the village of Stoyanovka lasted about two weeks. Only on June 22, 1941, the Soviet military repulsed 11 enemy attacks. According to local resident Alexandra Vasilyevna Taukchi, the head of the outpost sounded the alarm after the enemy shot the sentry on the tower.

“That morning, my mother baked bread and sent me to the well for water. A sparrow flew past me very quickly. But when I looked closely, I realized that it was actually a bullet. When I told my mother about it, she burst into tears,” she said. To the Sputnik correspondent, a resident of the village of Stoyanovka Alexandra Taukchi.

© Sputnik / Daria Chernega

The Taukchi family left Stoyanovka on June 22 at 11 am. “Literally 2 minutes later, as we drove off, the shell hit right at the place where our carriage was. We narrowly escaped death,” the interlocutor said.

The bloody battles near Stoyanovka claimed the lives of 600 Soviet soldiers and 12 thousand Romanians. On June 24, Senior Lieutenant Alexander Konstantinov, together with the soldiers, recaptured the railway bridge across the Prut River from the enemy. An equally important role in those events was played by the commander of the machine-gun section of the fifth border outpost, junior sergeant Ivan Buzytskov and junior sergeant Vasily Mikhalkov. In 2004, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Moldova from the fascist invaders, the border checkpoint near the village of Stoyanovka was awarded the title "Outpost of the Three Heroes of the Soviet Union". However, in December 2011, the Moldovan authorities canceled this order, leaving the name "Stoyanovka" behind the outpost.

The border post of the Republic of Moldova near the village of Stoyanovka is called the "Brest Fortress" on the Moldavian bank of the Prut, where 60 heroic soldiers of the Red Army killed about 1000 invaders. Where the war began half an hour earlier, on June 22 at 3:30 am, where the fighting lasted 11 days, and at that time Minsk, Lvov had already fallen ...

In August 2004, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Moldova from the Nazi occupation, the Stoyanovka frontier post in the Cantemir region of the Republic of Moldova was named by the order of the head of the Republican Border Troops Department, Brigadier General Igor Kolenov "Outpost of the three heroes of the Soviet Union"... A memorial plaque was installed on the building of the outpost for this occasion. The outpost was named after three heroes - Alexander Konstantinov, Vasily Mikhalkov and Ivan Buzytskov, who in June 1941 heroically defended this section of the Soviet border on the Prut River, for which they were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Stoianovca, Moldova on Google Maps

Marathon in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Liberation of Moldova from fascism

Further, the most disgusting ...

Director Border Service From the Republic of Moldova, Roman Revenko signed an order to change the name of the Outpost of Three Heroes located near the village of Stoyanovka, which, in accordance with the order, should henceforth be designated by the name of the settlement. This order was published in the Official Gazette on December 2 of this year.
The eagerness with which Roman signed the decree on renaming leads to different thoughts. One of the versions - Roman has seen enough movies about vampires online, is afraid of them and wants to expel them. New ones are always here, free and of high quality.
But it was not there! The name, history and memory were defended not only by the villagers, but also by activists, youth organizations and even parliament members.

Moldovan press review:

Public Council for the preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War "For the Motherland!" last week made a decision to support the reconstruction of the Three Heroes' memorial in the village of Stoyanovka, Cantemir District. This was stated at a press conference by the head of the organization's council Igor Tulyantsev.

“The memorial will be erected in honor of the soldiers of the fifth outpost of the Cagul border detachment,” he said. - Under the command of senior lieutenant V. Tuzhlov, in June 1941, over a thousand German and Romanian soldiers and officers were killed in unequal bloody battles here for 11 days. The outpost was named after Alexander Konstantinov, Ivan Buzytskov and Vasily Mikhalkov, who especially distinguished themselves in defense, for which they were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. "

Stoyanovka Mayor Pyotr Malkov - Member of the Council "For the Motherland!" - informed about the beginning of reconstruction. The renovated memorial is scheduled to open on May 6. Tulyantsev noted that the initiative to restore the memorial comes from a native of the village, vice-president of the IFAVIS Foundation Valery Zabolotny.

All schools of the former USSR spoke about the feat of the border guards of this outpost. Many episodes of films about the bravery of Soviet border guards in the early days of the war are inspired by the history of the defense of Stoyanovka.

The fighting in June 1941 lasted 11 days here. The commander of the machine-gun department, junior sergeant Ivan Buzytskov, was the first to take battle at the bridge over the Prut on June 22, in which he killed over 40 Romanian soldiers. Soviet border guard received seven wounds, but did not leave his post until the order of the command on June 24.

Senior Lieutenant Alexander Konstantinov took over the leadership of the defense of the border outpost on the first day of the war. On the first day alone, the outpost repelled 11 enemy attacks, and even managed to recapture the railway bridge across the river from the enemy. Konstantinov personally destroyed two enemy machine-gun crews. Junior Sergeant Vasily Mikhalkov played an equally important role.

Over a thousand German-Romanian soldiers and officers were killed - and these were the biggest losses in the attack on the Soviet Union in the first days of the war.

In August 2004, when the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Moldova from the Nazi occupation was celebrated, by order of the then head of the Border Troops Department, Brigadier General Igor Kolenov, the outpost was awarded the title "Outpost of the Three Heroes of the Soviet Union". A memorial plaque with the names of the heroes was installed.

However, after the April pogroms in Chisinau and the coming to power of parties claiming to defend European values, the persecution of history began. The new director of the border service, Roman Revenko, ordered in December 2011 to rename the outpost and dismantle the memorial. This order was even published in the Official Monitor.

The villagers stood up to protect their heroes. Young people also responded in social networks. Hundreds of young people gathered in Chisinau near the main building of the border department and chanted slogans: “Revenko, hand over your shoulder straps!”, “Fascist will not pass!”, “Hands off the outpost”.

Inhabitants of the Kantemir district at a mass general meeting adopted a statement demanding to cancel the decision. “The authorities committed a blasphemous act of vandalism,” the document said. - Removing the memorial plaque from the border outpost is a spit in the souls of the residents of the district, many of whom have families who died during the Great Patriotic War, and especially veterans. The government supports inhuman actions to destroy the most holy and valuable, which our people cherish. "

On the side of the Cantemirites were the border guards who served at the outpost. Under pressure from the public, the process of erasing the memory was suspended.

The Stoyanovka frontier post is the second named on this section of the border. The Kagul outpost bears the name of its former chief, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Vasily Vetchinkin, who heroically fought the Nazis here in June-July 1941.