OGE Russian language version 9. Demonstration versions of the OGE in Russian language (grade 9)

Diagnostic work in the OGE-2015 format

Option 9

Work instructions

Diagnostic work consists of 3 parts, including 15 tasks.

For execution diagnostic work in the Russian language 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted. The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the text heard (concise presentation). The original text for a condensed presentation is auditioned 2 times. This task is recorded in the answer form №2.

Part 2 is performed based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2-14).

Answers to tasks 2-14 are written in the form of a word (phrase), number, sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks of part 2, cross it out and write down a new one next to it.

When starting part 3 of the work, selectone thing of the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer. This task is performed on a separate sheet (answer form No. 2).

It is allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

When completing assignments, you can use the draft. Draft entries do not count towards grading work.

The points you received for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

We wish you success!

Part 1


Listen to the text and write a succinct summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of the presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your presentation neatly, in legible handwriting.

Part 2

(1) I want you not to repeat my mistakes in life! - Mom often says. (2) But, in order not to repeat her mistakes, I must know exactly what they are. (3) And my mother regularly tells me about it.

(4) I know especially well about one of my mother's mistakes. (5) I know: my mother "died for great art." (6) But in "small art" she showed herself remarkably! (7) “Small art” I call amateur performances. (8) Dad argues with me.

- (9) There are no big roles and no small ones! (10) This is what Stanislavsky said. (11) And you cannot but listen to him, - said dad once. (12) - In Moscow, next to the Bolshoi Theater, there is Maly. (13) But it is called that not because it is worse than the Bolshoi.

- (14) But my mother herself says that she died for great art, - I objected.

- (15) She has the right to say so, but you do not. (16) Art is art. (17) And talent is talent!

(18) Dad believes that almost all people in the world are talented. (19) To one degree or another ... (20) Everyone except him. (21) But my mother is especially talented! (22) Over the years, I realized that in the "small art" you can express yourself much more fully and brighter than in the big one. (23) Well, for example, professional drama artists are artists and that's it. (24) Mom, on the other hand, managed to prove herself in the drama circle, and in the choral, and even in the literary circle. (25) Sometimes, after an amateur concert, mom asks his father what he liked the most. (26) He tries to sing, but nothing comes of it, because dad has no hearing. (27) He sings all the songs on the same tune.

(28) At home, nothing is ever locked with a key. (29) Nothing but the box in which Dad keeps albums. (30) "Mom in the Cast" - written on one cover. (31) "Mom sings" - written on another. (32) "Mom in Poetry" - written on the third.

(34) We quite often move from city to city, because dad is a builder, he "increases the capacity" of various factories. (35) We arrive, build up and move on ... (36) But before moving to a new place, dad will definitely find out if there is a club or a House of Culture there. (37) When it turns out that there is, he says:

- (38) We can go! ..

(39) Moving from place to place is not easy. (40) But mom pretends that it is very pleasant.

- (41) You see, there is a choir collective there, - she once said to dad. (42) - And I haven't been singing for so long!

- (43) Who is to blame that I can only do what I do? - as if the father apologized.

“(44) Traveling is much better than sitting in one place,” Mom muttered. (45) - They write about it in verses and sing in songs.

(46) And although dad knew perfectly well that mom was reassuring him, he believed the poems and songs.

(According to A. Aleksin)

Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin - Russian prose writer, playwright. The author of the novellas "Sasha and Shura", "The Unusual Adventures of Seva Kotlov", "Kolya Writes to Olya, Olya Writes to Kolya", which depict the collisions of children and adolescents with the world of adults.


Which piece of text contains the information necessary forjustification answering the question: "Why does the author-storyteller think that in" small art "you can express yourself brighter?"

1) Well, for example, professional drama artists are artists and that's it.

2) "Small art" I call amateur performances.

3) Mom, on the other hand, managed to prove herself in the drama circle, and in the choral, and even in the literary circle.

4) But, before moving to a new place, dad will definitely find out if there is a club or a House of Culture there.


Indicate a sentence in which the means of speech expression ismetaphor:

    I know: Mom died for great art.

    He tries to sing, but nothing comes of it, because dad has no hearing.

    There are no big roles and no small ones!

    Nothing but the drawer in which Daddy keeps the albums.



From sentences 35-38, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the value “approximation ».

Answer: ___________________________


From sentences 24-26, write out the word in which the spellingsuffix determined by the shape of 1 person unit. h. verb present or future tense.

Answer: ___________________________


Replace the wordmuttered from sentence 44 a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: ___________________________


Replace the phrasechoir (Proposition 41), built on the basis ofharmonization , synonymous with the linkcontrol ... Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: ___________________________


You write grammatical basis sentences 28.

Answer: ___________________________


Among offers 28-32 find an offer with a separate addition. Write down his number.

Answer: ___________________________


In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that represent the commaswith an introductory word.

In Moscow, 1 next to the Bolshoi Theater, 2 is Small. But it's not called that at all because 3 which is worse than the Bolshoi. Well, 4 eg, 5 professional drama artists are artists and that's it.

Answer: ___________________________


Indicate the quantity grammatical foundations in sentence 37.

Answer: ___________________________


In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the digit (s) denoting the comma (s) between the partscomplexproposals relatedsubordinate communication.

Dad thinks 1 that almost all people in the world are talented . Mom also managed to prove herself in the drama circle, 2 and in the choir, 3 and even literary. He tries to sing 4 but nothing comes of it, 5 because dad has no hearing.

Answer: ___________________________


Among offers 1-6 findcomplex sentence with parallel subordination. Write the number of this sentence.

Answer: __________________________


Among sentences 4-7 find complex non-union sentence. Write down his number.

Answer: ___________________________

Part 3


Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin:"The grammar does not ascribe laws to the language, but expresses and confirms its customs." Arguing your answer, givetwo example from the text read. When giving examples, include sentence numbers or use quotations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic in linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A.S. Pushkin.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.


Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase of the text:"Over the years, I realized that in" small art "you can express yourself much more fully and brighter than in the big one." Give in the essaytwo arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the sentences you need or use


Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


How do you understand the meaning of the wordTALENT ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic:"What is talent" , taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments, confirming your reasoning:one example- give the argument from the text you read, andsecond - from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is rated zero.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Pertrue completing assignmentspart 2 diagnostic work, the student receives one point for each task. Perincorrect answer or hisabsence zero points are given.

Job number

Typical option 1


  1. Evaluate the value of the expression
  2. One of the numbers,,, is marked on the straight line by point A. What is this number?
    1) 2) 3) 4)
  3. Which of the following expressions is equal to the work?
    1) 2) 3) 4)
  4. Solve the equation
  5. Establish a correspondence between the graphs of functions and the formulas that define them.
  6. You are given a geometric progression, the denominator of which is,. Find the sum of its first four terms.
  7. Find the meaning of the expression at,.
  8. Which figure shows the set of solutions to the inequality ?


  9. Point D on side AB of triangle ABC is chosen so that AD is equal to AC. It is known that the CAB angle is 10 degrees, the ACB angle is 166 degrees. Find the DCB angle in degrees.
  10. Points A and B are marked on the circle with center O so that the angle AOB is equal to 122 degrees. The length of the smaller arc AB is 61. Find the length of the larger arc.
  11. Foundations isosceles trapezoid are equal to 8 and 18, and its sides are equal to 13. Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezoid.
  12. On checkered paper with a cell size of 1 cm x 1 cm, points A, B and C are marked. Find the distance from point A to the middle of segment BC. Express your answer in centimeters.
  13. Which of the following statements is true?
    1) If in a parallelogram the diagonals are equal and perpendicular, then this parallelogram is a square.
    2) Adjacent angles are equal.
    3) Each of the bisectors of an isosceles triangle is its height.


  14. Jupiter's mass is kg. Express the mass of Jupiter in million tons. 1) million tons; 2) million tons; 3) million tons; 4) million tons
  15. The graphs show how, during a televised debate between candidates A and B, viewers voted for each of them. How many thousands of TV viewers voted in the first 20 minutes of debate?

  16. The travel agency organizes three-day bus excursions. The cost of the excursion for one person is 3500 rubles. Groups are given discounts: for a group of 3 to 10 people - 5%, for a group of more than 10 people - 10%. How much will a group of 12 people pay for a tour?
  17. The wheel has 9 spokes. Find the angle (in degrees) that two adjacent knitting needles make.
  18. The chart shows the age composition of the Japanese population. Approximately how many people between the ages of 15 and 50 live in Japan if the population of Japan is 127 million? 1) about 55 million; 2) about 69 million; 3) about 75 million; 4) about 63 million. In response, write down the number of the selected answer.
  19. There are 20 pies on a plate: 2 with meat, 16 with cabbage, 2 with cherries. Roma picks one pie at random. Find the probability that he ends up with a cherry.
  20. The formula allows you to convert the temperature value from Celsius to Fahrenheit. , where - degrees Celsius, - degrees Fahrenheit. What is the Celsius temperature at 179 degrees Fahrenheit? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

Correct answer

we arrive



choir collective

do not lock



OGE 2015. Russian language. Typical exam options: 36 options. Ed. Tsybulko I.P.

M .: 2015 .-- 240 p.

The manual contains 36 options for typical examination tasks for the Basic State Exam (GIA-9).
The purpose of the manual is to practice practical skills of students in preparation for the exam (in new form) in the 9th grade in mathematics.
The collection contains answers to all test options.
The manual is intended for teachers and methodologists, students of the 9th grade of the basic school to prepare for the Basic State Exam (GIA-9).

Format: pdf

The size: 4.5 Mb

Watch, download:drive.google

Table of contents
Introduction 3
Block I. Options 1-4
Option 1 5
Option 2 11
Option 3 16
Option 4 22
Block II. Options 5-8
Option 5 28
Option 6 34
Option 7 40
Option 8 46
Block III. Options 9-12
Option 9 52
Option 10 58
Option 11 64
Option 12 70
Block IV. Options 13-16
Option 13 76
Option 14 82
Option 15 88
Option 16 94
Block V. Options 17-20
Option 17 100
Option 18 106
Option 19 112
Option 20 118
Block VI. Options 21-24
Option 21 124
Option 22 130
Option 23 136
Option 24 142
Block VII. Options 25-28
Option 25 148
Option 26 154
Option 27 160
Option 28 166
Block VIII. Options 29-32
Option 29 172
Option 30 178
Option 31 184
Option 32 190
Block IX. Options 33-36
Option 33 196
Option 34 202
Option 35 208
Option 36 214

The success of the exam in the Russian language, as in any other subject, is largely determined by how prepared you are for this exam. Test your knowledge on the material in this book. It is written to help you figure out how you learned the course. russian language, and organize preparation for the exam in the IX grade. The book presents 36 typical examination optionscorresponding to the demo versions of the OGE in Russian 2015.
The tasks of the book will test your knowledge of speech and ability to work with the text: thoughtfully, meaningfully read the text, understand the meaning, highlight the main and secondary information, build your own text based on what you read. Test tasks on the main sections of the school course will help to test your ability to analyze a particular language phenomenon.
Another task that this book can help with is improving spelling and punctuation literacy, which is necessary to complete the exam work.


Part 2

Old bucket

(1) Ox, and the former front-line soldier is sad to wander around Kartunsky pine forest.(2) Some kind of land here is such that it has been preserved for the eighteenth year, only slightly collapsed, not like strips of trenches, not like firing positions of cannons - but a small separate shooting cell, where the unknown Ivan buried his large body in a scrapped short overcoat.(3) The logs from the dugout floors were, of course, pulled apart over the years, but the pits remained clear.

(4) Although I did not fight in this forest, but next to me, in the same one.(5) I walk from the dugout to the dugout, I figure out where that could be.(6) And suddenly at one dugout, at the exit, I come across an old, eighteen years old, and even up to those eighteen already served bucket.

(7) It was already thin then, in the first war winter.(8) Maybe a clever soldier picked him up from the burnt village and crumpled the walls to the bottom on a cone and fitted it with the transition from the tin stove to the chimney.(9) In this very dugout in that troubled winter, ninety days, or maybe one hundred and fifty, when the front stopped here, a thin bucket drove through itself smoke.(10) It was getting hotter, hands warmed up from it, it was possible to light a cigarette from it, and the bread near it was browned.(11) How much smoke the bucket passed through itself - so many unspoken thoughts, unwritten letters - from people who have, perhaps, been deceased for a long time.

(12) And then one morning, in the cheerful sun, the battle formation was changed, the dugout was thrown, the commander was rushing his team - “Well! Well!" - the orderly destroyed the stove, squeezed it all over the car, and all the knees, but there was no room for a thin bucket.(13) “Throw him, infection! - the foreman shouted. “You’ll find something else there!”(14) It was a long way to go, and the matter was already turning around in the spring, the orderly stood with a thin bucket, sighed - and lowered him at the entrance.

(15) And everyone laughed.

(16) Since then, they have stripped the logs from the dugout, and the bunks from the inside, and the table - and the thin faithful bucket has remained at its dugout.

(17) I am standing over him, it overflowed.(18) Clean guys, front-line friends!(19) What we were alive for and what we hoped for, and our very unselfish friendship - everything went like smoke, and we will never again serve this rusty, forgotten ...

(Solzhenitsyn A.I.)

2 What sentences contain the information necessary to answer the question: "What associations does the narrator have about the fate of the old bucket?" Pick number 1-4 and write it down.

1) (9) In this very dugout in that troubled winter, ninety days, or maybe one hundred and fifty days, when the front stopped here, a thin bucket drove through itself smoke. (10) It was getting hotter, hands warmed up from it, it was possible to light a cigarette from it, and the bread near it was browned.

2) (7) It was already thin then, in the first war winter. (8) Maybe a clever soldier picked him up from the burnt village and crumpled the walls to the bottom on a cone and fitted it with the transition from the tin stove to the chimney.

3) (13) “Throw it, infection! - the foreman shouted. “You’ll find something else there!” (14) It was a long way to go, and the matter was already turning around by spring, the orderly stood with a thin bucket, sighed - and lowered him at the entrance.

4) (18) Clean guys, front-line friends! (19) What we were alive for and what we hoped for, and our very unselfish friendship - everything went like smoke, and we will never again serve this rusty, forgotten ...

3 Which sentence does not use epithets? Pick number 1-4 and write it down.

1) (3) The logs from the dugout floors have, of course, been pulled apart over the years, but the pits have remained clear.

2) (9) In this very dugout in that troubled winter, ninety days, or maybe one hundred and fifty, when the front stopped here, a thin bucket drove through itself smoke.

3) (12) And then one morning, in the cheerful sun, the battle formation was changed, the dugout was thrown, the commander was rushing his team - “Well! Well!" - the orderly destroyed the stove, squeezed it all over the car, and all the knees, but there was no room for a thin bucket.

4) (18) Clean guys, front-line friends!

4 From sentences 8-10, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by its meaning - "attachment".

5 From sentences 7-9, write out a word in which the choice of N is determined by the rule of writing the absent adjectives formed with the help of the suffixes –AN - / - YAN -, - IN-.

6 Replace the bookish word UNKNOWN from Sentence 2 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7 Replace the phrase SELFLESS FRIENDSHIP (sentence 19), built on the basis of AGREEMENT, with a synonymous phrase with the relationship MANAGEMENT. Write the resulting phrase.

8 Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 6.

9 Among the sentences in sentences 11-14, find a sentence with a stand-alone, non-distributed application. Write the number of this sentence.

10 In the sentence below from the text read, the commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that represent the commas in the introductory words.

How much smoke the bucket passed through itself - so many unspoken thoughts, (1) unwritten letters - from people, (2) already, (3) maybe, (4) dead long ago.

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