Prove that the section is a trapezoid. Theorems: properties of an isosceles trapezoid

Life safety event in kindergarten... Young firefighters. Senior groups.

Goal: Strengthen the knowledge of children about fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire.
To develop practical skills of behavior of children in case of fire.
Equipment: cones, hoops, buckets, toys, torches, 2 telephones.

The course of entertainment.

Leading: What is the name of the people who save people, animals and extinguish the fire. RESCUERS, FIRE. Today we have a real firefighter in our exercises.
1. Team: "Firefighters". Motto: "I saw the smoke, don't yawn, call us the firemen"
2. "Rescuers" team. Motto: “Who is marching together in a row? We, the rescue squad! "
Presenter: Dear guys! Today we will talk with you about fire, fire. Have you seen the fire of a bonfire, the light of a candle, the flame of logs burning in the furnace?
Please tell us what the fire looks like. (Children's answers) That's right, the fire is bright red or orange, it's very hot. Flames are in motion all the time, they tremble, tremble. Smoke curls around the fiery flame. No wonder they say: "Fire does not live without smoke!"
Listen to poetry.
1 child... Matches are not toys for children!
Even all the animals know -
Matches are not toys for children!
So that the insects do not cry,
Didn't burn birds in their nests,
The whole forest did not burn with fire,
We won't take matches in our hands!
2 child... the fire
It can be so different
Friendly and dangerous
Olympic maybe
Heat the stove in the hut.
Undoubtedly, everyone needs it!
Fire is friendly only with those
Who knows how to handle
And he won't play with him!
Leading: Who is this to us.
Fire: This is me - Fire. I overheard your conversation about me and decided to run over to hear what you know about me. I have several assignments for you. I want to see if you can handle them. Do you agree?

Children - Yes.
Fire: The first task is to guess riddles. Do you like to guess riddles? Listen carefully. I will guess in turn which team will guess, that gets the chip.
1. He is beautiful and bright red, but he is burning, hot, dangerous (fire)
2. A small horse, instead of a mane - a light (matches)
3. A crane with an arrow is rushing on a large machine, so that any fire can be extinguished by a machine (fire engine)
4. If the smoke puffs down in clubs, the flame beats with tongues, and fire is everywhere, and heat is a disaster - (fire)
5. It gives warmth and light, you shouldn't joke with it, no! (the fire)
Presenter: - Thank you Ogonyok. We will be happy to be friends with you and always comply with fire safety rules.
Leading: In order for us to become firefighters, rescuers, we must pass tests:
1. Relay "Put out the fire"... At the command "One, two, three - rather, help extinguish the fire." In the hands of the child in front of each team, a bucket of “water” is in the hands of a bucket of blue and white flowers). He must run between the cones, crawl through the "window" (arc), "pour out the water" and run back. The next player performs the same actions.
2. Relay "Save the Toy".
the first child takes the toy. Then he returns to his team, the next child continues the baton.

3. Relay "Who will report the fire faster".
You need to run along the gymnastic bench to the phone, dial the fire department and report the fire, calling your home address. “A fire broke out at ...
Presenter: Fire can be evil, but there is also a friendly, proud flame
4. Olympic Flame Relay.
I offer a game for attention "This is me, this is me, this is all my friends!"
Host: I will read the quatrain, and after each verse, if you deem it necessary to do just that, say in chorus: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, And if it is wrong, you will be silent.
if you don't agree. Be careful!
- Who, having heard the smell of burning, reports the fire?
- Who among you plays with fire in the morning, evening and afternoon?
- Who does not kindle fires and does not allow others? Children answer: ...
- Who removes matches from the little sister?
- Who is the neighborhood kids
Explains in the yard
That playing with fire is not for nothing
Ending in fire? Children answer: ...
- Who stealthily, in the corner
Burning a candle in the attic?
The old table caught fire
He barely left alive! Children: (silent)
- Who helps the firemen,
Doesn't break the rules
Who is an example for all the guys:
Toddlers and preschoolers?
Children: This is me, this is me, this is all my friends! "
Leading: Well done! Now I see that you know that it's dangerous to joke with fire and will always follow the fire safety rules.
Leading: So our teachings are over. All the guys were agile, fast, brave and strong.
Fire - I see you are very clever firefighters.
Leading: a real firefighter is waiting for us, we will be shown a practical lesson on extinguishing a fire.

The fire says goodbye to the children -
So that my flame only shines and warms.
You need to handle me very skillfully.
Take care of your health and lives!
My character is hot, I’m not joking.
I can flare up in one minute.
But I will be a friend, I will be able to warm
Those who know how to handle fire.
(T. Shadrina)

Don't play with fire! Don't be naughty with fire!
Take care of your health and lives!

Olga Karimova

Goal: To give an idea to children about the benefits and dangers of fire.


To consolidate the knowledge of children about dangerous situations, the causes of a fire and the rules of behavior in case of fire;

Develop speech, curiosity, memory, logical thinking;

To foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich lexicon pupils;

To develop the ability of children to navigate problem situations.

Materials and equipment:soft animal toys by the number of players, hoops by the number of teams, models of fire extinguishers by the number of teams, paper or artificial flowers, multimedia equipment for showing a presentation.

Entertainment progress:

Ved.Guys today we have gathered to talk about very important things. What will happen the main theme our conversation, you can guess for yourself.

He is a friend of adults and children.

But when they play naughty with him,

He becomes the enemy

And burns everything around. (Children's answers).

Ved. That's right, it's fire. (SLIDE 1) Fire is an old friend of man, with its help many useful things are done. The life of ancient people was largely dependent on fire. To keep warm in their caves, they made a fire. (2) Pottery was burned on fire (3). Fire is needed when working blacksmiths (4, welders (5, for cooking dinner (6). (The story is accompanied by a slide show).

Many useful things are done using fire. But it happens that from a loyal friend, fire can turn into a merciless enemy.

How do fires start? (Slideshow with fire hazard situations, children's answers. (7, 8, 9, 10) The last slide is a fire in the forest (11)).

The fires that are made in the forest are very dangerous. People sometimes forget to put out the fire and then, fanned by the wind, sparks fly over long distances, and this can cause a fire.

A magpie flies in.

Magpie: Trouble, trouble!

A wolf with a fox in the early hours

We chose a clearing in the forest

And they lit a big fire.

But trouble crept up suddenly.

Everything around was on fire!

Ved. What a nightmare, it turns out, animals do not know the rules of fire safety in the forest?

Magpie: They lit a fire in the forest,

We sat and went.

And the fire was not extinguished

Ved. Well, how can that be. Guys, what were the wolf and the fox supposed to do? (Children's answers). But they forgot to put out the fire, and that's what kind of fire broke out.

Fire dance.

Ved.Children, we definitely need to help the forest and its inhabitants. And who is putting out the fires? (Children's answers). We have three fire teams today. Let's welcome them.

Representation of commands.

Team "Young Firefighters".

Motto:Although we are short, only height has nothing to do with it. We are always ready to help adults in the fight against fire!

Command "01".

Motto: Every citizen knows: fireman number "01".

Firefighters team.

Motto: I saw the smoke - don't yawn, but call the firemen !.

Ved.(12) Very often, when firefighters come to a fire, they carry out rescue work before extinguishing the fire.

1st relay race "Save the animals".

Opposite each team on the opposite side of the hall there are hoops, "burning glades", in them animals (soft toys). The players in turn run to the clearing, take one toy, return to the team.

Ved. Well done! All the animals were saved. (13). Now we need to put out the fire. And what does a firefighter need to extinguish a fire?

Assignment to teams:each team is shown a slide, and among the items on the slide, you need to choose the one that will be needed to extinguish the fire. (14 - 19)

2nd relay race "Putting out the fire".

Each team is given a fire extinguisher, the players in turn run to the hoop-clearing, run around it (extinguish) and return to the team.

Poems.(Staging an excerpt from S. Marshak's poem "Fire").

Playing with the fans.

We will play swami a game. If I do the right thing, you clap, if not, you stomp.

I know now friends that you can't play with fire (clap)

The matches are burning merrily, I'll play with them (stomp)

It is dangerous, we all know, we do not turn on the iron without adults (clap)

I ran away behind the house, there I play with fire (stomp)

All now I know for sure: I don't play with fire anymore (clap)

Ved. We all made an effort

And we put out the fire

It was hard, hard

But skill and dexterity

It saved us from disaster. (20)

Guys, we put out the fire, but it destroyed a lot of plants in the forest. Let's put the forest in order and plant flowers there first.

3rd relay race "Plant flowers".

Each team has a basket of flowers. The players take turns taking a flower from the basket, running to the glade hoop, "planting" the flower and returning back.

Ved. (21) Guys, you are great, coped with all the tasks and saved the forest and its inhabitants. Let's once again remember the fire safety rules in order to prevent trouble. (22)

Poems. (about fire safety rules).

Final song. (V. Sinenko "So that our house does not burn, the one in which we live."

Related publications:

A spark will ignite a flame. ”Project on fire safety within the framework of a month on fire safety Project author: educator Bazaleeva.

"Forest Fairy Tale". Fire Safety Scenario "Forest story" Characters: Author, 1st Frog, 2nd Frog, 1st Beaver, 2nd Beaver, Hare, Hare, Bear, Fox, Belka.

Summary of GCD for safety "On fire safety rules" Activities: play, communicative, cognitive, motor Tasks: Educational: to consolidate knowledge about dangerous subjects.

Summary of entertainment in the middle group for fire safety "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy" Objectives: To educate children about fire safety rules. Give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe benefits and dangers of fire. Develop the concept of being.

Scenario of theatrical performance on fire safety "Fire in the Teremka" This development is designed to be shown as a theatrical performance by the forces of older children preschool ageand a puppet show.

Entertainment - Fire Safety Leisure for Older Children "Fire is a friend to man, just don't touch him in vain."

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire.
Foster respect for the work of firefighters.
The course of the lesson.
Educator: Today we have gathered to talk about the rules of careful handling of fire. Can fire become our formidable enemy?
Listen to a poem about it.
1. Everyone knows: a man without fire
Doesn't even live a day!
When the fire is like the sun is bright!
With fire and in winter it's warm!
Look around
Fire is our everyday friend!
But when we're careless with fire.
He becomes a terrible enemy
2. Man's friend is fire.
Just don't touch him in vain!
If you pamper
Then trouble is inevitable
Not good for fire.
3. Know in anger he is angry:
Will not spare anything
Can destroy the garden,
Grain field, your home
And everything around the house!
4. And flying up to heaven
Will spread to the forest
Perish in the flames of fire
Even people sometimes
Remember this always.
Educator: And what needs to be done if there is a fire.
In case of fire, every citizen knows
- Fireman number 01
- If you don't have a phone, call people from the balcony
Educator: And then firefighters will come in fire trucks and put out the fire
5. For the day, day and night and day
Firefighters are ready to fight with fire.
6. And there is no second without sleep in the service
Seconds are expensive!

The game "Who is faster"
Educator: How many firefighters are among the heroes who performed a feat in the fight against fire. Firefighters are entrusted to protect the land, the forest, and the house - everything that is commonly called the national property.
Educator: guys, tell me what a firefighter should be.
The answers of the children are brave, quick and hardy.
We have one game, everyone will like it.
Tug of war game.

Educator: To protect the country from fire,
We need to know the rules clearly to everyone.
Firefighters regulations
Know without hesitation
Firefighters regulations
Observe strictly!
The first rule applies to everyone.
This rule is the most important!
Both on the street and in the room
You guys remember!
Don't touch the matches, there is fire in the matches!
Educator: And now guys, I will ask you riddles. Try to guess them.
- Not radio, but speaks, not theater, but cinema, shows (TV)
- We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk
And buzzes like a Tu-liner
He willingly swallows dust
Does not get sick, does not sneeze (vacuum cleaner)
- I will say without boasting:
I will rejuvenate all my friends!
They come to me sad -
With wrinkles, with folds
They leave very sweet, -
Fun and smooth!
So I am a reliable friend -
Electric (iron)
Educator: The second rule is easy to remember, you can be careful with electrical appliances.
7. Finger or carnation
Do not stick into the socket -
Electricity is dangerous
Everyone should know this!
8. If you want to walk,
Jump, you don't need to run away
Closing the door in the house
Have you turned off everything?
Educator: Are the guys tired?
Well, let the game continue in this hall.
The game "Rest"
Educator: I will read the questions, and you agree with me
“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Or be silent.
- Who is perky and cheerful. Keeping faithful to the rules
protects your home and garden from fire?
- Who secretly burned a candle in the attic in the corner?
- Who explains to the neighboring kids in the yard,
- That playing with fire is called fire for a reason?
- Who set fire to the grass near the house, set fire to unnecessary dirty linen
- And the garage of friends and the construction fence burned down?
Who, from the little sister, hides the children at home matches?
Educator: And now the focus of the game is competition.
The game “Overcoming obstacles”.
Relay with overcoming the following obstacles - to run around the cones with a snake, jumping on two legs from one hoop to another.
Fire extinguishing game
Each team is given a fire bucket: run with a bucket to the landmark, go back, pass the bucket to the next participant. The winner is the team that puts out the fire faster, that is, cope with the task.
Educator: Well done! Now I see you know that it's dangerous to joke with fire and you will always follow fire safety rules.

Entertainment script

according to fire safety rules in senior group

"How Dunno was getting ready for firefighters."

Goal: consolidate and deepen the knowledge of children about fire safety. Form a conscious and responsible attitude to fire safety rules. Expand the knowledge, skills and abilities required to act in extreme situations.


Social and communicative development:

1. To expand the knowledge of children about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the fire service. Clarify knowledge about the work of firefighters, rules of conduct in case of fire.

2. Consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, adults call "101"

Cognitive development:

1. Continue to expand the understanding of people of different professions - firefighter.

Physical development:

1. To develop psychophysical qualities: strength, dexterity, speed, endurance and flexibility.

2. Strengthen the skills of performing sports exercises.

3. 3. Strengthen the ability to say your name, surname, age, home address, telephone.

Venue: gym.

Event progress:


Firefighting - For tough guys.

Fire Fighting - Rescue People,

Firefighting - Courage and honor,

Firefighting - So it was, so it is.

Today we have an unusual meeting, it is dedicated to our glorious firefighters. There are many heroes among the firemen who have accomplished feats in the fight against fire! Firefighters are entrusted to protect the land, the forest, and the house. Today you will demonstrate your courage, strength, dexterity, speed and, of course, friendship and prove your readiness to join the ranks of the Young Firefighters.

1 child:

With fire and warm in winter!

Look guys around


Not good for fire!


Know that in anger he is angry

Will not spare anything

And everything around the house!


And flying up to heaven

Will spread to the forest.

Perish in the flames of fire

Even people sometimes

Remember this always!

The music is playing

Dunno runs in to music from m / f. "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends."

UNKNOWN: Wait! Stop, brothers! I was forgotten!

MODERATOR: Guys, this is Dunno! Hello, Dunno!

UNKNOWN: Hello! So in a hurry, so in a hurry. I almost lost myself on the way!

HOST: Yes, a little more, and you would be late. You were in a hurry to participate in the Young Firefighters competition?

UNKNOWN: I don’t even know. I just saw that the guys got together, so I decided that they would again play something interesting. And I love to play!

MODERATOR: Actually, we will compete in strength, dexterity and knowledge of fire safety. Well, let's play, of course, too. Really guys? Children's answers.

UNKNOWN: Well! As I say, they came up with something interesting! By the way, I also know something about this fire hazard of yours. I have such a girlfriend here - Match. Oh, she is an inventor! He knows so many games!

HOST: Well, well, well! A match, then? And what games did she teach you to play?

UNKNOWN: How to make fires, how to blow up firecrackers, set fire to matches, burn leaves. You can't remember everything.

MODERATOR: You don't need everything. This, Dunno, is called a fire hazard. And your girlfriend is very dangerous. Guys, can I play with matches?



MODERATOR: But the guys will now tell you why.

CHILD: Don't light a fire. And don't let your friends.

The smallest light. Not far from the fire.

Because you are for the game

Don't pick up matches!

UNKNOWN: But why?

5 child:

Let the box of matches be small

But much evil can do.

She will ignite the fire

Everything will turn into a nightmare!

From just one small match.

All your things will burn!

UNKNOWN: That's it! What should I do now?

MODERATOR: Stay with us and you will learn a lot. And at the same time you will compete with the guys in agility.


On the shoulder is victory to the brave

Great success awaits

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will join the battle one for all.

6 child:

We gathered here today

To show agility.

Learn to be a firefighter

And do not create a fire.

Moderator: Teams, greet each other! (Children say hello)

Dunno: Tell me what firefighters should be like?

Children (possible answers): ... brave, brave, strong, resourceful, quick-witted, dexterous ...

Dunno: What do you need to do to become a firefighter?

Children (possible answers): go in for sports, be able to listen, be kind, know a lot of tricks to save people, ...

Host: Now we know what firefighters should be like. And our next competition is called:

1st competition - "The Strongest Team" - Tug of War.

(competition is being held)

The music is playing

Host: Tili - bom, tili - bom,

Oh, save, help, put out the house rather.

Dunno: What to do? How should we be? How can we put out the fire?


If suddenly there was a trouble

If heavy smoke appears,

Do not get lost and never be afraid -

Dial "01" by phone!

Leading:2nd competition - "Calling firefighters"

Guys, we urgently need to call the firefighters. To do this, quickly run to the phone, pick up the receiver, dial "101", loudly and clearly state your last name and home address.

Host: Nextcompetition 3 “WHAT DOES THE FIRE EXTINGUISH? "

If a means is named that can put out a fire, children raise their hands up and clap. If a means that cannot be used to extinguish a fire is called, they stomp their feet.

Dunno: Chur, I'll hold this competition!

Host: Can you handle it?

Dunno: Of course I can handle it!

Dunno offers children options for answering the question: “How can you put out a fire? ".

Dunno: matches, pies, paper, pancakes, torn galoshes, water, sand, earth, fire extinguisher.

Host: So guys, and Dunno, how are we extinguishing the fire? (Fire extinguisher)

And our next competition is called4 "Pass the fire extinguisher"

At the command of the leader, each child from the team runs with a plastic bottle (fire extinguisher) to the object that needs to be extinguished, runs around it (extinguishes, puts the “fire extinguisher” next to the second player, etc. in turn. As soon as the “fire extinguisher” touches the ground, it runs next team member The team that extinguishes the fire faster will win.

Dunno: Ember fell to the floor

The wooden floor lit up.

Don't look, don't wait, don't stop

And fill it with water!

Host: Let's help put out the fire on our own.

5. Competition - "Put out the fire"

Children stand in a column one after another, they are given a rope - "fire hose". On command, the children, holding on to the rope, run one after another like a "snake" between objects, then "extinguish the fire" - they run around the model of the fire and come back.

Host: Well done, guys, they did an excellent job. And so that no one else will forget the rule that matches are not toys for children, we will put a warning sign. (Puts a warning sign "Matches are not toys for children")

The presenter scatters sparks with riddles.

Dunno: Guys, look, we put out the fire, but there are sparks from the fire, let's put them out.


1. Hisses and gets angry,
And he is afraid of water. (the fire)

2. Little girls, brown hats dozing in the house.

3. Hangs - is silent, but if you turn it over, it hisses, and the foam flies.
(fire extinguisher)

4. Suddenly heated
Electric iron,
What should you do, kids?
Remove the plug from ...

5. A coal fell on the floor,
I lit the wooden floor
Don't look, don't wait, don't stop
And fill it ...
(with water)

6. In a canvas jacket and hard hat,
Forgetting about chain mail armor,
Decisively and without fear
The knight throws himself into the fire.

Host: Well done, guys!

Dunno: If trouble happened in the forest,

Help, guys, hurry here!

Host: Because of a match, a whole forest can also catch fire, and all animals can be in great trouble. Save the animals!

7th competition - "Rescue Service" (transfer animals along the chain)

Host: Dunno, you're just smart! And how do you know all this, after all a couple of minutes ago you said that the fire is extinguished with pies?

Dunno: So I just checked the guys to see if they knew, but in fact I know a lot about fire safety and firefighters. For example, I read yesterday in a book that before, when there was no telephone to report a fire, firefighters were on duty day and night on a high tower - it was called a fire tower. From its height, the whole city was visible, because the houses were one-story and if fire or smoke was noticed somewhere, the firemen rushed to the place of the fire. Now the fire is reported by phone. Who knows how to call the fire department?

(Children answer: "01!")

Host: All of you today were strong and dexterous, showed knowledge and ingenuity.

Host: You guys will remember what we are going to tell you now.

Don't pick up matches, we ask you very, very much.

Yes, fire is kind, it helps here and there,

Dinner will make it hot and give us warmth.

Dunno: But fire is disobedient in children's hands,

And that's why don't touch the match crumbs,

Before you can blink, a fire breaks out

Don't joke with fire, or it will be a nightmare!

Host: Hair dryer, computer, gas in the kitchen,

TV and iron,

Let it include only an adult -

Our trusted senior friend!

This concludes our meeting. We hope you memorized all the rules and will follow them!

All together: Until next time, guys!

Dunno: Now it's time for me to return to my friends. But as a keepsake of our meeting, I want to give you ... Let's see what my fire truck is filled with in honor of our holiday?

He rolls out a toy fire truck with sweet prizes (or medals with the words YOUNG FIRE) on it.

Poems for children:

Everyone knows: a person does not live a day without fire.

With fire and warm in winter!

Look guys around

Fire is our everyday friend!

    But when we're careless with fire

He becomes a terrible enemy

Fire is a friend to man, just don't touch it in vain.

If you pamper, then trouble will not be avoided.

Not good for fire!

    Know that in anger he is angry

Will not spare anything

Can destroy a garden, a grain field, your house.

And everything around the house!

    And flying up to heaven

Will spread to the forest.

Perish in the flames of fire

Even people sometimes

Remember this always!

    Let the box of matches be small

But much evil can do.

She will ignite the fire

Everything will turn into a nightmare!

From just one small match.

All your things will burn!

    We gathered here today

To show agility.

Learn to be a firefighter

And do not create a fire.

Homework: Come up with a greeting speech for the teams of each group !!!