Conditions for obtaining work experience as a teacher. From kindergarten experience

Description of the teacher's work experience

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 3", Biysk

Mezentseva Natalia Anatolyevna

In its activities for the implementation of the main general education program in all areas of development of children in each age period, has achieved stable positive indicators of the development of the main educational program by pupils in accordance with the federal state standard of preschool education. The results of pedagogical monitoring of the achievement of the planned and final results of the development of the Educational program by children for two academic years confirm the positive dynamics of the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children. In the 2012 - 2013 academic year, these qualities were formed at a high (sufficient) level in 35% of children in the middle group; in the 2013-2014 academic year, 65% of children in the older group, which indicates the successful mastering of the requirements of the main general educational program of preschool education by children.

The subject-spatial environment is organized in accordance with the federal state standard and requirements for the creation of a subject developmental environment, ensuring the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education, taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas. Materials and equipment for one educational area used by children in the implementation of other areas. In the group, I created a play and study area. Enriched and expanded the cognitive-speech, health-preserving, play environment through the creation of centers: speech, mathematical, activity center, theater and music, physical education, center fiction, equipped a mini-laboratory for experimental and experimental activities, etc. I filled them with materials and equipment that create an optimally rich, holistic, multifunctional transforming environment and ensure the implementation of the main general educational program in the joint activities of an adult and children and the independent activities of children not only within the framework of educational activities, but also during regime moments. I provide children with materials and equipment that do not threaten their physical and mental health.

The directions of my activity are realized through the use of pedagogical technologies, the main ones are:

Personality-oriented technology is implemented through psychological support, organization of the educational process based on deep respect for the personality of the child, taking into account the characteristics of his individual development, attitude towards him as a conscious, full-fledged participant in the educational process.

Person-centered interaction is the basis for all subsequent technologies and contributes to the formation of all the integrative qualities of the portrait of a kindergarten graduate;

Health-saving technology is implemented through the organization of dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, gymnastics: finger, eye, breathing, invigorating; physical education classes, classes on healthy lifestyles, etc.

Health-preserving technology contributes to the formation of a positive socio-psychological climate in a group of children, can be used directly in educational activities and independently as a joint activity of a teacher and children;

Game technology is realized through such methods as: games with rules, outdoor games, games - dramatization, plot - role games, director's games, fairy tale therapy, creating problem situations with elements of self-esteem.

Game technology requires the correct organization of space, preliminary work with children at the initial stage of implementation, a set of psychological and pedagogical methods and techniques;

4. Project activities in the educational process of a preschool educational institution are in the nature of cooperation, in which children and preschool teachers take part, as well as parents and other family members are involved. Parents can not only be a source of information, real help and support for the child and the teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their pedagogical experience, feel a sense of satisfaction from their success and the child's success;

5. I use information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve the efficiency of the educational process.

Methodical theme: "Development of cognitive activity of preschool children in the process of children's experimentation."

In the light of recent changes in education, I revised the content of work on this issue.

Currently, the country is actively undergoing a process of qualitative renewal of education, its culturological, developmental, personal potential is being strengthened. Modern society needs an active personality capable of cognitive and activity-based self-realization, for the manifestation of research activity and creativity in solving vital problems. The fundamental principles of such a personality must be laid already in preschool childhood.

Preschool education is designed to ensure the self-development and self-realization of the child, to promote the development of research activity and initiative of the preschooler. The scientific search for effective means of developing the research activity of preschoolers is an urgent problem that requires a theoretical and practical solution. Research activity contributes to the formation of the preschooler's subjective position in the knowledge of the surrounding world, thereby ensuring readiness for school. It should be emphasized that it is in the senior preschool age that important prerequisites are created for the purposeful development of the research activity of children: developing thinking capabilities, the formation of cognitive interests, the development of productive and creative activity, the expansion of the interaction of older preschoolers with the outside world, the formation of elementary planning and forecasting, hypotheticalness. All this creates a real basis for the development of the research skills of the older preschooler and the improvement of his research activity. Among the possible means of developing the research activity of preschoolers, children's experimentation deserves special attention. Developing as an activity aimed at cognizing and transforming objects of the surrounding reality, children's experimentation helps to expand the horizons, enrich the experience of independent activity, and the child's self-development.

At the same time, a holistic concept of the development of research activity of senior preschoolers in experimentation has not yet developed, revealing the essence of research activity, its structure and pedagogical foundations that provide the dynamics of its formation in the educational process of modern preschool... This fact significantly complicates the realization of the age potential of the research activity of the preschooler. This is confirmed by the analysis of practice, which shows that not always in children's experimentation there is an increase in research activity and the child's desire to move on to solving more complex, interesting problems. Often, despite the presence of “zones of experimentation” in preschool institutions, children's experimentation is formal, situational, and preschoolers have a low level of research activity.

As a result, the developmental possibilities of children's experimentation remain unrealized in the practice of a preschool educational institution. In fact, the significant problem of interaction between kindergarten and family in the development of experimentation and research activity at the senior preschool age stage has not been sufficiently reflected. All this indicates that the issues of the effective use of experimentation as a pedagogical means of developing the research activity of older preschoolers have not yet been fully resolved.

There is a contradiction between the need for the formation of research activity of older preschoolers in the real practice of preschool education and the insufficient development of the substantive and methodological foundations of the process of development of the research activity of preschoolers in the context of various experimentation.

Insufficient development of the problem of the development of research activity of senior preschoolers in experimentation and its undoubted relevance for the theory and practice of modern preschool education served as the basis for choosing a methodological topic.

The effectiveness of work on a methodological topic:

Organized by:

an enriched subject-developing environment aimed at the development of independent experimentation, corresponding to the principles of comfort, variability, functionality, taking into account the interests and preferences of preschoolers.

On this issue, I have developed a training and methodological kit, which includes:

promising - thematic planning on the development of the cognitive activity of preschool children in the process of children's experimentation; practical instructions for organizing search and cognitive activities; a series of experiments with objects of inanimate nature.

Made by:

"Research apron" and cards. These uncomplicated devices make it possible to direct the child's research work; tables with research algorithms; journal of research, diaries of observations to record the results of experiments and experiments.


Card index of scientific games for preschoolers; Card index of experiments and experiments.

I promote this work among parents:

Visual information in the parent area. Consultation on the topic: "The role of the family in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers." Memo "Do's and don'ts to keep children interested in cognitive experimentation." Recommendations: "Spend with the children at home."

Joint leisure "Discovery Club" parents, educators and children demonstrate experiences, solve problematic problems.

Guided by the principle of consistency in the educational process, she determined the stages of complication of the search and cognitive activity of preschoolers.

The following topics became the object of children's experimentation:

“What is under our feet?”; "Sorceress water"; "Invisible air" "Magic electricity"; "Wonderful Attraction"; "The magic of light and color."

During joint experimentation with children, they set a goal, together with them determined the stages of work, and made conclusions. In the course of the activity, children were taught to highlight a sequence of actions, to reflect them in speech when answering questions like: What did we do? What have we got? Why? We recorded the assumptions of the children, helped them to schematically reflect the course and results of the experiment. The assumptions and results of the experiment were compared, conclusions were drawn on leading questions: What were you thinking? What happened? Why? They taught the children to find similarities and differences between objects. At the end of the series of experiments, we discussed with the children which of them learned something new, and sketched a diagram of the general experiment. In the process of experimenting, children were convinced of the need to accept and set a goal, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight essential features and sides, compare various facts, make assumptions and come to a conclusion, record stages of actions and results graphically.

Children actively participated in the proposed experiments, willingly independently acted with objects, identifying their features. They showed a desire to experiment at home: to explore various subjects life, their action, which was found out in conversations with parents and children. Some children, together with their parents, sketched the course and results of experiments carried out at home in their notebooks. Then, together with all the children, we discussed their work.

She has repeatedly shared her experience of work on this topic in front of the teachers of the MBDOU d / s No. 3, city, region, country:

At the methodical exhibition "Formation of the readiness of educational subjects for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard" in the educational district "Biysk", at the All-Russian NPK she made a report. Published scientific and methodological work in the collection of materials of the II International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference. Methodological developments for educational portal teachers "Network portal of educators" - / http: //

I and my pupils take part in various competitions, exhibitions held at the level of MBDOU d / s No. 3, as well as at the municipal, regional, federal levels:

city \u200b\u200b"Clever and clever". "Drawing competition dedicated to healthy lifestyle". "Conference of preschool children" Nature experts ". All-Russian competition of research projects and creative works "We are the heirs of the science city." "I am a researcher" in the Natural Science nomination. All-Russian competition of children's research works and creative projects "Children of War". All-Russian competition of decorative and applied arts "Talantokha". I am a laureate of the All-Russian competition "Pedagogical innovations" in the nomination "Child in a high-tech society". Laureate of the VII All-Russian creative competition in the category "Pedagogical projects". Winner of the city competition "Spring of Victory" in the nomination "Best methodical development abstracts of GCD "Participant of the city competition among teachers" Magic game! ". Winner in the nomination "I give my heart to children" of the city competition "Educator of the Year".

She was awarded the Certificate of Honor for many years of conscientious work, achievement of high results, dedication to the profession, professionalism.

I take an active part in the life of MBDOU d / s number 3 and am the chairman of the trade union organization of the preschool educational institution.

Thanks for attention!



Description of the results of professional pedagogical activity in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution Nigmatulina Zulfiya Mudarisovna, educator of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 12" Sibiryachok "of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of cognitive activities - speech development children "Nazarovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory

In her activities on the implementation of the main general educational program in all areas of children's development in each age period, she achieved stable positive indicators of the development of the main educational program by the pupils in accordance with the federal state standard of preschool education. The results of pedagogical monitoring of the achievement of the planned and final results of the development of the Educational program by children for three academic years confirm the positive dynamics of the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children. In the 2010 - 2011 academic year, these qualities were formed at a high (sufficient) level in 35% of children of the first junior group; in the 2011 - 2012 academic year, 65% of children in the second group; in the 2012-2013 academic year, 78% of children had secondary education, which indicates that children successfully mastered the requirements of the main general educational program of preschool education.

The subject-spatial environment is organized in accordance with the federal state standard and requirements for the creation of a subject developmental environment, ensuring the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education, taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas. Materials and equipment for one educational area are used by children in the implementation of other areas. In the group, I created a play, study and quiet zone. Enriched and expanded the cognitive-speech, health-preserving, play environment through the creation of centers: "Rovorushki", "Speech", "Krepysh", "Olympians", the workshop "Multi-colored palms", equipped a mini-laboratory for the experimental activities of "Pochemuchki" , created a mini-museum "Dolls", etc. Filled them with materials and equipment that create an optimally saturated (without excessive and without lack) holistic, multifunctional transforming environment and ensure the implementation of the main general educational program in the joint activities of an adult and children and independent activities of children, not only within the framework of educational activities, but also with holding regime moments. I provide children with materials and equipment that will not threaten their physical and mental health.

For several years I have been working on a methodological problem of creating conditions for the speech development of preschoolers, through the development of hand and finger motor skills, as the main component of preparing children for school. In this connection, in my professional activity I actively use modern technologies that are adequate to preschool age and ensure the organization of the educational process based on the integration of educational areas: O.S. Ushakova "The development of speech in preschool children", with the help of which, during direct educational activities, I solve not one, but a complex of interrelated speech tasks that cover everything. aspects of speech development (ZKR, enrichment of the vocabulary, the formation of grammatical structure, the development of coherent speech); the technique of L.A. Remezova "The development of hand and finger motor skills in preschool children", which ensures the development of visual and motor coordination in a child, teaches to plan their actions, think over them and look for the right answers "and methods of activity. I use elements of TRIZ technology, modeling techniques, provides the opportunity for children to choose speech means, the manifestation of the mental and creative activity of each child.To determine the level of development of the integrative qualities of the child and the level of development of educational areas by children, I developed special assessment sheets and final maps of the development of a child 3-5 years old, in which I enter the planned and final results of development children of the program, reflect the fundamental lines of the child's development, including those that are significant in terms of his readiness for schooling... I evaluate the achievements of children through observations, conversations, creating pedagogical situations, studying the products of children's activities, simple experiments, in the form of separate instructions for the child, conducting didactic games, suggestions for small assignments, conversations with parents. I pay great attention to the development of the social competence of my pupils, for this I have developed long-term planning for the development and mastering of the educational field "Socialization" by children, made a plan working together with social institutions.

I actively use the method of E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov to his own pedagogical activity "Socio-game approaches to pedagogy", based on emotions not only on the part of the educator, but primarily on the part of the child. It helps the preschooler to find, and not to lose subsequently throughout his life, his “I” in the society of not only peers, but also adults. I build joint activities with children on the principles of partnership and cooperation, showing feelings of empathy and respect for the personality of the child, I take care of creating a favorable psychological climate in the group and in the team of children. I use various forms of organizing children in the classroom: sitting on chairs, at tables, on a carpet, which allows children to see each other, communicate freely, establish interpersonal relationships with a peer, as a moral basis social behavior... In order to activate verbal communication and the development of communication skills in direct educational activities, I use various forms of organizing work with children: (work in companies, microgroups, couples, triplets), which coordinates the level of mental and physical activity of each child, relieves fatigue, creates an opportunity for social - personal growth. I systematically use socio-game techniques and in free activity to form the ability to freely and with interest discuss various issues, follow the progress of a common conversation and business, help each other and accept it. Social games used in regime moments ("Assignments", "Tangle", "In our group", "Hidden Word", etc.) help the children realize the need to comply with the rules of the game and develop the skills of productive interaction. For the formation of initial ideas of a social nature and the development in children of arbitrariness, attention, memory, special motor and cognitive abilities, assimilation of various knowledge, she created a card index of plot-role-playing, didactic games, folk games, games with rules, which she divided by seasons and basic types of movements. In joint games of different content, my pupils assimilate ideas about justice and injustice, approach the world of adults, modeling their relationships, and form an adequate self-esteem. To enrich the "amateur, role-playing, theatrical games, she acquired and made with the help of her parents animal figurines, theaters of various types (finger, cardboard, knitted), bi-ba-bo toys for Russian folk tales, plot-shaped toys imitating transport, household items, sewed costumes for dressing up, made various items - substitutes, allowing children in the game to go beyond the limits of real objective action and push the boundaries of their imagination. (appendix 1 )

As a result, over the past three years, my pupils have experienced an increase in their desire to become participants in a collective role-playing game by 45%, in the use of statements and role-playing conversation with other children by 38%; in the ability to create and play complete stories by 35%, 95% of preschoolers learned to communicate and negotiate with each other, 75% - to rejoice for the victory of their comrades and their successes, 68% of children have increased self-control. I involve the parental community in the educational process through joint leisure activities and creativity, child and adult design. Together with parents and children, we developed the projects “In the world of postcards”, “The city in which I live”, “My family”, “My pedigree”, “Professions of the city on Chulym”, “My Motherland-Russia” and others. This activity has a positive effect on the upbringing of a sense of patriotism in older preschoolers, the child's awareness of himself as a citizen of his country, fosters a positive attitude towards others, tolerance (tolerance) for children and adults (regardless of their social origin, race and nationality).(Appendix 2)

In the course of systematic and purposeful work, stable positive results are observed in the development of the educational area "Socialization" by children of younger preschool age. According to the results of pedagogical diagnostics: 90% of children know how to ask for help and declare their needs; communicate with children of different ages and kindly communicate with a new child in a kindergarten group - 82% of children; to establish contact with the help of verbal and non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime): tactfully, respectfully handle suggestions, questions, requests, offer your help to others - 78% of children; know how to show a sense of self-esteem and dignity, to defend their position in joint activities - 82% of children; capable of establishing stable contacts with peers (there are friends) - in 85% of children. My pupils annually take part in the city competition of children's creativity "Golden Chicken" in the nomination "Young readers", which allowed them to develop a sense of duty, responsibility, pride in the children. hometown and the edge, the child's awareness of himself as a person, a member. collective and society.

I direct my activities in the field of health care to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils. Every day for 5-7 minutes I use various forms of development of motor skills: I massage using various devices (massage rollers, massage balls, rings, bumps, clothespins, wooden sticks, foam rubber and plastic balls) and self-massage of hands, hands and fingers, which has a general strengthening effect on the muscular system, increases the tone, elasticity and contractility of muscles.

Realizing the principles of health-preserving pedagogy, in the process of direct educational activities I use dynamic pauses, relaxation exercises aimed at relieving muscle tension, exercises for the eyes alternating with specially selected sound combinations or poems. I include kinesiology exercises and exercises to stimulate isolated finger movements without the use of objects (finger exercises). We train to perform motor images with children energetically, relaxed at a very slow, slow, medium, fast, very fast pace, which contributes to the development of the technique of performing movements, the development of dexterity of movements of children's fingers. (Appendix 3)

Guided by the methodology of MA Runova "Child's motor activity in kindergarten" enriched and expanded the health-preserving zone - the centers "Krepysh" and "Olympians" - wandered through and manufactured physical training equipment - balls of different sizes, hoops, jump ropes, children's resistance bands, targets, flags , sultans, etc. Made equipment for hardening procedures aimed at developing tactile sensation, strengthening feet and ligaments (mini-rugs of different geometric shapes, mittens, paths with buttons and cuffs).

Using these manuals in practical activity, she formed the main motor qualities of her pupils (agility, flexibility, strength, speed); learned to control their bodies well 55% of children 3-5 years old, compared to the past 2011-2012 school year 25% more children began to maintain correct posture; 100% of children are active, have good appetite and sleep.

To instill healthy lifestyle skills, I include elements of the N.S. Golitsina "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children" on the topics: "Child and health", "Personal hygiene", "Human body", "Useful products", "We will play sports", "Dangerous items" through the organization of training cycles, conversations, labor , experimental and research activities, physical culture leisure and entertainment, reading fiction. As a result, 75% of children have mastered the basic skills of a healthy lifestyle (observe the rules of personal hygiene, exercise reasonable caution in potentially dangerous situations). I involve the parents of pupils in my activities, through joint sports entertainment, KVN, relay races, health hikes, etc. A variety of these methods and forms support the mental and physical performance of children and, in turn, leads to a decrease in the incidence rate. Comparative analysis by definition of the level of morbidity showed: compared to the last 2011-2012 academic year, there was a decrease in acute morbidity by 5%, which is 9%, attendance increased by 3% and is 82%, which confirms the effectiveness and appropriateness of the forms and methods of health-saving activity used.

As a result of planned and purposeful pedagogical activity, I received the following results:


2010-2011 academic year

1 younger group

2011-2012 academic year 2 junior group

2012-2013 academic year middle group

They can shift groups of small objects (beads, matches) into the box one by one with two fingers

Can string a pyramid

They are able to manipulate objects: to fasten and unbutton, to work with mosaics, lacing

Can circle by points, hatching.

The data presented in the table allow us to conclude about the effectiveness and appropriateness of the system used for the speech development of preschoolers.

I carry out activities to generalize and disseminate my own teaching experience and skills at different levels. I am a member of the "Analytical and Diagnostic" group for the development of monitoring at MBDOU and the group for the development of criteria and indicators of the Educational preschool programs, as well as actively participate in methodological activities DOE: workshop: "I learned myself - teach another" (November 2011), round table "Research activities of children and its impact on the development of basic competencies" (March 2012), I exchange experience in the preschool educational institution on the development of creative children's projects, senior preschoolers directly educational activities in this area (April 2013).

At the city level, she formalized and presented her experience to the professional community - she participated in the city methodological association on cognitive and speech development: carried out a guest exchange of experience on design research activities - held a presentation of the children's creative project "The history of the postcard" (December 2012). She spoke at the August city pedagogical council on the topic “Nazarov education in modern conditions. Development trend2, held a master class on the topic "Modular origami as a means of developing fine motor skills of fingers in preschool children" (August 2013).

I have the skills to use information tools - communication technologies, in June 2013. I demonstrated them through participation in the All-Russian Internet - competition of pedagogical skills. As part of the nomination "Organization of the educational process" presented her pedagogical experience, having published on the website a creative project "Journey of a New Year's card". And also in 2014 published in this nomination a synopsis of the educational activities "Rays for the sun". I regularly publish my teaching materials on the issues of cognitive speech development and education of preschool children.

I take part with children in social actions for the prevention of child injuries and restoration of skills related to safe behavior on the streets and roads, adaptation of pupils to the transport environment of the city: All-Russian action "Attention, children!" (December 2011), the city's large-scale action "Become more noticeable - raise your hand - go safely!" organized jointly with parents

№ 65 "Kolosok" by Astanina Marina Yurievna Formation of elementary mathematical concepts through didactic games.

Relevance Today, and even more so tomorrow, mathematics will be needed by a huge number of people of various professions. In mathematics, there are tremendous opportunities for the development of the thinking of children, in the process of their learning from a very early age. Visibility, conscientiousness and activity, accessibility and measure, scientific nature, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, systematic and consistency, the strength of the assimilation of knowledge, the connection of theory with the practice of teaching and life, upbringing in the learning process, a variable approach - this is the meaningful completeness that is relevant for the child ...

The need to use didactic play as a means of teaching children in the preschool period is determined by a number of reasons: 1. Play activity, as leading in preschool childhood, has not yet lost its significance 2. Mastering GCD activities, the inclusion of children in it is slow (many children do not know what is “to learn”) 4. Lack of precisely formed cognitive motivation. 3. There are age-specific characteristics of children associated with insufficient stability and voluntary attention, mainly involuntary development of memory, the predominance of a visual-figurative type of thinking. Didactic play just contributes to the development of mental processes in children.

Hypothesis - if you apply a didactic game in the direct educational activity of mathematics in a preschool educational institution, then the cognitive activity of preschoolers is activated.

The novelty of the experience: The novelty of the experience lies in the use of various game methods and forms in conducting direct educational activities in mathematics. In didactic games there is an opportunity to form new knowledge, to acquaint children with methods of action, each of the games solves a specific didactic task to improve the ideas of children.

The purpose of pedagogical work is to identify the possibilities of play as a means of forming the assimilated material in the direct educational activity of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers. Tasks: - To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic; - To study and determine the theoretical premises of the study of the problem of play as a method of teaching in a preschool educational institution in modern pedagogical literature; - To study the advanced pedagogical experience of using the game as a means of organizing the cognitive activity of preschoolers in the process of teaching mathematics; - To study in practice the impact of didactic play on the mental processes of preschoolers; - To intensify the joint activities of parents and educators in the direct educational activities of FEMP among preschoolers.

Didactic games on FEMP for preschoolers Games with numbers and numbers Games time travel Games for orientation in space Games with geometric figures Games for logical thinking

Two geese are flying above us, Two others behind the clouds, Three went down to the stream, How many geese were there? Hedgehog Tasks You and me, yes we are. How many of us? How many nuts are in an empty glass? If you eat one plum, what is left? Who has more paws: a duck or a duckling? How many tails do three cats have? How many ears do two mice have? Once a friend-neighbor galloped to the hare for lunch. The hares sat on a stump And ate two carrots. Who's counting guys is smart? How many carrots have you eaten?

Drawing up geometric figures from counting sticks Purpose: to exercise in drawing up geometric figures on the plane of the table, analyzing and examining them in a visually tangible way. Material: counting sticks (15-20 pieces), 2 thick threads (length 25-30cm) The course of the game: Make a square and a small triangle Make small and large squares Make a rectangle, the upper and lower sides of which will be equal to 3 sticks, and the left and right - 2. Make up the figures in sequence from the threads: a circle and an oval, triangles. Rectangles and Quadrangles. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks Make 2 equal squares from 7 sticks Make 3 equal triangles from 7 sticks Make 4 equal triangles from 9 sticks Make 3 equal squares from 10 sticks Make a square and 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks Make a square and 4 sticks from 9 sticks triangles From 9 sticks, make 2 squares and 4 equal triangles (from 7 sticks make 2 squares and divide into triangles)

Diagnostics of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts by means of didactic games in children of middle, senior preschool age. Assessment criteria: 1 Consolidation of children's ideas about the number, size, geometric shapes, orientation in space and time. 2. Ability to play in a group of 3-4 people. 3. Development of thinking skills, memory, creativity. 4. Activation of cognitive interests in mathematics as a science.

I am an educator. Am I raising? I give love. And I thank fate for what gives me, that child's warmth. And it makes me so bright. I teach to count, create, speak beautifully, To love nature, to respect old age, And in friendship - to understand a friend. To appreciate the good, not to remember the evil, I teach them to be a man and simply to live! Thank you for attention!

Career experience

Sorokina Galina Nikolaevna

MKDOU kindergarten number 5 "Alenushka"

I think that today no one needs to be convinced that the sooner we introduce the child to the rules road traffic, we will teach him the skills of a culture of behavior on the streets and roads, the fewer accidents on the roadway will be.

That is why it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules from a very early age.

The purpose my work is the formation of safe behavior in preschool children through familiarization with the rules of the road.

Getting started teaching children the rules of the road, set the following tasks:

1. Expand children's understanding of the road environment and road rules.

2. To acquaint children with the meaning of road signs, to teach them to understand their schematic representation for the correct orientation on the streets and roads.

3. To develop the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained in the road transport environment.

4. To foster discipline and conscientious observance of traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

5. Intensify efforts to promote traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.

She trained preschoolers in traffic rules in the system. She worked in three stages:

- The first stage is preparatory: clarifying the ideas of children about the Rules of the road, studying the knowledge and skills of the children on traffic rules.

The second stage is practical: the expansion of the initial children's ideas, the accumulation of new knowledge about the Rules of the road.

- The third stage is evaluative: the formation of a conscious attitude towards compliance with the rules of the road.

She has been conducting educational activities on teaching children the rules of the road for 3 years.

Educational activity on teaching children the rules of the road started from the first junior group, when conducting classes on the rules of the road, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes.

In the first youngest group, children were taught to distinguish between red, yellow and green. At the same time, she explained to the children that red and green colors correspond to traffic signals for pedestrians. The red signal prohibits movement, and the green one permits. Provided age-appropriate games. During the game "Red - green" she explained that if he shows a red circle, you have to stand, and if it is green, turn your head left and right, and then walk. So it reinforced the habit of looking around before entering the roadway even at a green traffic light.

In the second youngest group, she continued to acquaint children with various types of vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The guys looked at the illustrations depicting cars, watched the transport while walking. They already know that vehicles have different "dimensions". Here, it is appropriate to work out the child's ability to "see" a large vehicle (standing or slowly moving) as an object that can hide a danger behind itself. To develop the correct orientation of children in space, I taught them to determine the location of objects (right, left, front, back, above, below), their sizes, and also teach how to compare objects by these parameters. Talking about the purpose of route vehicles, she introduced children to the rules of conduct in public transport... Learning how to behave correctly on public transport should become a habit.

In the middle group, she taught children to orientate themselves on the terrain, namely, on the territory of the kindergarten. She explained that one cannot go beyond it on one's own. Expanding the knowledge of preschoolers about vehicles, their types and design features. I showed the children those parts of the street on which pedestrians are safe: the sidewalk, the pedestrian crossing, along which, holding an adult by the hand, you can cross the roadway. In the classroom, she gave the task to compose a story about the road situation. For example, the guys can tell how they drove in a car (bus). Or how they walked to kindergarten. At the same time, she unobtrusively reinforced the children's understanding of which places on the street are dangerous, and also found out how well the children speak road vocabulary. She used illustrative material in her explanations: books and posters depicting dangerous situations, as well as various instructions on behavior near the roadway. She reinforced the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway", introduced children to the places of movement of cars and people, practiced the skill of walking on the sidewalk, keeping to the right side.

I made an acquaintance with the pedestrian crossing and its purpose. Children learned to find it in illustrations in books, on models. Explained to the children the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it (stop at a certain distance from the edge of the carriageway, carefully examine the carriageway, turning your head to the left and then to the right, when driving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road - on right).

During practical training, I regularly practiced the skills of crossing the carriageway. To this end, she held the games "The best pedestrian", "The pedestrian is a good fellow".

In the learning process, she approached children in a differentiated manner, taking into account their individual capabilities.

Teaching children the rules of the road, I used all available forms and methods of work.

IN senior group ideas about traffic rules in children were consolidated and supplemented.Organized and carried out integrated educational activities through various activities to familiarize children with the rules of the road. In game and productive activities I used mock-ups according to the rules of the road.

In communicative and cognitive-research activities, she gave children ideas about various types of transport through viewing pictures ("Transport", "City Street", "Children and the Road"), watching cartoons, conversations, learning poems, reading stories, making riddles.

In productive activities, my children and I drew, sculpted, depicted various types of transport in applications; in their constructive activities, they created various buildings and structures from building material.

In motor activity, she continued to develop children's coordination of movements and orientation in space through outdoor games: "Colored cars", "Red, yellow, green", "Pass the baton", "Where we were, we will not say what we were driving, we will show you" , "Fastest", etc.

In musical and artistic activities, children took an active part in holidays, entertainment according to traffic rules.

I paid much attention to familiarizing myself with road signs, first of all WARNING: "pedestrian crossing", "children", "animals on the road", "railway crossing with and without a barrier."

Then, with the PROHIBITS: "pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "bicycle traffic is prohibited", "entry is prohibited." During the games, we learned the PRESCRIBING signs: "circular movement", "movement only straight ahead", "right", "left". And also INDICATIVE: "pedestrian crossing", "parking place", "medical aid point", "telephone". I drew the attention of children to the fact that the sign "pedestrian crossing" is warning and indicative. He warns drivers about a pedestrian crossing, and shows pedestrians where to cross the carriageway.

To consolidate knowledge, I used targeted walks, excursions, conversations, outdoor games, logic tasks, reading fiction, didactic games, board games and games with a street layout. Introduced the children to the work of a traffic controller. She explained in what conditions the traffic controller is controlled, why he needs a baton, why the traffic controller stands in the center, in game form introduced the children to the traffic controller's gestures: "stop", "attention", "the way is open."

Parents' meetings: "Child and traffic rules", "Children's safety on the street." At parent-teacher meetings, she told parents about the activities, conversations, education and training in safe behavior on the street held in the preschool institution; she introduced parents to the program requirements for teaching children the rules of the road, talked about the importance of the example of adults, about the need to comply with the rules of behavior on the street. Any minor violation committed by an adult is a bad example for a child. Parents should pay great attention to children's compliance with street rules. When crossing the street with a child, adults should definitely hold his hand. Otherwise, the child may become afraid of an approaching car and suddenly run across the road, putting himself in danger. The correct example of the behavior of adults on the streets and roads greatly contributes to the successful mastery of the alphabet of the road by children, the education of literate pedestrians.

- conducted joint activities with parents to prevent road traffic injuries. This is an entertainment "Every little child should know traffic rules from the cradle", the lesson "Traffic signs everyone should know."

A questionnaire for parents to study their attitude to the study of traffic rules by children.

Attracted to making attributes, didactic games in the corner of the road;

Drawing up route sheets "My road to kindergarten".

I am constantly promoting work to familiarize with the rules of the road in the family. The material in the parent's corner is being updated. I conduct individual conversations with parents. I would like to draw the attention of parents to take a serious look at the acquisition of solid knowledge and skills of behavior on the street by their children.

The result of work on traffic rules

In conclusion, I would like to note that the work does not end there. Every year, kids come to us, and our task is to prepare them for life in society, to warn them against danger on the roads. The interest in the "road problem" among the pupils of our kindergarten and their parents is growing, because we, the teachers, are not indifferent to this. During the diagnostic examination of children, the level of knowledge at the beginning of the year was 1.9 points.

B - 0%

C - 52.4%

H - 47.6%

The level of knowledge of children at the end of the year was 2.4 points.

B - 23.8%

C - 76.2%

H - 0%

Summing up the results of their work on teaching children traffic rules, the following can be noted:

The children learned to orient themselves well on the streets adjacent to the kindergarten;

When crossing the carriageway, they became attentive and careful;- broadened their knowledge of the rules of the road, modes of transport, road signs, and also gained knowledge of compliance with the rules for using a bicycle, scooter, behavior in transport and at stops;

- know how to behave on the street, guided by the rules of the culture of behavior in in public placessince have a clear idea that the rules prescribed for pedestrians, passengers, drivers are aimed at preserving their life and health, so everyone is obliged to follow them.

Enriched lexicon children.throughout their education, the children developed a desire to learn about the objects of the world around them, children learned to draw simple conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Parents' education gave a big plus in the social education of the children of the group.In the future, I plan to continue working in this direction: to develop scenarios for conducting classes, entertainment, holidays, leisure activities, memos on traffic rules.

I am sure that the knowledge of road traffic literacy acquired in kindergarten will help preschoolers become more disciplined and independent in the future.


1. L.A. Vdovichenko "Child on the street". Saint-Petersburg "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2008

2. EA Romanova, AB Malyushkina "Traffic rules for children of preschool age". Moscow, 2006

3. GN Elkin “Rules of safe behavior on the road”. Saint Petersburg, 2008

4. MSKogan "Everyone should know the road rules." Novosibirsk: Sib. univ.publishing, 2008

5. A. Usachev "Rules of the road". Moscow, 2009

6. L. Radzievskaya "ABC of Security". Moscow - ONYX, 2008

7. LB Poddubnaya "Traffic rules middle group". ITD "Coryphaeus", 2009

8. VK Polivanova, ZS Dmitrenko “Fundamentals of life safety of preschool children. Work planning. Conversations. Games "- SPb .: LLC" CHILDHOOD PRESS "PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2010

9. GP Shalaeva, OM Zhuravleva "Rules of conduct for educated children." SLOVO - AST, Moscow, 2010

10. OVAleksandrova "Courtesy lessons for kids." EKSMO, Moscow, 2012

11. Magazines: D / V No. 8 // 90, D / V No. 12 // 2003, D / V No. 2 // 91, D / V No. 6 // 86, D / In # 4 // 97, D / B # 7 // 91

12.E. Ya Stepanenko, M.F. Filenko "For preschoolers - on the rules of the road." M .: 1975.

13.T.F. Saulina "Three Traffic Signals". M., 1989

14.O.A. Skorolupova Classes with children of senior preschool age on the topic "Rules and road safety". M., 2006.

15. N.N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin "Safety: a textbook on the basics of life safety of older preschool children", St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2002.

16. I.A. Agapova “System of measures in preschool educational institutions for the prevention of child road traffic injuries. // Handbook of the senior educator of preschool institution No. 2, 2007.

17. Magazines "Child in kindergarten".

18. Magazines "Educator DOE".


Generalized pedagogical experience of the educator

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 4" Romashka "

the city of Belev, Tula region



Topic: "Technology of monitor learning in working with preschoolers"

Idea: including the child in the process of self-realization and personalization, the teacher encourages active communication.

IPM 2. Conditions for the formation of experience.

Introducing many innovations during my work in kindergarten, I realized that innovative technologies should not be one-sided, offering the development of only the mental abilities of children. Innovation in education should carry, first of all, the process of developing confidence little man in yourself, in your powers. In my opinion, today, the most difficult innovation lies in the consciousness of the teacher himself. It is necessary to reverse the authoritarianism of education in the thinking of teachers. My task is to put the child on an equal level with himself, to give the child the opportunity to adequately manage himself and the world around him. I think that innovation in education should be aimed at creating a personality that is set for success.

The child's mastering of the position of the subject requires a special pedagogical technology, the essence of which is to develop a palette of various children's activities in front of the child and transfer the pupil to the position of the subject of children's activities. For this purpose, I use the elements of monitoring training in working with older preschool children.

Analysis shows teaching practice in modern education, in recent years, the transition to humanistic methods of teaching and raising children has been clearly marked. But still in educational process contradictions persist between:

- “frontal” forms of education and purely individual methods of educational and cognitive activity of each child;

Between the need to differentiate education and the uniformity of content and learning technologies,

Between the predominant explanatory and illustrative method of teaching and the activity-oriented nature of teaching.

One of the important directions for resolving these problems is the introduction of new pedagogical technologies.

The idea of \u200b\u200bshaping my experience was prompted by the study of the theory of S. Wilderspin, who was the organizer of peer education schools (monitoring schools) for young children.

In my work, I tried to modernize the technology of monitoring education and adapt it to work with preschool children. We assumed that its implementation in kindergarten practice would be successful if:

  • taking into account the sensitive periods of the child's development;
  • taking into account the multilevel development of children;
  • established social interaction: establishing communication links between participants in the process (teachers and children), dialogue form relationships;
  • motivating the child's activity in the process of interaction;
  • stimulation of children's activity;
  • creating an atmosphere of passion.

The introduction of monitoring education will require not only the psychological readiness of children for new ways of teaching, but also a radical change in the pedagogical paradigm - the relationship between the teacher and the pupil, the teacher's style of behavior.

In the course of working on the problem, I went through several stages:


Preparatory (Determination of goals and objectives of the study) - 2009-2010 academic year


Formative (Studying scientific and methodological literature on the problem, determining the potential of a preschool educational institution, highlighting the main directions in work, etc.) - 2009-2010 academic year


Active (planning, regulation, creation of a subject-developing environment, methodological base, etc.) 2010-2011 academic year


Diagnostic (Selection of diagnostic material for children, the first diagnosis of children) 2010 - 2011 academic year


Analytical (Analysis of work in this direction, analysis of diagnostics of children) - 2011-2012 academic year


Final (Generalized, conclusions are formulated, consultations are held on work in this direction) 2011 - 2012 academic year

IPM 3. Theoretical basis of experience.

Domestic and foreign psychologists argue that a preschool child strives to gain integrity, however, the very concept of integrity in relation to a preschool child is not interpreted unambiguously. So, M.V. Krulecht believes that holistic developmentthe child is "the unity of individual characteristics, personal qualities, the development of the child's position of the subject in children's activities."

Research scientists recent years convincingly prove that the intensive intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child, his well-being and social status in the peer group are associated with the development of the position of the subject of child activity. This position is manifested in the independence of goal-setting and motivation of activity, finding ways and means of its implementation, self-control and self-esteem, the ability to get results.

Proceeding from the fact that the motivation of the child's activity is one of the conditions for the success and effectiveness of learning, we studied the most general motives that influence the behavior of each person, relying on the research of A. Petrovsky. “The basis of the motivation of a person as a person,” writes A.V. Petrovsky, - should be sought not in his biological nature and not in the mysterious striving for "self-actualization", but in real social relations, in his activities, in his social life. " A. V. Petrovsky singles out, first of all, a person's need for self-expression as one of the main motives of activity.

Another motivator of a person's activity is his personalization, that is, recognition by other people as a person significant to them. By including the child in the process of self-realization and personalization, the teacher encourages everyone, as it were, to involuntary, but active mental activity and achieves the solution of the assigned tasks. We found the realization of these motives in the earlier experience of teaching schoolchildren.

The English educator S. Wilderspin (1792-1866) was the organizer of peer education schools (monitoring schools) for young children. The work in them was based on the method of mutual learning, designed for teaching school-age children. The organization of children and the environment was as follows: in each class, the monitor was assigned the most capable child, and then the teacher could use his help, encouraging loudly and clearly to repeat his explanation, while the other children reproduce this explanation just as loudly and clearly. The monitors were allowed to pose questions to the children of their own choosing. The monitors were detained after class and trained separately. At the same time, S. Wilderspin noted that it is necessary "to make sure that the monitors do not imagine too much about themselves, because there is such a great tendency to ambition at an early age."

Analyzing all of the above, we come to the conclusion that the problem of the development of the intellectual abilities of children has been and is being given great attention and great importance is attached.

IPM 4. Relevance and prospects of experience.

Preschool years are the period of the most intensive development, the age of great potential opportunities, the birth of a personality, the formation of the foundations of self-awareness and value orientations, the manifestation of the child's first creative abilities, his individuality.

How to help your child enter modern world and get to know him, join his values, teach him to be independent and skillful, able to enter into real business ties with adults and peers, make decisions and be responsible for their consequences - this is not a complete range of questions that thoughtful kindergarten teachers and parents ask themselves preschoolers.

The modern model of education presupposes high requirements for the development of children's competence in the communicative sphere, the sphere of relations to the world, to people, to oneself.

Preschool age is a sensitive period for the fundamental development of a person's personality and it is very important to choose such pedagogical technologies, which will be focused on the awareness and establishment of humane relationships between children and the surrounding world and people. In my opinion, and it is the technology of monitoring education that presupposes a high development of communication, flexible organization of educational activities directly, taking into account the multilevel development of children. The organization of training using the elements of this technology creates a comfortable environment and a situation of success, stimulates the cognitive interest of children, contributes to the development of their general educational and communication skills and abilities.

The essence of the implementation of the elements of monitoring education is that almost all children are involved in the learning process, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think, each makes his own special individual contribution to the solution of the common problem: there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity.

the main goal introduction of this technology - the development of free communication of preschoolers with adults and children.

Tasks :

  1. Development of all components of children's oral speech;
  2. Enrichment of knowledge and ideas of children about the world around them;
  3. Encouraging children to actively interact in the system of social relations.

As you know, motives are a powerful activator of human activity. Attitude to business, its effectiveness is largely determined by the nature of the dominant motives. We studied the most common motives that influence the behavior of each person, relying on the research of A.V. Petrovsky. He singles out, first of all, a person's need for his self-expression as one of the main motives of activity. Another motive of activity is its personalization, that is, recognition by other people as a person who is significant to them.

The desire to earn praise and approval from adults, to establish and maintain good relations with people is also one of the most significant motives for interpersonal behavior for a child in older preschool age. Another no less important motive is the desire for self-affirmation. In the role-playing games of children, it is realized in the fact that the child seeks to take on the main role, to lead others, is not afraid to enter into competition and at all costs strives to win it. Along with motives of this type, prosocial motives begin to play a significant role in the behavior of preschool children: empathy, the desire to help another person, and some others.

The process of personality development and improvement of the child's behavior on the basis of direct imitation of people around, especially adults and peers, becomes very noticeable in preschool age. We can say that this age is a sensitive period in personality development based on imitation, accompanied by the consolidation of the observed forms of behavior, initially in the form of external imitative reactions, and then in the form of demonstrated personality traits.

Therefore the idea experience is as follows: including the child in the process of self-realization and personalization, the teacher encourages, as it were, involuntary, but active mental and communicative activity.

IPM 5. The novelty of experience

  • Adaptation of monitor technology to working conditions with preschool children;
  • The features of the personality-oriented interaction of the educator with children (creation of a single emotional and sensory basis for the interaction process; constant "addressing the child" as an equal "and the teacher's ability to take the child's position and act in it; ensuring the leading role of the teacher, who activity, in the form of "co-creation" of the teacher and the child, and participates in it, which gives rise to a complex of personal manifestations of both subjects of the educational process);
  • The structural components of the technology of monitoring training are highlighted;
  • The features of the use of elements of monitoring training in working with low-performing and gifted children are revealed;

IPM 6. Targeting experience

Experience can be applied by educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions, schools, institutions additional education... The experience is available to both novice teachers and experienced teachers. It can be used when organizing circle work.

IPM 7. Labor intensity of experience

  1. It is impossible to transfer all the stages and structural components of monitor technology to work with preschool children. Within the framework of a kindergarten, some components of the activity technology seem to be meaningless. We have to take into account that the older preschooler, due to age restrictions, does not have sufficient experience necessary for their implementation.
  2. The implementation of this technology requires from the teacher a great deal of preparation for both children - monitors, and the organization of a diverse subject - developing environment.
  3. There is a high probability that children will overestimate their capabilities, since many children do not have an adequate assessment of their personality.
  4. Poor speech development of children inhibits the communication process.

IPM 8. Technology of experience.

It is generally known that personality develops only in the process own activities. It is possible to teach a person to swim only in water, to teach a person to act only in the process of activity, to teach a child to communicate with adults and peers is possible only in the process of live free communication.

However, it is important that ininternal the motives for such communication were pleasant emotions associated with job satisfaction, a sense of their own competence, self-respect. Monitoring learning, just as opportunely, implements all these approaches.

How do we implement this technology in a preschool educational institution?

I watched older preschoolers play with babies. They try to teach them, protect them, imitate their educators. But all the same, children's spontaneity can be traced in this, so the kids trust them more, quickly accept their rules, they are more open with older children than with adults, they communicate as if on the same wavelength, trusting and revealing to each other.

And this feature formed the basis of my idea - to organize creative laboratories, the leaders of which will be the children themselves.

For example, while implementing the Knizhkina Week project in the younger group, the Storyteller comes to visit the kids, this is a child who has taken over the caregiver for a while. The storyteller is interesting to children as a character, but at the same time she solves educational problems in her own way: she teaches children to listen, analyze, draw conclusions.

Children - monitors take this very seriously, they are preparing. The teacher works out the course of the event with the child, learns something by heart, the children prepare some material at home with their parents. But basically, I rely on material familiar to older preschool children. For example, this is conducting experiments, excursions, telling familiar fairy tales, etc.

An important point is the preparation of a subject-developing environment. Children's laboratories are not stationary, we prepare them as needed in one group or another, according to the topic. All children of the group can take part in the preparation, making their proposals. I try to make the subject-developing environment rich, bright, mobile.

In kindergarten we organize such laboratories - research, creative, young reader, etc. The head of the laboratory can come up with his own name for the event, suggest a plot. Every child can become a leader. It depends on the desire, interests of the children, on the knowledge of the material. But everyone will definitely try himself in this or that activity. After all, everyone wants to be in the role of a teacher.

Why We Believe The Caregiver Will Do Better Explaining? Younger children are looking forward to meeting their older comrades with great pleasure and perceive them as a real educator.

This technique allows you to solve problems that are especially relevant for children and older preschool age: the development of communicative, creative abilities, the formation of the social and personal sphere.

I give every child the opportunity to manifest themselves in this or activity. Someone works in the workshop "Kalya-Malyamych", someone is in charge of the laboratory, someone conducts excursions.

Children, who are usually modest and not talkative in life, are revealed in the role of an educator. This raises their self-esteem, they feel confident in their abilities.

For children with weak abilities, a standard lesson scheme may require clarification. I believe that it is for such children that the technology of monitoring education is a supporting factor. The essence of training such children - monitors is that new information is given in small doses in combination with individual assignments and is accompanied by detailed discussion of each fragment by the children themselves. The role of the educator in the laboratory has a coordinating function. Monitoring learning acts as one of the types of maintaining the activity of children, increasing self-esteem. Children with weak abilities more than others need to create a situation of success.

For gifted children and children with good abilities, this technology is not supportive, but stimulating, activating independent cognitive activity... With such children, more complex material is prepared, the role of the educator in the work of the laboratory is minimized. However, I adhere to the theory of S. Wilderspin, that it is necessary "to ensure that monitors do not imagine too much of themselves, because there is a great tendency to ambition at an early age."

Nobody forces children to work in the laboratory, but almost all children express a desire to "be in the teacher's place."

Children can work in pairs, which unites at the request of two pupils. Each child in a couple has a different task. For example, in a training situation on visual activity one child can talk about the features of the landscape, the variety of landscapes, and the second child tells the technique of doing the work. Pairs can be static or dynamic. Thus, each child of a couple can express themselves in one form or another and support each other in a difficult situation.

The main advantages of using this technology:

  • in the process of speech, the skills of mental activity are developed, memory work is switched on, there is a mobilization and actualization of previous experience and knowledge;
  • every child and monitor and children whom they invite to their laboratories feel at ease;
  • responsibility increases not only for their own successes, but also for the results of collective work;
  • an adequate self-esteem of the individual, their capabilities and abilities, merits and limitations is formed.

The introduction of monitor technology into work with children is carried out gradually, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

Junior preschool age- technologies are used: work in pairs and "round dance".

Pair work - Children learn to interact with each other by pairing at will. When working in pairs, the child feels pride in their achievements and self-esteem in completing the task. Working in pairs has a positive effect on the initial stage of the formation of self-esteem in a child.

"Round dance" - at this age, the adult is the leader, since the children on their own cannot complete the task in turn. The teacher, with the help of a ball or other object, teaches children to complete the task in turn, thereby instilling in them such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other.

Middle preschool age- technologies are added: "chain", and at the end of the year - "carousel" and "interview".

"Chain" - the initial stage the work was the interactive technology "Round dance". Using the “chain” technology, children continue to develop the skills of voluntary behavior, such as: adherence to the rules of sequence, the ability to work in a team, submission of their desires to the wishes of the team. But unlike other ages, the children themselves monitor the observance of the order.

"Carousel" - in this technology, a dynamic couple created stimulates communication between all children. Each new dialogue forms in the child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance, cooperation skills, the ability to accept and understand a New Look to the problem. This is achieved due to the fact that each new dialogue is somewhat different from the previous one (questions, intonation), thereby creating a situation of success, in the process of which the child continues to form a positive self-esteem. The teacher invites the children to agree on who will be paired with whom, who from a pair of children will stand in the outer circle, and who in the inner circle. The children of the inner circle ask questions of the outer.

"Interview" - thanks to this technology, children actively develop dialogical speech, which encourages children to interact "adult - child", "child - child" At the initial training stage, the teacher himself chooses the child who will be interviewing (counting, etc.). The questions are not complicated, such as: "What did you like?", "What did you dislike?", "What did you do?" etc.

Senior Preschool Age- technologies are added: work in small groups (work in triplets), "big circle".

Small groups (work in threes) - created for children who are afraid to open up in large groups. Due to the fact that these groups are relatively stable and small in number, favorable conditions are created for the disclosure of such children. Children are encouraged to agree with who they would like to join the subgroup and are allowed to choose those with whom they would feel comfortable.

At this age, children create small groups at will, in which they feel comfortable and reveal their potential.

The Big Circle technology is a technology that allows every child to speak out and develop communication skills, establish causal relationships, draw conclusions from the information received and solve the problem. The teacher creates a problematic situation or gives a description of a logical task and offers to discuss it, encouraging children to constructive communication.

Each child in the "Big Circle" expresses his opinion, then transfers the right to express his thought to another child, taking his hand. After listening to all the statements, one of the children draws conclusions from the information received.

At the senior preschool age, thanks to the introduction of this technology, the child learns to communicate, interact with people around them in joint activities with them, learn the elementary rules and norms of group behavior, which allows him to get along well with people in the future, to establish normal business and personal relationships with them. ...

Thus, the joint activity of preschoolers in the course of monitoring technology occurs in the process of benevolence and mutual support, which allows children not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to develop their communication skills, translates them into high levels cooperation.

IPM 9. The effectiveness of experience.

The use of this technology involves the formation of a UUD. Monitoring the formation of prerequisites for universal training activities was carried out according to the following indicators:

1. Formation of personal prerequisites for UUD:

Formation of cognitive and social motivation;

Formation of adequate self-esteem;

Formation of the ability to help a friend;

Formation of the ability to take into account someone else's point of view.

2. Formation of regulatory prerequisites for UUD:

Ability to work according to the instructions of an adult;

Understanding of the specified error and its correction at the request of an adult;

Ability to hold the task throughout the entire duration of the task;

Willingness to choose an occupation for yourself from those offered to choose from.

3. Formation of communicative prerequisites for UUD:

Proactive cooperation:

Ability to ask questions; ask for help; formulate your difficulties;

Offer help and cooperation;

Shows activity in interaction for solving communicative and cognitive tasks.

Cooperation planning:

Ability to ask questions necessary for organizing your own activities and cooperation with a partner;

Ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities.


Ability to formulate own opinion and position;

Ability to build statements that are understandable for the partner;

Ability to build a monologue statement;

Ability to conduct oral dialogue in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;

Ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Communication management:

Ability to adequately assess one's own behavior and the behavior of others;

Ability to provide mutual assistance in cooperation;

Ability to take into account the position of the interlocutor when working in pairs, team;

Ability to take different positions in interaction;

Active and interested participation in joint activities.