Organization of the correctional and educational process in the speech therapy group consultation on the topic. Forms of organization of the correctional and educational process in a preschool educational institution (groups) for children with speech impairments The main stage of correction

Organization of the correctional and educational process in speech therapy group.

Interaction in the work of a speech therapist and educator.

1 Principles and objectives of building a correctional educational process.

The success of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is to integrate speech therapy into the educational process of children's life.

The natural way to implement speech therapy is the relationship, the interaction of the speech therapist and educators (for different functional tasks and methods of correction work, which we will talk about later).

The pedagogical process in the speech therapy group is organized in accordance with age-related needs, functional and individual characteristics, depending on the structure and severity of the defect.

The ultimate goal of the correctional group: education of a humane personality, comprehensively and harmoniously happy child; social adaptation and integration of the child into the environment of normally developing peers.

Work is being built in a speech therapy group, taking into account the age, group profile and individual manifestations of a speech defect (from the Regulations - the principle of age and differential in diagnosis)

When working with children with FFN speech, the main tasks are:

Statement and consolidation of sounds in speech, if necessary, differentiation according to similar characteristics. Development of phonemic processes and skills of full sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

When working with children with OHP tasks:

Development of lexical and grammatical means of speech. Formation of the correct sound pronunciation.

Development of phonemic processes and the skill of sound-letter analysis.

The development of coherent speech in accordance with age standards.

Preparation for literacy training.

2. Tasks of interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher.

Tasks of a speech therapist:

1. Examination, identification of children with speech disorders.

Studying the level of speech, cognitive, social-personal and individual characteristics of children.

Determination of the main directions and content of work with each child.

Systematic carrying out of corrective work with children, in accordance with their individual and subgroup programs.

Evaluating the performance and assistance of children and determining the degree of their readiness for schooling.

Formation of information readiness for correctional work among the pedagogical staff of preschool educational institutions and parents. Help in organizing a full-fledged speech environment.

Coordination of efforts of teachers and parents. Control over the quality of the work carried out.

Tasks of educators:

Providing pupils with comfortable conditions for development, training and education.

Creating an environment for psychological, pedagogical and speech support for the child:

Strengthening speech skills on individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist (correction hour)

Conducting group lessons on the development of speech. These classes are conducted by the teacher according to a scheme that is different from similar classes in mass groups.

Systematic control over the delivered sounds and grammatically correct speech.

Enrichment, clarification and activation of the worked out vocabulary in accordance with the lexical topics of the program.

Development of articulatory and finger motor skills.

Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games, exercises on defect-free speech material.

3. Carrying out the necessary work on the prevention and correction of speech. Ensuring the effectiveness of general and speech preparation for school.

4. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical culture and competence of parents, encouraging them to consciously engage in individual development preschooler in the family.

4. Knowledge of the individual and mental characteristics of children is the key to effective planning of correctional work by the teacher

The educator, like the speech therapist, must know not only the features of the speech pathology of children, but also the features of mental processes closely related to speech activity, namely:

- impaired attention and memory

- disorders of digital and articulatory motor skills

- insufficient formation of verbal and logical thinking.

Disturbances of attention and memory are manifested in children in the following way: they find it difficult to restore the order of arrangement of even 4 objects after their rearrangement, do not notice inaccuracies in joke drawings; not always objects or words on a given basis. For example, this happens in cases where it is proposed to show only squares on the sheet (simple figures, circles, etc.); clap your hands if clothes are named (food, etc.); collect all metal objects in a box (wood, plastic, etc.)

It is even more difficult to focus and keep their attention on purely verbal material, outside of a visual situation. Therefore, such children cannot fully perceive the lengthy, non-specific explanations of the teacher, long constructions (lesson without clarity is not effective for a speech therapy group)

It is characteristic that memorization at an involuntary level in children is much better than at an arbitrary level. For example, a child can easily reproduce the names of six to eight birthday gifts and finds it difficult to reproduce the names of 4-5 toys hidden in the lesson.

Articulatory motor disorders are manifested in limited, inaccurate, or weak movements of the movable organs of articulation - the tongue, soft palate, lips, lower jaw.

The vast majority of children have inactive fingers, their movements are inaccurate or inconsistent. Many children hold a spoon in their fists, or they can hardly take a brush and pencil, sometimes they cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes, etc.

Since speech and thinking are interconnected, therefore, the verbal-logical thinking of children with speech underdevelopment is somewhat below the age norm. Children find it difficult to classify objects, generalizations of phenomena and signs. Often their judgments are poor, fragmentary and logically disconnected from each other. For example, "It's warm at home in winter, because (because) there is no snow", "A bus travels faster than a bicycle - it's bigger." Both a lamp and a TV can be attributed to furniture, because they are in the room; difficult to solve the simplest math problems, unable to guess simple riddles.

The personal characteristics of children in a speech therapy group are noticeable to any teacher who has worked in a specialized group at least for a shift. So, in the classroom, some of them get tired very quickly, start to spin, get distracted, i.e. stop perceiving educational material. Others, on the contrary, sit quietly, calmly, but do not answer questions, or answer inappropriately, cannot repeat a friend's answer.

In the process of communicating with each other, some children are too mobile, difficult to control, while others, on the contrary, are sluggish, apathetic. There are children with an obsessive sense of fear, overly impressionable, prone to the manifestation of negativism, excessive aggressiveness, or vulnerability, resentment.

All these features must be taken into account when planning remedial work.

5. The main directions in the work of a speech therapist and educator

In the work of a teacher and a speech therapist, two main areas can be distinguished:

Correctional and educational

General education

The teacher, together with the speech therapist, participates in the correction of speech disorders, as well as the processes associated with it, and, in addition, carries out a number of general educational activities provided for by the mass kindergarten program (mental, moral, aesthetic, patriotic, etc.) However, it is necessary to take into account that of the two directions, the first - correctional and educational - is the most significant, leading. And the second - general education - to subordinates.

Correctional work, as we have already noted, is carried out under the guidance and control of a speech therapist. His leading role is explained by the fact that he knows better the speech and psychological characteristics of children, the degree of lag of each from the age norm, the dynamics of all correctional processes.

Let us dwell in more detail on the content and methods of implementing each of the above tasks in the organization of the correction process.

During the first 2 weeks of the school year, the speech therapist examines each child individually. Establishes the nature of speech and accompanying violations, determines the severity of all violations, chooses ways of correction.

At the end of the examination, the speech therapist informs the group educator in detail about the results of his diagnosis (mini-pedagogical council or individual conversation), the parameters of which include:

Pronunciation of speech sounds

Their perception

Reproduction of the syllable structure of a word

The state of vocabulary and grammatical structure

The formation of coherent speech

The level of attention, memory, imagination (psychologist)

The state of finger and articulatory motor skills.

Based on the information received from the speech therapist, the teacher will be able to solve a number of practical problems:

a \\ will imagine which of the children to put forward because of weakened attention, restlessness, poor eyesight;

b \\ plan with which of the children you will need additional lessons on the development of finger and articulatory motor skills;

c \\ take into account whose pronunciation will have to be carefully controlled, etc.

The importance of contact, continuity in the work of a speech therapist and educators is explained by the fact that the elimination of complex speech disorders (e.g., OHR, FFN with a dysarthric component is possible only with an integrated approach.

Moreover, the work should not be formal, but thoughtful, serious, painstaking, systematic. And the first, very important stage of correctional work is the examination, which is carried out in the first two weeks of September. The teacher reveals the level of knowledge, skills in all types learning activities... A special examination protocol is filled in.

The educator can assess some qualities of a preschooler in the course of observing children at regular moments, in joint play, in work and household activities.

Moreover, like a speech therapist, educators should keep the examination material separately.

Based on the examination, the educator can deduce the developmental levels of children (just not for formalities), assemble subgroups for individual correctional work with children. The survey results are used for:

1 \\ planning educational and correctional work (mathematics is bad, one year ago);

2 \\ selection of program and corrective tasks;

3 \\ creating a subject-developing environment;

4 \\ organization of subgroup and individual work;

The main directions of the correctional work of the educator

Articulation gymnastics (with elements of respiratory and vocal) is performed 3-5 times during the day.

Finger gymnastics is performed in combination with articulation 3-5 times a day.

Corrective mini gymnastics for the prevention of posture and foot disorders is performed daily after sleep.

Evening individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist, reinforcing sound pronunciation.

Frontal classes under the preschool educational program.

Correctional work outside the busy

During regimes

Corrective work to fill the gaps identified as a result of the survey,

Let us dwell in more detail on these areas of correctional work.

Complexes articulatory, breathing exercises are selected by a speech therapist and offered to educators. The teacher must know well the basic movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, to achieve clarity, accuracy, good switchability. Since the main principle in speech therapy work with children is the principle of repetition, which is explained by the reduced ability to automate skills, and exercises repeated from class to class quickly get bored, all exercises can be combined into fairy tales and carried out in the afternoon.

Evening individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist are held in the afternoon, after naps. This is the so-called speech therapy hour.

The teacher deals individually with those children whom the speech therapist wrote down in a special notebook for evening classes. Such a notebook is filled in daily. We used to call these classes "correction hour" 40 minutes Of these, 20 minutes - for the correctional educational program planned by the teacher, 20 minutes -. For individual work with children who are planned by a speech therapist. Now we have made adjustments: it is necessary to perform tasks of a speech therapist at speech therapy hour, and correctional work is planned in subgroups, but is carried out at a convenient time in the morning, on a walk, in the evening, etc.

1 \\ games for the development of visual and auditory perception

2 \\ games for the development of phonemic ideas

3 \\ vocabulary, grammar

4 \\ speech with movements

5 \\ coherent speech

6 \\ work on individual notebooks.

It is very important that during an individual lesson with a child, all other children do not distract them, they are busy with quiet games. And if the educator, when distributing them, takes into account the characteristics of each child, then such a game simultaneously gives a teaching effect. For example, if a child has difficulties in fine motor skills, he should be asked to assemble a mosaic or string beads, if he has difficulties with constructive activity, to fold cut pictures or special cubes, etc.

Classes with children are held in a specially equipped speech therapy corner. A mirror is installed here, in which the faces of the child and the caregiver can be reflected at the same time. In addition, here it is necessary to have pictorial material to fix sounds.

In the notebook "Relationships" in the column "Note" or "Mark of completion", the teacher notes who and in connection with what had difficulties. This information is necessary for a speech therapist to make corrections in individual work plans.

The teacher must know at what stage of consolidation of sounds each child is, and monitor the assigned sounds and the grammatical correctness of the speech of children in everyday life.

During the year, the speech therapist marks all changes in the sound pronunciation of children in the table "Screen of sound pronunciation" with various conventional signs, and this clearly shows the results of the correctional work of the speech therapist and educator.

When studying with a child, the teacher must remember that the pronunciation of all phonetic material in the notebook should take place with the obligatory highlighting of the fixed sound with a voice - exaggerated. The teacher should not miss a single phonetic or grammatical error in the speech of the child. The lesson can be continued only if the child says everything correctly. The teacher must speak all speech material loudly, clearly, slowly and achieve the same about the child.

6. Conducting frontal speech development classes.

Speech development classes are planned according to perspective-thematic planning. Within a month in the classroom on the development of speech, all types of work within the framework of 3-4 lexical topics.

The speech therapist and educator work closely together throughout the study of the topic. The teacher introduces children to the environment, clarifies and activates the dictionary, and also improves coherent speech. The speech therapist deepens and ensures the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

The study of the chosen topic is carried out by the educator through all types of activities (fine arts, speech development; plot-role, didactic, outdoor games, targeted walks, etc.)

Corrective training provides, when determining the goals of the lesson, to indicate what kind of speech work is supposed to be carried out in this lesson. This can be clarification, enrichment or activation of the dictionary, the formation of grammatical structure (especially work on a sentence), the development of coherent speech.

The work of the educator on any topic will necessarily include:

1 \\ Selection of words for the same questions: Who? What? Which one? Which one? Which one? What is he doing?

2 \\ Formation of diminutive names;

3 \\ Use of plural forms of nouns;

4 \\ Formation of possessive and relative adjectives;

5 \\ Automation of delivered sounds;

6 \\ Making up phrases with prepositions, adjectives, numbers;

7 \\ Work on the proposal;

One of the prerequisites for the formation of correct, clear and intelligible speech, both in the classes of a speech therapist and educators, is the education of active voluntary attention to speech. It is important from the first lessons to teach children to listen to speech addressed, to distinguish and reproduce its individual elements achieved for the child, to keep in memory the material perceived by ear, to be able to hear mistakes in one's own and someone else's speech.

At the beginning of the school year, until a coherent speech in children has developed sufficiently, only "simple" types of work are used in the classroom: reading, analyzing fairy tales and stories, examining objects, plot pictures, retelling of short texts, etc. It is inappropriate at the beginning of training to require children to retell voluminous texts, compose stories, descriptions, and invent fairy tales. Those. I plan to work on the development of speech, again, the results of speech therapy and pedagogical examination should be taken into account.

In contrast to the mass group in the classroom in the speech therapy group, all types of work should be provided with visual material. Permanent visual support is required. Visualization should facilitate speech activity. Each child must show his speech activity 8 times, both in a speech therapy lesson and in a teacher's lesson - this is an indicator of good speech activity.

Verbal instructions should be clear, not verbose. (see "Methodological principles of planning lessons"

When a speech therapist conducts classes, the teacher is present at them, makes notes, using this data when working with children in the evening, as well as planning correctional work with children.

A speech therapist is obliged to periodically attend the teacher's classes during the year, to observe the regime processes with subsequent analysis. In order to identify the dynamics of the speech development of each child in regime moments, to observe an integrated approach of the entire teaching staff of the group to speech correctional work. Correctional work should be planned in any lesson (in fine arts, mathematics, physical education, etc.).


1. 1 \\ The use of singular and plural nouns;

2 \\ The combination of nouns with prepositions.


1 \\ Change by time, person, number and gender;


1 \\ Concordance of a noun with an adjective in gender, number, case.

4. Cardinal and ordinal numbers;

5. Pronouns (mine, mine, mine, mine, our, yours)

6. Suggestions.

For visual activities:

1. Sentences with prepositions.

2 .Temporary forms of the verb. (I painted, I cut, I will paint)

3. Verb conjugations. (What are you doing? What are they doing?)

4 . Concordance of a noun with an adjective in gender, number, case.

5. Coherent speech skills (How will you do?), Ask children about upcoming or ongoing work.

Physical culture and music.

1. Prepositions (for whom, before whom);

2. Verbs of the past, future tense.

3 .Prefixing verbs (jumped, jumped)

4. Case forms of pronouns (to me, to her, etc.)

Maybe this corrective work is not planned, but it is being carried out. Both the educator and the speech therapist should use all types of activities for targeted corrective work.

Correctional work of the educator in everyday life.

The dressing room, washroom, bedroom, nature corner, play corner and other places in the group room and area are a wide visual base for the formation of vocabulary in children. During the day, the teacher has the opportunity to repeatedly activate and consolidate new words, without which they cannot be introduced into independent speech... The enrichment and activation of the vocabulary is in progress, exercises in the grammatically correct design of sentences.

Elena Yolkina
Individually differentiated approach to the organization of the correctional and educational process

FSES DO defines one of the qualities basic principles preschool education: build educational activities based individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education.

Individual approach - an important psychological and pedagogical principle that takes into account the individual characteristics of each child.

Individualization Is the implementation of the principle individual approachis the organization of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, which allows you to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each child.

KD Ushinsky also noted: "Education should not only develop a person's mind and give him a full amount of knowledge, but also ignite in him a thirst for serious work, without which his life can be neither useful nor happy"... That is, the main thing in upbringing is not the transfer of knowledge and skills, but the development of the ability to acquire knowledge and skills and use them in life, providing a sense of psychological security for the child, taking into account his capabilities and needs, in other words, a personality-oriented model in teaching is, first of all, individualization of learning, creating conditions for the formation of a child as a person.

The teacher should not forget that the child is the subject of his own development, he is an end in itself. But children should always feel the support of the teacher.

An individual approach requires a great deal of patience from the teacher, the ability to understand complex manifestations of behavior.

The individual approach is in no way opposed to the principle of collectivity - the basic principle not only of education, but of the entire way of life. The "individual" is a social being, therefore every manifestation of his life, even if it does not appear in the direct form of the collective, is the appearance and affirmation of social life. " Scientific research specifically confirmed this position. "I" is possible only because there is "we".

"Differentiation" translated from Latin means "division, stratification of the whole into parts, forms, steps." Differentiated learning is a form of organization of the educational process, in which the teacher works with a group of children, composed taking into account the presence of any common qualities that are significant for the educational process (homogeneous group).

Differentiated training (differentiated approach to training) is:

Creating a variety of learning conditions for various educational institutions, groups, in order to take into account the characteristics of their contingent;

A complex of methodological, psychological, pedagogical, organizational and managerial measures that provide training in homogeneous groups.

In the process of a differentiated approach, the teacher studies, analyzes, classifies various personality qualities and their manifestations in children, highlighting the most common, typical features characteristic of a certain group of pupils.

Novelty: In the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution, a "differentiated approach" is the creation of the most favorable conditions for the development of a student's personality as an individual. It follows from this: differentiated learning is not a goal, but a means of individual development.

PURPOSE OF THE DIFFERENTIATED APPROACH coordination of the learning process and individual psychological characteristics the student, creating a favorable treatment mental development every child.

I. Unt in his research highlights the following goals of differentiation:

teaching goal- assistance in the implementation of educational programs by increasing the level of knowledge and skills of each child individually, reducing his backlog, deepening and expanding knowledge based on the interests and abilities of mental and psychological development;

developing goal - the formation and development of logical thinking of preschoolers, the ability to work while relying on the zone of proximal development;

nurturing goal - creation of prerequisites for the development of the interests and abilities of the child.

To implement a competent differentiated approach, the main provisions necessary for teaching preschoolers to develop speech are highlighted:

Knowledge of the age characteristics and capabilities of children;

Diagnostics and registration of the level of speech development of each child;

Close connection with speech therapy technologies;

Balanced coverage of all aspects of the child's speech;

Conscious attitude of teachers and parents to speech development children;

The interaction of the kindergarten and the family on this issue.

The essence of the differentiated approach lies in organizing the educational process, taking into account age characteristics, in creating optimal conditions for the effective activity of all children, in restructuring the content, methods, forms of education, taking into account the individual characteristics of preschoolers as much as possible.

In the context of a purposeful learning process, a differentiated approach to preschoolers is implemented in the classroom in a reasonable differentiation of tasks, setting feasible tasks for children. These are feasible tasks, exercises offered taking into account the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of preschoolers and assuming a consistent complication of cognitive tasks.

One of the types of differentiation (separation) is individual training. According to the characteristic individual psychological characteristics of children, which form the basis for the formation of homogeneous groups, differentiation is distinguished:

By the level of mental development (level of achievement);

By the nature of the switching of mental processes (flexibility and stereotype of the mind, the speed or sluggishness of establishing relationships, the presence or absence of one's own attitude to the material being studied);

Age composition (different age groups);

By gender (men, women, mixed groups, teams);

Personal and psychological types (type of thinking, temperament);

The level of health (physical culture groups, groups of impaired vision, hearing);

Areas of interest (musical, choreographic, linguistic, mathematical, etc.);

By the level of mastering the material at the moment;

By the level of efficiency and pace of work;

By the peculiarities of perception, memory, thinking;

By the emotional state at the moment;

At the momentary request of children;

According to the characteristics of the child's reaction to his defect.

By the level of independence and activity;

In relation to training;

By the nature of cognitive interests;

By the level of volitional development.

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Discipline: "Forms of speech therapy work with children"

Nadym 2015

The ideal goal of speech therapy work is to educate a humane personality of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed, emotionally prosperous and happy child, and the strategic goal of individually oriented education of a preschool child with speech impairment is formulated as “social adaptation and integration of a child with a speech impairment into the environment of normally developing peers ...

The need for a comprehensive and thorough study of the organizational and content aspects of speech therapy assistance to children, strengthening its preventive (prophylactic) aspects is currently an urgent need and task of preschool education.

In the existing system of preschool education, professional correctional and speech assistance is provided mainly to children of the third group (specific delays and speech disorders) in preschool educational institutions of a compensating type or in compensating groups as part of a preschool educational institution of a combined type.

forms of organization of the correctional and educational process in preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with speech disorders

When determining the tasks of correctional-speech work, the starting point is the starting psychological-pedagogical and speech therapy diagnostics of children, based on two complementary classifications of speech disorders - clinical and psychological-pedagogical. Clinical and pedagogical classification is aimed at the maximum detailing of the types and forms of speech disorders, which makes it possible to individualize the tasks of corrective action; then the tasks of speech therapy work become fundamentally different if children have such speech disorders as dyslalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, motor or sensory alalia, childhood aphasia, stuttering. Psychological and pedagogical systematization orients specialists towards the primary identification of violations of the means of communication in children (phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech, its general underdevelopment) or difficulties in using these means (stuttering), which further determines the choice of collective (group) forms of speech therapy work.

In preschool educational institution groups for children may be open:

with violations of pronunciation of certain sounds (period of stay - 6 months),

with phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment (enrollment period from 1 year or more),

b with general speech underdevelopment (admission period 2-3 years and

stuttering (term of enrollment from 1 year or more).

The structure of the speech defect and the degree of its severity determine the tasks of speech therapy work in each of the groups. So, when working with children who have a violation of the pronunciation of certain sounds, its main task is to formulate sounds and fix them in spontaneous speech, if necessary, differentiate them with sounds similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics. The tasks of working with preschoolers with phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment are expanding - not only the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds and their differentiation, but also the development of phonemic perception, the skills of full-fledged sound-syllable analysis and synthesis, preparation for teaching literacy. The tasks of working with children with general speech underdevelopment are the formation of lexical and grammatical means of speech, sound pronunciation and phonemic processes, in general, coherent speech in accordance with age standards and preparing children for literacy.

The central task in working with preschoolers who have violations of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech (stuttering) is to educate them the correct speech skills in gradually more complicated forms of speech utterance, and in case of violations of the intonation-melodic side of speech, the education of the skills of correct voice presentation, voice leading and the development of speech expressive funds.

Despite the fact that the recruitment of compensating preschool educational institutions (groups) is based on the decision of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (commission), in which a speech therapy conclusion is given for each child, the speech therapist begins the academic year with a thorough starting psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy examination of children with the aim of precise establishment of the reasons, structure and severity of deviations in their speech development. As the main diagnostic methods they can use:

l individual (group) conversations;

ь special tasks of a diagnostic nature;

ь observation of the peculiarities of behavior and communication of children in the process of regulated and non-regulated activities;

ь study of medical and pedagogical documentation;

ь conversations with teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents, etc.

Generalization of the data obtained in the course of in-depth study of the child using different methods and from different sources of information allows you to formulate an objective speech therapy conclusion and outline individual programs of correctional and pedagogical work for the long term (academic year).

At the same time, a detailed analysis of the results of the initial psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy diagnostics of children, carried out together with educators, makes it possible to draw up group pedagogical and speech "profiles" and, on their basis, develop long-term programs of group (subgroup) correctional and pedagogical work with children.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents of children must be familiarized with individual and group correctional pedagogical programs.

The forms of work of a speech therapist with parents and the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution at the organizational stage can be as follows:

l thematic teachers' councils, consultations for preschool educational institutions;

l mini-pedagogical councils with the participation of teachers working in a group, which are devoted to the analysis of deficiencies in speech development and the choice of means of corrective influence, in relation to each pupil of the group;

l individual conversations and consultations with teachers, carried out in the working order;

ь parent-teacher meetings and thematic consultations for parents;

l individual consultations for parents, etc.

The result of the work at the organizational stage is the compilation of individual and group (subgroup) speech correction programs, a schedule (schedule) of individual and group (subgroup) classes with children, a work plan with the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution and parents.

At the main stage, the emphasis is on the actual correction and speech work with children. Despite significant differences in the tasks of correctional-speech work, determined primarily by the age, speech and individual-personal characteristics of preschoolers, it, nevertheless, is based on a number of general principles, among which the priority ones are:

l individualization;

ь versatility;

l complexity;

ь the systematic nature of correctional and pedagogical influence.

Individualization of speech therapy impact is achieved through a careful dynamic study of the structure of speech disorders of each child by a speech therapist, an objective analysis of the causes of the observed deviations and features in his speech development.

For a more complete disclosure of the resources of an individual approach, speech work with children is carried out in the course of individual lessons and classes with mobile microgroups (2-4 children). At the same time, modern preschool education and training programs for children with speech disorders are focused on active use group (subgroup) forms of work with children, during the implementation of which the speech therapist and educators have the opportunity to provide targeted assistance to children and offer targeted individual tasks. The tasks and content of both individual and group lessons are determined based on the structure, the severity of speech disorders in children, their individual typological characteristics and in accordance with traditional speech therapy techniques and guidelines (G. A. Volkova, B. M. Grinshpun, G. A. Kashe, S. A. Mironova, V. I. Seliverstov, T.B. Filicheva, M. F. Fomicheva, N. A. Cheveleva, G. Chirkina and others).

The versatility (integral-personal nature) of speech therapy work implies the obligatory consideration in the correctional process of not only speech, but also individual-typological characteristics of preschoolers, which directly and indirectly interfere normal development their speeches. In this case, the laws of both general mental and speech ontogenesis must be taken into account.

At the same time, the analysis of various aspects of the psychophysical development of children, its potentialities and reliance on them in planning and conducting pedagogical influence should become the priority tasks of not only the speech therapist, but also all participants in the correctional process - the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution, parents and other family members. This ensures the complexity of corrective action and the possibility of conducting the corresponding speech work not only directly, but also indirectly, using for this the reserves of various types of children's activities (play, educational, cognitive, productive, etc.), regime moments in kindergarten, free communication and interaction of the child with adults in the family, etc.

Based on the recommendations of a speech therapist and in close cooperation with him, teachers and parents create conditions for speech therapy in the life of children, i.e. creating an enriched subject-developing and supportive speech environment in a preschool institution and in a family.

However, all of the above conditions can be nullified if the proper systematicity is not observed in the provision of correctional speech assistance to children. Only carrying out well thought out, rationally planned, coordinated and daily (as opposed to fragmentary and episodic) work gives grounds to speak of real achievement of positive results.

The listed conditions - differentiation, versatility, complexity and systematicity of correctional-speech work in preschool (groups) conditions for children with speech disorders - are fundamental and should be taken into account when working with each child (group of children), regardless of the reasons, nature and the severity of speech disorders.

In general, speech therapy work contains two types of successive relationship between the speech therapist and teachers: in the development (correction) of speech and in the development (correction) of non-speech mental processes and functions. It is important to take into account that the main work on the formation of the correct primary speech skills is carried out by a speech therapist, and preschool teachers are included in it at the stage of consolidation of already formed speech automatisms.

An integral part of correctional and speech work with children at the main stage is psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy monitoring, the purpose of which is to identify the dynamics and features of progress in the correctional educational process of each and every one of the pupils of the group.

Monitoring data make it possible to timely correct the nature of the psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy impact on children, the degree of involvement in the correctional work of certain specialists and parents. The results of monitoring are usually reflected in the speech maps of children, if necessary, in accordance with them, the programs of individual and group (subgroup) work with children can be adjusted.

At the main stage, the nature and content of the speech therapist's work with preschool teachers and parents change.

The arsenal of forms of speech therapist's work with close adults of the child at this stage is significantly replenished. The most expedient means of practical organization of methodological assistance to teachers and parents may include:

l individual and group consultations,


l workshops,


l observation of activities, games, regime processes in a group with
their subsequent analysis;

ь organization of joint work of adults and children on the implementation of home speech therapy tasks, etc.

The list of forms of work itself indicates that, in contrast to the first (introductory) stage, the emphasis in the content of the meetings is shifted from the informational and introductory part to the practical, i.e. the participants of the correctional educational process are included in the solution of its immediate tasks.

The degree of correctional and pedagogical competence of educators and parents and their interest in the results of speech therapy work will be of great importance in choosing a particular form of work.

Based on the published, which the speech therapist has about the child's family and the group's teachers, the methods of their gradual involvement in correctional speech work and the gradual (as adults acquire the skills of conscious, adequate and effective help to children) expand the degree of their involvement in the implementation of individual correctional programs of work with children.

In the process of working with parents, auxiliary (visual) means can be widely used:

ь special "speech therapy corners",

l information stands,

l thematic book exhibitions,

b folders, etc.

The availability, clarity, clarity of presentation of the material offered to parents and the aesthetics of its design should become the main criteria for evaluating this means of promoting speech therapy knowledge.

The final, or final stage of corrective speech work with a child (group of children)) involves a qualitative assessment of the results of the speech therapy intervention, and in older preschoolers, it additionally determines the general and speech readiness for systematic learning in school conditions.

The experts assessing the results of speech therapy work with children are, on the one hand, preschool educational institutions specialists and parents, and on the other, members of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission. In some cases, PMPK specialists offer graduates of speech therapy groups to continue correctional education. The main reason for the formulation of such recommendations is the impossibility in the period of preschool childhood to completely correct such severe speech disorders as general speech underdevelopment, persistent forms of dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering, etc.

In this situation, it may be advisable to consider the possibility of creating a new type of educational institution for children with speech impairments - an elementary school-kindergarten of a compensatory type or opening a special (correctional) class for children with speech impairments when comprehensive school, which allows specialists to continue corrective speech work with children in the required volume.

At the same time, for the speech therapist and the entire pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution, the final stage means not only an assessment of the effectiveness of work with children, but also the development of a certain judgment about the extent and nature of the participation of each of the participants in the correctional and educational process.

Therefore, at the final pedagogical council, it is important to objectively analyze the data of psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy monitoring throughout the academic year, assess the quality of correctional and pedagogical activities of all specialists and, on the basis of generalizing the results of the work, outline ways to optimize it for the next year.

speech therapist corrective speech preschool

Despite the fairly widespread prevalence of groups for children with speech impairments in preschool educational institutions, not all preschoolers in need fall into the sphere of speech therapy. A significant number of these children attend general developmental groups of preschool educational institutions.

The result of the search for forms and means of prevention and correction of speech disorders in children in the conditions of mass educational institutions was an attempt made in the late 1980s and early 1990s to organize speech correction work with the participation of a speech therapist within the framework of a preschool speech therapy center.

Solving the problems of early detection, timely prevention and overcoming of deficiencies in speech development of preschoolers, promoting speech therapy knowledge among employees of preschool institutions and parents, speech therapy centers have a high efficiency of corrective action and play an important role in the full speech and general preparation of children for school.

An analysis of the organizational and content aspects of the activity of a preschool speech therapy center reveals that it, to a certain extent, synthesizes the elements of the work of a speech therapy clinic and a preschool group for children with speech impairments, while possessing certain specific features of its own.

The number of children who, according to the results of diagnostics, need speech therapy assistance, exceeds the real capabilities of a speech therapist, which requires careful thought and balance when choosing the main points of application of correctional and pedagogical forces, rational planning and work with children, parents and the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.

When enrolling children, the nature, severity of speech disorders, and the age of the child are taken into account. First of all, the speech therapist provides corrective assistance to older preschoolers with those speech development disorders that will prevent their successful inclusion in the process school education, as well as children of younger and middle preschool age with complex speech disorders (general speech underdevelopment, stuttering, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment).

The number of children simultaneously studying at a speech therapy center should not exceed 17 people. Children with speech disorders similar in nature and severity are united in mobile microgroups (2-3 children). The duration of subgroup speech and correction classes is 20-30 minutes, individual - 15-20 minutes. The frequency of their implementation is determined by the nature and severity of speech impairment, age and individual psychophysical characteristics of children. Classes with children are held in the daytime, and once or twice a week - in the evening in order for parents to receive the necessary advice, advice, recommendations.

The timing of speech therapy work also directly depends on the severity of speech disorders in children, their individual personality traits, the conditions of upbringing in a preschool educational institution and family. They can vary from 6 months to 1.5-2 years or more. As correctional work is completed and speech is normalized in older preschool children, children of younger age groups are enrolled in the vacated places. At the end of classes with a child or when he graduates from a preschool educational institution, a speech therapist gives parents recommendations on organizing the conditions for his further learning, for example, the continuation of correctional speech classes with a speech therapist in primary school.

Practice shows that work with preschoolers who have phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment usually lasts for a whole school year or more. Children with severe, persistent speech development disorders (general speech underdevelopment, stuttering) can attend speech therapy classes up to 1.5-2 years or more.

The speech therapist and the administration of the preschool educational institution are responsible for the procedure for enrolling children in classes, the course and results of correction and speech exposure.

The quality and high efficiency of correctional work can be ensured only if the following basic conditions are met:

ь individualized, complex and systematic impact on all aspects of development and personality of a preschool child with developmental disabilities;

ь involvement of parents in the correctional and pedagogical process as its active subjects;

ь organizing the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the family in the work on the prevention and correction of deviating options in child development.

The form of organization of training is subgroup, in microgroups and individual.

Frontal (subgroup) classes.

For subgroup lessons, children of the same age group are combined with speech disorders of similar nature and severity, from 2 to 5 people, the frequency of classes is 2 times a week, 30 minutes for children preparatory age, 25 minutes for older children. Classes with children are held in the daytime. Duration of lessons with children: FFN - 1 year. The main purpose of subgroup lessons is to develop teamwork skills. In these classes, children must learn to adequately assess the quality of speech statements of their peers. The composition of the subgroups is an open system, it changes at the discretion of the speech therapist depending on the dynamics of the achievements of preschoolers in the correction of pronunciation.

Individual sessions.

Duration of classes with children: FN - from 3 to 6 months, FN (dysarthria) - 1 year. The frequency of individual lessons is determined by the nature and severity of speech impairment, age and individual psychophysical characteristics of children.

Duration of individual lessons 10 minutes for children with FNR - 2 times a week. The main goal of individual lessons is to select and use a set of articulatory exercises aimed at eliminating specific violations of the sound side of speech, characteristic of dyslalia, dysarthria, etc. In individual lessons, a speech therapist has the opportunity to establish emotional contact with the child, to activate control over the quality of sounding speech, correct a speech defect, smooth out neurotic reactions. In these lessons, the preschooler masters the correct articulation of each sound being studied and automate it in light phonetic conditions: in isolation, in the forward and reverse syllables, words of a simple syllabic structure. Thus, the child is prepared for the assimilation of the content of subgroup activities.

The graduation of children is carried out throughout the school year as their speech defects are eliminated. The results of speech therapy training are noted in the child's speech chart.

It should be noted that timely identification and systematized training allows you to almost completely eliminate these negative manifestations, providing the child with full preparation for schooling. To work with this category of children, there is a "Program for the education and upbringing of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment" TB. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. But the organization of speech therapy assistance at a speech center has its own characteristics compared to a speech therapy group: a more individualized form of work, the allocation of speech therapy assistance as an additional educational service. The speech therapist identifies children with speech impairments, in accordance with the collegial decision of the PMPK of the preschool institution, enrolls them to the speech center and closely monitors and correlates his activities with this program.

IN methodological literature there are no special programs for working at the speech center in the preschool educational institution. These reasons make it necessary to draw up a modified program, more adapted to the working conditions of the speech center in the preschool educational institution.

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At this stage, the main emphasis is on the actual correction and speech work with children. Despite significant differences in the tasks of correctional-speech work, determined primarily by the age, speech and individual-personal characteristics of preschoolers, it, nevertheless, is based on a number of general principlesamong which the priority ones are:




    systematic correction and pedagogical influence.

Individualizationspeech therapy impact is achieved through a careful dynamic study of the structure of speech disorders of each child by a speech therapist, an objective analysis of the causes of the observed deviations and features in his speech development.

For a more complete disclosure of the resources of an individual approach, speech work with children is carried out in the course of individual lessons and lessons in mobile microgroups (2-4 children). At the same time, modern preschool programs for the education and training of children with speech disorders are also focused on the active use of group (subgroup) forms of work with children, during the implementation of which the speech therapist and educators have the opportunity to provide targeted assistance to children and offer targeted individual assignments. The tasks and content of both individual and group lessons are determined based on the structure, severity of speech disorders in children, their individual typological characteristics and in accordance with traditional speech therapy techniques and methodological recommendations (G.A. Volkova, B.M. Grinshpun, G.A.Kache, S.A.Mironova, V.I.Seliverstov, T.B.Filicheva, M.F.Fomicheva, N.A.Cheveleva, G.V. Chirkina and others).

Versatility (integral-personal character)speech therapy work involves the obligatory consideration in the correctional process not only of speech, but also of individual-typological characteristics of preschoolers, which directly and indirectly interfere with the normal development of their speech. In this case, the laws of both general mental and speech ontogenesis must be taken into account. The focus of the speech therapist not only and not so much at eliminating the speech deficiency revealed in the child, but at the integral development of his personality with the help of specific and nonspecific correctional-pedagogical means and methods is the key to the success of speech therapy.

At the same time, the analysis of different aspects of the psychophysical development of children, its potentialities and reliance on them in planning and conducting pedagogical influence should become the priority tasks of not only the speech therapist, but also all participants in the correction process - the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution, parents and other family members. This ensures complexitycorrective influence and the possibility of carrying out the corresponding speech work not only directly, but also indirectly, using for this the reserves of various types of children's activities (play, educational, cognitive, productive, etc.), regime moments in kindergarten, free communication and interaction of the child with adults in the family, etc. Based on the recommendations of a speech therapist and in close cooperation with him, teachers and parents create conditions for speech therapythe lives of children - i.e. creating an enriched subject-developing and supportive speech environment in a preschool institution and in a family. This allows you to provide correctional speech assistance to children in parallel with the educational process (in the form of special speech therapy classes); and in its context by actively drawing attention to the child's speech development of adults close to him and their equal partnership in the correctional and educational process.

However, all of the above conditions can be nullified if, when providing correctional and speech assistance to children, the proper systematic.Only carrying out well thought out, rationally planned, coordinated and daily (as opposed to fragmentary and episodic) work gives grounds to speak of real achievement of positive results. A thorough analysis of the resource of regulated and unregulated children's activities and its rational use allow achieving the maximum corrective effect in a shorter time.

The listed conditions - differentiation, versatility, complexity and systematicity of correctional speech work in preschool (groups) conditions for children with speech disorders - are principledand should be taken into account when dealing with each child (group of children) regardless of the reasons, nature and severity of speech disorders.

The effectiveness of solving the strategic, tactical and operational tasks of the correctional and educational process will depend on how clearly the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution understands the measure and nature of their own involvement in it. In general, speech therapy work contains two types of successive relationship between a speech therapist and teachers: in the development (correction) of speechand in the development (correction) of extra-speech mental processes and functions.It is important to take into account that the main work on the formation of the correct primary speech skills is carried out by a speech therapist, and preschool teachers are included in it at the stage of consolidation of already formed speech automatisms. At the same time, preschool teachers take a leading role in the formation of non-speech mental processes and expanding the horizons of children, provide conditions for the preservation and maintenance of their moral and physical well-being. This distribution of functional responsibilities is quite justified, it has proven itself in many years of speech therapy practice and is fixed in the programs of preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with speech disorders ( Cm.Stepanova O.A.. Game school of thinking. M., 2003;Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties in children. M., 2003.).

Content, didactic equipment and methodological instrumentation of classes of a speech therapist and other specialistsPreschool educational institutions must also correspond to the structure of speech disorders in children, their age and individual typological characteristics. An important means of optimizing the construction of corrective actions is multi-task (complex) classes,during which the necessary work is carried out to improve certain components speech system preschoolers and deficiently developed mental and psychophysiological functions. At the same time, an end-to-end plot-play line, thematic organization of speech and cognitive material, etc. can act as a cementing moment that ensures the integrity of classes.

Reliance on play as the leading activity of preschoolersand the mandatory inclusion of different types of games in correctional classes provide teachers with a serious positive effect both in overcoming speech disorders and in the development of non-speech processes that make up the psychological basis of speech (perception, attention, memory, thinking). The role of play is especially important in terms of the formation of a child as a subject of his own activity and, above all, of such types as communicative and educational-cognitive activity, which serves as an effective prevention of possible school failure. Stepanova O.A.Game school of thinking. M., 2003; Stepanova O.A.Prevention of school difficulties in children. M., 2003).

An integral part of corrective speech work with children at the main stage - psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy monitoring,the purpose of which is to identify the dynamics and characteristics of advancement in the correctional educational process of each and every one of the pupils of the group. Monitoring data make it possible to timely correct the nature of the psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy influence on children, the degree of involvement in the correctional work of certain specialists and parents. The results of monitoring are usually reflected in the speech maps of children, if necessary, in accordance with them, the programs of individual and group (subgroup) work with children can be adjusted.

At the main stage, the nature and content of the speech therapist's work with preschool teachers and parents change.

Establishment at the previous organizational stage of trusting relationships and cooperation as the most productive style of interaction with them, tactful focusing of adults' attention on the speech and other difficulties of each child, on the need to provide him with timely assistance should become the basis of meaningful contacts between all participants in the correctional process. The position of “senior among equals” allows the speech therapist to correctly and at the same time rationally organize and coordinate the activities of teachers and parents, entrust them with solving increasingly complex correctional and developmental problems, and regulate the measure and quality of combined pedagogical influences.

Arsenal forms of speech therapist work with close adults of the childat this stage is significantly replenished. The most expedient means of practical organization of methodological assistance to teachers and parents may include:

    individual and group consultations,




    observation of classes, games, regime processes in a group with their subsequent analysis;

    organization of joint work of adults and children to do homework

speech therapy tasks, etc.

The list of forms of work itself indicates that, in contrast to the first (introductory) stage, the emphasis in the content of the meetings is shifted from the informational and familiarization part to the practical, i.e. the participants of the correctional educational process are included in the solution of its immediate tasks. The speech therapist discusses with the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution and parents the ways to achieve correctional and educational tasks in the interests of each child and helps them master specific techniques of correctional speech work.

The degree of correctional and pedagogical competence of educators and parents and their interest in the results of speech therapy work will be of great importance in choosing a particular form of work. Based on the data that the speech therapist has about the child's family and the teachers of the group, methods of their stage-by-stage involvement in corrective speech work and the gradual (as adults acquire the skills of conscious, adequate and effective help to children) expand the degree of their involvement in the implementation of individual correctional work programs with kids. In this case, tactics should become dominant. active inclusion of mastered speech standards in the situation of natural communication,those. such an organization of joint activities of adults and children, which would stimulate the latter to involuntary exercise and consolidate new speech skills. Feasible work, play, visual and constructive activities, application, modeling, etc. provide full motivation for speech. In these types of activity, not only given speech structures are formally fixed - speech turns out to be motivated by the actions that the child performs and thus is perceived by him not as an exercise, but as a necessity.

It should also be emphasized that the effectiveness of work with parents is determined not so much by the skillful selection of its content and forms as by the psychological mood that arises in them in the process of constant contacts with a speech therapist. Carrying out with them, first, differentiated(with separate subgroups of parents, allocated in accordance with the differences in the speech development of children and the level of correctional and pedagogical training of parents), and secondly, individualizedwork, which means orientation towards the cultural and educational qualifications of each family, the attitude of its members to the child's speech difficulties, etc., together helps establishing a continuous and effective feedback system between the speech therapist and parents,the transformation of the family into an active subject of the correctional process and monitoring the progress and quality of the necessary work in the family.

In the process of working with parents, auxiliary (visual) means can be widely used:

    special "speech therapy corners",

    information stands,

    thematic book exhibitions,

    sliding folders, etc.

If at the organizational stage their content consisted of popular information about the types and causes of speech disorders, the tasks of corrective speech therapy and preventive work with children, then at the main stage, specific methods of consolidating preschoolers, for example, the skills of correct sound pronunciation, improving the grammatical means of speech, should already be covered. teaching elements of literacy that are recommended for use in the family. The availability, clarity, clarity of presentation of the material offered to parents and the aesthetics of its design should become the main criteria for evaluating this means of promoting speech therapy knowledge.

The second provision of the concept - the variability of forms and methods of teaching - involves ensuring the flexibility of the system
correctional and developmental education.

The acquisition of KRO classes is carried out on the basis of
complex clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination of a student, in accordance with variable curricula, as well as variable educational programs. There are 4 curriculum options for primary grades and
3 options (basic, with humanitarian bias, with a mathematical bias) for 6 - 9 grades. Programs for the initial stage are developed in accordance with the curriculum-
mi. At the main stage of education, programs are used
secondary school with changes that are made on the basis of the recommendations of the RF Ministry of Defense (see: Defectology.
1993. № 2 - 6).

1st picking optionintended for children
who studied for a year or two years in a comprehensive school
options I - III and showed persistent failure in basic subjects.

2nd picking optionintended for children,
who started studying in a mass school at the age of 6 and did not master the program, as well as for 7-year-old children who had not previously studied, but found a low level
readiness for schooling.

The advantage of this picking option is
the fact that children are diagnosed earlier in the
compared with the first variant of age and are timely sent to the system of correctional and developmental education.
Learning conditions adequate to the child's characteristics allow avoiding (minimizing) negative impact
persistent failures in the formation of his personality.

With the 1st option of recruiting, the student enters the 2nd grade
and studies in grades 2, 3, 4, with the 2nd option of recruiting
the child enters grade 1 and studies from grades 1 to 4. And in that and
in other cases, he has the opportunity to switch to training in
mass program.

3rd picking optionintended for 6-7 year olds
children who are unprepared for school
training. At school or in kindergarten, “diagnostic” correctional and developmental classes can be opened (1, 2). When
this variant of completing the KRO classes,
mastering a special correctional program within one to two years, which includes sections aimed at
formation of phonetic-phonemic representations, sound analysis, enrichment of the vocabulary, development of speech, the formation of elements of educational activity, shows whether it is possible
transfer the child to a mass program or should
continue his training in correctional programs.

Upon successful completion of the program after one to two years
learning, children can switch to the traditional system of education, thereby maintaining education in the normative
terms ("year to year").

In the absence of positive dynamics, children remain in
system of correctional and developmental education with an additional year in primary school and continue training in
programs of option 1. In this case, an increase in the
training falls on grades 3, 4, that is, in those years when
the degree of independence of schoolchildren in the performance of educational tasks increases and their reading activity is formed.

4th picking optionprovides education for children
in educational complexes " kindergarten - school ",
"Primary school kindergarten" with the beginning of correctional
developmental work from 5 or 4 years old. Upon successful correction
and formed readiness for school education of children
are sent to regular classes with a traditional training system or, if necessary, continue correctional
work, they enter the classes of correctional and developmental
learning. The curriculum includes basic general education disciplines, as well as courses specifically orientated
bathrooms for frontal correction of sensorimotor, intelligence
mental and speech development of children.

The main directions in work with preschoolers are based on the principles of developmental education (the formation of cognitive activity, the development of mnestic skills
activity and speech), as well as on the principles of activity
th approach to education and training. Correctional orientation of subject-game activity, plot-role
games, productive activities, elementary labor and educational and labor activities are provided by the introduction of new sections into the content of classes or the use of specific techniques for the implementation of programs
general education preschool institutions.

Education and training of children in preschool correctional
developmental groups is designed to ensure smooth adaptation
the child to study at school, increase the level of his general
development necessary for full-fledged educational activities
in elementary school. Training in special classes,
organized by a defectologist, aims at the formation of a general ability to learn. In a methodological aspect, it is
involves organizing external practical actions
on a specially created indicative basis and their gradual transfer to the internal psychic plane (on this
principle based on training in preparation for
mastering literacy, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, familiarization with the environment
peace and development of speech). When working with children, it is provided
gradual complication of their activities from maximum
deployment of practical actions, reliance on samples,
showing and specific instructions of an adult - to the formation
the ability to rely on a visual model and verbal instructions. At the same time, the verbal regulation of actions is improved - from the child accompanying his actions with speech -
to the ability to give a verbal report on the work done, and
then - to planning future activities.

Correctional developmental education and training of children
preschool age is carried out according to variable
gram, providing for both one year of the child's stay in the group (from 6 years old), and 2 years (from 5 years old) and 3 years (from 4 years old).

Selection of subjects and their inclusion in educational areas basic curriculum produced taking into account
the possibilities of correcting certain cognitive processes that were not formed in children by the time they entered
school in traditional conditions of upbringing in preschool
institutions of the mass type.

Implementation of the system of correctional and developmental education
presupposes the continuity of the rehabilitation process: ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education at the initial (I) stage of education and maintaining
the need for such classes at the main (II) stage of education,
as well as the opening of such classes no later than class 5 (class 6 in exceptional cases). It should be emphasized that this
the system allows students to freely switch to regular
classes while achieving positive results in development and in educational and cognitive activities.

Psychological and didactic principles of correctional development
viva learning:

introduction of sections into the training content that provide for filling the gaps of previous development,
formation of readiness to perceive the most difficult
program material;

the use of teaching methods and techniques with a focus on
"Zone of proximal development" of the child, the creation of optimal
conditions for the realization of its potentialities;

correctional orientation of the educational process, which ensures the solution of problems of general development, education and correction of cognitive activity and speech
child, overcoming individual developmental disabilities;

determination of the optimal content of educational material and its selection in accordance with the tasks.

Among the correctional tasks, they stand out and have
methodological support is as follows:

to develop the cognitive activity of children (achieved
implementation of the principle of accessibility of educational material, ensuring the "novelty effect" when solving learning objectives);

develop general intellectual skills: methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, skills of grouping and classification;

to normalize educational activities, to form the ability to navigate in a task, to develop the skills of self-control, self-esteem;

develop vocabulary, oral monologue of children in
unity with the enrichment of the child with knowledge and understanding-
about the surrounding reality;

carry out speech therapy correction of speech disorders;
carry out psycho-correction of the child's behavior;

carry out social prevention, develop communication skills, correct behavior.

Corrective training is provided by
a set of basic disciplines that make up an invariant part of the curriculum. To them, in addition to mathematics and Russian
language, include familiarization with the world around and the development of speech, rhythm, labor training. The introduction of specially designed above training courses allows you to ensure the maximum immersion of the child in active
speech environment, to increase his motor activity,
correct emotional tone, makes it possible to form the main stages of educational activity, including
indicative stage and stage of self-control and self-assessment,
improve the motivation of educational and cognitive activity.

The subject "Familiarization with the outside world and development
speech ”(OOM) is studied for two years with any recruitment option (grades 1, 2 or grades 2, 3).

The main objectives of the course are clarification, expansion and systematization of children's ideas about individual subjects and
natural and social phenomena, and skills development
analyzing observation, activation of mental
activities and speech of children.

In the process of familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, schoolchildren acquire the following skills
and skills:

monitor the object or phenomenon under study;
carry out a systematic analysis of a specific object or

To compare two objects for a certain
plan, highlighting common and distinctive features;

Classify objects (their images) into groups
on the basis of a generic character;

Call groups of homogeneous objects (their images)
generalized words;

· Make the classification of specific items (their
images) without practically combining them into groups;

Set with the help of a teacher the simplest temporary
and causal relationships of the observed natural and
social phenomena.

Thus, the content for the statements is provided by the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the process of observation and practical activity. Decision
the tasks of enriching the vocabulary and the development of oral speech is inextricably linked with the acquisition of skills, knowledge of subjects and
phenomena of the surrounding reality.

The construction of the educational process is carried out on the basis of
maximum activation of the zone of proximal development of the child. According to the concept of L. S. Vygotsky, in the zone of the next
vitia includes those mental properties that are still only
are formed and which can be realized by the child under
adult guidance, in collaboration with a teacher. Formation of the necessary skills and abilities in children
it is possible thanks to the demonstration of action patterns, which the teacher carries out in correctional work. The child learns
doing the same in direct cooperation with
teacher and with his help.

“What a child can do today in cooperation -
emphasized L.S.Vygotsky, - he will be able to do tomorrow
independently "(Vygotsky L. S. Collected works. - M., 1983.-
P. 252).

Learning system in the lessons of familiarization with the environment
the world and the development of speech assumes for the formation of co-
relevant knowledge, mental and practical skills
activities, vocabulary enrichment and the development of coherent speech
schoolchildren using certain methods and techniques
and is being implemented in the following main areas.

In the preparatory period (theme "Nature around us")
the main attention is paid to the formation in the child of generalized ideas (sensory standards) about the basic properties of objects, about the location of objects in space.
Adjectives denoting color are introduced into the children's dictionary,
shape, size of objects, properties of materials, and
prepositions and adverbs as verbal designations of spatial relationships. Enriching the vocabulary of children, increasing it
volume and quality improvement create the basis for learning
child constructing statements.

Further work on expansion and systematization
vocabulary, the development of coherent speech is closely connected with observations and subject-practical activities of students. So,
the introduction of generalizing word-terms (generic concepts) is carried out on the basis of the formation of grouping methods
and the classification of specific items by genus. Work on the formation of elementary generalizing (generic) concepts is included in all subsequent topics of the program.

Develop the ability to compose oral narratives
stories begin with learning to construct statements about
observations and practical activities.
The deepening of this work is reflected in the increased requirements for the speech practice of children: in the second year of study from them
requires the compilation of reasoning stories. Learning to compose stories-descriptions is carried out on the basis of the formation of a single generalized method of object analysis.

Let us name some of the work techniques that help to activate the vocabulary and skills of coherent oral speech.

First, children form generalized ideas
about the most characteristic signs of the properties of objects - color, shape, size, options for the arrangement of objects in
space, as well as the basic properties of materials. it
occurs in the process of studying the topic "Objects around us".

Formation of generalized ideas about subject and
spatial properties (so-called sensory standards) and the corresponding vocabulary occurs in different
types of practical and productive activities of schoolchildren. Children learn to recognize and name colors correctly,
applying the techniques of attachment, equating, comparison
with a sample.

The knowledge acquired by children in the preparatory period,
mental skills and practical skills are the basis for
forming versatile concrete ideas about
subjects and phenomena, the study of which is provided in the
the following sections ("Nature around us", "Getting to know
the nearest environment ").

Formation of ideas about individual subjects and
the phenomena of the surrounding reality occurs in the process of specially organized systematic observation
nii, in generalizing and subject lessons. Children learn
a single generalized way of analyzing objects, which is preserved in all organizational forms of work (observation, subject lesson, storytelling).

Particular attention is paid to the formation of skills to purposefully, consistently and systematically consider
objects, highlight their common and distinctive features,
walk the signs according to which these objects can be attributed to certain groups or categories, compose descriptive stories.

In parallel, the second task is being solved - the development of elementary general (generic) concepts by students. Children learn to highlight essential features that are the basis for
combining objects (their images) into groups according to the generic principle. Then the students learn the ways of practical distribution of objects (their images) into groups,
using precise generalized group names
(generic terms). And only after that the skills are mastered
verbal classification of the studied material, i.e. the child
acquires the ability to distribute material to appropriate
categories without practical grouping - "in the mind".

The most important corrective task of these lessons is the development
children's speech in close connection with the formation of clear
specific ideas about the surrounding reality.
Children should learn to talk about the observed phenomena and events, about their own practical activities:
compose oral stories, descriptions of objects and phenomena,
conduct a conversation, proving and justifying their judgments and

By itself, the process of familiarizing schoolchildren with objects and phenomena without special language work will not ensure the speech activity of children, their mastery of the necessary
vocabulary, mastering the main types of statements (descriptions, narration, reasoning).

The methodology for the development of oral speech in the OzOM lesson also provides for solving the problem of filling the gaps (overcoming
lags in the development of the vocabulary, in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, in the construction of utterances), and the tasks of forming skills and abilities that prepare written
children's speech (logical construction of statements, the ability to select language means that correspond to the content of the statement).

A significant increase in the level of requirements for speech
development of children takes place in the second year of education on
gram "Familiarization with the outside world and development
speech ". So, the technique of working on a dictionary includes
not only the introduction of new word-names of objects and their
properties, but also the mastery of the expressive means of the language,
assimilation of synonyms, antonyms, the use of proverbs,
talk, etc. Such work is carried out orally.

Dictionary activation can be done by
such exercises: composing a phrase with the desired word, building a sentence with given words, composing a coherent statement using basic
words, etc.

The development of the logical structure of coherent speech is carried out in a practical way in the process of analyzing a coherent story. Story,
for example, Spring in the Woods, by a teacher or well-trained student. This text serves as a sample story for
a given topic... Work with children such as sample analysis
the teacher's story, allows you to gradually form students' ability to independently build a logical statement,
that is, draw up a plan, determine where to start a statement, how to end, how to implement a consistent
transition from one thought to another.

Great place in the work on the formation of the ability to build
a logical statement takes picture-telling. The following types of work are used: compilation of collective oral descriptions of the picture, compilation of stories based on a plot picture and a series of pictures, compilation
individual stories from paintings and comparison of different
landscapes (like "winter summer"), conversations, etc.

It should be emphasized that in the lessons of familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech, it is important to
the same work on the expressive side of the speech of schoolchildren.

Specific means of expressiveness of oral speech -
this is the main tone of the statement, logical stress, pause,
the rate of speech, the degree of loudness of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, expressive look.

The common task of the teacher and educator who work in
system of correctional and developmental education, - call
children attention and interest in their own speech and speech
others, to the speaking process, to awaken the desire to improve their speech. To solve it, the teacher constantly draws the attention of children to the rate of speech, volume, color of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, and trains the skills of using
these funds. Speaking samples at school are given to children by adults. It is extremely important that the child can draw on his
skills and abilities in the surrounding speech environment.

Correctional work in the lessons on familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech is carried out within
a holistic approach to the upbringing of a child and the development of his mental properties. Domestic psychologist L.V. Zankov noted that it is not perception, memory, etc. that develop, but the child,
and a certain structure of teaching is aimed at the child, and not at his individual mental processes or abilities
(see: Zankov L.V. Development of students in the learning process.
M., 1963).

The system of work in the lessons under consideration connects
uniform educational, correctional and educational programs
cottages. In the process of getting to know the world of nature and society
children develop observation, intellectual
activity, the ability to notice the similarities and differences, to establish the causes of the observed phenomena, the ability to develop
reason and coherent speech in general. However, this happens in
if the teacher relies not only on knowledge of general age and psychological characteristics of development,
but also on understanding the individual characteristics of each child.

Work on the development of speech of younger students in the classroom
familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech prepares the successful formation of a coherent written speech
students in grades 3-4.

Speech disorders associated with phonetic-phonemic
underdevelopment, affect the replacement of sounds and letters when teaching reading and writing. Therefore, long work is needed,
aimed at the development of phonemic perception and
formation of sound analysis.

Correction of violations of sound pronunciation in children with mental retardation
should be carried out together with speech correction in general,
that is, include the development of the phonemic side of speech, vocabulary, and the grammatical structure of speech. Therefore, work on the development of phonemic processes is organized in a frontal form in the preparation for literacy classes,
developed by RD Trigger. In these classes, which are
leads by a defectologist, schoolchildren form clear ideas about the sound composition of the word. In the first stage, children
learn to separate sounds from a word, determine the place of sounds in
words, clarify the meaningful functions of sounds
speech; at the second stage, they learn the sequential selection of sounds.

The technology used in preparation for
literacy training, takes into account the peculiarities of the course of mental processes in children with mental retardation (instability of attention,
lack of motivation and control, slow pace, bad
auditory memory).

At this stage, training differs sharply from the traditional
th. Let's consider its specifics:

during this period, children must master the skill of intonational selection of sounds, which is necessary for sound analysis
the words;

special importance is attached to the articulation of the selected sounds to create their clear speech and motor images and for
their differentiations (vowels - consonants, hard - soft,
voiced - deaf);

work is underway on the visual images of the letters, including the analysis of the spatial arrangement of their elements,
comparison of letters with a similar number of elements using different techniques (different arrangement of letters,
introducing unnecessary elements, excluding elements, etc.);

the modeling of the sound composition of the word is introduced; defined
the most appropriate sequence of actions of the child performing sound analysis.

Formation of skills of full-fledged sound analysis
provides for the development of a certain sequence
actions of the child. First, students sequentially highlight sounds in a word based on loud pronunciation. When
they relate the number of selected sounds to the graph
a schematic diagram of the sound composition of the word, and fill it with conventional token symbols. Next, the children independently lay out the schemes from the chips, in addition, draw them
pencils (on the board - crayons). Students like
would write words without letters. This scheme helps the child
to penetrate deeper into the sound structure of the word.

It is important that each student consistently performs
all tasks, since omissions lead to incomplete knowledge and incomplete
skill sustainability.

Sound analysis is fully formed
in the context of a gradual increase in the volume of the proposed
children of the material and its complication. It is also necessary to envisage increasing the independence of students when
completing assignments.

Students are taught the ability to analyze words with
a confluence of consonants in a word. For example, the figure shows a sheet under which four cells are drawn. Children
specify what these cells mean: in the word sheetfour
sound. Schoolchildren consistently highlight sounds in a word
by speaking loudly and designate them on the diagram
chips or circles.

If the child in the process of the frontal-correctional classes described above does not cope with the tasks, this work continues on individual-group correctional
(and, if necessary, speech therapy) classes. Wherein
both for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation, so
and for the development of graphic skills, it is necessary to use the techniques of kinesitherapy, which provides joint
the work of the motor and auditory-speech analyzer

Based on the provision of close interaction, manual
motor skills and oral praxis, it is necessary to include various exercises for the development and improvement of fine manual motor skills in the structure of classes. Exercise data
contribute to the improvement of static and dynamic coordination of movements of the hand and fingers, switchability, rhythmic organization of movements, development
orientation in space, preparing students for mastering the technique of writing. Exercise must be done
in a certain sequence: first by imitation,
then according to verbal instructions with a demonstration and only after
this - according to verbal instructions.

Peculiarities of the neuropsychic structure characteristic of children with learning difficulties, the originality of activity, behavior and personal reactions, emotional-volitional
immaturity lends itself well to correction in rhythm lessons. Specific means of influencing students, characteristic of rhythm, contribute to diversified development
schoolchildren, the formation of voluntary attention. By-
beyond the emotional impact, they have an organizing and disciplining influence on the child thanks to
the presence of rhythm. Educational and educational tasks are solved by
as a result of children's mastery of various forms of movement.
Mastering running, jumping, jumping, gymnastic and dance-
exercise, children improve their motor skills, they develop muscular feelings, spatial orientation and coordination, improve
posture, increased vitality. Musical-rhythmic activity contributes to the formation of clarity,
accuracy of movements, which affects the entire educational activity of schoolchildren.

Frontal correctional and developmental training for all
lessons allows you to ensure the assimilation of program material by children at the level educational standard primary school.

Methodological principles for constructing the content of educational material,aimed at ensuring the systematic assimilation of knowledge by students:

strengthening the practical orientation of the studied material

highlighting the essential features of the studied phenomena;
reliance on life experience child;

reliance on objective internal connections in the content of the studied material, both within the framework of one subject, and between

compliance with the principle of necessity and sufficiency when
determining the volume of the studied material;

introduction to content curricula correctional
sections providing for the activation of cognitive
the activities of schoolchildren, previously acquired knowledge and skills, as well as the formation of school-significant functions, not
necessary for solving educational problems.

An essential feature of the correctional and developmental pedagogical process is individual-group correctional work focused on correcting individual developmental deficiencies of schoolchildren. Such activities
may have goals of a general developmental nature, for example, increasing the level of general, sensory, intellectual development
vitality, development of memory, attention, correction of visual
motor and optical-spatial disorders, general and
fine motor skills. But the focus of the classes can be
subject - preparation for the perception of difficult program topics, filling the gaps of prior learning
and others. Speech therapy
classes for children with speech disorders.